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Everything posted by Kairi

  1. [I]So...you've finally sought me out Keitha...how nice of you...[/I] Finishing the rest of his beer...he placed it back down on the bar table and paid the bar tender. Picking up his trench coat from the chair...he began to leave the bar till he sensed another Grysham. [I]Am I being followed....no matter....I might as well accept Keitha's invitation and follow her trail.[/I] [I]I sense you are upset with me Keitha...no question over the death of your dear Lord. I'm pleased to know that you could point out my work...[/I] as he began to walk along the streets...following Keithas path. [I]Pitty you seek vengance so quickly against your old companion. If only you knew what David did that night...[/I] Zoku could sense the vampire following him among the tops of the buildings...watching his every move. [I]Ah...a curious one this Grysham is. I like that...yearning to be lead...yearning to learn more. Follow me dear girl, I wont dissapoint you.[/I] It was a couple of hours till Zoku was finally outside the city...walking towards the cliffs of Sydney...the Grysham was still following him...shifting among the shadows out of his view. [I]I know that you are there...[/I] Finally...he had arrived at the cliffs overlooking the sea. He loved to look at it...the sea which they say has no memory. Taking in the fresh sea air into his nostrals...he called out to her. ''Come out Keitha...I know that you're there. You don't have anything to fear from me...'' [I]For now...[/I] '' See, I have not come with Obilivion as you've asked. Now...show yourself...both of you!''
  2. [COLOR=Blue]PLANET PLUTO[/COLOR] ***three days ago A couple miles underneathe the surface of New Pluto, in a triple max security prison complex...an inmate was being prepared for transport... Standing outside of cell number 217, 8 guards in thick parkas and thermal helmets stood outside with automatic machine guns...waiting for the cell door to open. Despite the internal heating system of the complex and its prisoners...the atmosphere still was a cold, harsh environment to live in. ''Richard B. Bane, you have been assigned to the jusidiction of the ISSP corportation, effective immidiately for reasons that are held in confidentiality till arrival to Little Tokyo at pier 243...do you accept these terms?'' said the warden over the load speaker; standing in the control room above all the other cells. No answer... ''Persue to transport the prisoner Captain Harding...'' Immidiately the cell door was unlocked with a load *clank*, easily slipping out of place. As the men moved into the icy prison...in the far corner sat a muscular looking man with only a black wife beater, blants pants and boots as his attire. His skin was that of the color purple from the cold...he was blindfolded, sitting on a chair which was basically a block of ice; hands chained together in front of him, as well as his ankels. Slowly...with weapons drawn, the guards surrounded him as the Captain walked in; however keeping quite a distance away from him. ''Lets go Richard...time to leave.'' as the Captain removed his blindfold. Richards eyes were dark, that of the color purple. [COLOR=Purple]I told you I'd get outta here Harding...[/COLOR] Rising from his chair, Richard moved slowly out of the holding cell; and beginning his long mile hike up the spiral staircase assending up towards the loading dock. All the way up...the other inmates were cheering his name, clapping their metal cups up against the metal bars. The noise could be heard throughout the entire complex. Throughout the entire way up...the guards constantly kept Richard surrounded, weapons drawn...as they got to the top; Richard tripped over his chains and fell to the ground. ''Come on baldy...get up...'' said one of the guards as he attempted to lift Richard up. With a quick burst of energy from his thighs, Richard knocked the guards into the air with his shoulder and sent him flying over the railing...falling which seemed like forever to the bottom of the cavern. The guards cocked their guns in discust...pointing them right at Richard, but they had their orders...they weren't to hurt him; something Bane didn't know...thank God. With a quick up and down motion with his shoudlers...[COLOR=Purple]Oh well[/COLOR] *** 3 days later *** ''Warden.'' said the pilot...''we're approaching the Harbor now...pier 243.'' ''Excellent...the sooner we get rid of this monster...the better.'' The transporter carrier was a medium size...easily parking up beside pier 243. Carmen was standing near the loading bay outside still smoking a cigarette as the carrier docked. The wind from the ship blew her hair all across her face which annoyed her greatly. As the cargo bay doors opened from the ship...only 5 guards now came out of the ship...still surrounding Richard as he left the ship with the Warden not too far behind. Abrams saw them immidiately, preparing himself to greet the visitors as a group of soldiers followed him. When the Warden and the Lieutenant converged, they coincidently stopped right in front of Carmen. ''Hello, I'm Lieutenant Abrams, I apologize that Captain Emerson couldn't be here personally for your arrival; but something else came to his attention, so I am here in his stead...welcome to Little Tokyo.'' ''Um...sir...'' said one of Abrams men...''are you sure this is the guy'' as he took a look at Richard...''I mean...who is this guy?'' ''This is Richard Bane...convicted thief and murderer; escaped convict of 2 triple max penitenturies. He has already killed 3 of my men on this little trip.'' said the Warden. Carmen raised an eyebrow upon hearing the information. As the Lieutenant and Warden talked over the legal paperwork and whatnot...Carmen continued to smoke on her cigaretee till she looked at Richard; standing there inbetween 5 guards with automatic weapons. As he stood there though...he seemed to be smelling something. Turning his head slightly to catch the sent...he suddenlty looked up at Carmen staring at him...and gave a look back with those purple eyes of his. ''Take him away gentlemen...thank you very much for your co-operation warden.'' ''Your welcome...'' the guards and the warden walked away, departing in their carrier as the soldier took Richard away down into the Bebop. Walking through the hallways, Jakop was still checking out the ship when he saw Richard and a whole fleet of soldier surrounding him with Abrams walking in back of him. [I]Who the hell is that[/I] Jakob thought to himself. Finally the group stopped in front of a holdling cell...and strapped Richards arms far apart...letting him hanging from the ceiling. ''Now...wait here till Captain Emerson gets here...he'll explain to you why you're here. Till then...I'll be up on the deck awaiting our other guests. Or...I'll be back later...to tell you of our agreement.'' with that...Abrams was out the door...which was now being guarded by 2 soldiers on either side. ''Oh...before I forget...I'll be registering you for the Hammerhead outside for you Richard. A little space craft for ya...a gift from us at the ISSP to you.'' and then he was gone. OCC: Sorry if that was too long...but it got r' done:)
  3. ''Now Joseph...I want you to come straight home after school...ok; please.'' his grandma complaining as he got out of the car for school. ''I know grandma...I remember...no playing outside after school today. But grandma...I love the snow.'' ''Remember what happened the other day when you decided to go exploring Joseph...snowboarding down that hill wasn't the brightest of ideas...you almost damn hurt yourself.'' ''I know grandma...dont worry, I'll be right home after school ok. I promise...I love you grandma.'' as Joseph reached over to the drivers side and hugged his grandma. ''I love you too sweety; and fix your hair before you go to class...its all poofy and messy because of your hoody.'' Joseph got out of the car and waved to his grandma as she left the parking lot of the high school. He was wearing his usual dark brown jacket with a black hoody and white/baish pants and boots. His red hair was all over the place as he pulled his hoody down. He didn't care though...with the snow falling into it...it looked like his hair was shiny from the suns reflection of light. A group of 5 kids walked up to Joseph as he entered the school. Like every morning...a group of his friends would stand in a circle converging with one another...talking about the ''drama'' going on at school. ''Yo Joseph.'' said a boy named Jack...''nice look'' ''Thanks man'' as he gave him a high five...''I was thinking of going a different direction today'' as he pointed to all the different directions that his hair was pointing. *** First Break... *** ''Hey guys...I'll see you all later aight.'' as Joseph walked away from another group of friends as he spotted Dyna, Shinji and Sakura sitting on a table in the far left corner of the library. Taking a seat beside Sakura...he put down his bookbag, took off his jacket..placing it on the chair and sat down. ''Whats up guys?''
