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Everything posted by Kairi

  1. I thought that too as well...bout Curaga and all...but i figured it was ok to use all them attacks since there is so much to learn...not only in our jobs now...but the new ones that'll we'll get down the road
  2. Hey Angelus...just showing u that i've looked at the Underground for this rpg as u requested. take care....later
  3. *sniff....sniff sniff* ''....DAVID!?...'' Zoku nearly shot out from his hiding place on top of the tower when he caught the scent of David. ''...wait...'' taking in the essence deeper...''its not David...ah...his son. But why is he here in Sydney?'' The warm air through Zoku's nostrils was pleasant...the start of a new day. Stretching as he hid behind the darkness, he could feel himself at full strength once again. [I]Ah....much better...the blessings of being a vampire. [/I] Folding his black hood over his head...he put back on his black trench coat and gloves; putting on some sunglasses he lifted up a stone tablet with his other hand that was set ontop of the tower. ''Right where I left you...wonderful.'' Zoku pulled his Oblivion out from the hole and placed the tablet back over it. [I]I wonder how your doing Keitha...[/I] last night he was upset and vengeful towards her...but now he was mellow about last nights events. He was now under control... [I]It was good to see you again...even if for a moment...oh well. Now...lets see what the buzz is all about down there. [/I] Zoku could sense there was some kind of commotion going on down below somewhere in the city. Staying within the shadows of the tower...Zoku quickly decended to the streets below. He had built up a strong resistance to the light...but preferred not to test his limits in that regard. After he had gotten himself a snack...he dispensed of the two bodies into a dumpster and walked into a local resturant. Pulling down his hood, and taking off his sunglasses, he now towered over a waitress that was coming over to great him. ''How many will need to be seated this afternoon sir?'' it was a young waitress, kinda cubby...but her blood smelled terrific. ''Um...what is that thing your carrying?'' Oblivion was all wrapped up in a silky black cloth. ''It's a gift for my son ma'am.'' Zoku's voice becoming very persuasive. The waitress was a little scared about this man being in her resturant...he was so big...and those eyes of his. ''Just one please...thank you.'' replied Zoku, at this moment the waitress didn't care as she led him to a small table. As Zoku sat down, placing Oblivion beside him...''So...what would you like to have this afternoon?'' [I]I want your blood...[/I] ''I'd like some cheese eggs with some toast please, as well as the biggest steak you got.'' ''Coming right up sir...what would you like to drink?'' [I]Blast...[/I] ''A beer please...thank you.'' [I]As much as I would like to take her right now...there were more important matters here...[/I] Zoku had seen the two vampires walk into the restrurant while he was on top of the tower. They sat only two tables away from him...prefect hearing distance, he could taste their auroma, clearly that of the Gwyar. ''I have wonderful news...the Grysham Clan seems to have been destroyed.'' ''What?'' [I]What...[/I] Zoku was quite curious...an eyebrow rising as the waitress brought him his beer. ''Yes..., there is a rumor that only a select few still survive; the news just came over to us last night. Our fellow Gwyar found the place abandoned, with no sign of the prince.'' [I]So thats why Nyu is here...interesting...[/I] ''I don't believe it...do they know who did it?'' ''As far as our intellegence goes, we haven't a clue. Obviously someone of power...they seemed to whip out the Grysham like they were nothing...no other bodies were found.'' [I]Sounds like my work...[/I] ''This is incredible news...has Lord Dracula heard of this?'' ''Yes...and he is apparently here in Austrailia as we speak...'' [I]I know that already...he spoke to me last night...get on with it...[/I] ''Apparently...some form of negotiations are taking place between the Gwyar clan and...you know whom? ''Who...?'' ''Them...'' [I]He can't mean the Krilat Zmaj...he must mean the angels. [/I] [I]This is working better than I thought...now with Abaddon dead...Zuriel will certainly take control of his clan...and try to form an alliance with whomever they can. The Grysham were certainly already in league with Kuroichi...the next best choice would be the Gwyar.[/I] ''I do not know when the meeting is to be taking place...but Dracula is worried with Sole gone missing.'' [I]Missing...[/I] ''Yes...I have heard that his where abouts are unknown...as well as for his companion.'' ''Come now...I'm tired of this dull place. Humans....they have no taste.'' the two vampires got up from their seats and walked out the side door into the ally. ''Interesting...'' ''Here ya go mister...would you like anything else? ''No thank you..'' as she walked away...Zoku dug right in...it had been a while since he last had a decent human meal.
  4. ''LIZ!''...as missles began swarming around Liz, preparing herself for the worst...Apollo feel from the sky right in front of Tiegre and blocked the missles with his wings. ***Open Transmission Liz*** ***Liz: Ajack!...get out of here!...you need to save Lyu! ***Ajack: You're right...Lyu does need me...but that doesn't make you any less important. ***Liz: What? Thanks to Tiegre's healing capabilities...Apollo was back to full power, however Ajack's stress level upon his body was still fluxtuating on its limits. His body could only take so much more from the missles blasts as Apollo held Tiegre in back of him. [COLOR=DarkOrange]157% stress level Ajack...[/COLOR] [I]I know...[/I] ***Ajack: Liz...you miss understood me. And I want you to understand this before the end. ***Liz: ... ***Ajack: It's true...I would die for Lyu. I love her with all that I am...up there...destroying the shield, I would have given my life to save hers. Even if she needs me...I know that she is strong...she is not weak. ***Liz: But there is always another way than death...I cannot see you die as well Ajack! ***Ajack: hhmmm...I don't plan on dying on this day, but if thats what is asked of me...I will gladly give my life to protect you all. ***Liz: Ajack... ***Ajack: I would not only die for Lyu...but I would live for her. Dying doesn't prove anything...if I give myself fully to save her, there is no greater power and drive than that. I would give anything to see her face again Liz... I don't know if you understand me Liz...but, think of Sayne, what would he do to save Sora? ***Liz: He would...give his life for her. ***Ajack: And he did...he did what his heart told him to do. A man once full of no emotion; finally embracing love. Liz...he found his peace....as I have found mine. And that kind of love...WILL NEVER DIE, WHETHER I LIVE OR NOT! ***Liz: Ajack...get back here! Apollo had moved away from Tiegre...Apollo burst directly towards the tanks firing upon them. ***Ajack: Live Liz...if I don't live to see her face again...tell her that I loved her to the very end. ***Liz: AJACK! [B]***End Transmission***[/B] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Stress level is up too 179% Ajack...I'm releasing as much strain from from the hull as possible.[/COLOR] [I]Do whatever it takes Apollo...we gotta keep going bub[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Dis-engaging armor...now. [/COLOR] As Apollo continued to run...pieces of armor began to fall off the Griffin, from its face...all across its body to its hind legs. With the armor off...the Griffin shined even more brightly in its golden eligance. Its red eyes burned bright...that of the passion that Ajack was feeling right now. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Stress Level Dropping...125% and falling...Speed increased by 50%...Ajack...if we take any more heavy damage you will sustain critical injuries. [/COLOR] [I]I understand my friend...we've been given a second chance...lets make it count. [/I] Ajack, even in the heat of battle...felt at peace. The strain didn't bother him anymore...with his heart pounding, sweating all over, gasping for breathe...it didn't matter. It didn't hinder Apollo and his unison at all...heck, Ajack didn't even believe in it. It was just a scientific analysis...there are even greater bonds that go deeper than science. Apollo and Ajack had one common goal...and it was right before there eyes...there is no greater drive than that....than love. With his increased speed...Apollo lunged into the fleet of tanks...slashing at everything in his path, throwing tanks and Velociraptors out of the way at each other...he was everywhere. Showing no signs of fear...but that of pure passion. ''Damn...look at Ajack go...I'm coming to help buddy!'' cried out Vick as he accompanied Ajack in the dog pile...destroying the enemy piece by piece. ''Don't think your going to take all the glory from this field Ajack *with a laugh*'' explained Dale in a glorious charge at the main group. ''We're in this together...to the bitter end...aren't we Tiegre?'' [I]That we are...we are all that we have right now...we have each other. Now lets join them...the day is still young. [/I]
  5. ''You sure about this Taikaru...sometimes it's better to embrace your past, rather than to surpress it...but...that is in my own opinion. I too have my memories as well to deal with.'' ''Just do it...please...'' pleaded Taikaru, she obviously was in some kind of turmoil within herself. ''hhhmmm...alright then...please...take a seat.'' Taikaru sat down as instructed while M took a seat next too her. Placing his hand on her back...she immidiately felt a warming sensation. ''I'm sorry if I have caused you any pain Taikaru...I did not open up your mind...believe me...something else must be drawing them out. But I will help you...this emotion I'm giving you will last for a couple of days. After that...if you want too...come talk to me ok.'' as M gave her a smile. ''Sure...um...thank you.'' M didn't answer...he already had his eyes closed. Immidiately Taikaru felt a sudden surge of energy flow through her... [I]She has something dark within her...no...I must not look. [/I] ~Trance As she closed her eyes...she was suddenly transported to a Buddist Temple. The air was thick...but sunlight shined down upon the ancient place, warming Taikaru to the core. Chants could be heard in the background...as she began to walk...she could see many other monks meditating, the chants were getting louder. Deciding to rest within the temple...an auroma filled her nostrals soothing every sensation. She felt...soft...free. Taikaru had never truly believed in any god...but there was certainly something ''spiritual'' about this place. Kneeling down on the carpet, she tried to meditate. Controlling her breathing...her thoughts, those memories. She was at peace once more... [I]Your memories are sealed for now Taikaru...[/I] a distance voice she heard in her head. ~Out of Trance Taikaru burst her eyes open wide...finding herself back in the ship. M was gone...but she could still feel that feeling surging through her, the warmth of his hand on her back. [I]He did it...[/I] the memories...the emotion was gone.
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] Chapter 2: Blood Lines[/FONT][/COLOR] OCC: LOL! You guys are too much:) As the team waited in the space craft, bound for London...everyone was getting briefed on the mission. A soldier was passing out little transmission devices to place within their ears. *click click...can you all hear me? Angel Team...do you copy? ''We can Commander.'' replied Lee...getting a nod from the rest of the team in agreement. ''You all may be wondering why we've given you silver bullets...primarily such weaponary is used for werewolves.'' ''Thats correct...'' answered Ivy...''Vampires are only somewhat allerigic to silver...werewolves seemed to be a more logical explanation I have some intruments to help take out the vampires but I don't have enough for everyone.'' ''Don't worry everyone...I'm sorry but...I wasn't completely honest with you all in your briefing on the ship.'' ''What?'' questioned M...''what are you talking about Commander?'' ''Werewolves M...werewolves...you all are about to be placed right into the middle of a war. I warned you M that you all needed more training and preperation...I'm happy to hear though that most of you picked up on the error.'' ''You lied to me!'' yelled M ''All you told me was that Vampires were going to be there. I told everyone what to prepare for on the ship...and you held information from me Red! Is there anything else that my team and I should know about.'' ''I'm sorry M...but I was upset with you. I figured your team would figure it out on their own. But I reported this to President Micah and he himself told me to share everything with you all. He doesn't want any more lives lost than there already has been.'' Brief pause...''now...lets continue'' M took the reciever out of his ear...''...asshole.'' Ivy put a hand on his shoulder....and he began to relax. He put the reciever back in his ear. ''The rounds that you all have recieved for your weapons are indeed of a high silver content. However, at each tip is a case of pure garlic...which shatters on impact, easily taking out both Werewolves and Vampires. Don't forget your melee weaponary as well people...severing the head or spinal cord will kill these mother fuckers as well.'' ''Your mission stays the same....find President Micah's daughter Maria...gather whatever intel you can about the situation as well as regarding to New Berlin, these creatures have only shown up recently...and I want an explanatino, also...rescue as many civilians as you can...I repeat, it will be daylight when you arrive, so you got a head start. And lastly...kill every monster you lay eyes upon...including the head Werewolf and Vampire. Good luck people...Commander Red out...*click click*'' OCC: Alright guys and gals...wasn't gonna bring in the Werewolves till later but :smirk: ...you asked for im :D ...you got im:) Sorry if that skipped people and their posts...please get to this point as soon as possible. Then we all will land right outside the walls of London.
