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Everything posted by Kairi

  1. Zoku was about to draw his scimitars...but suddenly he stopped himself...a un-nerving pulse shot through his entire being... ''I'm sorry Kyu...Dracula. I cannot spar with you two tonight...'' ''What's wrong Zoku... just a moment ago you were so full of spark to fight with us.'' ''I'm sorry, please forgive me my friends...but maybe under another moonlight...right now I need my rest. Kyu, we can spare together tomorrow night if that is ok with you.'' ''Yea...sure Zoku...'' trailing off his words, Kyu sounded concerned...as was Dracula. ''We will continue our conversation tomorrow then Dracula...sleep well.'' ''Same to the both of you...and Kyu. To unlock the power of gems...use those emotions.'' ''What do you mean Zoku?'' Kyu asked... ''Those emotions you felt for your fallin commrads; and for those of Beth...use them. For they are your strength. Learn to control that power within you, from the source of your emotions, and then you will be able to stand against Kuroichi...and to have the strength to unite your clans. I have faith in you my friend.'' Zoku left the courtyard and started his way up too his room... In the distance...your could hear from underneath Kyu's breathe as he began to wage battle against Dracula... ''Thank you...'' *** Moments later...as Zoku climbed the stairs to his quarters...his strength began to leave him again. ''No...not...now......why now?'' The thirst was coming back. Thoughts were entering his mind...evil thoughts; he desire for blood, he wanted death. Sweat streaked down his face as he dragged his way up the stairs. From time to time the images got worse...thrusting himself into the walls. Trying to lesson the pain...[I]one pain...can lessen another[/I]. His breathing became very rapid...it felt like he was about to hyperventilate. ''Someone...help me...please!'' But no one came...he was all alone. Walking down the hallway...he saw his room, which gave him a rush of hope. He opened the door and locked it in back of him. Throwing off his trench coat and weaponary. He feel to the floor which was covered in a red colored rug. In fact that entire room looked that of the color of blood. One after another...terrible images flooded into his mine. Of death, chaos, the lust for the kill...he couldn't control himself. It was as if he was having convusions. Twitching, twisting and turning on the floor...it took all of his strength not to loss control. This kind of episode hadn't happened for years. Usually he was able to meditate and control the rage. But tonight was different....somehow... ''Someone...please.....help me'' all he could manage was a whisper... Then with all of his strength he cried out... ''NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''
  2. After a rigorous half hour of notetaking...Ken decided to take a break from it all for his students. ''Would you all like to take a little break from taking notes on Multiple Personality Disorders for a while?'' The entire classroom was in an uproar with appreciation, agreeing to their professors suggestion. So...what shall we talk about...? Ken Matsuo was a popular teacher among the students of the high school. Whenever students were given the opportunity to study Psychology/Philosophy class, there would always be a demand for him to be ones teacher. And who could blame them...he was very friendly, open-minded, and always took time for his students. Whenever they had questions, or just needed to talk to someone. He was like a big brother to them all. As he searched his mind to think of something to talk about...he heard Kira and Aria talking about the recent murder that had taken place in town by using his animal senses. ''So...ms. Kira; Aria, ...what do you think would be a good topic to talk about today?'' [B]How did he know?[/B] they both thought to themselves...sitting in the very back of the room. ''Um...what about last nights murder Mr. Matsuo.'' ''Kira, how many times must I tell you, call me Ken please. And yes, that is definitly something that is buzzing around lately now hasn't it...'' A girl by the name of Imi Kagami raised her hand... For only being in 8th grade, she showed extreme intellegence and understanding beyond her years on multiple levels of understanding. The school board recommended her to be placed in his classroom for further ''observation.'' ''Mr. Matuso...I mean...Ken, are there really such things as vampires and werewolves?'' Soon a multitude of question arose... ''are we gonna die...'' ''yea; what she said...are they really real...'' ''is the army gonna help us...'' ''who do you think is gonna be killed next?'' ''Hold on there class...calm yourselves. There's no need to get into a panic. That's the last thing we need right now... There are many things in this world that still cannot be explained...I myself don't know everything that is in the world. But I do know that such mythical creatures do exist. ''Koga...do you believe in good?'' ''Yes I do Mr. Matsuo...'' ''And you...Kimura (another student whom the board has placed under his watchful eye)...do you believe in evil.'' Takin back by the question...in her shyness she tried to respond. ''YYY...es Mr. Ken sir.'' ''My friends, there is a continuous battle between good and evil; amongst ourselves, and within ourselves...don't you agree ms. Mercel.'' ''Yes Ken, good and evil cannot bear one another...therefore they are forever at war.'' ''But, class...is it possible for evil...to fight evil?'' ''Yes, replied Andy...even thought if two entities are both evil...wouldn't they still battle for territory? Like...angels vs. demons, or werewolves vs. vampires?'' ''Very good Andy...that was very perceptive of you...in an ever changing world such as ours...there is much that goes hidden from our eyes. And such battles go on everyday. Whether it is necessarily with the involvement of such creatures I don't know...but in the end...it is always the humans who get caught in the middle.'' For about another hour the conversation went on...and Ken shared with them as much as possible in his knowledge about the different species. [I]BELL RiNG![/I] ''We'll, that's it for today class; remember there is a test on friday covering all that we have learned this month from Chapters 3-5...I will be in my office for the rest of the day if you have any questions...have a good day...and take care.'' One by one each student left the classroom as Ken packed up his briefcase. Then Principle Mito Itami knocked on the open door...he was a short little man with white hair and a black goatee. ''So, how did it go over today in class...are the children calmed down from todays news?'' ''Yes...everything is fine now. They seem to understand the situation much better now...'' ''And what about ''them,'' how did they react?'' ''As usual Mito...same as any other child...lost and confused. I wish I could do more for them, to show them the real truth.'' ''But you know our place Matsuo, we are watchers. Guardians to those who are being brought up into our world. We are only to councel...the strongest of us must let them learn for themselves their amazing gifts...''all of them.'' Closing the briefcase and heading for the door...he gave a hug to his old friend. ''I know all to well my lord, it is only the beginning of the school year...there is still much to be done...are we still up for coffee later today?'' ''Of course...I haven't missed our coffee times in over seven centuries *both of them chuckled* and they both went their seperate ways.
  3. There was a long silence between the two of them as they both got themselves settled in. Both of them were still wet from the rain, but neither one of them really cared. But there was a certain tension between the two of them. She saw Alex playing with the robotic cat as if it were the real thing. The cat comfortably, without fear cuttled itself around him as he sat crosslegged in front of the door greeting as the cat greeted him. He softly rubbed his hand down the cats back as it gave a ''purr'' of satisfaction. As long as she had known him...that was what she liked the most about him. It was his gentle spirit that drew her to him. And yet he kept himself distant at times...some moments he was so open and heart-warming...but at times, he seemed...alone... Trying to stop looking at him...she continued putting her jacket in the closet...then remembering what had just transpired just a moment ago with the ''creature.'' [COLOR=Cyan]Are you ok Kotoku?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Yea...why wouldn't I be...everythings fine...[/COLOR] As she started talking off her shoes. He slowly rose to his feet, excusing the cat...Alex walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her neck in a hug. Burrowing her head into his chest, she grabbed him around the waste and began to cry. [COLOR=Indigo]I was so scared Alex...what was that thing? I felt such evil emmiting from it. I felt like I was going to die...[/COLOR] [COLOR=Cyan]Its ok now...your safe.[/COLOR] Alex started to gently pet her hair in order to calm her. [COLOR=Indigo]I hate them all...damn them all. My poor mother...I miss mom Alex, I want Dad back. It's so hard sometimes Alex...I don't think I can go on for too much longer.[/COLOR] Kotoku just burst into an uncontrolable surge of emotion and tears. It took all of his being to hold back his own tears for her. He felt so connected with Kotoku; her pain was his own. But he knew that he must be strong for her in this time of need. All he wanted to do was to take her sorrow away...slowly he let his spirit become one with hers. Kotoku could feel the warm of Alex's body heat; starting to dry her off from the rain. As well as a gentle calm spread down through her spine throughout her entire body. She didn't know where this love and strength was coming from, but her spirit felt so overwelmed...she started to get very tired. [COLOR=Indigo]Alex...how did that ''thing'' know your name?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Cyan]Don't worry...I'm sure ''they'' know a lot of things Kotoku...[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]But...I was worried...I thought...[/COLOR] [COLOR=Cyan]My dear Kotoku, my friend...do not be afraid. I am with you...[/COLOR] He slided his face across her cheek and through her hair, showing her complete and utter affection. [COLOR=Indigo]Th....thank you Alex...your the best. I know that I'm safe with you...*sniffle* cause with you...I felt no fear.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Cyan]The battle is not yours to fight Kotoku...you're too hard on yourself. Your mother wants you to be happy...free of worry. Your desires will be shown too you in due time. [/COLOR] Hearing his words, she finally felt at peace with herself once more. As tired as she was, she drifted into a pleasant sleep as she stood there in Alex's arms. He could tell that she was asleep...so he lifted her legs into his right arm as his left supported her back as her arm was wrapped around his neck. Gracefully he walked her up to her room...it was dark; and he didn't want bother putting any light in the room and put Kotoku in her bed. As he tucked her underneath the sheets, he gave her a slight kiss on the forehead whispering... [B]Sweet dreams...[/B] A few minutes later Alexander was standing outside on top of the roof of Kotoku's house. He could see Mt. Fujiyama in the distance. Mist was surrounding the base of the mountain as it proclaimed its so called ''majesty.'' It was such a grand creation ...nature was always one of the things that Alexander enjoyed the most out of all of God's creations; besides his precious humans. After taking off his shirt...Alex spread forth his four great wings from his back, blue aura surrounded him...hidding his appearance as he transformed into his true form. The aura faded revieling a tall, handsome man with long white/silver hair dangling in from of his eyes coming down his back. His eyes seemed to glow of that of a blue flame. With his firmly toned body, he looked about the age of a 24 year old. Young, and yet possessing a grand majesty about him. His wings seemed to cover the entire rooftop of the house. [B]There is so much I want to share with her, she certainly is like no other human. For her to be able to stand up against Dumah like that...[/B] [COLOR=Cyan]Why did Dumah spare her...obviously he saught me out to get information from me...but why spare her? She was no threat to him...what are the fallen planning?[/COLOR] Violently he shook his head to the side...rubbing off the thoughts that were going through his head. He didn't care for those things anymore...all he wanted to do was protect Kotoku. As long as he lived...he would do everything in his power to protect her. He could could still remember the memories; during his time of greatness. To walk in the great streets of heaven. To be among the most elite angels of God...Gabriel, his dear friend Michael, Marcus, and even at one time...Lucifer herself. But times have changed. Unlike the rest of the angels...Alexander chose to come down to earth. He didn't want to be part of God anymore...thus turning himself into an angel...of both good and evil. [COLOR=Cyan]If anyone tries to hurt your again Kotoku...I swear on my blade, Ultima, that I will spill there blood upon it...I will be with you...always.[/COLOR] The blade materialized in Alexander's hand as he raised it and placed it on his forehead. Then bringing it back down to his side...suddenly six glowing balls of light surrounded him and began spinning around his body. One by one they spread apart, still spinning in a circle till they were around the entire house. Spreading his hand out...Alex created a barrier around the house made of pure energy...invisible to the human eye. [B]To think...I was once one of the greatest beings in heaven. And now I have become a guardian to a simple human...whom I've come to care for more than all the treasures of heaven.[/B] Alexander knew nothing of love...but he knew he certainly did care for the girl dearly. [COLOR=Cyan]Dream dreams my friend...[/COLOR] *** As he felt the sun rising over the mountain-tops in the early morning...Alexander muttered a prayer; he had been out there all night...keeping his eyes closed in concentration and relaxation. [B]Because of the Lord's great love, we are not consumed...for his compassions never fail. The are new every morning...great is your faithfullness...[/B] [COLOR=Cyan]To bad you haven't lived up too such promises Lord[/COLOR]...he said in conclusion...as he kept watch.