  4. Zoku walked out of Sole's hotel room very pleased...his plan had succeeded. Sole definitly looked interested in the idea of joining him. He wouldn't have to serve Kuroichi directly, but through Zoku. Sole's dark side certainly showed that night..especially with the dark moonstone calling for him. Zoku finally stopped walking away from the hotel, going deeper and deeper into the city until he came to a large bar. As he got it...there was exotic dancing on the stage, with other couples dancing on the dance floor as the music blared. Strob lights were flickering all over the room as Zoku found himself a chair and ordered himself a beer. From his jacket he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter and lite it up. As he smoked...with a beer coming his way...he dwelled on the nights events. Through the time Zoku has had the Dark Moonstone, he's learned to manipulate the evil within any individual...as well as enhancing his own demonic side through it. And with the Opal of Thirst...the most primative side of any vampire...no matter how strong the individual was, they couldn't ignore there thirst for blood. With these two Gems...he could play with any vampires mind. Zoku was quite fond of Sole...not only for his youth...but his potential, the very reason he gave him the Gems. He could sense the evil within him growing as they spoke with one another...he most certainly would become a valued asset to Zoku. But Sumiyaka was going to complicate things...it was only a matter of time till he found out that Sumiyaka has been having ''relations'' with Kuroichi...it was he who turned her into who she was now. [I]Now...because of that...will he choose to kill Kuroichi for that; ruining my plans...or will he become vengeful against Sumiyaka's betrayal and come to Zoku's side. [/I] He didn't know...but something else intreged him. As he left Sole's hotel room...he saw the moon was a deep red. [I]Finally...the war has begun. [/I] As he strolled the streets, he could smell all of the fallen's blood being spilt that night...and even that of Abaddon and the man called Zuriel could be sensed in the air. Looking at all the other pathetic humans dancing to this music...he thought to himself... [I]Certainly...whomever wins this battle...will turn this war into a different direction. [/I] [I]I think I should go congradulate the winner...but that wouldn't be wise. I might as well relax till tomorrow night comes with my meeting with Kuroichi. [/I] As Zoku began to relax...a gothic looking girl walked by him giving him a ''look.'' She was quite attractive...a slim, firm body with black hair and make-up underneathe her eyes. She tried to have a tough appearance...but he could see right to her soul; he knew better...this wasn't whom she was. A lost tormented being...searching for her soul. As the young lady left towards the bathroom...Zoku followed her...putting out his cigarette, he went back to the bathrooms with her. She looked behind her and motioned him to follow. When they got to the womans bathroom...the girl and Zoku were upon each other in moments. Locking the door behind them, the girl took off her panties through her shirt, kicking off her shoes and spreaded herself to him. Zoku took great desire in this and gave her her wish as she screamed from the pleasure. ''I know what you are........uh.....your one of them......those vampires they talked about on the news.'' she grabbed Zoku hair as it intensified. ''PLease...make me one of you...I don't want to feel so empty and alone anymore.'' Zoku didn't say anything...but he did finish what he started. When they were finally done...as she was putting back on her shoes. ''Do you know what you are asking my dear girl...you will die...a being with no soul...wandering the world as a killer.'' ''I'm already dead to the world my Lord...please...take me...'' Zoku was now standing right in front of the young girl...staring down at her. ''So be it...'' Forcefully he lifted her up into the air with his left hand...exposing the left side of her neck with his thumb upon her throat. Blood spattered all over the bathroom walls as he drank...her blood was sweet...obviously from the drugs she had been taking. It was quite a treat to his lips. That night...he turned her...and left her in the bathroom...shivering as her body died. When she finally awoke...she was a new being. The hair was now long and straight, her facial complextion was perfect...she was quite a sight to take in. Her eyes were black with a ring of red surrounding her pupil. ''Look at yourself girl...'' as Zoku stood behind her as she looked into the mirror, seeing nothing. ''Your wish has been granted...all who wish to become a vampire will be granted as such. But I have a request of you...before the next moon sets upon this place...I want you on a boat to Japan. From there...you will meet those like you.'' ''Those like me?...vampires?'' ''Even better my child...they will have your mark...you have a red ring in your eye. That is my mark...the mark of one of my children. They will find you...and you will be welcomed with open arms. Do you understand?'' ''Yes...thank you so much Lord Zoku...'' as she embraced him in a hug. ''From this day forth...your name will be Shiva...now go...quickly.'' Without hesitation...the girl ran out of the club and headed for the harbor. Zoku walked back out to the party in the bar and lite another cigarette...his face emotionless as the music continued to play.
  5. ''You look wonderful...'' Ajack whispered into Lyu's ear as he came up behind her...giving her a hug. Lyu wrapped her arms around his...feeling his warmth against her. She looked so lovely...with her Japanese dress and make-up...with her black hair all done nicely, she looked...exotic. No words could describe how happy he was. He just hoped she felt the same way. ''Did you get a chance to hear me sing?'' ''Yes I did...thank you.'' turning around she gave him a kiss. ''Shall we dance then my sweet...'' as Ajack took her hand and bowed...kissing her on top of her hand in a gentlemen like gesture. ''Of course my brave knight.'' she was smiling brightly as she pulled him into the crowd to dance.
  6. (Blayze...if were going by the power of elements...Lightning cannot hurt water...it actually contains the electricity within its molecules leaving it unharmed. Anything else within that water is killed. So...if I hit you with water...your made of pure electricity right...well...you get the picture, but thats beside the point:) Just playing around) Jun was right...they needed a way to find Sam...and fast. Lyon started to get a little upset...first Isabelles death, Zack then betraying the team, and now Sam being takin hostage in their place. His eye started to twitch...trying to contain the anger building within him. Being away from the manor was breaking his years of meditation...those things didn't matter in the real world, only in a fantasy world...a dream. ''Now!'' yelled Lyon as he grabbed Zack from his collar and lifted him into the air...ramming him into the wall. ''Lyon...what are you?'' ''Shut up...I don't know what the hell you are doing Zack...whether your a demon or not at this moment. All I want to know is where they have taken Sam...and don't tell me you don't know or I'll hand you over to Jun.'' Jun got the message...and drew his weapon...holding it inches away from Zacks neck as it burst into flame. ''Should I gut him first...or make it quick Lyon.'' Jun asked sadistily...trying to scare Zack into submission. ''That demon inside you knows where Kelthor is hiding...he's been working for him the entire time. So he must know...come now Zack...if you really do have control of your demon within you...then tell us. How do we know that you wont betray us again.'' ''You have to believe me Lyon...I did it in the best interests of the team to kill the enemy.'' ''AND YOUR FAILED!...how dare you endanger the lives of your teamates without telling us of your plan. And because of you...Kelthor has escaped...taking Sam with him doing who knows what.'' ''Tell us now Zack...or you'll be finding yourself without a head.'' as Jun slowly brought the flaming blade closer to his face. ''ALRIGHT!...I'll tell you where...I can...I can create a portal to his castle with my dark energy.'' ''Then do it.'' Lyon pressing Zack harder into the chest. Stretching forth his arm...Zack created a massive portal at the center of the room. From the edges of the dark void....electric bolts of energy shot out from it...trying to stabalize itself. ''Thank you demon...now you must leave.'' ''What...?'' ''Now!'' Decending from the stone ceiling above their heads...a small opening emerged exposing the dark sky as a bright light of lightning came down upon Zack...Jun backed away...but Lyon stood firm...holding Zack still, absorbing the lightning into his body. ''Nooooooo...'' cried the demon as it came forth from Zack's body into its true form. Zack collapsed onto the ground from the exchange as the demon looked towards Lyon. ''How did you do that?'' ''Easy...Zack's angel was able to tear you out with a bolt of pure, good energy. And you can't survive such an attack from your other...so you were forced to come out of Zack. Even if he had control of you for a time...we don't want the likes of you dwelling within our friend.'' ''Curse you...'' ''Whatever...now run...you can't take on all 3 of us at once.'' And with that...the demon vanished into the darkness. ''I thought you didn't know where Zack's angel was?'' asked Jun as the two of them helped Zack too his feet. ''I didn't know...till Zack zapped me with his electrical charge to wake me up. I knew through his thoughts that the angel never left Zack for a very long time...so i could only assume that it was near by.'' ''Why...why did you do that Zack? I was more powerful than ever with my demon at my control...'' ''No...you weren't...you thought you were...but do you really want to rely upon the powers of evil to defeat this enemy. Come now...we must find Sam...'' All three men walked up to the vortex...looking into the darkness...a realm that they did not know of.
