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Everything posted by Kairi

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER]It was so foreign to him...but the presense of this place reminded him...it made him remember... [B]"This is it...my home..."[/B] Tegan's words faded as he and Jade made their way up the river. Up ahead of them, out of the woods they came to a clearing revieling a small house. It was one story, with a long base with many rooms. It was like a cabin, purely made by hand as it overlooked the rushing waters of the river. Walking on its soil along made him feel at him. Even though the property looked old and abandoned...all that Tegan saw was the way it looked as a child. The grass in his eyes was cut perfectly, the ground was firm and comfortable with every stride. Jade held his hand and walked with him to the porch in the backyard near the river. As they came to the screen door and walked into the house. Surprsingly, all the furnature and item found was covered in plastic wrapping, carefully contained and preserved[I]...someone was caring for this place...mother...[/I] [B] "This was your home..."[/B] the air was unpleasant to Jade's nostrils as she took a breath...the air was there...something left an unpleasant aura in this place. [B]"I don't think we should be here..."[/B] [B]"It's ok..."[/B] Tegan let go of her hand and knelt down to the ground...the past image of this house still lay in front of his eyes. Flashes of memories erupted in his mind...bits and pieces of he and Katima's childhood[I]...we were so happy...[/I] Like crawling like a child...Tegan made his way around the house as if he were a baby again...taking in everything he saw. [B] "Are you alright Tegan?"[/B] Jade questioned as she stood still next to the backdoor. [B]"Yes..."[/B] but his voice sounded muttered...he looked like he was in a trance...[B]"Did you know my sister and I would hide things from Kalei when we were younger..."[/B] Jade instantly saw that Tegan was gaining back some of his memories...memories that could be valuable clues as to Katima and Malik's location...[B]"what did you all hide..."[/B] [B]"Pictures...books..."[/B] Tegan continued to crawl and began to make his way into the bedroom...it was for a little girl...Katima's room. Jade followed and continued to talk to Tegan. [B]"what kind of pictures...?"[/B] The house looked so beautiful in Tegan's eyes...so warm and loving...[B]"pictures that mommy had...she loved to collect pictures...reminded her of things...sometimes she would laugh...sometimes she would cry...we tried to hide the ones that cried..."[/B] Suddenly Tegan stopped beside the bed and stood up. Immidiately his vision was gone and he came back to reality...without hesitation he lifted up the mattress of the bed and put out a small box. Jade and he took a seat next to the bed together and stared down upon it. Tegan and Jade both took a deep breath and opened the box... Suddenly Tegan was thrown into another vision...standing up quickly and knocking the box to the ground...he began to shiver with fear as he walked to the bedroom door and looked out at the living room. He could see himself...as a young boy...no more than 2 years old. Kalei and Katima were standing in the room...Katima was crying as she grasped Kalei's leg as they both looked at this dark looking figure. [I]"Ah..."[/I] it spoke...Jade was yelling at Tegan for him to hear her...but he couldn't...taking a hold of his hand, she started to see and hear exactly what Tegan was...[I]"When Malik ordered me to bring you back to him...I didn't not expect to find children..."[/I] In that moment, several figures similar to the one surrounded Kalei and grabbed her arms tightly...she fought them off as best as she could...but she was overpowered as Katima lost grip of her leg and now stood alone in front of the dark man. [I] "Now...wont you be a wonderful prize for me to bring back to may master."[/I] the man began to lower his hand to grap Katima as a boy suddenly appeared from Tegan's side and ran towards the little girl who was now crying uncontralably. [B] "That's you Tegan..."[/B] declared Jade as she continued to hold Tegan's hand and watch... The little boy grabbed the girl and began to carry her to a nearby room. But all the doors suddenly shut them out from any escape. The little boy knelt with the girl...he was trying to calm her by rubbing his hand through her hair as his eyes stared at the stranger with death like eyes...glowing with anger as he protected his sister. Kalei's hands and feet were being bond together as she looked upon in horror as the dark figure walked towards her children. [I]"Two of them...my my...you've been busy Kalei...I'll take them both then."[/I] As the little girl hid her face in her brothers chest, he placed his on her shoulder and held her close as he closed his eyes and pictures himself protected. Suddenly the two began to glow bright red with an aura that the man couldn't go any closer too. The two siblings both now looked at the man with bright red eyes as if piercing into his very soul...as if he were looking at death itself. The vampire which was the stranger shook in fear as he began to burn from the inside. The rest of the vampires followed suit...and within moments, they all burst into flames and became ash. After it was over, both siblings ran to their mother and began to free her of her bonds. Kalei raised them up in the air to get a good look at them if either was hurt...and to her surprise...their eyes returned to normal...those innocent eyes as if it never happened. The vision ended as both Tegan and Jade both napped back to reality again and turned to look at the box on the floor... [I] ...I understand now...[/I] Tegan thought as Jade let go of his hand and gathered the pictures on the floor...but suddenly she sat in shock as she held one picture in front of her... [B]"Where is this place?"[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B] "I dont know..."[/B] but Tegan thought for a moment...[B]"unless...unless that is where Kalei met Malik..."[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  2. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][COLOR=Black]Name:[/COLOR] Joseph (withholds his last name due to secrecy, goes by many other alias's) [COLOR=Black]Nickname:[/COLOR] Joey [COLOR=Black]Age:[/COLOR] 29 [COLOR=Black]Gender:[/COLOR] male [COLOR=Black]Appearance:[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/images4.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=Black]Short Bio:[/COLOR] For as long as Joey can remember, he's always been a thief, whether that entailed stealing from other children at a young age, or finding dirt on other people and blackmailing them...Joseph has always been a part of the criminal world. But like all thieves, the ultimate goal was to land a position on a ship...to become a pirate. At the age of 20, Joseph was quickly becoming a trafficer of information, especially in the Caribbean. Foreign clients would come to him to gain an advantage or upper-hand in a variety of different situations, needing his expertise in finding such information. One fateful evening, Joseph was betrayed by his clients who turned out to be the British officers and arrested him. The only reason they even recognized him or knew who he was was the soldiers were actually traitors trying to flee England. Joseph told them who he was, and they decided to turn him in so they could gain favor with the queen. However, as the British ship sailed for England, it was raided by pirates. At first they tortured Joseph and the others out of spite till the first mate recognized him and asked his Captain to release him. All the British soldiers were killed to hide Joseph's identity and dropped him off at the nearest port. Eight years later, Joseph is still working with pirates to improve their surivability against the British and other campaigns against them whether information is required, or for service on their ships. Because Joseph still looks like a civilized Britain, it's difficult to refer to him as a pirate. Just recently, while sailing on a local merchant ship, a band of pirates were found in the sea and were immidiately cared for under Josephs approval and order. Because of him being saved by pirates years before, he has offered to help them in whatever way possible using all his contacts and skills at their disposal. [COLOR=Black]Short Personality: [/COLOR] Joey is a free-spirited individual who loves the open blue. Sometimes he losses himself in his thoughts which he puts down on paper; being a writer is a hobby of his. Along with this free spirited persona, he is very good at what he does in terms of manipulation within and out of the system of government. Because of his many identities, a certain isolational feelings flood his mind at times, which he enjoys...having that kind of freedom. [COLOR=Black]Position on Ship:[/COLOR] Informant Weapons: [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/GRHK570TS.jpg[/IMG] Joseph also weilds a typical musket over his shoulder and pistol on his belt. [COLOR=Black]Devil's Fruit power:[/COLOR] none [COLOR=Black]Dream: [/COLOR] Ever since he got into this business, Joseph has always dreamed of settling down and having a family someday with many sons and daughters. That he would have enough money to never have to leave the sea again by living next to the ocean...but continue to be the best in the business. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Without warning, as the SUV tore down the dirt path heading out of the forest, Tegan slammed on the brakes causing both he and Jade's heads to bounce back and forth. [B]"Whats the matr' Tegan?"[/B] questioned Jade as she looked curiously at him. Tegan was looking blankly at the road ahead of him...almost in a trance. [B]"Tegan"[/B] she said again, this time smacking him in the back of the head. He suddenly snapped out of his thinking and looked at her. [B] "Thanks Jade...I needed that."[/B] [B]"What's wrong...why'd you stop like that..."[/B] Tegan was silent for a moment..organizing his thoughts. [B] "We're lossing Ena...and Sin...is after her..."[/B] Tegans eyes shifted to the forest on the side of them...they were almost at the clearing. [B]"You're talking about Ena being bitten...Father Alba told me about what was happening with her...and what you did."[/B] she rubbed the back of his neck right below the back of his skull...she knew he liked being touched there.[B] "there is nothing you can do right now...you know we have to find your sister and tell the others."[/B] [B]"But there is..." [/B]as he words trailed off...thinking of what he did. He did what he did...to help her...and in a sense he did, but she took a road he didn't intend. And Sin...something wasn't right. [B]"What do ya mean...you can do something?"[/B] [B] "Nothing..."[/B] Tegan turned away from his thinking...knowing that the time would come for such action. [B]"You're right as always..."[/B] he smiled and held her hand that was still on his neck. [B] "Where are we going anyway?"[/B] she questioned. [B] "To the place of my conception...there is a castle about 4 hours away from here along the river...it was my home...or at least I remember living in."[/B] [B] "Why go there?"[/B] [B] "Because if I'm like my father...I would go there with Katima out of spite against Kalei...even if they aren't there...maybe we can find a clue...or have some questiones answered."[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] OOM: *tag* you're it Astdis:)
  4. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][B]"Are you sure that is wise?"[/B] quesitoned Riven as Vylon began to unravel his plan to the rest of the exiles...well...at least everything he wanted them to know. [B]"Don't worry, I've acquired quite a name within the Dragonheart order...they'll have no choice but to persue."[/B] the rest were nodding in approval as Vylon continued to dress himself. He was still nude from waking in his room, however he had summoned all of them, each sitting in their own chairs in his master bedroom. Dressing himself in his usual attire, Vylon strapped his katana to his side and walked past the group as they rose in respect. [B]"follow me for a moment..."[/B] he motioned...and they all left the bedroom. Without saying another word, Vylon walked through the castle and outside into the courtyard where Drako waited patiently for his master. Stretching forth his large paw upwards to Vylon, he stepped upon it and was quickly raised to Drako's back. Standing on top of Drako comfortably and confident, he looked upon his great castle and back to the exiles who were waiting further instructions. [B]"Kill all that you can...and show no mercy...upon my signal...leave."[/B] and with that, Drako jumped high into the air; and with one flap of its wings, they were gone. While the exiles looked at Vylon fly away, all the dragons in their keeps around the castle roared loudly, almost defining the humans. But in that moment, the exiles contemplated Vylons individual orders given to them apart from attacking the Golden City. [I] Ryan...Riven...I see you both work well together...so I give you a special assignment; when you attack the Golden City...let yourselves be capture. Do not question this...you'll soon see my reasoning. When you are captured...tell them nothing...and wait for my arrival. [/I] [I] Raine...Yuri...kill the other exile...or make sure she dies at the Dragonhearts hands...let them savor some sense of vengence along with Mr. Death's fall. [/I] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] It was...so warm. The suns rays reflecting off the golden pavement and structures of the Golden City was nothing short of genious. The technology was originally developed by scientists of Darkshire many centuries ago...almost five hundred years ago. But with the emergance of the Dragonheart Order...and with the creation and unification of one nation...they felt it was necessary to only use it for this city as it was being built; a symbol to all the world. There was nothing quite like it...was a shame his family never got the chance to see this place...it was now 3 days after the initial attack upon the five cities...two of them destroyed completely... Walking down its streets innocently and proud, Vylon made his way towards to great lift that would bring him to Onyxia. The King and Queens castle could be seen in the distance alongside the mountain. The Great Lift was to its right...heavily guarded... Resting is right palm on the top of his katana's handle, Vylon respectfully bowed his head to the guards who were quickly identifying him. Without hesitation with this persuit, Vylon pulled out a letter sent to him by Onyxia. Getting a good look at this stranger, one of the guards began to head up the great lift with the letter in hand. Vylon simply stood smiling at the others...striking up conversation. After an hour or so, the guard came back down the lift and greeted Vylon warmly with a firm handshake. [B]"My Lord Onyxia thanks you for coming so swiftly Master Vylon, he honors your presense and wishes to speak you immidiately."