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Everything posted by Kairi
''Zack'' cried Lyon as he ran through Zack's bedroom door. ''I felt an evil disturbance here...'' ''Prepare yourself Lyon...they're coming...you know whom I speak off.'' Lyon walked out onto Zack's balcony and looked out upon the rock surrounding the entire temple. The atmosphere was calm...but as dead as night. To the surprise of Zack, a mistifiying presence engulfed the entire room...condensing into a single being; a young woman...with bare naked skin...with long ravasing blue hair covering most of her backside. Looking at the figure before him...Zack was actually speechless, the girl was quite attractive. ''...um...'' Lyon turned around from the view outside and walked beside the woman. ''It's alright Zack...this is my angel.'' ''What...how did you?'' ''I met her while coming here to this city. She's been a guide for me in this new world...'' ''I'm glad you've met your angel so swiftly...you have heard of Kelthor haven't you Lyon...from your masters back in your homeland.'' ''That name is known to me...but the origin of its name is not...after this is all over...we must speak of it together.'' [COLOR=Blue]Lyon...he is coming...[/COLOR] ''Thank you Misty...please...hide yourself before he senses your presence here.'' [COLOR=Blue]As you wish...[/COLOR] And just like that...the being melted into the floorboards of Zack's room...desitigrating into nothing...like water being drenched on clothing. ''They're coming..aren't they.'' ''Yes...they are Lyon. We need to get everyone together to fight them off.'' ''...my other is waiting for me....find Samantha...we need her powers of Gaia to gain an advantage over the rest with this cavern.'' ''What are you gonna do?'' ''I'll be outside...I'll hold them off as long as I can...please...make haste.'' ''Understood...'' ''thank you Zack...for thinking highly of me. trust me...I will control my powers.'' And he was gone...jumping outside the window.
***Open Tranmission: Sayne, Keiji, Sora*** ***Sayne...you alright? ***I'm fine Ajack...don't worry about me. ***Alright...I'm heading down to take out the ground units heading towards the city. I'll hold them off till the other mechanima's get here. Just keep those damn terradactyles off my back, as well as those carriers. ***Sayne: No problem. Sora: Will do. Keiji: I'm right behind ya. ***Transmission Closed*** Keiji was already one step ahead of him. His hawk was much faster than his griffin...by the time Ajack had reached the ground; Keiji had already taken out a line of velociraptors. [I]Damn it...[/I] ''Apollo...open a channel to Keiji immidately.'' [COLOR=DarkOrange]One moment...Ajack! Look out behind you.[/COLOR] Three raptors had leaped at Ajack's blind side. They were quite small compared to Apollo's size...and with one sweep of his talons he ripped through the raptors faces with ease. ***Transmission Opened: Keiji*** ***Keiji...what are you doing? Your out of control...calm down. Whats wrong?! ***Shut up Ajack...I don't have time for your talk. ***Keiji!...don't be a fool...you can't take im all out on your own; no matter how many you kill. ***Enough Ajack... ***Transmission Lost*** [I]That arrogant little...we gotta help one another...this battle is nothing like your pervious experiances. The enemy is gonna hit us with all they got...and there gonna hit us hard. [/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]I would suggest taking down the T's first Ajack...they are the greatest threat against our airborn mechs...and don't worry about Keiji, Sora and Sayne have your back from above. And Lyu, Vick, Dale, and Darrius will be here soon to support you. Just concentrate on protecting the city at all cost. [/COLOR] [I]Alright Apollo...lets go.[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]We have 2 T's approaching the city now....they're protected by a massive amounts of raptors. [/COLOR] [I]I see them...I see them. I want full power to the boasters on my mark. Be ready for it Apollo.[/I] Surprisingly...Apollo was very good at dodging attacks. Rolling and jumping out of contact with lasers and melee weaponary. Many raptors leeched onto him...bitting and slashing away at his armor. But the damage wasn't enough to slow Apollo down...constantly moving forward, Ajack used Apollos talons, beak, and wings as razor blades. Using brute force...he cleared a way through the raptors lines and headed towards the T-Rex's. Despite not liking the feeling...Ajack was completely focused...and he always loved the thrill of battle. ''NOW''! cried Ajack as Apollo's speed increased ten fold...knocking away any raptors near him. He was too fast for the massive T-Rex to react to Ajacks movements as Ajack slashed away at the beasts ankles...making the mammoth collapse on its own weight. [I]One down...one more too...[/I] Ajack was in shock though as the Rex began to charge up its primary weapon... [I]Thats...thats my attack. How the hell did they copy your attack Apollo? No....in God's name don't![/I] ***Opening Trasmission: Sayne*** ***Sayne...listen to me quickly. The Rex down here is powering up its energy blast right at SORA!...get her out of there quickly...your faster than her Pheonix is. Get her out of the area. ***Transmission Closed*** Right after Sayne heard Ajack's transmission...he too saw the Rex pointing its main gun right at Sora. ***Sayne: Sora!...look out. ***Sora: Oh my God...Sayne. As the Rex shot its energy blast...Sayne was just in time to grab Sora right out of the air avoiding the blast. But the Rex wasn't done...the beast was still able to follow them with the blast. Taking out all the Terradactyles in its path...the Rex was hell bent on taking out Sayne and Sora. As fast as Saynes dragon was...the beam was catching up. [I]Alright Apollo...lets do this. We need those boasters up and running again...we gotta create as much speed and power as we can buddy.[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]What are you thinking...wait....your thinking about...[/COLOR] [I]Yes I am...now...Dig your two hind legs into the ground Apollo...bend your legs and flap your wings as hard as you can...do not let go of the ground...and charge up those boasters.[/I] On Ajacks screen on his helmet...he had one target point...the Rex's throat. Pointing the gun up at the sky made it vulnerable to attack. He couldn't go for the legs again...the raptors were ready this time. And this Rex was bigger...much bigger. [I]Ready Apollo...we're almost there....[/I] The intensity from Apollo's 4 wings were incredible...the wind created from their movement was like a tornadoe. None of the raptors could get near him...they were easily blown away by the vortex's power. [COLOR=DarkOrange]This is risky Ajack...[/COLOR] [I]So we're to just keep on fighting without helping them...to accept that they just bought it...history...done for.[/I] [I]No!....NEVER AGAIN!...THAT THING MUST COME DOWN NOW![/I] WIth that...Apollo let out the boasters and bolted towards the Rex's neck. With tremendous force...Apollo lengthaned its talons and dug them deep into its neck...using its beak as well to create momentum to bring it down. The beam died out...but the Rex began to fall...bringing Apollo and Ajack with it. [I]Do not let go Apollo...DO NOT LET GO![/I] as Apollo's boasters still working pushign the beast downward. As like an earthquake...the Rex came down with a thundering *crash*...sending a shockwave across the entire plain. The Rex's neck had fallen onto Ajack as they hit the ground. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ajack...you ok?[/COLOR] But Ajack didn't say anything...with all his strength he made Apollo push up on the Rex's neck with its arms and legs. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Ajack...[/COLOR] [I]I'm ok...just lost my breathe there for a second. [/I] Ajack was sweating mixing with a cut on the top of his skull. [I]Are you damaged Apollo?[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]No...I've taken minimal damage from that.[/COLOR] [I]Good...shall we continue.[/I] With the flank of raptors falling back temporarily to catch themselves in there loss to two REx's. Ajack and Apollo stood in front of the cities gates...waiting for the DinoMechs. to persue their attack. [I]Apollo...open a channel with all the DinoMechs. as well as our own pilots.[/I] ***Speaker On*** *taking a deep breath* ''YOU....SHALL NOT....PASS!!!''
[I]I know I can do it...I just...[/I] He kept doubting himself...Ajack just couldn't bring himself to do it. Torn between two sides...to stand up...or to give in. Then he got a glimps of Lyu's eyes...and everyone else running to their mechs....preparing for battle. [COLOR=Orange]They fight bravely...going into uncertain death...[/COLOR] [I]What the...[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Why do you torment yourself so Ajack...you and I will be great. [/COLOR] [I]Who is this?[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]This is Apollo...I find favor with you Ajack Masters. You've finally proven yourself worthy...your full of wisdom, strength, honor, and above all else...Love.[/COLOR] With that Apollo's head turned to where Lyu and Desh were preparing... [COLOR=DarkOrange]You love her...its as blank as day. With that...you will never loss. We...will never loss. [/COLOR] [I]Will you fight with me...my friend...my brother?[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]By fire nor by death will I leave you Ajack...now let us arise from the ashes of our slubbor and lead this.[/COLOR] [I]To lead...but thats Saynes'[/I] [COLOR=DarkOrange]Not in your terms boy...sometimes in order to lead...you must first serve. Be their strength, as they will be for you.[/COLOR] [I]Then lets go then Apollo.[/I] Raising the griffins neck...he exposed his chest revieling the cockpit. When inside...he placed the helmet above his face while strapping himself into teh chair. It was like he dreamed it would be. [COLOR=DarkOrange]Those dreams were from me Ajack...to test your worth to me. [/COLOR] Ajack could feel the power of Apollo flowing through his veins. His shell breaking down...Apollos and Ajacks unison was complete. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ajack yelled within the cockpit as Apollo cried out as well. The entire hanger shaked by the sound. With a massive burst in speed...Apollo and Ajack were in teh sky...flying towards the battle ground. OCC: THATS RIGHT...AJACKS FINALLY READY TO FIGHT!!!
