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Everything posted by Kairi

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][B]"No no James...I insist that you give them to this sweet little girl now and show everyone what you've been up too you little busy bee."[/B] his smile turned from a sedistic tone to a soft calm appearance. [B]"Don't worry...you may tell everyone what you've been up too if you will with my permission...but I want to see them now please."[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]The Master of Games suddenly burst out of his chair and raised both arms as the men and women began to get out of their seats... [B]"Everyone...be seated and remain calm. I know who the killer is...believe me, you all are not in danger...so please..sit down and relax, enjoy yourself till dinner is ready to be brought out."[/B] With some hesitation, everyone sat back in their seats and remained quiet...the master realized this and noticed Mieruru looking up at him from his side with concerned eyes. [B]"Lady's and gentlemen, we have some special events going on this evening...and I wish for you all to enjoy them."[/B] He made a nod in Sakura's direction and she was passed a note from one of his servants... [B]''Oh...and James...will you please give Mieruru your little gifts now...I would love to see them..."[/B] he had a sedistic smile on his face as James turned white with fright. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][RIGHT][SIZE=1] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]OOC: Sorry to stop what you had planned James, but the master rules all and I have some things to attend to at dinner:) Sakura and Riana, you all have cards awaiting for you to follow...and everyone else will get theirs after dinner is over like last time. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/RIGHT][/FONT]
  3. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=1]The frustration within Rubedo was enough to erupt the pits of Hell themselves as he clutched his fists together in rage...in the distance Asariel began to rise from the ground after Rubedo's quick attack earlier. He quickly looked up and recognized Kariz who made a glance at him as well. With a calm and peaceful face to her surprise Rubedo nodded in acknowledgement and respect of her presence...something no one had done since she met the demons. With a sudden sigh from his part, he looked at Kraven and Reoans little reunion and shook his head. Brushing the dust off of his boots and trench coat from his little fight with Kraven...Rubedo..without saying a word...just turned on his heel and vanished. [B] [CENTER]*** [/CENTER][/B] Finding himself on the shores of Italy on it's eastern coast, Rubedo looked out towards the horizon while he continued to bleed from his palms as he pressed harder and harder with his fingernails... As the blood trickled down towards the sand...fires began to errupt around him once more as the rage began to build... Blasting from underneathe the sands...the three flames surrounded him and stretched up towards the heavens as a flame burst from within his chest...not damaging to his innards...but you could see a glow coming forth as his hands lit on fire as well. His red eyes darkening...glowing as one of the flames burned in front of him. The sand around him turned to glass from the heat...then died once more...the flames around and part of his body subsidded as he let out a deep breathe and sighed... [B] "Demons...they're all the same..."[/B] he smiled to himself as he lifted up the collar of his trench coat and snapped it forward to make more room around his neck and back. [B]"I dont have time to waste on people with such ego...sorry Reoan...but have your fun with the likes of those...was looking forward to fighting with ya for a little while before you died...oh well...no loss to me...the world goes on..."[/B] With that he walked alongside the beach...taking in the rays of the sun as they warmed him inside and out. [B]"Now...what to do...what to do...I'm in the mood to kill something...angel...demon...or human...hhmmmm...what to do...so many thing to kill...so much time" [/B]he smiled to himself, laughing on the beach with that tone of his that echoed all around him. [/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1] [RIGHT]OOC: Sorry Seibzeihn for what my character Rubedo did too you in Fallen's post...was not my intention for that too happen at all. [/RIGHT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  4. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][B]"Goodmorning"[/B] his voice was calming and soothing as it echoed throughout the entire hall. The kings throne was behind him in their view as they all seated themselves at the grand table. The King nor the Queen were in sight as the doors all around the hall began to shut. Everyone could hear the noise of a lock being operated as they turned their attention towards Yuri who continued to stand. He wasn't wearing any official clothing of the Minbar army at all...simply a white shirt which seemed worn for quite some time, and black pants. His metal bracer was strapped on which went from the top of his right arm all the way down to his hand which formed into a metallic glove. His massive blue broadsword was strapped to his back as his long blonde hair dangled over his shoulder all the way down to his lower back. [B]"Thank you all for coming...and not only on behalf of the entire Minbar Kingdom, but from me not only a Commander, but as a friend...wonderful job in your tests."[/B] Everyone in the group nodded in appreciation as they shifted in their chair to have full attention upon Yuri. [B] "I have chosen all of you for a quest of the most highest importance. And all of you will have a fital part and purpose in this...in order for the prophecy to be fullfilled."[/B] [B]"It is said...that the world was born out of evil, but I ask you this question...can evil not love...can evil not show kindness and care for another.?"[/B] Noah rose his hand and answered...[B]"No...because it defy's the logical definitition of someone being evil."[/B] [B]"Very good Noah.......that is the answer...from your point of view..."[/B] Noah was surprised at this answer...as well as everyone else. [B]"We all have a sense of evil, or darkness in our hearts...as Noah just said...to do bad things to others...the complete opposite of good. But I say this...not one of us is perfect. And everyday, most of us strive to do good to make some worth and meaning in our lives. But I ask you this, why is it so much harder to do good, rather than to be bad."[/B] [B] "Let me tell you a story of the most ancient of stories...when the earth was young, two men held all the knowledge and power in the world while the gods stayed in heaven to never interfer with the lives of men...each ruling their own kingdoms...one in the east, and one in the west."[/B] [B] "One was named Chrono...who's powers were based upon his emotions while the other named Reinhardt...drew his power from his mastery and control. Both men were devoted to their people, and lived in peace with one another for a thousand years. The gods blessed them with years beyond sight...and in their time they trained men and women, boys and girls in the sacred arts of their powers."[/B] [B] "In their time...is was the year 1599...when the new year would be falling upon them. They lived in a society such like are own, and threw a huge celebration. During the festivities...a fight errupted in multiple cities across the world. No one knew why...but both Chrono and Reinhardt blamed one another."[/B] [B]"We've come to understand now in our day in age that Chrono had had a history of violence and jealousy against Reinhardt...but never fully pledged upon those emotions. But we also know that Reinhardt knew this...and issued the attack. In our view of histor...Reinhardt was the 'good one,' and Chrono was evil."[/B] [B] "In each others view however, Chrono believed that Reinhardt was evil, and Reinhardt from his position saw Chrono as evil. And thus...the great war began."[/B] [B]"With their powers...they killed millions...billions...till the earth ran red with blood all across the lands. The gods decided that the world was lost...and sent literally...reset the world."[/B] The group was in dead silence...finally Nepenthe rose her hand and spoke...[B]"Reset my Lord."[/B] [B] "Yes Nepenthe...just as it sounds...the Gods decided to destroy the planet...and reset life as it was when it first began."[/B] [B] "What happened to Chrono and Reinhardt Commander Yuri?"