  7. OCC: Is Sakura not in this? [B]***Transmission Open: Liz, Dale, Vick***[/B] ***Ajack: All of You! Stop Fighting! ***Vick: Ajack, I was just... ***Ajack: Doesn't matter Vick. You three are the ground units for this...we'll be picked off one by one if we stay together. I'll be in the air giving topside support against these damn Terredactyles. Surround the base!...come at it from all different angles so that we can spread there defenses. I'll attack from up top... Ajacks voice was focused and severe... There was silence for a while on all the other lines. ***Vick: I'm sorry Ajack...I didn't mean too... ***Ajack: *calming down his voice, taking deep breathes* It's alright Vick, I'm sorry for yelling at you...I know you ment well. But Liz is right...we gotta do this as a team if we want to survive this...if we want to see them again. ***Vick: Alright...lets do this bub. ***Liz: That's the spirit...we can do this. For Lyu! ***Dale: For Keiji and Darrius! ***Vick: For Sora and Sakura! ***Liz: For Sayne! [I]Sayne.....[/I] ***Ajack: Thats it guys...know whom your fighting for. NOW BREAK! RRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! [B]***End Transmission***[/B] [B]***Open Transmission: Liz[/B] ***Ajack: Thank you Liz... [B]***Transmission Ended***[/B] All four mechs. seperated away from each other...taking their positions. Ajack burst full speed into the air while Liz and Vick took the left and right side flanks because of their speed deference to Dale's Cobra. Dale went straight up the middle of the incoming DinoMechs. while Liz and Vick surrounded them from the sides. The fleet was enourmous...but his friends were fighting heroicly, galantly. As Ajack assended higher and higher into the sky...seeing the incoming Terradactyle hoard coming straight at him. Tears spread across his face...not only for Lyu...but for Sayne as well...for all of them. He couldn't tell if this was the end...but all he knew was...convinced in his heart, that he would die to get his friends back, to keep them safe. [B]***Open Transmission: Liz, Vick, Dale***[/B] ***Ajack: Its been an honor fighting beside you all. [B]***End Transmission***[/B] [I]I'm sorry Lyu...for not keeping my promise...[/I] ''Now you die!'' Ajack was in a complete trance...flying right through the fleet, using his wings as a razor blade...he cut right through the first line easily. They were surrounding him now...sizing Ajack up. One after another keep attacking...it seemed to be neverending. Slashing here and there with his talons...shreading through their armor like paper. The battle was intense... [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ajack...enemy fire coming from the base![/COLOR] [I]No...[/I] A fierce volley of energy blasts came from within the base...catching Ajack's blind side which was turned to the Terradactyles. ''Shit!...Cowards!'' Ajack went right back to destroying the Terradactyles, his movements were precise, Apollo's speed was working far better than its normal perameters. He'd be in one stop one moment...then someplace else another. When another volley came at him...but this time he was ready, and Apollo attempted a somersault flip in the air...with most of the blasts going right past him...hitting the enemy Terradactyles. [I]How are you holding up Apollo?[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Damage to the hull is minimal, 30%. However the friction of the interior is faultering...almost coming to a 100% stress level. [/COLOR] [I]What do we...[/I] Again...a wave of blasts came from within the base. ''Take down that Griffin!'' yelled a Cylargrian. Multiple waves came now through the sky directly at Apollo. With his four massive wings, Ajack shielded himself from the blasts... [I]Haha...least their not firing at the others...we got most of the Terradactyles...we gotta get to those guns.[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Damage is now 50% Ajack...if you're gonna do something...u better do it now.[/COLOR] [I]Aight...head straight at them with your boaster...now, keep one wing on each side convering our front. NOW![/I] Shooting down out of the sky...Apollo was building up speed...taking little but significant damage to the wings. Before Apollo was able to pass over the walls of the Cylargrian base...a barrier formed, pushing Apollo back into the sky from which it came from. [I]NO!...lyu...They have a damn forcefield![/I] [B]***Incoming Transmission To All Pilots: Commander De'Larne***[/B] ***Larne: Everyone! Everyone!...the Cylargrian are doing something to our pilots. The mechs. back here are flipping out....they look like they're torturing them or something. Sora's, Lyu's, and Keiji's mechs. are in pain. ***Ajack: WhAT! ***Larne: You got to get to them quickly. Also...Say... [B]***Transmission Lost***[/B] ***Vick: Ajack.... Ajack! ***Liz: Oh my God...Ajack...don't worry... we'll [B]***End Transmission***[/B] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ajack...your friends are hailing you...aren't u going to answer them?[/COLOR] [I]Powering Energy Blast...opening Ion Chargers...[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ajack please...[/COLOR] [I]Are you willing to die with me Apollo?[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Oh course...you're the only one who broke me...I owe you my life.[/COLOR] Four ion fans opened on Apollo's back...its wings flapping fast and faster as it stayed adrift in the sky. [I]70%..........92%.......121%...[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Stress Level now at 100% [/COLOR] [I]132%........150%...FIRE![/I] Out of Apollo's beak came a massive red energy wave...dead on target with the Cylargrian forcefield. ''That human is insane!'' cried out on of the Cylargrian soldier. ''Don't worry...nothing can break through our sheilds.'' the commander replied ''Again Apollo!'' ''Commander...the forcefield is down to 70%.'' ''AGAIN!'' Only charging up for a brief amount of time...Apollo kept continually firing upon the enemy base. ''The forcefield is now down to 50%'' [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ajack...Stress level is up to 125%...are you ok?[/COLOR] [I]200%...lyu......FIRE![/I] ''My Lord Randel...'' cried out the Cylargrian commander... ''The damn kid...what's our power level at for those shields.'' ''15% Sir...we're already putting all power emergency power towards the front shields. One more shot and we'll be defenseless.'' ''Lets go kid...show me what you got?'' Randel said...glaring at the screen...looking at the golden Griffin. [I]One more Apollo...[/I] Ajack was having a hard time catching his breathe... [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ajack...look down below. [/COLOR] [B]***Transmission Open: Vick***[/B] ***Vick: We're getting ambused on my back side Ajack!...take them out... [B]***Transmission Ended***[/B] [I]Turn around Apollo...[/I] Ajack could see in his screen the fleet of T's and Velociraptors coming right up behind Vicks backside. ''FIRE!'' All the enemy units were easily destroyed by the blast...continuing to fire from its beak...Apollo turned its neck and blasted at the base yet again. But it was too late...just when the shield went down...Randel took Ajack's little distraction as an advantage and fired upon the Griffin sending it backwards...falling to the ground. ''My Lord...our shield is down.'' ''That's ok...we only have ground units to worry about now.'' exclaimed Randel [I]Impressive boy...[/I] *** [COLOR=DarkOrange]Are you alright Ajack?[/COLOR] [I]Yes...I'm fine...just a little tired. No servere injuries to report. [/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]The damage to the hull is now 80%...stress level 150%...you won't be able to fly anymore. But we still have functions of ''Oblivion.''[/COLOR] [I]No...[/I] as Ajack tried to get Apollo on its feet. [I]We may need it later on...who knows what Randel has planned. [/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]True...may I suggest that you be happy that you're alive. You should have died...[/COLOR] [I]I wanted to die Apollo...[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]What...[/COLOR] [I]I was willing to die for her Apollo...I will willing to die for them all...no matter what the cost. Is the sheild down?[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Yes Ajack....the damage recieved by our Energy Blast shut down all their defensive systems. [/COLOR] [I]Good...I'm glad...that makes things a little bit easier.........or not..[/I] Looking up into the sky...Ajack could see some Terradactyles flying towards his position. [I]I'm in bad shape right now Apollo...open a link to Liz...we need Tiegre's abilities quickly. I don't know how much longer we can hold out. [/I]
  8. OCC: *bangs head on table* I apologize grealty Kent as well as to you amgoddess...I miss read your post and made u a moogle:)...i changed everything though to fit to everyone being a human again:)...again...im sorry. *yawn*...''it's getting late quite quickly now ain't it?'' Joseph had been walking the streets all day long with his staff as his walking stick. He was facinated by everything around him. The creatures, the primative, and yet magical essence of the place...he felt like walking forever. [I]The lone wanderer...[/I] he thought to himself. *laughing* [I]Thats ridiculous Joseph...[/I] *sigh*...[I]Maybe I should call it a night...everyone is probably worried where I had gone too...I told Dyna to let everyone know that we should all be back at the pub by nightfall. I don't want to be a hypocrit. [/I] ''Me Lord *Kupo kupo*...me lord'' A little moogle flew into the crowd of people in the streets; pushing and shoving...trying to makes its way towards Joseph. Flying straight into Joseph's back...he turned around to see the moogle on the ground. ''Please me Lord...you must help me *kupo*'' ''Why are you calling me Lord...and how do you know I can help you?'' ''You were strangers at pub yes?'' ''Yes...thats right...'' ''Well...*kupo* me see you all are different...some of you have powers, magical powers. You hold Spring Staff yes...'' ''Yes...I believe I'm able to heal people with this.'' ''Exactly *kupo* me mother needs your help, me name is Kirby...pleaes... *kupo* follow me.'' The little moogle took flight...grabbed Joseph's hand and dragged him through the crowded streets to where his mother lay. ''Please me Lord...help her...'' Croaching down to look at her, the poor old moogle looked beaten and torn. Something obviously happened her... ''What happened Kirby?'' ''Mommy was attacked by theif...me no see who it was...please *kupo* do something.'' But Joseph had heard enough... ''She hurt bad *kupo*, please help her...'' He could feel the power of the staff flowing through him...as if he had had this magic within him all along. Pointing the orb towards the fallen moogle...Joseph focused those energies through the staff onto the being. [I]Curaga...[/I] At first nothing happened...both Kirby and Joseph just stood there. [I]Had I done something wrong...[/I] But then...a white light which looked like a flame engulfed the moogle; above it formed what looked like little water droplets and fell upon the body. Everyone in the street stopped for a moment to look at the sight. When the light was gone...the old moogle flew into the air and did a couple of twists and turns in the air. ''I feel great...'' she proclaimed...her woundeds seemed to have healed. ''Thank you *kupo*...I knew you were one of them...the prophecy has been fullfilled, the ones who have come to save us!'' ''Whoo whooo...wait a second there.'' Joseph was starting to get a little worried. Everyone in the streets were now looking at him as the old moogle continued to fly in the air.'' ''What is your name me lord?" ''Joseph...Joseph...'' ''There you have it everyone!...Joseph, servant of the Sacred Fire and his companions have come to save us!'' There was cheering and joyish celebration for the healed moogle. [I]This isn't good...I don't want to draw any more attention then I already have.[/I] Turning into a dark ally, Joseph ran away from the growing mob crying out ''Praise Joseph, servant of the Sacred Fire.'' ''Damn it...its getting late. You're such a fool Joseph, you shouldn't have done that...now you've brought more attention upon yourself and the others.'' But at the same time...Joseph was happy, happy that he was able to help a creature in need. [I]I won't forget your name Kirby...its all your fault[/I] as he laughed to himself...running as fast as he could through the streets...keeping the tower of the pub in his sights so he wouldn't get lost. *** ''It's about time you got here'' yelled Celia...waving a finger in Josephs face, however with a smile on her face. ''I'm sorry, you wouldn't believe what happened to me today...'' ''Hey Joseph...nice staff.'' said Zeth...coming up beside him. ''Thanks...some old woman gave it to me...strange huh. I see most of you got some stuff as well...cool.''