[/B] [B]"It's quite understandable my dear sir, expecially with the resent attacks."[/B] Vylon was very polite...very well trained and aware of his role. [B] "Yes...we've called back the entire army around the world and revitalized our defenses...even younglings are being rushed into training to become Lords."[/B] [B]"That's very interesting...what of the Lords, are they alright."[/B] [B] "Some were killed...others are wounded but are healing quite well...you should have seen them; they were amazing...fighting back all those dragons...they truly are magnificant."[/B] [I]...I'm sure they are...[/I] [B] "We should be off...Onyxia is waiting."[/B] Vylon joined a couple of guards within the lift and began their ascent to the top of the mountain. As the city became farther and farther away, he could see some of the Dragonhearts flying around the city, continuously watching. Drako was well hidden while he rod into town on horseback. [B]"How come I've never seen you before...Onyxia seems to know you so well...and yet none of us have seen you..."[/B] questioned one of the soldiers who stood behind Vylon. He simply smiled and turned to face the man, [B]"me and The Great One go way back my dear friend...I've helped him in matters like these before...oh...lets say...three hundred years ago." [/B] The soldier was immidiately surprised at this...not only for how old this individual must have been...but the word "before" struck him. [B]"This has happened before?"[/B] he continued to questioned, but his superior quickly quieted him as Vylon turned back to look upon the city...they were very close to the temple of Onyxia now. Another line of guards waited at the entrance with a few breeded dragons we well... It was another hour till Vylon finally found himself in Onyxia's presence...it had been hundreds of years since they'd seen each other. [B] "Great One...what is it that you wish?"[/B] [[B]COLOR=DarkRed] "I need you to help me and the Lords find this...master...once again...old friend..."[/COLOR][/B] [B]"As you wish...I hope the others get here soon..."[/B] Vylon took a seat in the large with into a comfortable, red satin chair, relaxing himself and enjoying the food given. He held so many secrets...carried so many lies...but even with that kind of pressure, Vylon was truly in his element...and waited for the other Dragonhearts.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=1][RIGHT] OOM: Whoever has not arrived to the Golden City, please do so as soon as possible. I'm sure you all do not want to miss this twist:) Everything will be explained in my next post...interact with Vylon to your wishes...he's an ally in your eyes. Takuya, what we've discussed, don't let it arise just yet;)..Riven..wait until I give you the go ahead to attack...make your way into the city without notice with the others. [/RIGHT][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Vylon sat peacefully upon Drako's back as they soared through the sky...it was getting late in this part of the country...the desert was becoming cold as the sun faded in the distance. Finishing up another line in his book, Vylon stood up and looked upon his castle...it was massive. On either side of the castle were tall stone mountains housing all of his creations...their nests. The black foundation and structure of his home looked dark, and cold; he loved it. Landing behind the black gates of the fortress, the garden of the courtyard was beautiful, definitly not what you would expect within this dark home. It's plants were that of Darkshire, watersprings from Milan, golden statues of heroes of the past...it was marvaleous. Leaping off the back of Drako, the dragon immidiately retreated back to his own home within one of the mountains. Walking into the great hall, Vylon immidiately saw Riven practicing with shadows created by his dragon. He could tell that he was restless... [I]...good...[/I] Once Vylons presense wsa felt by Nemesis, he immidiately turned away from Riven and confronted Vylon. [B] ''Me and Riven are tired of waiting!."[/B] his roar was loud, but it barely shook the walls of the hall, they were build very strong compared to most. [B] "It hasn't even been a day..."[/B] Vylon tone wasn't intimidated at all. Riven placed a firm hand on Nemesis's leg, informing him to calm himself. [B]"you need to relax...enjoy yourself."[/B] Vylon continued to walk past till the beast placed it's claw firmly down into the floor blocking his way. [B]"That's not good enough!'' [/B]Vylon was becoming aggitated, his eyes quickly blinked a tint of red as Riven stepped in...supporting his dragon. [B] "We were told that we would be able to kill Dragonheart Lords; cause chaos...and have our revenge. We feel you don't appreciate us much...seems like we would be much better off on our since it was you who came and joined us."[/B] Riven's power was pulsing...his frustration began to manifest itself around him...the desire to kill was errupting. But in a completely different response than anticipated, Vylon began to laugh profoundly. [B]"What are you laughing at?"[/B] demanded Nemesis as Riven seem to become more enraged. [B]"So...you two feel that killing petty civilians gives you some kind of position to talk to me like that. And the Lords you've killed..."[/B] Vylon began to laugh even more, his tone was sedistic, powerful...like Riven was just an insect to him. Then his voice calmed...returning back to normal. [B]"You haven't killed anything worthy enough to brag about. You want to go on your own...then leave...your arrogance is sickening...go to the Golden City for all I care and attack...see how powerful and cocky you are then."[/B] Before Riven could respond in protest, all of the other exiles emerged around Riven and Nemesis, fully prepared to kill them. All their eyes were tinted red as they looked upon Riven. [B]"Watch yourself...you're lucky I haven't killed you yet. You think you're so great...yet you've proven nothing. The Dragonheart Lords are weak, wounded...you want to take their lives not at their full potential then fine...be a coward."[/B] [B]"So we will attack them..."[/B] questioned Riven. "Soon...as we speak Onyxia is bringing together the greatest of the Dragonheart Lords...so do whatever you like till then...I'm going to bed." Vylon continued to walk down the hallway and entered his master bedroom; his plan was unraveling...much to his satisfaction. The rest of the exiles continued for a moment to stare at Riven and then left to do whatever they were doing before. Lying in his bed master bedroom, overlooking the vastness of the desert, Vylon rested in his chair upon the balcony, and fell asleep...for tomorrow...was the beginning of the end. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]"Jade..."[/B] whispered Tegan from behind her. At first she was startled...but immidiately she felt a rush of joy as she embraced him. He embraced her back, thankful and at peace knowing that she was ok. Pulling herself away from him as the sun began to beat down upon the two of them; the long grass brushing up against their legs in the wind...Jade looked upon this new man that was before her. His eyes had changed...no longer were they those violent red eyes of his, the hunter and predator that she had grown to care for in Australia. He now held a shard or his mother. A smile though came to her face noticing that he still had that red hair of his. [B]"I'm sorry..."[/B] were the first words that came out of his mouth...just looking at her reminded him of what he had done; the scar she now had pierced his heart like a blade. She immidiately noticed this and took his hand and placed it over the scar. [B] "Hey...Tegan..."[/B] her voice was soft and gentle; trying to resolve the issue between them quickly, because to her there was none...she did what she needed to do for him, no regrets. She spoke like this to him for a couple of minutes, a smile then spread across his face as well, feeling how lucky he was to have someone like Jade. After everything was said and done, he kissed her on the forehead and cheek and pulled his hand away from the scar and caught a glimpse of the bottle on the ground. [B]"You and your Australian herbs..."[/B] [B] "Well yea, I can't rely on you all the time now can I."[/B] Jade was glowing...that presense the sword gave her before was now standing before her now...knowing that she had Tegan back for good. With the sun rising high, knowing that the vampires were gone, they both walked together towards the temple...the rest of the Wakanda continued to salvage what they could from the temple. [B]"You know that they took Katima right..."[/B] asked Jade. [B]"Yes...and I know about Ena and Sin as well."[/B] [B]"Kalei, Thayne and Talyn went after them last night....they haven't returned though yet."[/B] There was a moment of silence as they walked towards the garage next to the temple. Jade still felt a little weak from last night and leaned against the brick wall as Tegan drove out an SUV. Jade got in the passangers seat; and Tegan showed that he had already gotten all of her weapons. [B]"Where too?"[/B] questioned Jade as she put a hand on Tegans. [B] "We can either go find the others...or go hunt down Malik and the others? Your choice."[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. EDIT: Accidently wrote Desolace instead of Darkshire...my apologies for the mistake [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]The sands of the city streets shifted underneath Vylons feet as he walked the evolutionary highlight of their people...Darkshire had always facinated Vylon...just thinking of this worlds future potential; what they will all create...what they will destroy. With all the other exiles back at his castle...Vylon was beginning to wonder what was taking Mr. Death so long. Despite the temples difficulty in location within the thickness of the jungle, his creations drew him to them. Upon emerging from the forest...he could immidiately see the damage that his creations had done. Once his presense was felt...every dragon of his in the city immidiately ceased what they were doing and left the city. Their black scales seemed to blacken the sky as a dozen or so flew away. Dragging the tip of his katana along the sandy flooring of the street, he looked upon his victims...knowing this was his doing...and marveled at his work. However, despite how terrifying the attack was, already the people of this city began to repair their wonderous city. Vylon was quite impressed at their work and determination[I]...maybe I'll save this city....for last....[/I] With Milan and Icelenia already destroyed...he figured the Dragonhearts could suffer in their losses for a time before he struck again...maybe. This thought suddenly left him as he looked upon a lifeless body lying on the ground. A massive black figure lay motionless as large amounts of blood flowed from his wound. At first glance it obviously was a mortal blow...striking his vital organs. Kneeling down to the body, he took the mans dying hand and held it firmly with both hands. Everyone around them were already busy caring for the wounded and didn't take much notice of this silver-haired man. [B] "A Dragonheart Lord didn't this..."[/B] questioned Vylon as he looked into Mr. Deaths dark brown eyes. Blood spattered out of his mouth as he struggled to talk. [B]"...yes....they...were ready..."[/B] [B]"I know"[/B] as Vylon quickly interrupted...[B]"I told you not to engage them...but to simply make your presense known."[/B] [B] "Master...as always...you are right....please...help me...and we shall crush them...together..."[/B] Mr. Death gribbed his masters hand tightly...his eyes glowing with hope and determination. [B] "Blane; my dear Blane...I don't think that is going to happen."[/B] and with that...Drako emerged from the sky with power and authority has he landed on the ground only a few yards away from the two of them. Drako's roar was deafining as it shook the very foundations of the city. Everyone covered in fear at the beast...its small silver scales around it's dark blue skin glowed in the sunlight as it's body provided a shadow for the two men. Blane himself began overwelmed with fear as Vylon stood to his fear and continued to look down upon his servant. [B]"I do appreciate all your help...our creations are perfect, however...I cannot allow weakness..."[/B] trailing off on those last words, Vylon turned his back to Blane as Drako raised it's down and began to feast upon Mr. Death's body. His screams were high pitches like a little girl as they suddenly faded. [COLOR=DarkRed] Thank you...I haven't had flesh like that in a century...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] I know...you prefer Dragonheart blood...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Should we head back home master...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Yes...this loss isn't a big setback...we created an army together; nothing has changed...let us rest and see what the world turns into over a night. [/COLOR] Leaping onto his dragons back, a power gust of wind shot throughout all the streets as Drako flapped his wings and flew into the sky. When the sky settled all that the people saw was the dragon and a long blue trench coat blowing in the wind as they left the city and the forest behind...going back home to rest and plan for another day. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE=1] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][CENTER]...your move Onyxia...[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  8. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Deep in the forest...along the base of a mountain, the young man known as Tegan sat in front of a beautiful waterfall. The water was black due to the lack of a sun, but the moonlight was able to give him a reflection...not only a reflection of his new image...but perhaps within as well. Using the blade as a knife...Tegan gently cut away the excess hair that had grown in the past hour...trying to make himself look the way he used too. So much has changed...all he wanted was a sense of moderation...something normal and known. It was as if qualities of his mother were finally developing...his red hair was taking a darker tinted look...just like the black hair of his mother. Finally cutting away the last of the long strands of hair...he looked upon the image of himself in the water, admiring his haircut. However his eyes were still foreign to him...all he could see...was his mother. It wasn't till now that Tegan realized how much of his mother he had within him...the eyes now...the gentle complextion of her face and lips...even his hands were like hers. Despite their use in battle...they were still untainted...smooth; without damage. However his body...the aura within him...he could see his father. He truly was the son of Malik and Kalei. He and his sister did indeed possess a common trait that came from both of their parents...their undeniable ability to withstand any power...and rise to overcome all. While contemplating these thoughts...a sudden disturbance shot through his body. Oddly...he could sense the presense of vampires from a great distance. His senses were changing...adapting to this new body. He could feel his mother...Talyn...Sin...Ena...the thought of what he did to Ena sickened him...causing a deep feeling of guilt in his stomach. However something else caught his attention...in the distance...a village seemed to be infested with newborn vampires...the night was indeed coming to full circle. A rush almost overwelmed him to run to his mother...something so innocent and young was being born inside...and he so despritely wanted his mother...however, a more mature and rational thinking too hold...to that of his sister... [I] ...we'll have our time...but not now...my sister...[/I] in his mind Tegan became more aware and concentrated...pushing aside those thoughts before. With his attention turning to the town...he sprinted with the speed of a vampire towards the town. No his sister was not there...but he needed to act against that which threatened his families welfare. [SIZE=2][B]***[/B][/SIZE] [B] Don't fear young one...you can be beautiful...forever. [/B] a sedistic smile spread across the face of a young male vampire as the city around the town square where they were began to burn. A dozen or so vampires were pillaging the town...taking what they wished...replenishing their ranks. The young girl in her teenage years rested helplessly and exhausted in the monsters arms. The vampire was lustful towards the girl, and gently, he purged his fangs into her right breast. It was soft and warm to his lips as his venom spread throughout her entire system. All around the two there were screams and death...only the men were being turned for the most part...only the attractive females were being spared. Those sensations were now fading...her breast now became hard...the warmth now turned bitter cold. Suddenly without warning...everything became quiet. The flames all died...the screams stopped as the vampires around became very still...something...now stalked them. The vampire got up from his pret and let her loose to feed upon the villagers as he analyzed the situation. The others now running frantically from one section of the village to another...trying to fight back the threat that was now upon them...the survivors were no longer screaming...but seeking shelter as their predators now screamed in terror. Many of the remaining vampires were now converging in numbers in the town square...preparing themselves. [B] What is going on here? [/B] demanded the young male vampire as his men came to him. But they were speechless...terror was upon their faces...unspeakable fear. This didn't move their leader...and thus repeated his statement. [B] What happened [/B] [B] He...he is here... [/B] finally spoke one of them. [B] Who...Who is here [/B] yelled the vampire. But upon saying this...only a few yards away, a man came soaring out of the darkness of the night and landed on the ground falling to one knee while holding a large sword to his side, dripping with blood. He was shirtless with a long silver trench coat hidding his muscular body. At first his faint scent was that of master Malik...but it wasn't. Before they had a chance to respond, he was upon them, slicing through two vampires so swiftly and powerful they fell in an instant. Four more vampires surrounded him as Tegan stopped in his tracks...taking in the situation. They were all around him...more and more were coming into view. Quickly turning to the vampire in back of him, Tegan swung his sword upwards like an uppercut and sliced the vampire in half; it quickly burst into dust. Just at it blew, Tegan outstretched both his arms on either side and summond a quick burst of wind, blowing away the two. Turning his attention to the last, Tegan saw the last already in the air falling down towards him, ready to kill. Without hesitation, Tegan leaped into the air to meet the vampire and cut through both the vampires weapon and skull and fell back down to the ground. The remaining vampire continued to attack him, but their attempts were futile...they just could not hit him...he had their strength...their speed...but possessed powers none of them had. Pressing one of the vampires against a wall, Tegan thrust his fist through the vampires chest, shattering the ribcage and pulled out its heart. Turning to the leader who was now surrounded by five others...Tegan whipped away some of the blood from his face...the rest of him was covered as well as he stared down his opponents. As the six vampires prepared themselves, a thunderstorm suddenly could be heard up above...and in an instant, a lightning bolt came from the sky and struck Tegan. The vampires thought they had won and let their guard down...but when the dust cleared they saw that he had absorbed it, and was containing inbetween his two palms sources of light. Forming the two balls into one, Tegan held them in front of him and shot the lightening blast; just as he had done before, straight at the six vampires. It hit one first...and then seemed to chain hit the others around him. Within moments...they all burst into dust. Walking to the center of the square...Tegan simply stood there and took in the moment as the civilians continued to hide. The young woman from before was feasting on a little girl to satisfy her thirst. She was a newborn vampire...and was out of control. Seeing Tegan look at her, she left the child and persued Tegan. Seeing how innocent she was...knowing she was changed against her will. She approach him swiftly, but to no avail as Tegan grabbed her mouth and held her tightly as he lifted her into the air. His thirst for vampires was gone...but he could still feel the ability to take their lifesource from them for his own use, to increase his power. But...something was different... As he began to drain her life...she started to die. All the skin around her mouth and around his hand began to wither away. After he was done with her, he gently settled her down on the ground. Still holding onto her jaw and covering her mouth...some instinct inside him compelled him to give some of his lifesource into her. A jolt of light burst from her eyesockets...as if something inside her became alive...and was just as quickly gone. [B] *Later that night*[/B] Maria Maria yelled an older man within the town. He was in his late 50's showing signs of old age. Running into the center of the square, as many of the other civilians began to help the wounded and rebuilt that which was destroyed. The young woman sat up bewildered and confused at what happened... [B] Father...? [/B] she was struggling to regain her surroundings. The old man immidiately arrived at her side and embraced her lovingly. Looking up into the night sky; the stars shining brightly upon the city... [I]Thank you...[/I] he muttered...[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][SIZE=1] [COLOR=DarkRed][I]I am coming for you father...I'm coming for my sister...[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  9. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Reading the scroll throughly in all of its instructions, you could hear the chaos outside calm itself as the sound of great and many wings flapping in the distance, leaving the town to its fate. [I] ...Very good my children...[/I] [COLOR=Black] "What is your bidding for me to do next, my master"[/COLOR] Rivens voice could be heard clearly in his mind as his attention was interupted in his reading. In a sudden rush of rage, Vylons anger with the interuption flooded not only his mind but to Riven...feeling a overwelming fear and anger from his master. [COLOR=Black]"Forgive me for my interruption...I only wish to inform you that all that you've asked has been done and I await further instructions."[/COLOR] [I] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]I know...please...find rest and shelter in my castle in the outskirts of Desolace...you'll have permission to enter...Yuri's illusion spell will make it invisible, but your dragon will be able to see....do you understand?[/COLOR][/I] There was a pause for a moment, as if he were contemplating something...he had never heard of an invisible castle in the middle of the desert. [COLOR=Black]"I do understand master...may I ask why?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I] You may not...only know that the rest of us will be meeting there soon...and I need you out of this region...quickly.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Black] "As you wish...I will obey."[/COLOR] responded Riven in obediance and severed the connection with Vylon. Vylon sat up from his desk in the hotel room and rolled up the scroll that he had been reading. [I]...it's time... [/I] There was a knock on the door, and instinctively Vylon gasped the handle of his katana and slowly made his way to the door. Fully confident without fear, he opened the door to see Ryan standing before him with all of his cloths wet. The storm was picking up as Vylon wished and smiled at his servant. [B]"I see you've done your work well."[/B] as Vylon welcomed him inside. [B]"Iceliena is destroyed my lord...I know you wished for it not too be...but it was quite simple really...melting the ice underneath the city by opening up the sun to immense heat...you should have seen it."[/B] [B] "I suppose I shall forgive you for your disobediance...do not let it happen again." [/B]Vylon recognized this young mans talents, and tried to understand his continual ability to disobey authority. With his statement, Vylon struck Ryan hard in the jaw sending him back towards the wall. [B]"I understand...'' [/B]was all that Ryan said as he regained his composure. [B] "Are you ready to witnesse this..."[/B] added Vylon as he took his jacket from a coat hanger and dressed himself. [B]"I am honored..."[/B] replied Ryan as he made his way towards the door. Both men walked out into the cold, wet evening of Milan. The fires began to die down as soldiers patroled the city, finding any survivors from the attack. With Ryan alongside Vylon, the two quietly and calmy made their way to the city wall which overlooked the great ocean. [B]"Hey you!"[/B] yelled out one of the soldier...[B]"Notify the Dragonlords! One of the exiles is here!"[/B] [B]"Damn..."[/B] mutter Vylon underneath his breath. He didn't imagine that a simple man would recognize Ryan... Before any of the soldier could respond, both Vylon and Ryan both jumped off the great wall and began to free fall towards the water and rocks below. Vylon rather enjoyed this...he had done it before. Twisting and turning in the air, Vylon felt like he was flying with the wind blowing in his face and into his trench coat. Ryan as usual was emotionless and simply let things be. Letting go of the adrenaline rush, Vylon controlled his body movement and seemed to stand upright as they continued to fall. Only a few feet away from the bottom, Vylon stretched out both arms out to his sides and instantaneously, the two of them stopped in mid air, only a few inches from the water. Ryan continued to contain himself, but inside was amazed at the power and influence Vylon had over his powers. He had stopped time all around them...freezing everything into place...even their decent. Letting his arms down and placing his hands inside his pockets, Vylon simply walked over to one of the rocks and sat upon it while everything was still frozen in time. Knowing that it was his turn to perform...Ryan walked out into the water, letting it rise to knees...Vylon blinked his eyes and made everything right again. Men on top of the wall could not see the two men at the bottom because of the distance, and only assumed that they were dead. The Dragonheart Lords never came...they were already busy with trying to find Riven...and helping the others in the town, not knowing their great error. [B]"Where is the entrance?"[/B] questioned Ryan as he raised his hands towards the heavens, looking intensly out towards the ocean. [B]"Right in front of us."[/B] as Vylon chuckled...pointing in the distance, continuing to sit on the rock, waiting for Ryan to perform. Without hesitation, every muscle in Ryans body tensed up as he seemed to be trying to lift something up. With every inch of Ryans hands moving upward, the water near the two men began to retreat to the ocean. After a few minutes...the oceans coast was now a massive tidal wave, being held in place by Ryans power. It wasn't high enough to breach the walls of Milan, but it did reveal a small stone walkway deep into the earth. Knowing that time was short, Vylon quickly lept from his resting spot and ran down the stone walkway into the earth. People of the city were now flooding the top of the wall to get a glimpse at the marvel that was happening outside their city. Even the soldiers took time to look upon it. How quickly their fears left them...even after such an attack they were arrogant enough to let it go so easily and look upon a wonder...instead of help themselves and others. The storm suddenly became even more intense as a the rain became even more of a downpour, flooding the streets and washing away the debre and bodies. Within minutes Vylon could be seen walking out of the walkway grasping in his hands a bright red gem. Ryan couldn't see clearly because of the distance and rain, but suddenly a silver dragon appeared in front Vylon. It's eyes were red...glowing just as the gem was. It bowed to its new master and turned to the potential tsunami. Vylon began walking back towards Ryan as the beast continued to stand perfectly still...seeming to be staring at the tsunami intensly. The weight of the water was tiring Ryan, but as Vylon got to him, he placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered... [I]...let it go...