[/B] added Carthre. [B] "Good question...both men died...but their powers were so great that the gods hid them away in the darkest places of the earth. But since the gods could not interfer in the lives of men...they created a third power...one to destroy the foolish struggle between Chrono and Reinhardts ideals...the ultimate darkness...the very power they both feared in one another."[/B] [B]"This is the source of all evil...not Satan...even though demons do exist...fallen gods who've been cursed to this plain. This power...rules everything that the gods are not...and it is dormant...just like the powers of Chrono and Reinhardt...each with this own unique qualities."[/B] [B] "Three years ago...my father discovered that the world has been reset many times after the time of Chrono and Reinhardt. That the human race has failed more than once...and only a year ago...we discovered that the Gwar had discovered a tomb that may hold one of these powers." [/B] [B]"Have the Gwar taken the power by now?"[/B] questioned Cira. [B]"No...thankfully there is something protecting the Temple that has killed everything that has come within a mile of it. Trust me...we've tried..."[/B] [B]"Then what does that have to do with us?"[/B] responded Kain in a sarcastic tone... [B] "Well...after my father died...I read in his journal that if eight warriors of all sorts approached the temple and defeated its protector...that eight tests would follow before the power was revieled. And that this sword was the key..."[/B] Yuri raised up his sword and showed the marking that ran along each side... [B] "These marking are the words of the gods...no one can read them yet...but they do contain something within them. This has been in my family for the past two thousand years...and has been passed down from one son to another."[/B] [B]"This mission is to be the most secret of all things...and we must make haste before the Gwar figure out a way to enter the temple before us...our very existance depends on it."[/B] [B] "The temple is located ironically on the boarder of our three great kingdoms...so hostility is a definite...but survival is a must if what my father says is true. We'll be passing many towns...but after we pass the city of Azgarth...there is only wilderness..."[/B] [B]"So when do we leave"[/B] commented Kain once again who seemed to be getting excited.... [B]"We leave now...grab what weapons and supplies you believe we'll need and be ready to leave before sundown."[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  5. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Rubedo suddenly appeared right before Reoan's face as she looked up at the sun radiating its warmth upon the park....glaring at her in curiosity... [B] "Who were you talking too?"[/B] he questioned as he made he walked around her to look straight at her front as she sat upon the grass... Reoan's heart beat jumped slightly at his sudden appearance...but held in the surprise to not show anything. His power was indeed intimidating as when she first entered his hotel room. [B]"Hello Rubedo..."[/B] she smiled with some happiness in her appearance...[B]"what took you so long?"[/B] [B]"Even the wisest and most powerful of us has to think and meditate...don't you agree?"[/B] Rubedo responded...commenting on what she was just doing with a sense of arrogance. Reoan despised it a bit, but he had good reason to have as such...he had earned it. Rubedo took a seat in front of Reoan and crossed his legs after he had taken out his blade and placed it at his side. Reoan noticed this but did not react.... [B] "You know better than I...that angels and demons are not to be completely trusted, especially by our kind...we are mere puppets in their eyes."[/B] Reoan remained quite...shifting her position to something more comfortable...pulling our her sword as well right beside his. [B] "I believe every Guardian has endured a sense of loss in regards to love...love...the thing that God himself favor above all of his attributes within us. And yet we are commanded to do no such thing, and yet it is the thing that would drive most..."[/B] [B] "However, it does not cover up the negligance that you had done with Adiol...and for that you must die as the demon Beezlebub and Adiol himself have proclaimed."[/B] Reoan wanted to protest...fearing the possible threat that Rubedo now imposed upon her...but she remained still...not giving away anything to this now predator before her. [B]""But..."[/B] he responded with a smile that stretched from one cheek to another...[B]''Adiol has suffered no punishment...but you have...so for balance to be brought back...he must die as well..."[/B] [B]"So you've chosen to fight beside me then..."[/B] her voice was glad in a sense...but confused because it felt like Rubedo was leading her around in a circle. There was silence between them...their gaze upon one another was constant...never altered in those passing moments... Suddenly a voice fluttered into Reoan's mind...a connection that she hadn't felt since Jacob..a comforting feeling of support but firmness that she did not expect... [I]...but you must die as well...but not yet....not yet....[/I] Reoan lowered her head and took in those words as Rubedo rose to his feet and picked up his blade and shealthed it...it subsiding back into a smaller form of the sheath. [B] "I will fight with you...but understand that when the time comes I will kill you myself. The others...demons and angels alike will be decided later. If I feel one is out of line...then yes...I will kill this Sartael and Beezlebub...but not until it is necessary for my cause for balance. I respect Beezlebub...I have a great taste for the demonic of sorts...but still kill them at my discression."[/B] his voice was profound and confident as he continued his decloration before her. She looked up at him, seeing almost a glimpse within himself the man that he once was... [B]"You are a Guardian like me...and with that alone I have great respect. I shall journey with you till the end of your days...but know that I am no subordinate, but as a friend watching over you till the time is right. I fight for the humans...and me of course"[/B] as he began to laugh that sedistic laugh of his. [B]"And when the time is right....we will have our moment to become Gods ourselves when the littlest of us will rise and conquer against their masters."[/B] Rubedo suddenly flipped for a moment, dancing around in a circle with joy and evil intentions that Reoan honestly couldn't understand...but enjoyed the enthusiasm and energy that he had within him. Finally calming down...he looked down at Reoan who was looking at him in a sense of wonder, but also a little lost and confused when he finally said... [B]"So...where too?"[/B] as he clapped his hands together and began to rub them...[B]"I'm bored..."[/B] [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][B][COLOR=DarkRed]"If I were to kill her, who is to say that I couldn't tip the balance in hells favor. This would be your balance, kill who ever needs die, but one thing is for sure.............she must die."[/COLOR][/B] Rubedo yawned with more enthusiasm than was necessary for yawning and covered his mouth...bringing the demon out of his current 'mood.' Beezlebub stared in annoyance as the young, yet scruffy looking Guardian leaned up against a tree. The night was becoming dark, yet both could easily see each other in the darkness. Rubedo again yawned began to stretch himself against the tree...after a few moments of silence, with neither being making a sound Rubedo finally stood and made his way towards the demon with no fear at all. A confident stride that surprised the demon a little bit...even after the words that he just spoke. [B]"So you like tongues huh..."[/B] finally spoke Rubedo. And without hesitation, he pulled out a dagger and began to cut his own tongue out. Slowly slicing away at the muscle, blood began to spew out of Rubedo's mouth at the vein within the tongue finally was cut completely, blood rushing out of his mouth as if it was a river as the tongue dropped to the ground. [COLOR=DarkRed][B]"What in the name of..."[/B][/COLOR] spoke the demon, but finally held his own tongue as Rubedo began to carve into his own body...first starting from the top of his right chest...using the blade in his left hand, Rubedo stabbed himself right in the lung and began to run the blade all the way down to his mid-intestines. His once muddy clothes now began only soaked with blood as a puddle began to form underneathe him. Beezlebub took a step back as Rubedo began to walk towards him with his mouth wide open exposing his long lost tongue...or what used to be his tongue. Finally after he had his fun cutting up his body, Rubedo made some distance between he and the demon and suddenly snapped his head back in the most sedistic laughter that could be heard and burst in a flash of light which blinded Beezlebubs sight for only a moment. Once he regained his sight...he looked upon the Guardian completely healed with a smile on his face. [B] "Hold your threats demon...they mean nothing here in this place."