  4. The five warriors sat in a large living room with luxurious furniture with priceless tapastries hanging from the walls. For a moment everyone sat in silence as the crackling sound of wood could be heard from the fireplace....till Dracula was the first one to speak. ''Your reputation precedes you human. My master has told me great things about you and your defiance towards the Silver-Hairded Demon to this point. What is it that brings you here to us now?'' Zoku rose from his seat to properly introduce himself. ''For those who don't know me...my name is Zoku. I believe I have not met you yet...Kyu I believe...'' Both men approached each other and shook hands. Kyu's power leaked into Zoku's own...sensing the depth of the powerful vampire. ''The Gwyar certainly are as powerful as they are rumored to be...I am honored to be in your presence Kyu.'' Kyu simply took back his seat, showing no sign of casual conversation at the moment, but simply wanting to get down to business. Zoku began passing back and forth in front of the fire... ''As you are well aware, the Krilat Zmaj are now in possession of three of the 7 Ijuuj gems. While I have three others with the Pearl Fang being guarded in England...'' ''Not anymore, we have heard that Aaron, a follower of the Fang Boss has taken the Pearl and has begun forming an army against the forces of the Krilat Zmaj.'' said LeStat...constantly glancing at Keitha while she sat in her seat comfortably; listening to Zoku speak.'' [I]What surprising authority and respect he brings...even to that of vampires...[/I] she thought to herself... ''What have the Gwyar done in response to this Dracula?'' ''My master has decide to stay neutral in the cause. He believes that it will be an unnecessary act for the Gwyar to involve themselves with the other clans...'' In a rage LeStat breaks in... ''It's madness, father is only being stubborn and arrogant. We must bring him down and bring order to the clan that has become so decadant.'' ''Hold your tongue!'' Dracula cried out... Shocked to hear of this... ''What is this that you speak LeStat?'' Zoku said... ''We have sent in a spy within the Krilat Zmaj...he name is Beth. She believes that with Kuroichi's weakness for women, that she may be able to get valuable information for us. However LeStat believes that we should overthrow our master in order to save the stability and existance of our clan.'' ''AND FOR ALL WE KNOW SHE MAY BE A SPY SENT BY HIM!'' LeStat pointing at Keitha rising from his chair. Both Kyu and Dracula jumped up and grabbed LeStat as he advanced himself at Keitha. As the men faught, all that Keitha did was laugh. ''Stop...this solves nothing!'' cried out Zoku... ''You loss your place in this councel LeStat...'' uttered Dracula to his friend, trying to calm him down. ''Please, if you all will sit down and relax; I will tell you a better way to salvage this than to bring down Caine.'' Uneasily, Kyu, Dracula and LeStat sat back down. ''In order to be successful in this campaign against the Krilat Zmaj...we cannot be divided as we are...you must become unified, without your master's blessings....behold, a gift.'' Out from Zoku's pocket, he revieled the Skull Sapphire and the Death Diamond. ''If we were to unite with Aaron and his new hoard, as well as with the rest of the Ijuuj. To search out aid from even the Myrkur Aniol...and with these gems...we may have a chance. But we must act now...Kuroichi will soon unleash the fury of his generals and armies. Alligances must be made...as I'm sure Kuroichi is making as we speak'' Keitha was shocked by the choice that Zoku just made in using her gift to him. ''What will you do with the Dark Moonstone?'' ''Thank you for giving me the Death Diamond Keitha, however I am not worthy nor capable of using its powers...however I still have some use for the Moonstone on my own accord.'' ''However...while we work outside of Caine's orders...we need a leader. Someone who has the strength to bring your clans together must come forward. I am only human, and I will do what I can. However, this is not my fight, but that of all vampires.'' ''I will lead them...'' Kyu said in a confident tone of voice. ''As my dear friend Beth fights to save us all, I cannot wait around to do nothing. I will seek aid, and unite us under one banner.'' ''Then I give these to you.'' Zoku walked over to Kyu; took his left hand and placed both gems into his palm. ''Use them well Kyu...and may God have mercy on us all.'' ''You speak such firm and honorable words Zoku...it is a shame that you are only human.'' ''Are you leaving? Aren't you going to stay...'' asked Dracula, seeing now why his master thought so highly of him. ''If it is alright with you Dracula, I would like to stay here in your castle to talk with you more about other issues. But I won't stay too long. I may still be able to fight...but I'm not quite ready yet. I will explain to you later...but...please understand.'' ''Understood human, I await the day when I will fight side by side with you...when you choose it.'' Then Keitha decided to rise from her chair... ''As an assassin of the Gyshram...I feel it is my place to say that we will not side with you Kyu. Our loyalty has already been placed with Kuroichi.'' ''It's ok Keitha, we would not dare ask you to betray your own clan against your will...I know you far too well my friend, and I know that you will do the right thing. To know what Serio would do if he was still here with us.'' Dracula went up to his dear friend and embraced her...knowing that one day they may see each other as enemies. ''But enough of such things...it is time for rest. You all are welcome to stay till night comes again tomorrow night, or as long as you would like afterward if needs be. You are all welcome in my house. There are quarters awaiting for all of you.'' Zoku yawning at thought of sleep...however knowing that he wouldn't get any. ''Thank you for your hospitality...we shall speak again later when I've had some time to think. Rest well everyone...and thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk with you all. Kyu, it is now up to you.'' After shaking everyone's hand, saying his goodbyes. Zoku began ascending a flight of stairs upto his room. Everyone went their seperate ways...leaving Keitha in the middle of the living room. Torn on what to do, what to feel. Just watching Zoku leave the room.
  5. Alexander himself didn't know the fate of Kotoku's father...the issue was a mystery to him. The matter was a great interest to him; another reason why he was so drawn and taken in by her. He felt sorrow and took pitty on her. He sensed that there was something different about this human...when Alexander first met Kotoku, he merely stayed with her to lift her up in her times of need. Doing what he has done since the beginning of time. His spirit living in every being of this world. Ones councel, ones support, ones conscience. And every now and then, Alexander would take a particular interest with a human for a certain amount of time. To see what kind of potential could be unlocked within them. But it has been 2 years now that Kotoku and Alex have known each other. Despite his better judgement; to keep his distance, he befriended her. With her, he felt connected with the rest of humanity once again...to live among them as one of their own kind. As like Kotoku, he didn't have to worry about everything else that was going around him. It gave him a sense of peace. He even went as far as to allow his human form to grow up with her. He even lived at the house of hers from time to time... But right now...his mind was on other things. Especially about the wounded fallen angel that Kotoku had mentioned before. [COLOR=Indigo]Is something wrong Alex, you seem very distance this evening...[/COLOR] [COLOR=Cyan]No no...its nothing, I'm just thinking about what you saw earlier today.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]I still can't believe that you put up with me and my foolish visions. No one else believes me but you Alex.[/COLOR] Kotoku shaking her head as she closed her eyes to take another sip of her mocha latte. [COLOR=Cyan]You're not foolish Kotoku, I believe you...and rest assured; I know that you and I will find out the truth about your father, together.[/COLOR] Kotoku raised her mouth from the latte with foam on her lips, a grin of appreciation to Alex's words. Seeing the foam on her lips, Alex suddenly burst into a friendly laughter as she joined in with him as well. Whipping the foam from her mouth. [COLOR=Indigo]So have you found a place to stay yet...[/COLOR] [COLOR=Cyan]No, I've been staying with friends around the neighborhood. As I've told you before Kotoku, I don't have any family members still living. No one will take me in yet...oh well, we shall see what God has for me I guess.[/COLOR] Lowering her voice very gently and affectionately... [COLOR=Indigo]You know, all you have to do is ask.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Cyan]What do u mean?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Oh don't be so dense with me Alex..[/COLOR]. she said with a very irritated voice. It felt like the entire shop began to heat up with tension. Alex knew what she was getting at. But he never felt completely comfortable living in a house alone with a human. In a tone of confidence and yet arrogance... [COLOR=Indigo]Well, you're gonna stay with me till you find a home whether you like it or not Alex. [/COLOR] Alex was completely shocked at the young girls boldness. As shy as she was around strangers; she was always so open with him. [COLOR=Cyan]Um...I don't want to be a bother.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Don't be silly, I understand how it is to loss your parents...you are my best friend Alex. You are always welcome in my house.[/COLOR] (obviously a lie that Alex came up with to hide his identify) [COLOR=Cyan]Thank you...I owe you one. Shall we go...its getting fairly dark outside; and its still raining pretty hard out there.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Yes...of course.[/COLOR] Both kids placed their cups down on the table and began to walk out the door. [COLOR=Cyan]Are my things still at your house from before Kotoku?[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Yes they are, right where you left them last month.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Cyan]Thanks...since we don't have an umbrella, and I don't have a jacket...lets see who can get to the train station first...ok.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Yes yes...that will be fun. 1, 2, 3 go![/COLOR] All of a sudden Kotoku burst out running through the door and into the wet streets. It didn't take long for Alex to catch up to her and get ahead. But then...a dark chill came upon him, making him stop right away. It wasn't took long after Kotoku passed him that she felt that something was wrong. [COLOR=Indigo]Alex...we're getting wet...whats wrong![/COLOR] But he didn't hear her...all he saw was the fallen angel looking down at him from a surrounding rooftop. It was Dumah, his eyes scanning every inch of his body. [B]Wha...what is he doing here?[/B] [COLOR=Indigo]Alex...what are you looking at!?[/COLOR] Alex turned sharply towards Kotoku as she approached him and took her by the hand leading her away, preventing her from seeing the fallen angel. [COLOR=Cyan]It's nothing...I was just tired from running thats all. Come now...we're getting wet. Lets get you home...[/COLOR] Kotoku could sense that he was irritated and concerned about something...but she didn't question her friend. [B]Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation...[/B] Alexander muttered to himself as he took a deep breathe, feeling Dumah's presense approaching them...following them... [B]but deliver us...from the evil one.[/B] *** If you do act Dumah...don't reviel Alexanders true identity in front of Kotoku...thanx
  6. [B]How long, O Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, ''Violence!'' but you do not save? Why do you make me look at injustice? Why do you tolerate wrong?''[/B] The words flooded back to him in his rage, from back in the days when he had taken hold of the prophect Habakkuk. Alexander saw what the angels had done. Through his bright, aqua eyes...he saw the likes of Marcus and Gabriel ambushing the fallen without mercy nor compassion. [B]God, if you had been here, my brother would not have died![/B] Alexander could feel Azreal's soul fading deeper into darkness. As if a part of himself was dying within him. Being apart from God, the trinity weakened and broken...Alexander still felt connected to all of his fellow angels. In the streets of Tokyo...the 15 year old boy with his navy boots, blue jeans with a white t-shirt...people began staring at him as he stood in the road of a busy marketplace; crying out as he was. [B]Oh how I spit you, you who loves all that he creates! Are we no better than they are? ...to kill yet another one of your precious creations; not by your own hand. Are you not all powerful God...or do I place my faith in that which is dead! I envoke thee you coward![/B] As his anger amplified, the people in the streets made some distance between themselves and the enrage child. Calling out to nothing but air... As he vented out his rage for the angels actions; Alexander started to control himself, but only to that of tears for Azreal. The fallen angel had died without the honor of a true battle; but to that of a simple ambush. Raindrops began to fall, as the sky blackend and that of a gentle breeze rushed through the streets of Tokyo. Everyone in the streets scattered for shelter, trying to get out of the storm which had intensified into a hard rainfall. Alexander was getting drenched; his t-shirt starting to show through to his skin...and his pants were starting to tighten around his legs, weighing him down. But he didn't care...nothing really mattered to him at this point. A slight laughter came upon him as he took in the harmony of all that surrounded him. The clean, cool droplets of rain fallin on his face, the water tasted fresh and sweet on his lips. The rythm of the rain droplets falling on the dirt road as well as on the metal rooftops. A calm spread through Alexanders entire being...to the simplicity of it all. The noise of the busy marketplace was finally gone... [B]''Are these your tears Lord, or are they mine...I don't know you anymore...*sigh* are you even there...''[/B] [COLOR=Indigo]''Oh my God Alex...what are you doing? Get out of the rain now or your going to catch a deathly cold out there.'' [/COLOR] A young girl ran out of a neighboring shop and grabbed Alex's hand, trying to pull him out of the storm. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]''Kotoku...I...''[/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Be silent...let's get you inside so we can get you dry, ok. Ugh...boy's...you're all the same; so damn stupid.[/COLOR] she said in a harsh, yet stuttering tone of voice. Both children ran to nearest shop; to one of Talismans...and went inside to dry.