As the two of them walked down to the main hanger...they were both swinging there arms up and down; there hands still held together. As usual...there was casual talk between the two of them. It was like everything Ajack had said before in the gym didn't matter to Lyu. It really didn't bother her at all about his past...only what he was now that mattered most. [I]I can't believe this is happening...but I do believe in it though...and I want the best for this.[/I] ''Do you think Apollo will finally let you pilot him?'' ''To be honest...I don't think so. Its gonna take something greater than a miracle to get the bird off the ground.'' ''I'm sure you'll figure it out...things are starting too look up for ya.'' as Lyu gave a smirk...bowing her head down trying to hide her blushing yet again. ''Oh...I wonder why?'' and swifty Ajack got behind Lyu...tickled her on her belly...and lifted her into the air...spinning and twirling her in mid air in the corridor. Lyu couldn't control her laughter...she was laughing so hard. ''Ajack....hahahahaha...stop...ahahahahahaha...please...ahahahahahahaahah...'' she was now screaming at the top of her lungs. ''Ok ok...'' and he slowly brought her down...letting her get her footing on the ground. ''Goof...'' as she kicked him in the back of the thigh. OW! Lyu quickly turned her head away...hiding her smile and blush. ''Why do you do that?'' as the two of them stopped in the middle of the corridor...Ajack gently taking hold of her chin...turning her face towards him. She was glowing...her smile was radiant...she looked so happy. ''Do what?'' ''Why do your hide your face from me?'' ''I'm sorry...I'm just shy like that sometimes.'' Gently he kissed her on the lips again...they were soft...somewhat pure so to say. ''You never have to be shy around me Lyu.'' They held hands once more and headed to the hanger. ***** ''I'll see ya later...alright Ajack.'' ''Ok...take care.'' The two of them hugged one another, saying their goodbyes. [I]I don't want to let her go...[/I] Lyu went towards Desh as Ajack went to Apollo. He did the same routine...approaching Apollo slowly, showing respect by bowing...and gently placing his hand upon Apollo's beak. ''So...you gonna let me fly you today boy.'' as Ajack patted him on the top of Apollo's head. No response... ''Guess not then...oh well.'' Again...Ajack lay on the ground... ''I got to get some rest before our next mission...just in case *with a smile*'' ''Today...was a good day...he thought to himself.'' [I]I love you Lyu...[/I] ''And I guess I love you too Apollo'' Ajack backing his head into Apollo's neck jokingly. He drifted off to sleep again... He dreamed again...
Lyon loved looking at all the others train...witnessing in awe their powers. He had never seen any one like him perform such feets. He enjoyed Isabelles the most...as the breeze swept through the room as she assended into the air...it felt like the wind of the sea back home. It was one of his greatest memories...standing on the ocean beach, looking out beyond the horizon. The smell of the sea all around him...the wind blowing through his hair, cooling his face after a hard days work. As he stood there with his arms crossed....looking up at Zack performing...all he could do was laugh. He clapped like everyone else...quite amazing really...as was everyone elses. All of them...just simple humans...working marvels before all of their eyes. When Zack had finally finished his demonstraction...Lyon picked up his staff and began to psych. himself up for his turn. "Ok, lunchtime.'' [I]What...what about me???[/I] ''After lunch you begin the search for your angels." [I]But...[/I] Instead Lyon just kept it to himself... [I]I guess it's not a big deal...maybe we just didn't have enough time. [/I] Strangly though...Lyon felt hurt. He had traveled all this way to find them, hoping to become part of the team. But since he got here...everyone had been focusing on Jun...obviously Sam was involved with him on some level...Isabelle really didn't talk much...and Zack was too preoccupied about leading everyone. [I]Wouldn't the most important thing to do to get to know one another...to form bonds and connections with one another to become a team. Then training would be so much more enjoyable and effective. Things just seem to be moving so fast...[/I] [I]I might as well let it go...maybe things are different here in this country than it is in my own. Ah well...[/I] All of them left...heading for the mess hall. Everyone else was still getting their food when Lyon took a seat with his dinner. He had chosen a roast beef sandwich and some chicken. He had never eaten roast beef before...nor this drink called mountain dew before. After he took a moment to meditate upon his meal; he began to eat...and found both to be quite enjoyable and tasty. [I]Oh my fellow brothers of the order...your all missing out [/I] as he laughed to himself.
(yey...my character. If you all wanna get others into this rpg...spread the word!) Name: M age: 24 Gender: male Home Planet: Da Moon Apperance: Standing about 5'11''...M has short hair which is a dark shade of purple with black/purple eyes as well. He's very well built with a calm look upon his face...you can't see it; but his entire left lung and arm is artifical, along with his left eye. The rest of his body is human. Personality: M has a very gentle spirit...you never find him out of control in any given situation. Very focused and calm, M is always a pleasure to have along...never is he on the extremes on any level; he's always very moderate and caring. Bio: Both of M's parents were scientists on the Moon, studying the vast potential of the human mind. They never expected to find such power in their own son; not able to come up with a name...they simply named him M...for empath. It was hell for them as baby, for every emotion that came to his thought was expressed through their own emotions. Whenever M got upset...his parents could always feel it inside. However...as he grew up...he began to control his emotions, as well as directing his efforts towards feeling others, sometimes looking into their past...and futures. But he always surpressed it for he felt like he was invading on others privacy. Whenever he does look into the heart of humans, animals, etc etc...he would shiver and go into a trance...and at times...he could even sense the presence of ghosts, which he has come to fear more than anything. Through his entire life...not once did his parents place him in any experimental setting. They wanted to protect their son from such a life...however his father constantly trained him to control his powers as well as his military capabilities. Despite it being outlawed on earth...the colonies weren't under such jurisdiction. A month after the event at New Berlin...his father's superiors called upon M to serve in Project Heaven on earth. The government knew of his sons abilities...but trusted in his judgement to raise him on his own. Now he's in the base underneath New York City...waiting for the other recruits. Weaponary: A miniturized chain gun with armor piercing bullets and a shotgun on his belt. He also has a spear which he carries aroud with him with a long blade at the end with electrial charges, which can retract making it a simply walking stick. Gift: Empath Your Greatest Fear: Ghosts
''I'm already in Sydney Kuroichi...'' Zoku was already standing outside of Kuroichi's hotel; looking up to the floor he presumed Kuroichi was on. He could sense the Gems power dwelling within the building. He had followed Sumiyaka's scent from the club the other night...but he never expected to have been led to Kuroichi himself. ''Quite a coincidence...two vampires such as them taking room at the same hotel... More the marrier.'' [COLOR=Sienna]Lord Kuroichi will meet with you Zoku...be patient...[/COLOR] [I]Spirit of the earth...what does he possibly need to do before he speaks with me...he dares to make me wait.[/I] [COLOR=Sienna]My Lord means no disrespect...he honors your presence as well as your powers. But now is not the opportune moment.[/COLOR] [I]What is it that is so important?[/I] [COLOR=Sienna]He is quite destraught at the death of David...the Lord of the Grysham Clan. He also plans to meet with Keitha...the shadow assassin.[/COLOR] [I]So she is here as well...[/I] [COLOR=Sienna]I'm sure the two of them will discuss David's death...no one quite knows who the killer is.[/COLOR] [I]Alright then...so be it. I will be in Sydney for him to come meet with me...but with no bodyguards. I sense there are many of them surrounding him in every direction, I don't like being watched...I would hate to kill his most trusted generals. [/I] [COLOR=Sienna]As you wish...[/COLOR] [I]We have much to discuss...Kuroichi and I...I hope he is as excited to speak with me...as I am as well; I promise I won't dissapoint him.[/I] [COLOR=Sienna]Very well...I honor your request...please have faith in Lord Kuroichi Master Zoku...he is more founder of you than you realize.[/COLOR] And as quickly as the voice arose...it died. [B]Things would be so much easier if he met with me now...but I guess he'll just have to wait. I pray he doesn't betray me...as I'm sure he feels the same way. I'll be ready...for anything Kuroichi.[/B] So Zoku walk away from the hotel...looking back for one more glance... [I]I'll be waiting...[/I] *** [I]Come now Kyu...reviel yourself...these petty politics are starting to bore me...make some noise! The Gwyar, the Grysham, the Krilat Zmaj, the Zugai and yes...even the Myrkur Aniol are here.[/I] [I]Come one....come all...tonight we feast, tonight we plan; the blood of our kind will spill onto the streets of man. And they will truly come to know the names of this game.[/I] *** >>>This is Maria Archer from ANN; Australian National News....here at the local club called ''Dark Nights'' in the city of Sydney. We have confermation of two murders last night. One man decapitated...and another...bitten. They're rumors spreading around that this was the work of vampires. Yes you've heard it folks...vampires. The autopsy of one of the bodies has shown that almost every ounce of the victims blood was drained out of him through an origin...a vicious bite mark on his neck. >>>Can we be certain about these theories...we do not know. But for this reporter...I have seen it all. And tonight...I have seen nothing like this before. Beware..they may live among us.