[/B] Beezlebub finally understood what this Guardian was made of and looked upon him differently. Rubedo was but only a rumor to both realms...a Guardian gone psychotic...he finally understood why... [B]"Before you interrupted my peaceful walk I was visited by Adiol with your same proposition...funny how such a petty Guardian could cause so much ruckus." [/B]Rubedo again smiled as he continued.... [B]"I know your kind...I've served yours and the angels for centuries...and I know how you all work. If all this were merely about Reoan...then you must also understand that Adiol has begun this as well once he fucked that poor thing."[/B] the 'fucked' was obviously more emphasized than the other words... [COLOR=DarkRed] [B]"Then you will kill her then...?"[/B] [/COLOR]questioned Beezlebub who had suddenly realized what he expected to arise out of this man was far different than he anticipated. [B]"If you want to be that way...I should kill you as well...and believe me...I can..." [/B]quickly brushing aside his cloak Rubedo pulled out of a normal sized katana shealth and revieled a abnormally long scimitar of about 50inches inches in lenght in the blade alone. Beezlebub immidiately prepared himself with no fear in his eyes as well...preparing for anything... But Rubedo simply stood there...holding his weapon to his side...staring at the demon with those goldish red eyes of his... [B] "You have no idea what I've become Beezlebub...you of all people I could come to respect, for it was your kind that trained me. As Reoan had her masters...so I had mine...but do not treat me as a fool. If there is to be balance...then both Adiol and Reoan must die...but only when I choose. There are far more power forces at work here...but rest ashured...she will die."[/B] Beezlebub withdrew his weapon in approval at upon listening to the Guardians words...but realized that Rubedo has not done the same... [B]"But I warn you...if you continue to manipulate this game...and continue to fight in this upcoming war...I will kill you...and you'll learn why both angels and demons have come to fear me...and the people of this world...who have come to call me...the ghost."[/B] And with that...Rubedo vanished...however his presence still lingered as Beezlebub looked around the area...trying to find his location. Then...mist began to surround him, dust forming in the shape of Rubedo's face. Turning sharply to his left, Beelzebub punched with his right hand, but hit nothing but air...then the same dust was in back on him, laughing at him...smiling. The demon continued to attack as Rubedo easily moved around him with his great speed. Beelzebub stuck out a foot in a swipe kick fashion...trying to connect with the Guardian...but hit nothing. In his kneeling position, Beezlebub looked up and saw for only a moment Rubedo in his red cloak running straight for him before he was upon him, hitting him right in the abdominal area with full force. The impact was far greater than he expected and cried out in pain as his black wings burst out from his back. Looking up at Rubedo who still had a sedistic smile on his face, came with his opposite arm and smashed Beezlebub in the face with his palm, casting him right into a series of trees. [I]...thanx Ezequeel...your strength is quite spectacular...[/I] Slowly rising to his feet, Beezlebub summoned three fellow fallen angels who had been in the shadow and persued upon Rubedo. Not flinching at all at this new development...Rubedo raised his right hand...and with a quick flash from his hand...three seperate bursts of fire errupted around him from the ground and assended up as high as the clouds...all three flames burned while they stunned the beasts in their persuit only to have Rubedo quickly slashing at their wings and just as quickly, decapitating them. By the time the flames had died down...the Guardian was gone... [B][CENTER]***[/CENTER][/B] Across several countries...Rubedo finally materialized in a dark ally. In this part of the world is was light which was to his liking. Looking like a bum as he made his way to the streets, the people simply ignored him as he made his way into a very fine looking hotel. Upon entering the hotel lobby, staff members began to surround him...trying to send him away because of his filth only to be greated by American hundred dollar bills. Everyone parted away from him as if it were the Red Sea...[I]Moses was such a cool guy[/I]...Rubedo thought to himself as he made his way to the desk... [B] "what is your desire sir?"[/B] the man at the desk spoke in Italian...the city of Rome as a wonderful place to stay...one of Rubedo's favor...and the best place to eat. [B]"I would like a room please...and some...essentials to clean myself up."[/B] About an hour later...a mistress had brought him a razor and shaving cream along with all the food that one could wish for. In the bathroom, Rubedo began to shave off all the facial hair that he had obtained over the past couple of months...and took the first shower that he had taken in God knew how long. Pulling his long golden/red hair away from his face, he could finally look at his demonic eyes once again. They were golden like his hair...with a tint of red and black that wasn't human at all. With his clean shave and silk looking hair, he could pass as royalty. He walked out of the bathroom to find a new pair of cloths which pleased him greatly. The feel of new clothing was incredible upon his request to the mistress...his red cloak which came to his knees was majestic in style, and his tight black shirt and baggy black pants were comfortable as well. Finally resting himself upon a chair at the dinning room table of the hotel room, he began to feast to his hearts content... [I]Ha...angels and demons...being one doesn't make you any better than the rest of us. To be blunt...God favors humans over you...and it doesn't make you all powerful. You all fight over your petty sides...when humans...the ones which you supposibly rule over are never considered...well that will change....that will all change...[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][RIGHT] OOC: Sorry if I had Rubedo kick you ass shadowdeath...but it was a point that I wanted to make. Being an angel or demon does not make you invisible nor superior...and Rubedo is one bad 'bad ass.' Just wanted to show that a little more into his power and persona.[/RIGHT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  7. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Yuri looked out upon the city from his castle chambers as a gentle breeze blew through. Wearing only a silver silk robe, sliding across his muscluar form, he looked up at the moon and let out a deep sigh as he finally began to relax himself...knowing that his decision on those individuals he chose were the right ones. Looking at his sword resting in the corner of his room, the lettering on the blade suddenly pulsed a bright red as he looked upon it. Turning away from it, he layed himself down upon his massive bed and easily fell to sleep...tomorrows events flooding through his mind...preparing himself for what he was to tell everyone... [B][RIGHT]That night...Yuri dreamed...[/RIGHT][/B] [I]Yuri was standing in the middle of a circle made of seven golden chairs. Each chair was decorated in its own unique designs. Suddenly, four of the chairs burst into flames and melted their golden frames and became nothing. In a blinding flash of light three chairs now stood before him...then again...this time two of the golden chairs suddenly exploded leaving only one before him. And if one cue...a ghost appeared sitting on the golden chair and rose to meet eye to eye with Yuri...and he certainly recognized who it was...[/I] [B] [RIGHT]Then the dream ended....[/RIGHT][/B] Yuri sat up straight in his bed and rubbed his eyes as the sunlight blinded his vision... [B][I]It's time...