  7. Alright...looks good so far. The rpg will be starting this weekend; so everyone get ready. I'm also going to leave open for anyone else who wants to join as this progresses; you never know who will die (a.k.a leave the rpg:)) So please...get anyone else that you know of to join... [I]Let the darkness come...[/I]
  8. (well Blayze...if you get Sephiroth...then I get his counterpart, silver haired main man Kuja:)) Name: Alexander Age: 4057 Race: Higher Demon Gender: Male Appearance: Attachment below (one with white hair...ignore dude with tail:)) Alexander is only 5'6''...but his size clearly covers his true form... Personality: Alexander is as vile and sadistic as his master Azrael. Despite his calm and soothing facial looks, he is a pure blooded killer. Any angel who tries to stand in his and his masters plans come to perish. Leading the armies of vampires till his masters arrive to this plain, Alexander is loyal and devoted to the darkness; listening to the whispers of his master as he carries out his orders upon the human race as well as against the powerful fallen angels protecting this realm of earth. Bio: Alexander was born only a few years before Azrael was...gradually over time...Alexander was appointed Guardian of the walls of all the dimensions. When Azrael took the throne of Arcanus, Alexander killed all the Guardians in which he served under. For years...Alexander had been meeting with Azrael, planning for this day to come. However, Azraels and Alexanders plans were foiled when Lazarus and ''The Dragon'' caste Azrael into the depths of Hell to which he cannot escape from. As Azrael creates more and more undead souls...Alexander is the one to put them to use within the bodies of a human. He is Azrael's messanger to this plain...the force which keeps letting more and more vampires into this realm. Alex has hidden for hundreds of years on earth, waiting for his master to come back. Now that time has come... Weapon: A massive broadsword named Oblivion which is twice his size. Powers: Alexander has the ability to manipulate dark energies within and through his body into powerful energy blasts and barriers; as well as creating new vampires to serve under him. Alex is also a great manipulator...keening in on any dark thought or desire by any human or fallen angel in order to turn them. Transformation- *attachment below, red hair*...this is his true demoic form which clearly looks a lot like Azrael himself. His power increases, calling upon the powers of HELL, as well as the strength of his hoard of vampires.
  9. ''Lyu...where are you?'' Ajack thought as he put played another song for the soldiers and pilots to dance too. ''I think, This Love...by Maroon 5 will be a good choice...'' as he looked up from the stereo system, seenig Sayne and Sora dancing with one another. He was really happy for the two of them...especially Sayne...finally, as Ajack had hoped; he had found his peace. He wanted to dance with Lyu so badly...they really hadn't had a romantic moment with one another for a while...before the battle, everthing was moving so fast between the two of them. Afterwards, Ajack was by her side the entire 3 days she was in the hospital wing. He wanted to have this night the happiest of her life. [I]I was so high I did not recognize The fire burning in her eyes The chaos that controlled my mind Whispered goodbye and she got on a plane Never to return again But always in my heart This love has taken its toll on me She said Goodbye too many times before And her heart is breaking in front of me I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore I tried my best to feed her appetite Keep her coming every night So hard to keep her satisfied Kept playing love like it was just a game Pretending to feel the same Then turn around and leave again This love has taken its toll on me She said Goodbye too many times before And her heart is breaking in front of me I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore I'll fix these broken things Repair your broken wings And make sure everything's alright My pressure on your hips Sinking my fingertips Into every inch of you Cause I know that's what you want me to do This love has taken its toll on me She said Goodbye too many times before And her heart is breaking in front of me I have no choice cause I won't say goodbye anymore[/I] The song was perfect.... It was a nice paced song...so people were really starting to get into it. Even Sayne seemed to be enjoying himself...rocking away with Sora. Ajack was dancing away himself next to the stereo...breaking dancing to his hearts desire. Thinking of Lyu...his heart flew...his spirit felt so free...he didn't care if he was dancing alone...he imagined that Lyu was there with him. As the song came to a close...Ajack had an idea. He couldn't contain his feelings anymore...so he picked up a microphone and walked up upon stage. ''Goodevening everyone...I'm Ajack...Dj for tonights ball. Something that wouldn't have been possible without our own Sora Avian ladies and gentle...lets us all give her a round of applause for her dedication as not only a fighter...but as a true friend to us all.'' Everyone turned to Sayne and Sora and clapped for them for a good amount of time. Sayne looked up at Ajack with an annoyed and embarrased look on his face...but Ajack could see deep in his eyes...that he was happy. ''I would also like to dedicate this next song...which will be sung by none of than mua...to all you ladies out there. *applauds* There are plenty of bachelors and bachelorettes out there on the dance floor waiting for a partner...so please...seek them out. There is Keiji over there in the corner there...hey Keiji. And Ms. Elizabeth in the chair overthere near the bar. Darrius, Vick, Sakura, and all my other co-pilots are here as well. So all you ladies and gents out there...show them a good time:)'' ''This song is also dedicated to another special girl out there...however, she's not here right now...but I'm gonna sing you this song anyway. Its titled Everything I Do, I Do It For You, by Bryan Adams.'' All over the dance floor, women and men in their gowns and suits were getting together for the dance. Taking a deep breathe...as the music began to play. Ajack looked quite handsome in his all black suit, tie, shirt and shoes. His blonde hair was neatly hanging over his shoulders, not being in a ponytail as it shined in the spotlight of the stage. [I]This is for you Lyu...[/I] [I]''Look into my eyes - you will see What you mean to me Search your heart - search your soul And when you find me there you'll search no more Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for You can't tell me it's not worth dyin' for You know it's true Everything I do - I do it for you Look into my heart - you will find There's nothin' there to hide Take me as I am - take my life I would give it all I would sacrifice Don't tell me it's not worth fightin' for I can't help it there's nothin' I want more Ya know it's true Everything I do - I do it for you''[/I] Ajacks voice was fantastic...it truly harnessed the true feelings of the song. The words were spoken with intensity and fire, as if it were Adams himself singing before them. His eyes were tearing up...and his face was sweating...but he didn't care. He needed to get out of him heart everything that had been building up to that point. [I]...''There's no love - like your love And no other - could give more love There's nowhere - unless you're there All the time - all the way Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' for I can't help it there's nothin' I want more I would fight for you - I'd lie for you Walk the wire for you - Ya I'd die for you Ya know it's true Everything I do - I do it for you...........[/I]
  10. ''And who might this young warrior be; an apprentice?'' Zoku asked...outstretching a hand to shake... Jinsei was caught off guard...the vampire standing before him was massive, tall and muscular...he looked like he could break him and Sole in two. ''My...name...is Jinsei.'' he finally proclaimed as he shook Zoku's hand. Zoku's grip tightened as his burning red eyes glared at the young man...turning his head away toward Sole...Zoku let go of Jinsei's hand, throbbing with pain. ''Strong lad you have here Sole...I sense that you've given him the Skull Sapphire...may I ask why?'' Zoku seemed angry as he took a seat on one of the couches, placing Oblivion to his side. Sole was sitting on his bed while Jinsei was leaning up against the door connecting the two rooms...rubbing his hand. [COLOR=DarkRed]I felt it necessary to give it to him. He has proven himself time and time again in his service to me...and I felt that I could take no more than I already had from the Sapphire.[/COLOR] Zoku didn't respond...he just gazed at Sole again with those red eyes of his...it felt like his very soul was being drained from within him. ''Should I leave now Sole...I don't want to intrude.'' ''No no...you must stay, now. With possession of the Skull Sapphire, you are now part of this little game.'' Zoku obviously was drawing in the boy deeper into the matter...showing Sole how foolish his decision was, placing the lad in more danger than he needed to be in. ''So please...stay a moment while me and Sole speak.'' ''As you wish...'' Jinsei now was really scared of this man. His entire being seemed to be that of evil...through his voice, vibe; and those eyes...Jinsei quietly obeyed and sat down in a chair in the corner of Sole's room. There was a long pause till Sole finally said something. [COLOR=DarkRed]I wish to be so bold to ask you Zoku...why are you here in Austrailia?[/COLOR] ''The same reason you are...to see this war through to the end. I wish to kill all that stands in the way of this new order that comes upon us all. Kuroichi grows stronger everyday...and all the armies of our clans are gathering.'' [COLOR=DarkRed]So what clan do you serve?