''Everythings moving so fast Lyu...I sometimes loss myself in it all.'' ''It's ok...it's ok...'' Lyu hang firmly rubbing his back....trying to get him to calm down. His pain was her pain...she could only imagine how she was feeling. *Ajack took a deep breathe* ''Lyu...I think I've figured out your little secret.'' She blushed, trying to hide her face...she couldn't believe that she kissed him. But she couldn't help herself...she saw how Sora and Sayne were...conflicting with each other. She didn't want that with Ajack...she wanted him so much...she just didn't know for sure... Ajack pressed her head gently into his chest...she comfortably just laid there...she felt such warmth and comfort in his arms; like she was going to sleep forever with him there. ''Please...don't cry for me Lyu. My life isn't all bad...I am the man that I am today because of that. And I regret nothing...just...when I remember the past...I can't imagine ever lossing you. Everything is going so fast...just the other day we were good friends...and now this.'' [B]This man is so amazing...[/B] Petting her hair down...he lifted her head up to lock his golden brown eyes with her lovely, deep blue eyes. Her's looked they were sparkling...while his were full of love and compassion. She felt like she was gonna melt right there in her arms. Placing both hands on her cheeks...the blood cleaned and wrapped around by her cloth....softly brushing his gentle hands against her skin, his thumbs brushing against her cheeks. She was so happy...she grasped both of his wrists with her hands...trying to control herself. ''I don't know whats to comes...or where ours lives will end up in this war. But I don't know...that if you want me...'' Leaning his head down...their foreheads connected...noses so very close. Their breathing in sink with one another. ''Please...let me know...through everything that has gone on...I know one simple truth...something I will firmly stand by...'' Lyu was on the verge of exploding...or just passing out. No words could express how she felt. ''I am yours'' As he kissed her on her forehead. ''The rest...I leave too you.'' OCC: Are you really gonna stop posting soon LYUANN because of you moving...thats so sad:(
Hey everyone...if you bother to check out this rpg. Basically this will be for question, ideas etc. etc. Trust me...this rpg will be worth your while once it starts up. Thanks for your time...take care...later.
Still shaking...memories flooding back...his arm started to burn with pain. Not physical pain..but mentally, the pain wouldn't go away. ''It was a long time ago Lyu.'' ''Its ok...you don't have to tell me.'' ''I do...I just...'' he turned his back to her and looked into the mirror of the gym. His face was sweating...and he could see himself shaking. [I]Don't worry about it Ajack...its ok to let it go. She has a right to know.[/I] Lyu was about to reach out to him till he closed his eyes and started to talk... ''It was about 4 months ago...before I met you.'' ''I was part of a fight club so to say...different groups from around the city would come together to compete against one another. That night, it was my clan versus a couple of punks from the south.'' ''We were getting killed in the preliminary matches. My friend Carlos was the first of us to go down; you gotta understand, these kids were monsters. All of them were around 6 foot tall...football player types.'' ''So it finally came down to me and their leader...Blue. Some big shot black guy...who was running his own gang with the rest of them. Looking at my friends lying on the ground...I got so angry I almost beat the kid to death. He might have been bigger...but I was more skilled in fighting.'' ''When the fight came to a close...the other members of Blues' team came to his aid. I fought them off as best as I could...but it wasn't enough. My friends were already weak...no one could help me.'' ''We may have beaten their leader...gaining us an ultimate victory. But it was too high of a price...they took me captive...and totured me and Alev for 3 days.'' ''Alev....who's Alev Lyu asked...'' shocked in disbelief at what Ajack was telling her. ''She...*holding back his tears* was my girlfriend...they had seen her with me throughtout the tournament...so they took her too.'' Lyu was speechless... Still closing his eyes...he took a seat down on one of the benches. ''They ravaged her Lyu...right in front of me. And they took a knife...and made this scar on my arm.'' He took off his shirt and showed the scar...beginning at the back of his head...all the way down to the tip of his hand. ''This was the price for me fighting Lyu...'' There was a long pause... ''Before they got a chance to kill me...the police had tracked the gang down and took them all out.'' ''What happened to Alev?'' ''She was dead by the time they got there...the most sufficiant way to make someone to suffer...to kill the one you love in front of you.'' ''I'm so sor...'' ''Don't worry about it Lyu...it was a long time ago. From that day forth...I devoted myself to be something greater than that. I got out of all that stuff and started a new life.'' The emotions were overwelming for him...he placed both of his hands over his eyes to hide his tears. ''For all of my life...I've had to be the strong one...the one person that could break me down...and lift me up...was taken away from me!'' And in a sudden surge of rage...Ajack punched the mirror in front of him and shattered it. His fist was cut open...blood pouring down his hand. The noise stunned Lyu and backed away from Ajack. ''I'm sorry Lyu...I just...please forgive me.'' Turning around facing her...putting his hands into his pockets...hiding the wound. With his head down in shame... ''You probably think of me differently...not such the strong individual that I am...I just have a hard time letting that part of me out...as I said...it was a long time ago.'' ''Since that day...I've lived myself up to a stronger level...helping and caring for others...the lone wanderer. Sure I may have a lot of friends...but didn't quite have that one to care for me as well.......till I met you.'' With his blonde hair covering his face...all that Ajack could muster up was to sniffle... Lyu didn't know what to say...but she did the one thing that she could do....sliding her arms around him inbetween his hands in his pants...she embracced him... Ajack took his good left hand, he wrapped her closer to him...holding her by her right shoulder. (HEY EVERYONE!...check out the new rpg im starting; [B]Darkness Fall: The Fall Of Man[/B]. I've been thinking on it for a while...I hope it's ok...one that will actually start. Tell me your thoughts if you'd like. If its really bad...me sorry:))
[CENTER]Year: 2200[/CENTER] At the dawn of the 23rd century, mankinds technological advancements were beyond anyones comprehension. - cures for every disease known to man; including cancer and aids. - the perfection of A.I (artifical intelegence) - space travel - unlimited amounts of natural resources for earth and all its colonies due to advancement in the sciences. Earth was at peace; there hadn't been any fighting, nor any full scale war for 7 years. All nuclear weapons were dismembered, unifying all of earth under a single government through the leadership of the President of Earth for 10 years; Micah Armago. Every country still had their national leaders, presidents, kings etc...but they all answered to Micah Armago. Through this time of peace, there was no need for soldiers to serve in the military for combat. All weaponary research came to a halt by the the order of President Armago because of his policy for peace on earth and all its colonies. Till now... *** New Years Eve: 12:58pm 2200 *** As like ever year, millions of citizens gathered together in celebration within the walls of all the major cities of earth. ***We are now taking you live to New Berlin, where we are only two minutes away from the crystal ball being dropped. We all here at BBC...the Berlin Broadcasting Corporation, would like to congradulate all the citizens of earth for having such a successful year of 2200. ***The view is incredible from down here at the base of the Omega Health Instution...the tallest building in the world. Everyone is looking up at the ball as it prepares to decend upon the OHI's tower peek. ***The entire city is lit up in a marvelous setting of lights, fireworks, and yes...even candles now being held by some religious members wishing for yet another year of peace. ***Here it comes ladies and gentlemen....the hour we've all been waiting for...only 10 seconds away.............5.......4......3......2.......1......* Suddenly the entire city went dark. All forms of power connected to the city grid were out...leaving no lights for people to see. With the fireworks dying down...all of New Berlin was blanketed in darkness. (In a whispering tone) ***Its me...Katie King...reporting from New Berling. ''Are you still filming Dave?'' ''Yea...the camera has its own battery; but the light is very dim.'' ''Fine...thats good enough'' ***Sorry...Katie King here. I don't know if anyone is watching this...the site which your looking at is incredible. All forms of light have gone down across what seems to be the entire city. People aren't in a panic...but they're just standing around. Still looking up into the sky speechless. The silence is actually un-nerving....'' About an hour goes by without nothing being said...then... AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A deafining scream erupts amoungst the crowd. Everyone is running around in circle...trying to escape the masses. ***OH MY GOD...OH MY GOD!...Dave...Dave where are you?'' No response...Katie turned around to see Dave's dead body lying on the ground with the camera still running on her. (In a panic...too terrified to move) ***Oh MY GOD...whats going on?...they're bodies everywhere... With corpses all around her...she circled in the same spot...trying to see if she could see anyone around...alive. With her back turned...a massive, grey hand came out of the darkness and swept Katie off her feet. The camera couldn't see exactly what it was...only the screams of the tormented Katie as her flesh was wripped to screds...being tossed into the dark. After a few minutes...the camera picked up a faint shadowy figure...then the picture went out. *** Minutes later in London, England *** ''Mr. President...Mr. President...there's something I need to show you.'' ''Not now Admiral, can't you see I'm showing my daughter the fireworks.'' From his coat pocket, Admiral Vega revieled a video tape. ''Sir...this can't wait.'' Moments later...in one of the many suites of President Armago's mansion. The admiral put in the video tape recording of BBC's New Years broadcast...showing what transpired above. ''My God in Heaven...'' proclaimed Micah...''notify the board. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]It's been a month since that day...and similar attacks have been made in other populated and desolate areas. With these new events...Micah has had no choice but to reopen the world wide military to help control the situation.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Unknown to President Micah; there has been an underground facility underneath the streets of New York City for years preparing for a time such as this.[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Full of scientists, researchers, inventors, and soldiers; the project known as Heaven, under the supervision of Commander Joseph Red of America, is now recruiting the most potential individuals on earth and on all of earths colonies to lead the team to learn, contain, and destory this new threat.[/COLOR] -------------------------------------- Your mission is to search out and destroy all form of the paranormal that you come across. Everything from vampires, zombies, ghosts, witches, demons, and monsters will be incoperated into this; using a chapter system with gaps inbetween each mission to socialize and ultimitaly process information leanered through each encounter with the paranormal with what is going on on Earth. I have a basic ideal where this will ultimitly lead too...but by all means...you can make this as creative as you'd like it to be. You will be the leaders of this team that goes out into the unknown...with the ones posting as well as other soldier who will come to some gruesome deaths:) I will be opening an underground as well if anyone has any questions or ideas. No one person will be the center of this...so make this rpg your own. I hope your not afraid of the dark... ------------------------------------------------------ Profile Information Name: Age: Gender: (robots with A.I are accepted...but not too many) Home Planet: Apperance: Personality: Bio: Weaponary: 2 ranged weapons (mini guns, machine guns, pistols...even some futurisitic stuff is fine...just keep it in reason;)) 1 melee weapon (sword, dagger, phaser etc. etc.) Gift: Not required (through the evolution of humanity...there are only a select few who have developed beyond other human capabilities. Such as psychics, telekneisis, empaths; powers in that regard. No KI energies of that sort. Other than that...go all out. Just one though please) Your Greatest Fear:
Immediately as Lyon entered the temple...he felt right back at home. The temple looked...even felt like his own back in Thailand. But the encryptions within the temple walls were unknown to him...he took note of this and reminded himself to ask Zack later on. ''Zack...you said there was a training area...would there happen to be a pool somewhere around here?'' ''Yes there is...why would you....silly me, you need water...yes....go down that corridor and take a left...you can miss it. But we should all find our quarters first.'' answered Zack. ''Alright...'' So after a heartful...*but long* tour by Zack to the other elementals. Everyone began choosing their quarters. The room didn't really matter to Lyon as he walked into the closest one too him inbetween the others as they themselves chose their rooms. When he got in...there was a large king size bed in the room...with a bathroom and other furnature. For a temple...it was obviously well decorated. Probably reconstructed years ago by Zack's people. ''Not much for me to do here...'' realizing that he had only brought himself and his Komono. ''I might as well get to training.'' for Lyon was customed to do so everyday back at the order. Leaving his quarters...he went from room to room where the others were staying and introduced himself personally to them all. Being polite...he shook there alls hands and said where he was going and went to the pool. Thankfully...the pool was just outside the training area which had a weight room, punching bags...an arena...the usual stuff. Through his years of training Lyon was in complete control of his powers. He and the order discovered them at the age of 5 when he held his breathe underwater at a local competition for a full day. The monks were estatic as they finally brought him out of the sea. Unfortunately Lyon had never recieved his award for the monks attempts to hide his abilities. From that point in time...Lyon has mastered many areas of his elemental powers. Walking up to the pool...then to the center...this time though he didn't walk on top of the water. As his Komono began to get drenched...with his staff Lyon began doing motions with it...manipulating the waves around him to begin his training.
''...wow...'' Ajack whispered to himself as he walked away from Lyu's bedroom door. ''that was amazing.:)" He was so happy he felt like he could cry with joy. A little tear sheading down his cheek as he got to his room...rubbinng the spot where her lips touched his skin. [I]I should write her a letter[/I] he thought... So for the next 3 hours...Ajack was in his room writing a note. Thinking back to school...Valentines Day. [I]I know...I'll write her a late Valentine's Day Card. Wait...it wasn't like she kissed me on the lips or anything...just a quickly friendly kiss on the cheek...nothing more. Maybe it was just a sign of a close friendship...[/I] [I]Or a sign of affection...wouldn't that be something. Or was it a kiss from someone else that she was giving a hint to...or herself....bah...[/I] [I]But you like her though...maybe you should say something about it...you like the fact that she talks a lot. The way she looks...and her depesition is always nice and cheerfull towards him. Maybe there really is something there.[/I] So he sat there...writting the Valentines Day note for her... [I]I think I should go to the gym as well...I'm not really tired. And I gotta work on this arm...to build back up its strength.[/I] Ajack was a pretty strong teenager...he just felt like his strength was leaving him because of his injuries and lack of exercise. [I]Thats what I'll do then...I'll get ready to go to the gym...and I'll put this on her door.[/I] Putting on some regular shoes for running...and a white sweat band on his right arm...he walked out of his quarters and went to Lyu's. ''Damn...I don't have a flower or anything.'' But he realized that he had one of his silver rings. An engraving of a butterfly...with the insriptions within it...*wisdom peace faith hope and above all love* ''Perfect.'' He got some ducktap and put the letter on her door...letting it hang with the ring taped on as well. With the letter all hung up and folded...you could see on the top of the letter beginning with...*My Dear Lyu* [I]I hope the ring will fit...it fits my pinky finger...maybe it'll fit on her pointer or middle finger.[/I] He banged on the door so that she could hear and AJack walked away before she could see him. Bout an hour later...Ajack was in the gym exercising. He had just finished his 3 miles run...and now was working on his triceps and shoulders. Taking 2 50 pound weights; he got into a squating position...bending his knees slightly...he lifted the weights upward from an outstretched arm position to a 90 degree angle. ....1.....2....3....4.....5 [I]I can't believe Sayne came up and talked to me today...I knew it was a good idea to go talk to him. He seems so solitary at times...I mean I like mine myself...but at times...you just gotta have a friend there for ya. These machines are wonderful creations...they become a part of us...nothing else could be so close to them... [/I] Ajack thinking as he continued his routine. .....7.....8......9.....10 ''Damn you Apollo..*with a smile*...why haven't we made that connection yet'' [I]I just want Sayne to know that he has a guy friend out there for him...yea I can be emotional...but I know when there are times to be serious...I could help him...advice I guess. Or maybe he just doesnt' need or want it. Eh...I'll just keep being a friend to him...till he comes around...maybe.[/I] ......15......16......17 [I]I will be a good pilot like Sayne said. I'll gonna train myself to be great...exactly what he thinks I can become. If Sayne believes in me...then I must believe in myself.[/I] ''I wish you the best of luck with Sora man...you deserve it. She may be that peace which you seek.'' .....20...21.....22...........23......24........25 ''There...done...now some incline bench presses.'' Rubbing his scar...he felt that it was holding up under all the strain. Putting down the dumbbells...Ajack set up the bench press with a totol of 195 pounds on the press. ''Now....*psyching himself up*...lets go!'' 1....2.....3....4....5.. [I]Lyu...[/I]*as a smile within himself glowed brightly, feeling bubbly inside*... He felt with that thought alone...he had enough strength to go one forever. [I]I would not only die for you......I would live for you.......[/I]
The ocean breeze was a soothing relaxation upon Ajacks face as he looked out at the island. The smell of fresh sea air...the palm trees swinging in the distance. Ever since talking with Lyu...and spending more and more time with Apollo...things certainly were more beautiful...despite the conflict that occured after the battle yesturday. He had spent most of the night outside...looking up at the moon...taking in everything that was going on. Ajack sure did appreciate his solitary at times. A male soldier came outside on the balcony of Ajacks quarters on the side of the base. ''Ajack Masters...all pilots are to report to the meeting room at once by the order of Commander De'Larne.'' Ajack didn't turn around to greet the soldier as the message was delivered...he just stood there with his arms crossed, still looking out to sea. ''Isn't it lovely sir?'' ''I beg your pardon...'' the soldier was bluntly confused by the comment. ''The ocean sir...I think its lovely...they say it has no memory...don't you agree?'' ''I...uh...wouldn't know of such things kid.'' ''Its a shame...what are we fighting for then if we can't understand why...to appreciate the little things in our lives.'' ''You may be right...'' as the soldier walked up beside the young boy. He was a tall man compared to Ajack...but his composure was offset by this boy. He was trained to be strong and firm...showing no sense of emotion nor reason...just to follow orders. But in a single sentence...this boy broke him. ''...but what kind of men are we if we miss our own meetings...lazyness I'd say.'' *laughter on Ajacks part* ''...yes...I believe you are right. I'll be there rigth away...thank you.'' As quickly as he could Ajack got himself dressed in his black muscle shirt and brown pants with black army boots. His black gloves strapped on with his blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail...letting some hair fall off too the sides and onto his face...he then sprinted towards the meeting room. *** Moments later... ''Yo Ajack...come over here.'' Liz finally looking up while watching Darrius eat his Fruit Loops; seeing Ajack just walking into the room. As Ajack walked over to her...he took note that Lyu hadn't arrived yet. [I]She's not here...thats too bad.