  9. OCC: *shakes head*:)sorry bout that Andy...i'm starting to see that a lot of the characters are loners *lowers head* ah well...I guess we'll just play it from there. He wanted so badly to read her...but decided it wasn't the best thing to do. As tempting as it was to do it to everyone on occastion...it wasn't fair for him too. Apparently Andy had some issues...so did many of the others... [I]She seemed nice at first...apparently she was hiding her true face, a pitty.[/I] M figured it wasn't any of his business anyway, just, he did't want anything going wrong with the team when it came down to their missions. This was a team effort...if they wanted to act alone...they should have stayed out there on their own. [I]I feel upset...[/I] From how he was treated by Andy just now...and yesturday's encounter with Taikaru...thinking he would just read her mind whenever he felt like it. [I]This is gonna be an interesting couple of weeks I think...[/I] ''I wonder if there's something I can do for everyone that'll make them happy...what is it that everyone wants?'' ''Who are you talking too M?'' asked Lee...M didn't notice how close he was to him. ''Sorry...talking to myself *giving a smile*...I'll be right back ok...I have an idea.'' Saying goodbye quickly to Lee...M ran off down the corridor as fast as he could...till he found his way to Commander Red's Office. M burst through the door...trying to catch his breathe and the Commander stood up from his chair. ''What is it M...why did you run all the way here to see me?'' ''I have a favor to ask sir.'' For about an hour...M gave a status report on all the new recruits of Project: Heaven. Everyone seemed to be getting along, people were making bonds here and there...Andy, Ivy, Carl and Taikaru seemed to be more of the loner types...Red was a little discouraged about the thought. ''I don't want any loose cannons out there M...if one of these guys slips up, or even motions towards disobeying the mission; I'm cutting it lose. I will not have division...'' ''I understand Red...but I think they all are a little restless. I mean...yea it may be a precaution to have them read their reports and whatnot, as well as these training sessions. But if we trust them a little bit more...they might come into their own out there on the battle field.'' ''Are you sure M?'' ''I take full responsibility if I'm wrong Red...there's no need to keep them all waiting, and not being shown whats really going on. Some of them have experiance already...we should give them credit for that at least.'' ''And what about team work...if these four you speek of go out on there own and abandon someone...the board will have my head.'' ''No ones perfect Commander *M winking at him...a slight smirk came over Red's face*'' ''I know that M...you of all people know that. You know our code...no one gets left behind. I don't want any trouble...especially with them not being fully trained and informed.'' ''Maybe they'll warm up...who knows. Like i said...they may think they're the best...but we're all in this. We all need each other.'' Commander Red turned his chair away from M and leaned back in his chair; deep in thought. After a few moments...he turned back around and pressed a button on the load speaker. ***ATTENTION ANGEL TEAM...I HAVE BEEN INFORMED BY A TEAMATE OF YOURS THAT YOU WANT SOME ACTION. THAT WE AREN'T RESPECTING YOU ENOUGH FOR YOUR ABILITIES... ***WELL...YOU GOT IT...PREPARE YOURSELF TO BE ON THE SURFACE IN ONE HOUR, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SILVER AMMUNITION WITH YOU...YOU'RE HEADING TO LONDON. YOU WILL BE BRIEFED ON THE SHIP AS SOON AS YOU ARE AIRBORN. HAPPY HUNTING PEOPLE! ***click ''Here...take this...'' Red pulled out an envelope from his desk drawer and threw it at M's chest. As M opened it and began to read the report...'' ''President Micah and his political team were attacked last night while you all were sleeping. Pictures from the Embassy indicate that some form of vampires are responsible for the attack.'' M took a look at the pictures taken from the struggle...corpses all over the place with flesh ripped apart at the necks. ''And what of the President?'' ''Thank God he escaped in an escape pod...he is currently on route to the New Avalon colony where our government will be established for the time being.'' ''With President Micah out of London...we don't know how long it will take before Earth goes into chaos without the President.'' ''Understood Commander...'' ''I will be sending with you 10 additional soldiers for aid. You and the rest of the Angel Team have four objectives...'' ''First...The Presidents daughter is somewhere in that city. Bio signs show that she is still alive...it is imparative that you return her to Micah'' ''Second...evacuate as many civilians as you can. There will be two carrier ships waiting for you in Scotland till you give us the word to pick you up. The vampires took a good portion of the city before nightfall...since you all will be arriving during the daytime. You'll have a head start on them...there are lot of them M...and I mean a lot...be careful.'' ''Third...this is the first sighting of vampires ever since the attack on New Berlin. Why they've shown up all of a sudden, we don't know. What we do know is that they all must have come from a point of origin...a source. I want you all too kill it...by any means necessary. We can't allow these things to get across land. Since the attack on New Berlin, we have been reading up on the ancient text of vampires...preparing you all with highly concentrated silver bullets. I'm happy that we were right in making this assumption. You all know the legends of these monsters...us it to your advantage.'' ''Fourth...as always, learn as much as you can about what might have caused this peral that has come upon us at...especially the event at New Berlin. Take care M...and God speed.'' ''Don't worry Commander'' as the two men shook hands...''I have faith in my team. We may be different...and have our issues. But this is only the beginning...'' ''Very well then...good luck.'' ''thank you sir...'' M ran out the door giving Red a quick thumbs up. Running to the Delta Wing...M headed towards his little hiding place. Coming to the counsole at the end of the hallway...he pressed in his password to the 6 digit encorder...keyed his eye in for a retnal scan...and opened the compartment. Inside lay his 8 round shotgun...his favorite 9mm automatic pistol, a chain gun...and of course...the most precious item. A retractable spear that looked like a little peg stick. But extended...it was 7 foot long with a blade at the end. ''Excellent.'' Changing the ammunition over too silver bullets for all his weaponary...M clipped the shotgun to his side...and the peg into his pocket...M put the chain gun in a backback...lunging it onto his back, as well as a ammunition belt around his waist. Before he ran out the Delta Wing, in his black muscle shirt and boots with brown pants a...he headed towards the HellKnights holding cell. Position himself where it could see him...he pointed the pistol at it...and pretended that he shot at it..with a serious glare in his eye. OCC: There you all go:)...I'm sure you were getting bored. You were probably worried that you had to wait four days:)...sorry if that is the case. Head to the surface...and get your weaponary.
  10. OCC: Well, since I enjoyed this rpg...and all the work that we all put into it...I've made a little soundtrack for it:). I hope songs are aight...I was bored:) Demons and Angels... 1) ''Born Too Slow'' by The Crystal Method (The meeting of all the elementals/arrival to the temple) 2) ''I Stand Alone'' by Godsmack (Jun's Theme) 3) ''Ruff Ryders Anthem'' by DMX (Zack's Theme) 4) ''The Only'' by Static-X (Demons Attack) 5) ''Only The Strong'' by Flaw (Zack's Battle With his Demon) 6) ''When Worlds Collide'' by Powermann 5000 (Jun's Battle with Lucifer) 7) ''Ulaid'' by E.S Posthumus (Samantha's Feelings for Jun) 8) ''Redefine'' by Incubus (Samantha's Theme) 9) ''Nobody's Listening'' by Linkin Park (Lyon's Theme) 10) ''Mudshovel'' by Staind (Lyon's Battle with Poseidon) 11) ''Counting Sheep To the Beat of the War Drum'' by Perfect Circle (Zack's merging with his demon) 12) ''Twist'' by Korn (Zack's Betrayel) 13) ''Mein Teil'' by Rammstein (Kelthors Theme) 14) ''Bring Me To Life'' by Evanescence (Samantha's Tormented Mind) 15) ''Nobody'' by Skindred (Collapse of Kelthors Castle) 16) ''Behind Blue Eyes'' by Limp Bizcuit (Lyon's Thoughts/Juns Deception) 17) ''Sonne'' by Rammstein (Lyon's Sacrifice) 18) ''Blurry'' by Puddle of Mudd (Zack, Jun, and Samantha back on earth) 19) ''Simple and Clean'' by Hikaru Utada (Samantha's Plea too Jun to stay) 20) ''Hero'' by Chad Kroeger (Ending Theme Song/Lyon looking down from the sky watching Jun fly away:) *YES...HE'S ALIVE*- the plot thickens for next time:)) There ya go...if you don't know or have these songs....look im up. I thought that they worked pretty well.
  11. *Yawn...* ''I hate it when this happens...'' It had been the first time in a long while since M had felt others dreams while he slept. Lee, Ivy, and Farel all had woken him up countless times during the night with their nightmares... [I]Or was I the one causing those dreams...[/I] M had been living alone in that area of the base for 2 months without disturbances. As a child he would loss control of himself when he lived with his dad...either he would feel his fathers emotions, or his father would feel his. ''Maybe because I'm not used to them thats all.'' BANG BANG BANG!!! During the night...M had walked to the shooting range, round after round; clip after clip going into a couple of stone statues, being filtered in and out after each session. M either preferred to play pool on his own...or to come here and shoot when he was tensed up, trying to relax himself. There was a sense of comfort and control, pressing against the trigger of a weapon. His weapon of choice tonight was a 9mm automatic pistol...severing the empty clip, M replaced the pistol with a new clip...cocked it...and began to shoot again. BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG! He had been going at it for hours...not noticing how early in the morning it had become. ''I should probably head back and get a couple of hours of sleep before everyone else gets up...but...first thing is first.'' It was a daily reutine of his to check the status of his artificial parts. ''System Check...'' After locking the door, M sat on one of the benches in the men's changing room. A red screen appeared in front of M's left eye as a system check was being administered to the rest of his body. >>>Optical Sight at 120% >>>Lung Afficiancy at 120% >>>Left Arm Sensations...Clear >>>Left Arm Artificial Features...Clear. >>>Left Arm Mobility...Please evaluate manually. ''Damn it...not again.'' M hated when this happened...pressing up against the artificial vein on his left forearm, he severed his arm from his shoulder and placed it on his lap...as his eye did a integrity scan of the entire arm. ''There we go...just a glitch in the wrist motor functions thats all.'' Sliding the skin away from his wrist...M reached into his pocket and retrieved miniture mechanical tool which looked like a pen and fixed the problem. Putting his arm back on...the did another system check coming back perfectly clear. [I]It's so amazing how far human technology has come. After the accident, Dad's superiors were able to give me a completely new lung, arm and eye. With every sensation, look, even feel as a normal human feature...quite incredible really...state of the art. [/I] M went quiet for a moment...thinking back to the accident. [I]Mom...[/I] He missed home...but most of all...M missed his mom after what happened all those years ago. Without even realizing it...M thrust his left fist into the floor, leaving a huge dent in the floor. ''OOpppss....I guess I got carried away there.'' After taking a quick hot shower...M unlocked the door and walked out whistling to himself as he walked down the hallway. He walked into the lounge area to the sensation of a wonderful breakfast smell, he didn't expect everyone to be up so early....but he didn't care...the smell was sublime. M was so happy to see so many people in the lounge for a change...it brought a nice smile too his face. ''So...who made breakfast?'' Everyone turned to see M walking through the door as he kept drying his purple hair with a towel. ''Where have you been M?'' asked Lee, greeting him as he walked through the door. ''Around...couldn't sleep...'' ''Neither could I man...neither could I. Come on...lets eat, Ivy is quite the cook.'' ''Oh stop Lee...I'm not that good.'' replied Ivy, turning with a pan in her hand...scrambling some eggs. ''Hi...I'm Ivy...and you must be M.'' ''That I am...'' as M took a seat at the counter with Lee and Carl at his sides. ''Nice too meet you.'' ''Likewise.'' ''So what will it be?'' asked Andy...going in back of the counter with Ivy to help her make breakfast for everyone. ''I take it your M.'' ''That I am...nice too meet you as well Andy. Um...if its alright...can I get some of those scrambled eggs with cheese...and some toast?'' ''No problem...coming right up.'' Andy and Ivy both went to work and brought M his food with ease. ''thank you very much...'' and M immidiately began to eat... [I]This is amazing...[/I] Halfway through...while everyone was talking. Pushing away the plate for a moment, he leaned back and took in the warmth he felt from the food being digested in his belly ...he loved that feeling. Before he knew it...there was a sudden *doink* on the counter, M's head hitting the table top as he passed out in exhaustion. He woke up suddenly from the pain that shot through his head...as everyone around him laughed at him.
