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Everything posted by Kairi

  1. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][SIZE=2][B]Fantasies Desire / Realities Sin [M-LSV][/B][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]In the mountains of Scotland, looking out onto the crashing waves of the Atlantic Ocean against its rocky shores; is a Mansion named ??Heavenly Home.?? A single man lived within the mansion; for years, he had been choosing individuals from all over the world to participate in a game which he has prepared for them. He is was very wealthy...and wished to fulfill the desires of these poor souls. [CENTER]Now the house that once held the souls of thirteen now lies in ruin to the consuming flames of hell[/CENTER][/I] [/COLOR] [CENTER][B]"Inspector Michal,"[/B] a half-witted Lieutenant of the Scotish police walked besides a strong looking American who was dressed in a very casual attire. [B]"We've been able to identify all of the bodies found amongst the rubble. To our surprise, there was no evidence of any kind of servanthood. No clothing of a maid or butler has been discovered...we've assumed that any flammables were taken in the fire."[/B] Even in the brisk winds of the Scotish coast and the enduring rainfall, the fire with now consumed the mansion conturned to live on...as if some greater evil fueled its rage. Despite the Scot's complex accent and dialect, the American understood every word. [B] "Even so Lieutenant, there have been many reports from town that there lived a single old man who kept to himself. There were weekly transports of food up to the mansion, and there was no sign of any servants."[/B] The inspector paused for a moment; taking in his thoughts and the situation that was before him. [B]"Did you acquire the owners name of this establishment?"[/B] [B] "Yes...a Dante Lui'ci, an American like yourself. However, there were some...problems with the date of birth."[/B] [B] "Such as?"[/B] [B] "...it says right here on his birth certificate that he was born in the 1400's..."[/B] the inspector quickly snatched the folder of papers from the Lieutenant and took a look for himself. It was what he had feared. Pulling a picture out of his pocket, the inspector matched that picture up against the records that he had taken from the Lieutenant. The picture was different was the current one of 2005....but on the bottom right hand corner, there was inscribed the name Dante Lui'ci, dated 1875; one of five pictures with different dates with the same name. However, the same devilish grin was in each photo... [B]"What is the matter inspector?"[/B] the Scot was concerned as the inspector suddenly turned a shade of white, even in light of the fire in front of them. [B]"...this isn't over..."[/B][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=Black]10/2/06[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Black]Unknown to the inspector, an email is now being sent to thirteen individuals all over the world... [/COLOR] [I]Hello, I?m writing to you, my friend, to congratulate you on winning an all expense paid trip to visit me on a secluded island off the coast of Austrailia to live in my mansion for as long as you wish. Beware, this is no ordinary mansion mind you. Within the walls of my home, everything you ever wished for will be granted to you. And I mean....everything. All the deepest, darkest desires of your heart will be yours. Whatever pleasure you seek for yourself...will be granted to you. If you desire love, sex, money, drugs, food...all of life?s commodities will be yours. If you wish to accept this honor, please...simply reply back with a smile yes or no; and immediate transportation plans will be set in place for you to arrive. If you choose to decline this offer there will be nothing held against you. Upon arriving, there is but one rule which you must obey while in my home. [RIGHT][I][B][COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]You must obey your card...[/FONT][/COLOR] (the lettering looks to be written in blood) [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkRed]You must obey whatever I say... You must sacrifice something of equal value in order for you to refuse the laws above...[/COLOR][/FONT][/B][/I][/RIGHT] That is all..,everything will be explained when you arrive...any questions that you have will not be with held from you prior to entering the mansion. You may be asking yourself...??why would I bother coming to a place such as this??? I?ll tell you why...if you play my little game...if you last living in the house, you will earn half of my family fortune, which comes to around thirteen billion dollars. I?m not joking, I?ve come to realize the worthlessness of money...so I?ve decided to give most of it away to the ones who I find to be worthy. And I will wait as long as it takes to find the right ones. So; whomever can stay within the house for six months, will be declared the winner...and the thirteen billion will be split between those who are left. But hear me...once you enter the mansion, you may not leave the grounds of the estate. Doing so, unless being told to do so by myself or the decisions of your fellow housemates will result in severe punishment. So there you have it; come to my mansion...where all your dreams come true...and have the opportunity to win thirteen billion dollars. No strings attached...and believe me...it will be worth your while. Oh, one more thing...do not tell anyone of this, for we want to make this as smooth and without interruptions from the outside world. Don?t worry...we?ll know if you tell...which will automatically revoke your chances of coming to my mansion. As clarity for your honesty and silence...I have taken the liberty of electronically sending thiry thousand dollars to your personal back account, as a token of my friendship too you. That is all I will tell you...once you reply back to this email...you will have an escort waiting outside your house within two days to bring you to the mansion. I have chosen you because I feel you to be worthy of such a reward; for your dedication to society, your love and compassion, your leadership, your strength through turmoil, and last but not least...for just who you are.[/I] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkRed]Catch ya later... Sincerely, Dante Lui'ci...[/COLOR][/FONT] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ New mansion, new master...new rules...same horror. Welcome everyone, this story takes place after the disaster which occured in Scotland. Thirteen of the Fourteen who occupied the house, including the Master himself have died...leaving only one survivor, who's taken the former Masters name as his own to continue. All of the secrets and mysteries of the first rpg will be revieled. Being a former writer for the rpg is a plus, but if you're new to the story it will not hinder you. I warn you, there is a lot of detail in this rpg from myself and other writers, so be wary. Something I've added to the story is that there is a possibilty of your character getting "voted off the island" so to say. This will be based on attendance, accuracy in your writing, and your ability to perform your cards, so do your best. In this mansion...everything you've ever wanted will be given too you. Let your imagination soar...and it will be given too you. This mansion also contains many secrets.... The Cards: Envelopes that will be given to you by the Master of Games (Dante Lui'ci) every so often. On them will read a task...and you must obey them...or there will be consequences if you do not. You may not share the information that is given too you. You think....wait...wont the other member be seeing my card when I post. Ah....that?s the best part...they wont. I will personally send out the tasks by PM. So that it will always be a mystery to the rest. If you do not obey, or fulfill the request...you are punished. And believe me...within the mansion are hidden camera?s watching your every move. If you tell....you die. You must obey them....no matter what they say. Something I'm adding which I didn't allow in the last rpgs; if your card involves another character, you are allowed to tell them your card. However, you can only do it outside of the rpg storyline, whether by PM, AIM, etc. etc. ***Of course your characters wont know the specifics of this law until they actually go into the mansion. If you have any questions...just PM me. This story is going to be full of twists, suspense, gore; everything you can think of will be shown in this RPG; especially with the usage of these cards. This RPG is yours to make your own...for you will be living in this mansion with everyone else. Form friendships...bonds, relationships...because you?ll need them when the Master of Games interferes. This is what I need... Name: Age: Sex: Location: (anywhere in the world, but you must speak English, but can curse and whatnot in your own languages if you wish) Appearance: Personality: Bio: (include an aspect of yourself from any of the elements that I've stated above in the email given that has caused the Master of Games to choose you, nothing else is needed in this section) Greatest Desire: Greatest Fear: Also...not all ten openings need to be filled. But if there are more then ten I'll determine if I'll go above the given number, or I'll be selecting writers.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]**Alright guys, enough about my damaged mech! Lets get these guys!**[/B] Ajack's voice was strong and confident. [B]**Cassidy, how's it looking?**[/B] Ajack walked slowly as the battle continued around him. Axl's partical beam was tearing through the enemy quite successfully...however Ajack assumed that he wasn't the only one who was having problems with his mech. [B]**We're almost cleared to you Ajack, all we have left are a small number of LION and RAPTOR mechs.**[/B] In his monitor Ajack saw Emi's face appear on his screen. At that moment, his heart almost burst. This woman...his friend whom he'd come to love looked more beautiful than he could have possibly imagined. Behind his sunglasses...he felt like he could cry. Before he could dwell upon her feature...the life of battle flooded his veins once again. [B] **Ajack! You can't keep fighting in your position, let us handle the rest**[/B] But Ajack nodded and smiled in defiance of her warning. [B]**You know me well enough Emi to know that I will not be a liability...not in life...and certainly not on the battlefield**[/B] Despite the strain on the left leg of the Cheetah, Ajack pressed forward in Cassidy's location...knowing that Emi was right beside hmi. [B]**Like we planned Sir, I'll meet you in the middle...me and Emi will take out everything in our path**[/B] As Ajack prepared himself for another rush...his thoughts trailed to what could possibly be happening up in space with the air units. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][I]...what arrogance...[/I] Kairi looked up at Omega; his heart was raising...not due to fear, but the anticipation of Kyne, Alexia and the others to come out of the remaining intact portions of the mansion and emerge to help the rest. Looking again to the others converging outside, Marquis reveiled himself finally...he met up with Eve and began to help healing the wounded outside. [I]...seems like most us them have the power of healing...one way or thee other...[/I] Kairi took a mental note and looked up at Cole who stood firmly in sight of the monster Omega who continued to tear through the mansion. [B]"Thank you for helping me...I appreciate it."[/B] the statement took Cole off-guard as Kairi returned his gaze towards Omega. Her face lit up brightly...feeling a sense of purpose and meaning. [B]''Lets find some more people."[/B] Cole nodded, and as she made her way past Kairi; behind his back he formed a thick wooden club in his hand. Jumping into the air with surprising swiftness, Cole didn't even hear Kairi leap as he smashed the club into the back of her head, knocking her out. Falling to her knees, Kairi caught the back of her sports bra and let her hang with the pressure on her breasts...preventing her from falling face first into the rubble. [B]"Marquis!"[/B] Marquis came with surprising speed and response time. [B]"What happened?"[/B] but he already knew what Kairi had done...but didn't say a word. [B]"Get her to safety...you all must live."[/B] the aura Marquis had viewed earlier became more clearer in his vision...the darkness had submitted for the time being. Marquis took the young woman into his arms and lifted her over his shoulder, but kept his eyes on Kairi. [B]"You said that to me before? What do you mean?"[/B] Kairi chuckled to himself and looked up at Marquis with loving and caring eyes...like a innocent child, showing its affection towards a loved one. [B]"when this is all over...maybe I can show you some of those answers that you seek."[/B] Marquis nodded in approval and sprinted back towards where Eve and Zach knelt next to the wounded. Many of them were healed already, and were standing in sight of their destroyed home. [B]"Back to business" [/B][I]...Alexia...I hope you get what you were taking the others for in the armory...we could use your alls help...