[/I][/B][/SIZE] [/COLOR][/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] [RIGHT][SIZE=1]OOC: Alright everyone...finish up your sleeping and events from the night before and make your way to the castle's grand hall. If someone could include in their post my entrance or pressence in the great hall...that would be great. The story is coming everyone...:)[/SIZE][/RIGHT][/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][I]Is that really what you want? Or is it Raven that you want? To a create a balance for her maybe? I can do that you know[/I] Adiol spoke reassuringly. [B]"Who are you...?"[/B] spoke out Rubedo in a very profound manor...obviously not intimitaded at all by this... And with that Adiol appeared in front of the the Zodiac, light eminating from his every pore as he floated to the ground slowly, wings spread to their very limits. His feet reached the ground as well as several glowing white plums encircling his figure. [B]"Hello Rubedo."[/B] Rubedo immidiately recognized him...he had seen this man before...about two years ago. He licked his lips with pleasure as he smelled the angelic auroma that he presented before him. He had just finished killing off a demon who had been following him... [B]"Rubedo...you were once a proud Zodiac...surrounded by others who held your same ideals...one who even came to love you..."[/B] but Adiol was immidiately interrupted by a sudden outburst of laughter on Rubedo's behalf. The laughter was loud, evil...and yet amused at the angels comment. It annoyed him greatly to be treated this way by such a human and grew angry. He didn't seem to care at the sudden change in mood by the angel...Rubedo felt no threat by him and simply continued to laugh the way he did. [B] "What are you laughing about!" [/B]Adiol finally questioned... With that Rubedo slowly brought his laughter down to nothing and cleared his throat with a scary looking smile on his face... [B]"Save me your manipulative words Adiol...I know what you seek...but I don't think that you do. For starters...don't you remember me...haha...I am no mere human fool...I'm a Guardian...just like Reoan."[/B] The angel gritted his teeth due to this individuals rudeness...trying to contain himself... [B] "The killer of Ezeequel, one of your closest angels at your service..."[/B] as Rubedo mockingly bowed before the angel. He rose his head up and looked upon the angels facial expressions. As like any other...they were blank...but he could feel that he was getting annoy'd with Rubedo. [B]"You're words mean nothing to me...I know already what you bring and it is meaningless to me. Bringing Raven into this will not bring you leverage either great one."[/B] [B] "...I do know you...have we met...on some distant battlefield"[/B] the angel finally questioned... [B]"No Adiol...but I know your cause all too well....and killing Reoan to bring balance is just not a good enough answer that you can give me to bring balance."[/B] Adiol was shocked at hearing this...[I]how did he already know what he was to propose...[/I] [B]"You say your side is the right side...but from the enemy's point of view you all are the ones who are evil...so with that motion alone...I will choose no sides, and continue to kill like I've always done."[/B] The angel tried to speak but the Guardian again interrupted him... [B]"Please...do not come to me so weak heartedly in your reasoning...if you talk of true balance...then both you and Reoan both must die. So stop wasting my time..."[/B] Rubedo had had enough talk and suddenly dissapeared from sight...leaving Adiol alone and lost in throught... [SIZE=2][B][CENTER]***[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] Miles away from their initial meeting, Rubedo appeared like a ghost in the middle of the forest right alongside a dirt path... Rubedo brushed his long red hair away from his face and began to walk like he always did...his long, ripped and trampled red trench coat blew with the wind, his black pants and shirt were slashed and muddy as he made his way across the path towards the next neighboring town... [I]So dissapointing...an angel of his stature...and yet so foolish...he knows not what he just met this night...I'm becoming bored with all these interruptions. Manipulation and planning on both sides...they should all just die. I've killed so many...they all fear me...[/I] [B] "What do I want Adiol?"[/B] Rubedo muttered underneathe his breathe....[B]"I want your head for me to feast on in the halls of God himself. I want my people to be freed of your hypocracy and negligance...I want life...to return to balance...not your balance...you are no God...I am" [/B] And with that he laughed his evil laugh once more and continued his way into town...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][RIGHT][SIZE=1]OOC: I know Rubedo is a littly freaky and a bit random...but he is somewhat psychotic...and yet very powerful and knowledgable about everything that's going on, and there is a reason for it. Kamura...Rubedo has met Adiol before...that's why I mentioned that in my post. [/SIZE][/RIGHT][/COLOR][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][RIGHT]OOC: Justice...please be careful with how much 'control' you take over the group, I think you've left with very little for everyone else to go off of. And please re-read Astdis in regard to my character and hers...kinda was a whole point to her post. Things in mine may be a little different from your own. [/RIGHT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B][I]....Jade[/I][/B] Tegan had only a glimpse of Jades body falling to the ground before the vampires converged on her body and carried her away. Thayne too fell to the overwelming assault as he fell unconscious as well. Richard, Talyn, Katima, Fyoura, Priest and Sin were nowhere to be seen either. There was still fighting going on down the road and within the other streets, but Tegan did not know who was alive, captured or dead... He was getting tired...absorbing the dark energies from within Talyn's body before and healing Jade only a few moments ago was starting to tire him greatly. He could feel the rage spreading through him again...it took everything that he had to keep it subsided. Demi wasn't even an option at this point...he didn't want to risk its implications either... Finally...after cutting the limbs and stabbing at the vampires around him, they all stopped their attack and slowly surrounded him in a circle. He realized that he wasn't going to last much longer...but had to fight to the end. With a quick attack from the enemy...the vampires all lunged themselves at Tegan who stood perfectly still[I]...binding light....[/I] Once a vampire striked him, a yellow veil appeared around his body...and with a quick flash from that point on his body, the vampire was blast right back into the pack of vampires... Tegan couldn't move...but the vampires continued to attack the shield to no success, continuously being deflected away from this light energy. He was growing faint though...feeling the power of the shield fading. With all that he had...for a brief moment the veil came down and Tegan used the remaining energy to form within his clinched fists as he raised them above his head... [B]"Solar Flare!"[/B] he cried out as a weak blast of light erupted from his hands...blinding everything that was in the area, literally burning out the eyes of all the vampires due to their sensitivity. Their skin was burning as well...but not killing them. Using the wind as an aid...Tegan knelt down to the ground on one knee...letting the air around him rush underneathe him...and with a massive gust of wind, Tegan lept into the sky above and landed on a nearby rooftop. Landing on his feet while creating crater on the roofs concrete flooring...Tegan began to run as hard as he could...crying out the one person he hoped was still alive and not captured... [B]"KATIMA!!!"[/B] But before long...Tegan ran out of breathe and collapsed face and chest first into the concrete in his running motion. His red eyes pulsed with a red glow as he grinded his teeth and dragged himself forward. It was foolish and madness of course...but logic and reason escaped him as he sensed vampires coming closer to him... Finally letting the rage within him subside before it was unleashed...his red eyes calmed once again and fell into a deep sleep...feeling nothing at all...[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Thank you very much for your concern Angelus:)...much appreciated...but kairi shall prevail over such pains and will continue to post. Seems like i still am up to date since others haven't posted yet. I hope my post with just one arm was good for ya:)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  11. OOC: Everyone...please finish up your conversations and interactions with everyone and move into the next day so that we may finally move on with the real story:) ME SO EXCITED!!! My next post will be fairly long...but I hope will really intrege you all...especially for why you joined this rpg in the first place:)