  12. OCC: ok amgoddess, I'm gonna attempt to try and clarify what race I am for being part of ''the world'' of Ivalice. PM if anything is wrong with it. Joseph took a bed next to the window which looked out over most of the city. It was quite grand...stone and clay housese, a market place could bee seen down on the streets below, and smoke rising from a point of origin he could only assume to be the weapon shop. [I]Man...why does my head hurt?[/I] as he genlty rubbed his palm up against his forehead. Images, information, people, places he had never been kept rushing through his mind. As if a voice in the back of his head was talking to him...showing him things. [I]How did I know that there would be such creatures here before I even saw anything when we first got here...[/I] ''You alright Joseph...something wrong?'' asked Dyna as she crawled onto Josephs bed...drawing his attention away from the window. ''Yea...I'm fine; just a little headache I think...nothing serious. I love your hair Dyna...it looks good on ya.'' ''If you say so...oh, thank you for helping us get here Joseph, quite smart of you to think of finding civilization first before we did anything...and you guessing that there would be lizards walking around on two feet. That was pretty cool...quite the leader.'' as she gave him a wink. ''Na...'' trying not to blush. ''Just thought of the most logical thing to do...we couldn't just stay out there in the middle of nowhere ya know.'' He was lying...something deep inside told him what to do...but, he just couldn't put his finger on it. ''And the lizards?'' ''A lucky guess maybe.'' as he gave her a smile. ''Where has everyone else gone too?'' ''They're all taking off to go explore this new world...its quite fasinating...do you think we're all dreaming Joseph?'' ''I don't know...but this must be some form of reality, especially if it seems to be this real. If you can...tell the others to be back here at the Inn by nightfall; we don't want to loss anyone, especially on the first night in a place we know nothing about.'' ''Your probably right...I'll do that for ya...'' Joseph began to get up from the bed. ''Where are you going?'' ''I'll be back by nightfall; don't worry...just for a walk thats all...see ya.'' ''Bye.'' ***Downstairs As Joseph decended down the staircase leading to everyone room, he passed both Celia and Sakura...acknowledging to them by waving as they waved back. He was about to leave the Inn when a furry creature blocked his way. Joseph!'' [I]What...[/I] Joseph was looking all over the pub trying too see who was calling out to him. ''*It's me, Kent. I can't believe this is happening.'' ''Hey Kent...yea your right...sounds to me like your liking it here...'' ''That I am...but this is all happening so fast, it's weird.'' ''Don't worry about it...I'm sure we'll figure this all out soon; just don't go anywhere ok...and make sure to be here by nightfall alright man.'' ''Sure...'' ''See ya...'' Joseph got a chance to talk to Shuunchi, or shall we all say now...Zeth of the Blue Moon. The two of them joked about it for a while...Zeth telling him how he had gotten his new name with the little conflict with the bangee creature. After they were done talking about that...Zeth wanted to talk to Joseph about everything that was going on. But that just brought the headache back...so Joseph told him that he would be walkign around the city for a while...and they will all talk about it tonight. All the other citizens stared in curiosity and bewildernment as both Zeth and Joseph gave each other high fives as Joseph departed. Coming to a fountain in the middle of the city...Joseph decided to sit down on a porch resting directly on the fountain. His head was pounding...voices in his mind that he couldn't comprehend. With his head rested against his palms...leaning back against the fountain, he took in the warm sunlight beating down on him. [I]Thats nice...[/I] He couldn't believe what was happening...one moment, he was sitting in the library of his high school, looking at a book with Dyna, Zeth:), Sakura and the rest as Dyna read some ancient chant on the cover, and now...here is was; taking in the sun of some unknown world. [I]That chant must have to do with why we're all here...and that crystal...[/I] [COLOR=Blue]A Totem...[/COLOR] ''What the...'' ...he sat straight up...looking around to see who said that. But no one was around him to whisper it to him. He put his head in his hands...trying to calm himself down. [I]What the hell is going on?[/I] ''You look lost young one...'' Joseph looked up and saw a old woman carring a walking stick of some kind with a blue orb at the top coming towards him. ''You look lost...for such a strong, intellegent, and handsome lad such as yourself, you should never be lost nor confused.'' Joseph looked at himself and his new clothing...a white bandana covering his forehead with a yellow scarf, a blue vest covering a green T-Shirt with green pants, and black boots. He was a little uneasy having an old woman hit on him. [I]At least my hair is still the same...[/I] ''So'' as the woman took a seat beside Joseph...''what to you grieve so?'' ''Grieve...'' Immidiately Joseph thought back to home; his grandma back home...probably worried sick about him. ''To be honest ma'am, I'm not supposed to be here.'' ''Ah...'' as she patted him on the back...''you are supposed to be here...we all got to be somewhere don't we.'' ''I guess so...'' The old woman took a moment to look at Joseph...measuring him up so to say as he just stared at the ground in front of him. ''You're one of them...aren't you?'' ''Come again...'' as Joseph turned his attention towards the old woman. ''You have the mark...'' as she took her finger and pulled down his bandana around his forehead. ''see for yourself.'' As she pointed towards the fountain...Joseph turned around and looked at the symbol on his forehead. It was a black half-moon, or a waxing moon...he hadn't even noticed he had it till the woman brought it to his attention. ''How did you know...'' as he turned back too her. ''And what do you mean as one of them...'' ''You'll understand in time my boy...you all will.'' Joseph looked at her in shock...he knew exactly who she was referring too...his friends. Strangley...this woman reminded him so much of his grandma back home. ''That mark...makes you different from the rest of your friends...as they too have their own special qualities. Here...I want you to have this...'' bringing forth her staff...she placed it into Josephs hands. Immidiately he felt a rush of power surge through him...[I]The Spring Staff...[/I] ''I know this...'' ''Ah...that you do...it grants its weilder the ability to heal any member of his or her clan, as well as for themselves.'' ''Clan?'' ''Don't worry...'' as the woman placed her hand on the boys shoulder...lifting herself up...''you'll come to understand all things in time. You're a part of this world now...embrace it.'' and she began to walk away. With the staff firmly in his grasp...he too got himself up, deciding to walk around the city some more. ''Thank you!'' he called out to the old woman as she dissapeared among the crowd of people. [I]I must tell the King...they are finally here. [/I]
  13. OCC: THis should be an interesting ending:) since Kelthor is gone...Jun is no longer under his spell...and they live Happily Ever After:)
  14. OCC: Richard doesn't smoke...but thats ok...he just got bored then:) Jayme was cursing and swearing at Jakob when Natalie walked in and out to see what the commotion was about. Bane couldn't help himself but laugh at the two of them...Jakob trying to apologize while the tall guy was jumping up and down because of the pain that shot through his leg from the box falling on his foot. By the time Jayme settled down...Richard had enough of his fun and picked up a stranded lighter and a single cigarettee on the kitchen counter. [I][COLOR=Purple]I haven't had one of these in God knows how long...[/COLOR][/I] Jayme and Jakob were gone for a while...Richard could hear them packing away all the food that was stored in the crate. He just stood there...listening in on their conversations, not really doing anything at all. Just taking in this new feeling of his... [I][COLOR=Purple]I can't believe they let me loose. I hope they don't try to backstab me...because I think I'll actually try to get along with these people if Abrams keeps to his word.[/COLOR][/I] Looking back into the galley where the two men were...getting a glance from Jakob[I]...[COLOR=Purple]Or someone will go to sleep...and not wake up. [/COLOR][/I] After they were finally done...Jayme left with Jakob close behind. Jakob stopped in the lounge area as Jayme took off, obviously trying to look for someone. [B][COLOR=Purple]Did I hear something about ''booze'' back there...[/COLOR][/B] Richard asked Jakob...catching him off guard, he didn't expect Richard to talk to him. [B][COLOR=DarkGreen]Um...yes. We found some in the cuboard and...[/COLOR][/B] Richard had already left and could be heard rumaging through the cabinets...trying to find the bottle. Eventually, Richard came back into the lounge area with a big bottle of liquor in his left hand....and his coffee in his right with a cigarettee still in his mouth. [I][COLOR=DarkGreen]Who is this guy...[/COLOR][/I] He placed the coffee cup on the counter and opened the bottle of liquor which read RUBY RED. [B][COLOR=DarkGreen]''I don't think I've introduced myself, how rude of me...my name is Jakob Colway. I'm a newbie to this whole[/COLOR][/B] *Richard started to drink, with the cigarette burning in his right hand[B][COLOR=DarkGreen]*......um....bounty hunter business; but I've been[/COLOR][/B] *still drinking[B][COLOR=DarkGreen]*...uh...working in a casino as aa...''[/COLOR][/B] *Jakobs words just trailed off as he just stared at Richard, continuing to chug down the ruby looking wine.* When Richard was finally finished...he had consumed the entire bottle on his own all at once. Smacking his lips[B]...[COLOR=Purple]mmm...not bad. Now what were you saying about working in a casino?[/COLOR][/B] as he put out his cigarettee. [B][COLOR=DarkGreen]Yea...I've been working as a Blackjack dealer for quite a while...till I picked up on this little gig. And you are?[/COLOR][/B] Jakob trying to sound proper and polite to Richard, stretching out a hand of friendship. He didn't want to get on his bad side like he had already done with Jayme... Richard was impressed, showing a slight smirk on his face...[[B]COLOR=Purple]Richard B. Bane...escaped convict...murderer. [/COLOR][/B] as Richard shoke Jakob's hand. Jakob was a little taken back by Richards answer...freake him out a little causing a shiver to run up and down his spine[B].[COLOR=DarkGreen]Quite impressive...drinking all that.[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR=Purple]Not really...this stuff is crape.[/COLOR][/B] tossing the bottle into the trash as the glass shattered, hitting the bottom. [B][COLOR=Purple]They better have a quailty selection of food...[/COLOR][/B] [I][COLOR=DarkGreen]Good...this guy hasn't killed me yet. This is a good start...I think...[/COLOR][/I] [B][COLOR=Purple]Hungry...?[/COLOR][/B] as he picked up his coffee cup.