[/I] Knowing his job was not over...Kairi was at first tempted to persue Omega. However, he knew too well that the swarm would be coming for the group outside. Pushing his sweaty hair to the side, Kairi made his way towards what was left of the main hall, taking out all the swarm who were now making their way towards the group outside. [/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][I]...they found us....no....she'll know where I am...I can't go back![/I] At first when Alexia spoke her instructions, Kairi didn't hear anything that she had said...his full attention was fixed upon the beast that now hovered over them in its massiveness. The once beautiful and eligant mansion was quickly becoming a pile of rubble. [B]"Kairi!"[/B] a firm grip on his shoulder from Marquis snapped him out of his trance as Cole, Zech and Eve were already making their way out the passage along with the maid. Out of the corner of Kairi's eye he could see two more butlers being crushed under the weight of some boards from the collapsed roof. The roar of Omega was deafining as Marquis and Kairi both stood exposed to the beasts wrath. Flexing the muscles in his right arm, Kairi's demenor of a small child changed to a very intense and concentrated form. As Marquis continued to shake Kairi in an attempt to move him and looking up at the beast before them as it continued to rampage through the mansion, he didn't realize the boards on top of the butlers were now flooting in the air. With a thrust of Kairi's palm towards Omega, the wooden boards bolted towards the monster and struck it in its right eye with it responding in an scream of agony. Marquis's hand was still firm on Kairi's shoulden when Kairi grabbed it with his right arm with a tight grip. [B]"Get them out of here!...You all must live!"[/B] without waiting for a response, Kairi burst into a run right towards the now destructed parts of the mansion in the opposite direction of the secret passage that Alexia had shown. [B]"Come on you piece of shit! I'm right here! You know who I am! Come and get me!"[/B] Kairi continued to call our insults and swears at the beast, trying to get its attention away from everyone else who were now running through the parts of the mansion not destroyed yet. To Omega, Kairi looked like an ant...which made it very good for Kairi to hide amongst the rubble. The monster growled in annoyance as it attempted to follow it's prey in slow moving strides. Behind a section of the fallen roof Kairi panted and shook with adrenaline as the rush of the moment almost overtook him. The sudden actions that he made weren't typical for him to do... Behind his silver-glass eyes a tint of gold flooded his pupils and just as quickly left him as he looked up at the monster from his hiding place. [I]Lets play[/I]... looking at a couple brick sections of the mansions fallen siding, Kairi outstretched his palm once again and flung them at Omegas backside. The beast immidiately turned its attention around, only to be hit yet again in the ass by another plank. The New York air began to pick up and became a bitter cold as Omega's black hair blew in the wind. It was a good couple minutes that Kairi preoccupied the monster like this; directing its aggression towards something that wasn't there. Moving quietly and swiftly from one place to another, Kairi avoided being seen, knowing he couldn't stand a chance against Omega in this form. Suddenly, as another wooden plank hit the side of Omega, it didn't move nor respond to the attack...it simply stood with it's back to Kairi with no affect of damage or even irritation. [B]"Shit..."[/B] was all that Kairi was able to mutter under his breath when the monster suddenly turned around with amazing speed and slammed its fist right where Kairi had been hiding[I]...damn wind...it changed and made me downhill.[/I] Despite Kairi's attempts to jump away from the impact of Omega's attack, the impact on the rubble and ground sent Kairi flying across the ground and into a wooden siding. The ground shook from underneath him as he tried to bring himself to his feet. A small piece of wood was inbedded into Kairi's left shoulderblade as he stood. Screaming in pain, Kairi ripped the shard out. Blood began to soak his cloths as he looked up and stood in defiance of the creature. [B]"I will not return to her..."[/B] his trembling words under the surpression of pain in his back came out strong as any child could. Omega in all of it's glory and power stopped a few yards away and looked down upon Kairi; both of their gazes meeting one another. Without warning spawns of the fallen butlers and maids began to emerge from the rubble and surrounded Kairi. His gaze fell from the monsters face and onto his present predicament as Omega turned and continued its destruction of the mansion; as if it were on a mission. Out of the corner of his eye, Kairi could see on the far side of the property where the road lay, people began to pour out of the mansion. He was sure that some of the reincarnates were with them. [I]good...they're safe for now...[/I] Looking back to the adversaries that now were closing in on him, Kairi held forth his right hand, attemping[COLOR=MediumTurquoise][B][I]...don't do it...[/I][/B][/COLOR] A foreign voice entered his mind and quickly stopped him from his current actions. [B][COLOR=MediumTurquoise][I]...You're not ready...if Isabell learns that you're still able to control your powers as the God of Loyalty...their cause will be lost...as well as your own...[/I][/COLOR][/B] At this point in Kairi's life, voices weren't strange nor uncommon...but this was different. Quickly trusting the voice within him, Kairi lowered his hand to his side and looked down. The gem on his right wrist began to glow in the shining of the stars above. A slight smirk came across the young boys face as he felt the power of gem spread through him. The veins in his arm began to pulse excessively as a black sphere began to form in his palm incompused with a red glass lining. Looking up from the ground towards the spawn who were now in arms length of grabbing him, Kairi clutched his fist together and formed a large broadsword in his hand and swung it over his head in a circular motion around his entire body; forming some space between him and the enemy. [B]"In Star's name..."[/B] and with that, Kairi was upon them. [COLOR=Black][LEFT]OOC: If you've ever played Soul Caliber, the amulet on Kairi's wrist generates weapons like the character Necron (sp?) from the game. Everything else will be explained as story progresses.[/LEFT][/COLOR][/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]"Wake up!"[/B] the banging on the door startled Kairi as he found himself asleep and utterly drooling over the beautiful carpet underneath him. [B]"Dinner is almost ready kid! Get yourself together and get yourself downstairs."[/B] Standing up quickly but still hazey from his little nap, Kairi yawned to himself and stretched out his arms out as far as he could. Cracking his neck from left to right, then bending to crack his back, he suddenly found himself realizing that he hadn't brought any other cloths with him other than those on his back...his journey didn't allow him the luxury. Still stinking and smelly from his trip, and knowing that he dind't have enough time for a shower...Kairi took a slightly depressing sigh of worry at what the others would make of his appearance and left the room. As he shut his door and turned down the hallway, Kairi accidently knocked into a young woman who stood fairly taller than he; he was quite short for his age. [B] "Excuse me...I didn't mean to bump into you like that."[/B] Kairi's voice was polite and submish as the young woman looked down at him. [B]"That's quite alright, I'm kinda in a bit of a rush myself. My name is Cole, what's yours?"[/B] they soon were walking together side by side down the hallway in silence...awaiting Kairi's reply. [B] "My name is Kairi...pleased to meet you my lady."[/B] [B]"Haha...no need to talk to me in that manor Kairi, I prefer Cole thank you."[/B] Kairi smiled under the silver and black hair that hung over his face and continued to walk down the hallway till they came to the stairs. Cole walked in front and entered the dining room first and found herself a seat while Kairi stopped at the door and looked at everyone in the room[I]...is this everyone?[/I] Lost in his curiosity Kairi didn't notice another man standing against the doorway like he was, looking out at the people before him. Mustering up what courage he had, Kairi presented himself to the man. [B]"My name is Kairi sir, who are you?"[/B] at first the tall figure was startled at looking at Kairi, as if he were out of place for such an occastion. [B]"The names Marquis Cicero my young friend."[/B] Marquis took the young boys hand and made a firm handshake with him. To his surpress, the boy showed some resistance in the shakes firmness. [B] "Why might I ask such a young boy like yourself doing here?"[/B] the man asked it as if he were full of wonder...curiosity as like Kairi before, seemed to overtake him in sorts. [B]"I suppose..."[/B] Kairi paused...knowing to keep his words in line...then he chuckled to lighten the mood..."I guess I'm here just like you." but Marquis didn't share the mood which quickly discouraged the young boy, and made his way around the table to find a place to sit. Along the set up of tables many had already found their seats, except a lone chair beside a bulky looking guy who looked agitated by something on his back which a woman beside him touched for a moment. Without saying a word, Kairi sat beside him and was quite...he felt comfortable in his presense for some reason like before when they were waiting in the guest room when Cole arrived. Looking up from his gaze at the table cloth, Kairi's eyes met the girl Alexia's for a moment which quickly caused him to avert his eyes back down. Desiding not to look up again, Kairi awaited the beginning of dinner. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]**Enemy Spotted! Northern Section...Move!**[/B] Cassidy's voice boomed over the intercom as the city soon became under attack. Outside the forcefield barrier, the ground units in their respectable partnerships formed together outside the city to confront the ambush. [B]**Stay with me Emi**[/B] Ajack firmly stated as if in a trance, moving his mech. slowly into position beside Cassidy and the others. [B]**Don't worry Ajack, this isn't...**[/B] there was s sudden crash on Emi's side of the intercom. The long range guns of the Bull Mech. that Cassidy had sent information on just minutes before began to bombard everyone. [B] **Emi watch yourself!**[/B] Ajack's voice was firm followed quickly by Cassidy's. [B]**We're boxed in people, Ajack...**[/B] Cassidy's video feed came into few on Ajack's screen for personal communication. [B]**Ajack, use your Mech. to flank them on the left side and try to draw their firepower away from the city and ourselves...we'll meet you in the middle**[/B] Without hesitation the Cheetah lept from its hind legs and sprinted to the left with remarkable speed. Only a cloud of dust remained from his path in a matter of moments as he ran out of sight and range of the long guns. [B]**Everyone! Pair off as I instructed you and we'll meet their close-range Raptor and Lion Mechs. head on; Emi**[/B] she and her fox mech. brought themselves finally to their feet. [B]**Once we hit the amush join Ajack in their back lines**[/B] [B]***[/B] [COLOR=DarkOrange][B][I]...50% Ion charge. [/I][/B][/COLOR] The advancing prototypes took no notice of Ajack running parallel to them a few miles away. Out of their long range sensors, he swiftly made his way towards the Bull Mechs. [B]"Rockets On!"[/B] Ajack slammed the accelorator joystick foward as far as it could. The initial burst of speed almost knocked him unconcious from smashing his head back into his seat. Within moments, he was upon the Bull Mechs. and their cannons blasting away at the city. He appeared so suddenly the didn't know that he was there. [B]"Energy Blades engaged"[/B] upon command two blade emerged from the Cheetah's body and burst into a golden ray of light. With his rockets still blazing, Ajack almost instantaneous jumped on top of one of the Bulls and thurst one of the blades directly into its back, disarming the beast. The monster roared in anger as Ajack's mech quickly jumped off and sprinted towards another Bull, taking out its hind legs as Cassidy instructed to him. Four more Bull mechs. remained, and turned their attention towards Ajack. Without hesitation Ajack quickly turned the Cheetah around and pretended to flee, still at top speed. The plan had worked, because of the intial threat to the Bull Mechs, they were to protect themselves and their long range guns would no longer hinder the rest of the squad. [I] [B][COLOR=DarkOrange]...Warning! Warning! Malfunction!...Ion Vacuum Failing! Power Levels Depleating...40%...20%....[/COLOR][/B][/I] [B]"You've got to be kidding me!?"[/B] Ajack was furious, but suddenly realized the predicament he was in. Without the speed boost he couldn't get out of range of the Bull mechs. in their persuit...he was a sitting duck. Right on cue, an energy burst exploded on the Cheetah's left hind leg, imidiately bringing Ajack down to a kneeling state. [B]''Mother Fucker!"[/B] Ajack cursed at the Alien fleet as they approached his position. Ajack's eyes burned with rage as he lifted with all his might on the controls to bring the left leg back up to a stand. With each blade still burning bright on either side, Ajack stared at the massive looking beasts coming towards him, weapons charged...[B]"Let's do this."