[/I] Obediantly with some hesitation, Ryan let go of his control...only to have the beast immidiately roar loudly as the wave seemed to increase in size and height ten fold. It was enourmous...much taller than the great wall of Milan. With one final roar from the silver dragon, Leviathan and the two men vanished, heading back towards Vylons castle as the tsunami came crashing down upon the entire land. [SIZE=2][B]***[/B][/SIZE] Back at the Golden City, Onyxia began to feel the pain and suffering of Milan. The event that occured entered his mind violently as all their death lashed out at him...crying out for vengence. It hurt Onyxia inside....his heart breaking for the loss...the confusion of not knowing who did this...only knowing that Leviathan could do such a thing. But how?...why?...who? these questioned needed answers. Every major town was being attacked...and nothing was being answered. It would call for a uniting of the worlds greatest Dragonheart Lords to search this out...and he knew exactly who. Aulea's footsteps were heard by Onyxia walking through the temple which lay on top of the mountain with the Golden City below. Unlike its golden foundation, Onyxia's temple was made out of stone, obviously being built many decades ago. Passing the soldier that guards throughout the temple...they all recognized her and let her pass. She was calm...steady like she always was and entered Onyxia's presence. [B] "My Lord...I bid you to heed my warning...I fear that someone is trying to kill you."[/B] her voice was full of concern, and honesty and validity. However a strange scent came from her presense... [B][COLOR=DarkRed] "I am not so easily killed nor threatened Aulea...you shouldn't worry..."[/COLOR] [/B]Onyxia's voice was strong and profound, no other dragon could speak in human tongue...his valor and superiority was undenyable. [B]"May I speak openly my Lord..."[/B] added Aulea as she bowed her head in respect. Again, the strange scent flooded Onyxia's nostrils and enraged him inside knowing now the truth. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"Yes...you may...exile!"[/B][/COLOR] Onyxia roared, shaking the foundations of the temple and stood upright. He was large, but the room and the entire temple was built in sucha fashion to hold such a beast. Without any reaction, not even a flinch...Aulea smiled from underneath her hair falling over her face and slowly began to fade in and out. After a few moments, the fading stopped and revieled a small boy with black and silver hair...staring at his former master. [B] "My new Master says hello."[/B] Yuri's smiled turned sedistic and evil.[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=1][RIGHT][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] Once you all are done with your individual fight scenes, you all will be summoned to the Golden City to convene and discuss this recent incident. This will give all of you a chance to meet one another...and truly get this rpg underway:)[/COLOR][/RIGHT][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER]The night lite up in flames in all of its glory as Vylon walked the streets of Milan as Riven unleashed his fury upon the city. [I]In and out...[/I] Vylon thought to himself as the screams could be heared throught the entire town. It was late...and it would be soon till the Dragonheart Lords would be upon them... Bodies lay everywhere on the streets as the guards scrambled around, trying to gain their composure against the unexpected attack...but Vylon was concerned with none of these things... Reaching the castle gates, guards stopped him on either side of him...because of the chaos...soldiers were being dispatched to different areas of the city to fight back the dragons. [B] "You may pass no further...''[/B] declared one of the guards, holding a spear to Vylons throat at a distance. Thee other grasped the handle of his sword...prepared for retaliation. [B]"Oh but I insist..."[/B] and without any warning...the guard with the sword suddenly was decapitated. To his own eyes, Vylon had not moved...the spear was still upon his throat. [B]"In Gods name..."[/B] the soldier muttered...he was panicing...just the sight...the disbelief alone stunned him. [B]"And I am he."[/B] with that, Vylon hit aside the spear with his left arm and thrust his blade into the mans throat coming out the back of his head. With a sudden flick of his wrist, the blade sliced the skull in half easily. [B] "Archers!"[/B] cried out another soldier as he witnessed the gate being raised. Immidiately dozens of arrows were being fired upon Vylon as he entered the courtyard. A small amount of warriors were waiting for him as well, guarding the achives of the castle. [I]...fools...[/I] and in a flash of light...he dissapeared and reappeared in multiple areas around the entire courtyard, leaving the archers lost...they had nothing to aim at. And one by one...the men in the courtyard fell...bodies falling limp and disfigured in moments. Finally stopping his movement in front of the massive red door of the library, the archers finally pulled back their bows and prepared to fight...but if on queue, five dragons converged on the wall of the castle and began to kill all the archers that had seen Vylon. Smiling in his success wickedly, he sliced through the door with his katana and walked through a small opening. Upon entering, a battle cry of a few unrecognizable dragons interrupted the chaos outside... [I]...ah...the Dragonhearts...they're here...[/I] the Dragonhearts of Milan were now upon his breeded dragons; protecting their dear city. With the battle outside roaring, Drako entered his mind. [COLOR=DarkRed]Riven has done as you asked and is now fleeing to the mountains for shelter...[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy] Good...have some of our dragons stay and keep the Dragonheart Lords preoccupied...my time here is almost done...[/COLOR] And indeed it was, Vylon was now searching for a scroll...one of great importance...that which this entire invasion was based around. [B]"Ah...finally...the Legend of Leviathan."[/B] the scroll was written in a blue ink that seemed to shine in the darkness of the library. Vylon could hear footsteps in the hall above so he tucked it away in his coat and used his power and stopped time completely. Everything around him...the flame of the torches...the shifting of stone and dust from the attacks...even sound...the noise of battle all faded and stood still while the master easily made his way outside the castle walls. All the soldiers, dragons, civilians...everyone was motionless...not aware of what was walking past them. To the naked eye...he moved faster than light itself. Safely finding himself back at his quarters within the city away from the main fighting and destruction, he locked his door...and began to read and study...unlocking the secret that he seeked. [I] I wonder if the Dragonhearts are doing well against my new pets...better yet...if my new servants are enjoying themselves...[/I][/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]"Welcome my brothers and sisters...I respect your courage coming to this place and leaving your exiled lands."[/B] Each figure around the table nodded silently in response in the isolated room apart from the local bar. These kind of settings were used for secret meetings...lucky for Vylon he was able to have the innkeeper give permission to use it. Six individuals sat with Vylon...four men, two females. Their names...they were simply known as Ryan, Mr. Death, Yuri and Riven for the men; the women are Grace and Raine. Riven is a bright young man who is agile and eratic...doing everything and anything he can to prove how worthy he really is. (see RogueAcholics Signup for more info) Ryan is an average built man with many scars over his muscular body...one specific scar could be seen on the left side of his face...then underneath his clothing it goes all the way down to his left thigh. Vylon didn't know much about him when he saught him out...but his reputation of getting into trouble and recklessness was exactly what he was looking for. [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/josef.jpg]Click Here for Picture[/URL] He and his dragon Stormwind possess the power of the weather...being able to change the weather in anyway he sees fit. Ryan weilds a variety of daggers and poisons. Stormwind is so small it can fit inside a small backpack. Mr. Death...his name explains it all. The Dragonheart Lords captured him many years back when he was found torturing dragons to produce and enhance the violent gene within Dragons; he and Vylon have been working close together on this. He's very tall and weilds a scythe possessing extrodinary strength given to him by his dragon whom he later killed in his experiments. [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/zasalamel.jpg]Click here for picture[/URL] Yuri is a young boy who was for some unknown reason kicked out of the Golden City for insulting the great Onyxia in his wisdom in regards to a certain situation with another fellow student. He seemed to have such an innocent side to him, but inside he was aggressive and violent...just like Vylon which he attached and associated himself with. Yuri weilds no weapon, but with his dragon Joon...Yuri is able to create illusions which can take physical form for a brief amount of time before fading. Compared to his small size...Joon is a massive dragon, almost the size of Vylons dragon Drako. [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/boy.jpg]Click Here for Picture[/URL] Grace was once a high priestess within the Dragonheart Lord order...almost rising to be one of the most greatest priestesses of the Golden City. Having the ability to talk with any animal in the world...along with the power to control and bend them to her will. She no longer uses her dragon...she's given her Dragons BloodShard to Vylon to create a staff to harness the dragons power and now uses mythical beasts as her companions. She was exiled right before her judgement because of her infatuation with Onyxia...and her ability to control him as well. [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/red2.jpg]Click here for Picture...ignore wings[/URL] And finally...Raine. She is just as sedistic and terrifying as Vylon...having the same trait for spilling anothers blood, however she can't control herself most of the time. She is young; the same age as Yuri...the girl who he defended against Onyxia. Raine had taken the life of another student due to her desire for killing. Yuri believed she shouldn't have been exiled...but treated and cured. Onyxia heard none of it and banished both...punishing Yuri for siding with such a monster. Raine uses the sword which is shown in the picture...the wings are artificial...believing she is truly the blood god. She has no real power...only that of to kill...every single attribute is enhanced once she feeds on flesh. Raine is a canabal...and flesh fuels her to her godlike self.[URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/red3.jpg]Click here for picture[/URL] Each of these individuals now sat in front of their new master...someone whom they now call friend. The one who gave them back a life that the Dragonheart Lords took away from them...and now...it was there time for revenge. [B] ''I'm sorry to take you all away from you posts...but I've decided that the time is now..."[/B] [B] "You remember how they treated you...abandoned you...exiled you from your life...your loved ones."[/B] Again...they all nodded...quiet...and obediant... [B] "Don't kill them swiftly...make them suffer...take your time with them and above all...have fun."[/B] Vylon smiled wickedly as he rose from his seat...as they followed suit. [B]"Yuri...Raine...you are going to the Golden City. Riven, you are to lead the attack on Milan. Mr. Death...you have Darkshire...Ryan you have Icelenia...and Grace, you have Desolace. You all will be accompanied by many of the dragons me and Mr. Death have breeded for you. Remember...don't destroy everything...not yet...just let them know who you are and that you're back."[/B] Everyone got out of their seats and headed to the door to exit. Vylon stopped Riven and placed a hand on his shoulder... [B] "I'm counting on you to take matters into your own hands here...make me proud...and do what I've instructed."[/B] And with that Riven nodded...and they all left in their different directions. Within hours...revenge will be tasted for the first time. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] [RIGHT]OOC: You may choose to have these attack occur whenever you'd like...but do not kill any of these characters...you'll be encountering them throughout the story. I'm glad to see most of you are interested and having fun already...enjoy:).[/RIGHT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER]More roots began to tangle themselves all around Tegan as he continued to pulled the sword from his body. Quickly his legs and knees where bond together and to the earth, holding him still. Suddenly smelling Jades blood, the beast within lustfully began to try and advance himself upon her. Immidiately, more roots were summoned unconciously by Jade in her defense and continued to hold down the beast. They glow of Tegans sword now had faded and was completely merged with the beasts being. Screaming and howling in the darkness of forest...the split in Tegans mind began to mend violently; a never-ending battle within his mind between man and beast seemed to be coming to an end. Jade sat up slowly, trying to tend to her wound on her arm. Looking at the monster before her struggling...it seemed nothing was happening...the beast was still strong. Wrapping one of her own bandages around the wound, she made her way cautiously towards the monster. Still yelling and screaming to the blades impact and pain, Jade began to beat it aggressively and almost uncontrolably...yelling herself...hoping Tegan would hear her. [B] "COME ON TEGAN! FIGHT IT! DONT LET IT WIN!"