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Everything posted by Kairi
[RIGHT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][B]OOC[/B]: Those doing the spars...please finish them up soon after my post.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT][/RIGHT] [CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Yuri nodded his head as the last spoke their story and backed away. He smiled and rose from the chest. [B] "Very good everyone...now please...form a circle around the chest..."[/B] Yuri stepped outside the now forming circle and began to drag his sword in the dirt around everyone else... [B]"Now...here lies your next test."[/B] Yuri began to pace himself around the circle...focusing his attention on everyone...examining them all... [B]"You may be thinking to yourselves...why would a soldier like myself be teaching you all the arts of magic and sorcery. I am a master of both the arts....something that has been quite beneficial for me as a Commander."[/B] [B]"What lies within the chest are all the diamonds which you all acquired last night. And within them is a very power restoration spell to bring the dead back too life."[/B] Everyone quickly turned their attention to Yuri with complete shock... [B] "That's why all the bodies remain in their original state...undisturbed...do you really think I would send such inexperianced fighters out there...their bodies will be completely restored..."[/B] [B]"But..."[/B] as he stopped his walking...[B]"this is a very difficult spell to complete, and will require almost all of your strength and life energy to complete..."[/B] No one flinched which pleased Yuri...their focus was amazing...all lowered their heads and closed their eyes...preparing for further instructions. [B]"Don't worry...if any of you fall during the process I will certainly catch you...I will be watchful of you all...keep this in mind...the lives of everyone who has died lies in your hands..."[/B] [B]"Now...lift your hands..."[/B] everyone did as instructed...[B]"now...repeat after me..."[/B] Yuri raised up his blade as he continued to circle them...he screamed out in a language that they all could understand in their native tongues... [COLOR=DarkRed] "Engel auf hoch. ..Demons vom Grube. ..we Befehl thee, dieses Abgebot einzunehmen, uns hinter unsere Brüder und Schwestern zu bringen..."[/COLOR] Once Yuri finished the chant...the chest burst apart as all the diamonds raised into the sky...awaiting to return the souls of the dead...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][RIGHT] [B]OOC[/B]: Make this experiance whatever you'd like...after this you all can return to the center of the courtyard with further instructions...all those raised from the dead will all be leaving back to their homes. Anyone want to try and figure out what the chant means in english?:) Little hint to later on in rpg...even the chant i did before in rpg will be a clue...if you all were interested in that little info:)[/RIGHT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER]Tegan took a deep breathe and walked through the steel gates...the stone path before him leading up to the mansion. It was mid-afternoon...the sun was high in the sky as he slowly made his way up. There were fresh tracks in the gravel as he walked up the hill... [B][I]...they must be here...[/I][/B] he thought to himself as he finally presented himself at the door. A man in robes greeted him as he entered...with a purple robe falling down to his feet; holding a silver septor with a dark royal blue orb on its top... [B]"At last...you've returned Lord Tegan..."[/B] [B] [I]...wow...it has been too long...it seems like a lifetime since I've been called that...[/I][/B] Tegan bowed in respect as the two of them made their way down the great hall. [B] "The remaining Wakanda who've been searching for Kalei have arrived...shall I inform them of your presense?"[/B] [B]"Is my sister here?"[/B] The man beside him smiled and replied with a nod. [B]"I'm glad...tell everyone that I need to speak to them at once...Kalei needs us as soon as possible..."[/B] [B]"As you wish...is there anything else that you need?"[/B] [B]"No that will be all...I'll just wander around meeting people until let us say...within the hour..."[/B] Again the man simply nodded and took a hallway to their left...Tegan continued his walk alone down the great hall. His footsteps echoed throughout the entire structure as he glanced at all the painting and statues on either side. He finally took a deep breath and stopped in the middle of the hallway...falling to his left knee. Blood trickled down his left arm as he held himself up with it...trying to catch his breathe. Last night there was another attack...pondering to himself in the pain...was how they kept finding him so easily. Thankfully he took some power from the old man without him noticing. The blood dripped on the ground...but the wound finally healed. Standing back up again...he continued his pace...his hands tied behind his back as he took in the peace of the temple...remembering all the great ones...Wakanda and Vampire alike in this neverending war...