  7. Kuroichi has the Blood Ruby, Night Amethyst and the Corpse Emerald Zoku has the Death Diamond, Dark Moonstone, and the Skull Sapphire Aaron has the Pearl Fang *just so that everyone knows who has what*
  8. Name: Ken Matsuo Age: 31 Friend: Principle Mito Itami Appearance: Ken stands at about 6'1'', giving him a very intimidating appeal towards his students, do to his size and bulk. However his face complextion is gentle with hazel eyes, and long black hair hanging down just below his neck. Race: Werewolf Grade/Occupation: Psychology/Philosophy Teacher Bio: Ken has a great passion for teaching in the high school. With him being a werewolf, he can sense the kind of creatures that now roam the halls. Usually though, he doesn't take it into concideration in the classroom; treating all the students as if they were any normal human. He believes that despite being what he is, and how many others are. That they are all still capable of living out normal and prosperous lives. However he understands that it isn't quite that easy, especially for teenagers and their powers. Due to his real age of a hundred years, Ken is able to transform into a werewolf at will during the night.
  9. [COLOR=DarkRed]Throughout the web...there is an invitation being sent out to a particular number of people.[/COLOR] [I]Congradulations,[/I] [I]You have been hand chosen to take part on a journey. One that will satisfy your most inner desires. Your senses will be brought to lengths that they would never imagine. Everything that your heart desires will be yours for the taking. Riches, pleasure, entertainment; all of your wildest dreams will come true. [/I] [I]This is no joke, through our observations of you, we believe that one such as yourself deserves to be part of something as amazing as this. The world owes you for your constant dedication and hard work towards society. [/I] [I]If you decide to accept this invitation, we will promptly send you traveling arrangements, completely free of charge. A personal limosine will pick you up at your home and bring you to the local airport where a private jet will be waiting for you. From there you will be brought the mansion where this is all taking place. Be prepared to be staying with us for a long time.[/I] [I]There is limited space available, so please make haste to accept or decline this generous offer. As a token of our appreciation for taking such patience and time reading this. There has been a $10,000 deposite into your personal banking account. Use it as you will. [/I] [I]However, do not tell anyone about this email. In doing so we will automatically disqualify you from the grand price. And believe me, we will know. [/I] [I]Thank you for your time, and I hope that you will chose to become part of this experiance with us all. Take care now, and have a nice day.[/I] [FONT=Georgia]Dr. Michael Dye[/FONT] [I]p.s- The three rules of the house...[/I] [B]Stay in the light[/B] [B]Stay out of the Demon Wing...[/B] [B]Stay faithful to your cards[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed]You all have been invited to a mansion, and have been chosen to recieve a treasure which Dr. Dye has decided to give to you in recoginition for your achievements both great and small. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]If you chose to accept it...once you walk through the doors to the mansion. You are mine... for you cannot leave the grounds of the estate until I say so. The story will change dramatically at times when I chose to include a new aspect to the mansion, or when one of the three rules are broken. Everything else as well as all your questions will be explained in detail once you arrive at the mansion when i introduce everyone to each other.[/COLOR] [I]I will be posting a blueprint of the mansion to give you a better insite on it; and believe me...it is quite large.[/I] This rpg is the hands of everyone...it is in your power whether the story gets interesting or not. Make it worth your time...and I promise you, you will not regret it. I will be playing the host, as well as a random citizen also invited to the mansion. *warning- this rpg will get graphic and somewhat disturbing... PROFILES Name: Age: Sex: Location: Occupation: Appearance: Personality: Bio: Your greatest desire: Your greatest fear: First reaction to receiving the email: *** Name: Joseph Clay Age: 43 Sex: male Location: Utica, Ny Occupation: Teacher Appearance: His about 5 foot 9, 184 pounds. A skinny guy who usually wears causal clothing like a white t-shirt and blue jeans. Wears a black baseball cap backwards on his head. Personality: He is a very strong-willed individual. He has a gentle spirit about him. He's very friendly, and is always up for meeting new people. Being very intellegent however, he sometimes lacks in the ''common-sense'' department. Bio: With the divorse of him and his wife Claire after he had cheated on her with a student. He lost almost everything that he had; his two twin sons Isaac and Steve, he lost his job and status as a top Psychology Professor at the University of Syracuse. Now he is living off his savings, and doesn't have much left to his name. He now lives in a run down apartment in Utica now, and does not have a job. Was just rejected by Utica College for a position. Despite all this, Joseph tries to keep his spirits up, but knows that he cannot last much longer. Joseph's greatest desire: to have his family back Joseph's greatest fear: to fail in life in any aspect First Reaction to the Email: He literaly jumped out of his seat in disbelief. ''This is it...this is my break...finally someone notices me and my accomplishments.'' He replied instantly to the message...and is now very anxious for his ride to the mansion. *** Enjoy...and await what the mansion holds for you...
  10. Keitha continued her path through the forest after her encounter with Zoku...she had pitty on the poor human. For she knew of his torment... [I]I wonder what he would be like as one of us...[/I] she thought to herself as she moved amongst the shadows of the night. Suddenly she stopped; something was following her. The skill in her movements were nothing but graceful with precision. With amazing speed, she swiftly moved in persuit of the stalker that she spotted in the woods till momentarily there was no sign of it. No sound, no movement...nothing. As she stopped to closed her eyes and concentrate...trying to relax herself...in an instant she felt a chillin blade on her throat. As she looked at it, it seemed to sparkle in the moonlight. ''You underestimate me assassin.'' the voice whispering in her ear. The gentleness of its voice and scent nullified her causing a slight un-nerving down her spine. The grasp of her attackers hold around her chest with its forearm was intense. Feeling its own strong, firm chest against her back. ''I may be human, but I am just as good as you are...'' The hold intensified, as Keitha began to feel the body heat pressing against hers. [I]I haven't felt this kind of warmth since...[/I] Then he released her as she was about to make her move against him...Zoku placed his one scimitar in his sheath. Surprisingly to Keitha, Zoku was all dressed and prepared. He wore his usual silver trench coat having both blades buckled to his right side...and his shotgun dangling to his left. The tears that once infested his eyes were now gone showing his bright blue eyes from behind his dangling black hair. ''Zoku...'' ''You may be right about the clans needing to unite under one banner. God willing I agree with you. However one thing escapes you. Kuroichi does not want to unite the clans...but to destroy them. And only his faithful followers will be spared. Freedom as you know it will be gone...your precious clan...will be laid in ruins. He will not let another clan stand against his own.'' Keitha could only stand in silence... ''I cannot see where this war is going to take this world...but as like you...I wish to see balance once again. Who is to be the true ruler? I do not know...till that time comes though...I would like to know more about you and your kind. It has been too long since I have been apart from your world. Maybe someday I will chose...and take up your offer...for now I will go back with you.'' Keitha put both her hands on her thighs as she looked at Zoku annoyed, and somewhat glad that he chose to come back from his little cabin... Zoku walked past her continuing down the dirt path back to civilization...then stopped with his back towards her. ''If you want to be an active player in this war...please...come with me to Greece...if nothing there interests you...you are free to leave. But I do ask that you do come with me...I don't think you would give me this diamond if you did not trust me...It is time for me to come back into play in this war.'' ''We shall see...shall we be off then?'' ''Certainly...'' ''However, I don't think that you will be able to keep up with me human...'' as she gave a enthusiastic laughter...echoing in the night. Zoku laughed as well... Turning now back to Keitha... ''By the way...what is your name assassin?'' ''Keitha...Keitha of the....'' ''Please...I do not care for your title...only your name. If you would so kind as too be a little slower for me for my wounds have not completely healed yet...lets go!'' The two dissapeared into the night together towards Greece...
  11. Name: Ajack Age: 23 Race: Half elf Class: Ranger Weapon(s): Twinkle (with a large blue sapphire crowned upon it) and Icingdeath Appearence: See below Personality: Ajack is very headstrong and loyal...with natural leadership abilities. However he can loss his temper very quickly if threatened. He has a lot of built up recentment against his father and how he was treated by his fellow elves. He tries to keeps it in check from time to time, but he is very kind at heart. But he tends to be more of a loner than anything...thus why he is a ranger...rather than a leader. Biography: Since his birth, he has been living as an outcast, living in his fathers shadow. He wasn't very accepted by his fellow elves due to being ''tainted'' with human blood. His father Drizzt DoUrden, a hero amongst all elves, and his mother being a simple peasant human. He really has been torn between both races. Thus Ajack built up a huge rage within him. And after the death of father and mother in a massive battle against his town...he has sworn revenge against all forms of evil. Doesn't help the fact however that he keeps evil within him. Through his training he still has not yet been able to subside his evil side...the Underdark Drow, the dark part of his nature and of his race. Now the elf elders have asked him to go out on this quest to protect this vital soul. So he has sworn an oath to uphold his duty. And to fight against all forms of evil with his fathers scimitars.