[/B] punching and kicking as the beast was still bound to the ground as it rested upon it's knees, the roots kept it upright so that she could continue hitting it...not letting it fall. [B]"GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF! GAIN BACK CONTROL! KILL IT!"[/B] she proclaimed...unaware of one of the roots on the monster right arm giving way. Suddenly it snapped, and the beasts claws were thrust into into Jades left chest...going underneath his rip right into her lung. Everything...including time seemed to stop in that moment as everything silenced. Jade's body seemed to become limp from the shock in the monsters grasp as she struggled to breath . The beast continued to growl and exposed its fangs to bit her as she came closer. But something unexplainable happened...upon looking at her lifeless figure...the beast...for just an instant...looked upon the beauty that was before him. The sword in its side was now completely black, all of Tegans life was fully absorbed into the monster. In that moment...the beast cried...Tegans personality started to become fully aware and control; letting Jade's body fall to the ground from his claws. The roots entangling him slithered back into the earth as Jades control over them faded. In the darkness of the night...Tegan again changed...within his mind...within his heart...both sides died, and were now giving rise to his true self. The monster was now dead, its body decaying, leaving only a shell to be filled. The sword began to glow brightly again, and the beasts body was engulfed in light as it transformed once again. Jade lay upon her back, unable to look upon the wonder that was occuring...she simply looked up at the stars of the night...not full of worry, but of joy and love...knowing that Tegan was going to be ok. When it was all over...a human figure showed itself before her upward glance. Her life was fading...and her vision was becoming blurry; unable to see cleary what was before her...but she knew who it was...it was Tegan. [B]"Did...did I do good?"[/B] she struggled greatly to get those words out...but Tegan was already frantically trying to revive her as she began to slip away more and more. [B]"You're going to be alright Jade...dont let go!"[/B] he yelled...his presense was somehow different to her...but she could tell deep down it was him. Tegan was kneeling down next to her on her right side...grasping both of her hands tightly, resting them right above her chest...trying to give back to her some life. [B]"It's ok Tegan...I'm...I'm ready..."[/B] [B]''No...please Jade...this is why I told you to go..."[/B] still she could not see his face...but tears could be felt falling upon hers. [B]"Tegan......I couldn't leave you...you...would have done the same for me..."[/B] she grasped his hands tightly...trying to assure him that everything would be ok. [B]"...no...Jade..."[/B] the tears were coming uncontrolablly now....it felt like his heart was going to die along with her. [B]"you...you have to save you sister...your mother...you..." [/B]she suddenly started to cough up blood...she cleared her throat for one last thing...[B]"go..........go kick their ass."[/B] Jade mustered up a big smile and brought her gaze to look upon him, and in that moment...she was gone. It seemed like the trees themselves as they hit against each other in the wind, they were singing...a song of sadness...or loss...of respect. The wind whistled and howled in anger and frustration...all the emotions Tegan could not find the energy nor words to express. [I]...I love you Jade...and thank you...[/I] Continuing to hold her hands...trying to give some of his own life energy...her buried his head into her stomach and cried.... Suddenly he sensed two vampires coming in their direction...if he didn't act quickly they would easily see them in the clearing... Sin and Ena emerged from the forest into the small clearing and looked upon the destruction that was left...only to find no one there...both were left bewildered...not by the fact that there was someone here just a moment ago...but the presense and sense of power that was left. [COLOR=Black][B][SIZE=2]***[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] Back at the now burning temple, Talyn, Thayne and the rest of the Wakanda began to flee from the building, meeting Kalei and Riley outside. Talyn quickly explained everything that had happened within with Ena and Sin. Everyone grouped together so that they could protect one another from any potential threat for it was still nighttime and a perfect opportunity for the vampires to strick. The long grass of the field gave some protection in hiding as the healers tended to the burned and wounded from the attack. Kalei stood in the long grass as everyone hide themselves...watching over her beloved Wakanda. Suddenly, without warning, Kalei could hear noise in the grass to the back of her. She immidiately prepared to defend herself...her power instantly erupting...but was quickly subsided by the sight of Jade's body lying in the grass. She quickly ran to Jade's side in confusion and looked upon the wound in her left breast. Kalei was going to yell for help...but suddenly caught glimpse of a bright figure standing outer boundry of the forest. Kalei's owl like sight could see clear enough to see a set of dark brown eyes looking back at her with love. It was that of a man...with long red hair of waist length blowing in the wind across his face... [I]...my son...[/I] the realization overflowed her with hope and joy as the figure faded away. Muttering underneath her breath...[B]"my son lives..."[/B] it brought a big smile to her...only to be gone as Jade coughed once again...suddenly snapping out of death. [B]''Someone get over here quick!"[/B] yelled Kalei...[B]"Jade needs to be healed immidiately!"[/B] [COLOR=DarkRed][I]...It's time...that the vampires had a new predator...and I am he...[/I][/COLOR][/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][I]...no.......[/I] The frustration and anger began to tear Tegan apart from the inside...his heart feeling like it was about to burst out of his ribcage. Hidding within a small cave, the transformation was beginning...not into a vampire...but a monster. Tegan began to develop two sets of fangs on his upper and lower set of teeth, every muscle in his body began to tense and overdevelope from their norm. His hair began to grow rapidly as well into the color red...falling all the way down to his ankles. Throwing himself into the stone walling of the cave, Tegan continued to fight with himself...continuously trying to fight back his urges...but in time...the thirst did win, and later that night...he turned...not to a vampire...but something else. The transformation took so much energy that the energy from all the plants and animals just died within that area. Tegan unconciously was drawing the life out of everything during this process. He was mindless...without thought... Wandering the forest like a rapid beast...he fed on every lifeform he came across, however his thirst was not satisfied...he needed something else...something richer. Having the instincts of a vampire now...Tegan sensed he was being persued by someone...and without hesitation, he hid himself in the trees...stalking that which hunted him. Jade walked through the forest calmy and patiently...taking in the environment, taking her time in her hunt. She had done this many times in Australia...countless time she and Tegan had hunted with one another...hunting vampires. She understood now though that she hunted not only her companion...but something completely different. Grasping Tegan's sword to her side, she kept her senses sharp...following the tracks that the beast had left behind. However she did not know that behind her, Tegan was already following, making not a sound. [I] ...it's too quiet...[/I] she thought to herself, and instinctively turned around, only to find no one there. She knew better...and knew that the predator was still in back of her. Impressed with its speed, she swung her sword upwards with her left hand as she turned around. Tegan swifly moved back to avoid the swing only to see Jade holding her right hand in front of her concentrating greatly upon something. Without warning...a massive tree uprooted itself from the earth and thrusted itself at Tegan. The beast stood firmly in its rage and prepared to catch the tree. Foolish as it was, the tree was so heavy it knocked Tegan backwards and slammed itself against another tree with Tegan in the middle of the two trees. Even as quick as the battle was so far...it was so fast and intense it took a lot of her energy to do and left her gasping for air, sweat already began to form on her forehead. She didn't have enough time to fully see what Tegan had become...but she could only imagine how terrifying he was now. Fear forced its way into her mind, but she stood strong and surpressed it as much as possible. Tegan true presense continued to surround her...as if the sword was a barrier. Suddenly the tree's burst apart all around Tegan, leaving an opening in the forest. Now, Jade could see the horror that Tegan had become. Tall and muscular...far more than he was originally, his eyes still had their red glow, but now his hair was red, and blood seemed to be stained all over his skin. As brave and courageous as Jade was...she felt scared...not for herself...but for Tegan. [RIGHT][I][COLOR=Black]...I told you to run.......[/COLOR][/I] Tegans voice came to her find, just as it was in her vision of him. [I]You know me...I never back down from a fight...[/I] she was glad to hear his voice once again, and tried to be enthusiastic and positive as always. [I] [COLOR=Black]The same stubborn woman as always huh...well....I guess there is no stopping it now. My sword should protect you from my dark spells...this beast before you should not be able to drain you as long as you hold my sword...[/COLOR][/I] [/RIGHT] His voice was encouraging, but upon grasping his sword...she realized what he was saying... [RIGHT][I]I can't kill you Tegan...please...dont ask that of me...[/I][/RIGHT] The beast looked terrifying as it continued to stand several yards away from her...waiting patiently for her first move. It began to lick its lips...anticipating to rip through her flesh. [RIGHT][I] [COLOR=Black]...but it must be done...that thing...cannot live...[/COLOR][/I] [I] ...but...Katima and Kalei still need you...I need you...[/I] [I][COLOR=Black]...it's ok...please...strike me down...I cannot live as that thing...[/COLOR] [/I] [I]...but...there must be another way...and I will find it...I swear it![/I][/RIGHT] She gribbed the sword tightly and felt all the energy in the forest around her...waiting to obey her every command. [COLOR=Black][I][RIGHT]Alright...you win...this beast is more Vampire than anything...my Wakanda powers reside in my sword...good luck...[/RIGHT][/I][/COLOR][/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [FONT=Impact][RIGHT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=4]Blood Omen[/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT][/FONT] [SIZE=1][CENTER][B]Demonchild[/B] - Keisha [B]Astdis[/B] - Ren [B]Gemini[/B] - Alno'dra [B]RogueAcholic[/B] - Riven [B]Takuya[/B] - Aulea [B]Sin[/B] - Kain [B]Aizen[/B] - Izlandi [B]Angelus[/B] - Sol Kraven[/CENTER][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]The long lost perfurm of the sea flooded his nostrils and soul as he sat on top of the great wall of Milan as it repelled the crashing waves of the great ocean. The structure of the wall was massive; being part of the cities foundation of course. Its height was 1,000 feet high...its top only began the base flooring of the city itself. It felt like being in heaven...overlooking the ocean blue. [RIGHT][I] Why must such a beauty be mortal...why must it be so weak...it should be perfect. Her scent faded from me like the passing wind. It's power overwelming and power, ceasing control of my nerves and sanity, becoming everything I lacked...then gone within an instant.[/I] [B]"Why must you leave so soon my sweet...my queen, goddess, inspiration?"[/B] [B]"You will always have a piece of me, however my place is apart from you...we can never be...maybe in another life."[/B] [B]"But I need you...my antidote...my love...to satisfy the cravings of an imperfect world...to keep me alive and young. You are what they could never give...do not leave such an old man alone to wither away and die."[/B] [I]Memories of their past plagued his mind...reminding him of what was...what is...and what it all could have been.[/I] [I] The shimmering light of this young woman engulfed him as the sun shined from behind her. She felt compassion and indeed love for the dying old man. So...in her loyalty to him she knelt down as he lay on a couch. Gently brushing the back of her hand across his face, he immidiately regained his former life. Young and handsome, life and energy filled him once more.[/I] [B] "I will always be with you...forgive me for my foolishness."[/B] [I]she admitted, submitting her will to his. However, the damage was already done...and a different thought went through the mans mind.[/I] [B]"I love you...and I know you would do anything for me...but I see now that you have your own life, and you wish to live it...never could I ask you to give up your desires for the necessities of a dying man. All I needed to know...was that you still felt something for me...so please...now..."[/B] [I]as he pulled her hand away from his face...her power slipping away from him.[/I] [B]"let me slip me away...for the last time."[/B][/RIGHT] [B]"What are you writting mister?"[/B] questioned a young girl as she looked up at Vylon who was finishing up the last sentences of this short story. [B]"A story of love my dear...and all that it implies."[/B] he responded. Closing his brown, leather covered book, he placed it in his long blue coat and jumped from the walls edge onto the stone street. The little girl wasn't more than eight years of age, looking up at him with innocent eyes. Without saying another word...he placed a soft hand upon her head and walked past her. [B] "It was nice meeting you!"[/B] she declared politely, but was not given a response. [COLOR=Navy] Has Riven been instructed yet Drako?