[/B] [B]**Mission Complete Sir! However Emi...I kinda need your help right now!**[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B][I][COLOR=Indigo][LEFT]Something's getting in the way. Something's just about to break. I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane. As I burn another page, As I look the other way. I still try to find my place in the diary of Jane. So tell me how it should be. Desperate, I will crawl Waiting for so long No love, there is no love. Die for anyone What have I become?[/LEFT][/COLOR][/I][/B] Kairi held his eyelids closed as he relaxed himself on the couch. His heart felt relentless...afraid of this meeting he was to have with Lady Karma. Whether people were around him or not he didn't know, the comfort of the cushions supporting him was sublime. [I]Was it good to have such saddening music comfort his soul?[/I] Suddenly there was a gentle hand that rested on his shoulder which caused him to open his eyes...it was one of the butlers; a rather well built one for that matter...not like many of the rest who were now moving about the room. Some of the other visitors had left the room...probably taken before Kairi to meet with the lady. The young girl who welcomed him into the house was nowhere in sight...her aversion of her eyes made Kairi feel uncomfortable[I]...did she know about him?[/I] [B]"Sir..."[/B] the mans voice stern and direct as the behemoth looked down upon him. [B]"you are to speak with Lady Karma immidiately...please follow me."[/B] The man didn't wait for Kairi to leave his seat as the butler began walking down one of the hallways. He looked more like a body guard than a simple butler...however Kairi did what he was told, packed his IPOD in his backpack and ran after the man. Kairi held his gaze to the floor, not looking at mansions interiors as if he were being led to judgement; a criminal off to his death sentense. It was moments later when the butler suddenly stopped in front of a door, almost causing Kairi to run right into him. [B]"She awaits you inside, please leave your backpack with me, I'll be bringing it up to your room."[/B] without waiting for Kairi to openly give him the pack the butler took it in his strong hands and walked away. Turning his attention towards the intricately carved timber doors. The smell of rich mahogany flooded his senses as he took a deep breath and pushed his way through the doors. A single woman stood behind a large wooden desk, her figure was very attractive...just like his own mothers. At first all she did was stare at him...she had a look of concern and preperation about her. Unknown to Kairi, Lady Karma was not looking at the boy, but the ghostly figure of man standing behind Kairi...as if he were his own shadow. Lady Karma closed her eyes and breathed in deeply and took a seat in her chair; Kairi followed her example. As she opened her eyes, the vision was gone. [I]...Star give me strength...[/I] [B]"Welcome Kairi..."[/B] The young boy said nothing....he looked a student who had been sent to the principles office. Timid and shy, he would quickly glance up at her and then back towards his lap. [B]"Please...look at me young man..."[/B] her voice was soothing and calm. The boy obeyed and looked into her eyes with those big silver-glass eyes of his. [B]"Do you know why you're here?" [/B]she suddenly stood from her chair and circled her way around the desk towards Kairi, never taking his eyes off her. Lady Karma felt a tug at her soul...causing her to flinch, almost unnoticeble. [B]"Because it is Star's will for me to be here."[/B] Lady Karma was now on her knees, kneeling in front of Kairi, grasping his tender hands. [B]"I asked what you thought Kairi..."[/B] her eyes were full of concern and power as he looked down to her, as if she were trying to save him herself from an unknown enemy.[B] "It is important that you understand your own place..."[/B] Kairi was silent for a few moments; sorting in his mind what she was asking of him, never breaking eyecontact. [B]"All my life I've been told the life that I've already lived."[/B] The young boys voice was full of life...full of power and understanding...not like the boy who just a moment ago seemed so fragile. [B]"I, the keeper of the God of Loyalities who once was in the high council of the enemy...who was defeated and made into a child to understand and learn the faith and love of a child towards the true master Star."[/B] [B]"Go on..."[/B] Lady Karma urged him onward...[B]"know what you are."[/B] Kairi continued without any delay or change in the topic, [B]"however, the beast still lives within me, caged... in a desperate attempt to convert all of myself to Star's cause."[/B] at this, Kairi lifted up his right arm, revieling the gem and bracelot that now grasped his wrist. Lady Karma took it in her hands and examened the gem. Looking at the device, the Green Emerald could be clearly seen that it was only half-whole. [B]"Yes Kairi...as you live as a child; as the holiest parts of the God of Loyalty, his demon unfortunately passed onto you as well which like you said, is imprisoned by this gem."[/B] [B]"Parts my lady?"[/B] Kairi quickly turned frightened. "[B]My dear boy...you are not merely a reincarnate...you ARE the God of Loyalty...but only part of him."[/B] The womans voice became harsh and tense as she rose to her feet and released Kairi from her hold and walked back to a window in back of the desk, keeping her back towards Kairi. [B]"I have been giving the souls of the Gods to each of these visitors that you've seen. As we speak they are being filled with their powers, their memories, their ideals. You however Kairi, are cursed with the demon that we, Star's followers have feared for generations!"[/B] she was becoming frustrated and angry...Kairi was feeling even more frightened now. [B]"Why are you getting so upset at me...I didn't do anything..."[/B] but he was quickly interrupted. [B]"I will never understand Star's will to bring you back into his graces Kairi. However, I will say this though, the gem to make you fully whole will not be given to you. As of now, you are not deemed worthy of the God of Loyalties memories and full power...you are not ready to hold such powers for you would become a great risk to us all."[/B] [I]...no...*cry*...you dont trust me...am I too weak...how could you say I'm embraced back into Star's grace and light....and yet I am denied even my own self....condemned to live incomplete...[/I] [B]"You must understand Kairi"[/B] even now Lady Karma held back her tears as much as she could...she knew she was ripping at his heart, but it was the only way for their safety. [B]"you are still young...if I were to give back your soul at this time, the power would be too much for you to control, and the beast would certainly arise once again."[/B] All Kairi could do was sit there and weap...he was powerless to do anything else... [I][B][COLOR=DarkRed]...let me go...I'll make them pay for how they treat you...release me...[/COLOR][/B][/I] [B] "You're indeed here because Star has willed for you to aid our destiny to bring Star back into this existance. You may use what powers you have now, but understand this...I am not prepared to allow the God of Loyalties to come back fully...you are too much of a risk to us." "Now leave me, you'll be summoned when we're ready for you."[/B] Lady Karma continued to have her back towards Kairi as he stood from his seat, whipping the tears away from his eyes and slowed backed his way to the door and left. This sort of thing was not the first time he'd been broken down like this...his father and mother had once done it too him when he became of age to fully understand. They said they had to do it because they loved him, that the truth couldn't be diminished or weakened in its purpose and power in any way. He didn't fully know how he came to be this way...only his memories would know that...and they were in his gem...his other half. [I] [B][COLOR=DarkRed]...release me...and let us become whole...[/COLOR][/B][/I] Immidiately after leaving the room with Lady Karma, Kairi was met by the butler who introduced himself as Malachi...and would commendate him to his every need. [I]no you're here to keep an eye on me...[/I] Kairi quickly shook the voice out of his mind and followed Malachi to his room. It was simple enough, contained the same kinds of furniture and accessories as the rest of the mansion. Malachi closed the door behind him as he left, leaving Kairi alone. So many emotions flooded through his heart...anger...confusion...love for Star. At first all he wanted to do was fall on his knees and cry. After a few moments of fighting with himself, he dropped to his knees and cried out to Star to forgive him of the wrongs that followed him, and prayed for death. The voice of the beast was gone, replaced by a soothing voice that flooded his body with warmth. [I]Do not worry, you are in my arms...follow me first...[/I] Upon listening to this...Kairi suddenly felt a rush of exhaustion and passed out on the carpet on the floor. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]"Lieutenant Ajack...may I have a word with you first."[/B] The sound of a very old woman's faint voice rang in Ajack's ear has he stopped with the assistant who was at his side, leading him to his mech. Before leaving Ajack had quickly embraced Emi in a loving farewell hug, both smelling and feeling each other as if it were going to be the last. When they released one another Ajack was smiling brightly, as he knew she was as well. The old woman now stood before him and placed within his hand a couple sheets of paper for Ajack to "read" during his decent. [B]"I am Professor Rin...I've been studying your simulation tests for a couple of years now, and I will be your statistical analyzer for this mission. Before you left I just wanted to introduce myself and give you instructions on the operation of Apollo."[/B] [B]"Apollo?''[/B] Ajack was startled at the name as the assistant left his side, probably being motioned away by this Rin character. [B]"Yes...your mech. the Cheetah has been given that name for various reasons."[/B] the professor startled on the word "various..." Ajack took note but continued to listen without distraction.[B] "But that isn't important, what is important is that you understand by reading the information on those sheets of paper how to operate your mech. to its maximum capabilities."[/B] Without warning the professor took hold of Ajack's arm and walked him towards his mech...letting him know the intricate details of the machine. While Ajack was being strapped into his harness to be lifted into the machine, the professor continued to inform him without pause as they prepared him for launch. [B]"Oh...one more thing..."[/B] Ajack was nearly hanging halfway in the air when he heard the professor yelling at him. [B]"there is a new program installed into your system that may feel...ackward when you activate Apollo. Good Luck."[/B] Grabbing the edge of the opening in the machine to climb himself up, he soon was out of sight of the professor. [I]...you look so much like your father...[/I] Professor Rin thought to herself as she turned around only to bump suddenly into Air Marshall Hagan. His stern stare down at the old woman was enough to get the information he needed from her eyes...he told him nothing. [B] "I hope you know what you're doing Rin...for all their sakes."[/B] Without a word nor any kind of response, the old woman quickly walked by the Air Marshall and continued on with her work. [B]***[/B] The rest of the trip was very reutine for Ajack...the change in gravity and atmospheric pressure around him was all like the simulations back on earth. Gliding his finger carefully against the sheet of paper before him, he quickly memorized the systems of the mech. The Cheetah...or Apollo, had a skin made completely of tiny microfibers to give the impression of actual skin of an animal for the most maximum efficiency of wind resistance. Aside from its biting and slashing attacks, a duel pair of energy blades were attached on either side of the mech. The only other thing that caught Ajack's attention were the rockets installed on the shoulderblades and hindlegs, and the ion vacuum on the beasts back. Quickly reading through the instructions for their purposes, [I][B]Now approaching Earth...please prepare for impact...[/B][/I] Something wasn't right, as close to the planet as Ajack was, he still had no control over the machine. This wasn't like the simulations where premade images were injected into his mind through his implants in his temples...this was real life...and he was dead and blind. Landing safely on the planet, the Mech. was working automatically and walked out of the now sliding doors of the capsal. The world was black to him till a voice brought some light to his world... [I][B][COLOR=DarkOrange]...Trust me...[/COLOR][/B][/I] an image of a Cheetah burst into his mind. [B]"Who are you?"[/B] Ajack found himself talking to himself as the panic from before left him...now feeling psychotic. Suddenly something began to make its way into his implants from both sides. They felt like wires burrowing themselves into his skull. The pain was excrusiating... [I][B][COLOR=DarkOrange]...forgive me if this hurts...[/COLOR][/B][/I] said a voice in his mind. [B]"YOU DAMN RIGHT IT HURTS!!!"