[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][RIGHT][B]OOC[/B]: DO NOT READ YOUR CARD/PM UNTIL YOU'VE READ THIS POST!!![/RIGHT][/COLOR][/FONT] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER]As everyone began to eat their food...the Master tapped his wine glass with a spoon. It rang throughout the entire dinning hall as everyone fell silent. They knew that this was the moment that they were all waiting for. [B]"Good evening everyone...I pray that you have found everything so far to be of your satisfaction." [/B] Everyone agreed and nodded their heads...still not touching any more of their food. The Master finally stood up from his seat from the round table and began to walk in its circle while he talked. [B]"I will make my speech quick.........first off....the rules. Rule number one...no one is to go into the Angelic Wing...this must never be broken or you will suffer a punishment far worse than death."[/B] The entire table seemed to die at hearing these words...this kind, gentle, but creepy old man suddenly turned into a violent and threatening individual. And just as quickly, he calmed himself as he continued his walk. [B]"Rule number two....never enter the dark...never leave the light. I cannot stress this enough...if you dare to defy this rule...you will learn soon enough why you have been warned. Rule number three.........you must always obey your cards..."[/B] And with this...eight servants quickly flooded their way into the dinning room and placed in each of the individuals laps a white envelope with gold lettering addressing their name. [B]"This is what the game is all about ladies and gentlement..."[/B] then turning to Mieruru quickly with a warm smile...[B]"and little girls..."[/B] [B]"You must never tell anyone what is written your card...doing so will eliminate you from the game completely. Not completing a task on your card will result in punishment...these rules will be inforced...and believe me........I will know."[/B] The Master finally made his way to the exit of the dinning room and opened the door to leave...halfway out he stopped once more without turning around... [B]"If you have any questions of comments...feel free to express them to me...remember...your cards cannot change...and follow their directions closely and carefully. You will be receiving new cardS periodically throughout the six months that you are here...and every night...we will come together at this table for dinner. The rest of the time in this mansion...are yours.....good luck..."[/B] And with that....he was gone. All the servants left...leaving everyone else to the white envelope that now lay in front of them. [/CENTER][/COLOR] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][RIGHT][B]OOC[/B]: NOW...READ YOUR CARD...it is titled DO NOT READ UNTIL YOU'VE READ MY POST...YOU maY NOT TELL ANYONE THROUGH PM OR IN THE RPG YOUR CARD...HAVE FUN[/RIGHT][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=1]I guess that destiny with Katima and Tegan is a little surprise that DC has up her sleeve...when does she ever give light to her ideas:) Tis a secret...yes...till the right time:)[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]The night was turning bitterly cold as Tegan waited on top of the big ben clocktower looking upon the entire city. From here Tegan was well prepared and aware of the movements all around him...giving him ample time if there was an ambush. Very few raindrops fell...but the night winds up in the tower made is to be like freezing rain. Kneeling down and taking shelter underneathe a stone ledge, Tegan hugged himself tightly, pulling his arms through the sleeves of his trenchcoat to try and get warm. His stared down at the stone ground underneathe him...trying to rest without falling asleep. [B][I]...its been so long since I've been around all of the other Wakanda...[/I][/B] he reminded himself...thinking of the others that we coming to London. [B][I] ...I wonder how she'll look...Katima...its been too long my sister. I hope your years training under Kalei have been good for you...[/I][/B] Tegan had a sudden shiver shoot down his spine a cold chill passed under the overhang. Just thinking about all the vampires that dwelled in the city of London would have been enough to send a chill down his back. Not because of the vampires themselves...but the potential war that was coming. Through his interigations in France...he drained and sensed that there was a movement stirring within the vampire order... [I][B]...and the Wakanda will answer the call...[/B][/I] Through all his training...even at a young age...his isolation allowed him to master his abilities far beyond his expectations. But with this...becoming the warrior that he was now...he desired peace more than battle. However...with Kalei being kidnapped...it would be something that Katima would want for him to come back. Holding out both his hands...he looked deeply into each of them...looking at his dark and light powers... [I][B] ...if only I could master this technique...maybe I could finally end this war...[/B][/I] But realizing his foolishness...he wrapped his arms around his body once again... [I][B] ...I would become just like them...my cause would be no different from their own...[/B][/I] He needed his sister back...he didn't want to be alone anymore...if the war was going to come...he knew that he had to accept it...but he wanted her by his side once again. He understood that she was growing up...and Kalei had become her mentor...there wasn't much room for him anymore. She was Kalei's favorite...but Tegan loved his sister dearly...and left the group because he loved her so much...it had been 2 years since he'd seen her...this will be quite a reunion. With Tegan's red eyes glowing through the shadows of the tower...his eyes were ever watchful...anticipating the arrival of his friends. He would make his way to the Temple tomorrow morning to await them...to bring them all to Kalei...whom he prayed would be safe until their arrival...