[/COLOR] ''I bow to no one Sole...do not forget that. However I do fight for Kuroichi and the Krilat Zmaj; I trust Kuroichi and his intentions...he's the only one with the nerve to lead our people.'' Sole couldn't believe what he was hearing...only 2 months ago did he first meet Zoku, a kind-loving spirit who he took in as a friend. A human who gave him the two Gems of power...the power to help reunite the clans. [COLOR=DarkRed]You've changed Zoku...[/COLOR] ''Not as much as you may think Sole...I know what your thinking. You remember me giving you those Gems to help you lead the Gwyar, to reunite the clans. My wish still has not changed, however...in order for unison between us all...there unfortunately will be death; kings and empires must fall.'' [COLOR=DarkRed]I mean with you Zoku...look at you. [/COLOR] ''I could say the same for you...I know what stirs within you. Don't think that I cannot sense the darkness within you growing; like a wild flame to a dying forest. You seek death...your seek revenge...you seek...her...'' [I][COLOR=DarkRed]Beth...[/COLOR][/I] ''Yes...'' Zoku raised himself from his seat and walked over to the window...looking out at the rain. ''She is here as well...speaking with Lord Kuroichi as we speak. I'm sorry but, you may be dissapointed when you find her...I sense she is not the same girl we once knew back in Draculas castle those months ago.'' [COLOR=DarkRed]What happened that night Zoku?...you just...dissapeared.[/COLOR] ''I cried out that night Sole...and no one came to my aid...but Lord David of the Grysham came to me...threatened to kill me for my love for Keitha. So...I left...realizing that I would never be at peace with myself why'll this curse haunted me so.'' ...Jinsei was amazed, not by simply the story...but how it was being told. This vampire sensed to be pure evil...you could feel its insensity through your veins. Just looking at him made your blood boil... but for such a dark force...he was quite intelegent and calm; in complete control of his movements and actions. You would think evil would be uncontrolable and irrational...but Zoku wasn't... ''I've spilt blood Sole...more than you realize...I've killed Caine, my creator; our father...'' [COLOR=DarkRed]No...it can't be...[/COLOR] ''I've killed Lord David of the Grysham for his imputance towards me.'' [COLOR=DarkRed]Please...tell me this isn't true Zoku. [/COLOR] ''Oh I've killed...and I don't plan on stopping now. The darkness craves it...'' Surprisingly...Sole didn't notice at first till Zoku mentioned the darkness...what was that red stone hanging from his neck? [COLOR=DarkRed]What is that Gem around your neck Zoku?[/COLOR] ''Its what keeps my thrist in check my dear Sole...the Opal of Thirst...the 8th and final Gem.'' [COLOR=DarkRed]But I was led to believe that there were only 7...[/COLOR] ''We all were...till I drank Caine's blood...and learned of his secrets. Oh the secrets he kept from all you Gwyar. Did you know...that Caine was actually killed by Abel first...but Lucifer gave him wings and created within him an undead soul...thus, the creation of vampires. And the only way he could suppress his hunger so that he didn't eliminate the entire human race; was to create a Gem for himself.'' Both Sole and Jinsei were shocked...this vampire now contained the secrets of their once great leader Caine. ''You all were going to take him down anyway soon...I just made the job a little bit easier for you. Do not fret...it was his due time to die anyway. You know this Sole...you knew that a new leadership was needed within the Gwyar. That is my purpose...to whip away the old so that a new age can be born. And Kuroichi is the key...don't you see...I need you. With you...we will help win this war for Kuroichi...and be held in high favor with him.'' ''Who else will do it...the Grysham...they are nothing but spies and shadows...hiding instead of acting. The Fallen; they are the most powerful of us...they will do anything to stop Kuroichi's advancements...and they are divided as it is among their leaders. Believe me...the Gwyar...the most ancient of us must take a stand.'' ''So what is it going to be my friend...you and Kuroichi are the only ones whom I trust and respect. If you were any other I would kill you here and now...'' ''Beth has left you alone, leaving you to endure the torment within you. The death diamond is a part of you...as the moonstone is dwelling within me....unleashing the demon within me, to my full potential. Why are you here...are you here to fight Kuroichi...to fight for your people...or are you simply here for her. This is why I gave you the Gems...because I knew I could trust in your judgement.'' ''I will be meeting with Kuroichi tomorrow night, not as an enemy; but as a brother of the Krilat Zmaj. We have much to discuss...Kuroichi and I. I would like to add your name as an ally to us....where we go from here this night...is up too you. Do not deny what is within you Sole...I see it...you see it. Embrace it...you know what truly needs to be done.'' ''Choices choices choices...'' Zoku repeated as he again took his seat and awaited Sole's answer. OCC: Oh boy...that was a lot of writing...hopefully that was good and dandy for all of you. Sole...have fun...ooo...the manipulation of the dark side:) hehe...fun fun.
  11. Still holding Lyu's hand with his right hand...Ajack glided the back of his left hand across Lyu's cheek as she lay back down. ''Don't worry...I've taken care of everything...Desh is going to be fine. Please...don't move...you took quite a hit to the noggin back there:).'' ''Your right....thank you Ajack.'' Lyu could muster only a slight smile from her lack of strength. ''Of course...'' he squeezed Lyu's hand tight to reasure her of how he felt for her. Lyu's eyes were weighed down...after a few blinks...she was out like a light once again. [I]Sweet dreams my love...I'll be right here by your side when you awake.[/I] Ajack took his seat beside the bed yet again...and rested his head.
  12. Father Eugene Colville and the unknown priest had gone back to the Ukrainian Catholic Parish of St Andrew in Sydney for the night. Eugene had gone to bed for the night...as the other stayed up for a moment of prayer and meditation. [I]My Father in heaven...again we strike a victory in your name against the darkness of this world. Our precious gift, Eugene Colville has become a poweful weapon for the Vatican. [/I] [I]Forgive me Father...for I am full of doubt. My ability to control Colville is weakening; I fear my hold over the demon within him slipping away. I cast my burdens upon you Lord; give me the strength to persever in my service for you and the church. [/I] [I]Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, forgive us of our sin, as we forgive those who've sined against us...and lead us not into temptation...[/I] ''But deliver us from evil....'' the voice could be heard up in the gallows of the ancient church. The priest was startled... ''Who's there?'' ''...for thyn is the kindgom, and the power, and glory forever...'' ''I said, who's there?!'' ''...Amen.......now now my dear Man...you wouldn't want to wake your precious gift now would you.'' ''Good Morning, Paladin...'' ''Ah ah ah...'' the figure appeared out of nowhere behind the priest and gripped him with his hand...exposing a claw underneath the priest neck. ''I have business with you first before you call Eugene in. Now will you behave...?'' The old priest nodded his head in agreement...as he knew he was outwitted, valuing his life. The creature released him...and the priest turned around look at his attacker. The creature was in a black trench coat with a hood covering its face. ''Your a vampire...aren't you?'' ''Maybe...*with a slight chuckle*...whats more important is why I'm here...I've just come to check on my little prodigy.'' ''Your prodigy???'' ''Well....not necessarily my prodigy...I have great plans for the man thats all. You Vatican Cloaks...believing you can control which you do not truly understand. I understand that boy better than anyone.'' ''Wait...'' the priest was in a state of panic...he thought he knew who this creature was...but he couldn't believe it. ''Zoku...?'' ''See, I knew that you were a smart one.'' Zoku pulled down his hood as black hair came down over his shoulders...his red eyes burning in the shadows of the church. ''My God...what has happened to you my son?'' ''Rev. Joseph Armain...I told you a long time ago...no demon is ment to be caged. One of these days, Eugene is going to turn on you.'' ''Thats obsurd!...Eugene would never betray his faith. I can't expect a creature like you to believe in God.'' Zoku turned away from the Reverand...and looked up at the crucifix Christ that stood before him. ''You got it all wrong holy man...I most certainly do believe in God.'' And swiftly with the slash of his katana...Zoku desicrated the statue, decapitating it. ''...And I absolutely hate the fuck.'' ''Whats happened to you my child...where is the human who did miracles; where is the man I knew whom I called friend?'' ''Your right...I was once one of you...till I learned how corrupt your church had become. I was a mere puppet for that year of service...never again.'' ''Good Morning, Paladin Colville.'' Within moments Eugene leaped from one of the balcony's and stabbed Zoku through the chest with a silver stake. As he came to the ground...Eugene drew his two Desert Eagle Pistols and unloaded at the Vampire. Blood spattered everywhere...but despite as many rounds Eugene unleashed upon Zoku...he never left his ground. He just stood there with his head down. ''Those bullets are made of pure silver Vampire!...be gone.'' said Eugene as he motioned his hand, creating the Vatican crusifix