[/B] screamed Ajack at the top of his lungs until his pain died...and what came next...almost caused Ajack to die himself. After a few moments, sensations of color and light flooded his eyes as a screen appeared before him. No...it wasn't a screen...it was outside! The grass blew in the wind as shades of blue and white from the sky above almost made Ajack cry...it was so beautiful. Before Ajack could say anything...a beep was appearing in his vision on the right[I]...amazing...I can see outside as if I was the mech itself...and still interact with the technology inside the cockpit[/I]. By just using his memory of the layout of the cockpit, he opened the communication channel with the button on his side and saw Cassidy and his face! [LEFT][B]**Ajack, are you alright?**[/B] he can't see my eyes, Ajack didn't realize he still had his sunglasses on. Ajack didn't say anything...and just stared at the man before him, taking in every detail. [B]**Ajack answer me**[/B] [B]**I'm sorry Cassidy, I'm still getting used to my mech.**[/B] [B]**Alright, I'm glad to hear that You're ok. We're the first to arrive so be still until I give further instructions understood?** **Yes sir**[/B] and with a click in the screen Cassidy's face dissapeared. [/LEFT] Ajack was speechless. Taking his vision away from the main screen, like his mind came back into his brain, he looked around the cockpit and at other side screens showing vitals and power. Seeing his reflection...he swore he could see two big green emerald eyes looking back at him. [COLOR=DarkOrange][B][I]...now Ajack...like your dreams...roar with me...[/I][/B][/COLOR] At first he was caught off guard by the voice in his head, but his memory of his dreams quickly returned...bringing his vision back outside to the vastness of colors and putting his sunglasses on to hide his eyes for the moment, Ajack screamed at the top of his lungs in not only the rush...but of the freedom he now felt within him. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]"Do you think that he is ready my love...he is still only a child; the curse will live with him for the rest of his life."[/B] Kairi's mother stood at the doorway to their home as Kairi boreded a ship. Her husband held her firmly in his embrace, giving her warmth from the oceans breeze that lay before them on the coast of Italy. Her voice was not of saddness, but of authority and concern as she looked at Kairi stand at the rear of the boat, looking at his parents in his usual blank stare. [B]"The others will keep him safe my dear; as young as he may be, we've taught all that we could...of his former life, and the life that is before him now. The rest is now in Star's hands."[/B] the father of Kairi was a strong and proud man as he watched his son sail away. There was a confident and encouraging tone in his voice as he comforted his wife. [B]"Yes....''[/B] there was a pause in her statement...[B]"you're right my love, we've hid him away for long enough........do you think she'll find him on his way to New York."[/B] [B]"I don't believe so, no one is going to notice a simple ship docking on the outskirts of New Jersey. I've arranged a seperate boat to meet Kairi at port Royal where Kairi alone will make his way to New York City...he's a smart boy my dear...he's survived worse."[/B] Now his wife burst into sobs, not only for that of her son, but of the potential future that he held on his wrist. Behind her sobs she muttered a silent prayer[I]...my dear Star, protect my son...forgive him of his misdeeds...do not let him stray from your light again...[/I] [B]***[/B] The trip was long and dangerous as Kairi sat patiently inside the ships bowels...quiet and innocent as usual. As always, he lost himself in the Emerald's beauty upon his wrist, listening as well to his IPod; his choice of music was that of Enya...a soothing title that he couldn't remember. [COLOR=Indigo] [RIGHT]May it be an evening star Shines down upon you May it be when darkness falls Your heart will be true You walk a lonely road Oh! How far you are from home Mornie utulie (Darkness has come) Believe and you will find your way Mornie alantie (Darkness has fallen) A promise lives within you now May it be the shadow's call Will fly away May it be you journey on To light the day When the night is overcome You may rise to find the sun [/RIGHT][/COLOR] It was a favorite of he and his fathers who held daily meditation sessions to calm Kairi's restless heart. The young boy knew almost too well the life that had predestined him until he was saved. Now...he was going to meet that life...whether he would turn back or not, only Star knew. Kairi's heart, through many years of training seemed to have submitted to his convertion through the device on his wrist. Now, his soul was going to be judged. In that moment Kairi took in a deep breath and sighed...imagining himself in the light amongst Star and his angels (who were indeed other Gods). Of course this wasn't so in this day in age...but a hope; a hope that one day would come from the resurrection. His parents told him he should be happy for the comming of Omega and Alpha...that Star's time has come. But in Kairi's renewed heart...he was afraid[I]...will he accept me again into his arms...[/I] But right now it didn't matter; "one thing at a time." Kairi reminded himself as he peacefully drifted into a deep sleep as the ship rocked back and forth from the oceans waves. [B]***[/B] The journey lasted almost an entire week; leaving Kairi completely to himself as he finally found himself on a road walking towards his destination. A large mansion began to rise in the distance as Kairi; with only a backpack full of supplies, the clothes on his back and the amulet around his wrist...which he knew would be replaced soon...his heart began to race as he came to the gate. The large iron gates were open, giving an very welcoming impression...but as Kairi took one step...he became frightened...like any young man would. [B]"Why are you being such a coward?"[/B] he questioned to himself outload as he could see figures walking through the window. In the sudden rush of panic...he took a step back and looked at his breath floating in the cold air. His silver and black hair blew in the wind as he closed his eyes and took a few more steps towards the house. A few steps became a smooth stride walking along the cobblestone path; within moments...Kairi was at the front door, and knocked. [COLOR=Black][I][B]...they will never take you back...you are mine...[/B][/I][/COLOR] Blocking the voice in his head, Kairi muttered something under his breath before the door suddenly opened before him. [B]"It's in your hands now Star...my master..."[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][I]...I'm not ready...[/I] he felt so embarrased to utter those words to her...to give some kind of explanation for his behavior. [I]...you're not ready...not yet...[/I] the same words from last night continued to softly whisper in his thoughts as he and the others awaited further instructions. They all sat in their respectable seatings in the strategy room, each anxiously awaiting further instructions. Then tension in the room was almost unbearable...not just because of their first mission, but certain events that transpired last night. Behind those black sunglasses of his, shifting his attention from one of his friends to thee other[I]...we all have our secrets...why do they always seem to come to the surface before a battle just like last night...[/I] He said a silent prayer in his mind, praying that everyones hearts would be kept safe in the upcoming mission...that their pains and regrets would not surface and compromise their survival in this. He loved them all...so very much... [I]...above all others I love you Emi...thank you...for giving me such life...[/I] Then something forced its way into his thoughts, pushing aside Emi from his mind. [I]...then what are my regrets...[/I] Something was coming, Ajack could feel it...but couldn't find the words to describe it. But something was happening to him, as he was sure it was to everyone else in one form or another...that much he knew. [I]...I'm lossing myself...or parts of myself...my fears...my regrets...[/I] Whether it was a vision or simple psychosis, that night as Ajack sat in his bed...his eyes faded into another world, similar to that of the other night. The Cheetah was there...standing before him as a fire burned brightly in the night. Why Ajack didn't know, but throughout the entire vision...the beast simply cried out to the darkness. With each passing moment as it yelled...something began to burn inside...a compelling urge to join in. [I]...you've unlocked your will to run...now you must unlock your defiance if you're to win...[/I] the words were like that of ghosts...demons...angels... [I] ...to win what...[/I] Ajack could only think the words as he sat in awe at the beast before him, defying the nightsky with its roar. Then suddenly it all melted away...his fear...his uncertainties...everything. In that moment, Ajack joined in with the Cheetah and cried out at the top of his lungs, letting all of the air in his lungs to flow out of him, like his very life-force was leaving him. While inhaling to continue, he breathed in something new...something... [B]***[/B] The door to the strategy room burst open with a multitude of footsteps following. Before they were all addressed. [B]"Emi..."[/B] She of course was sitting next to him and looked in his direction to find him pulling down his sunglasses on one side towards her and revieled his eye. Emi felt for a moment a shock, but quickly turned to a surprising joy swelling up in her stomach...to be trusted with something like this. [B]"Please forgive me for my behavior at the end of last night; I could never be upset with you Emi..."[/B] without her knowledge Ajack had found her wrist laying at her side and kissed it softly. Lifting his glasses back to their comfortable position, he turned away from Emi and listened to the orders now being given. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]OOC[/B]: ur post was good Sakura...I actually posted this right after you did yours so im changing mine slightly to match yours :-p[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Each step that Ajack made towards Emi...that once intense passion that flowed through his veins became an intense hatred towards these men. He had found peace in the arms of this woman, and he had found another piece of himself again. With his head hanging down slightly as he walked forward, following the yelling of Emi that the officers finally came to a stop as their retreat backwards was hindered by a pair of tables. The crowd around them quickly fled from the scene as two bodies from the side of Ajack quickly fell with a moaning of pain. Turning his attention for a moment in that direction, Ajack picked up Cassidy's sweat pouring out of him from the rush. Then more officers jumped at Ajack as he heard Emi's screams becoming more distant. Before he could react, Clyne came out of nowhere. She growled and struck, delivering a spinning back kick to the sternum of an officer that had one of Ajack's arms in a tight and painful lock before making a swift uppercut to his chin which sent him to the ground and making him release his grip on Ajack. [B]"Are you ok?"[/B] she questioned, eyes scanning for any sign of someone about to attack her. Someone jumped at her from the back, she saw them in her peripheral vision and grabbed the onslaughter's right arm, using his momentum to throw him over her shoulder, crashing him to the ground on his back furiously, kneeling to send her elbow into his solar plexus. [B]"I'm fine. Emi..."[/B] he growled and lashed out, kneeing someone that tried to grab him from the front in the gut. She risked a glance across to see that Trysten was now close to her and was watching the crowd. Now it seemed most people were reluctant to attack them. [B]"Thanks, but I can take them."[/B] Ajack said as he surged forward. [I]...thank you my friends...[/I] Turning back towards Emi, one of the men let go of his grasp on Emi and made a sprint towards Ajack...[I]I only have a minute or two before security will be here...I'll make it quick. [/I] Just as the officer began to come upon him, Ajack burst his eyes wide open, exposing his light green eyes, letting all of the light flood in. Even then he didn't know why he did it, but the officer was caught off guard for a slight moment at the sight as he thrust right hand. Quickly sidestepping to the right, sensing every movement the officer made, Ajack dodged the jab and grabbed the arm with his right hand and moved inward towards the body. The officer tried to counter from his left but it was futile, Ajack already have position as he knocked the wind out of the officer with his left shoulder. Taking his now free left hand Ajack reached back to grab the right arm of the officer that was still in his grasp, and flipped the officer over his back onto the ground. Before the officer could respond Ajack quickly thrust an open palm directly into the mans face, breaking quite a few teeth. Upon looking at the scene Emi's captor released her and threw her to the ground, making his way towards Ajack. Ajack turned towards him upon seeing a knife being drawn out and slashed at his right arm. The damage was minimal as the wound began to bleed...Ajack could feel it only slightly. A series of swipes from the blade followed, the man was obviously very skilled, but he was also drunk...and Ajack was faster. Dodge after dodge, Ajack swiftly moved his body from side to side, ducking and twisting in order to avoid the blade. He could only imagine the officer was now fearing for his life, cursing under his breath at his drunkin' foolishness. A whistle was heard being blown in the crowd, [I]they're coming...