  15. OCC: I'm glad to hear that there will be a second part to this...hopefully we can get more into it;). I'll end most of it now if you don't mind. Lyon saw Zack fall to the ground in the battle with Kelthor...Lyon was doing all that he could do to fight off the demon hoard. [I]Where is Sam and Jun...I don't want to do it without me knowing where they are...[/I] [I][COLOR=Blue]They are safe my love...[/COLOR][/I] [I]Misty...[/I] [I][COLOR=Blue]Trust me...they will be fine...[/COLOR][/I] [I]Alright...then let us begin...[/I] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]hahahaha....look at your Lyon...you fight for a dying cause. Your friends are lost...Zack is on the brink of defeat...Sam and Jun are nowhere to be found...you are left alone. [/COLOR] Poseidon was leading a massive army of demons behind him...coming closer and closer to Lyon. He was exhausted from the battle...all that stood between the demons and Zack and his demon was Lyon. He was badly wounded...his right shoulder was completely slashed open...he could barely hold onto his staff as he applied pressure with his left hand, bracing himself up against the staff so that he could stand. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]It's over Lyon...admit it. All your efforts for yours friends have been in vain...just let it go. [/COLOR] [I]You're right...I will let it go. [/I] As the hoard came closer and closer to his position...Lyon slowly stood himself upright, holding his ground against the fear that rushed over him looking out at the army before him. Switching from his right to left hand...Lyon began hitting the end of the staff upon the ground. bang....bang....bang [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Why Lyon....why do you persist...why why why?[/COLOR] Poseidon was getting closer. bang....bang.............Bang......BAng.....BANg! The noise was getting loader....intensifying everytime Lyon hit the ground. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]What do you think you're doing...the end is coming for you my friend. [/COLOR] Now the noise turned into little earthquakes...growing more fierce with each beat. BANg.......BANG....BANG BANG BANG BANG. Lyon was hitting the ground much more rapidly now...the demon hoard became frightened as the ground beneath their feet began to shake, including Poseidon. [I]Zack, Sam...Jun...I did my best. [/I] Suddenly...directly in back of both Lyon, the massive demon army, as well as where Zack, his angel and Kelthor were standing...a great fissure was formed, water shot out of it creating 3 emormous walls of water which looked to go up at least a mile high; encasing all three groups. Kelthor was in shock...as Zack and his demon prepared to do battle...Zack's angel suddenly rushed through the rushing waves and grabbed bout Zack and his demon out of the area. [COLOR=Yellow]Now Lyon![/COLOR] the angel cried out. Lyon stopped pounding on the ground...and simply stared at Poseidon and the demon army...with Kelthor just a few yards away in back of him. ''No more Games.....'' [I]And you all thought that the demon side was powerful enough to fuse with...[/I] ''Lets do it Misty...'' From the wall of water in back of Lyon...Misty emerged, who seemed to be flooting in mid-air. You could make out who she was...but her appearance was different. Her body looked transparant...able to see right through her. [COLOR=Blue]We are one my love...[/COLOR] Her body seemed to merge into his own....and at that moment...a burst of light shot out of him, surrounding his entire being. In only a moment...the transformation was complete...leaving a different being before them all. It was tall, with an eligant white robe and eligant blue hair coming down to its ankles. Lyon's staff had been replaced by a double-edged sword. The weapons appearance was marvelous....its two blades of a clear blue, like the oceans of his homeland of Thailand. With four beautiful white wings...Lyon took flight only a few feet off the ground. [COLOR=Navy]This ends now...I will not have you endanger the lives of innocence anymore. Begon demons...I command you. [/COLOR] [I][COLOR=Navy]I do this for you...my friends. [/COLOR][/I] as he uttered a small prayer. [COLOR=Navy]Great Flood! Engulf them all into the depths of Hell! Seal them forever within the pits of this realm...for all Eternity![/COLOR] With a final crash of his blade...Lyon shot into the direction of Kelthor as the wall behind the demon collapsed upon the armies of darkness. Every demon, including Poseidon was caught within the rush as they all began to be drained into the planets core. Bursting through the wall...Lyon was going at an incredible speed towards Kelthor. Kelthor shot out as many dark energy blasts as he could...as damaged as Lyon was...it didn't matter to him anymore, he took the punishment and continued his foward advancement towards his enemy. Weapon drawn...Lyon thrust the blade into Kelthors chest...right through the heart. [COLOR=Navy]This is for Sam...for what you did to her you sick mother fucker.[/COLOR] Plunging the blade further into his chest...Kelthor collapsed to his knees in agony as blood spattered across both Lyon and Kelthors faces. [COLOR=Navy]That...is for Zack and Jun...for the pain that you have caused them...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][I]How did it come to this...blast you boy...[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]And this...[/COLOR] The other two walls began to collapse upon the rest of the group of demons, and around Lyon and Kelthor; as Lyon made his final act. Pulling the blade out of Kelthor quickly...Lyon spun around and decapitated Kelthor with the opposite blade. [COLOR=Navy]is for me...[/COLOR] The force of the water falling upon the ground was intense. With Zack and his demon standing a good distance away from the war zone. He could see Lyon kill Kelthor before the wave fell upon his friend. When it was finally over...there was nothing left on the surface. All the demons were gone...along with Kelthor's body...his demon and angel, and Lyon himself. Slowly...the three fissures began to close up...and seal themselves.
  16. ''So they are here...I'm glad Commander Red.'' ''I am too M...'' both men were standing outside the holding cell of the HellKnight. Red had seen him in the hallway as he was leading the group to their quarters. ''I'm glad that I can finally make some friends around here....and at least to be able to talk to someone about what I've learned.'' ''I know M...I'm sorry I've had to be so strict about it, but you do understand the precautions we had to take dont you?'' ''Of course Commander...'' ''So...what have you learned?'' There was a pause for a moment...M trying to find the words to express the emotions he was getting from the HellKnight. ''Death...all it wants is death...'' ''You mean the HellKnight...'' ''No...all of them.'' ''What...'' Red was a little confused...M had only been looking at the HellKnight for the past hour, what was he talking about ''all'' of them. ''I'm not quite sure Red...just...I get the feeling that there is something greater than simply killing innocent humans.'' ''I understand M...you should get some rest...get to know the rest of your teammates. I've told them that they have 4 days to get settled in...but, you never know when there is going to be another activity.'' ''Your right...once I get out there in the field we all will be able to learn more about these creatures. I'll see you later Red...'' and M was gone...heading towards the living quarters. ****** Lee was still showing his incredible telekinesis abilities when M walked into the room. M scanned the entire room trying to get a feel for who these people were like...but decidied not to, he felt like he should get to know them the old fashion way. ''So...you must be the fifth member *then turning to Farel on the love seat* I mean...the sixth member of this team of ours.'' Carl and Farel were the first to shake his hand...introducing themselves, then coming to Lee. ''Nice to meet ya...I'm Lee.'' ''Hello...'' taking Lee's hand...he accidently let out an emotion of the HellKnight (picture in attached down below). Lee didn't show any signs of shock...but the image was as clear as day in his mind. The fear of it...the intensity. As Lee let go of M's hand...the image was gone, leaving only a mental imprint in his mind, leaving Lee confused and frightened for a moment. ''I'm sorry Lee...I'm terribly sorry...I didn't mean too.'' ''What the hell was that?'' roared Lee as he collapsed upon a chair next to the bar...trying to calm himself. ''It was a HellKnight...'' ''A what...'' asked Carl...leaning in his chair. ''What are you two talking about?'' ''You all haven't read your reports have you...I'm sorry. A Hellknight is one of the paranormal experiments that we hold here in the lab.'' Now everyone was really confused...but Lee was estatic... ''You have one of those things HERE on this base!'' ''Can someone please tell me whats going on? Lee...be quiet for a moment...'' as Farel stood next to Lee, rubbing his back, trying to get him to calm down. ''I'm sorry everyone, let me first introduce myself...my name is M.'' ''M?'' questioned Carl. ''My mother and father called me M because I'm what you would call a empathe.'' ''An empathe...oh I know what those are...humans who can sense others emotions.'' answered Farel...finally leaving Lee by himself...taking a seat on the love seat. Lee was still shaking...the image of the HellKnight was terrifying. ''I'm not any orginary empathe...'' M walked over to Lee and placed a hand on his shoulder. Closing his eyes, M transmitted a warm, sensational feeling of a gentle summer nights breeze brushing against his face while looking up at the starts. ''Wow...'' Lee's face suddenlty seemed to brighten tremendously at the emotion which he was feeling. ''What did you do?'' ''I accidently let out an emotion of the HellKnight...so I've just given you another emotion to bring back balance to your mind.'' ''Please forgive me for putting that upon you Lee...can you forgive me?'' ''Of course man...no problem.'' as Lee again shook M's hand as they patted each other on the back. M then took a seat right next to Farel. ''I can manipulate individuals emotions with just a touch. Also, I'm able to sense anythings emotion within my range of sight.'' ''So...your not a telepath, so you can't read people's minds. But you call feel what they're thinking. Cool...'' said Carl sitting directly across from Farel and M. ''Exactly...therefore I can sense the presence of...say a paranormal in a certain area. But I keep my powers in check with humans...you all have your privacy to your feelings. Unless for you Farel...I can find you among the shadows if I chose too.'' [I]Damn...[/I] ''Don't be mad Farel...you're going to be very valuable to us.'' ''How did you know he could become one with the shadows?'' asked Lee...still sitting at the Bar. ''I read everyone's report already...can you pass me a soda please Lee.'' ''Sure *smiling...he liked this guy* coming right up.'' using his powers, Lee easily got a soda from the fridge and placed it in M's hand. ''Thanks...'' as he popped the tab and took a sip. ''Now...I know you guys are a little anxious to get out there and fight these monsters...'' ''Damn right...'' cut in Carl...causing everyone to laugh...including M. ''HAha...your right Carl. But I must warn you all...this isn't quite what your expecting. It is very important that you read your reports. Some of these things...you all haven't seen yet. There is so much that we don't yet understand...and it is our job to seek the paranormal out and discover their secrets, as well as taking them out. I mean...look at what happened to Lee.'' Everyone burst out laughing...Lee just sat there with his arms crossed...giving a evil glare at everyone. But he couldn't help himself, he also joined in in the laugh. ''I'm serious guys *as M tried to hold in his laughter* this is very real.'' ''But Ivy and Andy seem to be quite informative about these things.'' said Lee. ''Are they the two other members whom have arrived...where are they?'' ''One is in the mess hall getting something to eat...and Ivy'' ''Is in her room sleeping...'' answered M. ''Right...anyhow...like Lee said, they seem to know more about these paranormal than we do.'' ''Thats true...Andy has been hunting these things since 2 months ago...and Ivy, well; she's had a different incounter with the paranormal. That reminds me...I have a training session with her sometime.'' ''HA...good luck with that.'' said Farel, slapping M on the back. ''she looks like a tough one...so does the other one.'' ''I bet...but regardless...take my word for it guys, once you've seen some of our experiments here...you see what I mean. Yes, they may have seen more than you all have...but we're about to go out into the unknown...somewhere no one else has gone on earth to this point, believe me.'' ''So we should probably read our reports then huh...'' Lee looked a little discusted at the thought. ''I'm sorry Lee, but you all have too...so that you all can go into the Delta Wing. And, you never know when another attack will occur...it could be tomorrow for all we know.'' ''Your right M...you don't need to say anymore about it. We'll do what Commander Red asks of us...right guys.'' The rest of them nodded their heads in approval. ''Thanks a lot...now...ugh *standing up from the couch, taking his soda with him* I'm gonna head to bed...you should keep it down, Ivy seems to be stirring a bit. Sleep well guys...and remember, you all are a valued member of this team. You Lee, for your telekinesis abilities; you Farel with your stealth capabilities, and Carl...for your capabilites and experiance in battle. As are these women as well...and the other members whom I hope arrive soon.'' ''Goodnight M.'' ''Later...'' ''Night...'' As M got to his room...Andy walked in through the lounge entrance and threw away napkin she was cleaning her face with. They both exchanged a glance...and M was in his bedroom. [I] I saw him before...[/I] ''Hey guys...who was that?''