across his chest. hhahahhahahahaha....AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!...Zoku's laughs were echoing throughout the entire chapel. With blood gushing from his wound from the stake...he slowly pulled it out...an inch at a time. Rev. Joseph was in shock as the creature still stood standing. ''This cannot be...'' Finally taking the stake out...and throwing it to the aside...Zoku's wounds began to heal before their eyes, the bullets coming right out of their entry points. ''It's futil to fight against me Eugene...look into your heart...you can feel the darkness within you growing...let me help you. The darkness calls for you...the moostone requires you to obey.'' ''Whatever Vampire...your existance ends now.'' Eugene lunged at Zoku with a blade drawn. Stretching his left arm across his body...Eugene was inches away when Zoku swung at him, connecting with his jaw; sending him flying into a pillar to his left; leaving the human unconcious. ''Eugene...my poor boy...leave him alone you monster!'' ''You have no authority here fool...there is no more meaning for the lives of men upon this earth. The old will die...and the new will be lifted up. This mans time will come...when he will come seek out the darkness...and I will give him what he desires most. God knows...I know of his tormented soul.'' Reverand Joseph felt so lost...as if God had forsaken him. Collapsing onto his knees, he lifted his eyes up to the heavens and cried out the name of God. Zoku walked up beside the Rev. and knelt down on one knee so that he could whisper into his ear. ''You're lucky my thurst is quinched this night...but mark my words. No demon is ment to be caged...sooner or later...you will die if you do not set him loss. You control something that you don't understand.'' And with that...the vampire was gone...dissapearing into the darkness...leaving the Rev. desolate and alone. [I]Finally...things are now set. Now for only two more pieces to be moved...don't keep me waiting Kuroichi for too long...war is upon us. I will bring blood to these streets...with...or without you.[/I]
  13. Alright...I think I get what you mean by ''The World'' and all. Still confused bout exactly what race I would be being a white mage but:)...thats ok...ill figure it out. Question...with all the weapons that your wrote down above...as we progress further into the rpg...can we find more and more weapons giving us more abilities??? I'm just really excited about this:)...its like creating my character all over again:) take care...later
  14. ''Hey...that hurts me inside...'' Lyon said jokingly as he placed a hand on Jun's shoulder as he leaned, looking into the fountain. ''Sorry...I just got carried away for a little bit there.'' answered Jun...still looking into the fountain. ''It made you feel better though...yes?'' ''Yes.'' ''Good...good...we're gonna need that intensity.'' Lyon set down his staff and leaned on his elbows...resting himself on the fountains rock wall. ''hhhmmm...I can only imagine what your feeling right now Jun. With everything thats been going on...I'm in quite a position myself. With Zack, our supposid leader now departed from us for the moment...I feel a need to take charge.'' With a deep sigh...the water which Jun was beginning to boil suddenly jumped up at him...Jun moved his head out of the way as the water descended back into the fountain...it looked like it was in the form of a dolphin. Suddenly, a vast amount of little dolphins began to jump here and there throughout the entire pool. ''I'm not one to give out orders...or to lead. But I do feel that in order for this mission to prevail...we must stick together, to work with one another.'' ''Understood...'' ''I'm happy to hear that you have decided to stay with me Jun...I'm going to need your help. Your more important than you know.'' ''And how is that...'' ...hn...''Something that Sam can't quite grasp...I understand you better than you know Jun.'' ''Really....how is that?'' ''Well...I understand the fact that you have something different to offer to the group...as do all of us...I find you to be quite passionate.'' ''...what...'' ''Passion is a devotion to a certain set of standards. You...you feel yourself to be stronger alone...and nothing is wrong with that. The loner wanderer so to say...there is a certain honor in that...not just anyone could have the strength to live a like that. And with that passion...your manipulation of fire will become quite powerful.'' ''...hhhmmm'' ''We all have our own qualities...and Sam is just struggling with that with you...since she seems to be taken by you in a sense.'' ''She must be mad at me, isn't she...'' ''She'll get over it...she's one strong cookie...more than she gives off, I've seen it.'' They both looked out into the water for a moment...watching the dolphins continuing their little show. ''So how am I to find my angel Lyon.'' Jun finally asked... ''Just like how you found your demon...it will find you.'' ''After you do find it...meet me outside the temple so we can search for Zack...I know something that'll make you feel better...we'll hunt the temple for any residing demons within...which will hopefully lead us too Zack. Hopefully the demon inside him wont leave himself unguarded...leading us straight to him.'' And with that...Lyon picked up his staff and walked away...as he got farther and farther away...the activity in the fountain died down. ''See ya later Lyon.'' ''You too Jun...remember...meet us outside the temple once you find your angel. ***Moments later*** ''Hello Sam...training I see.'' Sam was out in the middle of nowhere away from the temple, training with her swords on the caverns stone floor. She stopped to greet him...her breath heaving in and out. ''Hi Lyon...'' ''How's it goin...'' ''Oh you know...the same old stuff.'' she continued to pick up her training as they both continued to speak. ''I can only imagine what that ment.'' ''God he makes me so mad...'' her blows into the air intensified. *with a laugh* ''Yes...I can see that...'' She stopped again...catching her breath. ''What can I do...the guys impossible.'' ''For starters...you wanna work on those powers of yours...?'' ''Sure...'' Setting down his staff again...Lyon walked up to Sam and asked her to set down her weapons. As she did so...Lyon attempted to kick her in the face. She sensed it immidiately...and blocked it with her forearm. ''Good...very good...you know how you did that?'' ''Reflexes...?'' ''Yes...but primarily instincts. You don't know how you did it...you just did it. Its the same thing with your powers. You don't know how your doing it...you just do it.'' ''Like how I destroyed those water elements attacking Jun?'' ''Correct...you didn't have any training, and yet you were able to do it...but why? Because finally you were able to open your mind to your powers...believing that you could do anything...and you simply did it.'' ''I understand...but I can't do it now...nothing comes to mind about how I actually did it.'' ''Don't doubt yourself...your strong...thats without a doubt...but you gotta embrace the fact that your spirit is not only your own.'' ''What...'' ''With all us elementals...our spirits are part of something else as a whole. For Jun...his spirit lies within the flames, mine is with the seas, Zack with the power of lightning, Isabelle's is within the winds...as yours is with the spirit of Gaia.'' ''Gaia?'' ''An ancient term used for the spirit of the earth. A living thing that dwells within the earth itself...also known as Gaia. Regulating all the processes that the earth must undergo...you understand?'' ''Yes...'' ''Now...because your spirit is one with Gaia...all you have to do is call upon her powers. Believing that she will protect you.'' ''Lets try this...I will come at you with all the strength within me with a vicious kick...I know you wont be able to block it with just yourself...so use Gaia.'' ''But...'' ''No buts...don't think you can...you know you can...here I come.'' As Lyon flew through the air...Sam raised her hands and created a rock barrier which protected herself from Lyons attack. ''Wow...'' ''Excellent...now...see that rock over there...stand on it.'' Sam did so...standing on top of a flat surfaced stone rock. ''Now fly.'' ''what?!'' ''Fly...you control Gaia now...her spirit is part of all of earth...from the simplest grain of sand...to that of the mountains. Now levitate it...you could move that of plants and rocks...now move this as a moving platform.'' It took her a while...but in the end...she was able to have flight and flew all across the open field of sand...eventually coming back to Lyon standing there with his arms crossed. ''See...we all are capable of tremendous feets...as well as bringing valuable variables to this group. Jun has his passions and strength, you have your love and compassion...as well as the real Zack and his leadership and knowledge.'' ''But...'' ''We all are different people Sam...and I hope you come to understand that with Jun...he is a valued member of this team...as are you. I hope you both will be able to reconcil with one another and get over your differences. This battle with Zack and his demon wont be easy.'' ''Ok.'' ''We need to find Zack's angel as soon as possible...I see you've found yours already. Continue training if you wish...please...meet me and Jun at the entrance of the temple in an hour or so, so that we can begin our search for Zack. We'll continue to work on your powers as this quest goes on.'' With that...Lyon walked away, picking up his staff...heading for the gates to the temple. [I]So...what do you bring to this group Lyon?[/I] OCC: *whips sweat from forehead* that was a lot of writting:)...I hope that was good for ya Blayze...hopefully that helped clear up coomplications and confusions and stuff:)...I tried.