[/I] his heart sank to the pit of his gut...but really didn't let it show on his face. Ajack came over to Darrius, leaning down inbetween him and Sora... ''dude...you might want to whip those little crumbs from your face:)'' Realizing that Ajack was right...Darrius quickly grabbed a napkin and whiped his mouth clean. But it was too late...Liz was already giggling on the other side of him at the she looked at the sight. ''Your right Darrius...sweet as a pig...making a mess like you are.'' Liz said...trying to keep in her laughter. ''Hey...that hurt my feelings Liz.'' Darrius said as he smiled back. ''I'm only kidding...you looked cute.'' For a moment the two of them just gave each other looks... ''Anywho...what were you talking about before Liz?'' ''Ah yes...'' as Darrius had finally pushed aside his Fruit Loops. ''You know what Sayne did today...remember you asking in the hanger about what was going on between the two of them. Well...just a little while ago...'' ''ELIZABETH!'' Sora exclaimed as she laid her head down on the table as he face burst into a rosey red. ''OOpps...now I'm in trouble. Anyway...*bringing it down to a whisper* Sayne confessed himself to Sora not too long ago in the hanger.'' ''Really...thats wonderful...at least the fighting is over with.'' ''Yea...now Sora has to do the same thing for him as well.'' added Darrius. ''Maybe we should set up a nice romantic evening for the two of them:)'' said Liz. Everyone at the table giggled like nothing else while Sora sat there embarrassed beyond all recognition. ''You know I can hear everything you all are saying right.'' a voice added from the corner of the room. Ajack stood up and just shook his head at all of it... ''you all are too funny...but leave the poor kid alone.'' and Ajack walked over to Sayne and brought a chair to sit next to him. ''Hey Sayne...hows it goin?'' No response... [I]This seems to have become a pattern [/I] Ajack thought to himself... ''I'm sorry...I don't want to bother you...I'm sure you have a lot on your mind right now...um...if you even want a ''guy'' to talk to sometime...bout everything. I mean I know you've been talking to Liz and Sora a lot...and with your mech...but sometimes its good have a guy friend around to talk to. I know we haven't been talking to each other much...or gotten to be good friends yet but.'' Still no response... ''I don't know...I guess what I'm saying is that I'd like that to change...someday I hope I'll be able to pilot out there with you all. If you ever need anything...even though you are the kind to do most things on your own...always know though that I'm here regardless alright...and despite how your father is and everything...that there are people around you who do care.'' ''Keep your hopes up with Sora too...shes one of a kind. I'm sure things will work out for the best.'' ''Well...I'll leave you alone now...I think the meeting's about to start...take care man.'' knowing that Sayne was probably still soar from the ''tests,'' he genlty placed his hand on Sayne's shoulder as he got up and walked away. ''Hello Commander...General.'' politely Ajack shook all three mens hands. ''I thought you weren't coming today Ajack...Lyu had told me that you were busy.'' [I]She actually did it for me...what a sweetheart.[/I] ''Thats right...but I decided that I should be part of the group for these meetings. I am part of the team...regardless of anything.'' ''Say...aren't you the lad piloting the Apollo?'' said Liz's father. ''I've heard that you've been having quite a lot of trouble with it. ''Yes sir...and unfortunately he still wont let me pilot him. But I believe that with time and patience we'll unison together quite well.'' ''I hope your right young lad...for Apollo's sake...as well as yours.'' ''I'm glad that you did decide to come.'' said Commander De'Larne...''now please...take a seat.'' ''Thank you.'' Giving a nod to the officers...he took a seat beside Sakura...getting ready for the meeting. ''Get any sleep?'' ''Not one bit...I was about to go back to sleep when an officer barged into my room telling me about the meeting.'' ''That sucks Sakura...I'm sorry to hear it. You should try the French Vanilla...could save you someday:)''
''mmmmmm...this is what I seek.''' Zoku had found himself stalking a local family in Sydney. Oh how he loved the thrill of the hunt. He decided to feed when they had all gone back home for the night; a mother, a father, and two young girls. He ravaged the parents easily...slipping through the window amongst the shadows. The female was quite attractive...even as she slept he endulged her; making her become aroused in her dreams to his gentle touch across her skin. He could feel the warmth of her blood coarsing through her veins. Swiftly his teeth were latched onto her neck...she immidiately had awoken to the pain...but it was too great for her to even scream. ''Now die in peace...'' and she drifted peacefully into and endless sleep. The husband however woke up soon after to the shifting of the bed. He saw the beast hovering over his dead wife...instinctivly he got up and ran. But Zoku was far to quick for him...blocking him at the exit to the house. ''There's no escape for you...death has found you this night.'' In the darkness the man could only see clearly Zoku's burning red eyes shining brightly. In a panic he ran to his daughters room grabbing his shotgun. [B]Oh how he loved to toy with them. It made the game far more enjoyable.[/B] As Zoku moved into the room...the man shot at him...blowing a hole into Zoku's chest... ''HAHAHAHA...you'll pay for that one.'' The man stood in shock as the wound healed itself. ''What...are you...?'' ''You do not need to be concerned about who I am.'' And like the wind the shotgun was knocked out of his hand and was slashed at the gut and knees by Zoku's claws. The girls were screaming in the corner as they saw their father fall to the ground. ''Now...old man...you'll see your two daughters perish before you meet your end.'' And thats what he did...one by one...he fed upon their corpses...ripping their young, tender skin with his fangs as he satisfied himself. The father was in tears...blood gushing out through his exposed stomach...not being able to walk nor move. When he had finished...Zoku squated right in front of the mans face...looking directly into his eyes. ''I will now leave you here...alone...without anything in the world. You will not have the same fate as your precious daughters and wife. You will die alone...'' Zoku left him there as he slowly died...crying himself to death over the loss of his famliy. In his past life...he would have found this kind of act to be sickening. Everything that he had come to hate...but now...fate it seems, is not without a sense of irony. He now lived for it. *** Moments later...outside the ''Dark Nights'' club *** [I]Time to spice up the menu a bit.[/I] Zoku thought to himself as he approached the building. It was rumored around the streets that this club was a big hunting ground for vampires...his meal. As he approached the building while turning the corner...he saw maybe a dozen cop cars parked outside the club. Looking at the body in the ambulance...Zoke could see that it was the work of a vampire. ''There was a Grysham Assassin here...'' as he breathed in the air...smelling the remaining auromas of the place. ''It's not her...but another powerful vampire neither the less. This is turning out to be more enjoyable by the moment.'' ''Hey you...big guy!'' yelled a cop in the distance. ''Yea you...you with that sword, stay right where you are?'' >Come in station this is Captain Sanchez...I have a possible suspect for custody in the murder of John Rivers at the local club of ''Dark Nights'' he's is...< But before he could finish Zoku had already drawn his sword and easily decapitated the Captain. The other deputies saw their Captain fall and began to fire upon the shadowy figure. Of course Zoku was far too quick and escaped onto the nearby rooftops. *** A few minutes later *** Zoku finally stopped and decided to find a place to relax at the town cemetary. His thrist was satisfied for the moment...the Opal keeping his hunger in check...glowing brighting from underneath his shirt. [COLOR=Sienna]Finally...you've stopped.[/COLOR] [I]Ah...its you. I was wondering when Kuroichi would send someone...or something to seek me out.[/I] [COLOR=Sienna]Kuroichi is concerned about you Zoku...he wants to know what you are doing here.[/COLOR] [I]Oh...I'm just passing through. Feeding, Killing, Training...the usual.[/I] Zoku plopped himself on the ground taking in a deep breath. [COLOR=Sienna]You speak lies...why here...why here in Austrailia?[/COLOR] [I]He should know that answer himself...I've come searching for him. But it seems to me like it isn't just Kuroichi who comes to this continent.[/I] [COLOR=Sienna]Lord Kuroichi doesn't trust you Master Zoku...as a worshiper of Gaia...you are one who had honor. And now you have none...my Lord fears you come for his life.[/COLOR] *laugh* [I]Believe me...he has enough people out there wanting to kill him. If he's fearful because of our battle together...he should remember that it was he who attacked me first in that temple. If he has no problem with me...he has nothing to fear from me in return.[/I] [COLOR=Sienna]So if he meets with you...[/COLOR] [I]Yes yes...I bring him no harm...only aid. I think he can need a friend like me right now...someone to fight with him. [/I] [COLOR=Sienna]We shall see then.[/COLOR] [I]Then begone...I wish to close my eyes for a few hours and not hear another live or undead or spiritual voice. [/I] [COLOR=Sienna]As you wish...I will send word to Kuroichi.[/COLOR] The spirit of the earth left Zoku alone in the cemetary as he stared up into the shiny skyline that was hanging up above. ''Oh Kuroichi...you don't have to fear from me. It is only you I truly trust anymore...despite our differences; we've always been able to respect and honor one another. Hopefully your new powers haven't gone to your head.'' ''I sense two of the other gems coming with the new tides. Dear Kyu...I hope I wasn't mistaken in giving you those gems. Don't dissapoint me.''