  17. OCC: *shakes head* now everyone wants to be part of the Krilat Zmaj, before I even got to meet with him...Zoku so used out of context Keitha...oh well. ''So Zoku...ye feeling weak now are we...drained of ye powers by a mistress, you must feel foolish for letting your guard down.'' Paladin Colville said...walking up the vampire; weapons drawn. ''mmmm mmm...hahahaha....'' Strangly, to Colvilles surprise; the vampire was just laughing uncontrolably. ''Whats yer problm mate...?'' [I]Oh Keitha...[/I] Stretching out his arm, as Zoku laughed up into the sky...the Paladin could see the wound was already healed. [I]I gave you one chance Keitha...I'm dissapointed. [/I] ''You fools...are so naive. You're like wolves without a master...I'm surprised you, a simple human understood Keitha's intentions. How you came to know her...or even how you got to this place is beyond me.'' ''I'm here fr one thing you...too kill you!'' ''Ah...I see you're without a leash now...excellent...'' ''Enough!'' But Zoku was already gone...vanishing into the night. Leaving Colville alone on the cliffs. ***Back in Sydney...sitting on the highest tower...looking down upon the city as the sun rose from the east. Hidden among the shadows...Zoku rested. He looked at the scar at which Keitha had left for him... [I]Your such a fool Keitha...even if you drank my blood, and you feel stronger. How long do you think that will last? You didn't manage to gain any of my powers...your simply feeling a rush for you haven't tasted blood in so long. [/I] [I]You think so much is deserved to you...what have I done compared to Kuroichi. Pathetic...a pitty Kuroichi has already gained your loyalty. I showed trust...and it was destroyed.[/I] *Shaking his head* [I]Now he's is going to have to decide...between Keitha and I. A shame so much has happened before I've had a chance to speak with him on matters of great importance. Do you understand Kuroichi...Keitha will not co-operate with me...she wants my blood, not yours apparently. [/I] [COLOR=DarkRed]So what will you do now?[/COLOR] A hooded figure came from the opposite side of the tower...standing over Zoku sitting down, leaning up against a stone figure of a demon. ''I suppose I will speak with Kuroichi tonight...'' [COLOR=DarkRed]You seemed distraught...because Keitha shamed you.[/COLOR] ''I've done what you've asked...I've killed Caine; two other clan leaders have been eliminated.'' [COLOR=DarkRed]However, you disobeyed me by wanting to join with Kuroichi...but what is wrong Zoku?[/COLOR] ''Keitha is nothing now, she's chosen her fate now...as I will follow mine now. It's time to stop holding back...*pause* Abaddon may have died tonight.'' [COLOR=DarkRed]I know...I know[/COLOR] ''I'm sick of sitting around...damn you Keitha. Never again will I let my guard down to a Grysham...I pitty her little companion Lana. What a hypocrit!'' [COLOR=DarkRed]It seems to me that you're fighting this war for your own purposes...and not Kuroichi's...for Keitha to join the Krilat Zmaj, you will be aided tremendously. [/COLOR] ''Maybe so...but what is clan supposed to do when two vampires such as ourselves want to kill one another.'' *silent pause* ''I want them all dead...'' Zoku smashing his elbow into the stone statue. [COLOR=DarkRed]Good...good...use that anger Zoku. Let go of your hate...you're right...its time to stop holding back your true power. Keitha only sampled a taste...but be patient. Please...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]I will leave you now...so that you may rest...and prepare yourself for Kuroichi tonight. [/COLOR] The dark hooded figure placed a hand on Zoku's forhead... [COLOR=DarkRed]Be well...[/COLOR] and it was gone. [I]Gaia...[/I] [COLOR=Sienna]Yes my Lord...[/COLOR] [I]Tell Kuroichi I'm still waiting for him. Tell him of tonights evens on the cliffs as well. [/I] [COLOR=Sienna]As you wish...[/COLOR] [I]Keitha...you Grysham sure do know how to bring out the worst in me. You have no idea what you have just unleashed. [/I] And with that...Zoku drifted into a peaceful sleep. ***A close by Ally way...not too far from Zoku; the hooded figure was surrounded by 4 other men in hooded cloaks. [COLOR=DarkRed]He is ready...[/COLOR]
  18. ''This is starting to give me a headache.'' Lyon said as he knelt down beside Jun as he lay there on the ground curled up in a ball unconcious. [COLOR=DarkGreen]Why is this?[/COLOR] asked Osiris...Sam and Zack were sitting next to the fire on the opposite side of Lyon and Jun. Deciding that it wasn't wise to continuing moving with Jun in his present condition...Zack had prepared another fire for them all, he even hunted down some food for them all from the woods behind them. ''I'm very...stressed right now.'' exclaimed Lyon; ''I don't know what to do...or say to them all anymore.'' [COLOR=DarkGreen]Why are you so distraught?[/COLOR] ''Jun lied to us...and Samantha is a wreck. Despite how kindly I spoke to her today...showing real friendship to her, she just doesn't get it. It feels like me and Zack are the only sane ones left around here...'' [COLOR=DarkGreen]You did your best....[/COLOR] ''Regardless...we should never have formed this group without coming to grasp these issues that people are having. These conflicts are slowing us down...as Kelthor grows stronger. I don't care if Jun has bonded with his demon perminitly, whether he's become stronger or not. This doesn't feel right...'' [COLOR=DarkGreen]I promise that I will keep Jun out of danger...I will teach him how to control Lucifer within him.[/COLOR] ''Good luck...because I'm starting to loss faith in everyone. Jun and Sam are just...foolish, so wrapped up in themselves...they think there hurting...but they can't see what they are doing to one another...to the rest of us. I just want to yell at them, to grow up...but...thats never the best course of action.'' [COLOR=DarkGreen]You're right...thats very wise...its not. You did your best for Sam...and hopefully she seems what you were trying to show her. Jun, give him time...and Zack is getting better everyday.[/COLOR] ''I know...watch over Jun for me please...I need to get away for a while. I'm sure the rest wont mind...not like they'll be needing me.'' [COLOR=DarkGreen]I will watch over him...[/COLOR] The land looked so dead as Lyon walked across the plains...rounding around the woods...he came to a lake, or what was left of one, which was surrounded by trees. They were dead though...just withered leaves and dried up branches and earth. Hanging his legs over the side...Lyon began to cry. Not because he was hurt...but because of how tired he was. Caring for everyone else as he was, it was emotionall draining. Part of him wanted nothing to do with these people...and to go back home. But he also wanted to be here....for no one else would. These were his friends...whether they saw or treated him one as well... [COLOR=DarkRed]why don't you leave...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]everyone else has been tainted...why don't you. It makes things so much easier for you...you're so strong Lyon...you don't need them...[/COLOR] [I]Begon Kelthor...[/I] And just like that...the voices were gone. [I]Misty...do we have a chance...do we have a chance at all of surviving this...[/I] Lyon speaking to his angel as he stared off into the mid-night sky. [COLOR=Blue]There is always hope my love...[/COLOR] [I]Please...Misty...answer me...I need something right now...[/I] [COLOR=Blue]You love them all...as I love you Lyon...something like that is never broken, nor fails. So yes...you all have a chance...a very high chance...just give it time. [/COLOR] [I]I know...I'm just...so....tired of it. [/I]
  19. ''Come out...come out...wherever you are?'' Zoku was beginnging to become impatient with the vampire. Despite his constant callings...she still would not appear. He could sense her pressence in that place...but because of the shadows, he couldn't tell where exactly. ''I won't play games with you anymore Keitha.'' Zoku began to laugh to himself. ''as much as I love the old days...this is getting redundant.'' ''But you know how much I love to play.'' exclaimed Keitha as she seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. Zoku's back was turned to her as she approached him. [I]I can sense that you are upset with me my dear...[/I] ''Is it revenge you seek my dear...is that why you've brought me to this desolate place.'' ''No...merely to talk.'' [I]You lie...the moonstone senses it...and the opal as well...my dear Keitha...whats going on within you?[/I] Turning to Keitha...he saw for the first time in two months the vampire he once called friend. ''I've heard that you've pledged yourself to Lord Kuroichi now...betraying your devotion to your lover...Serio.'' ''My love for Serio will never die...but yes, I have devoted myself serve, as well as Lana's to Kuroichi. How did you know?'' ''The earth spoke to me...as it always does.'' Zoku slowly started to pace himself closer and closer to Keitha. ''What interests me more is...how can you serve Kuroichi...for killing your first and one true love, and yet seek such revenge against me for David's death. Do not deny it...it is as bright as day upon your face. Why...explain to me why...'' ''I can feel it within you Keitha...'' Keitha stood still as Zoku drifted around her side, circling her...''the darkness growing within you...that constant hunger which you struggle with everyday. I see now how much you did understand me all those months ago...'' ''That is true Zoku...I became vengeful towards you once I learned of my Lord David's death...you have no idea what you have taken from me.'' Zoku now was back to back with Keitha as he spoke...''believe me Keitha...it was nothing personal; God knows you may be right for seeking revenge...but you are blind to a certain truth. What David did to me...is far more severe than you realize.'' ''Then why don't you tell me?'' ''Because its over now...I am what I am now because of him. Yes, I chose to take this path...but he pushed me over the edge...but...why won't you kill me now...as angry as you appear, you aren't fighting me...why.'' Gently...Zoku turned around and slid his left hand across her waist...wrapping her in his arms. His body pressed up against her's as they could feel each others body heats against the breeze of the ocean before them. ''Or is there something you're holding back...something compelling you not to fight me.'' Keitha couldn't grasp what was happening...usually in an instant she would push away. But now, she was welcoming the contact...the pleasure, her heart rate increased as she could feel sensations moving throughout her body. Some she hadn't felt for years. [I]What the...[/I] ''Don't fight it...'' he whispered into her ear as Zoku pushed his fingers through her hair. With the power of the Opal of Thirst...he was giving her the sensation of what she had't felt for ages. Playing around with her neck...smelling the auroma of her arm...Keitha could feel herself falling deeper and deeper into the seduction...trying to fight it off. ''You are a beautiful woman Keitha; there was a time when I thought I was in love with you...a time when I wanted you. As a human...you fasinated me...but now...I realize how foolish I was; you are one not to be had by anyone.'' Keitha was shivering...''please...stop...'' ''Why fight it...I can sense the anguish you feel...your lips not satisfied with human blood. Your vow to Serio, never to drink again.'' She began to remember that night on the battle field, when Kuroichi had taken her lovers life away from her...promising never to drink a humans blood ever again from that night forth. How she wanted Kuroichi's blood spilt over her blade.....but.....that desire has left from her...first supporting his actions; and now pledging her loyalty to him. Had she betrayed her master...was she now betraying her love? ''I don't know what you seek Keitha...but...what is the point of being immortal, if you don't take the time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life?'' With that...a surge of raw emotion and desire flooded through Zoku's fingertips by the power of the Opal and Moonstone into Keitha's belly as her heartbeat intensfied as she gasped for air. OCC: I hope that was good for what you wanted demonchild781.