[/I]. In that moment the officer slashed across from his left with his right hand, trying to come down on Ajack. Knowing the end was coming, Ajack stopped the attack, grabbing the officers wrist with his right hand. Without hesitation, Ajack immidiately thrust an open palm again against the mans elbow, completely shattering the bones in his arm. The officer screamed in pain while Ajack continued to hold the mans arm with his right. Quickly shifting his weight, he stepped with his right foot and twisted on its heeling, resulting in a fierce kick from his left right into the mans chest, sending him flying into on of the tables. A sigh of relief came over Ajack as he closed his eyes and rubbed his eyelids. Before Emi could come to his aid two security officer grabbed Ajack from both side and twisted his arms behind his back and kicked the back of his knees, causing him to kneel on the floor. A third individual walked up behind him, a man Ajack assumed to be another superior officer.[/CENTER] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]She tried to mask it so well...amongst the rapid acceleration in her heartbeat he would have missed it, she felt the gossip flowing around them as he did... [I] ...that's it...[/I] The song began to die down, getting ready for the next "Emi...hold on a second." [I]it's now my turn[/I]...releasing her from his hold and taking a step back, Ajack began to slowly take his silk pink shirt reveiling a black wifebeater underneath. Without a care he also threw his shirt away like Emi had done with her fishnet. Suddenly to Emi's surprise, Ajack began to take off his sunglasses. She quickly rushed up to him, standing on her tiptoes to be eye to eye with him, Emi clamped her hands over his has he started to pull off his sunglasses, stopping him. [B] "What are you doing?"[/B] she hadn't seen this kind of behavior before from him, in a way she was afraid to see the eyes underneath. [B]"Trust me...I'll keep my eyes closed."[/B] Emi reliqueshed her strength from his hands, but still held onto them as he pulled them off. As he said, he kept his eyelids closed. [B]"Why are you doing this?"[/B] she questioned as she took the glasses away from him and carefully put them in their case which was in his pocket. What fear she had of his actions quickly faded into was she could only describe as an overwelming rush of excitment. [B]"Because tonight, I'm not blind."[/B] giving her a loving smile. She knew of course that he wanted everyone to see him like a regular person so that she wouldn't feel any discomfort from their surroundings. How little he knew, that in her mind, she saw him as so much more. As the music began to play again; a metal/rap variety, without warning Ajack took Emi back into his arms and pressed her close to him, skin against skin...pelvics connected. It took Emi less than second to get back into the grove of the music. She lost herself so quickly in his touch that she hadn't noticed his left hand was on her waist...but his right hand... A rush of passion and lust empowered her has she felt his right palm being gently pressed on her face...his thumb gliding softly across her cheek. His eyes were closed and blind obviously, but he was feeling her...her face...her every detail. [I]...please see me Ajack...please...[/I] With this was going on through her mind, she lost herself once again as Ajack had as well. Their waist and legs intertwined as they flowed to the music, feeling one another, he was much more toned in muscle than she had imagined which only added to her infatuation . She had her eyes closed as well, lossing herself in the moment as she smelled and felt him close to her. Every sensation burned like liquid fire through her veins[I]...so this is how it must be like...[/I] Quickly transitioning to the change in momentum of the song, Emi turned herself to her backside, pressing herself firmly against as they continued. Ajack didn't miss a beat, he was a complete natural. She wrapped her right arm around his neck to keep his face close, almost breathing into one another and grabbed his left thigh with her free hand to keep him close. Ajack in turn placed his right hand on her belly, and his other on top of hers on his thigh. Throughout the grinding he'd changed his right hand from belly to hip to inner-thigh and back again. It felt like an eternity in their own darknesses of sight as the music engulfed them both. Emi was so lost in their lust...or even passionate love when Ajack surprised her again with a quick thrust upward with his hips, causing her to straigthen up. Emi's eyes burst open as she could feel him from behind. [B]"Uh..."[/B] was all that came from her voice as he quickly turned Emi towards him and spun her with his right arm away from him. She gave him a bright smile as he spun her back in perfect sync. with the song as it came to its climax. As the song began to die down, Emi spun back into Ajacks arms and dipped her, arching her as far as she could go. When the song finally ended Ajack jerked up towards him, causing her hair to fall in front of her face. They were both sweat immensly as Ajack dipped his head where she caught it with her forehead after pushing her hair aside. Both of her hands were upon his chest as his hands were on her hips. They stood like that with one another for a long time as the pause continued between the song. As the next song began to pick up, Ajack lifted his head away from Emi's and swung his head to get his hair out of his face. Emi looked up to a very content and peaceful smile. [B]"Ready to go again, or have I exhausted you?"[/B] he couldn't help himself chuckle. Emi backed away from him slightly and placed her right hand on his cheek...not saying anything. She pulled her touch back and proclaimed. [B]"I was born ready!...that was amazing! you're so full of surprises tonight Ajack!"[/B] [B]"And I could dance with you all night."[/B] Something quickly alarmed Ajack as heavy footsteps apart from the dancing that surrounded them came from behind Emi. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]The warm water of the shower streaming down the back of his neck as Ajack held his head under the shower head felt incredible...not because of him not enjoying the shuttlecraft trip.......he enjoyed it too much. The thrill felt like it would kill him....[I]so much speed[/I], it felt like his heart was going to burst from the excitement and thrill. [I]Maybe these combat simulations are getting to me...[/I] His skin was like fire...or maybe his veins...he couldn't tell...it was a like a newfound drug addiction; making its way deeper into his being. Finally cooling himself down in satisfaction, Ajack slowly made his way out of his bathroom, hands gliding against the walls...trying to make his way to the bed. It took him nearly 2 hours to get all of his things situated in his room...he even had to resort to his walking stick for the first time in years. Ajack knew for sure that he was late for the party...it was to his surprise that no one from the team had come to get him yet, especially Emi. With a deep sigh Ajack finally found his cloths on the bedsheet...damn it I don't even know what I picked for colors. The materials felt right...the shirt was silk and pants were rugged. (when you see Ajack at the party you'll see him in a pink shirt with black pants) [B]***[/B] [B]"Excuse me, can you please tell me where the secondary hanger is?"[/B] this was always the worst part about new places...he had to learn the layout first before he could walk without hinderance. A female officer stood in front of him, glancing at his walking stick...almost dumbfounded at the thought of this young man being a new recruit to ANGEL wire. [B]"I'll escort you there if you'd like."[/B] as weird as this acquaintance was, this was a very attractive looking guy despite his black sunglasses. Holding in a chuckle of laughter at his choice of clothing, she gently guided him down the hallway towards the hanger. Upon entering the hanger, he knew that he was late. Despite the mixing a many voices he quickly pointed out those of his friends. There was suddenly laughter in back of him from a couple of female officers...there voices were soft, but he could hear them easily enough. [B]"Do you see that guy..." "Yea...obviously desprite for attention..." "Pink...what was he thinking..."[/B] [I]Uh...you got to be kidding...[/I] Ajack knew exactly what they were talking about... Turning away from the direction of his walk towards his friends, Ajack quickly made to what he could only defer to being the bar because of the smell of alcohol. [B]"Shot of jagermeister please...make it a double."[/B] without question the bartender came back with the drink and placed it before Ajack. Without hesitation Ajack took the drink in one gulp and set it back down on the table. Turning around in his chair he smelled the sudden rush of auroma that Ajack knew too well as Emi's scent. It was the smell that she only used for big parties like this. He was only a few feet away from her...coincident enough she didn't recognize him. ..probably too busy dancing with the multitude of guys that she usually danced with. Shaking his head in amusement...he suddely felt sad. Deep down he knew she had something for him, as unbelievable was it was to him because of how openly she was with everyone else...like he imagined her now dancing with every guy that walked up to her. Turning away in his seat, the DJ could be heard yelling for who he described to be a woman to come up to the stage to get a reward...again, her scent shifted. [I] ...congradulations Emi...I'm sorry I can't live that kind of life...don't really have a choice too...God knows I'd be out there with you all night if I could...[/I] Motioning to the bartender for another drink, a band burst into sound on stage to a familiar song that Ajack knew. Determined not to feel down anymore than he already was, Ajack pushed himself out of his seat and headed towards the stage. Bumping and slamming into people as he passed by them...[I]yes I am blind, you can move please[/I]...he finally made his way to the stage and introduced himself to the DJ. [B]"Would you happen to have an extra guitar?"[/B] Ajack's question was direct and full of confidence. [B]"Yes but..."[/B] quickly the DJ moved his attention elsewhere and his tone of voice changed immidiately. [B]"Would you happen to play the drums as well? This guy has been sucking all night, and I really need this band to stay up there so I can get a break..."[/B] As soon as the song was overwith, the DJ helped Ajack up onto the stage and motioned him towards the drums where the musician was quickly replaced. It took only a moment for Ajack to feel the drums surrounding and memorize their placement. [B]"Are you sure you can play?"[/B] questioned the female singer who approached him from the side. Her singing partner who was a guy came from behind as well; his breath was hard upon Ajack's neck, but he wasnt intimidated [B]"Trust me...just lead the way"[/B] he couldn't tell what her facial expression was, but without question she turned back towards her place along with her partner. [B][I][LEFT]Yo, pretty ladies around the world Gotta a weird thing to show you So tell all the boys and girls Tell your brother, your sister and your momma too Were about to go down And you know just what to do Wave your hands in the air like you don?t care Glide by the people as they start to look and stare Do your dance, Do your dance Do your dance quick, mom[/LEFT][/I][/B] It was a nice metal-grinding song. Ajack played in perfect sync. with the singers as he banged his head as he slammed the sticks against the drums. He quickly began to sweat and feel heat upon his chest and forehead...but he loved it...he loved to feel alive like this. [B] [I][LEFT]C?mon baby tell me what?s the word Now, word up (ahh ahh) Everybody say When you hear the call you got to get it under way Word up (ahh ahh) It?s the call, word No matter where you say it You know that you?ll be heard Now all you sucker DJs Who think you?re fly There?s got to be a reason And we know the reason why You try to put on those airs And act real cool But you got to realize That you?re acting like fools If there?s music, we can use it Be free to dance We don?t have the time for psychological romance No romance, no romance No romance for me, mom[/LEFT][/I][/B] [I] ...Be free to dance...be free to run...[/I] The song ended with a roaring applause as Ajack ended it with a terrific show of skill and speed on the drums. Before the next song started up, the two singers came up to him once again... [B]"Do you know how to play heavy metal and rap?"[/B] Ajack simply nodded...and they continued to rock the house before the DJ came back to relieve them. Ajack's pain still held strong on his heart...but the rush of the moment and faith in the hope of a better life than of a blind man gave me peace...if only for a moment. A drop of water fell from his eyelid towards his chin...whether it was a tear or just the sweat...he didn't know. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. Do all of us have the ability to talk to our "animal choices"? And if so...can I choose not too have the same kind of interaction as everyone else?
