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Everything posted by Kairi

  1. ''APOLLO!...stop...please...I can't handle it anymore, my arm is gonna give out.'' No response... There hadn't been any kind of communication between Apollo and Ajack. Despite letting him into the cockpit...Ajack still hadn't made a connection with Apollo yet; the beast was still as stubborn as ever. Even in the last battle...Ajack really didn't do anything. While in the cockpit within the griffins chest...there were to main handles on both sides of Ajack to control weaponary and movement, as well as a helmet that covered his entire face which showed him a screen. He could never gain control...cause Apollo just wouldn't let him. And now in this new battle for the base to be transported to the Lunar area...Apollo wasn't responding at all. ''Come on Apollo! We need to help Sora...we gotta protect our post!'' Still...nothing. All it did was make the griffin more aggresive. On the surface of the moving Syon Base...Apollo was going out of control, twisting and turning in all directions as if it were a rodeo bull being ridin by a cowboy. Ajack did the best he could to gain control. With all the strength he had, he tried to move the handles to make the damn thing where he wanted. In his helmet he say all that was going on. Sayne, Sora,Keiji, Dale, Lyu, Sakura; everyone was fighting with all their strength...with all their hearts...doing the best they could do with the potential at which they were at. ''Maybe I'm not cut out for this...'' ***[B]Open Transmission: Sora[/B] *** ''Sora...can you hear me...I can't gain control of Apollo, you gotta hold this side of the front on your own my friend. I gotta shut the griffin down now.'' ''Sora...SORA!'' ***[B]Transmission Lost[/B] *** *lifting the helmet off his head*...''Damn...'' Lifting the emergency counter measures; Ajack smashed the glass compartment to his left and hit the little red button which shut off all of Apollo's energy systems, making it immovable. *After an hour or so...when the Mech. had finally been transported down the lift to the Mechs' containing area* The battle could still be heard raging outside the thickness of the bases steal walls. Ajack was alone...wasn't much else that he could do. He wasn't any soldier...and his health wasn't helping him either. He sat there in the darkness...his arms crossed over his knees leaning up against the wall; staring up at the griffin before him. ''Maybe I shouldn't be here...obviously I can't bring out the full potential of this thing. I feel like such a failure...to Grandma...to my friends. Well, only a few have taken any interest in me as one. Lyu...the girl caring for me in the ER at times. She seems nice; been good to me; nice to have someone like that around.'' Suddently the entire base shook...apparently hit by something powerful. ''Damn it...I know I'm better than this...why do I feel like my true self is stuck within a shell I can't break out of?'' ''I'm a fighter...I have been my entire life...why can't I do something?...I feel so worthless. I'm sorry Grandma...Lyu...I've failed you all.'' ''But I don't have anywhere else to go...what am I to do?'' Slightly...Ajack drifted into a sniffle; not crying...but the emotions building up inside of him...he couldn't control himself. As a tear ran down his cheak...he stared up at Apollo with such intensity it felt like his eyes...his very heart were burning. *with a sigh* ''Fine...if you won't respect me as a pilot Apollo...I'm just gonna stay right here for as long as it takes till you finally do. If I have to prove myself to you first...then so be it.'' (yey!...I'm finally back for good. No more posts out of the blue moon anymore...finally I can start getting involved. Just gotta build on some relationships first...as well as with my Mech.)