  20. [COLOR=Purple]I don't know about this crew of yours Abrams...they look a little skiddish.[/COLOR] Abrams brought his attention back to Richard as he turned away from Jayme who was stomping down the corridor. By the time Abrams, Natalie, and Carmen had gotten to the cooler...Abrams had filled them in on little information that he had on Bane. A once escaped convict, killer or multiple people, a grand thief; people preferred to think of him as a ghost...something that just wasn't there. But Richard Bane was very real...and the fear which he brought with him was very real. When they opened the door to the cooler, both Natalie and Carmen both saw why he was being held down here. Banes' skin was bright red...as Abrams explained to them...Bane had been imprisoned on New Pluto for years, bringing him from such a cold atmosphere to warmth would kill him. ''You still haven't answered my question Abrams...'' Carmen seemed to be getting annoyed at Abrams avoiding her question...stopping himself from turning his attention to Richard, he looked at Carmen ''why the hell is this guy here.'' ''To be quite honest Carmen...he doesn't even know himself'' Abrams showing a slight smile...but you shall see. Finally turning his attention to Richard...Abrams pulled out a sheet of paper from his jacket...as they were all walking down the corridor to the cooler, Abrams had instructed his men to take off their jackets to give to Carmen and Natalie. ''Now as I was saying...before we were rudely interrupted. I would like to inform you of your rights and responsibities being part of ISSP corporation; joining Project: COWBOY.'' [COLOR=Purple]Just get on with it...these chains aren't very comfortable Lieutanant. [/COLOR] ''As you wish.......as of now, by the order of Captain Emerson and the ISSP, you are now under our jurisdiction. The team in which you are being assigned too is designed for the apprehension of all bounties in which you come across; from this day forward...you are a bounty hunter. You will not kill or hurt, any of your fellow teamates; and you certainly will not kill any bounties which you come across. In doing so, no rewards of pay will come to you and your crew...and you will be sent back to New Pluto. What say you?'' Bane was in silence for a while...obviously thinking about the terms. [COLOR=Purple]Personally, I say......ghost me mother fucker![/COLOR] With Abrams shaking his head...''its a shame...with your expertise in tracking, fighting, weaponary, espionage, and high intellegence; you Bane, will be a valued member of this team. Your presence will indeed bring most bounties to their knees...and that ISSP desperately wants. So, we'll make a deal with you...if you play by our rules; we will cleanse your criminal record completely.'' [COLOR=Purple]You're saying you'd cut me loss?[/COLOR] ''I'm saying...that you will become a free man once your service here is over with. Working with no restraints, no guards; only with the trust that you will not hurt anyone else on this ship...or to kill any more people.'' [COLOR=Purple]How do you know you can trust me?[/COLOR] ''Because Bane...'' Abrams pulled out a set of keys and began to unlock Richard's restraints...''I know that you want to be freed, to feel alive once again...'' Abrams finished freeing him...''and I know that you won't do anything foolish to risk that hope.'' Bane stretched himself out...rubbing his wrists from where the chains where holding him from. ''So...do we have a deal?'' as Abrams outstretched a hand. [COLOR=Purple]Agreed[/COLOR]...but Richard just walked on by...not taking Abrams hand. Walking past the guards...Bane turned slightly towards the two women standing there and continued to walk down the corridor, making his way up to the kitchen, all he really wanted was a coffee. [COLOR=Purple][I]mmmm....its been a long time since i've smelled beautiful. [/I] [/COLOR]
  21. The four new recuits were all waiting in the meeting room when Commander Red came barging into the door with a clipboards to his side. Immidiately, just by the way he presented himself, the Commander demanded great respect. ''Some of you may be wondering why you all are here today...'' said the Commander as he sat himself upon a desk at the center of the room. Behind him was an overhead projector...and in front of his was the table which the others were sitting at. ''As I'm sure you all have already done...you've introduced yourselves to one another, sharing each others ''special'' abilities...besides Mr. Carl Wethryn here who has a specialty in weaponary. And we have Ms. Andromeda...'' ''Andy please...'' raising her hand, getting the Commanders attention. ''You may address me as Commander Red if you'd like Andy...or Red if you all would like to call me that. Almost everyone on this base does. Very well, Andy, nice too have you aboardv *checking down his list*...and Ms. Ivy, and Mr. Lee. Pitty we only have five members with us today.'' ''Five sir?'' asked Carl, followed closely behind by everyone else in the group. ''I only see four of us here.'' ''Yes, forgive me of my foolishness for not saying so earlier...another member has preceeded you all coming here to the base about a month ago. I'm surprised that he is not with us presently, he was so anxious to see you all...he's been quite lonely as of late.'' ***In the Delta Wing M was fed up with his reading...and decided to go for a walk to focus his mind from the information that he had been reading about. He wanted more members of his team to arrive *unknown to his knowledge that some had already arrived* so that he could share his findings with them. Due to the Projects guidelines, everyone part of the Angel team were to keep any findings to themselves so that the risk of information wouldn't leak out due to their activities. Any personal which came into direct contact with the paranormal were kept to strict silence. They are only to answer to Commander Red and President Micah himself. Besides those two, M was subject to secrecy. Many of the scientists and researchers working in the facility were only doing surface level research on the ''experiments.'' But M; he's been working with the experiments personally for a month now. And he could only tell his findings to either Red, or his teammates. Throughout the entire hallway of the Delta Wing...there were 5 or so holding cells; each with their own paranormal experiments within them. The ghost chamber M stayed clear of. Within it contained the most deadly forms of ghosts, which everyone in the Lab named to be Jackles. Crazed ghosts who thirt the blood of the living; the ghost in this case was a African American male who was hanged, beaten, and murdered by whites in the south during the Civil war. The only thing that held the ghost within were ancient magical transcrips which the ghost could not pass. M had always been afraid of ghosts, he could only handle working with it for only a day. All the information above, was all that he could get out of the him. Now though, M was standing in front of what everyone called ''the dark knight,'' a massive 7 foot tall monster with grey skin, huge muscles and fangs stretching from ear to ear *if it had ears. Its eyes were blood shot red, with claws that could crush two mens skulls at the same time. The cell was composed of triple thick Adamantium walls so that the beast couldn't escape. The only way to look at the creature was to look through a very small hole, filled in with bullet proof glass, as well as a special chemical to harden the glass so it couldn't break. M enjoyed this one the most...cause its emotions could be felt far more easily than any of the others. Standing there in the middle of the hallway, with his hands in his pockets, his purple hair hanging over his eyes. M stared at the hole intensly, feeling the beast emotions come to him... [I]Who is your master...[/I] ***Back in the meeting room ''So what your saying is...is that we are subject to ''reading'' before we can go out into the field. What kind of crap is this? I've been fighting these things ever since it began...I know what we're dealing with.'' protested Lee. The Commander was quite annoyed with the lad...he walked to him and stared down at him. ''You have no idea what is out there...believe me when I tell you this. No one does. *walking back to the desk* You all have been chose for this task because we felt that your abilities would best suit this situation. You all will be given weapons, command over other units, and combat training...especially you Ivy; your powers are very powerful...and we need to help control that. Everyone here who has powers like you will be able to help you with that.'' ''I'm a very reasonable guy. But three things I do require of you; one, your work together. If any of you...falls out of line...will be subject to termination. Two, don't get dead...take care of one another...and be smart. Three...'' Silence... ''Kill every last one of those mother fuckers out there!'' Everyone in the room pounded their fists down upon the table in agreement. ''There will be a meeting at 15:00 hours Wednsday. And today is Saturday...so...that gives you 4 days to get yourselves situated, to get accuainted with all your other team mates...hopefully the rest will be here shortly; to choose your weaponary, and to finish reading your reports on the paranormal.'' ''What happens wednsday?'' asked Ivy ''Your first mission begins...now...'' as the Commander stood up from his desk. ''I will escort you to your quarters, and will point you in the direction of the mess hall, as well as the weapons hold. Will you please follow me...'' The Commander opened up the doors and walked out as everyone else rushed to pick up their belongings and followed him. As the group walked down the hallway, all they passed were Laboritories full of books, with an occastional body surrounded by people in white protective clothing doing research. ''What are they all doing?'' asked Carl ''These scientists are reading every known book ever written in regards to the paranormal. The bodies which they are studying are victims from different sites around the world whom have come in contact with the paranormal.'' ''And whats down there...'' asked Andy...pointing down a long hallway which came to a dead end as everyone else came to a halt. As two guards stood posted on either side of the entrance with Plasma rifles. ''That...ladies and gentlemen, is the Delta Wing...where our main research will be taking place. Where you all will begin your studies, where no unauthorized personal are allowed inside as well as any form of weaponary. However, until you all are finished reading your reports and consulting with me, you are not allowed to enter under so circumstance...is that clear.'' ''But why...'' Ivy was kinda very distraught about it...she wanted to get right to work. Not to read more...she felt like she was being treated like a child. ''My dear...its nothing personal. To be perfectly honest, I'm not prepared to let you all go down there until you understand and are well prepared for what you all will be going out to face. You will be fighting with the unknown...something no one else has every done. Precautions must be made.'' But...as Andy looked closer down the hallway, she was certain that she saw a man standing in the middle of the hallway. As she focused more and more...suddenly the man looked straight at her...his eyes were bright purple, they seemed to be looking straight into her soul. ''Now...shall we continue...'' Her attention was drawn to the Commander...when she looked back...the man was looking back at the wall which he was looking at... After about a 5 minute walk...coming into a large lounging area with a kitchen and tv set with couches and chairs...even a minny bar was set up. ''Now...here are your living quarters. Only you; members of the Angel Team will be living here. The mess hall is down hall, as well as the weapons hold. Your reports are already in your rooms, pick whichever room you'd like. And I will see you in the morning...it is now 17:00 hours, I would suggest to get some sleep.''
  22. Year: 2200 At the dawn of the 23rd century, mankinds technological advancements were beyond anyones comprehension. - cures for every disease known to man; including cancer and aids. - the perfection of A.I (artifical intelegence) - space travel - unlimited amounts of natural resources for earth and all its colonies due to advancement in the sciences. Earth was at peace; there hadn't been any fighting, nor any full scale war for 7 years. All nuclear weapons were dismembered, unifying all of earth under a single government through the leadership of the President of Earth for 10 years; Micah Armago. Every country still had their national leaders, presidents, kings etc...but they all answered to Micah Armago. Through this time of peace, there was no need for soldiers to serve in the military for combat. All weaponary research came to a halt by the the order of President Armago because of his policy for peace on earth and all its colonies. Till now... *** New Years Eve: 12:58pm 2200 *** As like ever year, millions of citizens gathered together in celebration within the walls of all the major cities of earth. ***We are now taking you live to New Berlin, where we are only two minutes away from the crystal ball being dropped. We all here at BBC...the Berlin Broadcasting Corporation, would like to congradulate all the citizens of earth for having such a successful year of 2200. ***The view is incredible from down here at the base of the Omega Health Instution...the tallest building in the world. Everyone is looking up at the ball as it prepares to decend upon the OHI's tower peek. ***The entire city is lit up in a marvelous setting of lights, fireworks, and yes...even candles now being held by some religious members wishing for yet another year of peace. ***Here it comes ladies and gentlemen....the hour we've all been waiting for...only 10 seconds away.............5.......4......3......2.......1.. ....* Suddenly the entire city went dark. All forms of power connected to the city grid were out...leaving no lights for people to see. With the fireworks dying down...all of New Berlin was blanketed in darkness. (In a whispering tone) ***Its me...Katie King...reporting from New Berling. ''Are you still filming Dave?'' ''Yea...the camera has its own battery; but the light is very dim.'' ''Fine...thats good enough'' ***Sorry...Katie King here. I don't know if anyone is watching this...the site which your looking at is incredible. All forms of light have gone down across what seems to be the entire city. People aren't in a panic...but they're just standing around. Still looking up into the sky speechless. The silence is actually un-nerving....'' About an hour goes by without nothing being said...then... AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A deafining scream erupts amoungst the crowd. Everyone is running around in circle...trying to escape the masses. ***OH MY GOD...OH MY GOD!...Dave...Dave where are you?'' No response...Katie turned around to see Dave's dead body lying on the ground with the camera still running on her. (In a panic...too terrified to move) ***Oh MY GOD...whats going on?...they're bodies everywhere... With corpses all around her...she circled in the same spot...trying to see if she could see anyone around...alive. With her back turned...a massive, grey hand came out of the darkness and swept Katie off her feet. The camera couldn't see exactly what it was...only the screams of the tormented Katie as her flesh was wripped to screds...being tossed into the dark. After a few minutes...the camera picked up a faint shadowy figure...then the picture went out. *** Minutes later in London, England *** ''Mr. President...Mr. President...there's something I need to show you.'' ''Not now Admiral, can't you see I'm showing my daughter the fireworks.'' From his coat pocket, Admiral Vega revieled a video tape. ''Sir...this can't wait.'' Moments later...in one of the many suites of President Armago's mansion. The admiral put in the video tape recording of BBC's New Years broadcast...showing what transpired above. ''My God in Heaven...'' proclaimed Micah...''notify the board. It's been a month since that day...and similar attacks have been made in other populated and desolate areas. With these new events...Micah has had no choice but to reopen the world wide military to help control the situation. Unknown to President Micah; there has been an underground facility underneath the streets of New York City for years preparing for a time such as this. Full of scientists, researchers, inventors, and soldiers; the project known as Heaven, under the supervision of Commander Joseph Red of America, is now recruiting the most potential individuals on earth and on all of earths colonies to lead the team to learn, contain, and destory this new threat. ******************************************************************** [B][COLOR=DarkRed]Chapter 1: Beginnings[/COLOR][/B] New York City was a beautiful place to be at in times like these. Full of light, life, and energy...people sometimes found peace in an environment like this due to the activities occuring all around planet Earth. M was finally able to leave the base which was a mile underground; [U]Project: Heaven; research and exposure of the paranormal.[/U] In the middle of times square, M was calmly walked the streets, looking into peoples eyes...feeling their emotions running through him. [I]They're frightened...[/I] he thought to himself. New York City was the center of the entire planetary economical system. All of the suburbs and slums were whipped away during the New Industrial Age...life became perfect, no war, no poverty; every mouth was filled...every heart was satisfied. [I]To an extent anyway...[/I] [I]Isn't it funny...God created man...man destroyed God...man creates a perfect world...and now...our arrogance has caught up with us.[/I] For the past month...M had been studying in the most ancient books of world history in regards to research done upon the paranormal. M had been summoned by the Project a month ago; after the events at New Berlin. His father protested against his son being used for such a task. But M volunteered...more due to his curiosity of the paranormal, as well to develope his ''gift'' even further. Buying a few supplies, and picking up a classical New York Style pizza...M decided to head back home. M called a cab and headed towards an industrial powerplant which supplied almost 70% of New York Cities power; the entrance to Project: Heaven. It was perfect...based underneathe such a power source...they would never have to worry about a lack of power due to their ''experiments'' down below. Walking into the complex...M was immidiately met by a dozen or so guards carrying state of thee art plasma rifles, capable of incinerating any form of ''flesh'' which the blasts came in contact with. ''Can I at least finish my pizza guys.'' as M put down his packages. It took nearly an hour to get through inspections...finger print scans, voice recognition, I.D tags...retnal scans...the works. M found it ridiculous...but he saw the purpose in it. [I]You never know what kind of beings could be out there...[/I] After that was all done...M picked up his packages and headed towards the elevator; preparing to descend a mile below the surface. ***Minutes later*** ''Ah, M, I'm glad to see that you've returned unharmed.'' smiled the Commander as M exited the elevator. Scientists were quite busy today...probably working on one of the ''captives.'' Project Heaven; for the past 3-5 years has been studying that of the paranormal...in theory, presented by the founder of the Project Dr. Matthew Lygar, predicted the emergence of such creatures. He was never able to prove his theory till the attack on New Berlin. Now, the project contained almost a dozen test subjects of the paranormal...caged within their own special holding cells, preventing them from escaping. M started to walk towards his quarters as Commander Red joined him. ''President Micah has been informed of our operations, and has been brought up too speed. He wishes to be updated on a regular bases...and the team is being assembled as we speak.'' ''Really'' M seemed quite excited and pleased ''So I wont be the only young one here anymore?'' ''No..'' Red placing a hand on the boys shoulder...'' you wont feel so alone anymore...I'm sure you all will get comfortable with each other quite well. Each one has been specifically hand picked to be part of this mission. They all have great potential...however it is vital for you all to work together.'' ''I understand *smiling*, I'll be in my room ok...how long will it take them for all of them to arrive.'' ''Not too long, once everyone has arrived and gotten accuanted with one another...we'll have a briefing...letting them all know exactly why they have been called to serve on Project Heaven.'' ''Ok...bye Red.'' M put down all of his packages from the surface and organized them all in there proper place. Heading towards his bed...he laid down to relax and picked up the book that he has been reading recently. [U]How to Think About Weird Things, by Lewis Vaughn.[/U] As he read...a particular quote caught his eye... [I]Nature never breaks her own laws. - Leonardo Da Vinci[/I] OCC: Alright...everyone head to Project: Heaven:)...enjoy. Also...don't forget about the underground thread if you have any questions, ideas etc. etc.