  12. ''Hold your blades human...I wish only to talk.'' Out of the brush came a dark cloaked figure. Suddenly a pain spread through his chest where he is now marked with a scar from his battle with Kuroichi. And as the figure came closer to him...he glanced at the sword that was dangling at the strangers side. And Zoku's eyes widened and intensified with rage. The dark figure saw the intensity in his eyes and held up his hand...covered with a black glove. ''Please...I do not wish to kill you. You have information that I require. My name is Abaddon...one of the Myrkur Aniol.'' Lowering his scimitars...he still kept a staring glare at Abaddon. ''You were there in Madrid with Kuroichi...why should I trust the likes of you? You almost killed me...'' ''Yes...I have sinned, and wish to make ammends for my sin. My allegance is with neither Kuroichi nor the Gwyar as this war takes its face. I wish to learn more however about you...never have I seen a human such as yourself.'' As he picked up some vegetables from his local garden... ''Follow me...'' The two began walking back down the dirt trail back towards the cabin...as they walked in...Zoku began placing the potatoes, carrots, and celery into the stew. Abaddon made himself at home taking a seat at the kitchen table. As the stew began to boil...Zoku started closing all the blinds to the windows of the house...making it surprisingly dark, then setting up a candle on the kitchen table. ''Take off your cloak...I want too look at your face.'' Taking off the cloak...Zoku saw Abaddon's dark hair fall down...revieling a very pail complextion on his face with eyes black as night due to the darkness surrounding them. ''Are you hungry...'' ''Yes...please...thank you for your generosity. I'm surprised to see you give such kindness to me, despite what I have done.'' ''You are not the only one who tries to show goodness in the world. I forgive you of your sin...nothing to atone for vampire.'' Zoku brought two steaming bowls of stew to the table...as Abaddon took in his words... ''So...Abaddon...what is it that you wish to know?'' ''...what are you?'' For hours Zoku talked about his past. Immediately...he showed the bite mark on his neck to Abaddon. At first he was shocked...but Zoku explained to him his curse. The torment that he endures in his spirit. That of good and evil...and as he lived longer and longer...Zoku had learned to become numb, and able to control that side of him...becoming stronger and stronger as time went by...increasing in power due to his KI energies. ''So...once you find your attacker...you will be freed of your curse. But isn't it a good thing...to be able to have such power, knowing that you will never die?'' ''Would you be happy if such a rage lived inside of you Abaddon...would you be able to except the fact that sooner or later. Anything that you came to love and cheerish, you would destroy...'' At that comment...Abaddon sat quietly again as Zoku took both empty bowls to the sink to wash them with the bucket of water placed on the counter. As Zoku was washing the them... ''What would happen if you were bitten again...?'' Zoku suddently dropped the bowls smashing onto the floor shattering them both...he stand in silence. ''I mean...if it is your human side of you that holds you bound to this world, to your curse...why not live forever as an immortal, where you could become one with yourself...'' ''....because...because I would turn to Kuroichi's side once more; let me tell you another story Abaddon...my relationship with Kuroichi.'' as he turned from the sink, cleaning the broken bowls and taking a seat back at the table. *4 years ago...before the first great war* [I]I was only a young one then....as powerful as I was...I was still mortal. My mind seemed like it was split in two...as a Hunter of the Japanese governemt...I hunted vampires for years. With no home to go too...I knew nothing better to do for myself. [/I] [I]Then...one night...I was presented with a gift. In the city of Tokyo, I was hot on the trail to the headquarters of the Krilat Zmaj. Me and the members of my team suddenly ran into a pack of vampires...we all fought honorably, but one by one my comrades well. I had slain a dozen of them till they surrounded me.[/I] [I]They seemed to never end...and I knew that my time had come...till I heard a loud voice speak, the vampires took a full stop on their advancement on me...[/I] [I]''I know you my boy...I've been watching you for quite some time now...'' as a dark figure emerged from behind the vicious vampires that surrounded me...[/I] [I]''Do not be afraid...I have something for you...'' and he pulled out a journal from his trench coat...''read''[/I] [I]As I flipped through the pages...I started to realize what they were...they were my journal entries scattered all over world through all of my past lives...he had found them all for me...and now was giving them too me...[/I] [I]I sank to my knees and began to cry in an overwelming sense of joy...[/I] [I]''Boy...I wish to teach you my world. I see such potential in you...hopefully through you reading your journal you will come to understand yourself...now come...do not be afraid...I will not hurt you...''[/I] ''Do you understand Abaddon, he was my teacher...it is because of him that I now can control this evil inside of me.'' ''But...things changed when the war ended.'' *3 years ago...a fight which would become the final battle in Japan* [I]By this time I had advanced myself rapidly in Kuroichi's ranks...now in full control of my powers...I became his left hand man. We swept through the land like a plague. We were like best friends...even as a human he never turned me...but befriended me as one of their own. We killed together, we took the pleasures of the world together. Then we came to the most important battle of the war...on the deserted plains of Hiroshima....[/I] [I]The battle seemed in our favor...till one lone hunter opposed us, none of the Krilat Zmaj could bring him down...Kuroichi demanded for me to fight the warrior...after an intense battle I beheaded him. Taking off his helmet I broke at the sight of his face...it was my master...my mentor as a child. When I destroyed my village as a child, he was the only one who took me in.[/I] [I]Realizing what I had done....and looking at what I had become...I ran away as fast as I could...never looking back. I took a glance at Kuroichi as he was doing battle with another vampire...and left him.[/I] ''Do you know Abaddon, that Kuroichi not only has the blood of Gabriel...but that of one of the greatest of us...Serio.'' ''No...it can't be true...'' ''Oh but it is...Serio stepped in to save the life of his loved one, 500 years ago against Kuroichi himself...I've never seen the vampress...but to die for her as he did...she must have been worth it. In doing so Kuroichi took all of Serio's powers and strengths...'' ''...the only reason Kuroichi withdrew that day at Hiroshima was because the other clans were now stepping in to stop the war, and his power was not great enough, even the combined strength of both Serio and Gabriel was not capable of bring down all the great houses...Kuroichi and his Krilat Zmaj ran away...to fight another day...and that day...is now upon us. Kuroichi is now gathering all the power that he can before he will do his final blow upon us all; soon, it will be too late for us all...it is only a matter of time.'' Abaddon had suddenly come upon a epiphany, and stood upright quickly from his chair.... ''Don't you see it Zoku...Kuroichi fears you...why do you think that he did not turn you. He was afraid that your power, once you turned would be too great for him to control.'' With a burst of anger...Zoku flipped over the wooden kitchen table and threw it at Abaddon...who easily, and swifly cut it in two halves with his sword. ''Do not tempt me so Abaddon!...I will not become one of you!'' ''Leave me...I will on hear another word from you angel...leave me be!'' Seeing that he had overstayed his welcome...Abaddon took his cloak from the ground and began to walk towards the door. Opening it he saw that is was now night time...surprisingly he had not kept track of time...he had lost himself in Zoku's story. Stopping at the doorway...Abaddon turned back towards Zoku. ''I'm sorry if I have upset...was not my intension to bring more pain and greif to you...I respect the fact that you need time to heal. But you cannot keep running from him forever. Whether you like it or not...the clans need you...this world needs you. Whatever path you chose to walk down...may God guide you on your way...and have mercy on your soul.'' ''God is dead to me now...'' Letting down his head in dissapointment...Abaddon turned and dissapeared into the night. After a few moments to himself...Zoku began cleaning up the mess that he had caused by throwing the table...after it was done he began walking to his bedroom to sleep. But feel once again to his knees in the living room...feeling weak inside...all that he could do...was cry. *** The Silver Sadist Kairi- the Crazed Jackel
  13. [I]In the middle of the country in Greece; within the walls of a great manor. A meeting is being held with most of the high Gwyar leaders.[/I] ''My Lord...Kuro......'' ''DO NOT EVER SPEAK THAT NAME IN MY PRESENCE AGAIN'' yelled Dracula; bashing his fist into the large wooden table. The sanctuary was lite up with a massive amount of torches surrounding the entire room. Dark and gloomy, there was only a single table with chairs in the center of the room. Up to nine vampires were seated while the tenth, Dracula, was thrusting his fist into the firm oak table. ''Calm yourself my son, that pour table has been through enough throughout the centuries.'' ''My master, we cannot just simply allow this reckless vampire to gather all the gems. The implications of this situations may be devistating to us.'' As always, Caine was his usual self; calm, firm, and viligant. The first true immortal...cursed by God for the blood spilt by his hands to his brother Abel. ''Father...the Kerleks of the Ijuuj are not moving in response to this crisis. The Fang Boss who keeps the Pearl Fang was alerted all of England. However the rest of them are naive and arrogant. They believe that they can hold up against the Krilat Zmaj.'' ''I understand your concern Dracula; but the matter at hand is more delicate than you realize. I am not yet prepared to create another war amongst my children. *Dracula relaxes himself in his rage upon hearing his masters words and sits down* The Silver-Haired Demon has not yet revield his forces...thus I will not reviel my own and move against him, he wants us to be afraid, but I will not give him such satisfaction...nor shall I impose my will on the Ijuuj, nor any other clan...have we heard from the Myrkur Aniol?'' ''No...we have not father...'' came forth LeStat in a very dissapointing, and yet unfazed tone. ''They are as usual...silent. Maybe Dracula is right...maybe it is time for the Gwyar, and for you father to take your rightful place at the head of all clans. To crush this foe before he becomes an even greater threat...*LeStat now rising from his chair as the other elders rallied up* ''Silence!'' Caine said with a harsh and yet still firm tone...his voice echoed through the sanctuary sending a nerve of shock...a sense of obediance came from hearing his words, causing all the elder vampires to hold their tongues and seated in there seats. ''It is my blood that flows through your veins my children; and I will decide what is right for this councel to follow through. Your concerns are noted, but do not faulter so easily to this new threat...this meeting is over.'' All the vampires rose from their seats and exited the sanctuary...while LeStat and Dracula hindered behind from the rest...moving amongst the shadows. ''Dracula, the clan is in a state of unrest...something must be done.'' ''I agree...the councel is divided, and father is hell bent on keeping neutral until we are attacked directly...I do not doubt his judgement...nor should you young one...but we cannot simply sit here and do nothing. And with Elizabeth and Erald missing...this clan is being held together by that of only a thread.'' ''I believe you are right...and I have something to propose to you...but we must act swiftly...if we are to bring down Caine; to take rule over the Gwyar.'' [I]Miles away in the middle of nowhere...[/I] It's towards the late afternoon...and Zoku is just waking up from his bed. Was about a week ago that Zoku had returned to his little cottage in the woods. About a mile away to the east was a waterfall with a large lake at its base. The area was full of wildlife...with shades of light shining through the think leaves up above. For the past week, all that he has done is rest, train, and eat. Taking in the fresh air of the pine and oak...he steps outside feeling a rush of warmth in the surroundings. [I]This will be a good day...[/I] he thought to himself. Putting just pants on...he took his scimitars and the moonstone with him. Recovering from his injuries, and training with his new blades...he felt no recollection, nor worry for the outside world. He felt at peace with this kind of solitary. Enabling to take time for himself to grow. It was his own world... to be in his element with nature. Everyday he felt his strength returning to him...but no where near his full capacity. Zoku began walking along the dirt path, seeing different creatures and plants on his way to gather food for his meal...turning back to look at his cabin. He witnessed the simplicity of it all. I slight drift of smoke coming from the chimney where his fire was burning...preparing for the stew that he was about to make. As he stood there...taking in the moment...he felt a sudden shift in the earths energy...[I]Someone is here...[/I] Yielding his scimitars...ready for battle...he let out a slight sigh... [I]Was good while it lasted I guess...why couldn't they just leave me alone?[/I]
  14. Name: Alexander Race: Unknown (Human/Angel)- The Holy Spirit... Sex: Male Age: Since the beginning of time... Appearance: Takes the form of a 15 year old human boy. He has long white hair coming below his shoulder blades and eyes. His eyes are of a bright aqua blue...wears typical modern day clothing. But can still call upon his 4 massive angelic wings from his back. Personality: Despite looking his age...he is very wise and powerful.... Even that of God himself...both of good and evil. A natural leader...he is headstrong and confident. He has a very calm and soothing voice...with a gentle touch and personality who is sensitive and emotional to his surroundings. However at times he becomes very vengeful; full of rage in his aggrivation towards foolish humans, angels, and fallen angels alike. But he still tries to surpress his powers in a fear that he will loss control to either side. Preferred weapon: Ultima.......The blade is of a clear aqua blue just like Alexanders eyes... Moreoever an extention of himself and his power. About 44 inches long...its a fairly thick blade with one side completely straight from the grip while the other side gradually declines to the point with a slight curve. The swords looks like its alive...with a certain mist and movement within... Powers: Transformation 1- From his human form...he turns into an adult expanding out his wings making him shirtless, with no shoes with white pants with a rapid increase in power. A ''holy'' aura surrounds his body...having the image of a supreme being with authority and wisdom. His hair stayes the same length with a very gentle complextion on his face. Only in this form can he use his sword. Transformation 2- His opposite...still in the form of a adult man...his hair turns to a dark black growing to his calves. Nothing else changes except now his body complextion and wings look tanted with ''blackness.'' Even his sword turns a metallic black. His becomes extremely powerful...however at times uncontrolable. His lust for the thrill of battle and pleasures surface. Holy- Six white orbs form around his body...enabling him to use them to his will. Filled with ''pure'' energy he is able to create energy blasts and barriers. Omega- The attack that destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gamora(spelled wrong I know). In either form...he spends his wings out; and at first it seems like the feathers are beginning to wither and die falling off his body. However they are brought up in back of Alexander giving him an arsenal of energy missles. Sending them out and destructing against anything that it touches. Those of good and evil as well. * Due to his powers as a living spirit...he is able to influence greatly those of faith to God, as well as those in league with Lucifer. However cannot mess with free will nor those of firm, strong angels* Background: He is the third of the trinity. Here since time was time. Sent out into the world to cleanse and purify hearts in the name of God...his essense is in every single living creature. However at the fall of the angels...and even here on earth...no one payed much attention to him. As if he was that of a ghost. No one truly recognized him in comparrison to Christ and God, so he decided to live among humans set apart from heaven in his wrath and jealousy. Not being credited with what was due to him. During his time on earth...he was like that of a pure and innocent child. Thus he took in every desire and pleasure that was set before his eyes. Over centuries he became tained...his spirit not only harbored good...but evil as well. As he is still serving God in miracles and people being saved...set apart from Lucifer as a whole...he serves him as well in destruction throughout the world in peoples lives. In the end he choses neutrality most of the time...but is constantly involved with the supernatural and spiritual battle all around the world. So he choses to be that of a child...in an attempts to hid his identity. Now with the search of the ''Key'' uprising in the human world...he has taken a little bit more of an active role in the situation. Not searching...but aiding those he feels deemed worthy of him. Cause he would be a valued ally to either side.
