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Everything posted by Kairi

  1. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][B]"Come in..."[/B] responded the Ijuuj master as he leened back in his black leather chair behind a desk. The shades were drawn closed shutting out the light when a subordinate of his came through the door...showing an apparent worry and concern upon his face. The Ijuuj master wore a typical priests clothing. Wearing a white top hat, clothed in an array of white and red covering his entire body. Upon his right index finger was a rather large gew...the powerful Blood Ruby, forged in a magnificant golden design and frame. His demeanor showed that of a powerful and influencial leader in the catholic community. If not for his 'origins', he could no doubt be the Pope. [B]"What is it that troubles thee?"[/B] questioned the good priest as his subordinate took a seat in front of the desk. [B]"Master..."[/B] stuttered the young vampire....[B]"Father Eos has been killed...along with the slaughter of many of our other Ijuuj brothers."[/B] The Ijuuj master sat still...unflinching at the news as he leaned forward to the vampire who began to shiver...sweating like he had a fever. [B]"I know this my son...but what worries you so?"[/B] he continued to question. [B] "Because it is the silver-haired demon my lord...and he...he's coming for you...we are in terrible danger."[/B] [B]"You of little faith..."[/B] as the priest sat back again in his seat...[B]"why do you worry so?"[/B] [B]"Didn't your fellow master have the same occurance...many centuries ago?"[/B] [B] "What...what did you say?"[/B] demanded the Ijuuj master...his face covered in the darkness of the room...hiding the angered yet concerned look upon his face. [B]"Didn't she die at that angels hands...don't you see...it's happening again."[/B] the young vampires voice became sedistic...insulting. The Ijuuj had had enough...and with a flick of his right hand...all sense of life left the young vampire...leaving his body completely dry, causing his skin to turn a pale grey...solidifying until it almost seemed like glass, on the brink of cracking. [B] "Tis a pitty...I was hoping to feast upon him when my business here was done." [/B]announced Vylon...stepping out from the hallway and into the Ijuuj masters chambers. [B]"It's been a long time Josef..."[/B] Josef motioned to leave his seat...only to be quickly met by Vylon in the blink of an eye with him standing on the opposite side of the desk...right beside the now drained vampire. [B] "You know I can't have dead blood...could at least have saved me some."[/B] as he pushed it off the chair. It's impact on the floor caused it to completely shatter as Vylon took his seat. [B]"How many did you kill?"[/B] questioned Josef as he continued to stand...anticipating anything from this monster. [B]"Just one...your kinds blood fasinates me...full of wisdom...and holy...if there is such a thing. But do not worry...the rest are quite safe and asleep."[/B] [B]"Your ways haven't changed at all Vylon."[/B] as Josef took a seat...feeling a little safer...if Vylon came to kill him...he would have tried to by now. [B]"But I'm quite surprised at you though master Ijuuj...you knew about Father Eos' death, and you have yet to do anything. I do not underestimate your power...but still..."[/B] [B]"I'm binding my time Vylon...I will not make a mistake in charging in vengance and aggression...let come what may." [/B] Josef moved his head out of the shadows to get a better look at Vylon. His silky blue hair hung over his black sash across his eyes as always...staring blankly in a given direction...unchanging as he spoke. Vylon continued however to hold the Scythe to his side upstraight in his left hand...unflinching. [B]"Walk with me my son.''[/B] beconed Josef as he got out of his chair and began to walk out of his chambers. Vylon was motionless for a moment...but finally got out of his chair and followed. The Cathedral was enormous, as if it were a small city in itself being located within Rome itself. Its golden pillar were historical...declaring itself among vampires as their heaven away from hell. Paintings and sculptures containing the history of their race filled the halls on either end...filled with memoires and sorrows of all the clans. [B]"You do realize that Kuroichi has allied himself with the Zugai?"[/B] motioned Vylon beginning the conversation. His Scythes base echoed in the great halls as he walked. The priest carried a septor on his back...and a sword to his side. [B] "Yes...I have...no doubt Jarrah's aid and sacrifice is great with the Diamond in Kuroichis possession."[/B] [B]"And you do not fear Kuroichis presence here in Italy...his search for the Blood Ruby...?"[/B] [B]"No...I don't. You know though Vylon there are greater powers out in the world than the gems...don't forget what you've been taught by your queen."[/B] [B] "I know of what you speak...but they have been lost for centuries." "I have a feeling they will come out of hidding in this coming storm..."[/B] The two vampires were quiet for a moment...continuing to walk through the endless halls of the Cathedral. [B]"You came by yourself Vylon?"[/B] questioned Josef suddenly...pausing in their pace. [B]"Yes...I attempted to bring one of the Gwyar with me...but he unfortunately was not strong enough to bear the journey here."[/B] [B]"As yes..."[/B] Josef smiling to himself...[B]"I remeber...I'm glad my teachings haven't been ignored."[/B] [B] "Of course not..."[/B] then Vylon went quiet... [B]"What troubles thee...?"[/B] questioned Josef. [B]"You see that statue..."[/B] pointing his finger in the direction of a stone piece without moving his head. [B]"Look at those eyes..."[/B] Josef turned to see the magnificant shade of grey and blue molded into the white stone...a young women looking upon them both with love. She carried a young child in her arms...the son of Caine. [B] "I cannot see them...can you tell me what they show?"[/B] asked Vylon who brought his hand down. [B]"You wish for your eyes...don't you my son?"[/B] questioned back Josef who began to walk again into the main service area of the Cathedral. A dark glass ceiling was the roof above their heads...containing glass formations of heroes past. Vylon followed...and responded...[B]"Yes...for centuries I've desired to see the world for what it is once again...but I've also come for the Blood Ruby if you are not going to be using it anytime soon in good faith."[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  2. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Sodom Age: Since the days of the Old Testemant (absorbed all the souls of those lost in the destruction of Sodom and Gamora) Gender: Male Race: Reaper Side: Reaper Weapon: Silver and Gold Scythe with a metal spike at its end tip. (see picture for detailed look) The Scythe is Sodoms life force...as long as the blade survives...Sodom is immortal. As time goes on, as he grows older and stronger...so does his blade. His golden eye as well as the golden eye on his blade sense the presence and power of all souls. Powers: Life Drain: Tapping into the soul of any known spieces, Sodom drains the life source and power out of the victim...giving him a boast of strength and power (Stamina, agility, speed). This causes the victim to be very vulnerable and weak. If done long enough it will bring them to brink of death. Life Tap: By sacrificing his own life energy, Sodom gains a boast in all physical ability which result in a burst, surrounding his entire body in a purple flame. If done consistantly and often enough, Sodom will become drained and weak. Soul Mastery: Not only is Sodom a Soul Reaper, bringing all his souls gathered to the other side, he is a Soul Hunter who kills any who he feels has a soul worthy enough to be added to his own personal collection. Sodom is able to harvest a soul...even if the victim isn't near death. He may call upon these souls at will and summon them to his presence, turing them into physical form for his aid, or for him to absorb to increase his power. These souls speak to him...and serve as his slaves. Appearance: Personality: Sodom has a very intelligent and powerful character which coincides with his sedistic nature. He doesn't contain his power at all...giving him a very intimidating persona. Having no regard nor compassion for life, all souls are seen as unworthy except for a select few. He isn't one to lead, but he certainly is one to kill any oppositionand command a difficult situation. Character Snippet: [I]You...are....beautiful my friend. Your essence flows through the temples of my soul...satisfying my desires...my unquenchable thrist for power and knowledge.[/I] [I] You are...all my dream...my every waking moment...those apart from you are not worthy of such glory and honor for me to care for you. [/I] The pulsing globe levitated around him as he opened his eyes and stared down at an old and powerful monk in the open plains of Japan. The monks eyes were opened wide, obviously filled with death and pain as it lay motionless upon the floor. [B] "Your soul has been preserved...death will not take your wisdom away from this place...but will live on in my tender care."[/B] The chain fused into Sodoms back suddenly became extremely hot...spreading through his entire spine, motioning for him to return home. He was allowed to wander the world without interruption until told otherwise to collect certain souls. But this felt different... Other: ULX, Wraith told me that you are basically in control of our kind. Just letting you know that I won't hinder that...but look forward to siding with ya. Thanks for letting me participate in this Wraith...and hello to the rest of you:) [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][I]No...I will not leave you again...[/I] Rubedo's voice echoing in hers with a sense of satisfaction and peace spreading throughout her entire being...never had she expected that kind of response...and the way that it was said... Rubedo cracked his neck, not turning his attention back to Zane after the initial blow from his fist...trying to control himself. [B]"Answer me Guardian!?"[/B] yelled out Zane. Kariz had lost control him who seemed to throw another punch. Turning his head slightly in Zane's direction...exposing the flames behind his eyes...he drew back his hand...gathering power to strike back. Then his mind wandered back to Raven...completely disregarding everyone else in the room as Zane connected with Rubedo once again on the other side of his jaw, jerking his entire body position to the other side, his head only moving slighty...frozen in place. "Stop it Zane!" as Kariz grabbed Zane by the collar and slammed him up against the wall. The impact startled the nurses around the hallway and made their approach to the waiting which had no one else in it but the Zodiacs and Rubedo. Kariz quickly let go to Zane and glared at him. [B]"What's going on in here?"[/B] demanded one of the nurses as they held their ground a good distance away due to Rubedo's intimidating composure. [B] "Nothing...nothing at all....Right Zane?"[/B] Kariz glared at him...implying more than what initially ment. [B] "Yes...nothing is wrong here...sorry for making so much noise."[/B] declared Zane as he moved his way away from Kariz and took a seat alone, with Ima not too far behind. [B]"The next time I hear something like that again I'm going to have to ask you to leave."[/B] proclaimed the head nurse...and made her way back to the desk, and others to their own posts. [B]"Rubedo..."[/B] questioned Kariz as she made her way next to him...he had already turned his attention towards Raven who seemed to be sleeping soundly in her bed. [B]"Reoan is now here in the city...and I feel that the others in this story are coming as well...."[/B] Rubedo interrupted her and answered Kariz's question before she asked..."the Guardians are coming here...." [B]"Do we have anything to worry about?" [/B] [B]"No...they will not harm you...but one way or thee other....this war will end...by their hands in victory or death...it doesn't matter...but I feel this stories chapter is closing...the final chapter."