(...I'm on a role...I guess it makes sense since I have so much to catch up on) It was beautiful...Ajack was flying...the wind blowing through his long blonde hair; he was going an incredible speed. Suddenly he felt himself inside Apollo's cockpit. He couldn't see any of the machinery in the cockpit...it looked like he was flooting in mid-air. He could see everything on the outside...like he was outside himself. [I]It must be the helmet covering my face.......are these your eyes Apollo?[/I] Ajack thought to himself. It was an open desert with a bright blue sky hovering over the horizon ahead. He could feel the tension within the cockpit...and yet he felt so free. His hands on the controls on both sides pressed downward with his wrists having Apollo run. It was amazing...everything he wanted to do was done by just a mere thought. He felt himself moving the controls, however without any effort. In the view...which he presumed to be the screen. In ever direction were targeting points on the screen...potential attack strategies, distances, calculations. Strangly enough Ajack could understand and comprehend all of it. It was like the machine was processing it directly into his mind. [I]I can't believe this...Apollo...APOLLO!...can you hear me?[/I] No response....but this time was different. Instead of a verbal response...he felt a certain feeling run up and down his spine. Suddenly a rush of pain shot through his body...it felt like being back in that ER room...on the verge of dying; like his spirit was being drawn right out of him. Then just as quickly a comforting feeling came upon him. But something was different...he was thinking of things that he never knew before...weapon systems, power boasting, talons, flying...what the heck was all this. [I]Is all this information about you Apollo?...it has to be...thats a stupid question....your quite an amazing piece of work my friend. Wait...did I just call you friend?[/I] From that thought...Apollo leaped into the air with all its might from its back hind legs. [I]A sense of approval I see...sounds good to me; lets see what else this baby can go...LETS GO APOLLO![/I] As the two of them ran through the open desert...Ajack noticed something coming from his backside. As it ran next to him...he noticed it was Desh...the Fox mech...LYU's Mech! A video uplink was connected and Lyu's picture was shown in the corner of his eye...her looking right at him. *slight giggle* ''hehe...hey Ajack...I'll race ya.'' ''Oh your on...'' It was strange...and yet at the same time...it was pleasant. He just got completely lost in her smile...always so cheerful...the same kind of comfort he now felt with Apollo...he felt around her. They hadn't known each other long...only recently she had actually opened up a bit to him. Looking at her now...with her long black hair and blue eyes...she was quite lovely...he had missed her when they parted. Then an attack began...drawing Ajacks attention away from Lyu towards the battle. Explosions...lasers, tanks; the entire alien fleet seemed to be in view. Looking back...he saw Lyu and all his friends bodies dead on the ground out of their mechs. Sayne's dragon, Keiji's Hawk, and Sora's Phoenix were still functioning doing battle with the fleet. Apollo burst skyward using his wings and jet packs to get a view at the battle. The other mechs. were on one side of him...while the incoming fleet was coming on his other side. He knew he had to help his friend...and multiple targets appeared on the screen highlighting all the enemy units. ***Oblivion Activated*** Ajack's finger was on the trigger...he was just about to fire when he stopped himself in mid-action. ''Wait...I can't do this...what if I hit the rest of them...its too risky.'' Taking his hand of the trigger...Ajack turned Apollo to look at the fleet coming to its comorades aid. ''I have to trust my friends that they can still fight...I've gotta buy them time first.'' So Apollo flew earth bound; preparing itself for its other special ability. Digging its talons into the ground...Apollo's wing's began to flap extremely fast...charging up for its attack. ***Final Blast Activated...Waiting For Further Fire Command*** ''FIRE!'' *** ''Fire!'' Ajack cried out as he awoke from his dream. ''Oh my...I can't believe it...it was only a dream. Wow...it felt so real.'' He was sweating all over...as he stood up he saw Apollo still sleeping beside him. ''I wonder if you dream...my friend.'' Gently rubbing the back of the griffin's head...he kissed it and walked away towards the exit. ''I need some fresh air.'' ''Thank you Apollo...as much of a pain in the ass you've been...I think you've actually help me get out of my little shell.'' As he began to walk to the exit...Ajack looked at Desh lying asleep as well...it's chest was exposed showing the entrance to the cockpit... ''Lyu must be in there...looks like we both can just sleep anywhere I guess.'' Then he looked back at his dream...running in the desert with Lyu beside him. Then the feeling of lossing her. ''Sweet Dreams Lyu...'' Wwwooo...am I starting to like this girl? I haven't felt something like that for a long time...man, as short as I've know you...I can imagine lossing you. ''I guess I'll just keep it to myself for now...'' Don't be so foolish Ajack....she probably doesn't like you like that anyway...your just a good friend. he thought to himself. Its a nice though...you never know. I care for her though...thats what matters most. I couldn't possibly lose any of my friends...those close to me. I won't allow it...I'll protect them with all that I can. I will fight with, and for them till the end comes for me. Walking away...yet again wishing Lyu in his mind again a nice night...he couldn't help himself smile. ''Look at me...talking to myself...I definitly need to get some fresh air...I hope its a beautiful night outside.'' Dream dreams my friends...for those I know...and those that I don't...you certainly deserve it.
''Such a strange place this is...'' the young monk thought to himself as he walked the street of the town. People stared at him with his ''unique,'' but dull choice of clothing. With his staff in hand...Lyon gracefully walked the streets...leading himself closer and closer to the other Elementals. ''The world certainly got in a rush to get big.'' With nightfall coming...he looked up witnessing the brilliant lighting coming down from the tall buildings called skyscrapers. Lyon was in awe...all his life he grew in the simplicity of life. Growing up in the order...life wasn't so complex as this. He missed home...first time he had ever left the town. He missed his friends...the feeling of peace...but he missed the sea; the sea of his birth. But this city...Lyon could feel the intensity of it all. The pace was so fast that it felt like your heart could explode. Despite how new and frightening it all was...he felt energized...the thrill of the unknown. The ambition for this quest was unbelievable. His teachers told him this day would come...he just couldn't believe it was here. ''Hey Kid'' ''HHmmm...yes...who is it?'' Turning around...Lyon saw half a dozen, scruffy looking men...now beginning to surround him. Lyon didn't realize that he had drifted off the streets and into an ally close to the diner. ''Looks like we got ourselves a little pretty boy here fellas...lets have some fun.'' ''Give us what ya got kid...or else your gonna get it.'' another grunt said...wirling around a knife. ''I'm sorry gentlemen...but I don't have what you call ''money'' or any valuables...please leave me alone...'' One of the gangmembers came up to his side and grabbed his left arm. ''I don't believe you...lets search im fellas.'' As like running water...Lyon's motion with his staff was quick and effective. Having his right hand gribbed in the center of the staff...he whirled it around his chest landinng a hard blow to the mans upper jaw...sending him flying. ''What the...'' ''As I said...please...leave me alone...I do not have time for your foolish actions.'' ''COME ON GUYS...LET GET IM!'' Doing some funky twirls and twists with his staff...Lyon got himself into position and attacked. Sliding his left hand down to the bottom of the staff...and his right in the middle; he swung again nailing one man in the neck...quickly turning to his backside...he delivered an uppercut swing into another abdominal area, leaving him breathless. As another ran at him...Lyon ducked a slash of his knife and tripped him...sending his feet off the ground. Stand up...Lyon's staff came crashing down on the mans knees...shattering them to pieces. The leader stayed back as the last man came running straight at Lyon. ''Such foolishness.'' As quick as lightning...Lyon smacked him right on his forehead...knocking him out cold. ''I say again...please leave...I do not wish to hurt anymore innocent people.'' ''The hell with you...'' at that moment the leader add pulled out a 9mm pistol. ''What is that?'' ''What the hell is your problem man...this is a gun...and I'll fucking blow your head off if you don't give me your stuff.'' ''Well I can't let you do that...'' placing his left hand forward...raindrops began to form into a single cohesive ball...the man was bewildered at the sight...he had completely forgotten about the gun. Suddenly a strong water pulse came from Lyons palm...sending the guy flying...sliding across the wet pavement into the street ahead. *sigh* ''That was meaningless...'' *moments later* The bell to the diner began to ring as Lyon walked through the door. ''Is that him...the other Elemental?'' ''Yes...'' Zack said...the Elemental of Water.
(Hi everyone...Blayze has asked me to be the water element...I have a profile up if you all would like to see what my character is like and all) ''Ah...there we are. The city isn't too far off now...I can still feel them; please God let them still be there when I arrive.'' It was getting dark outside; a heavy downpour began as well...the waves rocking back and forth...all the local fishing boats were starting to head back to port. A little girl was looking outside her fathers boat when she saw Lyon walking across the water. ''Look daddy Look!...a man is walking on the water daddy.'' ''Oh sweety...come here...there's no one out...'' but he stopped...he too saw Lyon walking across the water, coming closer to the boat. ''It's the Lord Jesus Christ himself...please my Lord...take pitty on use for we humans do not know what we do.'' Lyon walked right up to the man...staring from the side of his boat. As the waters crashed against the boat...Lyon simply stood there...the water passing right through him as if he were on solid ground. ''I am no God sir...not to mention, I'm not the Christ which you believe me to be. You should take shelter...a storm is coming, for you and your daughters safty.'' ''Ye ye y yes sir...right away." The fishman started the engine and dissapeared into the mist rising above the sea. ''Now...to find the other chosen ones.''