  15. ...Zoku was lost in bewilderment... Feeling half-dead...his mortal wounds acking from the stress...he could barely keep his eyes open bracing himself with one arm on the bed... [I]I can't believe I forgot there was such beauty in the world...[/I] he thought to himself...those great green-amber eyes imprinted on his mind. There was a calming eligance about them...and yet a sense of power and control within... [I]What a power the woman must have over her prey...pitty she's a vampire...[/I] a slight sigh and laughter came upon him....however not for long...the thought vanished and gone for the pain in his lung, thigh and side intensified to the laughter. He collapsed to both his knees at the edge of the bed as the moonlight shined through the open window illuminating the entire room. He looked up at fullmoon, with his eyes glowing an incredible shade of blue...a sparkle of that of a star. [I]There is such beauty in the world...[/I] realizing to himself...the thought giving him strength to arise back to his feet. He stared at the two scimitars in curiosity as he read the note that the female vampire had showed him. [I]What was her name...[/I] Taking in the words of the Gwyar...he realized that he wasn't safe in this hotel room anymore. It seemed an eternity for him to get his cloths on...pulling out a black muscle shirt and a silky looking black button up shirt...leaving it unbottoned...he changed his pants, taking out the moonstone and placing into his new pair of black pants and putting on a set of training gloves. Constantly stopping to gasp for air...Zoku grabbed his spare shotgun from underneath the bed and strapped the two scimitars to his belt buckle...instantly a rush of power over came him...but just as quickly, it left him. [I]Why would he give these to me...[/I] Not capable to comprehend it due to his weakened state...he began limping to the door, leaving all of his other belongs behind. [I]Why did she have to take the damn book...[/I] Stopping at the door...a rush of the nights events came to him. As if it were being played back to him as like a movie. [I]Things have been moving so quickly lately...the war has begun........I need a vacation...I'm getting to old for this shit...[/I] He couldn't help but laugh at himself for his remark...but yet again...the pain overtook him however, but he caught himself on the door. Taking in as much of a deep breath as he could...he willed himself to open to the door...leaning against the walls of the hallway he skidded himself to the elevator. The blood may have stopped flowing from him, but the damage had already been done... [I]I'm sorry my old friend...*his spirit going out to Kuroichi*...I never ment for any of this to happen between us. I do miss the old days together...but...I guess that will never be now...we both have made our moves...no turning back...[/I] a slight tear came from his eye... After some time of walking...Zoku found himself outside the city walls walking back into the wilderness in which he came from... [I]It's your war now Kuroichi...however strong I have become...you are right...I am only human...it is now your time...[/I] Zoku could smell the essense of the forest...mystifing as it was...as homely as it was, the energies of the earth flowing through him like running water...he never liked being alone...the solitary of it all...but he knew he had no choice. Turning back to the infinite lights of the city of Garanda...Spains city of love... he yearned to be comforted by the world in all its pleasures again. To go back to the world of man...and live again. To not have the burden of his evil resting on his back anymore...how tired he was of being torn....to be cursed... [I]But not yet.....not yet....[/I] Rubbing his vampire scar on his neck...he turned his back to the city... to the war...on the clans...on Kuroichi...and his dream; all of it... the desire to know his place...to find...............a home. Clinching the moonstone in his hand with a rush of rage and sorrow... walking into the myst of the forest...closing his eyes as he entered, breathing deep in order to calm himself in his emotions...he uttered a soothing phrase under his breath as his hair was blown over his eyes as well as his shirt getting caught within the slight breeze that came from around him. [I]I will return.............[/I] *** You won't have me to worry about anymore ULX...the emerald is yours...Zoku now takes a little leave from the war...but is not completely gone. I'm letting others get into the mix more...like u said Dragonblood isn't much into it, and hopefully the other people will too as well...you can still use Zoku if u wish...just realize that he isn't in the mix as much as searching for the gems goes until he arises again to do battle. Cause since he's still human...needs a little R & R ya know:)...the Sapphire is hidden while the Moonstone stays with Zoku...(please dont take it) 2 thougths... one-are u all starting to see the bond that Kuroichi and Zoku once had... two-if this is a war...we need more battles...more blood...unleash your armies Kuroichi:)
  16. [QUOTE=Danethol][size=1]OOC: Slapped to the ground? Man. I built Abaddon up to become a lot of things...but Kuroichi's bitch was not one of them. Lol. Oh well, I'll work around that... ----------------------------------- *** Abaddon...im glad that you picked up on that...no I wasn't trying to tear down your character like that...merely causing confusion within himself to what he was doing...and in that he showed weakness...nice pick up...;)
  17. Shifting his feet every so slightly across the sandy plain...Zoku was leaving a trail of blood gushing out from his wounds on his left lung as well as from his right thigh. Limping like a old cripple, he lost more and more blood...finally collapsing on his face craving for air. Saliva poured out of his mouth mixing in with the sand as he desparitly attempting to crawl further away from the site with his one good arm and leg. The night air was cold upon his bare back...a terrible headache and nausia came to him as if it were a plague on his mind. A sickness came to his gut as he tried again, wheezing and coughing...gasping for air. He couldn't crawl anymore...darkness began to cover his eyes. But it wasn't what he thought...surfacing from the blackness of the earth arose a dark figure. His face was grey, an elder...but his true strength that Zoku felt was incredible. ''My dear boy...where do you think you are going...?'' surprisingly the voice was very calm and friendly. ''I must escape...mu...s....t.......get.....awa.....y'' Zoku was now at the brink of death...lossing himself to the darkness surrounding him. ''This place isn't safe for you old man...he is coming.'' ''I know he is...''the voice now coming to that of a whisper. ''Do you know who I am my boy...'' with a slight smirk on his...''I am the Master of Darkness...you are safe now.'' Zoku lifted one eyelid in attempt to look at the man standing above his crippled badly wounded body in amazement. ''I have a gift for you young man...'' El Capitan de Obscuridad reached into the pockey of his nice long robe...and pulled out a black stone. ''i believe this is what you seek...'' ''I have no use for it now elder...I've lost...and am soon to pass.'' ''No no no...you must live...*whispering into his Zoku's ear* the last of the hunters must live'' now standing back up''...besides...I saw your battle from amongst the shadows, as well as others...there is hope for us yet and we were most impressed by your skills...you're one tough cookie.*chuckling* You did well my son... cheer up...against impossible odds you wounded that vile creature. Heck...you may have even won if it weren't for you being cheated like that...'' a harsh chuckle came upon the elder at the thought of Kuroichi's demise. The elder placed the dark moonstone in Zoku's hand and wrapped it tight in his fist... ''The score is now two to two...keep them hidden....keep them safe my friend.'' ''But what about my wou.....'' ''ah ah...rest now...you will be taken care of...but for now...heed my words human...do not use the power of the moonstone nor the skull sapphire until the opportune moment...your soul is not yet ready...for now, keep them away from Kuroichi's reach.'' ''But.......*gasping for air*...what about you elder...without the moonstone you will loss your powers and will fall to Kuroichi...'' ''My powers have grown far beyond the capabilities of that rock my dear boy...there is no more use for it for me...by themselves they are a formadable advantage in battle...but if all combined as one...all of us will become endangered to Kuroichi's lust for advancement amongst the clans...I will keep Kuroichi occupied while you make your escape...but first...let me tell you a secret not even Kuroichi knows... *telepathically a message was sent between the two minds so that no other could here them...* ''now...to heal your wounds...'' Coming to one knee the elder took out a vile of holy water, placing it onto Zoku's lips...lifting his head up in order to drink from the vile. The taste was sweet to his lips as Zoku gradually felt his KI returning to him...his wounds began to heal themselves...however not fully. ''That should be enough for you to escape...go back to your hotel room in Granada...there is a present there waiting for you as well. I don't know what it is...but it seemed to be sent from one of the Gwyar...however, beware human...there are shadows among you...I do not know if they are for good nor evil...so be well.'' As Zoku stood up...trying to find himself again, lossing his balance feeling his renewed strength...he turned around to thank the stranger...but in an instant he was gone. Not taking time to ponder or worry...Zoku ran as fast as he could back westward towards Granada... [I]I should stay low for a while...not to draw attention to myself...I need rest...I cannot have another battle like that for a time...[/I] he thought to himself...kicking up dirt as he sprinted across the fields as if he were the wind itself.
  18. ''Call upon the Skulls, or meet your end...'' Kuroichi demanded... Looking at the entrance down to the ancient tomb of the Master of Darkness...in which the Dark Moonstone resided. Zoku closed his eyes and pondered on what action he should take. [I]I'm not ready to fight him...not yet...it is not yet time. [/I] he thought to himself...preparing himself with a deep inhalation of the dead air that surrounded him...Zoku took out the Skull Sapphire from his trench coat. ''Ah...'' said Kuroichi...''so you do have it...excellent...now use its power my friend...and let us see where this goes.'' Feeling the gems immense power flowing through him...sensing the evil pulse in his hands...Zoku turned his head towards his adversary with the eyes of determination and concentration. It was as if his eyes glowed because of the power within him... ''You may know much Kuroichi...but I know some things that you don't.'' ''It's yours...'' tossing it into the air directly towards Kuroichi... [I]You had such potential...you fool...you dissapoint me Zoku[/I] Kuroichi thought to himself as he prepared to catch the gem...then suddenly realizing his flaw. In an instant Zoku was upon him with remarkable speed...as if he were one of their own. The onslaught seemed never ending...caught off guard Kuroichi was being struck violently from all angles...being jabbed with tremendous force into the heart...Zoku pulled out his Wild Wind Sword with Kuroichi gasping for air...unable to avoid nor block the attack because of the weight of the claws on his hands...the human thrust the blade into the vampires chest...then pulling it out in a spinning reflex, gaining moment, he slashed through Kuroichi's shoulder severing his whole right arm from his body. ''Your so naive my old friend...why would you use a weapon without mastering it first...especially against the likes of me...'' Zoku still keeping his composure backing off to marvel at the damage he caused. Suddenly blood became drenched all over Kuroichi rebuilding on his body. A wave of blood shot out of Kuroichi's now missing limb and replenished it with a brand new arm. The wound on his chest now healing... Kuroichi began stretching out his new accuired arm... *slight chuckle* '...'My turn...'' Kuroichi said in a low firm voice as he threw his own blade at Zoku's right shoulder striking with great precision. ''oOo...so the human does bleed...'' with the power of the Blood Ruby he could feel every drop of Zoku's blood within him as he saw more and more drip to the stone floor of the crypt. Using his powers...Kuroichi grapped hold of Zoku's blood as if he were telekinetic and began flinging the human around by a mere thought. Throwing him into the stone structure that surrounded them both, all that Zoku could do was submit to the forces while dropping his blade to the ground. Being satisfied with his fun, Kuroichi finally let his control go over the human as he saw him fall to his face...all he could do was laugh out loud. ''You should see how pathetic you look right now Zoku...you know that it didn't have to be this way...you can still join now...''Kuroichi standing over Zoku's now battered body...''Do u know that i lied about your attacker being killed Zoku. The vampire in which you seek still lives. Did you truly believe that such a vampire that gave you such power could die so easily.?'' As Zoku attempted to rise, pushing up against Kuroichi's pressing foot on his back...Kuroichi didn't see the energy blast gathering in his left hand...as he rose, a quick thrust of Zoku hand which contained the energy exploded into Kuroichi's chest sending him flying into the opposite wall of the crypt. Using some of his powers on himself...Zoku began to heal his wound as he saw Kuroichi doing the same with the power of the Blood Ruby. ''Doesn't change the fact that I will defeat you...and I'll find my prey sooner or later.'' ''This battle will never end my friend...'' Kuroichi yelled to Zoku as both men stood to their feet. [I]He's right...but with my human body I won't be able to last as long as he may...I've got to take him out with one blow...but how?''