[/B] Rubedo stepped forward and began to turn the handle of Ravens bedroom as he added... [B]"I suggest you go to Reoan and get what you wanted Zodiac...all of you...time is running out. I'll stay here with Raven...''[/B] Hesitantly, Kariz nodded and motioned for the rest of them to leave...Zane was compelled to stay...but Kariz and Ima convinced him otherwise, and all three Zodiac left the hospital...praying that Raven would be ok in Rubedo's hands. Walking into the room, Rubedo sat at Ravens side and soothed her with his mind...slowly...moment by moment in her presence...he began to feel more like his old self again. [I]I hope you liked the flowers I gave you Raven...they were always your favorite. [/I] And with that...he took her hand...and began to transmitte his power into her. The Guardians healing power corsed throughout her entire system and began to mend completely.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER]As everyone got onto the boat...and everyone was all safe and sound within their group...Leo noticed the behaviors that everyone was going through and observed them intensly. He smiled at Ashley who was talking with the other and continued in his thought... Suddenly it dawned upon him...their behaviors...interactions...talents. Looking into his bag, he took a glance at the sword the knight had dropped back where they were. It was large...a broadsword with a particular insignia on its handle. The blades centerpiece was thick with a blue coloring of stone surrounded by it's sharp, sliver edges. It fasinated him...calming him...soothing him as if it was a part of him. He shivered and blinked...snapping himself out of the trance and zipped the bag closed. [I]Avalon...[/I] a word the appeared in his mind...bringing him to think about the ancient stories of Arthur and his knights...or Guinavere, Lancelot...then it dawned on him... [B]"Everyone...ask yourselves this question...these feelings you have...emotions...visions...think of the story of Arthur....try to feel and see through their eyes...who do you associate yourself with the best?"[/B] [B]"These visions are important...and this fog is the key...which I'm sure will help our search for those missing."[/B] [I] Ashley's vision is the key...we must know if she has another one again...more than likely it will happen again...[/I][/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE] OOC: sorry for my absence
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][B]"Lucian...you wait outside..."[/B] ordered Vylon as he entered Draculas chambers. Giving a nod of appreciation to Helios, he entered without any recognition of any comment Lucian made in protest. As the doors behind him closed, Dracula turned his attention from the window towards Vylon without expression upon his face. [B]"So...after centuries of exile, the Nyroma show themselves once again...you should be honored to be welcomed in my house once again Vylon...it's been a long time...I imagine you're hear regarding information about what's going on"[/B] Draculas tone of voice was direct and firm, trying to be somewhat intimidating to Vylon. In ages past, it was Vylon who had killed so many of the Gwyar during their 'seperation period.' Vylon was like a ghost...a ghost that brought death to all vampires...a monster who was unleashed by the now Queen of the Nyroma. However the Gwyar weren't perfect either...exploiting these gifted Nyroma for their experiments with vampires. So their records were destroyed....any history of the event was erased except for those who remembered. [B]"Its begun again...hasn't it Dracula?"[/B] questioned Vylon as he took a seat. Dracula closed the blinds and took a seat next to Vylon. [B] "Yes...a vampires by the name of Kuroichi has created a clan known as the Krilat Zmaj in Western Asia, primarily focused in Japan. He is gathering strength and support...it's rumored that the Gyshram and Zugai have already circummed to his influences. We are sending Lord Orlok and Elizabeth to Asia to meet with him..."[/B] [B]"Who is his maker?"[/B] Vylon immidiately questioned...only to be met by another figure arising from the shadows of the floor. [B] "It is the same Myrkur as before..."[/B] stated the Gwyar master as he materialized within the room. [B] "Caine...it is a pleasure to see you again my master."[/B] Vylon bowed obediently to his former master as they both shook hands and sat. [B] "Vylon...we need the Nyroma with us once again...your powers would be a viable asset to our cause."[/B] still Draculas voice was firm and threatening...Vylon recognized this...the tone of voice used upon them as slaves. Vylon's sight was like a blind man...looking at nothing...but his attention turned to Caine... The wisest and strongest of them all....[B][I]how could he let such a thing happen to his children. [/I][/B] [B]"Has he saught the Blood Ruby yet?"[/B] questioned Vylon...his head still not turning, not directing to question to anyone in particular. [B] "We have had reports that the Myrkur and Grysham have been moving towards Italy, but the wearabouts of Kuroichi has not been determined."[/B] answered Dracula. Caine immidiately added...[B]"with Lord Orlok and Elizabeth heading to Asia, we would imagine that he would be waiting for them in Asia, however I have a feeling that he will delay our meeting and go for the Ruby."[/B] [B] "So...you feel he'll act just as his father did?"[/B] Vylon shifted in his chair...sighing to himself as he remembered what happened last time. [B]"Yes...but his father wasn't as powerful and influencial...Kuroichi is something much more...and will have more impact."[/B] Dracula got up from his chair and began to pace. [B]"My advice...if I will be open my master...''[/B] Vylon reached out and put a hand on top of Caine...[B]"do not make the same mistakes as you did in times past...or you will loss even more support."[/B] with a squeeze from his hand Vylon withdrew. Getting up from his seat...[B]"I came here to seek information...nothing more. The Nyroma have no position as of this moment...but I advice you...do not underestimate this vampire. I can feel it coming...another rift and tear in our species...and if will not go away quiety. Do not think that manipulation and talk will solve...we must all fight. And you must unify all alliances...and show the true strength of the Gwyar."[/B] [B]"So you choose neutrally monster!"[/B] yelled out Dracula in annoyance...exposing his teeth to fight. Caine swiftly stood; with his power of will alone it caused Dracula to submit instantly. [B]"I respect your decision Vylon...and your words are heard clearly."[/B] [B] "Have you brought what I asked for Caine?"[/B] [B]"Yes..."[/B] and with that...Caine materialized in his hand a Scythe...long...its blade was made of a glimmering silver, with little light it already seemed to shine. Gold lining spread from its head all the way for it's metallic pole, ending at the spike at its end. Caine handed it to Vylon and nodded. [B]"This blade...you used to kill our kind...the Gwyar. We found it several centuries ago in our vaults...these are dangerous times Vylon...I hope you know what you're doing."[/B] [B]"For your sakes...this will not be our last friendly meeting."[/B] responded Vylon as he held the Scythe beside him. [B] ''What will you do now Vylon?"[/B] questioned Dracula...muttering up convidence to speak with Caines recent disapproval. [B]"I'll seek out the Ijuuj and their leader...Kuroichi will find him...sooner or later...I wish to see this vampire myself."[/B] With a simple gesture, Vylon exited the room... [B] "What did you all talk about?"[/B] questioned Lucian right when he found Vylon walking. [B]"Leave me Lucian...do what you wish...but I must find some answers to questions."[/B] [B]***[/B] Walking out into the courtyard...Helios spotted Vylon standing alone in the night int he middle of the field. Walking besides him...Vylon spoke first. [B]"I feel you wish to do something Helios...bored?"[/B] [B] "Yes...I have a desire to fight Kuroichi...to see what kind of power he has...but I haven't been called to do anything yet."[/B] [B]"Then come with me to Italy...there...you can have your chance..."[/B] just as he spoke those words Vylon squated down slightly and tensed up all the muscles in his arms. Suddenly an aqua-blue look sphere surrounded them both. [B]"If you stay within the sphere...you and I will be transported to the Ijuuj leaders' location.''[/B] [B]"You know where he is?" [/B]questioned Helios as he entered the sphere. [B]"Yes...I'm a trafficer of information...I make it my business to know these things...now prepare yourself...this may feel...a little weird." [/B]and with that...Vylon raised his arms, and they dissapeared into the night. [/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER]As Sin made his way past Jade and Tegan, Tegan stared obsessively at Sin...admiring his increase in power... [I] ah......what a delight...so full....so....out of control......[/I] Tegan licked the top and bottom of his lips when Jade suddenly pulled at his arm to bring his attention towards her. [B]"Why did you call me Sheila?"[/B] questioned Jade as Tegan finally got his thoughts of hunger onto her. It had been a long time since she had been called by that name. [B] "It's not important right now Jade"[/B] brushing yet again another strand of hair from her face...softly gliding the back of hand against her cheek. [B]"we need to leave....now.''[/B] Tegan wanted to run after Sin...and then ultimately to his sister and Kalei...but he and Jade needed to get out of there...he didn't want anyone to see him like this...Sin had already seen enough. Without question Jade agreed and took his hand and both of them sprinted through the dark hallways of the castle...trying to find their way to an exit. Suddenly a batch of vampires appeared in front of both of them. Immidiately Tegan's eyes lite up with delight as he began to levitate himself once again in his arousal. Noticing this, Jade grabbed him and lunged into a neighboring room and locked the door. Tegan napped out of his sudden trance at the sight of the vampires and began to help Jade block the door. The two of them had been in so many situations like this before...it brought back some good memories between the two of them. After finding every piece of furniture that they could find to block the door, Tegan turned around to witness through the window the rising of the sun. Walking up to it, Tegan punched through with his bare hands, shattering the glass into a million pieces. The opening was quite large, and Tegan motioned for her to stand beside her. Hearing the smashind and pounding noises against their blockage, Jade could hear the voices of a dozen or so vampires trying to get in. She walked up beside Tegan only to be swept into his arms just as fast. She smiled up at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. As the vampires began to break through...Tegan squated slightly...gathering all the strength in his legs and propelled himself into the air. Using the power of the wind, Tegan was able to get enough height and speed to clear the walls of the castle below and land safely in a medow close to the castle ground. Tegan let Jade from his hold as she looked at the distance they had just traveled[I]...amazing...[/I] But something was wrong, she turned around to see Tegan breathing heavily, almost weezing[I]...his body was craving more...[/I] The sun was minutes away from rising... [B]"Tegan...are you alright...?"[/B] Jade questioned, taking a few steps towards him. [B]"I'm fine...however..."[/B] suddenly he stretched both his arms outward from his body, and began to flew his fingers. He wasn't stretching....but seemed to be trying to grasp a hold upon some invisible object. [B] "Did...you find the rest of them...?"[/B] questioned Tegan has he had a breif moment of difficulty talking obviously under some kind of strain. [B]"I found some of them...but why?"[/B] Jade quickly responded, as she looked curiously at Tegan for what he was doing. A pulse of energy burst from Tegan's being, almost pushing Jade to the ground as Tegan slowly began to pull his arms across his chest, his hands gripping themselves tightly. Slight bolts of purple shot from his fists...intensifying with each burst. [B]"Because...things are going to get a lot more difficult."