[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]He has my master...he travels to this place now and seeks you in Milan. [/COLOR] Vylon walked the streets of Milan calmly and innocently, making every attempt not to draw attention to himself without notice nor suspicion. No one around him realized the plot that was being planned, nor the desires of this man that walked before them. No one knew him, nor recognized his face...but he walked like them...looked like a Milanian...so they all went about their business without question. [COLOR=DarkRed] A storm is coming as you wished master.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]Excellent...get everything in place, have the Lords meet me here and wait for my command, I'm getting a drink.[/COLOR] The voice faded within his mind as Vylon entered a local bar and ordered a round of drinks for himself as he took a seat alone. Opening up his book once again, he continued to write a different story. [RIGHT][I] The beast roared with power and authority as all those around him bowed in submission. And one by one...they will fall in time to the death that he will bring.[/I][/RIGHT][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] [RIGHT]OOM: Welcome to Blood Omen...post whatever you'd like in your first post about your character and what you'd like to clear up and state, for this will be getting active very soon. [/RIGHT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  15. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Hey everyone...I think it's about time we start this rpg. Thank you all for your patience...and these are the individual signups whom I've chosen to participate. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [RIGHT][COLOR=Olive]Demonchild781[/COLOR], Astdis, Takuya, Gemini_Pheonix, RogueAcholic, [COLOR=DarkGreen]Sin[/COLOR], [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Aizen[/COLOR], [COLOR=Olive]Angelus_Necare[/COLOR][/RIGHT] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Congraluations to all those who've been chosen...the rpg is now up in the adventure square. Please post as soon as possible. Thank you...and enjoy :D (side note: for most of the rpgs i've been in...I've come up with a sountrack for all the characters as well as battles/situations/relationships within the story. So for starters...think of a song that best defines your character and mention it at the end of your post. This is a side thing that I enjoy doing...it makes the rpg more 'real,' and others have found this to be true as well) ~kairi[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [SIZE=1][CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Alright...im starting to see more signups coming in. I'm going to leave this open for another two days so for those who have things to change in order to be a part of this rpg (you know who you are), please do so asap. Those who haven't posted and plan onto, please do so asap as well. Thank you again for all of you and your signups, and I wish you the best of luck. After the two days I'll look for the modifications and tell who is in and who is out. take care ~kairi[/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=1]Name: Vylon Sex: Male Appearance: [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/180px-920607_20050106_screen059.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Vylon is a sedistic, and very intelligent being whom those who cross his path come to call 'The Great Manipulator.' It seems in every situation, he is always one step ahead of the opposition; and his intentions are always hidden until they are completely exposed...working in the shadows to have his darkest desires and ambitions succeed. No one knows who he is or where he comes from...not even Onyxia himself. But despite his smooth and cold persona...he holds inside a rage and drive that is matched by his dragon Drako. Weapon/Skills: Weilding a long katana to his side, Vylon has mastered this particular blade beyond any skill of its kind found in this time, and has never been defeated. Vylon also is quite strong and agile in the fighting ways of an assassin. He's not stronger than a gladiator or any of those types...but is not one to take ligthly. Power: Through his dragon Drako, Vylon is granted the power over time itself. Finding this power at a young age, slowly throughtout the years Vylon has developed the ability to control time...either to speed up or slow down for longer and longer periods of time, granting him uncontested speed. Soon, he wishes to be able to rip the fabric of time itself and travel through time. Writing Snippet: We go back 20 years into the past from the present day in this time...Vylon...only a child at this time wanders away helplessly away from his burning village. *** Flames could be heard bursting in the distance as its glimmering lights fluttered up towards the heavens of the night as the young boy crawled ever so quickly away from the pillaged town to a large tree away and watched in horror. Men who he could not see in detail in the dark ran from house to house...killing the men and children...raping the women...stealing all that they laid their eyes upon. They growled like animals...dirty and corrupt as they continued throughout the night. Suddenly, one of them saw the young boy cowering alongside the tree and quickly summoned three more to his side and persued him. Instinctively, with an overwelming feeling of panic and fear, the young boy sprinted into the forest...running as hard as he could. In the camouflage of the night and the plants, the wicked men couldn't see him, but could hear the branches brushing against each other in the direction that he was running. Realizing his error to late, the young boy suddenly found the forest end, resulting in him running off a tall cliff. The men persuing him wisely stopped and witnessed the young boys body crash into the waters below...believing he must certainly be dead from the rocks. However, miraculously the young boy survived the fall and found himself being washed ashore with the city of Milan hovering above. With little strength that he could...the boy opened his eyes an looked up upon the cities marvelous structure and beauty as his life seemed to fade away. In that moment...a cold bitterness was born within him...a vengence and rage fueled by a simply question... [I] ...why...why were you not there to save my family...?[/I] With the loss of his mother and father plaguing his mind, the young boy closed his eyes in tears...for what he thought would be the last time. *** Two years pass, and the boy is now the age of 8...still alive...wandering the world as a savage...vowing to never join the society that abandoned him. Living off of nature and its creatures...it seemed like he was turning into an animal himself. One day however...his destiny was opened up to him as he witnessed a rare, ancient and what seemed to be an endangered dragon...a youngling running away form two predators. Without hesitation, with his two years of survival in the wilderness...the young boy challenged the predators for the right to have th dragon and won. From that moment on...Vylon himself does not know what compelled him to return to the town he once knew. But as he grew up in his teachings with his new friend beside him...his ambitions became clear...and began to plan...began to train...to make what he wished to become real. And in all this time...he keeps the identiy of his dragon and his own secret from all...even the Dragonheart Lords. [B]''The Blood Shards...hold the key...to my future..."[/B] Dragons Name: Drako Appearance: [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/images.jpg[/IMG] Drako's rough skin is a dark blue color with tints of silver spread across its scales, back and eyes. Its size is like a behemoth, towering most basic building structures. Personality: Drako is the exact duplicate of Vylon in personality and behavior. Both of their minds are connected...sometimes what Vylon thinks, Drako will react and visa versa without hesitation. Upon Drako's maturity, wisdom from centuries of other dragons in his family flooded his mind...and ever since has been protecting and teaching Vylon in his powers, as well as telling him of the Blood Shards. [/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
  18. [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Sorry to change some things...but please take note that I have added a Weapon/Skills section within the character signups. I originally was going to leave this out for I thougth t it wasn't necessary, however in my past experience this kind of information is needed...for those who have posted already...I again apologize and would like this to put included in your sign ups. thank you very much for taking your time to read this. Good sign ups thus far...keep im comin. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  19. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed]They give back to us what we lack the most in times of dire need...[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]...Strength...Courage...Hope...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]They are what holds this world together in peace and harmony...[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]...they are...the Dragonheart Lords...[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray] We find ourselves during the middle ages full of fantasy and wonder; when dark forces pillaged and burned all that was good and pure. Tall white pillars in every major city hovers over the population below...even over their Kings' castles. They are the homes of the publics most respected and beloved heroes; the Dragonhearts. These incredible individuals have the ability to communicate with dragons, and harness their amazing powers. Soaring the skies together...one soul...one spirit...one heart; their lives and fate are connected till death. The Dragonheart Lords are men and women who have known their dragon since childhood. Whether by accident, or was given to within the Dragonheart guild...the two were brought together and were recruited to serve and protect. [COLOR=Red]But not all....become Lords....[/COLOR] Upon reaching a mature age, each is judged by the Dragonhearts leader...Onyxia...a dragon who is able to speak in human tongue...and glance into the potential future. Those who are accepted are given the title of Dragonheart Lord and are either sent out into the world to protect the innocent against evil and live in the white pillars, or they are asked to stay in the Golden City of the Gods which Onyxia dwells and teach the younglings. Those who are seen unworthy of Lordship...are thrown out of the great city and are given a normal life of servitude while their dragons are killed or exiled. This doesn't happen often...for the guild does not make many mistakes in their selection and recruitment...but there are...a few... And this is where our story begins...not with an exile...but of a man who threatens everything the Dragonheart Lords live for. [/COLOR] [SIZE=3][B]***[/B][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]The night was dark and cold as the winds outside the cave crashed against the mountainside. The wind roared as if in anger as the beast and its master made their way deeper into the mountain. The tunnel was in complete darkness as the two slowly made their way closer to their prey. Finally, a flicker of light could be seen...the closer they got, the large the light became. The beast and its master eventually found themselves at the entrance of a large chasm...filled with torches; its walls were covered in precious gems and stones which reflected the flames, brightening the massive room. In the middle of the stone room rested a massive, golden dragon...breathing heavily and irregularly. The beast made its way to the dragons side as the master stood before the dragon...face to face. Compared to the fallen dragon, the masters was a behemoth, easily towering over even this massive monster. The fallen dragon slowly raised his head to look upon the human standing before him. [B]"You know why I am here..."[/B] said the unknown man coldly and firm...not flinching at all at the powerful dragon. [B]"You...were given such a precious gift...why?"[/B] the sound that the dragon made was faint...a tone that only a Dragonheart Lord or someone trained in their ways could detect and understand. But without warning nor response, the young man darted towards the dragon with incredible speed and unsheathed his long katana to his side. The dragon began to raise one of its arms to swipe at the human, but suddenly the human dissapeared, and before the dragon could respond, the human was now on its head. With the clinging of a blade echoing in the cavern...it was moments later till the dragons entire head split into multiple seperate sections and collapsed upon the stone floor, the dragons body instantly falling limp...cold...and dead. Obediantly without any order as the human jumped off the corpse, the beast turned over the dead dragon and exposed its ribcage. The human stared intensly at the exposed area and thrusted his arm inward. Shortly after his search within...the young man pulled out a glowing red shard. [B]"I must have more..."[/B] muttered the young man as the beast and he walked out of the cavern into the dark night. Leaping onto the dragons back...they flew into the mist and faded away. [/COLOR] [SIZE=3] [COLOR=Black]***[/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]SIGN-UPS[/COLOR] [/SIZE] [COLOR=Black]Welcome to Blood Omen. This is a fantasy world...so let your imagination run wild in its environmental lookings as well as species. The Dragonheart Lords are the heroes of this time, each with their own unique personailities and powers. You can choose to be a Dragonheart Lord...stationed in one of these five cities... [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Milan[/COLOR]- a peace city located on the coast of the great ocean...overlooking the entire sea. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Desolace[/COLOR]- a massive city in the middle of a desert, made purly out of a strong crystaline structure. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Darkshire[/COLOR]- found deep within the worlds most exotic rainforest...looks like a Inca temple containing the greatest technological advancements in the world. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Iceliena[/COLOR]- a grand city made our of white ivory on a isolated island with an everlasting winter climate. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]The Golden City[/COLOR]- made out of pure gold, this city stands as a symbol to the worlds peace and prosperity. The head officials of each region live here from each of the four cities to convene with the King and Queen. Those Dragonheart Lords who live here are teachers at the school for the younglings watched over by their head master Onyxia who dwells in a tower above the city. The city itself is embedded into a mountainside; the tower is at its top. Those who are exiles are under this unknown humans influence whos intentions are not know...but their anger with the guild and with the help of this human returning to them their dragons, they are compelled to obey him in whatever ambition that he has against the Dragonheart Lords. I will give information about this unknown human in the near future. SIGN-UP Sheets: Name: Sex: Alligence: (Exile or Dragonheart) Location: (not needed for those who are exiles) Appearance: Personality: Weapon/Skills: (this is your characters mastery in whatever art you desire...again, in moderation please) Power: (given and shared with through their dragon. please keep in reason. cannot be that of time *hint hint*) Writing Snippet: (I want a general history and background of your character up to the point of your judgements with Onyxia. If you are an exile, I also want you to include your first encounter with this human...and how he helped you. I know you dont know what he looks like...but please work from there.) Dragons Name: Appearance: Personality:[/COLOR] [/SIZE] (There are limited spaces for this rpg so please be repective in your creativity and how much work you put into it)[/CENTER][/FONT]