  2. Name: Zoku Age: 2000 Gender: Male Species: Vampire Clan: Krilat Zmaj Appearance: Due to his transformation, Zoku is a tank now. Standing about 6'2'', his size is thick with a muscular form to his body. With long black hair coming down to his waist...with a tint of silver glowing from his hair when shined upon in the moonlight. His eyes have turned from his once pure aqua-blue eyes to a deep, shining red (Riddick Style) eyes. Zoku wears a basic tight black shirt with black pants and boots, as well as gloves with a silver earing in his left ear. Weapons: Forged from his masters' two ancient scimitars (a gift given to him by Caine himself)...Zoku now weilds a 7 foot long katana (think of Sephiroth) named Oblivion. Powers: As a human...Zoku always had trouble controling his KI powers. He was just as strong as any other Vampire, but always had to meditate in order to keep himself under control. Now as a Vampire, Zoku has no need for it. He's finally mastered his abilities to the point where he has no special abilities. If he could fight with even Kuroichi himself in terms of speed and strength...imagine him now as a vampire. His power has grown to the point where KI blasts don't even affect him. He could use KI...but choices to uses his basic skills as well as his katana. He is immune to silver, crosses and garlic...and is very resistant to sunlight...however needs to take cover of darkness over time. Personality: Zoku has an uncontrable lust for blood...he constantly feeds on vampires and humans alike. He endulges himself in any desire he sets his eyes upon...thus becoming a pure killer. He still has a heart...but bows to no one. He no longer feels confused and lost; now he's very strong and firm within himself and his abilities. Bio: (this will explain any confusion above) 2000 years ago...as a child Zoku was bitten by a vampire. But an archangel cursed him, taking the vampire within him out...but leaving the thirst to kill...to spill anothers blood; and it would never be satisfied. Whenever Zoku died...he would come back in another life still contaning the memories of his past...as well as his strengths. Over 2000 years, as a human he learned to control massive amounts of KI within himself...his strength and speed was not human. And as wise and pure as he tried to make himself out to be...he was always torn by the demon side within him. When he was taking refuge in Dracula's castle...after giving one of the gems to Kyu. He lost control and snapped in his bedroom...crying out for someone to help him before the demon took hold. But the lord of the Grysham came and broke him and his friendship for Keitha. Zoku had grown attached to her...and even began to like her, still knowing that it couldn't be possible. So after he was attacked by the high lord...Zoku fled and ravaged his anger and killing against every town he came upon. Caine came to him, trying to help the pour human. Taking it upon himself...Caine turned Zoku...in a hope that he would protect him when the fellow Gwyar turned against him. However...the Dark Moonstone took hold of him unleashing the evil within Zoku and he killed Caine himself with his guard down. It's been 2 months since that night...and Zoku now is searching for the one person who truly understood him...the one person he could trust...Kuroichi. Other: (you can use Zoku whenever you'd like. I'm not anal bout others using him...understand Zoku is no kind soul anymore. He is very loyal to those he trusts...but other than that...he is a very formadable foe. The dark moonstone no longer a stone...but is part of his very essence now which fuels his dark side)
  3. I would like to continue the RPG personally...once we can get a basic storyline down or whatnot...personal connections and interactions like i have with Kotoku as well as Gabriel now...i think it will work itself out...unless u want to restart the rpg and bring in some new people into the mix???
  4. ZOKU WILL RETURN...in 2 days:) please wait for me to post!
  5. please forgive me for not posting for a while...i promist once my computer is up running again in 2 days...i know Ajack has been in one battle already...so when i fianlly am able to post ill do a long one;)...and get back on track. For now...Ajack is back in the ER...his ''union'' with Apollo isn't going too well...the percentage of Apollo's fighting capabilities isn't at full capacity...the army is having doubt whether Ajack is the right one or not...so he's back in the ER resting. If you all dont mind...try to start up conversations with Ajack to get me into the story so i came work off something when i do return...so much reading:) take care...later
  6. As Ajack tried to touch the griffin...it awoke in a vengeful rage against the human and attacked him...
  7. ''Wha....WHere....Where am I?'' a young boy muttered as he lay in a bed in the ER room on the base. ''He's pretty banged up from the explosion at the school...I'm surprised that he survived...such a strong lad.'' ''Who...*blinking...trying to adjust his sight to the lighting upon him*...who's there?'' ''Praise GOD!...SIR SIR...he's awake...the young lad is awake.'' As Ajack began to regain his conciousness, images from the past 24 hours began to flood back to memory. Him being at school...it was Valentines Day...but just like any other day. Talking to all his friends...seeing those like Sakura, Sayne...Sora, all of them. But he kept to himself, he never got Valentines...as attractive and popular as he was, for some odd reason he was always shy around these kind of times at school. ''Someone get over here quick...he's going into shock!'' a nurse cried out. Ajack was shaking, flinching, quivering all over...his mind was now finally catching up to him...the pain of his injuries, the shock of what happened. ''Where's...Grandma!'' ''Hold still, hold still;...Doctor...give him a sedative...quick!'' ''Where am I...let me go...LET ME GO!'' Ajack was breaking through his restraints; trying to get away from the now collapsing circle of doctors and nurses around him. ''My boy...she's gone...your Grandma is dead...'' said a nurse, trying to calm him down. ''NO...your lying...Grandma...Grandma...where are you?'' Twisting and turning...Ajack was relentless...as young as he was, him strength was incredible...especially as uncontrolable as he was. Over a span of about 30 minutes...Ajack had finally come to grip with what happened. ''No...Grandma...*tears burst through just as uncontrable as his rage before*'' He had been picked up by his Grandma at the school; Ajack had an appointment to look at his scar on his arm he got from his street fight. He didn't mind leaving the school early...he was hoping he would get a Valentine...but his Grandma insisted that he must go to the doctor's...if the girl really cared she would wait for him. They didn't get too far from the school before they say it in the sky...Ajack couldn't focus on it...but an incredible light came from its direction and shot the car into the air...the doctors told him that he was lucky to be alive...but because of his Grandma's age...she never had a chance. *5 hours later* The ER couldn't do much more for Ajack...his head had taken a good knocking...and his scar had reopened...but other than that he just needed some good old R&R. But he was restless...so he dragged himself out of bed and roamed the halls of the base. He saw some familiar faces and decided to follow them...all he had on was a open light blue t-shirt and pants with slippers (standard hospital attire). As they all entered the room...seeing all of his fellow classmates choosing their mechs...all he could do was stare in awe. He loved all of them...they looked...majestic to him. Still not being noticed by the group...he slipped passed them while they looked at Sayne and the dragon. As he walked down the room some more...he came upon a griffin...lying on the ground in a dark shadowy corner of the room. The only reaction that came from the beast was its red devilish eyes glowing. As the Commander moved away from the blades of the dragon...he say Ajack standing in front of the griffin. ''Soldier...who's that boy over there?'' ''Oh...he's some boy that came into the ER when the attack began. I believe his name is Ajack Masters.'' ''Masters?....hhmmm...Joshua's boy...interesting. That damn bird hasn't shown any activity for weeks...very interesting.''