[/B] With that statement Jade turned towards the castle and stared in fear......something in the shades of purple and black began to form above the castle...growing bigger and bigger as Tegans hands came closer together. Turning back to the castle, the phenomina began to take the form of what looked like a black hole...sucking in little piece of stone, slowly intensifying in power. [B]"Tegan!"[/B] she cried out...turning back to him...[B]"your sister...Kalei....the rest of them are still in there!" [/B] [B]"Then I suggest....that they start to hurry up."[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Tegan embraced her long lost mentor just as he had for Katima...warm and compassionate, it was so good to see her. However his mind was on other things...Jade wanted to get out of there...he could sense the feeling that she had for him, and it was devine to feel such a thing. And she was right...they had to get out of there... Suddenly Tegan began to weep...not uncontrolably...but it was obvious that tears began to form in his eyelids, as if he were in pain...struggling with something inside him. Kalei backed away slightly to take a look at him...he had grown up...and was much stronger. It delighted her to see him again, but something bothered her. Pushing himself a slight distance away from Kalei, Tegan leaned from side to side in what seemed to be a daze and suddenly fell to his knees and hands, pucking blood out across the entire floor. Jade came over to him quickly after and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. [B]"Tegan!"[/B] she cried out in concern...[B]"what's wrong?"[/B] [B]"I can...feel...what he's doing..."[/B] he replied as the blood subsided, only in mucus onto the stone floor. [B]"Katima..."[/B] Kalei instintively replied as she looked across the lobby at an adjacent room. [B]"She's in there...with Malik!"[/B] Once again Tegan pucked blood, his eyes were now blood-shot, turning almost completely red... [B]"We need to get out of here Kalei...he's dying!"[/B] yelled Jade, feeling more determined than ever to get the hell out of this castle. [B]"...Kalei..."[/B] Tegan muttered as she knelt down to him, her hands on his cheeks, holding his gaze upon hers. "...you must...help...h.....her....before..." this time a sudden shiver jolted through his body...causing him to tense up greatly.... Then Kalei felt it...the same feeling that happened two years ago when he left...but this time it was different...more...controlled... Without a second thought Kalei kissed Tegan on the forehead and ran to the door where Katima was being held. Jade carefully brought Tegan to his feet and held him. [B]"It's now my turn to save you." [/B]She held him tight...praying that he would be ok. [B]"Thank you.....Jade..."[/B] he struggled to say...but did it clearly enough for her to understand. [B]"What's happening to...?"[/B] but Jade stopped herself...this had happened before...back in Australia...back when... Before she could say anything...Tegan spoke clearly as ever...[B]"if we dont get out of here...it'll be too late..."[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][RIGHT] OOC: Astdis, you have a choice whether to get out of the castle...or wait and see what happens to Tegan. If you choose to wait, PM me with questions...and I'll tell you what's going on. [/RIGHT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. [SIZE=1][CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][I]Speak with the Gwyar...my old friend...I feel our isolation is to be coming to an end...[/I] The Queens words echoed in his mind as he traveled the land...making his way to the Gwyar. Lucian, a prominant and upcoming icon within the Nyromian society was asked to join Vylon in his travel. The young looking man didn't speak much...but Vylon didn't mind...he waited patiently for any opportunity. He was more concerned with feeding...again. The road was long, but it gave time for Vylon to think...to take his mind off the thirst for a moment... [I]Nothing is unseen from the Queen's eye...what is it that she questions...what is it that she see's.[/I] The Nyroma had been neutral and isolated since they broke away from the Gwyar and formed their own clan[I]....why now do we expose ourselves...?[/I] Finding themselves coming out of the forest...the two vampires came upon a small village. [B]"It's almost dawn"[/B] stated Lucian...not knowing with Vylons 'blindness' if he could tell or not. [B]"I know...please find us a place to stay for the day...I must feed again."[/B] he responded instantly...making some distance between himself and Lucian now. "Again?" questioned Lucian...but Vylon didn't respond and quickly made his hunt before dawn approached them. [I][CENTER]***[/CENTER] [/I] Finally...after a long journey...Lucian and Vylon found themselkves outside the gate of the outermost wall of the castle. Two guards approached them...and hesitantly accpeted their arrival and escorted them towards the castle. [/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][RIGHT][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Hope that was ok for you Deathknight...wanted to get you involved in teh story, as well as with myself. Just to make clear the Nyromas are still neutral, and are in search of information on what exactly is going on. Anyone from the Gwyar is welcomed to interact with us. [/COLOR][/RIGHT][/SIZE]
  9. EDIT: My apologizes ULX for the misunderstanding with the Writing Sample...this is now corrected. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][COLOR=Black]Name:[/COLOR] Vylon (pre-reincarnant of Zoku-san) [COLOR=Black]Nickname[/COLOR]: none [COLOR=Black]Age[/COLOR]: 600 (in this lifetime) [COLOR=Black]Gender[/COLOR]: Male [COLOR=Black]Species[/COLOR]: Vampire [COLOR=Black]Clan[/COLOR]: Nyroma [COLOR=Black]Appearance:[/COLOR] Vylon stands at 6foot, 175 pounds with a well toned body which is tightened by black underarmor that is covered by his black shirt and grey robes. With blue/black hair that comes down to his necks' middle and over his eyes...he wears a black sash over his eyes due to him being blind. He wears a blue ring with the insignia of their Queen who roles over the Nyroma. [COLOR=Black]Weapons: [/COLOR] Weilds a long, thin metal pole with a pointed/symmetrical spear on it's end which is enchanted which looks like a blue flame (same color as his hair) that seems to radiate from the blade itself. When casually walking around with it...he wraps it in a silky black cloth which sudsides the flame while covered...masking it's power. Another weapon which is unseen is his "third eye." A physical technique which was taught by the Queen herself when he began his training to become the Queen's head bodyguard. He first had to sacrifice his ability to see...and from there...he learned to sense the world around him without sight. Using the life energies of everyone, and everything around him...he's able to create the world around him in his mind. This technique gives him superb agility, speed, and reflexes...and is the root of his powers Mind Flay and Shadow Blast. (one day the Queen says that he will be able to regain his sight) [COLOR=Black]Powers: [/COLOR] [B]Mind Flay[/B]- This is a channeled beam of blue/white light that bursts from his palm and enters the victims body through their eyes and mouth. Once inside, Vylons power begins to attack the individuals heart...then spreading from there to the rest of the body. Doing this causes the victim to have a significant decline in speed and movement. Mind Flay continues until it is interrupted or the victim is dead. [B]Shadow Blast[/B]- This is a short term charged attack...Vylon will release an explosive burst of energy around the victim on a particular part of their body which creates immense pressure and damage. May also be used to push back his opponents if blast is created away from their body. [B] Power Word Shield[/B]- Creates a powerful bubble like shield that surrounds his entire body. Once the shield takes a certain amount of damage Vylons protection will fade, [B]Blink[/B]- Vylon is able to transport himself from one spot to another. If in a short distance...he is able to move instantly. However if it is a greater distance...it involves charging his teleportation a bit longer. This tires him if done for too long... [B]Mind Control[/B]- He understands his limitations in controlling the minds of someone who is strong willed. But he is able to use this ability when someone is weak physically...or mentally. Can control multiple minds in an unlimited range...depending on Vylons strength and concentration. [COLOR=Black]Personality:[/COLOR] He is what you would think of as a typical blind man. Vylon is very calm and peaceful...almost un-nerving kind of calmness about him...as if he had not a fear nor worry in the world, despite his many responsibilities and pressures. Along with this peace comes a very intense demonor about him. However...Vylon also has an uncontrable lust for blood...he constantly feeds on vampires and humans alike. He endulges himself in any desire he sets his eyes upon...thus becoming a pure killer. He still has a heart...but bows to no one, only to the Queen and those he highly respects. [COLOR=Black]Bio: [/COLOR] ([I]Zoku is a character in the later partof the storyline of this rpg; for those who weren't a part of this before. Was a human who worked to end the war...then later became a vampire and grew into nothing less than a behemoth. His power grows with every new body he's born into...his memories are contained within a journal he keeps with him and finds every new life 4000 years ago...as a child Zoku was bitten by a vampire. But an archangel cursed him, taking the vampire within him out...but leaving the thirst to kill...to spill anothers blood; and it would never be satisfied. Whenever Zoku died...he would come back in another life still contaning the memories of his past...as well as his strengths. Over these 4000 years, in all of his lifetimes he learned to control massive amounts of KI within himself...his strength and speed was incredible, especially for a human. And as wise and pure as he tried to make himself out to be...he was always torn by the demon side within him. When he was taking refuge in Dracula's castle...after giving the Death Diamond and Sapphire of Skulls to Kyu. He lost control and snapped in his bedroom...crying out for someone to help him before the demon took hold. But the lord of the Grysham came and broke him and his friendship for Keitha. Zoku had grown attached to her...and even began to like her, still knowing that it couldn't be possible. So after he was attacked by the high lord...Zoku fled and ravaged his anger and killing against every town he came upon. Caine came to him, trying to help the pour human. Taking it upon himself...Caine turned Zoku...in a hope that he would protect him when the fellow Gwyar turned against him. However...the Dark Moonstone took hold of him unleashing the evil within Zoku and he killed Caine himself with his guard down[/I].) Vylon has been a part of the Nyroma since the day it left the Gwyar, (in this lifetime he has been a vampire since birth). All it's members created a powerful barrier that surrounded their temple and city which was naked to the human eye in the middle of the desert in Eastern Europe. For his entire life he has devoted himself to the Queens side being her most trusted advisor, protecting her with his blade and powers. He's had many wives...and many children who he's seen grow up and die before his eyes. One day...the Queen approached him and asked if he wanted to become her first above all in their city of Cyrus. He accepted...and so she took away his sight, and teached him to develope their ancient powers. However...because of these teachings...his body has made a slight change...in order to fuel his dark powers...he must not only take the blood and life of humans...but of vampires. [COLOR=Black]Writing Sample: [/COLOR] It was nothing less than fun...playing around in their minds...looking upon them in their everyday living. [B]"What the hell...why did you hit me Scyver!?"