  15. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][I]...Alpha...[/I] The name muttered underneath the breath of the 16 year old...seemingly pure and innocent when looked upon; one would whitter and die at what this young boy had already been exposed too. [I].....Isabel... [/I] Walking like one of the zombies that now surrounded him, Akira followed the path of the street dazed to his surroundings; the environment around him fading in and out of existance. [I]....Star...[/I] Finally, looking skywards in awe and dumb-foundedness, drool hanging from his mouth and exposed tongue...the young boy looked upon the monster that errupted from the earth before him. [I]...Alpha... [/I] [B]***[/B] (picture [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/boy.jpg]HERE[/URL]) *** Quickly snapping out of his daydream, Kairi looked up at the waves of clouds flowing over his head as he looked down from the great Colosseum of Rome. Leaning up against one of the third story pillars as he sat; breathing in the late afternoon breeze, Akira quickly became freshed and peaceful about his daydream. It was hours before that the entire world learned of the arrival of the titans...when Kairi saw the events taking place in Tokyo and New York. He had lived in both of those cities before for a time, his parents were quite insistant on moving around as often as they did. Kairi always suspected that they moved because of him, but he never indulged his thoughts about it...he trusted his parents. Looking down at his wrist, Akira looked at the amulet that his mother had given him. A silver bracelot with a green emerald on its top...almost lossing himself in its beauty. His long silver and black hair blew in the wind as a gentle voice flooded his mind... [COLOR=Navy][B] [I]Kairi my son...you must come home now...[/I][/B][/COLOR] [B]"But I wish not too..."[/B] a hint of dissapoint was in his voice as he spoke aloud. His mother was a very loving individual, his light upon his path of convertion. No, that wasn't the right word...revelation is more appropriate. [COLOR=Navy][I][B] Kairi, your father and I need you at home...please come home...[/B][/I][/COLOR] Without a response Kairi stood from his resting place and looked across the city with his silver-glass like eyes and faded into the shadows of the Colosseum.[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [SIZE=1][CENTER][B]"If one really had free will, then that would make behavior unpredictable...however as you all are very well aware of, such a thing is of ancient history. Cognitive learning and development results in the outcomes of ones choices...through past experience, we create motives and desires which mold around greatest benefit, and minimal sacrifice."[/B] It was a wonderful saturday afternoon in his senior year of high school. The sun could be felt beating down hard on Ajacks skin as he peaceful sat back his chair as he usually did, analyzing and taking in the lecture of the day from his psychology professor. His eyesight was looking out the window...even though he couldn't see anything. The only sensation on his eyes were of the sun intense heat outside, shining through the window. As important as his daily simulations were, Ajacks supervisor felt very strongly that the mind and its functioning was just as important as training the mind... [B]"Know the mind of your opponent...that has been our theme for this semester. Tell me Mr. Masters..."[/B] [I]figured...pick on the blind man old timer...[/I] "explain to me how what I just said a moment ago about behavior can be used to your advantage on the battlefield." Without taking his eyes away from the window, [B]"there is no free will; we are bound to the experiences of past events which thus influence our future decisions. Through this principle we can derive the desires and intentions of the enemy, which gives us a future insight into their given actions. In turn we ourselves are bond by the same fate, and must manipulate it."[/B] [B]"How would you do that?"[/B] continued the professor who seemed somewhat pleased with the last segment of Ajack's answer. [B]"We may not have free will...or in other words, freely chosen motives...for example, if we are injuried, we will instinctively hinder that part of our body and overcompensate to obtain homeostasis. Adding onto that, if we've experienced trauma and defeat in the past, we will tend to avoid similar situations. However, with such instincts, we still have choice of whether or not to act...which is called Free Act."[/B] The professor stood in front of the room with what Ajack could imagine to be a grin on his face. Ajack conituned... [B]"Understand this principle brings our position on the battlefield back to unpredictability. For example again, I'm blind sir, which in your mind sets you at peace because more than likely I will not show any aggressive action towards you because of my vulnerability...but what if..."[/B] Ajack turned his gaze from the window towards the approximate position of the teacher. [B]"What if I have already decided to take this mechanical pencil in my desk and jump from my seat and drive the pencil into your throat...as unrealistic as it may seem, you would be caught completely off guard."[/B] The classroom was completely silent for a long moment as the teacher looked at Ajack eyes wide open...Ajack could sense the fear from the teacher...him pondering what could possibly be going on behind those black sunglasses of his; which wasn't his intent...but at least he got his point across. [B] "This priniciple as you've been teaching Professor Malcolm, is an attempt to broaden our minds to not just one possible future, but to many so that we may be prepared for anything."[/B] Ajack turned his attention away back towards the window and drifted to thoughts of his mother, and what he might have looked with her eyes ([URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/1122839850_m.jpg]picture here of Ajack, without glasses of course[/URL] ) *** The auditorium still held its claustrophobic feeling as Cassidy was applauded as he returned to his seat. Suddenly he caught it again, that breif, momentary moment of hesitation and loss in Cassidy's bodymovement as he returned to his seat while Vermillion was having his name called. No doubt it was from Rusti's turn of gaze in his direction that he sensed...[I]sigh...[/I]...a good sigh at best. Cassidy was rumored to be the most handsome and desired man of all the former Cadets. Ajack could savely assume that it wasn't often that a woman took the mans breath away...in a way Ajack was pleased. It hadn't been the first time that this had happened. As Vermillion could be heard making his way towards the Air Chief...Ajack's mind drifted to the lesson learned that day. [I]why did the Air Chief Marshall need to ask such a question in public, why not in privacy and confidentiality..........because he knew that in such a situation we would all be forced to accept...because that was why they were all there...for advancement in their careers... [/I] With such a motive, Ajack pondered over what the Air Chief Marshall intended for all of them. They were an oddly bunch...full of personalities...troublemakers, leaders, planners; all at the top of their classes in one form or another. [I]he has something planned for us...and he needed our cooperation...[/I] Vermillions acceptance could be heard as the crowd applauded in approval...[I]what have we gotten ourselves into...[/I] Ajack clapped with enthusiasm and smiled for Vermillion as well as the others; this was a big and wonderful step in their lives. [I]whatever the Air Chief Marshalls intentions are...I know we'll get through it together with strength and love...[/I] But right there in that moment...Ajack vowed he would be not so predictable again. The clapping died down as everyone awaited further instructions. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Standing there upon the stage in front of hundreds of other fellow officers unnerved Ajack. Not being able to see the faces of his friends was hard enough...but not being able to see the face of a stranger was frightening. Hiding his faded green eyes behind his black sunglasses clearly distinguished him from the others from what he could only imagine to be the most ridiculous looking uniforms. [B] "Tell me Rusti..."[/B] Ajack made sure to keep the volume of his voice and the movement of his lips to a minimum as Air Chief Marshal began his elaborate speech. "should I ask you what our new uniforms look like, or can I accurately describe them as 'hidious' by the smell I'm getting from us wearing them." [B]"Sssshhhh..."[/B] Rusti couldn't hold back the grin that now spread across her face as they all continued to look forward. Emi on the other hand had already made a hoggish sound from trying to hold in her outburst. No one in the crowd seemed to hear her as the deep voice of the Air Chief continued on. Ajack couldn't help but chuckle to himself...knowing full well what he was doing, he knew he'd get some kind of response from Emi. Out of the entire group, Trysten, Emi and Rusti were the closet to him; he took their pitty of his condition well...especially Trystens understanding due to his loss of one eye. He was friends with all of them, the only cadet's in the entire academy that seemed to accept him. In simulations or environments where Ajack knew the layouts exactly could he have freedom of movement and show he full potential. But when put in a new situation, he was a cripple once again...as prideful of a man Ajack was at times, he had to admit that he needed help at times. But not being able to see their faces always plagued him. He could smell them...each with their own scent, some having ones he liked and those not; as well as their speech and movement styles as the air shifted. And here he stood before hundreds of strangers...studying and judging him like the prejudice officers that they were. It wasn't fair for them to have such an advantage over him. Despite his thoughts, Ajack continued to pay attention to Air Chief Marshall's speech and suddenly heard his named called to step forward. Taking a deep breath and absorbing his surroundings, Ajack confidently stepped forward towards the crowd. He knew already what the Air Chief Marshall was going to say...he had met with him the day before, reporting to him due to the test results that were processed the day before. [B] ''I am proud to introduce to you Lieutenant Ajack Masters. As you can see, he is not your ordinary soldier..."[/B][I] Like I thought...here it comes...[/I] Ajack was right, the Air Chief was sharing the information from their conversation...instead of listening to the speech, Ajack's mind drifted to yesturday. [B]***[/B] [I][B] "I'm pleased to say Cadet that your test results on the new high speed combat simulation are the highest in your entire class."[/B] [/I]The Air Chief could be heard suffling through some papers as Ajack say quietly in his chair. [B][I] "Forgive me, that is an understatement; your results were off the charts. It's fasinating, despite your handicap, you have an amazing ability to react to battle situations with amazing reflexes combined with precise accuracy."[/I][/B] [B]Superior Reflexes[/B] could be heard in the back of Ajacks mind, coming back momentarily to reality. [I][B] "What's encouraging as well is the strain on your mind and body during the simulation in the lab stayed within healthy ranges."[/B][/I] [B]Amazing Battle Endurance[/B] [I][B]"The use of your implanted synaptic relays has increased the production of these simulations by at least 200%, almost making your handicap to be a benefit. How you'll respond in the field is very unpredictable. But rest assured your results will help future Cadet's training and biological parameters for speed simulations. If you'd only let us give you robot eyes, we'd..."[/B][/I] [B]***[/B] [B]"No."[/B] Ajack didn't notice that he said his answer outload underneath his breath..thankfully no one heard him yet again. It hadn't had been the first time that the Air Chief has asked him for permission to replace his faded green eyes for robotic replicas. As humble of a man Ajack had become over the years, his pride has its limits. He thought of his mother...he had been told that his mother had the most beautiful emerald green eyes. Knowing that his blind eyes had become a faded green, he could picture in his mind what he'd look like. He could never betray what his mother gave him. He had been born blind, but through his synaptic relays which consisted of two small incisions on either side of his temples, they were able to essentially download images into his mind which gradually evolves into long video simulations. There was no technology yet that would enable him to see the real moving world through his eyes, but he hoped. Only the images that he had been shown comforted him, giving him some approximation of the world. His senses training with slight air disturbances, smell and sound has greatly benefitted his relexive abilities...but it still wasn't enough. Being so wrapped in his thoughts, Ajack completely missed the Air Chief Marshall's offer... [B]"Ajack...I ask again..."[/B] Ajack was motionless showing no response to him missing the Air Chief's statement...[B]" I offer to you to join ANGEL Wire, do you accept?"[/B] Ajack hadn't expected this. From their conversation just the other day, Ajack didn't expect to go far in the military. Without any hesitation nor doubt in his mind... [B]"I accept"[/B] and with that, there was a load applause as Ajack turned and cautiously walked back to his spot. Rusti instinctively reached out for his arm and helped him stand correctly...she knew that the noise must have been affecting his field of vision. [B]"Thank you"[/B] he said with a smile, and stood upright. Many thoughts began to flood his mind, but one above them all came into focus. It wasn't the new possibilities of this grand offer, nor the embarrasment of not hearing the Air Chief Marshal, but his dream...and the desire to run...to run fast...to run free...[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [B][RIGHT][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]"Who really knows what is reality, and what is a dream?"[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/RIGHT][/B] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]"Sir..."[/B] like an echo in the back of his mind, Michael stirred in his chair as he turned from his desk and looked at the drenched officer standing in his doorway. It had been raining outside the massive castle for almost two full days now. A flash of lightening illuminated the room that was being lit by a single candle on the desk Michael just turned from in his chair. With such brilliant light flooding from the windows, the officer could see a breathtaking collection of art. The room was much larger than he had first anticipated when walked in. A king size bed of 18th century architecture and design lay in the far corner, while Michael's desk was placed right in the middle of the room...nothing else but the art was in the room. [B]"Yes, what is it Leo?"[/B] it was always unnerving to the soldiers being referred to by their first names, but this kind of response was common knowledge now a days, and has become accepted from the new advisor. Michael's voice was passive...immediately spreading a calm sensation down Leo's back. [B]"I'm sorry to have disturbed you, but General Redman has confirmed the discovery of the final mark."