  15. He had saved Lyu, Liz...and even Sora and Sayne... [I]Why do I feel so...weak? Is it my heart...[/I] Lying on his arms while sitting in a chair beside Lyu's bed in the ER. He hadn't left her side since getting back to the base shortly after everyone else had; nor had he let go of Lyu's hand. He had already made sure that Desh and Apollo were being cared for and repaired. The good doctor told him that Desh's wounds weren't fatal...that she was going to make a full recovery. But Liz and Lyu were uncertainties; Liz was still in critical condition...while Lyu lay here unconcious. Darrius and Sayne were in the emergency room as well...Sayne being the guy that he was; walked out head strong despite his injuries, but didn't see Ajack lying next to Lyu though through the curtains. Darrius was somewhere as well recovering from his wound on his arm. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ajack...are you...[/COLOR] [I]Please...leave me alone Apollo...I want to be alone...[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]As you wish...[/COLOR] Ajack turned his head to look at Lyu as he continued to lay on his arms upon her bed. He was tired...it had been a long day for him. He took a lot upon himself in the battle... ''I hope that everyone appreciated everything that I did today Lyu.'' He knew she couldn't hear him...but he had to try. It felt like his heart was dying along with her in this state... Caring so much for others...it weakens the heart to an extreme that only they can explain in their minds. To give yourself fully to another...''I would not only die for you...but I would live for you'' mentality. Out there on the battlefield...he saved countless lives. Not only his fellow pilots...but the citizens of that city. He fought with all his heart, mind and soul...and yet...he didn't feel satisfied nor proud. He was lossing the most important thing to him right now. The one thing his heart desired for himself...was at risk to be lost again. ''I can't do it again Lyu...do you hear me...I can't loss you. I don't know what I'll...'' Ajack felt sick to his stomach...he brought Lyu's hand closer to him and kissed her on top of her hand...wrapping it around with his other arm. ''Please don't leave me...'' His eyeslids were crusting over from his tears...all he could do now was to wait. Here and there...Ajack thought back to the Pegasus that attacked them...but quickly he eluded it in his mind. [I]I'll have plenty of time to think about that later...[/I] He looked back up at Lyu...oxygen tubes running through her nostrils...an IV running through her left arm. Her head was bandaged up as well as a bruised eye. The sight just brought Ajack to tears again...he couldn't stand to see his love lying here. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ajack...[/COLOR] No response... [COLOR=DarkOrange]My friend...my brother...if no one elses says so this day...always remember...you did well today out there...many people owe their lives to you. Never forget that...[/COLOR] Ajacks words were weak...trying to catch his breath from crying...speaking aloud. ''I know Apollo...but what if I wasn't able to save her...'' [COLOR=DarkOrange]She's a strong one Ajack...quite a girl you have there...trust that with your love, there right beside her...that she'll be able to pull through. [/COLOR] ''I can't loss her Apollo...I can't have this happen again.'' Apollo said nothing else...as Ajack laid his head back down...crying...but trying to get some rest...clutching her hand in his tighter. OCC: now you know how I felt not being part of this rpg early on SkillGannon:)
  16. Poseidon and Lyon were still in an intense battle. Both of them were so fast and skilled in their abilities...looked like neither one of them would become tired. Despite the failure of Lyon's efforts to hit Poseidon...at least he was making the demon work. [I]Physical blows are not the only way to defeat an enemy...[/I] he thought to himself. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Do you truly believe you can defeat me in that way Lyon...[/COLOR] ''No...but at least you won't be able to pass me and take down Jun.'' [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I'm sure my minions have already taken care of the job.[/COLOR] But Poseidon was mistaken...he could see both Jun and Sam coming out of the temple, running towards their position being chased by a hord of demons. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]What master...what is it your trying to tell me?...ah...I see...excellent.[/I][/COLOR] ''What is the meaning of these thoughts Demon...are you speaking with your master?'' [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Indeed my dear Lyon...things are working out better than expected. [/COLOR] Pushing Poseidon back with Lyon's staff...he turned around to see Jun running to him...he was crying out something...but he couldn't hear him. [I]Thank goodness Jun is safe, but what of Isabelle and Zack?[/I] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Now it is your turn fool![/COLOR] cried out Poseidon as he lunged towards Lyon...the demons body became like water...attemping to engulf Lyon whole. ''LYON!...that demons gonna try to fuse with you...get out of the way!'' cried Jun as he approached Lyon. The demon was moments away from getting to Lyon when a bright barrier surrounded him...blasting the demon far away from him as his body exploded like water upon the rocks. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Damn it....how did you...[/COLOR] With Lyon's back still facing the demon...the water angel Misty arose beside him, looking directly at the demon. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Its you...how dare you![/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]You will not hurt him...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Blast...demons...we leave...our efforts have proven fruitfull enough for one day.[/COLOR] All the demons around Jun, Sam and Lyon disappeared...leaving them alone in the cavern...there was a aqua blue aura surrounding Misty...obviously the barrier that protected Lyon that was lighting the entire cave. ''How did you do that Lyon?'' said Sam. [I]I told you to stay away from this place Misty...[/I] [COLOR=Blue]I could not let you have the same fate as Zack my love...[/COLOR] [I]Hm...thank you...[/I] [COLOR=Blue]Of course...[/COLOR] ''Lyon...how did you do that?'' Sam said again. ''Somethings happened to Zack...hasn't there?'' ''Yes...apparently he's fused with his demon.'' answered Jun. ''Are you ok Jun?'' ''Yes...I'm fine...Sam helped. And I scared away Sam's demon as well.'' ''Well done...but what of Zack and Isabelle?'' Sam began to cry, with her head in her palms. ''Isabelle is dead...there was nothing we could do...and Zack just walked away.'' Being the monk that he was...Lyon walked over to Sam and embraced her in a hug to try and comfort her. ''It's gonna be alright Sam...'' Lyon looked at Jun who wasn't showing much emotion over it. ''Our spirits live forever...she may be gone...but her spirit will always be with us. I'm sure we'll meet her again...someday.'' Lyon stepped away, Sam was staring to get a hold of herself...sniffling here and then. ''So what do we do now?'' said Jun...''you still haven't told us how you did that with your angel...'' ''Your right...its simple really...opposites attract each other...cancelling each other out. If me and Poseidon were to fuse...it would be so...but not complete...I would still need Misty to complete the transmortation.'' Both Jun and Sam looked at him confusingly...but seemed to get the general idea. ''Basically...if he were to fuse with Misty before me...the demon and angel would cancel each other's entities out...leaving me to die...as well as them. Poseidon couldn't accept that so it wasn't actually Misty that saved me, but Poseidons unwillingness not to die...understand.'' ''So...with Misty being in the way of Poseidons fusion...he stopped his attempts to bond with you causing that kind of reaction...'' Jun said in conclusion. ''Something like that yes...thats why it is imparitive that we find our own angels before the demons come back...they'll be able to protect us...who knows what else.'' ''And what about Zack?'' said Sam. Lyon walked up to Jun first...placing a hand on his shoulder. ''If you wish to leave...you may. But me and Sam need you now; Zack needs you. I can't do this without you.'' Before Jun could answer, Lyon walked up to Sam as well...bowing to her. ''And I would be honored for you to come with me as well...we will need your gifts as well...I may even be able to teach you if you will permit me.'' ''To come with you where...'' both Jun and Sam said. ''To hunt...for our angels...as well as for Zacks...his angel will be vital if we ever want to get the old Zack back. I have an idea...but we must find it...before he does.''