[/B] yelled a complaining woman in the middle of the street. It was night, and all of Moscow was awake due to the holiday. Resturants were packed full with customers...the town was lively...as was the dead. The man beside her who could be seen as her lover, suddenly had slapped her across the face. The red imprint from his hand was clearly visible as the people around them looked in disgust. [B]"I...don't know sweetheart...[I]Es tut ich Leid[/I]"[/B] he replied... [I]strange to see a German couple in Russia during this time of year...oh well...no one will be looking for them then...[/I] The two began to fight with one another as Vylon laughed to himself from the rooftop above. Such things were childish he knew...but in the thrill of the hunt...you savor the moment as much as possible to the end...and this night...Vylon chose humor. Finally...the two yelled out at one another, resulting in the young woman turning on her heel and continuing to walk. Scyver stood still...confused and bewildered at what had just happened. Vylon almost felt sorry for him...for it was not his fault at all. Turning away from the street, the tall and well built looking man rested his back on the wall nearby wall and slumpt to ground...just imagining the loss that he just suffered. As like the wind itself, Vylon instantly vanished from his perp and reappeared around the corner and grabbed the young man around the corner and pulled him into the ally before anyone took notice. For a brief moment Scyver looked at his predator...a blue haired man with a sash wrapped around his eyes...however the fangs that now grew from his teeth were quite large...bigger than normal vampires. Almost choking the man to death...Vylon looked upon his prey through his third eye, always in awe at the art and beauty of his work. The human had a blue outline around black void which shows a red glow pulsing through its body, seeing its hotspots...seeing the heart fully exposed. Savoring the moment till it's end...Vylon satisfied himself by lunging his fangs into the humans neck, ripping at its flesh as if it were meat. The jugular was fully exposed...the wound flooding with blood as Vylon feasted to his cravings content. Suddenly he heard the voice of the woman calling out Scyvers name. Quickly taking himself away from his prey...he laid the mans body just outside the ally, the bites view lay away from the view of the street. Vylon only had to influence her mind just slightly to bring her view over to Scyver who now lay motionless. She immidiately say him and quickly ran to her lover...only to be snatched herself into the darkness. [COLOR=Black]Other: [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]Good to see this back up and running...let us see where this goes...[/COLOR][/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkRed][CENTER]You walk on like a woman in suffering Won't even bother now to tell me why You come alone, letting all of us savor the moment Leaving me broken another time You come on like a bloodstained hurricane Leave me alone, let me be this time You carry on like a holy man pushing redemption I don't want to mention, the reason I know That I am stricken and can't let you go When the heart is cold, there's no hope, and we know That I am crippled by all that you've done Into the abyss will I run You don't know what your power has done to me I want to know if I'll heal inside I can't go on with a holocaust about to happen Seeing you laughing another time You'll never know how your face has haunted me My very soul has to bleed this time Another hole in the wall of my inner defenses Leaving me breathless, the reason I know[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]An all too familiar song which played instantly in Tegan's mind as Katima asked the question that he had been anticipating this entire time...being patience...taking his time to find his own answer for her. [B] "I suppose this is as good as a place then any other..."[/B] he responded has he sat crosslegged...looking at Katima; he head down looking at the floor. He didn't know if she couldn't look at him for how angry she was at him...or for shame? [B] "I've missed you dear brother..."[/B] Katima suddenly began to sniffle and cry...continuing to hide herself from Tegan's gaze. [B]"As I have miss you..."[/B] responded Tegan...only to be met with sadden frustration immidiately from Katima. [B]"Then why did you leave...why didn't you come back!"[/B] still she did not look at him...but screamed into the stone floor. He wanted to come over to her and comfort him...but at this point she would try to rip his throat out...so he waited... [B]"Believe me Katima..."[/B] Katima fell silent...[B]"there has not been a day that I have not let you out of my thoughts...however...you must understand...I had to leave..."[/B] [B]"But..."[/B] she quickly brought her head up only to be met by Tegan's big bright red eyes. Her pink-tinted once looked inside him...and saw the young boy that once was her sister and cried. In that moment she got off of the floor in a great speed and found herself in Tegan's arms once again... [B]"I needed you Tegan...I needed you..."[/B] the blanket wrapped around them both as Tegan comforted her...brushing her hair back like he used to do. [B] "Please listen Katima to what I have to say...we may not get another moment like this..."[/B] she didn't responded...but he knew that she was listening intentivly without interruption. [B]"Two years ago...I couldn't stand being in the shadows anymore. I couldn't stand being lesser than you Katima..."[/B] This surprised her[I]...he was jealous...?[/I] [B]"I know you're probably thinking a form of jealousy...and that is a yes and no sis. You see...I couldn't understand why you were chosen over me...and me being put as a mere bodyguard...a watcher during the day...fighter during the night. Life was tough...and many questions flooded my mind...questions that no one could answer...answers that needed to be known and found."[/B] [B]"You entered a life that I could not follow...for years Kalei trained you...all attention was drawn to you...but none was for me. But I loved you still...and continue to do so...but I had to find myself.''[/B] [B] "That night...the night that I left...all sense of oneness with anything left me...and to not cause conflict...I left...to find what I was searching for...to subside my rage of it all."[/B] Katima looked up at him...and again noticed the red eyes...the eyes of their heritage. Eyes only she got when she was in a rage...she understood what he was talking about...but wondered why his eyes stayed the way they were...they used to be blue... [B]"You see...my eyes do not change...my powers of light and dark are balanced...in my time away...I found my answers."[/B] [B] "What did you do while you were away?"[/B] she asked. [B]"I wandered the desert...training myself like I always did...but more importantly...I traveled the world...met Jade in Australia. I saw everything that I wanted to see before committing myself to the Wakanda. Continuing to search out vampires...I got to see the world...and I see it now through new eyes."[/B] Katima smiled and giggled alittle...remembering reference to his new red eyes...but behind the humor she sensed a seriousness. [B]''But Tegan...if this is true...then why aren't you fighting like you used too..."[/B] she backed away a little and gave him a playful, sarcastic look...[B]"you're fighting skills are quite pathetic from what I remember."[/B] [B] "I'm binding my time...waiting for the right moment...no sense in me charging back into the Wakanda blind and foolheartedly."[/B] [B]"Why?"[/B][B] "Because my dear sister...things...are not quite what they seem. That appearances...can be deceiving."[/B] There was a racket downstairs below them and Katima looked at the door...disrupting the conversation...finally when it died down a little bit...Katima turned back to Tegan. Before she could say anything to add...Malik walked through the door. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  11. [SIZE=1][CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Already deep inside Rubedo was sicken by Kraven all over again[I]...everyone always has something to hide...[/I] [B]"You shall know the reason before the end, but now is not the time for it..."[/B] concluded Kraven as Rubedo sensed his rage building inside him again... [I]Deception...pridefulness...pathetic...[/I] Then in an instant...everything melted away. Logic nor reason dwelled within him for that brief moment in time...his mind trapped in a state of panic and exileration[I]...raven...[/I] Without a second thought, Rubedo rose from his sitting position and jumped off the roof, and just as quickly...he vanished. [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [B]"Someone get a stretcher out here now!"[/B] yelled out one of the nurses within the ambulence. Raven was bleeding internally, and several of her bones on her right side from the impact of the car were broken. The nurse kneeling down beside her took her pulse and turned away from only a moment only to find Raven's body gone from his grasp. He frantically stood up and looked around for the body in a panic and bewilderment...yelling at the other staff members within the ambulance. Already a great distance from the crash sight...Rubedo held Raven in his arms continued to run towards the hospital. Teleportation would bring great risk to her in her current condition...so he had to settle for the old fashion way...to run. She was much different then what he remember...she was still more breathtaking than ever. She was lifeless however as he held her close and continued to make his way towards the hospital...using all of his power to revive her...to heal her wounds. ... Finally Rubedo arrived at the ER entrance and pleaded with the staff at the front desk to help her. He had healed the internal wounds of her ribs which pierced into her lungs...but the blood still needed to be pumped out. The nurses placed her on a bed and quickly hooked Raven up to all the proper equipment. Rubedo was still shirtless at this time...so one of the nurses brought over to him a white shirt. [B] "How are you related to the patient?"[/B] questioned the nurse as they began to transport Raven to the surgery room. [B]"I'm a close friend of hers..."[/B] he replied...[B]"she may have blood flooding in her chest...and..."[/B] Rubedo continued to ramble on...trying to help in anyway that he can...but the nurse cut her off. [B]"Don't worry my boy...''[/B] the nurse was quite old...and placed a calm and comforting hand on his shoulder...[B]"we'll take good care of her."[/B] Rubedo smiled...knowing that his powers were still working within her...however the doctors would probably be very suspicious and curious at her rapid healing...but he didn't care. He believed this nurse... Watching Raven unconciously being rolled away into surgery...Rubedo took a seat in the waiting room and picked up a magazine...trying to blend in and look "normal" [COLOR=Black] [I]Rubedo...we've found the two...and they're together...shall we act?[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue][I] Do what you wish...we both know that you may certainly die...so it is up too you...have them fight each other if you can as well...I sense a bitterness between them[/I] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][I]We fight...[/I][/COLOR] the voice said in a strong voice. [COLOR=Blue] [I]As you wish...good luck...and may God be with you...in whatever is to happen...[/I] [/COLOR] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [B]"now where the hell did he run off to again?"[/B] questioned Kraven as Amber remained still...sighing to herself in a calm and peaceful smile at Rubedo's departure. [B]"do you know where he went off too Fate?"[/B] asked Kraven...who expected a different response from Rubedo then to have run off like that...what could have been more important? [B] "he's chosen..."[/B] Amber simply replied... [B]''chosen what?!"[/B] continued Kraven...somewhat aggitated that somehow the attention was shifted away from him once again. [B]"to be human..."