  12. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Aside from the heated anger from his sister...everyone in the group seemed to have a warming welcome to his return. Jade was a loyal companion...and a good friend. She seemed desperate to talk to him...regardless of the little gossip that was flooding around the group... He clutched a note in his hand that he had written once they got off the helicopter...it was short...but right to the point. Turning to Jade...he finally initiated a conversation with her...he was tired of thinking so much... [B] "It's been so long since I've actually been in a city ya know..."[/B] said Tegan as they all made their way down the street. [B] "Really...after two years...where the hell have you been then hun?"[/B] responded Jade as she was instantly hooked towards the conversation. [I]Did he like read my mind or something...?[/I] [B]"Yea...I wandered through quite a few small towns all through Asia, and up and down the pacfic coast..."[/B] [I]I don't think I should tell her some of the things that I was doing...[/I] [B] "What about the last year of this little quest of yours?"[/B] she giggled...trying to lighten the conversation, making fun of this little trip that he made. [B]"Well...once I crossed into Jerusalem and Africa...I decided to live alone...training and meditating in the wilderness and desert."[/B] [B]"Are you serious..."[/B] she turned her body and hit his shoulder with her right fist...[B]"you're such a fool...why the blazes would ya do that for?"[/B] [B]"To get away...to settle down for a little while...Asians talk quite a lot ya know."[/B] They both laughed at his comment...they certainly did in those days. Always welcoming outsiders...their curiosity and learning ability was astounding. [B]"You wouldn't believe the things that I saw Jade...the world is such a beautiful place...so full of life...even when evil and good fight with one another...as within ourselves...their still is a balance that seems to be always reached."[/B] [B]"You've changed Tegan..."[/B] she said bluntly. Tegan held his head down and smiled; quickly bringing it back up... [B]"In a sense...yes...I have Jade...hopefully for the good?"[/B] as he turned his sight directly upon her. Jade shy'd away from his gaze for a moment...trying to gain her composure. Without showing anything though...she returned his look and replied...[B]"yes yes Tegan...of course its been for the good."[/B] [B]"Tegan..."[/B] Jade said calmy....[B]"why did you leave us...?"[/B] [B]"A question to be answered for another time Jade....another time...and place..."[/B] [B]"So..."[/B] as Tegan turned his attention back upon the streets. It was really dark now...entering fully into the night. [B]"what have you been up too these past two years?"[/B] [B] "Well...I'd hate to surprise you, but I actually tried some schooling."[/B] [B]"Oh my Jade...that's incredible...what did you study?"[/B] Tegan was quite pleased by this. He had been a friend of Jades for a long time...and seeing her succeed in life...moving away from this life as a Wakanda was encouraging. [B]"I was training to be a cop actually..."[/B] Tegan chuckled to himself and responded... [B]"I should have known..."[/B] still laughing at the realization and foolishness of his question...[B]"so how'd you do?"[/B] [B]"I left..."[/B] Jade answered with a sense of shame... [B]"How come...?"[/B] with a little dissapointment underneathe his voice... [B] "Because of the attacks that were within our cities in Australia. Being a Wakanda and hunting these vampires and going to school wasn't ment to be...so I left the force and continue towards my destiny as a Wakanda..."[/B] They both went silent as the group finally stopped at one of the bars in the town...was a good place to get some information or directions for where they wanted to go...and they all needed to eat... Everyone waiting outside to get into the bar when Tegan put a hand on Jades shoulder...[B]"I'm glad that you got my message...and that you're here with us Jade. But...when this is all over...you should go back to your schooling..."[/B] Jade wanted to say something...but the words just wouldn't come out... [B]"Be right back..."[/B] as he moved his way through the crowd towards Talyn...leaving her a little lost for words at his shocking...but random remark... Finally able to stand beside him...Tegan nodded at Richard and Sin in respect and friendship and hung his head over Talyn's shoulder. Pulling the note out of his pocket...he pressed it firmly on Talyn's chest until he grabbed it with his own hand. [B]"read this..."[/B] Tegan whispered into his ear and made his way towards Jade once again...he caught Katima looking at him once again who was standing beside Richard and smiled...awaiting the time for when she would finally talk to him.[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue] [SIZE=1]OOC: Fallen...the note is going to be sent to you through PM...feel free to include it in your post...if not that's cool too.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
  13. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]The master watched intensily upon all the contestants that had filed on the stage...Riana had Ryu beside her...obviously she was quite nervous...but at the same time she seemed to be enjoying herself...the bond between her and her puppy was grand. Looking over at all of the other contestants...they seemd to be enjoying the show as well. They were all being so wonderful and resourceful in their 'tests'...and he was quite pleased...he had hoped that this puppy show would brighten their spirits a little. For it was just the beginning... He looked at all of them gossip with each other...forming bonds and friendships...the master again was pleased with this...and took notice at some of the things that were going on. On a notebook in his lap, he made a few notes to himself for later and turned his attention to Reiruru who was watching the show with utter delight. The master put a hand on her shoulder and patted it warmly and softly in encouragement. He innocent little face looked up at him and smiled...she didn't understand why everyone else saw him as such an evil man...he was the best thing that had ever entered into her life...kind...gentle...a father figure so to speak... Reiruru brought back her attention to the stage and stood up and clapped for Riana as it came to her turn upon the stage...the rest of the group of contestants stood up and gave praise to Riana as well. When the clapping died down...the master quickly stood up and raised a hand for everyone to listen to him before Riana performed... [B]"I would all like you to know that dinner this evening is at 6:00pm after the show...thank you. You may continue now Rianan."[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  14. [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][B]"No..."[/B] replied Father Giovanni replied...[B]"the letter was sealed with Father Valentin's insignia in an envelope, and the messenger was one of my most trusted pupils under Valentin's guidance Brother Albert Gladius."[/B] [B]"Where is Brother Albert Gladius now?"[/B] added Josef as he came up beside Sister Maree Bedeau. [B]"I would imagine he returned to his master back in Surgut, Russia. Why...what troubles thee..."[/B] Maree looked at Josef to add anything who had been listening to their conversation...but Josef nodded to her in a kind gesture for her to continue... [B]"I just wanted to know if there was any falsity in this letter..."[/B] she continued...[B]"maybe the ones who are causing this chaos within the city of Surgut may be luring us into a trap..."[/B] [B]"I suggest then that upon arrival to the town, that we find this Albert Gladius as well as Father Valentin as soon as possible."[/B] responded Josef...[B]"I shall go and prepare for the journey within the temple in prayer and meditation...you all are welcomed to join me if you wish..."