  8. PLease take note of changes I have made to my previous post...
  9. Honestly I dont' know what to do...obviously Mutuol doesn't like to be used outside of her own control...so i guess u can just forget the past two entries that i've just done. I'll change my entries to try and coincide with Mutuols needs but im not freaking doing it again. It's a hastle to do as it is if I was going in a different direction...It'll simply be Alexander meeting Gabriel outside of Kotoku's house...without me ever meeting up with Michael nor having the fight scene at the angel's lair. I'll fix it from there...later
  10. (bah...gotta do most of this over:)...im glad its up and running again quickly, how come the changes?) Name: Ajack Masters Age: 18 Agenda: male Appearance: With long blonde hair put into a pony-tail, hair falling over his brown eyes. He usually wears a black muscle shirt with light brown pants. He's a well toned boy for his age who has a scar running down his entire right arm beginning at the back of his skull. He also has a small silver earing in his left ear. *image below* Personality: Ajack has a very carefree spirit...energetic and emotional, he's usually joyful, laughing, trying to lift others up around him up. In school he's a very intellegent, bright young man, however he choses to do the bare minimum that is required of him desipte his obvious potential. He choses to be a rebel, never backing down, nor bowing down to anyone...valuing his individuality; not needing to rely on others. Weakness: Memories of his past...as well as his fear of loss for those he holds most dear. Crush/Love- None right now...always looking for the right one for him. Bio: As a young child, Ajacks parents left him with his grandmother JoAnn for they both were in service with the military. Ajack never knew what they were involved in...but he rarely saw them. JoAnn (who he calls Jo) was a kind soul, who loved her grandson with all her heart; teaching him to have a the same kind of loving heart. As Ajack grew up...he got involved with a lot of streetfights, getting quite skilled with electronics, weapons and espionage...but Jo never was hard on him. Despite him never getting caught, she always knew what he was getting into. It had been 5 years since the last time he had seen his parents...his Junior year at high was hard for him. A street fight had gone south...resulting in him being tortured by the opposing group, a knife scar up and down his right side. As he lay in the hospital, Jo told him the news that his parents had ''dissapear.'' The agency for which they worked for had lost his parents...hadn't heard from then in years, so they now assume that they must be dead. Ajack was heartbroken...once he recovered he vowed to be better; to change for the best. So here he is at high, doing what he can...trying not to think about his parents. Hiding his feelings...even now on Valentine's Day for her... MB (Mechanical Beast): Griffin Name: Apollo Personality: The MB is very stubborn and prideful...he doesn't like to be touched by anyone who approaches him which sometimes makes him violent, commanding a certain respect...he prefers to make first moves when he comes to trust people...letting others into the cockpit or touching him, but still doesnt' obey; especially since Apollo can sense the emotions of the people surrounding him. . Appearance:*thumbnail* Apollo's body is completely golden with red ruby eyes. His body and 4 massive wings looks real...but its feathers have a metallic shine to them. Abilities: Apollo attacks with its razor sharp wings, also its talons which could slash through anything, including titanium steal...and crushing objects with its beak. Apollo also has a pair of jet packs that can come out of his shoulder blades inbetween his wings giving him godlike speed in the air and on the ground. Special Abilities: Oblivion- From its wings...Apollo's feathers become like missles causing a massive barrage against the enemy. However because of this Apollo losses its ability to fly. Energy Blast- Apollo digs his talons from his arms and limbs into the ground...flapping its wings with great intensity...he powers up, shooting out a bright red beam of energy from its mouth. Apollo can do this multiple times...however it takes time to power up before it attacks...must have a firm foundation on the ground. Weakness: If angered beyond its limits...Apollo will become completely out of control with or without a pilot; not being able to determine between right and wrong.