Name: Lyon Heart Age: 19 Gender: Male Appearance: Lyon stands at about 5'11''...with a lean cut body, short blue hair which is surprisingly shiny, with an attire of a basic grey Komono. His eyes are like the seas of Thailand, almost like a clear blue. He walks barefoot...and always has a smile. Angel: Misty Misty is actually the sensitive, compassinate side of Lyon taking the form of a female. She herself has long blue hair coming down to her ankles. She wears no clothing...having her hair cover her front side. He eyes are like Lyons...however she only has one wing on her left side. Her weapon is a pure, crystal like spear. Demon: Poseidon In contradiction to Greek Mythology, Poseidon was no God...but merely the Demon of the Seas. After the fall of his worshipers...he had no need to dwell among men till an opportune moment. When Lyon was born he resided in his soul sensing he had powers himself over the waters. His body is completely blue...both eyes are entirely back with a long white beard and mustach with long white hair. He has one demonic wing on his right side...with a golden trident as his weapon. Poseidon is dressed with ancient armor back in the days of the Greeks. Element: Water Weapon: A simple staff seven feet long. The wood that it's made of is ancient and indestructable to blades, fire, and any other kind of element. Was created by the monk order of the region...blessed with holy water...with a barrier encanted into its very foundation. Bio: Since he was born...Lyon has been training within the monk order of his parents. Against their believes, Lyons parents became intertwined with his mother bearing him as a son. The order didn't exile the two lovers...however they required that Lyon to stay with them. Even from his birth...they knew the ultimate future of his demon/angel sides emerging. So his parents live outside the temple in the residing town at the mountains base...overlooking the sea...keeping in close contact with their son. As he grew up...he became a quick and effective learning in the martial arts. At the age of 18...he was presented with his staff...to guard all that was holy and good in the world. He was looked upon by the other monks as one of the greatest of their time. However...just recently...his demon side had been unleashed...as well as with his angelic being. Lyon had passed out from the strain...and the two beings clashed together in a heated battle. Fortunately the monks fought them away from the town...scattering them to the fair reaches of the globe. In his shame...Lyon felt himself unworthy to lead the order at this moment...and vowed to reclaim his honor....
It had seemed like Ajack and Lyu had been talking forever...minutes turned into long hours...conversation about anything and everything. As he lay there in the chair with his eyes closed...listening to her words, he felt at peace with himself for the first time since the attack. [I]This is my home now[/I] he thought to himself. ''Do you think you'll ever be able to pilot your griffin Ajack?'' ''I really don't know Lyu...he let me touch him today, so I guess thats a start. Apollo's such an amazing creature...the things we could do together. But I guess its gonna take a little longer for me to earn his respect like you all with your mechs. *with a laugh*...he reminds me of Grandma at times to be honest.'' *lyu laughed right back* ''How so?'' ''Oh she was stubborn one, she constantly demanded respect...which I gave to her...but not just with me...but with others as well. I don't know if she felt like that because she was an elder...or that was just simply her persona...but...one thing she did teach was patience. To live in moderation...to do what we can with the life that has been given to us, not to live on either end of the spectrum...balance I guess.'' ''That's very wise Ajack...I hate to fight...but Desh has been good for me, and I've been keeping my mind occupied so I don't think about it too much...I do have my moments though when I do.'' ''Don't we all.'' ''You miss your Grandma?'' Ajack went silent for a while...with Captain Slader mentioning his parents...now his Grandma...and his damn scar up and down his arm was killing him...going back to that night... ''Like you said...we all have our moments. God knows the nights I've cried myself to sleep.'' ''I'm sorry to hear that Ajack...I really am.'' ''Thats ok...not your fault. It means a lot to me that you care so much....I would like to thank you as well for looking after me while I was in the ER.'' ''No problem...I was glad that I could help.'' ''You did...was greatly appreciated...'' Lyu went quite... ''Can you do me a favor Lyu?'' ''Sure...anything at all?'' ''Tell the Commander that I won't be coming to the meeting today...there's something I have to do.'' ''Where are you going?'' ''Don't worry about me...I'll be fine...can you do that for me...please?'' ''Yes...of course. I guess I'll talk to you later then.'' ''Of course...take care of yourself.'' Ajack got out of his chair and leaned down and gave her a hug...then he walked away down the corridor to everyones quarters. He felt that there was tension and frustration in the air as most of the other pilots were coming back from the medical center with fresh wounds. He got to talk to Keiji...asking about the battle and what happened. Thats when he heard about Sora and the wound on her arm. He knocked on her door and asked if she was ok...but there wasn't an answer. A little dissapointed...he started to leave with a hot cup of French Vanilla Cappacinno when he saw Sakura holding her hand over her mouth in a yawn. ''Sleepy aren't we'' * with a smile* ''Yea...I'm probably gonna go take a nap now.'' ''You should Sakura...you look like your gonna take pass out right here.'' ''I know...I'm..so...tired...hhmm that coffee smells good.'' ''It's my favorite...well I guess I'll talk to you later then...sleep well.'' Still sipping on his cappacino...Ajack began walking down to where all the mechs. were. He walked by Sayne and waved...but he didn't even acknowledge him. Then he got to Elizabeth who was with Tiegre. Casual conversatino struck up and he learned what was going on between Sora and Sayne...Ajack was so out of the loop with all the ''drama'' that was going on. ''Is Sora ok...?'' ''She'll be alright...she's confused more than anything...and of course we all are gonna be a little shaken up by the battle. What happened to you out there...we could have used your help?'' ''I'm sorry...Apollo still isn't ready to be operated yet. If I'm going to pilot him...I want to do it right. I won't let something get out of control like with Sayne...however I feel bad for him...with what they did to him.'' ''Sometimes I just don't know about him...I've got my own problems to sort out right now anyway. I can't get too drawn into all that kind of stuff right now.'' ''Thats understandable...we all gotta take our own seasons for ourselves once in a while.'' ''Your right.'' ''If you ever want to talk...you know where I am...I think I've been apart from all of you for long enough...I just hope I can get Apollo to fly soon...I got to go...see ya.'' [I]Man...there's a lot going on right now with everyone...sometimes I wish I wasn't so damn emotional [/I] [I]*smile* thats what happens when your raised by women:)[/I] Finally he came to Apollo...''hey Apollo''...Ajack did his routeen again...slowly bowing his head in respect....itching his way closer to graze his hand over his beak. Apollo brought his head down and greeted him by gently shoving him. ''Hey you...your getting a little friendlier...too bad you wont let me fly you...oh well.'' As Apollo laid his head back down on the ground to rest...Ajack took a seat on the floor leaning up against Apollo's neck. His feathers felt so real...like a warm blanket during the cold winter seasons. All that Ajack could do was think back on everything that has happened...what everyone was going through at the moment. ''I wish I could do more...someones gotta step up. Are you ever gonna let me pilot you Apollo?'' No response... ''Thats ok...least your happy and peaceful. Still...I want to do something...to be someone strong for everyone else. Do you think I can do that?'' No response... ''Damn...do you ever talk Apollo?!'' but all Ajack could do was laugh. ''Its alright...it is alright....Hakuna Matata. You know what that means...No worries.'' ''You an amazing creature Apollo...you could do such great things...ya know...we all can; there is no limit to the human potential. I guess we just gotta believe in ourselves...to create our own destinys...and not to fear failure. Don't you agree...?'' ... ''I hope your at least listening to me. Least I would have two friends...I would like to make more. Lyu cool...gotta love the black hair. I'm a sucker for im...I rememeber my first gf ever...she had black hair...but she dumbed me at junior prom. It really sucked...was really hard cause I'm such a councelor for everyone else...kind of a hard burden to be strong for others when you feel so weak. But...I'm still breathing:)...still walking. I guess It was actually a good thing to learn. Gives you a strength that comforts you in hard times.'' ''Life isn't measured by how many breaths you take...but by the moments that take them away. *yawn* thanks for listening Apollo...I hope I didn't bore you.'' Ajacks' eyes started to weigh down...he couldn't stay awake any longer. In the darkness of their little corner...Ajack shead a single tear at one thought... [I]...mom[/I] As he drifted off into a pleasant sleep...Apollo slowly moved his head up get a glance at Ajack as he slept...and then just as quietly laid back down again.
awesome...that was great...the songs. definitly went well with all the characters. Especially the song for Kuroichi and Zoku's battle. We should definitly do something like that with this second chapter of HTDD. take care...later Kairi- The crazed Jackle God.
''I'm sorry for your loss Lyu...no one our age should ever have to experiance that...to have what we hold most dear to be destroyed. Seems like a lot of us in this little family of ours has felt that in some shape or form.'' ''Yea...your right Ajack. Seems like we all have had our experiances in life I guess.'' ''Even though you hate fighting Lyu...I wish I was out there with all of you. With my wounds...and this situation with my Mech. I feel like my presence here is meaningless.'' ''It's alright...really. You may feel like you've let us down...but don't take everything too personally. You do what you can...I appreciate you talking to me now as you are. Its nice to have someone to talk too.'' ''Thanks...sorry for being so quiet lately; my minds been preoccupied as of late. I hope you don't take offence.'' ''Of course not...I understand.'' ''Thank you Lyu.'' It got a little quite...both of them sitting in their chairs looking out into the sky as the setting sun illuminated a red sky. [I]So much blood has been spilt on this day... [/I] thought Ajack. [I]I wish this was only a dream...[/I] *as he closed his eyes*...please let me wake up.