[/B] It had been months since the last sighting...a discovery Leo would have hoped to bring a smile to the advisor. However he was quickly disappointed by Michaels response...he simply turned to his desk and shut a leather-bond journal. Many minutes passed by without a word from either of the two men as Michael began to pace around the room, put things that were out of place where they were supposed to be as the officer waited patiently. Michael's appearance wasn't like other advisors to the president. Usually they were all old with glasses; and lacking of hair. But Michael...he could easily pass as any other ordinary athletic college student. Leo didn't quite know his age, but he guessed him to be around 25-27 years of age...but by the tone of his voice; he sounded much older. Not in age necessarily...but in understanding. What was always odd about this man was his eye...like blue emeralds piercing into ones own hearts...surely unnatural. By losing himself in his thoughts, Leo didn't notice that Michael was a few steps ahead of him; heading towards the door. Leo quickly moved to the side so that Michael could pass but was shocked to feel a firm hand be placed on his shoulder as Michael suddenly stopped midway through the door. Leo had been watching over Michael for the past 4 months, and this was the first time that he had every touched him in any way. [B]"Leo...go home, your family is in danger..."[/B] Michael paused for a moment...[B]"your wife is having an affair; if you leave now you will find her with another man..."[/B] The officer was so caught off guard by this sudden revelation he felt like he was going to go into a gaze...but before he could respond, Michael was jogging down the hallway towards the courtyard where the chopper was waiting for them. Leo quickly looked at the room once more and all of its artwork, but suddenly noticed that the journal was not on top of the desk like it usually was. Shaking the observation, Leo ran out of the castle and headed towards his car. [SIZE=2] [B][CENTER]*** In the Chopper ***[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Taking a seat between two marines, Michael pulled out his journal and firmly pressed it into the chest of the marine to his left. [B]"Give this to me once I wake up when we land."[/B] The marine looked at him confusingly and cautiously took the leather book into his hand without question. One of the pilots looked back at the three men who had heard the statement. [B]"Why are you giving him a book?"[/B] Michael stirred in his seat and closely closed his eyes. Without making eye-contact with the pilot, [B]"because when I wake up...I'm going to forget that I even had a book."[/B] Before the pilot could respond, Michael was already lost in a deep sleep. [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=2]>Shift
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][I]...one...[/I] [B][I]The open plains on either side faded in sight as Ajack's body began to be pulled forward...faster and faster with each passing heart beat.[/I][/B] [I]...two...[/I] [I] [B]Bringing his attention ahead of him, the savannah could be seen in the distance coming to it's end...a mountainside soon began to come into focus.[/B] [/I] [I]...three...[/I] [I][B]In a rush of panic Ajack breath stuck in his throat as he anticipated the collision up against the rock...only to be surprised by his entire world shattering like a sheet of glass...his body bursting into what looked like to be space.[/B][/I] [I] ...four...[/I] [I][B]For a moment he hung airbourne...the stars and planets glowing with beauty and aura as he envied such light...then without warning he began to freefall downward ; further into the black abyss. His world began to spin and brought a sickening feeling to his stomach.[/B][/I] [I]...five... [/I] [I][B]A swelling or nausia and dizziness invaded his mind as his innards began to twist and turn with his motion of fall. Small glimpses of solid ground beneath him could be seen coming closer. Ajack finally just let the inevitable go and closed his eyes and prepared for death.[/B][/I] [I]...six...[/I] [B][I]To his surprise...Ajack opened his eyes...[I]alive?[/I]...he hadn't felt anything. No pain, no impact on the ground. In amazement he found himself in the savannah once again. It was now night; the cool air blew through his golden red hair and he inhaled it slowly through his nostrils...embracing its refreshing application. Looking around his surroundings, he suddenly was started by the sight of a long, slendered beast lying beside him. It began to pure in its sleep as Ajack looked upon the beast. It was a Cheetah...long and sleak...and yet full of power and muscle as it lay curled up in a ball. Ajack gracefully brushed his hand across its fur, making every attemt not to wake the beast. Without any movement, not even a stir, the beast opened it's deep black eyes and locked with Ajacks gaze. At first he felt at peace in the beasts sights...till his world suddenly began to drawn into the darkness. [/I][/B] [COLOR=Black][SIZE=2][CENTER] ***[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B][I]"huuuuuuu"[/I][/B] Ajack opened his eyelids to darkness as he slowly raised his head off the pillow. Flicking on the night lamp next to him, he quickly put on his sunglasses and jumped out bed. For being blind man, Ajack was extremely graceful and agile in his movements. Landing perfectly on one foot, he moved his way towards his closet pulled out one of many uniforms that he had. His roommate occupied the other side of the quarters, but didn't seem to be around. Each uniform was the same, there wasn't a need for having attire, so Ajack didn't have to worry about what he chose. This wasn't the first dream that he's had that's given him the gift of sight...seeing his natural emerald green eyes once again. He often loved his dreams...but this latest one was different from the rest...he felt like dying. Walking out of his quarters...Ajack could see in his mind the layout and dimensions of the hallway. Senses training from the military trained Ajack to anticipate and feel out the environment around him, however never again being able to see detail, faces...or any kind of art. Despite his prideful nature, the military also insisted on him learning Braille. A lot of the other cadet's made fun of him for it. [I][B] State your rank and age, name and identification number for entrance...awaiting voice recognition.[/B][/I] Ajack stood in from of the administrative office for his appointment with his superior. The camera beside the steel door was motion activated. Ajack cleared his throat and spoke with his usual deep, confident voice. [I][B]"Ajack Masters: age 22, Ground Unit: Cadet. Identification Number #0005003"[/B] [/I][/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]When you have insomnia...you're never really wake, nor asleep. You're just...there...everything is quiet and so far away, you wonder if life really exists at all. Upon the coming of the morn, Joseph stirred in his seating position and rested his rifle on the wall as me made his way to the window. He had left a bucket of water so that he could wash his face. His long brown hair was mattered and twisted in knots as he rubbed his eyes with his thumbs. The night had been long...they always are... Taking up all his belongings, Joseph paid the innkeeper for his stay and casually walked the streets, making his way to the docks. His message had reached his captain that night...and with luck, she was already here. With his pet on his shoulders, pecking at his neck for some food. He graciously stopped by the local market and bought a few small fish for him to feast on. While shopping, in the corner of his eye Joseph saw Max and Chris walking cautiously through the market...obviously heading in the direction in which he came from... [B] "But how do they know where I stayed in this town?"[/B] then it dawned on him...they must have found some people looking for him. And just as the thought entered his mind, a couple of marines were following his comrades closely. With a slow motion to his belt, Joseph pulled set his weapon, and made his way towards his friends... He could see the events unfolding in his mind...[B]"A shootout...then a run for the docks..."[/B] [I]I should have gotten myself a new pair of boots. [/I][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  21. Kairi

    KING [m-lv]

    [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]"Is this him?"[/B] the room was very well lit...blinding Richard as his mechanical eyes tried to adjust to the intensity. All he could see were three figures in from of him...from there scent one was a woman. Probably an office whore...oh he knew them all to well; they seemed to flock to those men of power he kicked. She drew closer to him and knelt beside him and looked at the brand on his right arm; underneath his tattoo of a pheonix, his bar code was directly underneath. Not only was Richard bond to the chair that he was sitting in, he knew that he was also drugged...to surpress any struggle. [B]"How did you find him?"[/B] questioned the young woman to the two men standing at the door. [B]"We found him in Sphere City...he somehow found a way to get inside the dome."[/B] [B] "He is a intelligent I'll give him that...but I fear some negligence on your part would answer that intrusion as well."[/B] her response was strong and firm...obviously she held some form of power over them. Again she began to examine him...almost seductively she moved her head around his entire body and smelled him, pressing her hand against his muscles as she felt him. Taking full advantage of his present state she spread her legs and placing her left leg inbetween his own legs, she sat upon his thigh, getting a full look at the con. The men shifted in their stance for a moment at her actions, but quickly contained themselves. Richard felt that female warmth flowing from her skin as it pressed against his own...and quickly snapping out of his drugged state he pressed both thighs together and trapped the young womans leg and held her tight. For a moment his eyes open wide and took into full view his surroundings. What drew his eyes was the long-silver haired woman sitting upon him with small looking glasses. [B]"You're fast..."[/B] she replied, completely unintimidated by Richard, knowing she still had an advantage over him. Just as quickly as Richard moved she reached out for his face and opened his eyelids being blinded once again and glared into his grey artificial pupils. [B]"Beautiful...not many have such eyes as you do..." [/B] The men at the door began to beat Richard in the body and face with their fists, trying to get him to release the woman. She backed away as they administered another dose of the drug. [B] "He's the one I've been looking for...see to it that he's transported to the site."[/B] Without hesitation one of the men pulled out a gun and bashed Richards forhead with its handle and knocked the chair onto the floor with Richard still strapped in. Surprisingly Richard wasn't knocked unconcious and just chuckled...[B]"is that the best you got panzy."[/B] Then everything went black... [COLOR=Black][SIZE=2][B]***[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] He had no idea whether hours, days or weeks had passed when Richard awoke from the darkness of his mind and entered yet another bright room with nothing but a toilet to shit it and a bed to sleep. [B]"Bastards could have at least left me my glasses."[/B] as much as an advantage his mechanical eyes gave him...these guys knew exactly what kind light interferred with the electrical impulses in his brain to operate them. They left him alone and naked like a newborn child...alone and cold with no feeling of sensation...only that of being drugged...disconnected from reality. Not knowing if this was a dream or real, to his surprise the door to his cell suddenly appeared to be left open with a half dozen bodies lying lifelessly outside the cell. Blood flowed across the metallic flooring as Richard quickly stripped one of the bodies. [B][I]Did I do this...I don't remember...[/I][/B] Clothing himself in a white robe, Richard began to run frantically through the white and silver hallways. To his surprise the hallways were all empty...it felt like he was completely alone, where ever it was. Turning around a corner, Richard found himself standing in front of a massive metallic door seeming to stretch towards the heavens in Richards deteriorated sight. Without warning a strong pulse of energy errupted within Richards body and caused him to fall to one knee. [B][I]What was that...it seemed to come from that door... [/I][/B] In his stubbornness he got back on his two feet and walked closer...with each step the pulse increased in power...but Richard was strong and made his way to the door and placed a hand on its contents before it felt like his heart was about to burst and collapsed. Everything went dead once again... [B]"How the hell did he get out of his cell!"[/B] yelled out one of the officers who arrived to see Richards body lying outside of PRINCESS. [B]"He was heavily sedated."[/B] responded Emma who sat at Richards side...[B]"we don't know how we got out."[/B] [B]"Did he kill anyone!"[/B] the officer, who seemed to be in charge of the facility roared with rage. [B]"No...surprisingly there were no casualities."[/B] [B]"Then how in God's name did he get this far without being spotted."[/B] The officer continued to interigate Emma who just blocked it out now at this point and looked at Richard. For a moment he opened his eyes to see her kneeling over him once again...and just as quickly fell back into unconciousness. [B]"I swear to you Ms. Dylia, if this man kills anyone on my staff I will have his head. God only knows why you would bring such a psychotic and disturbed here for your cause."[/B] Again, Emma continued to look upon Richard; and with gentle brush of the back of her hand she petted the side of his face. [B]"I know better Richard...I know better..."[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  22. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][B][I]They should have ghost'd me when they had the chance...why they kept me alive is beyond me...but I made them pay...I made them all pay.[/I][/B] the plasma storm outside of MetalEarths dome crashed against the planet as the city skyline lit up in bright lights, as if the dome itself was on fire. It quickly became dark as many in the town fled for shelter. Their footsteps could be heard running along the metal flooring of the planet as Richard sat hidden in the darkness of an allywa...hiding from his predator...waiting for his moment to shift that role. A few blocks away...half a dozen men walked the streets of this city fully armed in basic weaponary with the chaos above as everyone scattered. [B] "Captain...who exactly are we looking for?"[/B] questioned a young cadet at the captain's side and everwatchful eye. Captain Ricadro pulled out an electronic palm pad and used a black pen on the glowing screen to look up the information. Within seconds a profile with the mans picture appeared on the screen. [COLOR=Blue][RIGHT]Name: Richard B. Brock Age: 37 Gender: Male DNA Nationality: unknown Blood Type: unknown Last known location: Ursala's Stronghold (triple max security prison) Convictions: 30 counts of murder (however may be many more), theft, assault, extortion Appearance Complexion: Fair Hair Colour: Bald Eye Colour: (has no eyes...artificially made, did not recieve upgrade for color) Height: 6' 1" Weight: 215pounds Distinguishing Marks: Left ear pierced with sliver hoop, Martial Status: Wife Disesed Children: yes. 2 Daughters, Rinoa, age 18. Maria, age 16. Family Father: Unknown Mother: Danyella Brock (deceased) Sisters: none Brothers: none[/RIGHT][/COLOR] [B] "Listen up ladies and gentlemen..."