  11. Um...i take it past posts haven't been read...:)...Afriel's dead...unless your looking back into the past on what happened...kinda lost now because of that.
  12. Name: Ajack Masters Age: 19 Agenda: male Appearance: With long blonde hair put into a pony-tail, his hair falls over his brown eyes. He usually wears a black muscle shirt with light brown pants. He has a scar running down his entire right arm beginning at the back of his skull. He also has a small silver earing in his left ear. (clothing which he's found wearing at the battle zone) *image below* Personality: Because of the loss of his parents and friends and the conflict that occured in the Capital city, Sandon...he's very confused about whats happening around him. He's not the smartest mind out there; nor does he have any sense of responsibility and respect for authority, containing a lot of emotion and spirit within himself. He's is very-strong willed fighter from his days in street fights showing a lot of potential to be a leader; but he's not quite mature for that stage yet. Very easy-going, always looking for a good laugh...but surprisingly calm in harsh situation, embracing his individualism; not needing to rely on others. Live: Captial City of Sandon. Rank: College Student (Psychology Major) Abilities: Skilled street fighter, Quick thinker and learning, experiance in weaponary and espionage (electronics). Weakness: Memories of his past...as well as his fear of loss for those he holds most dear. Bio: Throughout his middle school and high school years, Ajack has been a rebel, always fighting with the neighborhood teenagers; from time to time getting involved with crimes inside and outside of school. His teachers saw such potential in him, however he always chose to do the bare minimum that was required of him. At home though his parents didn't seem to mind...always showing their complete and utter love that they had for their only son. During the summer after his high school graduation...he took a simple job to rob the bank of Sandon. This situation went south, and in the end Ajack was the only one to escape...alive. After a crazy, high speed car chase down the streets of Sandon...Ajack had finally lost them. His mother and father knew what he had done...but never turned him in...nor was he ever found by the police for the crime. At times he wanted to turn himself in, or to kill himself...but his mother wouldn't allow it, telling him, ''You're ment for much better things Ajack, please, stop what your doing...with that alone I can forgive you.'' So from that, Ajack turned from his life or crime...however he still kept his rebelling side...never bowing down to anyone. He was in class at LakeView University when the battle first struck...in an instant half the school was incinerated in flames. All he could think of was to drive to his parents house to see if they were safe. Driving down the thruway as fast as he could in his Red 2000 Chevy Lumina...he say the war surrounding him as planes fell from the skys...bombshells exploding all around him. When he finally got to his home in the heart of the city, he got his parents, telling them that they had to get out of the city. Across the street as his parents were getting into their own car...Ajack saw a beam of light come down from the sky and completely destroy the car along with his parents...blasting them to bits. Ajack himself ran away from his own car before it was attacked and blew him nearly 20 feet away causing him to be unconcious. When he work up...it was all over...the city now was entirely destroyed. So as of now...Ajack wanders the rubble of Sandon. MB (Mechanical Beast): Griffin Name: Apollo Personality: The MB is very stubborn, prideful and violent...it lets people into the cockpit...however dissobey's any order that its given. At times he becomes even violent towards anyone who tries to take control of him...acting completely on its own; with the pilot inside at times Apollo will take complete control. But if you leave it alone...its very respectable to everyone; just don't touch him when he doesn't want to be touched...very much protective of itself. Appearance:*thumbnail* Apollo's body is completely golden with red ruby eyes. His gigantic body and 4 massive wings looks real...but its feathers look metallic with a certain shine to them. Abilities: Because of the sight of a regular griffon...Apollo is very strategic against its prey, almost with its own A.I system towards the battle situation...with extreme reflex's using its powerful wings. Apollo attacks with its razor sharp wings, also using its talons which could slash through anything, including titanium steal...and crushing objects with its beak. Special Abilities: Oblivion- From its wings...Apollo's feathers become like missles causing a massive barrage against the enemy. However because of this Apollo losses its ability to fly. Energy Blast- Apollo digs his talons from his arms and limbs into the ground...flapping its wings with great intensity...he powers up, shooting out a bright red beam of energy from its mouth. Apollo can do this multiple times...however it takes time to power up before it attacks...must have a firm foundation on the ground. Weakness: If angered beyond its limits...Apollo will become completely out of control with or without a pilot; not being able to determine between right and wrong.