  17. Sounds awesome to me...I played Tactics myself so its good. I'm just curious bout me having the race as ''The World'' since I'm being a white mage; as well as Quenbryl being my totume...that would be greatly appreciated:); if im not remembering something from the game..please remind me...cause i dont recall anything bout ''The World'' as a race; the essence of Ivalice I remember from the game with my Totume. I can't wait for this to start...I have my character from the Game Boy stuck in my head that I had...please let us able to become Summoners as well:) take care...later
  18. (here he comes to save the day...again:)) ***Lyu? Lyu?...LYU! ***Transmission Lost*** [I]Oh My God....Apollo!...we gotta get to Lyu...NOW![/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Understood Ajack...Incoming fire from the rear.[/COLOR] He didn't care...Ajack was hell bent on getting to Lyu as soon as possible. Dodging lasers and missles from all directions, Ajack didn't bother going after any of the DinoMechs; just destroying those in his way. It was a matter of 5 minutes before Ajack got to Desh and Lyu. [I]Apollo...do the same thing you did last time with Elizabeth, protect us with your wings.[/I] Apollo did so...and again, Ajack jumped out of his cockpit and ran towards Desh. Desh immidiately knew who it was and lifted its head from the ground. [I]Desh...please...can you hear me? Can you understand me? We gotta get Lyu out of there...please...open your cockpit...please[/I] No respose... Desh obviously was just as protective of Lyu as Tiegre was for Liz. But Desh could sense the feelings that he had for Lyu...and they were the purest of intentions. Letting down her pride...Desh opened her cockpit for Ajack. [I]Thank you...I promise nothing will happen to her; and I will return her to your side. I'll take care of you as well with your repairs.[/I] Desh had massive internal damages; the mechs. entire mid-section was crushed...was amazing that even she survived. As Ajack jumped inside to get Lyu...he was destraught, on the verge of tears. She was unconcious...blood running down her face. ''LYU!'' Ajack unbuckled her as fast as he could...he was flipping out. [I]Not again...Not again...Not again...[/I] When he finally got her out of Desh...he lifted her into his arms and carried her back to Apollo. When he got Lyu as well as himself buckled into the seat...Ajack too a moment...he held her hand with his ring on it and leaned towards her ear in a whisper. ''lyu...I love you with all that I am...please...don't give up...don't let go...I wont leave you.'' He kissed her on the cheek as he whipped the blood away from her face. He let go of her hand...and grabbed the controls as the helmet came down over his face. [I]Open a transmission to all the pilots Apollo.[/I] ***Everyone...please...get out of the area. I repeat...everyone...please...get out of the area. We've lost too many pilots today in this...Deviryn and Sayne are down, Liz and Lyu are serverly injured. Please...get out of the there. ***Sora: Why...what are you doing? ***Ajack: Don't worry about me...get Sayne. That blast with that other Mech. has disabled him. Now you'll be saving his life *as Ajack let out a smile...tears in his eyes* ***Sora: Understood...EVERYONE, MOVE OUT! ***Transmission ended*** As the other pilots began their return to base...Ajack lifted Desh into his arms and flew to a mountside connecting with the side of the city...so that it wouldn't get in the way of the attack. Placing Desh gently down on the rock...Apollo looked out at all the remaining DinoMechs...now heading towards the city. [I]You know what must be done Apollo...[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I do...it will destroy the remaining fleets easily.[/COLOR] [I]Can you be repaired my friend?[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Of course...the damage is minimal...my wings can be replaced. [/COLOR] [I]Excellent...now...target all remaining enemy units. [/I] Before Ajacks eyes...hundreds of targets flew across his screen as the remaining units were being targeted. Outside...Apollo's wings were expanding...growing bigger; exposing all of this 4 massive wings; they looked like they overcasted the entire mountain. Ajack closed his eyes...and felt Lyu lying in his arms. ''Please...not again...'' With a deep breath yet again...Ajack flipped the switch on both of his hand controls and pushed the fire button... ''WELCOME TO OBLIVION!'' It looked like Apollo's wings blew up as hundreds of missles headed directly towards their targets. They were very powerful...completely destroying all the units on the field; carriers, raptors, T's, everything. The explosions completely whipped out everything. Leaving only what looked like a junk yard all over the desert surface outside the city. [I]Lets go home Apollo...[/I] Without his wings...Apollo lifted Desh onto his shoulders and leaped up and descended his way down the mountain as quickly as he could. Activating his speed boasters...he headed back towards Syon. [I]Apollo...can you go on autopilot for a while?[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Certainly[/COLOR] Letting go of the controls....Ajack held Lyu's hand once more...embracing her in his arms as he cried... OCC: I hope it was ok I ended the battle...looked like it was coming to a close anyway. If you wanna post to catch up...thats cool.
  19. *YES...GOTTA LOVE TACTICS...* -In The Real World- Name: Joseph Lockner Age: 17 Gender: male Appearance: Attachment below... Personality: Joseph is very energetic and passionate about everything that he does. Even over the littlest of things...he puts his whole heart into an activity. Because of that though...he can get a little out of control with his emotions; like being very protective of his friends, or speaking his mind. But is always a love soul neither the less. History: Joseph as been in living with his grandmother ever since his parents died in a car accident at the age of 10. Surprisingly, he has shown quite a resistance and strength towards the situation...he grieved for his loss for a long time. But at his age now...he is very comfortable about the whole thing. His grandmother has been a blessing to his life, always encouraging him to persue his dreams with all his heart, mind and soul...as well as standing firm upon his convictions. Ever since the accident...Jospeh was been constantly changing...refining himself to be better. To work on his weaknesses in life...and now at the age of 17, he seems like he's about to have another ''breakthrough'' out of his shell in his maturity (thus what will occur when his age jumps from 17 to 19 from the real world to Ivalice). -In Ivalice- Name: Joseph Age: 19 Appearance: Attachment below... Race: The World (that im confused about...I'll ask about it in Underground) Starting Job: White Mage Weapon: Spring Staff (I hope thats ok)
  20. Name: Richard Bane Age: 31 D.O.B: June 24th, 2068 Gender: Male Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian Eye Color: Light Purple Hair Color: Bald Height: 6'1" Location: New Pluto (triple max prison) Alternative Occupation: Escaped convict...murderer...thief Years of hunting experience: 0 Registered Weapons: Prefers the use of a shotgun and a 9mm automatic pistol with duel knives at his side. Training: Fighting, Tracker, High Intelligence. Registered Craft: None Do you have a past criminal record: Yes, currently an inmate at New Pluto. In fifty words or less, please describe what you have been doing for the past few years: For the past three years, Bane has been kept in a triple max prison underneath the icy heap of New Pluto. Now he is being released for his ''services'' to the ISSP; community service so to say:)
  21. Name: Kuja Lunar Age: 18 Gender: Male Apperance: Kuja stands at 5'10'', he has long black hair, with hazel blue eyes with small glasses. He typically wears a Black Beanie with white lightning surrounding its tips...he other attire is always random....but always wears his long black trench coat with him. Personality: Kuja, now being grown up...has gotten over his past quite well. But his passion to seek out ''evil'' still thrives within him...making him very effective in his work. Aside from that...he's a kind soul with a gentle voice and vibe. He's a natural born leader...but prefers to serve the needs of others...rather than to give orders, sometimes being quite at times. Bio: Even before Kuja was admitted to the School of the Dead, at the age of 4...he first experianced seeing a ghost. As he grew up...he became more and more fasinated by them...till one evening a ghost became violent and turned on his mother (his father left them when he was born). Even at young age...witnessing her death, he snapped...and the ghost was destroyed in his rage. Thats when he first discovered his power over the flame. He burned down his entire house...and it was all over the newspaper. Obviously...the school took quite an interest in the story and sought the boy out. Eventually...they were able to adopt him, having him stay at the school full-time. Area: Hunter: (Kuja can sense the presense of a ghost, or demon through their feelings. Using his own witchcraft of fire manipulation, he captures the enties for extraction) Knowledg: Because of his unique connection with the dead...his knowledge about their nature and instincts is quite intense and extensive. Weapon: A pair of glasses...which he uses to help control his power to create and manipulate fire. Crush: He loves everyone...as they love him back for the guy that he is. Just...no one really has taken that extra step to get involved with him.