[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][RIGHT] [SIZE=1] OOC: Have fun Hinata and shadowofdeath:)[/RIGHT][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER]Stopping in his pace away from Kraven...Rubedo glanced over at Amber and smiled when the memory of the young girls warmth had comforted him before... He looked over his shoulder at the fallen one who began to rise and turned around to confront him. Taking a deep breathe and calming himself...he softly cleared his throat and approached Kraven. [B]"Forgive me for my temper..."[/B] this shocked Kraven as Rubedo came closer. [B] "You follow Reoan with great passion and devotion...I commend you for that. Believe me I've made it perfectly clear to both Adiol and Reoan that they may have their war with one another...but I will not allow it to spill onto this world and involve others...it isn't right nor proper."[/B] Amber walked closer to the two towering men so that she could listen more clearly...Rubedo looked at her again and so did Kraven. [I]Does he know who she is...does he know that this is fate itself...[/I] Kraven thought to himself as he brought his attention back to Rubedo who was already gazing at him deeply. [B]"So...this is Fate..."[/B] Rubedo said with a smirk...but didn't take his eyes off Kraven...[B]"we'll get to that later."[/B] Kraven sighed deeply at his error but quickly discarded it...he wanted answers that were far more important at the moment. [B]"What have you done Rubedo...what is it that you're planning?"[/B] he asked calmy in a socially acceptable manor to try and lighten the mood. Rubedo unexpertedly took a seat and crossed his legs as he responded. [B]"I'm acting Kraven...I want this war to end...one way or thee other. We Guardians are tired...and so am I."[/B] Kraven took a seat in front of him as well; Amber followed suit. [B]"But does that have to include the deaths of so many angels and demons...as well as so many other Guardians."[/B] [B]"They're given a choice whether to leave or not before we kill them...but it is quite apparent that you all will not leave like that."[/B] [B]"What else would you expect Rubedo...you didn't possibly think that it would be that easy did you..."[/B] asked Kraven as he shuffled himself on the pavement of the roof. [B] "Of course not...but the fact still remains that you all need to leave. This world was given to us humans...and in the end we will be judged during the times of the Apocalypse. But not before then...you should know this Fate"[/B] proclaimed Rubedo as his made a quick glance at Amber. [B] "But why all the Guardians?"[/B] "Because we all are ready to die for this cause...because when this is all said and done...we wish for God to release us from our powers...to make us human." [B] "If you do that you wont have any power...you'll be mortal...no more coming back to life...you'll never have all that you have now again."[/B] [B]"I know"[/B] Rubedo said confidently...[B]"I've had...a change of heart..."[/B] [B]"Raven"[/B]...confermed Kraven...[B]"it's Raven that you want."[/B] [B]"Yes...I've always wanted her...but as a Guardian...and with this war going on...I can't be what I want to be for her. We all want to become human...to have a life of our own...and with no war...there would be no reason for us to be who we are on this plane. Fight anywhere else for all I care...but it can't be here...not anymore."[/B] [B]"Is there any other way?"[/B] questioned Kraven...fearing the potential death and chaos that would result from this. [B] "None that has occured to me...neither God nor you Fate have given me such a purpose. And with the death of my master Albedo...all I feel is to fight for the humans. Everyday I fight to remain sane...but I can't wait anylonger...as I've said so many times before....I'm bored."[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][RIGHT]OOC: In response to certain peoples posts...I'm gonna do something that I feel I need to do. [/RIGHT][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [SIZE=1][CENTER]All three cloaked beings materialized behind of Rubedo has he gazed down upon Raven in the streets speeding down on her motorcycle. He turned to them and recieved each message as they were presented...Adiol's was already given in a vision that was sent to him earlier. After a short pause...Rubedo stood still with a blank expression upon his face. Turning back to look at Raven, she turned around a corner and dissapeared. Surprisingly, even to himself...he sat himself down on the pavement of the rooftop and took a deep breathe. His vision of Raven flooded his find...and seemed to satisfy and calm his burning soul. He quickly dismissed the three cloaked figures, and finally...he was alone again. Alone with only his thoughts...his dreams...his ambitions...his prayers. [I] I'm tired...I'm tired of this war...I'm tired of these changes...nothing is every what it seems to be. Nothing is real anymore...it pointless trying to stay neutral anymore...there's no point. No one listens...they all have their own prides and ambitions, and I'm no different.[/I] In the back of his mind, all Rubedo could think about what his connection...or even love with Raven all those years ago. *sigh* It's strange Lord...one could have so much power...and yet feel powerless. Wars between Heaven and Hell, man versus man, struggles between beings that many couldn't possibly fathum...there's no point. *chuckle* All these people feel so special...and yet their just pawns. *sigh*...im getting tired of this...it doesn't seem worth it anymore now does it... With the fire continuing to burn within him, a tear came from his eye...followed by many more. Each as they hit his skin evaporated. [I] Lord...I ask you...what do you wish of me? Do I join with Adiol...to serve the Almighty God once again...do I join Hell...place of my upbringing...my teachers...my true nature. Or do you even wish for me to become human...to surrender my sword and will...to be no more...not to be part of this game anymore. I tried to create a purpose and destiny for myself...but it seems like I still have none.[/I] Finally he regained his composure...and stopped crying. He wanted to persue Raven...but he decided instead to simply sit on that rooftop...gazing at the clear blue sky above him...knowing the death that he had sent out onto the world. [I]I don't seem to ever do anything right...do I...[/I] And for a moment...it seemed like Rubedo was once his old self again. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [RIGHT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Whoever wants to interact with Rubedo would be great...I'm in need of interaction due to an apparent error of mine and the changes that have come up in the story. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/RIGHT]
  14. [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Without any known reason to Kariz, she heard an abrupt laughter errupt from behind her. She turned to see Rubedo laughing in a sedistic tone as his gaze looked up towards the sky. Kariz could only stare in confusement as her attention drew back to Ima... [B]"Leave Zodiac..."[/B] his laughter growing somewhat uncontrolable...[B]"go to her...I'll be seeing you all."[/B] And with a flick of his wrist...Kariz was surrounded in a bright light and found herself instantly transported to the streetl; only a couple feet from Ima and Zane. [B]"I can already feel the stench of death rising...the darkness spreading...all that they thought was safe is now gone. Both demons and angels are at our mercy...and some have already met their fate..."[/B] [B] "Adiol...you have no power of judgement...do not threaten me...if you had such power there would be no conflict with Reoan now would there. A high angel such as yourself has trouble with a mere Guardian such...how pathetic."[/B] Rubedo began to run in a jog and jumped from one rooftop to another...looking for the one Zodiac he came for........ [B]"This world was created for us humans...not you...and Christ is out ultimate judge...not you...please...don't flatter yourself." [/B] He could only help but laugh at himself as he continued his search...she was masking herself quite well...but he could never forget that smell of hers. [B] "Do what you will with Reoan...but do not underestimate my brothers and sisters. Besides...I have my money on Reoan anyway."[/B] Finally, he rested himself upon the edge of a rooftop and looked down to see a speeding motorcycle. The hair was different from what he remember...but it certainly was the same woman... [COLOR=Blue][I]Raven....[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed][I] Rubedo...we've begun the executions...some are leaving...but many are resisting...[/I][/COLOR] [I]Excellent...continue as planned...give some of the others a scare...see what they're made of...have some fun...even if death calls for it... [COLOR=DarkRed]wouldn't have it any other way...[/COLOR][/I][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
  15. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Professor Arcaine continued to answer everyone's questions...being a teacher he was used to this kind of thing. Leanna seemed to be more curious and pickier than most...and especially after last night...we wasn't sure what to make of her...but discarded it. Ashley seemed better from his brief talk with her and he was glad...he enjoyed her being in his classroom, and their friendship was important to him. He would need her when this little quest of there's began. Leo lifted his backpack onto the kitchen table and pulled out packets of papers for everyone to look at and examine. Each contained their objectives and their individual duties and responsibilities. He took a quick glance at Rowena and chuckled to himself as he shook his head. As everyone began to shuffle through their papers, Leo closed his eyes and muttered a quick prayer for everyones safety and for those who have dissapeared. Sitting back down in his seat...he made his way outside to work on the final preperations for the boat before departure. [/SIZE] [/COLOR][/CENTER]
  16. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][RIGHT]OOC: Time to spice things up a notch...BAM!!![/RIGHT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Reoan dissapeared from sight without a glance back towards him as she persued her so called "friend." Rubedo's eyes burned red with anger and frustration...his soul feeling as if it were held in the prison of his own body...no purpose...no direction.... Turning his back on the Guardian, her words echoed in his mind...[I]I sense you are slipping into a world that neither Guardian nor human should ever be[/I]... [I]...my dear...you have no idea....[/I] he thought to himself as he walked away...with every step he took the grass underneath his feet melted away in flames as the earth began to shrivel up and die. Taking off his trench coat, he threw it up in the air and let it drift away in the breeze as his skin began to brighten. A familar flame within his chest exploded burning away his black muscle shirt exposing his strong and toned build. [COLOR=Black] [I]You don't know what your power has done to me I want to know if I'll heal inside I can't go on with a holocaust about to happen Seeing you laughing another time You'll never know how your face has haunted me My very soul has to bleed this time Another hole in the wall of my inner defenses Leaving me breathless[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Blue]Raven...........[/COLOR] [I]...my patience has ended...no more waiting...[/I] and with that...he vanished in a blinding flash of light...leaving behind a sudden burst of energy that created a earthquake from its presence. [B]***In a Valley Unknown***[/B] [B]''The time has ended my brothers and sisters!"[/B] It was dark, the valley seemed to be covered in complete darkness as the moon was hidden from the mountains surrounding them. Rubedo walked amongst a massive number of men...women...teenagers...his inner fire within his chest burned as the light emmited lightened up slightly the faces of all whom he passed as he walked through the group...continuing to talk. "It is time that we take back our homes...our lives...! We have fought there wars for long enough...enough blood has been shed on their behalf and not of our own!" [COLOR=DarkRed]"WHY MUST THEY FIGHT!!! WHY MUST THEY FIGHT HERE ON EARTH!!! THEY DONT FIGHT FOR THEIR PRECIOUS HUMANS...THEY FIGHT FOR THEIR OWN SELFISH IDEALS!!! NEVER DO THEY EVER MENTION US AND THE HUMANS!"