  13. Happy Birthday to ya...wish you the best...hope u like being, well, whatever age you'll be:). I gotcha now bout the missions and all, wasn't quite sure what direction you were going but i understand now. Tis all good...thanx. Take care...and be well...later Dude's and Dudests...when is this gonna get up and running...I've been waiting for this for so long...I can't take it anymore:) [font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=red]Please don't double post, kairiKIce2 -- I've merged your last two. Thanks.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#ff0000][/color][/size][/font] [font=Trebuchet MS][size=2][color=#ff0000] -Bio[/color][/size][/font]
  14. I think is gonna be a good one...one that will hopefully last long. I like the ''mission'' set up. Just a thought on this first one...since most of our people like to race cars...are we gonna be using all of our people on this...or just some? Not everyone can steal this car:)...just wondering if all of us can be used on this one, or just as fallbacks. Just a thought:)... Either way...good luck with you all putting up your bios. take care...later
  15. Sounds good for a transporter... ''what do u think is better...having sex...or stealing cars?'' ''how bout having sex...while stealing cars:)'' -Gone in 60 seconds take care...later...ten days...bah...too long:)...but its worth waiting for.
  16. what the hell has happened to htdd...where has everyone gone:) Kairi- the crazed jackel lord
  17. LOL...All I could do was laugh at that man:)...understood; wasn't quite clear on what kind of creatures we were dealing with here...but no problem...2'10'' is cool by me. take care...later
  18. Name: Drizz Lionheart Age: 145 Race: Elf Appearance: Thumbnail Below...also wears black pants and prefers to be bearfoot. Standing about 2'10'':p Personality: Drizz is a very kind soul who feels connected with nature; with the animals, plants and fellow creatures. His scars and eyes reviel himself to be warrior elf back in his younger years. But has come to this place to find peace with himself. Despite his longing for solitary with his thoughts...he enjoys one on one connections with others. The forest has a respect for him due to his wisdom and loving spirit, however, due to his rough appearance, most choose to let him keep to himself, but many don't come to understand that he still has the heart of a child...acting as a long protector of the forest, which he now has come to call home. He finds humans to be an intreging creatures, and enjoys interacting with them.
  19. ''So this is where you've been hiding lately my friend...feels very homely.'' Thank you; I've only been here for a couple of years on and off. Its the home of my friend Kotoku.'' Alex replied ''A human?'' ''Yes...and no she is not the Key that you seek. But there is certainly something different about her.'' Alexander placed a cup of coffee in front of Gabriel as he took a seat at the kitchen table. For a couple hours there was casual talk; catching up on the many centuries that had seperated them. Gariel, Michael, and Alexander were best friends while in heaven. Leading the academy together in times of peace...together they were an unstopable force. However when the angels fell...leaving Gabriel trapped on earth apart from heaven, Michael held to his duties as commander, and Alexander's quarl with God...going into isolation; they all had gone out on their seperate paths. ''She knows of us Gabriel; however she is lost, in a sense over it. Her mind isn't quite able to handle it yet...but her spirit is so willing. There is an amazing strength within her...she reminds me of one of us sometimes'' Where is this girl now? ''She's upstairs sleeping; she had another vision the other night and had to be brought to the hospital. I wasn't there with her when it happened...but when she came back to the house...she was, so confused and lost. She asked me so many question before she passed out again. I brought her up to her room and laid her to rest.'' ''Interesting, I haven't heard of a human having such visions before if they are what you describe them to be...'' Gabriel was obviously in a deep train of thought as he took a sip of his coffee. ''Why do you live among them like you do Alex...why do you persist this friendship with the human?'' ''Her name is Kotoku...and you'd can be surprised what you can see through the eyes of a child Gabriel. I do miss heaven as you do...but I feel connected to this place now. I couldn't possibly leave her now...thats why I chose to stay in this childish form.'' As Gabriel sat there sipping on his coffee...he took note of the boy that sat before him. Amazing; to think that in that body lives one of the most power angels...one like those of Michael, Lucifer and himself. Surprising to see him chose a life such as this. Such kindness and compassion...strength and leadership...to be spent on these humans. ''I know what your thinking my dear friend. Please don't worry bout me...I'm happy. I am still a warrior of God...maybe I'm not exactly like the being you knew. But my spirit remains the same. ''I cannot judge you Alex; you know as well as I do that you one day you will be held accountable for your actions...for what you will have to atone for. I'm just so happy to see you well. *Some time passed...talking about each other's lives to that point...then coming to the war...