  20. [CENTER](I dont know if this is still alive or not...but I shall post) [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][I]...enjoy it Sin...let it go...[/I] Tegan's mind mingled with Sin...ever so slightly twisting and releasing that which he feared the most[I]...no weaknesses...[/I] Ena's trial was over...his control over the corpses faded in their defeat. But now he had better things to worry about... [B]"Tegan,"[/B] Kalei said softly. [B]"I've been looking for you."[/B] Kalei had suddenly appeared from around the corner...Tegan's attention slowly turned from Jade to Kalei. The young man looked upon his mother blanky...hiding a surging emotion that overflowed him...the knowledge of her being his mother. The barrier was swiftly fading...his concentration upon it was faltering. He couldn't risk taking action with the rest of the Wakanda and his meal from interfering. Without hesitation, Tegan growled like a dog at Jade swiftly and then persued Kalei with such speed that she herself didn't anticipate. Once he grabbed her by the throat and raising his mother into the air...he and Kalei both vanished. The barrier fell...leaving the rest of the group together with Sin. Jade in particular...held her beloveds sword firmly and confidently...his true pressence continued to comfort and surround her... Upon the roof, Tegan and Kalei materialized...Tegan dropped her beside him as he collapsed to his knees. Kalei slowly brought herself to Tegan's eyesight...ignoring the pain in her throat...she looked upon him with love. [B] "...my son."[/B] she said in a peaceful tone of voice. It immidiately caused Tegan to respond, but in his calm self. For the time being...his eyes returned to their magnificant golden red shine. [B]"...what am I?"[/B] were the first words that came from his mouth. His tone was like of a child. His body was shivering...obviously struggling with something inside him...tearing his inner being apart...like a beast upon a newborns body. Kalei crawled her way close to him and held him close...embracing him for the first time as her son. [B]"You are what you are...my precious child...one who i love with all of myself...and that will never change."[/B] Bringing his head to look upon his mother...he moved his head forward and kissed her check. [B]"I love you mother...and I know you love me...but do not bother with me...there is another who you must worry about more than me...now is not our time..."[/B] [B]"Tegan...how could I possibly not worry about you...look at yourself...look at what you're becoming...I can sense death all over you."[/B] [B]"It is too late for me mother...that kind of support...I have to do this on my own...I need time...I'm stronger than she is...but she's not going to last"[/B] [B]"Oh my God..."[/B] a quick burst of worry and concern shot throughout her entire system. Then suddenly...Tegan quickly rose to his feet...an added sense of fear surrounded Kalei as she looked upon Tegan's burning red eyes that engulfed him once more. [B]"We are linked...she and I...if one of us falls...so shall the other."[/B] a sedistic tone flowed from his lips as he looked down lustfully at his mother. [I]...no...malik...don't...[/I] but Kalei could not speak the words as Tegan began to lean down to grab her. Kalei was strong though...and she was ready to fight this monster that took her sons body. In the distance upon the temples rooftop, Jade came running to Kalei's aid...and saw the horrific aura that surrounded him as he stood over Kalei. Grasping the swords handle tightly...she mustered up all the strength the had within her and threw the sword at Tegan as tears formed in her eyes. The impact from the sword thrusting into Tegan's right shoulder close to his lungs was intense and sent him flying off the roof onto the ground below creating a minor crator. Jade ran right past Kalei to look upon Tegans body which lay limp on the ground. Tegans flesh seemed to burn around the blade as steam flowed skywards. At first glance Jade thought he was unconcious...then suddenly Tegan freaked at the pain and anger surged though him. Rising quickly from the ground with the sword still inside his body, Tegan screamed in anguish as it continued to burn within the wound. As he began to pull the sword out of his body...even his grasp upon the handle seemed to burn his hand. Looking to rid of it quickly, he threw it without looking right back at Jade which hit the chimmny beside her; startling her. Jade took a quick to the blade and then looked back to see Tegan running to the forest beside the temple. Jade looked at the sword again and pulled it out of the chimmny. Kalei walked up beside her as both looked at Tegan dissapear into the darkness. The sun had a tint of red within its color as it began to rise into the sky. [B] "We need to take shelter Jade."[/B] as Kalei placed a hand on Jades shoulder. Jade made no response as she continued to look out upon the forest. [B] "I have to go after him...the real Tegan wanted me to run...but he gave me this sword for a reason."[/B] Jade held it tight and showed held it in front of Kalei. Kalei sighed...and even though her heart was breaking for her son...she heeded his words and was now concerned about Katima...she trusted her son...and knew that he would be ok. [B] "I don't know what is happening to my children...but right now...I believe you are the best thing for Tegan right now."[/B] Jade turned to Kalei with tears in her eyes. She didn't have to say it...Kalei could see Jade's feelings for Tegan clear as crystal. Turning away from Kalei for a moment...she looked out at the horizon as the sun began to dissapear...and muttered[I]...I'm sorry...[/I][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]* In a room away from the rest of the group, a young woman...is beginning to give into the influences of a dark figure that towers above her as she kneels in obediance* (I hope that helps...if you include Katima in your next post PM her first for the direction that she wants to go in)[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B]"so..."[/B] the anticipated purpose of Tegan's asking Ena to follow. [B]"...I am told that you morn still for the death this...Richard."[/B] Tegan turned his glance back towards the phantomed expression upon Ena's face. She didn't know why...but the way he said it frightened her...hurt her...as if she shouldn't be feeling for his death. Immidiately in a protective manor...[B]"what would you know Tegan?" [/B] her hunger was gone as she pushed aside the plate. [B]''I know more than you know...and it is time that you realize something before you test my patience."[/B] [B]"And that would be..."[/B] Surprisingly...Tegan came back with a compassionate voice and tone. [B]"It was not your fault Ena..."[/B] This unexpected change confused her..."I know you're trying to help Tegan...but really...I'm fine." [B]"Oh really..."[/B] the voice was gone[B]..."then perhaps you should know that it was Richards fault for his own death...not the vampires."[/B] Again...the sudden change was a shock...and Ena grew even more bitter and enraged at the subject. [B]"Shut up Tegan! You have no idea what you're talking about!"[/B] [B] "I dont do I...well let me explain this...Richard was too weak to fight...his mind was too preoccupied with a woman...my sister. He hadn't the will to act and subdued himself to their control. He wasn't ready...and neither are you to continue if you do not get past this."[/B] He glotted over her as he walked around the kitchen towards her. Her heart was breaking...Tegan could tell...and this was just the beginning. [B]"But do not fret...I have a surprise for you...you see that door..."[/B] Tegan lifted up Ena's now cowering face and pointed towards a side door to the kitchen. [B]"Whats in there...?"[/B] her rage was gone...her fragility became to great... [B]"You know who......have fun..."[/B] and with that...Tegan left. Strickened with fear...Ena slowly got out of her chair and made her way to the cold. As she approached it...cold air swept over her and caused her to shiver...only adding more anxiety to her fear. She dizzy; disoriented....Gabbing hold of the doorknob...she slowly turned it. It gave a creaking noise as she fully opened the door and peeked inside. At first it was total darkness...then one figure appeared...then more...standing perfectly still side by side with glowing eye colors...glaring right at her. As Ena took one step inside...she saw their faces...and nearly threw up. Back in the hallway, Tegan couldn't muster up a smile...a sedistic smile at best since coming back to the temple. He felt pleasure in tormenting the weak...but a part of him...his true self hoped that Ena would learn from this and grow strong. But that side was quickly surpressed as Tegan made his way throughout the temple... [B] "Time to find mommy."[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][RIGHT][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Tegan has given Ena a very power hallucinagen (blood) within her little breakfast:) Richard and the others who died in the castle will be seen...but in reality they are the bodies of those 'I' took from the recovery room. [/COLOR] [/SIZE] [/RIGHT] [/FONT]
  22. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Within the recovery room, rested four young men and a single nurse...frantically shifting from one to thee other...trying to restore their mangled bodies from Sin's attacks. She did all that she could...but was unaware that death was coming for them all. The lights flickered on and off within the recovery room as the men screamed in agony...the nurse had taken just a few moments of rest within her office when she heard the screams. Running as fast as she could, she entered the recovery room to find it completely deserted. Nothing remained...nothing seemed to be touched or turned over without any sign of struggle. The light within the room continued to fade in and out as she examined closer. Each of the four beds was completely clean...no blood from their wounds...nothing. It was as if no one had been in here at all. Then before it was too late...her heart seemed to stop beaten at the pressence that she felt. Cold and paralyzed...her body shook and shivered all over as she fearfully turned around to her predator. But before she could see its face......the lights...went out. Not a sound...not a word...and the room was left as it was...in perfect condition as her body dissappeared...the power to the lights now fully restored. [I]...they shall not find you here...[/I] [B][CENTER]***[/CENTER][/B] Tegan was bored...stalking the halls of the temple like that of a child...exploring his surroundings...experimenting with himself... The avoidance of Jade in his search was beginning to concern him...never had it been this hard before to seek her out. But it did not matter...he had other things to attend to. [I][COLOR=DarkRed]Blood...it brings all the elements together to produce life...water to fluid and production...air to oxygen...earth to nutrients...lightning to electrolytes, power of the body...fire to heat and flow through its veins. [/COLOR] [/I] [COLOR=DarkRed][I]Wakanda...what is it to be...one of them...is it a natural birthright...or is it a set of ideals that one strives for...to become more than just a human...but to acquire their power...that of the elements...and become something else entirely. [/I] [/COLOR] Such things were useless to debate...for who knows the true nature of anything anymore. But they were interesting to think about...interesting enough to entertain his tormented mind. A sudden flow of voices echoed down the hallway which Tegan was walking in...there was an intersection up ahead as Tegan saw Katima walk across. Tears could be seen...or did come from her eyes...not looking anywhere else but towards the floor...not taking notice of Tegan at all...not even sensing him as she dissappeared behind the corner. Immidiately after...Kalei began running after Katima...they seemed to have come from the library. At first glance he wanted to run to her...to his mother...but he held himself back as she dissapeared from his sight as well. Overflowing with thoughts...Tegan stood perfectly still and alone for a moment...trying to contain himself. After a few minutes...he began to walk again...he was brought out of his thoughts by the realization that he knew he was 'hungry.' Walking into the middle of the intersection...Talyn almost ran right into him in his rush to get to the exercise area. Tegans big, bright red eyes glared down upon him in a lustful manor as he could sense the potential elements flooding through Talyns being. [B]"Tegan...Kalei was just here looking for you...I think she went down that way." [/B] pointing in the direction Katima and Kalei went. His voice was hesitant...mixed with feelings from his dreams...but the look and presence that Tegan was presenting. [B]"I know..."