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=1]***[B]On Top of the Mountain[/B]*** A trumpet sounded loadly...catching everyones attention as they all looked upon two men standing in front of them. The mountains top was long and wide...perfectly flat...obviously produced for some purpose. One of the men was tall...almost like a giant. He wore armor which covered his entire body besides his helmet which he held to his side. A massive double-edged axe was strapped to his back as he gazed down upon everyone before him Thee other was much short than the other...he was slim and firm...wearing only a black kamono...which was quite foreign to the area...such clothing came from beyond the known realm...past the lands of the Gwar. He had short silver hair which came over his read eyes. He hands were hidden underneathe the robe as he stood upon the rock barefooted...waiting for everyones attention. A single soldier then stood in front of the two men...trying to adress the crowd. [B]"Ladies and Gentlemen...Commander Yuri congradulates you all for your accomplishments last nigth...and commending you for getting this far. Your next test will be of skill and discipline. Before you stand two men...one is Lord Bruce Sonne...a master of the Minbar kingdom. The other his is subordinate and student...Mark Lucier. They will now instruct you on what you are to do next..."[/B] The soldier quickly ran away as the little man in the black robe stepped forward. [B]"Hello there...I am Lord Sonne..."[/B] Quite a few of the men and women in the crowd were surprised...they figured the giant was the Lord and master... [B]"This is your next test....please..........find a partner....."[/B] and with that he nodded and waited for everyone to comply. Everyone looked around...trying to figure out who they were going to pair up with. As everyone began to walk around...the giant made its way into the crowd and gathered selected people on his list...yelling at the top of his lungs which seemed to shake the entire mountain... [B]"Kain Savage...Carthre Letin...Cira...Fayt Argentum...Takai...Lio Garavan...come to me my little ones!!!" [/B] All those who's names were called gathered around the behemoth as he looked around to see who was who. Kain stood away from the group as the others were more comfortable with one another...came closer... [B] "My Lord Yuri has some special instructions for you all...Carthre Lestin...you are to fight Takai. Cira...you are to battle Fayt Argentum...Lio Garavan...you are to engage Kain Savage in a duel."[/B] Everyone looked at their opponents all with different forms of expressions on their faces. [B] "By the way...those who have crystals with you...give them to me now!"[/B] Cira was the only one to act as she handed out all 5 crystals...taking them into his massive hand...Mark quickly crushed them all in his hand. Cira looked up in a furry as she saw her hard earned crystals crushed to nothing but dust. [B]"Remember...we will be watching you all...and how well you do will greatly influence your potential in being choosen. Heed my words...and good luck. This is not a battle to the death...so...no killing. If you do...you will be killed as well...do you understand!"[/B] Without even waiting for an answer...Mark left group and walked amoung the other soldiers fighting with one another...watching their every move as they fought...making note of everything without interferring. However Lord Sonne...kept his watch on the other six...his eyes never moving as he watched. ***[B]In the Courtyard[/B]*** The great White Cities Bell rang once more as many left the courtyard as others flooded in. Morag, Noah, Nepenthe and Leo were among the few to enter. Sitting on a chest in the middle of the courtyard...Yuri waited patiently for the others to arrive. Twenty chairs sat all around him in a circle. He motioned for everyone to stand before him before taking a seat. When he had accounted for everyone being there...he stood up and greeted them. "Hello everyone...as you well have guessed...I am Yuri." They all bowed in respect as he returned the favor. [B]"Some of you may be questioning why a soldier like myself would be looking over those of a magic class. I am both warrior and sorceror...mastering in all that I can...but before we continue with your test of power and strength...I would like you all to tell me a little about yourselves."[/B] With that...Yuri sat back on the golden chest and sat crosslegged upon it with his palms underneathe his leaning chin...waiting patiently with all of his attention for someone to speak... [/CENTER][/COLOR] [RIGHT] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B]OOC[/B]: Well...these are your next tasks. Those on the mountain...this is a sparring session for you and the one that I've paired you with. Enjoy...and please remember all the rules which I've stated through this entire rpg. Have this happen for a couple of posts until you both decide to end it. Then you will report to Lord Sonne afterward. Those in the courtyard...I would like to know a little bit more about your characters...anything that you would like to share...this is still important...and it will be a good transition leading to your next test which lies in the chest. Will also give you something to do while the others are sparring. After you four have posted I'll then move on.