[/I] ''Shall we have another go then bub...'' replied Zoku as they both entered the center of the crypt. Both men relieved themselves of their outer clothing such as their coats and guns...leaving both men shirtless with pants. Zoku went to pick up his Wild Wind where he dropped it as Kuroichi yielded his Shinku no Umi...amazing bright auras were being emitted from the two of them lighting up the entire crypt. ''Fuck..that hurt Zoku...its been centuries since I've felt such pain.'' ''Likewise...now where were we...'' Immediately, both men were in a fierce battle. If seen in slow motion the battle looked as if it were a painting...beautiful...lack of a better word. Kuroichi wasn't' using his Blood-Steal claws anymore...giving him more speed to rival Zoku's own. They each seemed to be evenly matched. The clashing of steal...the twists, dodges, evasions of each attack...they were at their peeks. Not one having an advantage over thee other. ''Just like the old days huh Zoku...'' Kuroichi smiled as the battle ravaged with Zoku kicking straight at his head...only to be blocked by Kuroichi's forearm. Thus sending back a punch of his into Zoku's jaw while the two's swords were locked together. Sending him backwards Kuroichi persued him...but Zoku caught his balance with his right foot...pushing forward with his left...Zoku swipped away the swing of Kuroichi's blade and sent his knee flying into Kuroichi's sternum. With him dazzed lossing balance, Zoku raised his left arm and gave a Kuroichi a massive closeline right on his throat having his head bounce off the stone floor. ''I have you now...'' cried Zoku as he raised his sword to lay down the final strike. However out of nowhere Kuroichi pulled out the Night Amethyst...saying a quick chant Zoku was suddenly blinded in an everlasting darkness. ''What the hell is this...'' lost in his confusion, Kuroichi was already up and slashing at the defenseless Zoku. Still being able to sense Kuroichi's energy he could judge where the swing of the katana was coming from...he could block the attacks. However Kuroichi was too fast for his senses...and jabbed the blade into his side. The pain was immense...far more than Zoku could handle and so he feel to his knees. ''How does that feel...'' as Kuroichi twisted the blade in his old friends side...at the same time he was forming the Blood-Steal claws in his other hand... ''This is the end im afraid...'' letting the spell over Zoku's eyes fade...[I]I want you to look at my eyes before you die Zoku...cause it will be the last thing you will ever see...[/I] Zoku looked up at Kuroichi's burning red eyes as he began coming down in full force with his claws, going for the kill...but Zoku put up his sword to deflect the attack. However not strong enough to block it, his Wild Wind Sword broke apart from the impact and the claws went ripping into the flesh of Zoku's right thigh. Falling to the ground...Zoku caught himself with his right hand and pushed up with all his might shotting his right foot out at Kuroichi catching him in the sternum yet again sending him to the ceiling. Jumping up to continue the attack...Zoku leaped with his one good leg to deliever another blow...but Kuroichi countered sending out almost hundreds of blood darts out. With Zoku's momentum carrying him right into the path of the darts...he gathered his aura around him trying to create a barrier. Despite deflecting many of the darts away...not able to penetrate the shield...Zoku's stength left him yet again for but a moment sending 6 darts straight into his left lung blowing him back down to the ground. Scalling the walls...Kuroichi again began to mock the fallin warrior. Stalking him in the darkness as Zoku's aura began to fade. Trying to crawl away from him...Zoku felt in the sand of the stone floor his shotgun...[I]Fully Loaded!...yes...[/I] Waiting for his enemy to be upon him...Kuroichi didn't anticipate the shots as Zoku unloaded round after round at him. With each shot Zoku slowly got to his feet as Kuroichi began to fall to his knees. As the port to the shotgun became empty... ''Your out...too bad...'' smirked Kuroichi, however feeling weak from the battle, he began healing himself...''you can't kill me Zoku...every time i get wounded...I will regenerate.'' Laughing at the victory that was soon to be his... ''You may not keep the wounds Kuroichi...but you still feel the pain...'' A shock came upon Kuroichi as he listened to his own words being played back to him before he killed the Il Signore... ''You and I are more alike that I thought Zoku...'' It's a shame that you chose this path...we could be great...you and I.'' But Zoku wasn't listening...he was already preparing his ultimate attack.... [I]God...I call upon you now...lend me your strength Gaia...to vanquish that which threatens all life on this earth. I give myself now to your will...strike this enemy down with your might...![/I] Slowly Zoku's aura grew brighter and brighter as he felt his strength returning to him...he could feel the power of the earth forming within him...taking in all the KI around him...even taking in some evil evergy from the crypt itself. Kuroichi could only watch for he still needed to regenerate from the shotgun blasts. The crypt began to shack...the ceiling above them began to fall apart and crumble... ''NOW...BEGONE!''cried Zoku as he placed both arms together in front of him shooting out a tremendous KI beam right at Kuroichi...he could feel his skin crisping due to the energies light...and out of an act of desperation Kuroichi formed a powerful blood barrier around him protecting himself from the blast. The entire crypt was destroyed...with the ceiling reveiling the night sky with the earth surrounding the underground tomb. Only the entrance to the ancient tomb remained. Emerging from his shell...Kuroichi took into account all that was around him now. But there was no sign of Zoku...realizing that it was safe...Kuroichi went to the corner where Zoku threw the Sapphire and picked it up. All of a sudden Kuroichi say Zoku only feet away above him falling towards him with the remains of his sword...''IT ENDS NOW!'' But before the attack could be done, out of nowhere a blade came crashing into Zoku's already damaged left lung flinging him straight into the surrounding wall next to Kuroichi. The impact was so great the blade stuck into the earth leaving Zoku to hang there. Out of the darkness of the night...appeared Abaddon. ''He was mine...'' cried out Kuroichi. Abaddon jumped down into the ruined crypt...confronting the Silver-Haired Demon. Kuroichi slapped him to the ground in discust...''I should kill you for that Abaddon...I told you not to interfer...'' and yet Abaddon lay silent...looking up now at the swinging body in the air... [I]Did I just kill the soul of an innocent...have I helped evil...not good...My God what have I done?[/I] Abaddon trying to figure out if what he did was right or wrong. ''No matter...we now have the Sapphire...and you Abaddon will get the Dark Moonstone for me as well. An act of faith...to see if you are prepared for what new things I am to tell you of yourself; fallen angel...*looking up at Zoku's body* it's been fun...better luck in your next lifetime.'' The two vampires walked through the entrance to the Dark Moonstones hiding place decending down the staircase. Looking at the Sapphire, Kuroichi had a large grin on his face, the gem had such a magnificant shade of blue on it with the engraving of a skull on its face...[I]I now have three of the Ijuuj gems...[/I] he thought to himself... Taking the gem in his palm...he closed his hand trying to take in its incredible power. However the gem just crumbled in his grasp...turning into dust. [I]What's wrong Kuroichi...?[/I] [I]Its a fake...its a fake...it was all a trick....ZOKU![/I] In his rage Kuroichi raced back up the staircase...only to find Zoku's body missing... *** Arron- you thought the last post was long huh:) ULX- I don't mind at all that people take control over my characters...I hope that battle was good for all of ya...put a little bit of work into it...
  19. [I]this is Deborah Tran...given you the lastest breaking news around Europe from your local newstation WNEN. There have been reports of many murders and outbreaks of violence all around Europe...the first was in France just a couple weeks ago with a breaking and entering of an ancient crypt...now there have been reports of similar acts of violence in Greece and Italy. Bodies have been found everywhere...as well as large piles of ash lying around as well. Is this the work of terrorist organizations, a cult perhaps...or are there greater things happening around us that we do not yet understand?'' Hold on one moment...we have some breaking news...there seems to be a massive tornadoe...*are you sure that is right gorge*...yes, um, thats right people...there is a giant tornadoe on the very northern part of Italy with the radius of about 2 miles...this is incredible...[/I] In the plains of northern Italy Zoku trained within the vortex of the tornadoe...he had just awoken from his meditation...seeing the death of the head Ijuuj who was protecting the Blood Ruby. [I]I must get stronger...[/I] he continually thought to himself as he swung his mighty Wild Wing Sword in constant motion and prefection in tune with his fighting techniques. Slashing here and there...jabbing and thrusting himself as if he were in an actual battle. [I]The real battle is not in the world...but within himself...[/I] his teachers words echoing in his mind... [I]Isn't life worth fighting for...isn't it worth dying for...[/I] with each passing moment...Zoku felt himself push harder...and harder...using all of his energy and might to advance himself...concentrating his energy as well as taking in all that surrounded him increasing his speed and muscle mass...his senses in key with everything around him...the air...the animals, grass, earth...the aura appeared yet again while with great speed he continued to train....lossing himself in it all. Putting away his sword...he paused to catch his breath and relaxed his muscles as the whirling winds began to collapse around him.... [I]Not yet...not yet...[/I] as he heaved in and out as much air as he could...feeling like this lungs were about to collapse within him...his body giving way to exhaustion. Suddenly he let out a cry of rage bringing forth the winds yet again...the earth seemed to crumble from beneath his feet. He felt himself lossing control...feeling a rush of confusion and wrath in reaction to the past couple of days events. Slowly and calmly he relaxed himself again...hearing the helicopters just over the hills. As the tornadoe desipated. [I]Probably taking aim at the site that I've created...I must not let them see me...[/I] he realized; and in an instant he was gone... *A few hours later* In the city of Granada, Spain...room 255 of a magnificant hotel in the most romantic city of Spain...Zoku lay in the shower of his eligant hotel room. Letting the hot water droplets fall upon his face as a rush of steam and heat overwelmed him as the bathroom began to bake him alive. It had been a long time since Zoku had ever slept in a room such as this. Many years now he had lived in the wilderness...disconnecting himself from the rest of society. ''It certainly has been a long time since I've had a hot shower like this...'' he laughed to himself...''oh mom what you would say to that...'' laughing again but then realizing the arrogance. The memories coming back to him now...*back in Japan*...his mother dying in his arms...his village set up in a great blaze...the shadows around him.'' Awaking from his little daydream...Zoku shot up in the shower tub and let out a quick and yet pathetic little niffle and tear. Turning off the shower and stepping out onto the now wet tiles of the floor...Zoku looked at himself in the mirror. At first admiring his fasique...a sense of pride and joy seeing how handsome he was...but seeing still the vampire scar on his neck...and turning around to see the tattoo still lingering on his back. ''It wasn't my fault...'' he tried to convince to himself...''they thought it was me...but it wasn't.'' flashbacks of screams and blood all around him as his childhood life feel apart before his eyes. ''My torment will never end...will it, my battle within, my evil and good...my curse will not be uplifted from me now...'' Kuroichi's words coming back to him from just a couple days ago... [I]''I can take it all away; I can end your curse, and give you a new one...[/I] [I]''there will be a time my old friend...when you will come back to me,'' [/I] For a moment Zoku dwelled on those words...''is that all that is left for me to become...is that my place...maybe it isn't such a obsurd idea to join my old friend. We could rule this world together...what we could create...what we could destroy! To crush those pathetic clans...who made them supreme anyway!'' his voice becoming more and more sadistic..his thoughts thinking of only the thrill of it all...the pleasure of killing at will...having the fate of ones life in your hands. ''STOP IT!'' he yelled at himself...his scar feeling the pain of the bite as if it were still fresh...''you must not think such things....thats not what you are.'' He could feel himself now battling his evil half...flinching and shivering just at the thought of giving into Kuroichi's words. Walking to the balcony of the hotel room...opening the curtains letting in the scorching blindness of the sun...adjusting to the sunlight...he looked upon the streets, full of people beneath him. Families walking through the market place together...a young couple holding hands strolling the streets...and another one eating at the corner cafe with each others hands within the others, just staring at each other...not just an hour ago did Zoku walk amongst them. Gorging himself in a well prepared plate of spagetti...one plate turned to two...and two to four. Smelling the flowers...feeling the aroma that surrounded them...taking in the simplicity of the moment...shopping to his hearts desire... Feeling now an overwelming feeling of pleasure and warmth...Zoku found himself yet again outside on the balcony...looking at the masses. ''Why would I give up such things...the pleasures of a human...for power to be like them...'' he concluded to himself. [I]My curse...is yet my strength...for I am not like any other human...[/I] Then again ...looking at them all...knowing that they don't have the faintest clue on what realities the world holds beneath their already blinded eyes. The world of vampires... [I]One more gem...and then I will begin to relax...Madrid must I go now...[/I] Leaving the balcony window open...Zoku turned to his king size bed...he put up his trench coat and pants up on a hanger, putting just boxers on and a sleeveless shirt to sleep in...placing the sword on the floor next to the bed...and putting the shotgun behind the 3 pillows he had put up for himself, he finally passed out on the feather pillows, feeling the comfort and satisfaction of the bed ...falling asleep to the noise of the busy streets outside. [I]Let us see what the new day brings tomorrow night...I pray that we are not lost yet...let us see where my deeds will bring us...[/I] ...and then he was out...like the dying heart-beat of a little girl... a deep sleep that he had not felt in many centuries...