[/B] resisting his temptations[B]..."I'm...going to get myself something to eat...if you see my mother again...please tell her that I'm either in the kitchen or in the courtyard."[/B] Talyn paused for a moment...wondering why Tegan was referring to Kalei as 'mother' all of a sudden...but ignored it. [B]"Of course...take care man."[/B] and with a pat on the back, Talyn burst into his run once more and left. [I]...you should get used to that....very soon...[/I] Continuing down towards the kitchen, Ena was walking towards him in a slightly quicker pace. In a calm and gentle voice[B]..."Ena...would you like to eat breakfast with me this fine morning..."[/B] Ena could sense an unusual tone beneathe his demenor...but took the offer kindly. [B]"That would be wonderful...I was questioning whether to eat yet or not."[/B] [B] "Wonderful...shall we then."[/B] and the two walked side by side as they made their way into the kitchen. Immidiately upon entering Ena took a seat on the counter as Tegan began to make some eggs and toast. [B]"How did you know what I wanted?"[/B] questioned Ena curiously...but was almost drooling at the smell of the food...eyes closed. [B]"Everyone likes eggs and toast"[/B] he answered with a sedistic smile on his face with his back turned. [/CENTER] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  23. [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]As Jade followed Tegan from behind outside the room, all that she could think of was what could Katima have possibly told Tegan to put him in this kind of state. The power she felt in that room was the same as before... Tegan contiuned to say nothing as she followed him...waiting from him to speak first to her...to open up. Oh how she adored him...the one true friend she ever had...someone who was always there to protect and be there for her...simply because he wanted to with no hidden agenda. Finally the two of them stopped in the great hall, surrounded by many statues of past Wakandas. [I]...were their battles much different from ours...have we grown...weakened...changed...[/I] As she came up to him...placing a warm hand upon his shoulder, Tegan reached down and grabbed his sword from the chair they were standing next too. [B]"Tegan!"[/B] as he turned around, holding it with both hands on its handle [B]"how did you get your sword back?...I thought it was lost in Maliks castle..."[/B] [B]"Please Jade.."[/B] quickly he reached around her and embraced her...still holding the sword in one hand...[B]"listen to me my dear...you must leave...run away...far far away...so that he cannot find you."[/B] [B]"What?!...I don't understand..."[/B] as she pushed him away softly to look upon his face...it seemed to be fading in and out of reality...she had seen this before... [B] "Tegan...you're scaring me..."[/B] Jade was terrified...she could feel her entire being shaking...she tried to keep her composure, but she couldn't help it...something was dreadfully wrong. [B]"Jade...always know...that I love you. All those years together...everything that we've been through...you cared for me like when I had lost all sense of myself. I know how you feel for me, and I want you to know that I have felt the same for quite some time.''[/B] It felt like her heart had just skipped a beat...upon hearing this wonderful news, she couldn't help get back to the problem at hand... [B]"Tegan...what's going on...why are you fading like this."[/B] [B] "He's looking for you..."[/B] with an apparent tone of warning...[B]''I don't have much time before he finds me..."[/B] [B]"My sweet..."[/B] as she gently glided her hand upon his cheek and came closer to him...embracing him as she closed her eyes. The skin was cold...almost as if it were dead...[B]"what is happening...please...let me help you..."[/B] [B]"Now is not the time to help..........."[/B] there was a long pause...suddenly Jade could hear the sword behind her drop to the floor as she hands began to feel like they were holding nothing but air. She opened her eyes only to see what looked like a ghost. [B]"RUN!!!!!!!!!"[/B] yelled out Tegan suddenly, nearly knocking Jade to floor due to his intensity. It was so loud as it echoed throughout the entire great hall. She could feel nothing but complete horror in her heart and spirt. When she gained back her composure...she looked up to find no one else in the hall but her, and the lingering feeling of fear. Her mind wandered frantically as she began to panic...trying to remember everything that he said. Almost lossing herself in the fear...a sense of peace flowed through her as she looked upon Tegan's sword laying on the ground. As she began to pick it up...warm spread through her entire being...growing stronger as her hand got closer to the blade. Holding it in her hand...and raising it in front of her to get a better look...she could feel Tegan's pressence around her. Without a second throught...as if the blade told her what to do...she exited the great hall. Her footsteps as she ran could as they ran across the wooden flooring as she saught out Kalei. [I]...tell Katima and Kalei...that...I love them both...and that I'm sorry...[/I] [B]***[/B] Back in the workout room...Tegan entered to find no one present. With a certain annoyance at such dissapointed with his apparent target not where it was supposed to be...he continued to make his way in, looking at all the equipment. With his hair pulled back into a ponytail...he grin at the sensation of Jade's lingering power within the room. Taking in a slow deep breath, Tegan brought both hands together...forming some kind of energy between his palms and rested them on his left side. When he was ready, he outstretcehd his left arm and released a massive lightening bolt destroying the punching bag that Jade been using earlier. The bolt then jumped from one object to another as if it were a chain...going from one source to another and completely destroying it until there was nothing left. In a rush of satisfaction with himself, Tegan turned and left... [B]***[/B] Back in the Hidden Room...2 hours ago[B]***[/B] [I]mommy...[/I] crunching himself into a ball on the old, dusty flooring of the mansion...Tegan's body twitched...tossing and turning on impulse... [COLOR=Red][I]She lied to you...she loves her more..[/I].[/COLOR] [I] [COLOR=Blue]That is not true...she loves me more than the waking world...[/COLOR][/I] [I]mommy...I love you...[/I] [COLOR=Red]She lied to you...she held everything from you...giving your sister everything...[/COLOR] [I][COLOR=DarkRed]She lied to me...I am nothing...no purpose...no reason to live...[/COLOR][/I] [I]mommy...help me...[/I] [I] [COLOR=Red]Why feel pain child...for you could be...so much more...[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=DarkRed]I'm no vampire...I'm no Wakanda.......I'm something else...not like other half-breeds... [/COLOR][/I] [I]mommy...why...[/I] [I][COLOR=Red]Arise...and be born again into something greater...feel pain no longer...and do what it is in your nature to do...embrace it...give yourself peace once more...for no other creature feels such a thing as you do...[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=Blue]Do not give in...think of Katima...think of Jade...think of your mother...[/COLOR][/I] [I]mommy...[/I] For the next couple of moments...there was nothing. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  24. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Katima's arms wrapped around Tegan's left arm; all the way around to his right hip, grasping tighter and tighter around her beloved brother...trying to get him to stop his destruction of the castle. A comfort began to flow through him once more, the sensation of his sisters touch warmed him...relaxing the tension in his arms as he controlled the vortex. Looking out into the distance, Talyn and Thayne were being brought towards the rest of the group safely away from the castle. Releasing his control over the black hole, Tegan let his arms fall to his side and stood upright strong and firm as it died away, leaving most of the castle in ruins. His eyes were still completely red as his sister continued to cling to his side...unresponsive. Jade could be seen running towards him as Kalei watched over Thayne and Talyn who seemed to be unconcious. Gently brushing his fingers through Katimas hair, he smiled down upon her still with those eyes. She looked up, and felt frightened for a moment, but quickly buried her head into his chest and embraced him...she had never seen him like this...and it scared her. Leaving her grasp, Tegan and Katima began to walking to meet Jade with Sin not to far behind. Katima kept her glance away from Tegan...hiding the horror that she had just realized just a few moments ago. Tegan sensed something...but was not sure of what it was. As he approached Jade, she also became slightly frightened at his side...with him in this state...he was highly unpredictable. But her care for him was great...and she could do nothing but embrace him just for who he was...which she did once they had gotten to her. [B]"Are you alright Tegan?"[/B] whispering into his ear. Tegan said nothing...but squeezed her tight for a moment and let go. He made his way past her with a blank expression upon his face and began to walk towards Kalei and the rest of them. [B]"What's going with Tegan?"[/B] Katima questioned as Jade stood still...looking in awe and worry at Tegan. Jade was silent as Katima stood by her side...both of them could tell that the other was frightened...and didn't know how to respond. This was the first time Tegan had demonstrated his power to them all...and by the looks of the castle...it was incredible...and overwelming. Katima waited for a response from Jade as Tegan arrived to where Talyn was laying. Sin walked past both of the women and continued to follow Tegan...his power still emitting from his body as well. [B]"Tegan!"[/B] yelled out Kalei excitedly as she slowly got to her feet and embraced him once again...so thankful that he was ok. Again...without speaking, he hugged her tightly and walked past her...sensing the same tension that Katima was holding within her[I]...they're hiding something from me...[/I]...Sin stopped at Kalei's side and helped support her on her two feet... Tegan nodded at Thayne who returned the same gesture warmly...but also surprised at the appearance Tegan had. Suddenly...without warning...Tegan stretched forth his hand and began to pulse intensly with power, lifting Talyn slightly off the ground. The affect nearly sent Thayne flying across the ground as light seemed to created within Talyn's body. His eyes, mouth, and ears had a radiance of gold and white flowing out of them. The sky above opened up immidiately as the suns rays spread across the open plains. With another extension from his fingers...Talyn's body seemed to burst...blinding everyone for a moment. As the flare subsided...everyone blinked to gain back there focus to see Talyn's wounds completely healed. Tegan turned around to face everyone to their surprise. His face and eyes had turned back to normal...however his red hair had grown as long as the bottom of his shoulderblades and his veins pulsed red in random, inconsistant areas of his body. His gazed shifted to everyone quickly and repetatively, as if he was analyzing his surroundings like that of a newborn child. He had mixed feelings. Looking at Jade and Katima together, seeing the two women in his life that ment more than anything to him...he felt himself smile inside...but the thought of Kalei and Katima seeming to hide something from him angered him...borderline to crossing over once again. Ena accompanied Kalei and Sin who were standing together; Katima and Jade began to walk towards the group as Priest began to help Thayne to his feet. Kalei quickly fell to her feet to examine Talyn as the rest of the group looked puzzled...Jade however was overjoyed at seeing the red eyes had subsided, and that 'thing' that Tegan became was gone. Katima and her both smiled as the group seemed to calm after their extreme encounter with the vampires. Kalei placed a hand on Talyn's face and smiled and looked up at her son who was staring down upon her with the same look as two years ago....[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER]Rubedo sat quiety still alongside the hospital bed...watching Raven sort through all the memories of that fateful day in her mind. It was in his power to comfort those memories...to sooth her mind once more...but he realized this was something as a human, she needed to sort through, and no source of power would make it any better than it should. [B]"I came back for you..."[/B] replied Rubedo in a calm, compassionate voice of tone...showing some sense of emotion. An overwelming sense of peace and disbelief spread across her face...still looking at the white sheets. [B]"I'm sorry I couldn't have been there in your time of need...but it was not my place. I'm starting to wonder the purpose of us Guardians anymore...and I had to find my own way...as did you."[/B] His voice had gone back to an emotional state...slightly dissapointing Raven...that slight shine of light within him was quickly gone. [B] "However, in all my travels...my conflictions and struggles...I've found one absolute that has not fauled my inner being. With the evil coarsing through my soul...my body thirsting for something inhumain...my heart...could not bear to be away from your presence any longer."[/B] [B]"I needed you Rubedo...regardless of how foolish I am for even caring for such a being as yourself...I needed you..."[/B] she seemed to be on the brink of tears once again...but Rubedo quickly placed a hand on her exposed back from the hospital clothing. [B] "You're no fool...I am the one that is at fault.''[/B] and just as quickly he withdrew his hand. [B]"I don't know what you want to do from here...but know now...that here...in this moment...you have my heart. And even though my soul strives for death...my heart chooses life...and you...in my testimony...are what binds me to this place. And I will not leave you side...and we shall see this war to the end together...and I will do everything in my power to bring you peace once more."[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
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