  23. After they had kissed for a good amount of time...they again looked out at the sea, holding each others hand. ''I never really knew my parents....they were always in and out of the house with there missions, they both were in the military.'' ''Really...'' ''Yea...it was about 6 years ago when they dissapeared. They never found them...but they're pressumed dead.'' ''I'm sorry...'' ''Its ok, it only made me stronger...and I was truly blessed to have my grandmother around; she was a sweetheart.'' ''What was she like...?'' ''She was wonderful, full of love and encouragement. She was an important part of my life after that night with Alev...'' ''She sounds nice...'' ''That she was...'' ''Was...'' ''Yes...she unfortunately died in a car accident due to the invasion. I had left school early on Valentines Day; *laugh* I never got a valentines letter...but I guess thats ok. I was in the car when the attack happened...I should be thankful to be alive now.'' ''Seems like we have a lot in common...coming from broken homes apart from our parents.'' Ajack stood behind Lyu and wrapped her arms around her neck; embracing her... ''I am yours...you will never loss me...never would I just get up and leave without saying goodbye. If you'd let me...I will never leave.'' She wrapped his arms around her even tighter... ''You are a wonderful pilot...and Desh trusts you completely...together...you will do great things. If you want a reason to fight...I'll let you in on a little secret.'' He leaned his face closer to hers as he whispered into her ear... ''I fight for my friends, I fight for the people of this world...those who I've met, and those whom I will meet in the future...and above all else...*kissing her on the cheek* I fight for you.'' For some time.....both of them just looked up at the stars together. ''Now...shall we get back too the party...I'm sure people are wondering where we had gone too...maybe getting the wrong idea *with a wink*'' ''Ajack!'' she yelled as she punched him in the shoulder. But just as quickly...she hugged him again...and they walked in together.
  24. [B]I wish...I wish...I wish my parents...where ever they are; that they are safe...and as happy as I am at this moment. That they will watch over not just me, but us all as we fight this war together. [/B] Ajack looked deep into Lyu's eyes...and saw the love that was behind her eyes as she looked at him. He could sense she wanted to turn away cause she was so embarrased about being blunt about her feelings. But she couldn't...she felt so happy...and safe in his eyes; in his arms. The two of them continued to dance under the moonlight shining down upon them as the music continued to play. ''So what did you talk to Sayne about earlier?'' ''UH...is someone jealous.'' Lyu had a jokingly tone to her voice. ''Of course not...I have no reason to be jealous.'' giving her a wink...''just curious...'' So she told him everything...as always. [I]She keeps thinking that she talks too much...but she doesn't realize that I hang on every word she speaks...[/I] ''So yea...I hope he got the idea Ajack...he and Sora can be so great...ya know.'' ''I agree...I keep thinking to myself that maybe he has found that peace that his hearts been lacking all these years of his life.'' ''Your right...I just hope that everything works out.'' For a long stretch of time...they were silent...they had been talking all night, but now it seemed; they were merely taking in the moment. Words couldn't describe how the two of them were feeling. [I]He didn't say he loved me back...was I wrong in saying that?[/I] [I]She said she loves me...but is this just a fling...or is this the real thing?[/I] [I]I love you so much Ajack...I hope you see that...please don't doubt me.[/I] [I]I can't loss you Lyu...I love you too damn much.[/I] You could feel the tension between the two of them...they were so close to truly breaking through. Both of them were so in love with each other...they just didn't know how to truly express it. Sure they had kissed...held hands...but was that love...or a petty crush at its height. ''Can I ask you a question Lyu?'' ''Of course...anything...'' Lyu was scared...continuing to dance...she barried her face into his chest...afraid that what he was about to ask would be catastrophic... ''Why did you chose me?'' Lyu was surprised...after all that silence...she definitly didn't expact that. She lifted her head back up and locked her eyes onto his. [I]Should I be honest...should I really tell him...but what if he doesn't love me like that back...I'll play with it for now...[/I] ''I could ask you the same question?'' *laughing* ''hehe...thats true...you could. I think that I should answer you.'' Lyu held her breathe...expecting the worst. ''Remember when we talked all day long out on the balcony of the base. *she nodded*...that day, was the first time in a long time that I felt true peace. It was only then that I truly realized how much you cared for me. The countless hours you spent with me in the ER. And after that...you seemed to connect with me faster than anyone else I've ever known.'' ''To be honest Ajack...I've actually had a crush on you for a long time now.'' now she was really red...everything was coming out now. All Ajack could do was smile...''I love you Lyu.'' Lyu's eyes burst wide open... ''I love you for your kind and gentle spirt; I love you for your eyes, your hair, your smile....I love talking to you all the time, I love you because you make me feel alive......I love you Lyu...not only for who you are...but who I am when I am with you. And that...I never want to let go off.'' Surprisingly Lyu stepped away from Ajack as they were dancing and looked out onto the sea with her back towards him. She didn't want to show him her tears...this feeling was overwhelming... [I]He really does love me....[/I] ''I want this to truly last Lyu...not some fling that comes and goes...I want this for my life. I don't know what is going to happen after this war...but if we survive this...I want you. I love you more than you know...every word of that song I sang...I ment.'' She still didn't turn around to him...Ajack could hear her crying though. He started to leave the balcony...feeling that maybe she wanted time to think, maybe she wasn't ready to hear those words from him. Yes...saying those words to him was hard enough, but to hear those words from him...maybe she couldn't handle it. ''AJACK!' Just as Ajack turned around...Lyu had already jumped into his arms...wrapping her legs around his mid-section. ''I can't loss you Ajack...I love you...I've always loved you.'' OCC: Oo...sweet young love :love: Take it from their Lyu:) Now that everything is out in the open.
  25. The four elementals finally left the castle...and began to walk...to where they did not know. All of them began to climb a relatively steep hill. Lyon was the first to get to the top...when he looked out at the few and became distraught. ''Everyone...I think we have a problem.'' ''What...what is it?'' replied Jun...as he got to the top with Lyon. When he looked out at the view as well...he knew right away what Lyon ment. Everyone else got to the top...and took a look for themselves at the landscape. ''I don't think we're in Kansas anymore guys...'' replied Lyon. Everyone looked at him in a puzzled look; trying to contain their laughter. ''What...I heard that phrase one time in whats called a movie a long time ago.'' Zack came up from behind Lyon and slapped him on the back... ''You still got a lot to learn about this world my friend.'' Everyone in the group had a smile on their face...but ultimitly, Lyon was right. The landscape which they looked upon was desolate and dead...dead forests, mountains of smoke...this wasn't home. ''What is this place...'' Jun asked. Zack and Lyon both looked at each other and nodded....''I think we're not in our realm anymore.'' answered Zack. ''Apparently...when we all jumped into the portal to come save Samantha, we just didn't go to Kelthors castle...but to his demonic realm.'' added Lyon. Jun had a look of discust on his face...''thats just great.'' ''What do we do now Lyon?'' said Sam. ''Let us see if we can find any signs of civilization in this place.'' They walked for an entire day...but they found nothing. . ''Lyon...we need to stop and rest...Sam's starting to get tired...as well as I.'' ''Ok Zack, lets set up camp on the outskirts of those woods over there.'' Jun was already starting up a fire while Zack went out into the woods to try and find some food. Sam was sitting on a log watching Jun work as Lyon walked off and took a moment to himself. [I]Misty...are you there?[/I] [COLOR=Blue]Yes my love...what is it?[/COLOR] [I]Something very wrong is going on here...we shouldn't be here in Kelthors realm...we're at great risk. Is there any way to get back home?[/I] [COLOR=Blue]Zack demon can get you back home with his dark energies...[/COLOR] [I]Damn...I shouldn't have cast out his demon that quickly...I'm so foolish[/I] [COLOR=Blue]You were not my dear...you did what was best. No evil is able to be tammed for long...no matter how strong the individual is.[/COLOR] [I]I'm worried Misty...I don't know whom to trust right now. Has Sam fused with her demon in Kelthors castle...Zack has already touched his other...and Jun has been acting stranger as of late.[/I] [COLOR=Blue]Do not fear...for I am with you. And they all are your friends to the bitter end...no matter what entities that may be within them.[/COLOR] [I]You're right...I have no right to dispare. [/I] The angel sat next to Lyon on the ground and began to pet his hair. [COLOR=Blue]Don't be so hard on yourself...you're doing your best.[/COLOR] [I]But do they see that...our group seems so...disoriented...something is definitly working within us. [/I] [COLOR=Blue]Do not let Kelthor manipulate your feelings Lyon...just be a friend to them...as you have been doing all this time. Everything will work out for itself...I promise. [/COLOR] [I]Thank you...[/I] [COLOR=Blue]Of course...now I will go...Jun is coming. [/COLOR]
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