  20. sorry to see that this isn't going anywhere sweety...i thought it was a good RPG:)...take care...later
  21. ''Hold your ground servants...Hold Your ground!'' ordered the head vampire to his minions as they took their positions in the courtyard of a prestigious mansion in the heart of Greece...the city of Iamia. Silence took hold of the air as a dozen or so vampires stood waiting for their attacker to make its move. ''Maybe it is gone my lord...we all cannot not sense anything here.'' said a young vampire. [I]No...he is still here...[/I] Lord Ishma thought to himself as he took in the site that was before him. Many of his dear friends for centuries lay dead with severd heads...and missing limbs. Dawn was approaching within an hour...and he wanted this murderer to be found. It must be an assassin from the Gyshram clan...no mere vampire could move and kill like this. ''Take out your holy weapons...and your crosses my brothers...we will get this intruder before light breaks.'' A flash of light came from the far corner of the field...exploding into one of the vampires chest, it burst apart his rib cage destroying the vampires heart. Before they could react a shadow was upon them...slashing through necks as if they were paper. Moving amongst them more energy blasts came from the attackers hands...explosions and screams were everywhere. They were all around Ishma now...even with the eyes of a vampire he couldn't keep track of its movements. The ground became soaked with blood when one vampire after another feel to their knees in defeat to their adversary. In a load roar of rage..Ishma cried out ''Show Yourself you vile creature.'' At that moment a dark figure appeared before him with a silver trenchcoat...and a large blade dripping with what he could only imagine to be blood. Quivering in a fear in which he has never felt...Ishma asked...''what is your business with us...what is the mean of this attack.'' *no answer* with both figures standing within the shadows...with the sun rising within minutes...the dark figure raised his blade pointing at Ishma. With the wind calmly blowing across the plain...with mighty pillars surrounding the two...they both took to the sky. Drawing his katana, leaping from one pillar to another trying to get position on his moving target, with great speed they lept at one another swinging with full force with their weapons striking one anothers blade with an echoing impact; the clashing of steal anad power. With great speed a swift battle took place...both warriors twisting and jabbing, slashing and blocking effortlessly with their swords. Both showing a remarkable experiance and technique in battle. As Ishma raised his katana to attempt a downward attack, the dark figure moved straight into Ishma with great force grabbing Ishma's grip upon his katana with one hand....and thrusting his own sword into Ishma's heart. Still alive...Ishma fell to his knees in shame...he pulls out his enchanted holy cross and showed it out in front of him chanting an ancient spell ''My God...hold back this evil which is before...cast him back into the flames of hell...I envoke thee...I envoke thee with this cross.'' cried out Ishma as he sensed his strength leaving him with the loss of blood as his undead body began to steam from the rising sun. However his enemy did not move...just standing there staring at him... ''Why isn't it working...what kind of vampire are you...'' Smirking with a slight laugh...the dark figure's came into view with blood flowing down his face. ''I am no mere vampire...forgive me...but I cannot let you stop what needs to be done.'' Dawn broke across the courtyard in a magnificant expansion of light as the falling vampires around him began to roast to a burning crisp. [I]I'm dissapointed in the weakness of these Ijuuj...i expected much better.[/I] Zoku thought to himself. Taking in what kind of reprocusions will come to him for his actions this night...he knew what he was doing needed to be done. The gems must be moved and protected...[I]Kuroichi must not get all of them...[/I] Walking into the now unprotected mansion...Zoku desends into the dungeons of the great structure. Knowing that he was now walking on unholy ground...Zoku knows that he must concentrate his might and energy in order to fight off the immense evil that is within this place...so that we woud not loss control of himself. Looking around him walking through the great stone hall several hundred feet under the mansion, he looks at all the ancient statues of some of the most powerful and well respected vampires of all time. Coming to a massive twin set of doors made of steal, text of many ancient spells were all over the door as Zoku pushed through them revieling a large ceremonial chamber with a bright, glowing stone within the center upon a pedistal. Beyond it on top of a long stone staircase lay a throne with only but a black clock with a flaming skull as its head sitting upon it. With a firm and respectable...''Emperor of Skulls...I come before you with a message of great importance...the Sapphire is no longer safe here within your walls. The Silver-Haired Demon seeks to unite all the gems of the Ijuuj...which will create an unbalance among the clans. The gem must be hidden...for Kuroichi will most certainly come here to take it. If a simple human as I could get this far...imagine what he will do to you sir.'' ''You foolish human...why should I believe you? No mortal nor undead has ever taken one of the Ijuuj gems.'' said the Skull Emperor with a thundering voice. ''Kuroichi knows where the gem is hidden...and I have served under him and I know what he is capable of. He is as we speak after Il Signore di Sangue whom I believe holds the Blood Ruby. We must hid the gems in order to buy us time to take action against Kuroichi.'' Zoku's voice becoming impatient and annoyed with the ancient's arrogance and ego. Knowing that his moment of opportunity is coming...knowing that he couldn't possible defeat the Skull Emperor...he slowly begins to concentrate is energy into his fists...ever so slightly so that he would not alarm the Emperor. ''The gems will be safe...and the Ijuuj certainly don't need the help of the likes of a human. Now...die for punishment for disturbing me like this and killing my fellow vampires... As the great vampire decended from his throne of skulls, his true size became apparent. His dark clock seemed to engulf the entire room with a shadow of darkness as the head became brighter with the flames intensifing. But the human stood his ground...taking in a deep breath, and slowly letting the air out...feeling the energy rise within himself...knowing that his surroundings would not help him due to the fact that everything was dead. All he could do was use his own energy. Calmy with the sense of authority...he spoke softly ''you obviously...have no idea...'' and in a rapped rise in rage and explosion...''who you are fucking with.'' A beautiful aura surrounded Zoku shaking and breaking apart the ground that was beneath him. His muscles expanding and his eyes becoming bright with the same blue light that surrounded him...Zoku pulled out his shotgun from his belt and quickly shot three shots at the eyes of the Skull Emperor. BLinding him for only a few moments due to the pain in his eyes, he put away his shotgun and Zoku raised both of his arms clamping his palms together. Forcing power through his arms from the force of his gut and biceps...he creates a small but effective energy ball above his head. Sizing up his target he throws it at the middle of the Emperor's cloak causing a massive explosion all around him. Lossing control of his now crippled form the floating skull retreated back to his throne to repair himself. Knowing that there wasn't much time...Zoku ran to the pedistal and grabbed the sapphire returning to the exit in which he came from. High pitch screams came from the creature ''WHO ARE YOU!'' Coming back out into the steaming hot sunlight...he takes a few deep breaths in his exhaution...and runs into the rising sunlight...and fades away dissapearing away from the mansion. *THAT NIGHT* ''I must speak to your lord sir, it is of great importance...'' as Zoku approached the entrance to the ancient temple in Sparta, Greece. It was midnight with the entire skyline in darkness with no stars glimmering up above. Pain still lingering from the wounds and loss of energy from his battle with the Emperor of Skulls and his servants. ''You have the scent of a human boy...why must I let you see him...you don't have an appointment'' stated the guardian to the entrance. ''He is feasting...and does not wish to be disturbed...so please be on your way and goodnight.'' Looking around to see his options, Zoku see's that the temple is very well guarded with close to 3 dozen vampires scouting the area from the temples rooftops. ''Then if willing sir...can you please give this note to your master...it is of great importance to him as well as for all of your clan.'' The guard looked down reading the writing on the envelope...[I]To the first one...for your highnesses eyes only...[/I] When he was done reading the line he looked up and saw that the human was gone. Later that night the guard was bowing before his master...''Master...this here is a message from a unknown human who claims it to be of great importance. He was like no other human that I have ever sensed before.'' Giving it to the first one...the leader of the Gwyar. The supreme vampire of them all. This is what it read... [I]My name is Garyuu Kokusai...you may have heard of me...and i most certainly have heard of you great one. There are great things moving amongst the clans...and I have knowledge that Kuroichi, the Silver-Haired Demon wishes to steal all 7 gems of the Ijuuj giving his clan great power; which may be in competition with own my Lord. However I may be a simple human...my mission to protect the balance of this planet is in great importance. I would advice you to warn your most power vampires Erald Lightfeather and Elizabeth Archer of these events. My Lord...as we waste time...Kuroichi will become stronger and will come to overthrow all the great clans. In my attempts to protect us all I have taken the Skull Sapphire in attempts to hid it from him. War is upon us all... [/I] In a calmness in his voice...''contact Beth and Kyu...and bring them too me...as well as all the heads of Ijuuj...I must speak with them.'' A far off distance from the temple...Zoku again takes time to meditate and regain his full power once more. He sits in the desert...a cold breeze takes hold of him as he concentrates..and falls into another trance. Thinking to himself... [I]since no one knows who took the Sapphire...and me warning the Gwyar...the Ijuuj will have no choice but to keep a look out for Kuroichi and any other suspicious vampires around the gems. They are protected...for now...the war has only begun. [/I]
  22. In the city of Venice, on a beautiful summer day in the heat of the scorching sun...a large crowd of tourists engulfs the entire city taking interest in every site that they laided their eyes upon. Even the lone man with silver hair...girls laid their eyes upon him without even looking at his face. A sense of perswation and control was set upon the young girls. A slight smirk came upon the young man as he continued his walk to his destination. [I]Look at how weak they are...it's really quite sad.[/I] he thought to himself. Continuing down the street, he set his eyes upon a prey. [I]It would be good to have a nice snack before my next meeting to optain what I seek. [/I] As he stalked her...moving amongst the crowd as if he were a ghost, he could start to feel her heartbeat within his own...a sense of warm spread across his body, as he came closer to his meal. Despite him doing this for many centuries; the thrill of the hunt never desipated with time...it grew. His power almost unmatched, taking the knowledge and strength of his victims...[I]it should be I who rules...not them...soon my destiny will be fullfilled.[/I] Now seeing his opportunity to satisfy himself...he placed his soft but firm hand upon the womans shoulder to get her attention[I]excuse me miss, I was wondering if you could help me?[/I] As she turned around she immediately feel into his spell...falling deeper and deeper into his power she glared up at his big, gorgious grey eyes as he led her into a dark corner hidden away from the crowd. Slowly he stroked his hand across her cheek...feeling the warm of her tender skin. The woman became aroused, and desired him right there in that moment...feeling the desire inside himself, in an instant his fangs were upon her neck...ripping through her flesh as he indulged himself in his prize. Blood trickling down his lips and chin, he felt himself being filled. Taking back himself from her mortal wound, he tossed her aside into a local garbage can, discarding her. [I]what a meal that was...[/I] feeling a rush within his undead body, her blood was like liquid fire. In his pleasure his eyes turned to a light red. [I]Its been a long time...Kuroichi...[/I] a voice said...a man leaning against the other side of the dark corner showing only a partial part of his face. [I]*slight chuckle* I was beginning to wonder if you would ever seek me out Zoku, my old friend.[/I] Turning around from the corner, Zoku looked at the face of his dear old friend. There was a long pause between the two, an overflow of memories came upon the two... ''How long has it been Zoku, 3 years since the war back in Japan.'' ''Yea, you haven't changed at all,'' a slight laugh came to both of them...'' ''I'm surpised that you came so close to me without me sensing you Zoku, you've gotten stronger.'' *slight smirk* ''As have you, I sense that there are great things moving now within the Clans...the Krilat Zmaj have grown quite powerful since the last time I remembered them surfacing.'' ''I thought you took an oath never to take an interest in our kind ever again Zoku...you see your scar as a weakness, and you ran away from us, I took you in as one of our own. To train my armies of Hunters and vampires who I chose from the war...and you threw it back in my face...you had such potential' 'in a harsh tone with Kuroichi remembering what happened all those years ago...however with a slight sigh with respect to his old friend. Almost shivering remembering his past, stuttering in a rage and saddness, ''No need to remind me Kuroichi, I remember what I have done. I could no longer kill the innocent...and be wrapped up in petty politics. Even when you took me as one of your own...I was still human...set apart from all of you. I must atone for my sins my old friend. I know what your trying to do, and I won't try and stop you now...for it is not my place. I ask you though, are you the one who has been looking for me all these years, sending assassins and murks to do your bidding?'' ''I think you know the answer to that question already Zoku...do you want me to end the pain for you right now,'' moving amongst the shadows with amazing speed Kuroichi thrust his hand on Koku's neck and lifted him into the air, now exposing his vampire fangs. ''I can take it all away; I can end your curse, and give you a new one...you do know that the vampire in which you seek is already dead. She was killed not to long ago by a vampire of the Gyshram. It's ashame really, Elizabeth would have been a wonderful ally...but, nothing can be done about it now.'' Feeling Kuroichi's grip becoming tighter around his neck, tears of sorrow arised from Zoku's eyes, realizing now that his curse would never end......for a moment he was tempted to let Kuroichi change him...but with all of his human emotions Zoku's body pulsed with immense energy...''NO!'' and with a somersault kick, Zoku connected with Kuroichi's lower jaw making him loss his grip on Zoku falling backwards. Both men feel to the ground; and within an instant they were both standing back up with both swords drawn, with each pointing one anothers blade at their throats. At that moment the crowd closest to them shot up in a panic due to the view of swords, and the entire scene turned into a chaotic scene. Realizing not needing the aggrevation to draw attention to themselves any further...they both put away their weapons. ''there will be a time my old friend...when you will come back to me,'' proclaimed Kuroichi, and in an instant he was gone leaping up upon the nearest rooftop and he was gone... [I]what are you planning...what are you thinking my old friend?l[/I] Zoku thought to himself, with him now jumping onto the closest rooftop escaping the scene with the police being heard coming in the distance. [I]it was good seeing you again, however I'm afraid of what will happen the next time we meet.[/I] Meanwhile on the opposite side of town, Kuroichi has already come upon his destination for the meeting place that Khalid had sent him too. [I]One day, you will become one of us...or you will die my dear Zoku.[/I] Then deciding on a plan, Kuroichi pulled out a cell phone and dialed a number... ''......what is your will my Lord Kuroichi?'' ''servant...there has been a complication...please get me in touch with the assassin Keitha of the Gyshram clan.''