[/COLOR] The massive crowd around him cheered with enthusiasm in a sense of rage and build up frustration over years of buildup. "My friends...allies...comrades of countless battles together...you all know what is at stake here, you know what is going on, and you know the cost...but balance must be brought!" Rubedo jumped up on top of a large stone with its top flattened with 4 other individuals, two men and two women in black robes. He bowed to them in respect and turned his attention back towards the crowd who were still in an uproar. Pulling out his long blade, he pointed it out towards them all and spoke in a booming voice. "Go back to your masters...demons and angels alike...anything that should not be here on earth...kill...kill them all...do what you were created to do...do what is in your very nature to do. Send them back to where they belong. If they go willingly...let none be hurt. If they resist...show them no mercy. The time for talks and petty fighting comes to an end...this realm will finally take a stand for their immoralities. IT ENDS NOW!!! OUR TIME OF SILENCE HAS ENDED!!!" Lightening crashed down from what seemed to be the Heavens themselves and lite the entire valley, revieling thousands of Guardians standing stall and firm in front of the five upon the rock. A silence engulfed the crowd as the thunder intensified, lightened turned red...and the sky black as the pit itself. An in one crash of lightening...the valley was empty, leaving only Rubedo and the four black robed men and women. He turned to them and shealthed his weapon. "We have our bargain in play...I now return to Greece as I was instructed...deliver my message to Beezlebub, Sartael, Lucifer and Adiol...if they decline...simply leave. We will deal with them later..." The four nodded and vanished into the darkness...leaving Rubedo alone in the thunder and lightening. [COLOR=DarkRed] If I wont be given a purpose...I will create my own...my own destiny...[/COLOR] [I]My Lord God...please give me strength in this...I am still a humble servant...a disturbed mind who is in desprate need of guidance. So much has changed...and the world seems to be in utter chaos. There is a peace...that can only be found on the other side of war...and the war I seek...I hope will bring back balance...a world...without them. The war between heaven and hell is not my concern...but of earth...for the humans whom I've been charged to protect and watch. They can have their war...but not here...not anymore.[/I] "They must not know of my plan...not yet..." he muttered underneathe his breathe and dissapeared as he made his way to Greece. [B]***Greece***[/B] "Kariz..." the voice seemed distant, but she could have sworn that it was closer due the incredible power that she sensed which was close to her. Her named continued to be spoken and repeated as she looked all around the street. She was walked towards the hotel which was about 20yards away...the streets were busy...but Kariz couldn't make out the voice. Up on top of the neighboring building...Rubedo looked down upon the Zodiac which he had once known three years ago. She had changed...he figured as much though that they all changed...even Raven. But to his luck...he found Kariz first...stalking her...hoping that she would lead him to the rest...before Reoan and the rest arrived. [I] Sartael, Lucifer and Beezlebub should be getting my message soon[/I]. as he thought with a smirk on his face. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1] [CENTER][B]***[/B] [I]Lucifer...........[/I] uttered a faint voice in his mind as he awoke from his sleep. A black robes woman stood before him, she looked as if here body was that of a ghost. [I]If you wish to return to your former glory...come to Greece...and call out my masters name...[/I] [I]Who is your master?[/I] he replied back in his mind... [I]...Rubedo...[/I][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [RIGHT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Hinata, Shadowofdeath, and Kamuro...i've left you something in your message boxes for OB. Let the war begin. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/RIGHT]
  17. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=1]Professor Arcaine simply sighed to himself and brought his attention back to Rowena and Mr. Morris. [B]"Forgive me for that...now...what was it that you asked me again?"[/B] replied Arcaine as he opened up his journal once again and looked up for his cup of coffee at the young and vibrant woman. [B]"Professor Arcaine...can you please tell me what your thoughts are about this entire situation?"[/B] she questioned as she settled herself back into her seat after the abrupt interruption. [B] "To be honest...oh...please...call me Leo...I'm sorry...let me continue."[/B] he took a breathe and gathered his thoughts...shifting his glance from Rowena to Mr. Morris and back to her. [B] "I don't know what exactly is going on...many variables in this situation haven't been solved yet...it could be an obductor, some unknown phenomina, or a mere case of dissapearances..."[/B] Rowena sat quietly for a moment...seeming somewhat dissapointed in his answer...expecting more... [B]"But to be open with you my dear..."[/B] Rowena quickly looked back at Professor Arcaine...[B]"I don't think something 'simple and normal' is going on here...for look around you..."[/B] Leo opened his palm and pointed to all the men and women in the area. [B]"These are all the top student minds in the region...and I myself am an expert not in criminal cases...but in medievil history."[/B] [B]"What are you saying Professor?"[/B] Leonardo leaned back slowly into his chair and took a sip of his coffee. His eyes seemed hidden from the steam of the coffee and from his hair... [I]That something isn't quite right with the world...something is not quite right...something more is going on here...[/I][/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER]As he watched Reoan jump down the cliff to Asariel, Rubedo's head jerked to one side as his muscles tensed in frustration. A slight shiver of rage spread through him as Reoan vanished from sight. [B]"FUCK THAT SHIT YOU GOD DAMN BITCH!!!!"[/B] he screamed out loud as his head began to twitch from one position to another. The crashing waves up against the cliffs base were loud and intense as his voice was blanketed from the noise...Reoan didn't hear him... Suddenly jumping high into the air Rubedo began to punch with all his might at nothing...kicking, twisting, dodging with such intensity and speed it looked like he was fighting a battle with someone else at incredible levels as the air around him pulsed. Falling back down towards the rock of the cliff, he let his back fall firmly on the ground as a mild, but deep pain shot through his spinal cord as he continued to wrestle around on the ground. His neatly combed hair now began ruffled and dirty as he continued to fight with himself. Tossing and turning on the ground, punching into the rock as if someone was there...he finally sat up and started to punch into the cliff. One after the other the ground shook...he was a good distance away from the cliffs edge so that Asariel and Reoan weren't effected, but there was indeed a tremor as his fists created a minor crator. Blood oozed from his knuckles as he continued till he finally stopped. Looking at his injury, he licked the blood clean, and in an instant the cuts and bruises were gone with just a blink of his eyes. Standing up to his feet, he brushed himself off of the dirt from his coat and brushed his hair back once again. Rubedo let out a sigh and crossed his arms as he waited for Reoan to resurface from her dissapearance over the edge. [I]She'll need me to bring them both back...[/I] One thing he hated above anything else was having to wait...and that's all that this female seemed to do... Revieling one hand from his crosse-armed posture, he opened his palm and created a life like dove that looked to be made of light and sent it over the edge. [B]"There...that should help Asariel"[/B] he said in a very distasteful and irritated voice. [I]how dare you tell me where and where not my battle is...[/I] Rubedo spat on the ground and again tried to calm himself... [I].....[COLOR=Black]Raven isn't searching for you[/COLOR].............[COLOR=DarkRed]I know that[/COLOR]..........[COLOR=Black]do you[/COLOR]........[COLOR=DarkRed]yes[/COLOR].........[COLOR=Black]then why do you react[/COLOR].......[COLOR=DarkRed].because im bored[/COLOR].....[COLOR=Black]really[/COLOR]......[COLOR=DarkRed]yes[/COLOR].................[COLOR=DarkRed]that dream is gone from me[/COLOR]........[COLOR=Black]really[/COLOR]..........[COLOR=DarkRed]yes[/COLOR]........[COLOR=Black]you sure[/COLOR].........[COLOR=Black]you still wish to be human[/COLOR]...........[COLOR=DarkRed]yes[/COLOR]..........[COLOR=Black]then why not go to her[/COLOR]...............[COLOR=DarkRed]i dont know[/COLOR].........[/I] The voice suddenly left him as his focus became clear once again...his dominant side...the killer side. [B]"Why is an ex-guardian who has so many powerful allies..."[/B] he paused and tried to compose his thought....[B]"have a young girl by her side..."[/B] his memory flashed back to the young one named Amber who comforted herself in his grasp. ......[COLOR=Black]it must start[/COLOR].....[COLOR=Black]you do understand that[/COLOR].......[COLOR=DarkRed]yes[/COLOR]........[COLOR=Black]you sure[/COLOR]............[COLOR=DarkRed]yes[/COLOR]...............[COLOR=Black]no more waiting[/COLOR]...............[COLOR=DarkRed]you may begin[/COLOR]......... [B] "Something isn't right..."[/B] he muttered as a warm, calming wind picked up....[B]"Kraven and Asariel are warriors...they can fight off Sartael and Beezlebub....why was he here....?"[/B] It didn't matter anymore...for all he knew Reoan was playing him for a fool who was now fondling this fallen on for all he knew. [I]He must die as well....[/I] Standing in patience and confidence as he awaited Reoan to come back...he planned...thought out...and planned some more... [B]"yes....that may work...."[/B] Thinking a little more...his thoughts were brought to Amber...and then to Raven...and smiled... [/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Leonardo Arcaine- He's a medevil history teacher at Cambridge and is asked to join because of his knowledge of those times as well as his medical skills. The girl who was taken and several other were students or former students of h is...as well as many others who've been asked to go. (Hope that is ok)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  20. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]As everyone rushed to Reoan side...Rubedo continued to stand motionless with his arms crossed as she slowly picked herself from the moist ground of the hilltop. All he could do was shake his head as Reoan and Adiol engaged themselves once again...the other standing apart from her again feeling completely powerless. But he wasn't...and she commands him to stay out of it. In a sense...he was disgusted...again, merely placed as a watcher when this fight could easily fall into their favor if she left him fight. [I]...why in God's name did you seek me out anyway if I'm not even allowed to do anything...[/I] Rubedo continued to watch the battle unfold...their anger towards one another was obvious...[I]you truly don't know someone until you fight them[/I]...and just by watching them fight, it was like their story unfolded before him as clear as day. Betrayal...love...lust...manipulation...pain...anger...it was intreging to see Reoan like this who was once a fellow Guardian. Certainly a great asset to tap into the emotions of the human body for power...and yet a weakness in itself. Arrogance...rage...all this which benefit none. He knew this...and he thought Reoan knew this as well... Suddenly a power spike entered the area and Rubedo turned his attention behind him as he turned head to look over his shoulder. [I]...why in God's name did you seek me out...you have enough allies to do what you've set out too do...you once told me you'd give me a purpose...and you still have not set one for me...what am I to do...