  22. ''REVIEL YOURSELF DEMON!'' Lyon cried out, standing outside the temple walls. Certainly Zack had found Samantha by now...but he couldn't sense her powers being used at all. [I]She's still doubting herself......I should talk to her later.....maybe.....even to teach. I must make note of this...[/I] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]First Lyon...you should take note of what is before you.[/COLOR] As the voice died off...serveral water demons arose all around him from the rocks. ''Obviously you've been hiding among the rocks like a coward...Poseidon'' A puddle rose in front of Lyon...forming into a tall blue figure with a white beard and hair...weilding a golden tridant in his hand. ''So...the demon of the seas finally reviels himself. Where have you been...I've been looking all over for you.'' [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Preparing...but my minions aren't here for you. You'll be for last Lyon...my water demons...search out Jun and cleanse him; by any means necessary.[/COLOR] As quickly as they appeared...the water elements disappeared...heading towards the entrance to the temple. ''Tell me demon, why are you after Jun?'' [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]My master...wishes it. He feels that with my minions...he would be the quickest to take out.[/COLOR] ''But if you kill him...'' [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Nonsense...we merely wish to drain him of his powers...and to simply take him from your grasps.[/COLOR] ''I won't let you...come now Poseidon...we both are on equal playing fields. Neither of us can manipulate water within the Gaia's domain in this tunnel. Lets play...'' [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I would settle for nothing less. [/COLOR] The battle began immidiately; Lyons speed and agility with his staff was incredible. He had truly mastered his skills with the ancient weapon...however, Lyon could never hit Poseidon. His body was like water...every attack made upon him went right through him...causing no damage. But Lyon still fought hard. They were as equals, with the demon swinging and jabbing with his massive trident...Lyon blocking and countering; without their powers...there was no advantage. Lyon couldn't let Poseidon pass...for it would be Jun's doom if he did. And he would not allow that...he could only pray that his friends were holding up on their own against their demons. [I]Come on Samantha...snap out of it...we need your earthly powers. [/I]
  23. Damn...no one else is signing up. And I was getting excited about this as well:(...any ideas everyone...
  24. [I]Bah...I'm so bored. Kuroichi's lucky that I respect him so. [/I] said Zoku as he stretched himself with a yawn...looking down upon the city of Sydney from one of the tallest skyscapers. [COLOR=Sienna]My Lord will keep his promise...please...wait for him. [/COLOR] [I]Knowing him...he's probably out seducing another victim for himself...I wonder how his meeting with Keitha is going.[/I] [COLOR=Sienna]She is not the only he speaks to tonight...[/COLOR] [I]Oh really...who else honors his presence? [/I] [COLOR=Sienna]Another Grysham assassin by the name of Lana, known as the black widow...and Sumiyaka, former Gwyar follower. [/COLOR] [I]Beth...[/I] [I]How do you know these things Gaia...[/I] [COLOR=Sienna]There is nothing the wind speaks that doesn't pass through me. Everything in this world...is a part of me...as I am to them. Why do you think I can speak with you up so high...[/COLOR] [I]I see...now wouldn't your new Lord be upset with you speaking to me Gaia...[/I] [COLOR=Sienna]My Lord trusts my judgement...he seeks my councel...but I cannot forget your countless years of devotion to me. [/COLOR] [I]Acceptable...but pleaes leave me now...I must think.[/I] [COLOR=Sienna]As you wish...[/COLOR] [I]Kuroichi should be fine against those women...it may be his greatest weakness...but he's the best at controling himself in those situations. [/I] Pulling his katana from its leather sheath...he marveled at it, his craftsmanship, its length, stability, strength...power. It was quite a blade to look upon. [I]Oh the battles we've fought together Kuroichi; it would be an honor to fight by your side yet again, my brother. Remember the day we took control over all of Japan...or when our clan had finally conquered Hong Kong. Those were the good old days; we didn't have to bother with all of these politics.[/I] [I]I want blood...[/I] ''Fallen...'' From corner of his eye...he saw 3 fallen angels converging with one another in a local ally way; in clear view from Zoku's post up above. Swiftly gliding down the side of the skyscaper, using the poles and windows to jump from one to another in great leaps. He may not be able to move among shadows...nor levitate like others. But his agility made up for it...especially for his size. With no reason nor gilt nor warning...Zoku landed inbetween all three; slicing ones head off effortlessly. Constantly moving, Zoku swung vertically up into thee other's pubic area cutting him into two pieces up throught his skull. As the blades momentum came back down for another swinging...the angel drew his sword and attempted to block its upward movement. Instead though...Zoku pulled the blade back to avoid the block and lunged it straight through the fallens neck...brassing the angel upon the brick wall as it hung there. Zoku knew that the fallen angels blood was tainted...unpure...as like a disease, distaste to any ''other'' vampire. But the moonstone craved it...the darkness within every one of these Myrkur Aniol contained some form of evil within them...cast down by God himself. Without hesitation...Zoku claimed his price and clutched his fangs deep within the Aniol's flesh. Its blood was black...and thick...like running oil. Zoku pulled away before the last drop...gasping for breath. *deep breath* ''Excellent...'' [I]HHmmm...what is this that I see? Yet another clan leader...murdered. My goodness...good old Axosiel...someone did the work for me...how wonderful.[/I] [I]Now there are two new leaders in each clan....a young prince for the Grysham...and Zuriel...coming here I see...this keeps getting better by the moment. [/I] Abaddon... [I]Finally...he has decided to show himself once again. I've missed that undead soul of his...quite the vampire. I admire him above all the other fallen. Would be good to see him again?[/I] ''Now though...to get ride of this meal...no one can see that a vampire bit him...'' Taking the corpse by the neck...Zoku threw him into the night sky as high as he could...expanding his palm as he let go; he formed a small amount of energy and shot it at the fallens' body. Upon impact...it completely disintigrated...removing all evidence. To the humans in the area...it looked only like a mere firework. [I]Everything is now in place...the old gang is finally back together again...everythings falling into place.[/I] [I]But Beth...she's going to complicate my plans with Kyu...or is it...Sumiyaka will complicate my plans for Sole. So much has changed since I've been gone...but some things will never change.[/I] [I]Let the war begin...let blood flow through these countrysides like running water. [/I]
  25. ''LIZ...NO!'' With the griffin's incredible sense of sight, catching her distress call to Vick...Ajack was able to see Tiegre and Liz fall to the ground, now immovable...they were still under heavy fire from the enemy units. [I]Apollo...when we get to Liz's position...cover your wings around Tiegre like a shield. I'm gonna get her out of there. [/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]As you wish Ajack...[/COLOR] There were upon them in no time...the battle was intensfying...he had to get her out of there. They were completely shielded by Apollo's wings...surrounding all of Tiegre. [COLOR=DarkOrange]How much time do you need Ajack?[/COLOR] [I]As much as you can give me...[/I] Jumping out of his cockpit...he ran under the shadows of Apollo's wings and faced Tiegre. ''We need to get her out of there Tiegre. She needs help...you know her vital signs are failing. I know you can heal her...but she's far too critical. We need to get her out of her now!.'' But Tiegre just stared at him...as if she was protecting her child. [COLOR=DarkOrange]We don't have much time Ajack.[/COLOR] Ajack took a deep sigh...still looking into Tiegre's eyes. He could feel what she was feeling. Clinking his communication bracelt on his arm...he pressed the button to all transmissions with the pilots as well as to home base. ***Attention...this is Ajack. Elizabeth is down...I repeat...Elizabeth is down. Requesting an emergency evac. from the battlefield immidately. I say again...Elizabeth is down...requesting evac. to home base. ***Roger that Ajack...we're coming to your position now. Please destroy all remaining DinoMechs. before we can set down. [COLOR=DarkOrange]What are you doing Ajack...she needs help now.[/COLOR] [I]Tiegre wishes to be with Liz till the end...as I know Liz would want the same thing. And I will honor that request. Get ready Apollo...time to clear the area.[/I] Within moments...Ajack was back inside Apollo and destroying Raptors left and right. The Syon base aircraft carrier had touched down as Ajack kept on fighting...alongside Vick, Dale, and Darrius. ***Trasmission: Dale*** ***I want to go with her Ajack. I won't leave her alone. ***She's in good hands now. There is nothing more we can do for her now. ***But... ***But Nothing...the best thing you can do for her right now is to protect that carrier to bring her safely back home. ***I understand. ***End of Transmission As the units on this flank began to diminish for the DinoMechs...they began their assault on the city walls once again. Ajack took a look back to make sure the carrier made it out of the area unharmed. [I]God help us...[/I]
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