* You know what we are fighting against Alex...this is a war. I will do whatever I can to defeat these enemies. To find the Key and gain access to heaven once again. Don't worry yourself *with a smile* ''Yes...they are. But we have a problem...the fallen have discovered the location of the Key...we must make haste. Our forces are divided...we need to reunite and rebuild if we are too fight them. There are becoming stronger.'' ''I agree, Michael is already on route to the new base to organize our forces...we're gonna need all the help we can get. But I must find Marcus. How do you know that the fallen have discovered the identity of the key?'' ''Let us just say that...a little cat told me:)'' ''The fallen are now attacking us in plain very of the public Gab...Kotoku has been telling me of her visions...and I believe her. I must ask a favor of you my old friend...with your blessings; I would like to tell her of us...for her to meet you; there are things she needs answers for. *Alex talks about Kotoku's past and the loss of her mother and father* *There ya go Annie...all posts regarding the lair and everything else has been deleted and redone. Hopefully you Sweeteyes(Gabriel) and Sakura(Kotoku) will see these changes before future posts are done. Hopefully I won't have to do this again...erasing hard work of mine. If you don't like your character being used because of a point your trying to make in the storyline...please say so in the future. Thanks...take care...later
  20. Name: Michael Crest Nickname: Ice Age: 30 Nationality: American Group Title: The Transporter...The Cleaner Transport: A Silver BMW 3 Series Coupé...customized of course with NOS and other ''special'' items with tinted windows and a full bullet proof window and body job. However he prefers to use it only on missions. In a casual day, he simply takes a cab or train, or just simply steals his means of transportation... Weapons: Shotgun and a 9mm Automatic Pistol as well as a dagger. Appearance: (basically my avator; yes I know I'm not getting creative with appearance and nickname:) but I thought it was a good fit) With silky, soft black hair covering his blue-hazel eyes...Ice looks young for his age. Standing about 6foot; he is musclar but toned from his days in the army. He wears two silver rings...one on his left ring finger (college wedding ring) and one on his right pointer finger (family ring) as well as a silver earing in his left ear. He usually wears casual clothing; however on missions it is of course all black which is usually a tight black shirt with baggy black cargo pants with his shotgun strapped to his back and the pistol on his belt with many clips of ammo. Personality: Ice is both wise and intellegent. In everything he does; it is always very precise without fault. Despite how strong-willed he is...he choses a life of humility. Although he isn't the boss, he holds a high respect in the group. His leadership is undenyable...but his loyalty is unflinching. With that he is very protective of everyone in the secret society, taking them in as his own...the majority of the time being a friendly, gentle soul; but in heated times...he is a scary sight to see in battle. He is a gifted theif, viewing the world as ''his playground.'' He's also an on and off smoker...depending on his mood. Biography: Throughout his entire life...Michael has always been moving; always active in whatever he has done. He was raised in a very simple and stable home. His father was a commander of the Florida based navy; while his mother was a full-time mother. All throughout school he got good grades as well as playing football and basketball through college. He had many connections in school making him a very prominant student...spreading his influence all over. Everything was perfect...with him on his high pedistal above the rest. Until one day his wife of two years died of bone cancer in his senior year from Miami University; her name was Alev. He blamed himself and decided to leave his entire life; leaving for the army...he was 23 at this time. For 5 years he was in the special forces; learning the dark arts of combat and infiltration, becoming highly trained...making many connections and contacts around the world. But yet again, Michael was dissapointed in seeing the corruption in the system. His fellow comardes dying for a cause that was not their own. So he feel off the grid...not wanting to be in the ''spotlight'' any longer. He wanted to live his own life...to get away from the petty complications of life. Over time he found the art and precision; as well as the challenge of life of the theif. To live life by a certain code...but disconnected from the rest of society. At first he was a simple transporter for ''back ally'' deals and jobs. Then as he gained more and more of a name for himself...he was the guy all up and down the California coast line. And whenever something went down badly...he always cleaned up the mess. Whether to massacre the police or aposing force, to take a certain individual out, bodyguard...he did the ''dirty'' work. Couple years later Michael recieved an invitation to meet with Robin ''The Boss'' of some group interested in his services. Over time he was incorperated into the Secret Society by gaining Robin's and everyones trust and has devoted himself to this line of work. He looks at the group as his family now...for his parents and relatives have now died. And his life in America over...as if he were a ghost. A ghost which the government trained him to be.