[/B] Josef bowed to everyone standing near him and departed to the marketplace first where he bougth himself more proper clothing for the trip... If the crops are dying...then food will be very scarse... So Father Schmid acquired some bread, water, and rice for the trip...as well as animal skins of a grizzly bear to cover his hands and head which was a hoody sowed onto a blanket type arrangement that fell over his shoulder and back all the way down to his hip overneathe his black trench coat. He stopped and talked with the traders who may have come from the region of Surgut...very few traded in that town anymore...but a couple told of horrific stories of the death that surrounded that place...and the monuments of dead children who were crucified around the entire town...warning anyone who came near to flee... This disturbed Josef a great deal...imagining the evil that must have been in that place...he thanked the men for thier cooperation and left for the temple. Within its massive walls, the church had no name at the time...or to Josef's knowledge...but it did not matter, it was still a house of God. Laying down all of his weapons, Josef knelt down before the alter and gave praises to the Lord God Almighty and asked for forgiveness of any impurities in his heart so that he may carry out this mission in Gods purposes and not his own. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  15. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B][I]...the shivers.............. [/I][/B] Tegan slowly sat back into his seat after his surpression of Talyn's transformation...he knew what he was turning into...it was plain as day. It was foolish of him to hide it from everyone... He quickly covered himself with his trenchcoat as his body became cold...the rage was building... [I] [B]...damn it Tegan...you shouldn't have done that recklessly...[/B][/I] Tegan didn't heal Talyn...he took the darkness that was spreading within him out...as much as was needed to stop the condition...he had drained Talyns undead energy...slowly eating away at his own life. Quickly closing his eyes so that no one could see the rage building...he concentrated with all his will and might to surpess the shivers...one of the perfect keys to unlock his ''little black box"... He could hear Talyn and Katima talking to one another...even with the cold feeling flooding through him...he smiled at Talyns persuasive ways to bring peace between Katima and himself...honorable...but something he didn't need to worry about. This was a twin thing... The warmth of his coat was soothing in a sense...this kind of thing Tegan was used too...cautiously...he took little by little energy from everyone in the helicopter...everything they could spare. To everyone else he was simply resting with his eyes closed...but there was far more going on within. Suddenly Tegan felt Katima's presense coming closer to him...he took the last amoutn of energy that he could from the pilot and finally relaxed himself...the rage subsidding... [B]"Hey Katima...I think you have a secret lover over there..."[/B] he giggled to himself...[B]"we need to talk...dont we..."[/B][/CENTER] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][B]"Brother and sister fighting eachother. God I wish I could of had that."[/B] was the response that Tegan heard from Sin as he sat himself down... He chuckled to himself at the comment and let Sin be by himself...then suddenly Tegan heard a rather encouraging remark from Richard... [I][B]Wow...someone's got the hots for my sister...[/B][/I] if Katima could only see the joy that was in his heart. His sister had grown into a beautiful young woman...and someone else was finally starting to see the magnificance that he himself saw in her. As a brother...he watched her posture shift and turn in the situation presented to her...and loved her more and more. He had missed seeing Katima...his sister...his best friend. Even if she was fighting with him...Tegan would never do that to her...and would always love and honor her. Finally she got up from her solitude and sat next to Richard...with a deep breathe he smiled to himself and turned away so that he wouldn't embarrase her by watching them talk. [B][I]...Sin was right...I do need a moment with Katima to work things out...must be patient...that time will come...I'm just too quiet as of late...not telling the truth of where I've been...or what I've been doing...too many secrets...too many secrets...but some must stay hidden...not yet....not yet...[/I][/B] Then Tegan thought back to what he and Talyn had been talking about earlier...about someone having to kill him if he changed to the other side...he felt bad that he had to lie to him... No one would understand how respective and honoring Tegan was of vampires...tis why he wont kill any of them...not now anyway. Not all of them are bad...Sin was a perfect example. Yes he battled the thirst...and probably will for the rest of his life...but in his travels all over the world...he learned three things that he had never realized... One...searching for the history of his parents...Tegan learned that at least his mother...is still alive. The father...unknown...but in the end...he and Katima's bloodline was rare...and unique to the other Wakandas. Two...that this war would never end...peace is only a dream...and chaos is only a dream. Nothing is real anymore...only death...and life. Nothing else matters...in a million years this will all be forgotten...and people will be fighting, lossing, and winning their own battles for their own ideals. Tegan only wanted to protect life...not to destroy it...but that hunger inside that his sister knew all too well haunted him...the red eyes never subsidding...control...could also be his third lesson...but not necessarily. Three...that a vampire as the ability...to love... *sigh*[B][I]...Its been good to see you again Jade...thank you for taking me in so warmly...I needed that...and I'll continue to need it....It's been good to see you too sister...you've been very missed...but it was for your own good...as it was for mine. I'm not going to compete for your affection. [/I][/B] [/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Tegan leaned up against the side wall of the helicopter comfortably looking out the windows in front of the pilots as they flew them safely over the waters of England into Spain... His everwatchful eyes watched their movements as they traveled...his shoulder leaning up against the cold steel and his arms crossed...he lost himself in his gaze and daydreamed...dwelling in his thoughts. He could feel Katima's gaze upon him...being twins...he could always feel what his sister was feeling...an empathic connection so to say. She was so upset with him...and yet at the same time...lost. He wanted to go to her...but he couldn't...not now. She was still upset with him...even though the red glow in her eyes were fading. Tegan's red eyes shifted all over the scenary as they crossed over the beeches of Spain...he could feel that they were going in the right direction... [B][I]She'll never understand why I left[/I][/B]...as he sighed to himself. His body trembled...not from the damage Katima delt...but from the rage and hurt that was built up within him. But as usual...simply breathing deeply helped him relax and subside the emotions...but the eyes still remained the same. Two years...he had learned to control their families inherited rage it seemed. In his years of training...learning to master his skills...to stay in control of his comflicting powers...he always felt tired. So much was built up within for so long...he just seemed to become numb to it all. [B] [I]Why can't you see sis...why can't you see why I left you with Kalei...?[/I][/B] Oh how he wished for someone to just come up beside him and take his mind off of these things...to bring him back to this plain. To a real state of conciousness... It had been so long since he'd worked within a group...wasn't right of him to take back his rightful position as 'Lord Tegan' once again as a leader...wasn't time too. Katima had earned that right...and had every right to keep it. Who was he to take what she had practiced with these individuals for so long. *sigh*[I][B]...once we find Kalei I should leave again...I don't belong here...not anymore...I'm not who I used to be...[/I][/B]*sigh* Suddenly he just laughed to himself outload...not knowing that everyone else could hear him. Tegan turned around too see some people looking at him in curiosity...he smiled back and simply turned his back and continued his watch... [B][I]Tegan you fool...stop worrying so much...[/I][/B] if there was anything else that he learned in his travels...there was no point in worrying...he would find his place once again. It would just take some time... With one final sigh and yawn...Tegan lifted up his spirits and took in the remaining rays of sunshine as the sun began to hide itself behind the horizon. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]The wind began to pick up as the sun slowly made its way behind the trees surrounding the mansion...the helicopter could be heard in the distance as a few people made their way out of the mansion. Tegan lifted himself off the ground as he saw everyone group together before him... [B]"Thank you everyone for coming...we need to hurry...Kalei is in the outskirts of the city Madrid."[/B] Everyone simply nodded and made their way into the helicopter. It was massive, and easily fit everyone on. Tegan took a seat next too Talyn and put a hand on his shoulder... [B] "I'm sorry if I upset you at all earlier Tegan...I truly ment well for your well being. It is important to trust people...but there is an underlying reality that we all need to embrace sometimes..."[/B] [B] "I know you ment well Tegan...it's just been so long since you've been with us. You haven't changed a bit...but to speak that way of your sister...was a little concerning..."[/B] [B]"You're right Talyn...but that's something Katima has to come to grasp though between me and her...other than that I would trust her with my life as you do...she wasn't the issue when I was talking to you..."[/B] [B]"Understood"[/B] acknowledged Talyn as he took a deep breathe. [B]"Don't worry...we'll find Kalei in time to heal you...if nothing else I'll do what's necessary..."[/B] and with that he raised himself from her seat and talked to the others...seeing how they were doing and any concerns. Katima sat alone watching every movement that Tegan made. SHe kept to herself...as did he as he talked with the others. Finally...as the engine began to heat up once again...Tegan walked to the pilot and gave the coordinates of Kalei's last known position.[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [RIGHT][SIZE=1] OOC: Sorry to have speeded things up...but DC asked me to move things along since Reiku is nowhere to be found at the moment. I'm sorry if I passed anything you wanted to include...please post it and follow up to where I've written. Thanx.[/SIZE][/RIGHT]
  19. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=1]Name: Rubedo Gender: Male Position: Neutral Personality: At heart...Rubedo is very intelligent and wise. When he was first with the Zodiacs in the beginnings of their persuit for Reoan, he was a lost individual. His master let him go of the burdens of the Guardian...letting him have the will to do what he wanted. In their travels Rubedo became very fond of Raven...one of the Zodiacs. And at one point...it warmed his heart...and helped him to become almost human. But with the war at hand...he left her side and saught to bring back balance to this plain, as well as of heaven and hell...so was his purpose...to bring peace...to protect. In the process, Rubedo killed his master Albedo who he found to be working for Reoan. This shattered any sense of direction in his life... Within these two years...Rubedo has become quite psychotic...a killing machine that the heavens did not intend. He was already very sufficiant at his work...and he finally became what they all feared...uncontrolable with no chains... Now...he wanders the world...killing humans, Guardians, Grigoir, Angels, Demons and Half-Breeds alike. Rubedo wishes to kill everything till there is nothing left...to bring back balance...and to rebuild in the grace of God. However...with this...his persona is calm...which is very scary for the things that run through his mind, and the things that he does. Being psychotic...wise...and intelligent about everything he has learned through his hundreds of years of living...is a very scary thing. And everyone in all plains have seen this transformation...a dream he's come to realize...was in his masters plans all along. Though he continues to search...something to truly live for... Appearance: [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/canaan.jpg[/IMG] [B][U][URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/vin.jpg]Years After Wandering (Present Day)[/URL] [/U] [/B] The above picture is what Rubedo looked like before he left the Zodiacs. The link below shows his appearance now. His golden hair has grown significantly in length covering his golden eyes. (ignore skeletons and gun) Weapon: Rubedo once wielded two scimitars which he has used throughout the years...passing from one life to the other. Recently he's formed them into one blade which stretches out 45 inches alone in the blade. Aside from this he has mastered his powers as a Guardian in healing...as well as the white flames which dwell within him. He possess god-like speed and is like a tank when it comes to taking damage. (from past storyline) [/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][B]"So..."[/B] asked the master as he leaned over Allegra and James talking to one another. James held his head low as the contents of his card flooded back into his mind...the master smiled at his expression as he turned back to look at the two of them... [B]"I hope that the two of you's morning are going well...did you sleep well James?"[/B] Allegra looked concerned as it looked like James' skin turned a pale white...the master continued his assault...[B]"another 24 hrs...my son...as for you as well my dear..."[/B] He swiftly turned his gaze upon Allegra you sat proudly before him...not giving in... But something startled her as he lifted up five fingers.... [B]"Five hours...that's all you have left..."[/B] replied the master as he straightened himself back up... [B] "Good day too you both...I have a puppy contest to attend too...you all should come...I insist...bring others as well if you see them...it's in 30 minutes..."[/B] and with that...he turned away and left. Making his way back to his bedroom...he saw Mieruru sleeping in his bed. Surprisingly even to himself...he smiled warmly and gently shook her tiny back to try and wake her up. She sat up sleepy and smiled as she saw his face... [B]"I hope you rested well Mieruru...it's time to go...would you like to see puppies?"[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE] OOC: Archangle is no longer in the rpg...so disregard him completely...thank you:)...oh Fallen...he could be one whom you kill if you'd like:)
  21. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][RIGHT][SIZE=1]OOC: I think read enough stuff....I've made my choices...if have any questions on why you weren't chosen...please feel free to ask me and I'll glady explain. After you read this post...do as you wish...interact with the others that have been chosen and get ready for tomorrow...when the story finally begins. [/SIZE][/RIGHT][/FONT][/COLOR] [CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]The masses were gathering as both classes were coming together from their unique trials. Some from on top of the mountain were already being treated too for their injuries. Those who were awoken once more by the ressurection spell were being treated and sent on their way back home with ample money and transportation plans. The rest gathered before Yuri who stood up upon the stage once more with 6 figures...the warriors who came from the moutain noticed Lord Sonne immidiately being on the stage. Yuri raised his hand into the air to get peoples attention...gradually in his patience they all fell silent...awaiting further instructions. [B]"I've made my decision...there will be no more tests..."[/B] The crowd was histerical for the most part...people didn't understand why it was over so quickly...again...Yuri raised his hand and immidiately the people obeyed. [B] "These results are final...and will not be changed. I thank you all for your hard work...and if you'd like to continue to serve the Minbar army...do not hesitate to ask the soldiers who are among you today."[/B] Pulling out a piece of paper from his gauntlet...Yuri began to read the names from the tiny scroll. [B]"Those who are named Carthre....Fayt....Leo....Nepenthe.....Kain......Noah.......and Cira....please...arrive back here tomorrow morning for your breifing and final training. The rest...God speed in your journeys home...and take this moment as a learning opportunity for the future."[/B] And with that...Yuri lept off the stage and began to make his way towards the castle...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