[/I] Falling into a state of boredom, Rubedo bent down and sat himself upon the ground...looked up into the sky and took a deep breathe and brought his attention back to the battle. [I]...they're coming Reoan...[/I] Amber stood next to David and looked at the Guardian...still questioning who this man was. Pulling herself away from David's hand as the battle continued in the distance, Amber ran over to Rubedo's side despite David's protest and sat down next to him. [B]"Hello young one."[/B] replied Rubedo without turning his attention away from Reoan as she looked at him in curiousity...David hesitated to approached but instead looked at Reoan fighting Adiol. [B]"Are you a Guardian...?"[/B] Amber questioned...her black hair blowing in the gentle breeze against Rubedo's red trench coat. His own hair blowed in the wind as he turned his attention to her finally. [B]"Yes"[/B] [B]"Are you going to help Reoan?"[/B] she questioned again...remembering back the pain that was in her face when she ran to her. [B]"No...Reoan has decided to fight this alone...which is foolish in my mind.''[/B] [B] "Why do you think that?"[/B] Amber continued to question as the dark man stirred... [B] "You're a curious one aren't you..."[/B] he said in a deep tone of voice. She was fearful of him...but she was brave...and Rubedo admired that in such a girl. [B]"Are you here to help us...?"[/B] [B]"Yes..."[/B] [B]"Is Reoan going to die?"[/B] she began to shiver as the wind picked up due to the power and impact of the battle upon the earth. [B]"I don't know..."[/B] and he turned his gaze back towards the battle. Amber continued to shiver from the cold...and without even thinking she opened up Rubedo's long trench coat and wrapped herself in his long coat. His warmth was incredible...it seemed that he wasn't affected at all by the weather. Rubedo's eyes burned red as he tried to contain himself from interferring the battle, but then felt Amber touching his body. Without turning his head his looked down at her as this young girl began to snuggle next to him. He felt compelled to pull away...but her presense was calming...and so he pulled his arm out of the coat sleeve and held her close in his arms. He hadn't been this close to anyone in a long time...and even though he despised it and felt uncomfortable...for her sake he kept her warm and using his powers he soothed her into a relaxing state, to protect her...as he used to do in days of old. In her mind...he calmed her as if she were a child...[I]...do not worry...all is well...rest young one...do not worry...all is well. [/I][/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][I][I] [B]"The reason I have chosen Katima is because she is young. The enemy won't expect me to do this. Tegan... you are Katima's brother.... protect her. And me."[/B] [/I] Tegan could feel the memories pouring out of his mind as the shivers continued...he wondered if Katima was thinking these same things. Protect them...protect them both...that was what he did for six years as he saw Katima and Kalei grow closer together in a way that he never could. He was 17 now...once he and Katima had graduated from high school Kalei pulled them away from their home and brought them to London to fully integrate them into the Wakanda ranks. Katima and Kalei since that day in their kitchen all those years ago became closer and excluded...like a mother, daughter relationship. Katima blossomed into a wonder young woman in 2 short years after that day. He was now 19...finally after years of practice he was able to manipulate his other power, those of the dark. He and Katima originally trained together with her manipulation in fire...but Katima slowly began to grow apart from him as Kalei taught her new and more important things being second in command...leaving Tegan to practice alone. Living in the temple was quite a treat, everything they wished for was given to them...and with the twins filling in the ranks for all those many Wankanda who had died...their strength was easily replenished just by the two of them. [B]"A simple bodyguard..."[/B] muttered Tegan underneathe his breathe as he watched overhead all those in the streets of London from his perp on top of Big Ben. He constantly guarded the boundries of the mansion and of the Wakanda territory every night to protect the others as they slept in the mansion. It was his duty...his so called purpose. But he was loving...he was loyal for Kalei and Katima as well as to the other Wakanda...always and forever. [B]"Tegan!''[/B] yelled out his sister happly was he walked through the great hall towards her. It was barely dawn when he arrived...she did this every day to great him...always the same...she never missed a morning. All night he would kill only so he would live to see her face. [B]"I missed you brother.''[/B] as she lept into his arms and hugged him with all the love and strength as she could muster. Tegan was quite wet from the rain, but she didn't care even in her morning garments. [B]"As did I dear sister...how did you sleep?"[/B] he replied just as warmly as her greating to him as he embraced her. [B]"Wonderfully..."[/B] then the other Wakanda began to make their way out of their rooms fully dressed for war suddenly as they walked past them. As like their early days...all the women turned their heads and looked upon Tegan in awe and admoration as they passed him...but as always Katima growled at them as she looked over Tegans shoulder. [B] "You should probably get some sleep Tegan...you look exhausted..."[/B] as she slid a thumb gently across his baggy eyelids. [B]"Thanks hun...I think so too..."[/B] and once he gave her a final hug he began to walk past the other Wakanda until he met up with Kalei as she was strapping her sword to her waist. [B]"Tegan...we need you to come with us...we've located a vampire base growing somewhere in northern Germany...I'm sorry sweety"[/B] and just like that...she place d a hand on his shoulder and walked past him as he stopped his walk. Katima heard everything as another Wakanda put clothes in her arms to put on in the jet. Looking up at the ceiling, he blinked once and whipped his forearm and simply turned around to meet up with Katima and the others. At times he wondered about why this duty was given to him...wondered about his past...his parents...the life he sacrificed for this...questioned flooded his being constantly. He was now 21...the number seemed uncountable now how many times he had saved Katima, Kalei and the rests' lives...since he had the power of healing...he was to that which mattered most in battle. Their lives were in his hands while they pushed back Malik and his army time and time again. One night...after returning to the temple... [B] "Kalei?''[/B] questioned Tegan as knelt down beside her in the infirmary. The raid that day was fierce...and many Wakanda were injured or killed. Katima at that very moment was laying in bed with a blow to the head... [B]"Yes...what is it Tegan?"[/B] has she placed a loving hand upon his head as he bowed his head in respect. [B]"Kalei...I must know...why did you choose me for this life...as a bodyguard to you and Katima..."[/B] [B] "I can't answer that Tegan..." [/B] [B]"But why...every since that day in the kitchen...you've held her up above me and favored her and placed her name in every place of honor...what did I do to be shun in the shadows?" [/B] [B]"You aren't shunned hun...I..." [/B]and Kalei went silent. She always got like that whenever he brought this up. [B]"That's a lie!"[/B] as he back away from her touch and stood on his feet. Everyone in the wing could here him...but Katima and the other Wakanda who were injuried laid asleep and peaceful under the medications. [B] "Ever since that day I've lost a little bit of my sister every day. Her being the second in command has torn her away from her. And now as old as we are...she's not the same person anymore...and she doesn't need me anymore."[/B] [B] "You're speaking nonsense Tegan..." [/B]replied Kalei who now leaned herself up on her elbows trying to calm the young man. She had sense this torment within in...and wish to cleanse it...but couldn't. [B] "No...you took us away from our home...and you chose her over me....how many times have I saved you both...how loyal have I been...how loving and supportive...is that not enough to gain the answer which I need...who are we! who were are parents!"[/B] [B]"You were like a mother to her...but there wasn't one to guide me now was there...you were too busy with Katima and forgot about me!"[/B] [B]"I have not forgotten you Tegan.."[/B] tears coming to her face as she slowly made her way of her bed and tried to comfort him. At this point Tegan was pacing back and forth, his movements irratic...unpredictable as if he was a mad man. When she tried to wrap her arms around him he pushed her away... [B] "NO!...you are a liar! We were the same her and I...age...strength...knowledge...what was it that I lacked! was I not good enough! what I not good enough! were you holding me back! what was it!"[/B] now he was being destructive...throwing tables and smashing windows. [B] "I'm tired of the same thing every day...every night...*snif*"[/B] his tears, rage and frustration suddenly stopped as he looked up at Kalei. [B]"I'm leaving...do not try to find me...do not try to contact me...and leave me alone!''[/B] and before she could respond...he was gone. I love you my dear sister...but I can't do this anymore...not now...not without answers...not without control... For months he wandered the deserts...alone...and yet free. He couldn't control his rage...and for hours he would simply sit in the sand and punch into nothingness...trying to get rid of it somehow. His natural red eyes...now turned to a flaring glow. In his travels...he found some of his answers...but realized his foolishness when reason finally found him. His love for sister...and for the one who cared for him...Kalei never faded. And he missed them greatly...but it was not time to return to them...in time...yes. [/I] [B]***[/B] He is now 23...and has finally returned to those he loves. Now he sat next to his sister before the man which they had been hunting for most of their lives. He apparently did not know them nor cared... Katima snuggled up next to him and let him know that she was ko just by her feel. He snuggled back as he used his cheek to brush up against hers. He loved her...and honored her for what she began. The past was the past now... Standing up from the couch, he approached the vampire lord without fear, but in weakness... Surprisingly, Tegan bowed before Malik and answered his question... [B] "I don't know what the Wakanda would be hiding from you...me and my sister were raised by Kalei, and were later brought into the Wakanda ranks. Our parents are dead...and she took us under her care."[/B] Malik respected this Wakanda's strength despite the blood and energy that he had lost and continued to listen. [B]"We were actually wondering what you've been up too...I sensed a stirring...and have been expecting something big on your part. But I know you won't tell me so I won't waste any of your time my lord..."[/B] The vampire lord was quite amused by the manors and cooperation of this Wakanda...he actually believed this man. [B]"If the Wakanda have something to hide...it is not to either me nor my sisters knowledge so you would have to ask Kalei herself. There is no need to hold us here...so please...at least let my sister go..."[/B] [B]"Tegan..."[/B] Katima mutter underneathe her breathe as he protested her brothers actions in protecting and asking for her life...she didn't want to be apart from him again. [B]"The two of your fates will be decided later...but I commend you on your attempts to save your sisters life. Thank you for your answer...you surprise me Mr..."[/B] [B] "Tegan..."[/B] he replied...[B]"my name is Tegan...and if I may ask my lord...do you have something to drink..."