  21. Zoku had heard the Grysham lords words, but he didn't feel any of it. He just knelt there in his bedroom, thinking of the words that were spoken. His bitterness was so enveloped within him...he didn't feel anything. [I][B]What am I...why is this happening now? It must be from the Moonstone...its bringing out the evil within me. But why did the master of darkness tell me to keep it with me...?[/B][/I] [I][B]Do I not know who I am...am I too weak to accept the fact that I am...one of them? All I wanted was a friend...I didn't want to change her. She offered to help me, she showed me kindness. Was that all a lie?[/B][/I] [I][B]What does he know...he doesn't know me. She said she could help me...but I guess I was nothing to her. They way she treated me...as if I was nothing. Another poor, weak mortal for her to arouse and seduce. To play with; to manipulate.[/B][/I] [I][B]Or was she truly what she seemed to be. Was she warming up to me...was she indeed a friend...someone for me to trust?[/B][/I] At this point...all logic and reason escaped him. He was tired of it all, tired of being left alone...tired of being looked down upon. [I][B]Maybe I should be with Kuroichi, maybe I should tell him the secret in which has been given to me by the Master of Darkness...I don't know who to believe anymore. Do these vampires believe in me...or am I like I am too David, and...even Keitha...just another mere mortal. What does it matter anymore?[/B] [/I] All that he could do was weep, his head thrust into his palms as he cried. [I][B]No one will come to save me...no one will come to help me...[/B][/I] With that his eyes turned a bright red ''they know nothing of pain and lust''... ''I'm sorry mother, I'm sorry...Maria...I've failed''...and with tremendous force he shot his way through the roof of his bedroom and decended to the ground with ease and ran off into the distance. *** about an hour later *** In one of the neighboring cities of Dracula's castle. There was dead silence. Not sound, no movement...nothing. Only death hung in the air as countless bodies lay slain in the streets. Nothing was left alive...not man nor woman, no child nor housepet was left sturring. It happened so fast that no one was able to react. No signs of struggle nor gunshots could be seen. It was like a river of blood had been created in the center of the city. Destruction everywhere; buildings destroyed, countless bodies butchered and mangled with that of a blade. And in the darkness of an ally...you could hear the heavy heaving of breathing from Zoku. His eyes still burning with rage...no sense of concience nor understand. It was if he was another creature...not a human, nor a vampire. All that could be said...was that he was a killer, who's thurst for not blood, but death had still not been satisfied.
  22. Alex always liked to read books. He was very interested in the human imagination. To create there own worlds within there minds...just as God did when he created the heavens and the earth. A trait that so many humans took for granted. [B]I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ''move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible with you.[/B] Exposed...learning new the knowledge that God deemed necessary and proper for them to advance themselves in life. Trying to make sense of the world around them... [B]Oh how innocent humanity is...for they have no idea how far away from the truth they really are...[/B] As he was skimming a book full of Da Vinci's creations...*those he had actually seen in person* reminding himself of the old days...where life was much simplar; he felt a sudden change in the air. [B]Oh my...another one has fallen to Mutuol; Afriel...the angel of purity, youth, and prosperity. I remember him...a bright young lad...but....[/B] [COLOR=Cyan]''Damn trator...how I despite how you all can be so weak!''[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]''Alex...was that you I just heard...''[/COLOR] Kotoku came running around the corner into the asile of books that Alex was in... [COLOR=Indigo]''SSSHHHHHHH...'' [/COLOR] she motioned as she put her finger to her lips... [COLOR=Indigo]''Did you forget that this is a library my dear...'' [/COLOR] whispering still to Alex as she came closer him... [COLOR=Cyan]''Forgive me...it was nothing. I was skimming through one of these books and was reading one of the stories in it. A warrior betrayed his king and...''[/COLOR] Giving Alex a quick hug and squeeze... [COLOR=Indigo]''Oh...you poor baby *slightly giggling*...tis only a book. None of it is real. Come with me...I want to show you something.''[/COLOR] [B]You have no idea how real it is my dear...[/B] [COLOR=Cyan]''Coming...I'm really sorry for making such a ruckus Kotoku...''[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]''Forget it...don't worry about it...''[/COLOR] she took Alex's hand and they both skipped in the direction she was leading them. [B]If Mutuol has taken on of the angels without killing it...they may be able to get information from him. They may already know the location of the Angels main base. They may need help...[/B] [COLOR=Indigo]''Hey...I said don't worry about it, don't go all quite on me now...tell me of the story that you were reading.''[/COLOR] [COLOR=Cyan]''Ok...fine fine you little twirp *similing*'' he reached around with his right hand and gave her a quick tickle underneath her armpit as she let out a bubbly giggle.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]''Hey...Alex...stop...hehehe...that tickles.''