  22. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][B]"Well..."[/B] lifting his arm off of Jade's shoulder...trying to stand on his own strength...[B]"since most of us are already here...I might as well tell you all who I am and what I'm doing here..."[/B] Everyone fell silent...trying to get their minds off of what just happened between Tegan and Katima onto what the matter was at hand. [B] "My name is Tegan...twin brother of Katima...I've been gone for several years now from the Wakanda training. Some of you I know vaguely and wish to get to know you better along this quest of ours. But right now is not the time....Kalei has come to me using one of her clones and has shown to me that she is free of Maliks hands."[/B] The tense was almost unbearable...as some wanted to just leap up for joy at this news....but continued to listen... [B] "She's informed me that she is waiting for us near the outskirts of Madrid, Spain. She's very weak everyone...and we need to moved quickly to get her."[/B] They were all about to run out when Tegan motioned for them to stay... [B] "We all need to get whatever supplies and weapons that we need before we go...I warn you of another thing...in my search for Kalei I've sensed that something big is moving within the vampire ranks. I don't know what it is...but something is going to happen...and it will happen soon...and hard. Be ready everyone....we leave for Madrid in one hour."[/B] Without any hesitation everyone ran to get themselves ready...all nodded as they left to Tegan...happy to have another strong Wakanda brother with them. Jade stayed by his side and tried to help him again to the hospital wing. [B]"No Jade...I'll be ok...you get ready...please...."[/B] She obeyed and left him alone to tend his wounds. Finally...when she had gone for a little while...Tegan healed himself with his own energy and began to walk along the walls till he made it outside to an open field where the helicopter would be landing. Falling to the ground in the heat of the sun...Tegan lay on his back and rested as he waited. [/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER]Father Josef Schmid stood in awe at the marvels of the city. Rome was like a distant memory to him since the last time he was blessed with this sort of visit with his former master. Even in this day in age...with the Roman empire falling so many years ago...Rome...more specifically the Vatican still remained the focus center of the earth. The relgious power and influence of this place was far greater than what it appeared to be. And here walked Josef...a mere German priest who served a secret society...the Iscariot... unknown to the general public. The feeling was like an invisible blanket...almost disconnected from the rest of the Catholic Church. Josef however laid his practice and faith in God and not in people......he loved and served them all...but his foundation wasn't placed in them though. Walking up the ancient stairs of the Vatican...his appearance fightened some with his axes strapped all around his muscluar exterior. But he returned the fear with a kind and soothing smile as he made his way to where the letter had instructed him to go. Lucky the letter had reached him just when he had finished an exorcisim within the church which he managed as high priest. It was a very painful transition and process for the family. Such things would drain any man...even a behemoth such as Father Schmid. The spirit of God was powerful and never depleting in strength...but the flesh was mortal......... The trip was a pleasant as he rode on horseback towards Rome in the brisk weather of the coming winter. The cold ran through his blood...a sense of feeling truly alive as he traveled. The lands he passed he had covered before in his travels of the unknown...but they never bored him. Always something new and beautiful too see... Pushing his way through the massive doors of the Iscaroit...the most sacred society of all of the Vatican...a place he knew all too well rested the five chairs...two of the sisters and one of the brothers were already present. He recognized them immidiately as Sister Carmita Arroyo, Father Osric Mason, and Sister Maree Bedeau...all standing around with one another introducing themselves. Father Giovanni instantly brought his attention towards Josef as he made his pressence known to them all. Without any motion from Giovanni, he made his way towards the rest of the group...as he got closer he eventually towered over them all. Osric Mason specifically was quite surprised that such a priest could be so....big. [B] "Finally...my old friend...thank you for answering the church's call Father Josef."[/B] Giovanni proclaimed kindly as he shook his hand. [B]"Of course Father Giovanni...."[/B] Josef quickly looked at the others...none in which he had worked with before...[B]"I'm sorry...how foolish of me, I am father Josef Schmid...and you are..."[/B] sticking out a hand of friendship...trying to be polite...even though he knew who they all were... After they had all formily introduced themselves to each other...they all stood around talking casually of life as Josef made his way away from the group and rested himself against the halls stone wall. *yawn*..."Dear Lord...please guide Father Giovanni in the words and information that he is to speak to us this day. It is rare for all of us Iscariot to be joined together...and whatever that reason may be...may your will be done. I love you my Lord God with all my heart, soul, mind, and body. I shall obey your every command." Muttering under his breathe.... [I]Unser Vater, der Kunst in Himmel. ..holy Ihr Name ist. ..thy Königreich kommt. ..thy wird gemacht werden. ..on Erde, als es in Himmel ist. Geben Sie uns diesen Tag. ..our tägliches Brot. ..and vergibt uns von unseren Übertretungen, während wir diejenigen vergeben, die gegen uns beeinträchtigt haben. Führen Sie uns nicht in Versuchung. ..but liefern uns von Übel. ..for thine ist die Kraft. ..the Herrlichkeit. ..and Ehre ewig und je. ..amen... [/I] And with that...Josef finally relaxed his soul and body and rested himself till the last member came without falling asleep.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][RIGHT][B]OOC[/B]: Alright everyone...finish up the situations you all are in and return to the courtyard for your final test. [/RIGHT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  25. [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=1]"Mieruru..." the master proclaimed as he turned from his desk. All the screens suddenly turned off as he turned to the little girl. [B]"I am here at your request for your service my master..."[/B] she bowed in respect and stood still awaiting her instructions... [B]"very good Mieruru...I am pleased....come with me my dear."[/B] the master walked past her; as she instintively turned on her heels and followed. The master said nothing as she walked in his shadow saying nothing...she was very obediant, her upbringing made her a very humbled young girl...the master saw this in her... Finally they stopped at the top of the stairs as looked down upon Riana playing with her dog on the stairs. In a loud, authoritative voice of power, the master addressed the young woman. [B]"Riana"[/B] she immidiately turned around with the puppy barking for its attention back as she looked up at the master. She was nervous and a little scared...being directly addressed by such a man. [B]"I have a little challenge for you....tomorrow afternoon...there will be a puppy show in the courtyard with puppies owned by servants of mine. I would like you to enter your puppy in the competition...if you win from the vote of the judges...I shall reward you."[/B] Riana nodded as the master continued on his walk with Mieruru closely behind. [B] ''Mieruru...based from your card...you are to report to me and obey every command that I give...do you understand?"[/B] She was at first shocked...but as they continued to walk...she simply said [B]"yes"[/B] [B] "I warn you...there will be things that may be disturbing and horrifying...will you be able to obey..."[/B][/CENTER][/COLOR] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][RIGHT][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]OOC[/B]: I'll leave it there for you Neko...be creative and do whatever you'd like. Everyone else...please post soon and continue the story. Everyone ...please keep on posting...remember...EVERYTHING you desire in this mansion is yours. Even if you want to feel the feeling of flying...it will be given. Also...interact with one another...even if you have a card to do...dont isolate yourselves from everyone else. I'm sure everyone likes to make friends with their characters:) From there...you can definitly move on with your writting. Again, please post...I dont want this dying...or people missing anything in this. If need be...post into breakfast the next morning...including a Day 1 on top of your post as instructed. [/COLOR] [/RIGHT][/SIZE][/FONT]
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