[/B] the Captain stopped in the middle of the street with the others gathering around him. Richard heard and quietly made his way to listening range. His artificial eyes could see perfectly in the dark as they looked out through his black goggles. [B] "Our target is Richard Brock, a convict who just recently escaped from Ursala Stronghold. He considered extremely dangerous and very resources and intelligent so he must be handled with caution...however...we must take him alive."[/B] [B] "Are you crazy...did you hear what he did to the last crew who tried to capture him...5 men were killed in less than."[/B] [B] "Silence yourself Sergent...I will not have such negative energy in this squad. I want you to stick together; no one goes off alone. This climate above will give me much better cover for a critical strike...be safe."[/B] Richard smiled at the Captain's arrogance and looked up into the sky...beyond the plasma cloud there was a wide open black ocean...sparkling in the night. [B][I] I need to get out of here...[/I][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]''I say again...are you sure you have no idea where the good ol' mate of mine went too?"[/B] his tone was firm and direct in the darkness of one of the harbors store houses. A single lamp hung from the ceiling as a young man dangled from the beam above by his feet. Joseph paced around him patiently...gliding his blade across the skin as he held a torch in his other hand. [B]"I swear to you stranger...I do no know where he may be!"[/B] the victim screamed loud...but no one could hear his noises. Suddenly Joseph thrust the flame into the back lumbar region, burning the skin right off the back. It was so intense the victim only felt cold...a dead feeling on him as his nerve endings burned away. Joseph pulled up a chair and sat in front of the dangling man, crying in agony as he looked straight into his eyes. [B]"I don't believe you...my sources tell me Pearl docked here no more than 2 months ago...your dock."[/B] [B]"If I tell you anything he'll kill me..."[/B] Without hesitation Joseph stood up and sliced the throat of the man swiftly. The blood dripped to the floor as he gasped for air. Joseph walked away and simply said...[B]"I've already done it for you..."[/B] Walking out into the cool dark night, Joseph pulled out of his black jacket a cigar and lite it, blowing smoke through his nostrils. [B] "I hate this job sometimes."[/B] A very liable lead led Joseph to Kikya Port...his neverending search for Pearl. His loyalties to Kura were strong...and he hoped that she would understand him leaving. In the night sky, a hawk began to cry out as it soared down to Joseph. With a smile on his face he stretch forth his arm so that the hawk could rest upon his shoulder...there wasn't a note. [B]"She's dissapointed isn't she Drako."[/B] the hawk nudged the side of Josephs face as a creek in the doors started the bird as Joseph quickly pulled out a two pistols. He had gained a lot of info in this place...but now he was being hunted by the local mob...they never did like him...to much...liability... Walking cautiously through the port back to his hotel room, he took off his shirt and rifle and put a chair on the back wall looking at the door to the room. Leaning up against the wall with the chair...Joseph watched as he always did when he was working alone...not sleeping...being careful as usual. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][RIGHT]OOC: A lot of information in this post, please take good time in reading and understanding.[/RIGHT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE=1][CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Finally...the last two Dragonheart Lords had entered the chamber, a man and woman[I]...they are close, or some form of connection...[/I] Vylon analyzed them intensly as he glanced up from his book that he was contuing to write in. The story was a violent one; detailed descriptions of his monsters chaos from past stories. The two of them took their seats around the room in lavashing furnature in Onxyia's presence. When everyone was seated Onyxias raised its head almost to the ceiling and looked down upon them all. [B][COLOR=Black] "Thank you all for coming so quickly, I'm sure you all have had a difficult time recovering from the most recent attacks upon our great cities..."[/COLOR][/B] There was a short pause as they all sat quietly, honoring all those who were lost... [B] [COLOR=Black]"We have lost many...and their deaths will not be in vein. You all have been summoned here because you are the greatest of us...and you shall be the ones who hunt down this monster who is responsible for these killings."[/COLOR][/B] [B] "My Lord Onyxia?"[/B] questioned Alno'dra as the Great One lowered his head back down more to the Dragonhearts leve so they wouldn't have to look up so high. [COLOR=Black][B] "Yes Alno'dra...what is it?"[/B][/COLOR] Taking his turn to speak, Alno'dra rose from his chair and stood among them all as they sat and listened to what he had to say. [B]"Do we have idea on who is responsible for these recent events?"[/B] and respectfully, Alno'dra returned to his seat. Thee other Dragonhearts nodded in approval as they looked to their lord for answers...however some couldn't help but take a glance at Vylon who say quietly with his eyes closed...focusing on something... [COLOR=Black][B]"Right to the heart of the matter as usual Alno'dra, I honor that...so I'll turn things over to Lord Vylon who can explain the situation to you all."[/B][/COLOR] and with that, Vylon rose and bowed to everyone and began to introduce himself in a very calm and respectful tone of voice. [B]"Some of you have already been asking me questions on who I am and why I am here...thank you for your patience, I hope everything is explained to you now...." [/B]Vylon began to pace throughout the entire room looking at everyone as he spoke. "My name is Vylon Nomac of Milan, a friend of the Great One for over three hundred years." [I]...how can he be 300 years old...that's impossible... ...why does he address Onyxia like that...he speaks it like I would... ...that blue...that silver...he has the same colors as that dragon...[/I] [B]''I'm sure you all are quite confused as to how this can be so. And this is the reason why..."[/B] with that...Vylon pulled out a small gem from his pocket and held it up high for everyone to see. Aulea's chest suddenly felt like it was going to burst, but she held it back and kept her composure as she looked upon it...almost being drawn to it. It was a small gem, no...it took the shape of a perfect sphere as it shined bright red in the room which seemed to levitate in Vylon's very palm. After he knew everyone took a good look at the shard, he brought it down to his waist to hold. [B] "I once had a dragon myself by the name of Zoku, the legendary Golden Dragon of this great city...the very dragon that this city was modeled after. When I was a child, my parents died in a terrible fire and he took me in as a pupil. We did not become part of the Dragonheart order because we cheerished our isolaltion."[/B] Vylon took a moment of silence...pretending to honor the memory of the fallen dragon. He felt the dragons power pulsing from the shard...filling all his senses and nerves... [B]''Unfortunately, Zoku was the first of many dragons to be murdered back then...''[/B] [I]...murdered!...the first...[/I] [B]"Three hundred years ago...Zoku was killed by an evil warlord. We do not know his name, nor what he looked like...but we did know that he was the exiles new master."[/B] Many of the dragonheart lords wanted to burst out of their chairs and question Vylon...but he held up one of his hands and craddled the gem in his other and motioned them to be seated. [B]"Yes that is correct, the same things that are happening now occured three hundred years ago."[/B] [B] "When the exiles attacked the Dragonhearts, this man would go from one dragon to another and kill them and harvest their powers...creating what you see now in my hand...they are what you would call in your language Blood Shards."[/B] [B] "Zoku must have sensed this before it happened...but the night before he was killed...he gave me his Blood Shard and wished me to run to the Golden City of that time and be protected by Onyxia...but he never told me why. It was only after the crisis that I fully understood."[/B] [B]"Why would this individual want to gain these Blood Shards?" [/B]questioned Kain as Vylon turned his attention to him, still holding the Blood Shard. [B]"Because Zoku had the power of immortality...the reason I am standing before you know. Whoever holds a Dragons Blood Shard, also possess their powers, their strengths, and their knowledge."[/B] [B]''However, this may not be the only reason why this monster is after the Blood Shards, because he does not kill all dragons, but only particular dragons. We caught the exiles plundering a temple in Darkshire where the dragon Kreol resided...trying to find a way in."[/B] [B] "They did not know that it could only be opened by a Dragonheart Lord, so we surrounded them and killed them. However their master escaped and killed anyone who saw him and dissapeared. We searched for him for years...but he never resurfaced till now. I have been protecting my masters Blood Shard since that time."[/B] [B]"So...don't we just have to take the Blood Shards away from this guy and he'll be powerless?"[/B] questioned someone from the group. [B]"I'm afraid not...and for two reasons. One, we have come to believe that their master has a dragon of his own who has been teaching him which comes to my second point, on how to harvest a Blood Shard and use it."[/B] [B] "Apart from a Dragon harvesting their own Blood Shard, a human can harvest them by using an ancient enchantment to pierce into ones soul. Whoever takes the Shard by killing the dragon, or by being given it can they use its power...so we can't use any of the Shards he has in his possession. I know these because my master taught me."[/B] Vylon placed the Blood Shard back into his pocket and began to walk back to his chair. [COLOR=Red][B] "I have one problem with all this..." [/B][/COLOR]Aulea stood firmly and questioned Vylon harshlessly. This situation was saddening her, even the slightest doubt about this kind of thing happening again fueled her. [COLOR=Red][B]"there haven't been any dragons killed in such a fashion."[/B] [/COLOR] Vylon stopped and turned to face her with a gloomed looked on his face...[B]"I'm afraid you are mistaken..."[/B] That statement quickly silenced her in her rage and she sat back down as did Vylon. [B] "While all the cities were being attacked, this monster was able to destroyed Milan with the very waves that surrounded her. At the base of Milan deep in its waters dwells the great Leviathan. Only she could do such a thing to the city walls of Milan with her power of the waters."[/B] Everyone was silent now in the room, taking a firm grip on the situation...trying to take it all in. [B]"This is very real everyone...a monster from the past has come back to destroy us all...and with every dragon he takes he becomes stronger, and even closer to his dark purpose...whatever that may be."[/B] [B]"And I suggest we question the exiles that have been captured recently...they may provide some valuable information to us."[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][RIGHT] OOC: Sorry for that being so long, but that was a necessary information for the rpg to get going. Now...we officially start Blood Omen...where with every dragon searched out it is vital no more Blood Shards are taken. If you have any questions please PM me...if not...the group should head out with Vylon soon to a destination I will state soon. I suggest you have all your characters meet each other and form bonds...you'll need them:) Please do involve yourself with Vylon as well...in your eyes, even though suspicious he is part of the group.[/RIGHT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][I]Finally...they're all here...[/I] The early morning hours wasn't the best time of day for Vylon...he had always been nocturnal at heart...predators hunter better at night... But it was the city life, everything seemed to be returning back to normal within the Golden City. Many of the Dragonheart Lords had arrived today...he could see many of their dragons being brought together as Vylon stood on top of the Great Lift looking down upon them. Oh how he loved being so high above society...made him feel like a God. [I]...No...I am a God...[/I] Riven and Ryan had already been captured...much sooner than he had planned, but he always made due. Suddenly a warning shot through Vylons being as he looked down upon the city...he didn't know what brought about the thought...but someone recognized saw him up high...and recognized him. Vylon quickly disregarded the thought; there was no way no one knew who he was except for the dragon. [I]Speaking of the devil...[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]"Lord Vylon"[/B][/COLOR] spoke the young woman. Vylon turned to see Aulea properly dressed for the meeting today that Onyxia had summoned them all for. [B]"Yes?"[/B] Vylon's voice was calm and sweet, catching Aulea off guard...stirring every sensation and nerve in her body, even between her presense's of mind. [B][COLOR=Red]"Um..." [/COLOR][/B][I]what is wrong with me...I feel fear...[/I] [COLOR=Red][B]"The remaining Dragonlords have arrived and the Great One is requesting your presense to begin the meeting."[/B][/COLOR]' [B] "Thank you very much."[/B] as he jumped off the ledge and walked beside Aulea as the two of them entered the temple. Halfway in their walk to meet with Onyxia, Aulea couldn't help herself but to begin her questioning of this stranger. [COLOR=Red][B] "So how have you known The Great One for so long...forgive me for my intrusion...but humans are not supposed to live for so long."[/B][/COLOR] Vylon smiled and almost chuckled at this[I]...predictable...[/I] [B]"I'm sorry, I know that does seem quite odd, but there is a simple explanation...I too once had a dragon."[/B] Aulea was shocked...she had no idea. [COLOR=Red][B]"What does that have to do with your dragon?"[/B][/COLOR] [B]"Zoku was his name...he had such a loving personality...and had quite an unusual power. He was immortal..."[/B] [I][COLOR=Red]...this man was a Dragonheart Lord...[/COLOR][/I] [B]"I'm sure you're thinking to yourself if I was a Dragonheart Lord...and the answer is no. Me and Zoku lived in isolation...in peace...before he died...he gave me his power."[/B] [COLOR=Red][B] "How did he die?"[/B][/COLOR] now Aulea was curious...even with her guard up against this man...she was interested in him and his experience, already trapped in Vylons lies. But there was some truth.... [B] "The same reason I'm here now...killed by a monster, the same one who's been attacking the cities as of late...for this has happened before."[/B] Aulea was going to ask another question...but Vylon put a hand up to interrupt her. [B]"Please...no more questions...everything will be explained when the full councel is here." [/B]and with that...the two walked into Onyxia's chambers and took their seats. [/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=2][B]***[/B][/SIZE] [I][COLOR=Black]...Vylon...I'm getting bored in this cell...[/COLOR][/I] [I] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]...Then you shouldn't have gotten yourself capture so quickly...that was your fault...but don't worry...you'll soon have some company to entertain yourself...and later...the fun will begin...[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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