[/B] he suddenly felt weak in his legs and dizzy...[B]"I'm thirsty...and my sister needs aid or she may die..."[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Laying upon the couch with his head looking up towards the ceiling with his neck against the top, his eyes uponed slowly as he took a deep breathe from his slumber. [B]"please....stop..."[/B] was what he could mutter as he obviously struggled to express the words. But Malik didn't listen as Tegan tried to push himself off the couch onto the stone floor. The vampire beside him backed away slightly; Tegan paying no attention to her presence...only looking forward at his beaten sister who now lay sprawled over the floor only being held up by Malik's grasp on her throat. [B]"where are they!?"[/B] his voice booming from the echo throughout the room as he continue to beat and bagger his twin sister. [B]"Where is your leader...where is Kalei?!"[/B] But Katima was definant to the end...and mustered up her strength and confidence and spit blood from her mouth at the vampire lord. Quickly in response he backhanded her again...blood spattering over the floor. Her head began to fall limp towards the ground but Malik caught her and continued his assault again and again as Tegan crawled closer. [B][I]what is he...[/I][/B] thought to herself once again as his auroma and smell began to intensify unlike any other Wakanda...even his own twin. [B]"please..."[/B] Tegan begged again as he continued to crawl. Malik and Katima were still a significant distance away...but that mattered none to Tegan. [B]"please...stop it..."[/B] But again...Malik ignored...but this time Tegan tried slowly to get to his feet and rised to one knee. The smell that could be sensed by Noals jumped yet again...and she immidiately was upon Tegan and dug her claws into his right shoulder and pressed him back down into the stone floor. From the pain Tegan rapidly became resiliant to his hold from the vampire as flesh began to tear within his shoulder...his rage building...the fear, the pain of his sister overwelmed him as his eyes pulsed with that red flare. [B]"Stop it!..."[/B] the shivers were coming...like a cold blade slicing through his entire nervous system as he tried to contain himself, his skin felt cold to Noals for a quick instant. His sister was dying...he could feel it...her energy was faiding...but he couldn't loss control. Tears began to flow from his eyes as Noals continued to hold him down as he struggled. All of Tegans wounds began to tear and become fresh once and as his body bled. [B] "Please...I'll tell you where they are...please...just let my sister go...I'll tell you where to find them!"[/B] Malik finally looked up from his gaze upon Katima and looked in his direction, seeing the blood from Tegan flow onto the floor. Not saying a word, Malik backed away from Katima's now limp and unconcious body and nodded to Noals to let him go as Tegan quickly scrambled to Katima... [B]"Katima....can you hear me..."[/B] no answer.......[B]"Katima...I have a little bit of energy to spare...please don't give up..."[/B] Closing his eyes as the tears continued to come, he pressed his open hand upon Katima's chest, right over her heart and gave some of his energy to hers. You could see a slight light emit from within her flesh as her skin tone began to turn back to a normal color and her wounds began to heal. Suddenly without warning Malik lunged forward at him and his Tegan in the face with an uppercut with his left hand rising him into mid air and quickly turned to connect with a right elbow sending Tegan flying into the nearest stone wall. A large indentation was formed as Tegan gasped from the blow and was quickly met by Malik again with his incredible speed and grabbed his neck one again, pressing Tegan up against the wall off his feet. His grasp was tight, but only slight enough for a human to speak.... [B] "So Wakanda...whoever you are...where are they...where is Kalei?"[/B] [B] "They're probably..........in London.......*cough*.......upon the great hill of Ragnoir within his great house....."[/B] [B]"How do I know that you're not a liar Wakanda?"[/B] as Malik pressed Tegan body firmly into the wall as rubble came off some more... Tegan looked down upon him with eyes brighter than any other that Malik had seen in a long time...the red color was deep...intense as it stared down upon him. Upon seeing this Malik released Tegan having him fall on his backside. He leaned up against the wall in complete exhaustion as he coughed and breathed deeply to try and calm the shivers as the flare in his eyes subsided. [B]"You're not lying...excellent."[/B] responded Malik as he turned his attention to Noals finally. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Name: Leonardo Arcaine Age: 31 Gender: male Reincarnate: none Physical description or pic: [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/sfex2_161.jpg[/IMG] Personality: Leo is a very strong willed individual who is solid within himself as well as in his convictions. A natural born leader, his curiousity and knowledge of ancient mythology and medevil history is estounding...having both a sympathetic, emotional, and yet an intellectual mind. Teaching at Cambridge, he acts more like a student rather than a teacher. Everyone respects and enjoy his presense not only for his intelect, but his personally and his ability to be strict in certain situations, as well as calm and peaceful in others. Basic bio: Little do his students know, Leo is a priest. In his home country of Ireland...he practices his faith within the Church, but is a well known master in swordsmanship as a hobby; being intreged by the ancient arts of war back in the medevil times. Some organization have come to Leo for his expertise in the lands layouts and historical landscapes. His history is not known to anyone but himself. Not for any particular reason, just doesn't complain nor brag about his past...the past is the past too him. Weapons or skills: Leo is good with both a wooden staff as well as a sword. But he rarely uses such things in the present day. He's an expert in medicine, as well as in ancient medevil history.[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=1]Tegans arms were chained to the ceiling and his legs chained to the ground as well. However he was slightly elevated from the ground with his body weight pulling down on him. He had been stripped of his shirts and bots, only wearing his pants as he felt the cold chill of the dungeon take him as water trickled down from the ceiling. He could see everyone confined as well...all obviously tired and hurting...wondering was was to happen to them. Talking to Jade briefly, he the drifted away once again...only hearing the voices of Thayne, Richard, and his beloved sister Katima. Jade was quiet...she always stayed calm in situations like these...a sense of no hope. [B]"Kalei will find them"[/B] he said weak heartedly...so faintly the rest of the group thought it was like a ghost talking. [B]"Tegan...what did you say again?"[/B] replied Richard [B] "Tegan are you ok?"[/B] his sister added...but he said nothing else. He simply let his head become limp. Suddenly there was movement outside the cell and a vampire entered...and after a moment of silence... [B]"Good evening, my name is Alec,"[/B] He looked up at all of them, [B]"And I'll be taking two of you to my Master very shortly."[/B] The vampire walked slowly over to Katima and kicked her in the stomach...both Richard and Thayne attempted to break their chains as she cried out in pain. Setting her free from her shackles, Katima attempted to fight back against Alec...even in her weakened state. Her eyes burst into a bright red but to no avail. The Alec quickly kicked her again in the chest, sending her flying into the stone wall of the cell. Anger flooded the mens faces, but Tegan lifted his head up once again and cried out to Katima.. [B] "Katima!..."[/B] then his voice became soft again as the vampire stopped his persuit against her...[B]"don't...."[/B] then his head became limp again. Katima...despite her rage...obeyed her brothers command and stopped her attacks. Two more vampires flooded in and took her away through the door. Alec then made his way to Tegan and lifted his head up to examine him... [B]"So...you must be Tegan...you've finally come back...my master wishes to see you and your sister...''[/B] Upon freeing him...Tegan collapsed onto his chest and face....Alec lifted him off and easily tossed him to two more vampires as they caught him and carried him away with Katima. [B] "Good day"[/B] nodded the vampire in a prideful and victories manor and left the others to themselves. [/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Rubedo sighed to himself and slowly let go of Reoan from his grasps and stepped back away from her. She turned around to meet his gaze as she withdrew her weapon, knowing that he wasn't going to attack she...she obviously had hit a button. [B] ''You are right of course Reoan...''[/B] he proclaimed in a suttle tone of voice. [B]"The balance will never truly be satisfied until we all are gone; Guardians, Angels, and Demons alike. Everything not of this plain should be stripped from this place."[/B] [B] "So wouldn't you rather have me kill you than that of another..."[/B] she said again, driving the point home that she had made...but Rubedo held strong to his conviction of the matter and responded back quickly. [B] "No...because that is between you and Adiol. Mine is between myself and God. My mission in this entire scheme of things I've finally realized is...none of us should be here. The earth is for the humans, not us...and it is wrong for us to be here. However, power is certainly hard to loss...and many will not do as such."[/B] [B] "So...I will do what I as a Guardian was trained to do...to kill and protect the humans. In the end of this game, I...or someone else should kill every supernatural being, or at least send them back to where they came from for all time. And if I'm blessed to live through all of this...I will ask God with all my heart to make me mortal."[/B] [B]"If you killed me Reoan, I would still come back to live again...as would you. I may be crazy..."[/B] Rubedo said with a smile as Reoan returned it as well...both Guardians knowing the truth of their kind. [B]"But I wish to live...a mortal life...but not yet...not yet."[/B] [B]"You still care for her...don't you?"[/B] replied Reoan...pressing the button once again. She respected Rubedo for who he was...but wanted to know where his loyalties were. [B] "It that is to be...then it shall...but in its own time Reoan...until then I do what I've been doing for the past 2 years. Hopefully you understand what I am saying..."[/B] he said with a hoping and encouraging kind of tone. Rubedo knew the hatred and determination that Reoan had against Adiol and all other who were against her...he just hoped she didn't lose the essence of being a Guardian. The wind blew from the ocean against them both as their hair danced in the wind, each other just taking in the moment. It was wonderful to be amongst another Guardian...the power...the aura that was of their spirits...intertwined and so much alike. [B]"So this is what you want Rubedo...this is the purpose and destiny that you see for yourself?"[/B] she questioned...boiling down the issue at hand. [B] "I will follow you Reoan...to be a support to send back those not of this plain...and to become a friend. And if necessary, to finally end it all. I know you dont trust easily...but I respect you as a fellow Guardian...even if you are not one now, and I'd hope you'd come to trust me...for I will not do what others have done in the past."[/B] Reoan stood silent while she examined him as he approached with an open hand to shake...she took it openly when he was close enough. [B]"We should spare sometime again in the near future...one doesn't truly know someone until they fight them...don't you agree.''[/B] he said with a smile as he let go of his grip. OOC: there ya go DC...continue to conversation at hand if you'd like. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
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