Outside Kotoku's house...both her and Alex saw Gabriel flying into the air after the two angels had said their goodbyes. ''Kotoku...I want to tell you something.'' ''Sure...anything Alex...you can trust me.'' *In an image of shame...Alex bowed his head down, obviously thinking on what to say* ''Like Gabriel said...no one is perfect except the Lord himself. If that weren't enough to say...I've become more human than you could possibly understand. I feel like you do, I can taste, smell and do things like any other human.'' ''I know...I know.'' ''I just want you to know something as this war unravels...You say I'm your guardian angel, and yet I feel like you are more of a blessing to me than I am for you. I hope that now that you know the truth...that nothing will change between us. I'm not your guardian angel...I'm your friend....*shutting his eyes...sheading a tear* who loves you more than you will ever know, not from an angel to a human...but from one heart to another.'' Before Kotoku could respond...Alex burst into a ball of light...transmorming into his true adult/angel form. He was the most beautiful thing that Kotoku had ever saw...his soft feathery wings engulfing her with warmth and comfort. Alex looked at her with those same aqua-blue eyes...the eyes of her friend Alex...the little boy who she has come to care for so much. ''Now...Kotoku...lets go.'' And he swiftly lifted her into his arms and ascended into the clouds of the sky. ''We go to battle Kotoku...I will never let harm come to you.''
*thinking to himself*[I]War isn't conflict between good and evil anymore...hell, there's no such thing as good and evil anymore. All that matters are the men and women who serve for their cause. One's purpose is no greater than any others.[/I] In an open plain somewhere in the middle of Australia...Zoku was just simply walking; where too he didn't know nor care. He was starting to be....hungry....again. Carrying only himself, his sword Oblivion, and a duffle bag over his shoulder. [I]Oh Kuroichi...I hope you finally see the power of Gaia. I would know...I only served her as a human for hundreds of years.[/I] [B]''I'm waiting for you my old friend. There is much to discuss; with Caine's blood rushing through my veins...I'm sure there is much you want to know brother. To tell you of my new found discovery...a shame you had mistaken the history of the gems; however now I feel your starting to sense their true power.'' [/B] [B]''The Opal of Thirst...the first gem ever created by Caine himself...the power to bring forth the true potential of any vampire who weilds it. Barried right underneath your nose in Japan. The resting place of our fallin commarades in days past now rests upon my chest.''[/B] *he grasps the stone hanging around his neck on a long silver chain.& Zoku was just talking to himself...thinking back to his days alongside Kuroichi. Stopping in his tracks...with the wind blowing through his hair Zoku placed it into a long ponytail stopping the flow of hair coming into his face. [B]''Oh Kuroichi...come out come out where ever you are.''[/B] saying with a nice gentle voice. [I]I wonder if he'll ever trust me again...I mean...I almost killed him only a few months ago...not to mention I've already betrayed him in another life.[/I] *in a sadistic tone he began to laugh at himself and his marvels* [I]But...that was in another life. Would be a shame for him to lose such a killer; such a weapon as I. Oh how I've changed...besides...I'm sure he'd love to have Caine...the first ones' head as a trophy.[/I] [I]You were right Keitha...the clans should be unified. It sickens me to see such conflict amongst our own people. *another laugh*...my people...would have been foolish for me to say such things back in the day. Oh how I envied you vampires...set apart from the rest of the decaying society of man...and yet you yourselves show the same hypocracy. You all should be damned...Kuroichi's new order will certainly acknowledge this.[/I] [B]....He should have killed me when he had the chance...I wonder if Keitha has found her precious Grysham Masters' head on a pike yet in his home alongside his murdered wife. I should be greatful...he helped push me into what I have become. But...he deserved nothing more.[/B] [I]The old shall wither away and die...and the new will rise. [/I] (I'm glad to see this up and going again...I missed HTDD)
''Your Ajack I presume.'' Ajack didn't respond...he still had his unflinching gaze upon Apollo as it lay there motionless. He knew that it was still awake cause its bright red eyes were still glowing. The beast just wasn't acknowledging Ajack's presence. Kneeling down, the man placed a firm but friendly placement of his hand upon the boys shoulder... ''You alright Ajack?'' ''I'm sorry sir...didn't quite notice you were there. I'm alright...just thinking...who are you?'' ''I'm Captain Steven Slader...I serve at the Lunar base field overlooking the transportation of this base. Commander De'Larne sent me to come down and talk to you; to see how you were doing.'' ''You shouldn't bother...the battle's outside sir. You should be more concerned with the well-being of my friends and their Mechs.'' ''I know...however the battle is already a success; at a price unfortunately.'' ''How so?'' ''Your group leader Sayne took a great risk to achieve victory today. It seems he and his dragon are far more powerful than we anticipated...but thats something I really can't talk with you about right now son.'' ''Thats ok...looks like you know a lot about these Mechs. yourself.'' ''True, I once was a pilot like yourself back in the day before they had me working behind a desk. *sigh* God, what I would give to be out there with you kids.'' ''I wouldn't know sir...I'm no pilot.'' ''Ah...I see; because you can't control your mech.'' There was a long pause between the two of them...looking at the griffin just sit there; ignoring the two humans. ''You know Ajack...Griffins in ancient times were among the most glorified creatures of the land. Why do you think this griffin is named Apollo...the sun god himself; Apollo, chose the griffin to ride upon. A lot of pride and honor goes into a creature like this. Maybe what needs to be done first is to earn his loyalty and respect first...and not simply him choosing you as a pilot.'' ''I've already tried that...he doesn't listen to me. All he does is lie there, never looking at me.'' ''Trust takes time Ajack...something as important as this doesn't come quickly. Even your friends now out there aren't having the easiest of times either with their Mechs. Thats what relationships are all about...it takes great patience to gain such love from another. *slight laugh* yes sometimes we're blessed to find someone we instantly connect with...to love and to cheerish. But not all of life is like that....and especially with this griffin I see...its gonna take some work.'' ''Alright...lets try something. Walk up to Apollo.'' ''Are you serious...that thing will certainly kill me without a thought if I go near him...especially after I shut him down like I did today.'' ''Then apologize.'' ''What...its a machine...even if it does have a higher intellect...that thing wouldn't forgive a living soul.'' ''Then demand it from him...your a lot stronger than you make yourself out to be.'' ''I know, I know. I'm just having issues right now...and Apollo isn't helping at all.'' ''Trust me Ajack...just try, I'll help you.'' ''Alright...I'll do it sir.'' So both men stood up and walked toward Apollo. In an instant the griffin stood straight up screeching at them as they approached...the tone of the bird was deafing. ''Alright...now go closer to him Ajack...try to calm him down...but show him respect...bow to him as you approach.'' Taking a deep breathe...Ajack slowly moved towards the griffin, showing no fear...with Apollo threatening to strike. Ajack lowered his head and bowed...keeping his head down. Apollo was pounding on the ground with his mighty talons...the entire bay seemed to shake. But Ajack kept his head down...he knew his death would be eminant. There wasn't gonna be any unison with Apollo. He was gonna die....but he controlled himself and didn't run. He closed his eyes and said a little prayer feeling the end come as the attack was felt coming. But Apollo didn't attack...he slowly calmed down falling back down on its belly doing soft bird calls. ''raise your head Ajack...he's backed down. Now stretch out your hand and try to pet him...but very slowly and calmly.'' ''Are you insane...I'm gonna loss my hand.'' ''No you won't...trust me. Obviously this bird doesn't talk...but it still senses emotion...and if you respect and honor him he will accept you.'' ''I don't know bout this (thinking to himself) *but what other choice do I have*'' So Ajack...with little baby steps he reached out and touched the beak of the griffin. ''He...He...he's not flipping out.'' ''Good good...now move in more...connect with him.'' And thats what Ajack did, he gently glided his hand over the smooth golden beak, and moving into his body...standing next to his arms leaning on the ground. At his chest he rubbed and massaged Apollo. But Ajack made the mistake and tried to get into the control station. Suddenly Apollo made a quick twitch away from Ajack... ''Don't do that just yet Ajack...he will tell you when he's ready to let you in. Just get to know him first...keep petting him.'' And thats what Ajack did...for about an hour...thats all he did. Apollo was making noises of approvable as he continued. ''Your father would be proud of you Ajack.'' In shock...''you...you knew my father.'' ''That I did...you're a better pilot than you know. You've already made some good progress with Apollo. It's in your blood boy...I'm sorry I can't tell you much, I only knew him for a little while during his time at the Lunar Base. Did you know he was posted there?'' ''No...I didn't know them very well; they were always away from home.'' ''I see...God bless their souls...I miss them dearly...*cell phone rings* come on Ajack...we gotta go...the battle is ending. We should check in.'' Ajack patted Apollo on the head and walked with Captain Slader out of the room. Apollo lifted his head up wondering where the little boy was going...and slowly laid its head back down to sleep.