[/COLOR] ''Be quite up there you two...this is still a library!'' yelled out Ms. Kyosuke from the desk. [COLOR=Indigo]''Sorry Ms. Kyosuke...we'll behave.''[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]''See now you got us in trouble''[/COLOR] still laughing:) [B]Oh Kotoku, if only I was one of you...I wouldn't have to worry on my own like I do. If Gabriel and the others need my help...they know how to find me.[/B] Then his thoughts drifted off to what Ms. Kyosuke said earlier downstairs. Neither one of them knew that he heard them whispering. [B]Me...a boyfriend...I don't think that she likes me like that anyway[/B] he thought to himself...[B]Even if she did, I couldn't possibly...[/B] [COLOR=Indigo]''So...are you gonna tell me that story or what?''[/COLOR] ''Of course...'' [B]Maybe I can share my world with her...without her knowing about me...[/B] [COLOR=Cyan]''So...where shall I begin...''[/COLOR]
  23. Ken left the scene of the school after finally calming down Mito Itami. He wasn't gonna try and stop his friends sorrow, leaving him to cry over the loss of his daughter. Mr. Matsuo was very distraught over the situation...not because of the pain that his friend of ages was feeling. But the concenquences of this day... ''Mito will not stand for this...'' Ken shaking his head as he sprinted towards the B&B to meet up with Eric and Artemis as they had always done for years. To talk of the new school year...to see what news there was of ''their'' world. Mito usually would join him as well...but this was no ordinary day. Not ordinary at all. ''They must be warned...'' Within minutes, moving through the streets with incredible speed. Matsuo stood outside the B&B. Thinking first of the words that he was about to speak... Peering into the bookstore...all that he could sense was that of a vampire, Sia. Young...and yet firm. So Ken started knocking on the door trying to get its attention. From the darkest corner of the room arose Sia...his student from Psychology class. However young of a vampire that he was, he showed great potential. ''Hey Sia!'' cried out Ken. ''Can you let me in for me?'' Without a second thought...Sia opened the door to the bookstore and locked it behind him...you could hear the ringing of the bell from the door as it echoed throughout the entire store. ''Thank you my boy...what are you doing here?'' ''I've waiting for Eric and Artemis to open up...why are you here Mr. Matsuo?'' ''You children never learn do you...call me Ken...especially outside of school. I'm here to talk to Eric about some certain matters...is he here yet?'' ''No, I haven't seen him since the incident at school...I'm still waiting for him to open the shop.'' Ken was in a pass back and forth in one of the aisles of the store as Sia went back to his corner to read. [I][B]Where are you?...this is important[/B][/I] Suddenly, out of nowhere Kana came barging into the store yelling. ''Eric!...come on man, pick out your freaking phone!'' Surprisingly Kana didn't notice Ken in one of the rows...the boy was certainly a vampire. [I][B]Excellent...more of them...then can help with the warning...[/B][/I] ''Hello...my name is Ken Matsuo...I'm a teacher at the local High School, and a friend of Erics. Who might you be?'' ''The names Kana sir...what are you doing here in the store?'' ''Don't worry, I'm not a theif...Sia let me in; he's in the corner overthere waiting for your boss as well.'' The two of them walked over to where Sia was sitting and each took their own seats...there was casual conversation here and there...having no mention of the events at school. It was treated as if it was any other typical day. After a few minutes both Eric and Artemis burst through the doors. They obviously had been in a rush trying to get back to the store... ''Ken...'' Eric asked...''are you here?'' ''Yes yes...im here...unlike Mito now...I still will not miss our coffee times my friend'' Slowly Ken rose from his chair and started walking to the B&B entrance to where Eric was standing. They both shock hands and gave a friendly hug. ''Still the calm and firm one aren't ya my dear werewolf...'' ''Werewolf?'' both Kana and Sia were in shock...they had no idea what he was...they couldn't sense it. ''Keshino!'' yelled out Artemis...what the hell is Mito doing. When me and Eric tried to leave the school...he sent people to attack and hunt us down. Those pathetic humans are lucky we didn't want to cause more trouble...but what the fuck is going on? We killed the Daywalker didn't we...what did we do wrong?'' ''Take it easy Artemis...everything will be explained. However I do advice that we get out from view in the windows and we'll talk.'' Everyone took seats at the bar as Sia started to make drinks for everyone. ''Kana...'' asked Eric...can you please help Sia out...thank you'' After they all settled in, waiting for their drinks...Ken began to talk... ''I come to you with a warning...to you all, as well as to all vampires. There is something about Mito that you all should know...Mito is no mere human, but one of the Demon Headmasters of this relm. And he wants blood...he doesn't care if a daywalker or not did it...he is tired of the reckless acts of vampires now adays. For the first time in centuries...there will be a ''species'' cleansing. And he will not stop till his vengance is satisfied. This will not spread into the school...for the exposure it would show to the humans; but outside the school walls, its open game...blood will spill onto the streets.'' Everyone stood in silence and shock as the little bell rang showing Mercel and Nose walking through the door.
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