  23. Deep within the mountains of northern china, a great blaze has been set at the base of the mountain. The smell of burning corpses fills the night air as the sky becomes dark and cold...full of death. ''Why do they still hunt me so..,'' Zoku thought to himself...miles away from the fire. Taking a deep breath, he stops at his waterfall within the forest where he usually finds his peace away from the world. ''It had been 2 years since the last time they have come after me...its a shame i had to kill them all. I would have shown them mercy but they simply would not tell me who they were working for... were they murks, assassins, or even from my former clan back in Japan...'' Coming to the waterfall Zoku takes out his Wild Wind Sword and washes the blood away in the cool water. ''What a waste of life........I prayed that they would not be so foolish...I prayed that I would at least know the name of my enemy...'' Wrapped up in confusion...and looking at his already healing wounds, Zoku decides to take a bath in the now sparkling water reflecting the nights sky. Taking off his weapons and clothing, he slowely desends feeling the cold bitterness of the water slivering all through his body. ''How good it feels to be alive,'' he says to himself. Later that night Zoku prepares himself for his meditation period...in an attempt to calm his mind and spirit in regards to the nights events. After several moments of deep breaths and stretching.. Zoku sits Indian style on the grass looking up into the sky taking in the infany of its beauty...neverending. Falling deep into a trance...Zoku begins concentrating all his KI energy within himself as well as from the surrounding environment around him creating an aqua blue aura around his body. Suddenly he has a vision...(the sky is bright red with fire burning in all directions. In the sky are 7 gems glowing brightly blasting power energy waves across the valley...''the source of the fire'' Zoku thought to himself. The sky begins to rain blood, and a great earthquake arises shaking the entire planet) Slowely Zoku comes out of the trace...seeing himself glow in his own aura. ''Thank you Gaia for your gift in sight and energy...'' a prayer which Zoku mutters underneath his breath. However a rush of pain and evil desires overcomes him for only a moment with his vampire scar on his neck pulsing. ''So...it has begun. After all this time the great Vampire clans are in conflict. Blood has already been spilt...and the first move has been made...'' In an instant the desire overcomes him...his desire for blood...his desire for death...all the muscles in his body tensing up...breathing hard, becoming light headed...his scar pulsing as if it were being stabed over and over again.''no...i will not give in...i will not submit to it...GOD WHY HAVE U CURSED ME SO...!'' After hours of torment he finally settles down and collapses exhausted on the moist grass beneath him. Gathering his thoughts...he wills himself onto his feet. ''you are not one of them...you do not partake in their ways...'' constantly running through his mind. ''let us see where this war goes...and what part I am to take in it...'' calming down yet again with deep breaths. taking his sword and shotgun...Zoku expands his muscle mass concentrating his KI energy at will and is gone with the wind. With amazing speed he begins his journey runnning westward... Thinking to himself ...''I hope i may find peace and wisdom on this new quest...for i am going to need it; i cannot do this alone. Walking back into the world of Vampires...a world I have long avoided...i pray i may be of some help to the clan that you, Gaia, want to be the victor in this time of conflict.''
  24. Name: Lyon Masamune Gender: male Kingdom/Species: human Appearance: A 19 year old boy...with short royal blue hair with dark blue eyes with a shade of silver glaze over his eyes. Around 5 foot 10, Lyon is dressed in casual clothes from the human world with a white shirt with the peace sign on the back with black pants and sandles. He has a silver ring on his right hand with the engraving of a dragon representing the house of the Masumunes in Southern England, his family. He has a scar on his left eye from the top of the eyelid to just below his cheek. With a gentle face and smile...Lyon has a well toned body lacking in bulk however. Has no idea what is going on in the Land of the Unicorns, therefore does not have an idea on where his position is in this world. Alliances: Has no connection with this world therefore has no alliance nor friends. Bio: Lyon is a very strong-willed young man with a passion to learn. With a intelectual mind he amazingly has a very sensitive and compassionate side. However he hates the fact of being raised in a rich household. Lyon doesn't act like all the other well brought up Masamunes in his household. Moreover, more a rebel and adventurer. At the moment of Skywire's death, there was a great disturbance in the alternate world to Lyons. Walking home from school through the woods to his families mansion...there was a rift in the gates connecting the two worlds together that were being watched over by the Unicorns. Suddenly there was a great opening in the forest drawing everything into it. Lyon tried to escape from the void's grasp but his legs gave way and the void sucked him in and closed. When he awoke moments later...he found himself in yet another forest similar to his own. Believeving that his experiance was a dream...he continued to walk down the dirt path towards his house. When coming to the clearing...he was not prepared to grasp what he saw. In front of him what looked liked to be shadows were doing battle with a very large and powerful elf. Blood everywhere...the great elf feel to his knees and hands and one of the shadows brought up a broad sword and drove it through the elf's heart...going all the way through, even into the ground. In complete fear and panic...Lyon hid in the brush underneath an oak at the edge of the woods. After an hour of patient waiting...Lyon looked out from his hiding place to see the shadows gone with the warrior elf still laying motionless. Whatever possessd him, he doesn't know...but Lyon ran into the field to check on the dead elf. Checking his pulse...Lyon found a name placed apon his chainmail in dark black letters; ''Lord Drizz Do'Urden.'' About to back away and turn for the opposite side of the fields back into the forest...Lyon stopped and glanced at the twin scimitars beside the torn and battered body. Then a sudden pulse shot out from the swords pulling Lyon closer to the pair scimitars. In a sudden conviction, Lyon decided to pick up the weapons...placing the elfs belt around his own carrying the two blades...Lyon runs for the forest in utter confusion and sorrow for the elf...and for what has just happened to his life. thinking to himself ''Is this real...or am dreaming...please someone wake me...someone help me!''
  25. Name: Garyuu Zokusai (however his original name is unknown...his teacher gave him this name which means ''the great unknown man of the 5 cardinal Confucian virtues...justice, politeness, wisdom, fidelity, and benevolence.'') Nickname: Zoku Age: 24 Gender: Male Species: Human Clan: None Appearance: A young and handsome man with short, black/silver hair with bangs that come down over his deep aqua blue eyes with a glaze of age and wisdom beyond his years. Around 6 feet tall...he has a very firm toned body...despite his lack in bulk, his true strength is hidden. Wearing baggy pants, gloves, and a muscle shirt; all in which are black...with a silver trench coat...he has a twin dragon tattoo on his back representing the yin and yang. Weapons: Wields the [URL=http://www.armory.net/CU/CU_mr500186.jpg]Wild Wind Sword[/URL] which evokes the power of the dragon. The grip is cast from the beast's tough hide, while the guard echos the claws from the tips of the wings.Set in the pommel is a sun symbol for even more protection against all forms of evil, given to him by his teacher of the fighting arts. He also has 8 round shotgun hanging from his right side belt buckle. Powers: His many centuries of training have given him amazing concentration of his KI energy within his body and from the earth. Gaia Blast - a pure shot of energy comes from both of his palms pressed together after drawing in the earths energy. Metero- His palm go above his head collecting energy from within himself into a ball...then throwing it causing a massive explosion (both techniques take time) Overall with his manipuation of KI, Zoku can increase his speed and strength with healing powers when as needed to battle his adversaries as well as little energy blasts from his hands. Personality: A wise, strong, and loving person... Zoku however is very mysterious and values solitary at times with nature. Because of what he has seen in his many years of isolation and wandering he is constanly battling between good and evil. Usually he is of calm spirit...but at times he can loss control of himself in his sorrow and become enraged. Whether for good or evil is of question...which in turn causes him to seperate at times from people...still yearning to feel peace. Bio: In the times of Jesus...there were indeed Vampires that walked among them. In those times they were like demons. Found in the unwritten pages of the Bible...Peter, one of Jesus's desciples came upon a dying young boy of pure heart one night...a vampire with no name had just taken the lives of the boys parents and siblings...and leaving the boy bitten. The young boy had tried to fend off the beast...but he was only a child. As Peter saw the boy dying in front of his eyes...fearing the boy would turn; Peter looked into the boys eyes and asked ''do you want to be saved. Not to feel pain my child?'' The boy replied...''what can you do?'' And in that instant Peter drove the evil out of the boys body and restored his life energy. At that moment Michael, the archangel appeared before the two of them. Peter did what he did knowing full well that he had just saved a life of the damned...and that no witnesses were around to see God's wonder...thus Michael cursed the child. That he will walk the earth alone...disattached. That even though he may die...his life wouldl be restored as it was in a new body walking the earth without ever being satisfied again...never to rest, everything that surrounded him would die...till the boy found and killed his families attacker. Since that night...the boy through the centuries has died...and lived again many many times growing wiser and stronger...however death followed wherever he went. Every village that he was born into passed away. And thus he traveled the world as a protector of earth. Observing and witnessing all that transpired over the years. Constantly looking for the vampire that did this to him. However as pure in heart as he was and continued to be...the scar that was left from the vampires bit...and the evil that was left behind (despite Peter's efforts) corsed through his veins never desipated...staying dormant until moments of sorrow. Now in the present time...his name is Zoku...born in Ryuo, Japan. At the age of 10 his powers were to great for him to control causing a massive explosion killing his family and his teacher. All the villagers labeled him an outcast branding him with the dragon symbols of the yin and yang...since that day no one has seen of Zoku anywhere. Some say he wanders the forests of Japan, others see him as just a myth. Till now with the emergance of the war between all Vampires...Zoku again takes action as an adviser and overseer...however now seeking more than ever...that one vampire. ''I most certainly do believe in God...and i absolutely hate the ****.'' Other: You can control Zoku to a point...just keep his emotional state intact until you want his social skills and emotions brought out and developed.
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