[/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR][/RIGHT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Tegan layed on the ground exhausted...seeing Kalei alive was relieving...however his wounds were severe... He tried to rise to his feet...but couldn't, his motivation and spirit was revitalized...but his body still lacked strength. Looking out into the street, knowing what he had to do for Kalei...he stretched out his arm and gently...through the flowing energies of all those who were talking the streets. He took little by little of their life energy...trying to make it so slight that they wouldn't notice. Tegan felt his wounds healing themselves as he continued the process...some of the french civilians began to feel light headed and some collapsed to their knees. [B]"damn..."[/B] he said to himself underneathe his breathe and rose to a standing position. Tegan still flet weak...but he had enough to at least move around and not worry about the pain of his wounds. Using the wall of the ally as a brace...he made his way to the other side away from the weakened crowd. [B] "Time to head to the Temple before finding Kalei...I wonder if Katima will be there when I arrive."[/B] Quickly jumping onto a train to the coast and taking a boat across the sea...Tegan found his way to London...his wounds finally healed in his travel as he entered the city. Bells rang all over as he entered...darkness was falling...which ment that he needed to find shelter for the night...he prayed that Katima made it there soon. He missed her...and they needed to get to Kalei soon...one thing bothered him... [B]"why did she want me to find the others first before he found Kalei?"[/B] [/CENTER] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Discuss Iscariot Section XIII: UNDERGROUND [M-LV]
Kairi replied to Angelus_Necare's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][CENTER]Sounds good to me...and there aren't a lot of rules...just issues that should be already known that are addressed. *rubs hands together* I'm just ready to get started. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=1][RIGHT][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]OOC[/B]: I'm gonna speed this up a little and have everyone finish with all five diamonds...great job everyone...[/COLOR][/RIGHT][/SIZE][/FONT] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B]"Alright men...that's the last one alive out there...close the gates...quickly!"[/B] Finally resting his blade down by thrusting it into the ground...soldiers in front of Yuri pushed hard on the gates...trying to repel the intensity of the sand storm. Finally it closed and locked as Yuri turned his attention back towards the survivors. They all were beaten and brusied...blood was spilled all across the courtyard as everyone tried to gain some composure back. [B]"Captian Josia!"[/B] yelled Yuri as a young looking man stood before him...[B]"gather 10 of your most trusted men and take an attendance and account of who has 5 diamonds. Collect the diamonds and give them to me...after this is done...then they are able to go back to their chambers"[/B] [B]"Yes my Lord"[/B] Josia immidiately responded and left... Many magic healers and caretakers had flooded the courtyard attending to the wounded...those who were near death were not cared to. Yuri saw the young man named Carthre being cared too by what seemed to be a high amount of lost blood. He smiled as he saw 5 diamonds laying by his side. Looking to his side he saw Kain as well and smiled...he could tell that he was upset for being caught in hiding the diamonds. Unknown to Kain was how important the diamonds were to Yuri. In his spirit Yuri thanked him and was pleased for Kain not struggling in handing them over... Another soldier ran up beside Yuri as he continued to take into account what had happened this night... [B]"My Lord...several individuals havealready left for their chambers to rest and clean up. What shall I do...should they be allowed to without being accounted for their diamonds and names.?"[/B] [B] "Send a party into the castle to retrieve the diamonds and names...tell everyone also that those of magic and enchantment are to report to me here in the courtyard in the morning while those of melee and blades will meet on top of the mountain. Have someone escort them up the ancient path please...Master Bruce Sonne will be there as well."[/B] [B]"As you wish......"[/B] and it was done without question. While everything was being organized and gathered...Yuri stood in the center of the courtyard with a golden chest during the entire night. Within were all the diamonds that had been collected...and throughout the night...the amount increased to its full. Bodies lay everwhere...but they were not disturbed from their rest as the surrounding areas were cleaned of all blood by hundreds of workers throughout the night without making a sound. Only the bodies remaind...the rest of the courtyard seemed undisturbed. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] [RIGHT][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]OOC[/B]: Remember...if you post regarding the next new day...please put in bold on the top...Day 1. Not everyone must do this...only the first who makes the rpg into a new day. Again, you all did great...I apologize for not waiting for some...but I got the overall view of your posts. I thank you again for you all doing so well...now time for the second test. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/RIGHT][/FONT]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]As everyone continued their relaxation and conversations...their wait was disturbed by the movement of the massive doors into the mansion. The sound was louder and expected...even the man in the headphones jumped in shock at the noise. Everyone stood perfectly still and anxiously as the doors opened...standing in the entrances center stood the master of games. Standing about 6foot from first glance even as he leaned upon a black cane...he patiently stood...waiting for the others to respond. Mieruru was the first to respond as she walked up the stairs towards the master. The men who had brought her here followed by lifting up her luggage and carried it up with her. The other instintivily did the same and followed close behind...not saying a word. They all were at the top of the stairs...the old man still motionless as he blocked their way...finally...he spoke once everyone stopped. [B]"Welcome everyone..."[/B] his voice was friendly enough...calm and warm. [B]"I see that one of our guests has not arrived...pitty...but I shall not let the rest of you suffer for their actions. I welcome you all to my humble home...and thank you ofr responding to my invitation so swifty."[/B] Everyone nodded in appreciation...most were trying to catch a peek inside the mansion...the master simply smiled in approval. [B]"Before we proceed...I would like to say a few words...."[/B] he took a deep breathe...as they prepared to take in what he was about to say. [B]"Be aware...that once you enter through these doors...you will not be allowed to leave this estate past those gates behind you. If you choose to leave afterwards...you will forfit your chance at the prize."[/B] Still...everyone stayed silent. [B] "As for the prize...you will be staying here as long as I so fit...until I decide who the winner is. All of your questions will be answered at dinner...which will be at 6pm. Please...dont be late...for things will be explained to you much further...remember your rules...I warn you. Tread softly, safely, and cautiously. And everything has been prepared for you in your rooms which are marked with your names on them."[/B] They were getting excited now...knowing that entering was just a moment away...but confused at the warning...they all took note not to get too carried away. [B]"Everything you ask for will be given and done for you...simply ask one of my servants and it will be done without question. Do you understand what I have told you thus far?"[/B] Everyone nodded and said yes... [B]"Oh...how rude of me...I haven't even introduced myself...I am the Master of Games...you may refer to me as master...thank you...now...you may enter..."[/B] A warm and set sedistic smile fell upon his face as he stepped to the side and stretched out his hand...motioning for them to enter...waiting for them to enter...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [RIGHT][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1][B]OOC[/B]: hehe...let us begin then. Reiku hasn't posted so she will be arriving late to the mansion. Everyone...please go to your rooms and explore till dinner is ready. Continue to mingle and await dinner...if you have questions from your character or yourself...please PM me and I will be putting them into my next post at dinner. Cause chances are...if one of you has a question...then others will as well. A picture of the Master is attached to this post in a thumbnail...take a look if you wish. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/RIGHT]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]He could see everything............... Unknown to everyone...the hundreds of men and women fighting in this desolate place...killing these beasts...killing one another...Yuri watched with great interest and concentration. Standing on top of the White Cities highest walls looking out upon the entire desert...he could hear nothing but the whistling of the wind. The sand storm began to intensify as sight became close to nothing. Pitch black....sand threatening to rip the very flesh off of ones body. Yuri cried for them...the ones that died in this. But he knew that it must be done...everyone knew the risk that they were taking. They all had a choice...they could have chosen not too enter...it's not forbidden to values ones own life. He prayed that these people who's blood was spilt this night had no family...such suffering could never be compared to that of a loved one. Sighing to himself as he continued his watch...not seeing...but sensing the events that were taking place below. His arms crossed....his posture unflinching in the winds as it blew through his long blonde hair...awaiting the sun to rise... [B]"Commander!"[/B] cried out an officer who came running towards him on the wall. [B]"people are trying to enter through the gates...shall we let them in?"[/B] [B] "Yes of course..."[/B] Yuri replied as he turned from the desert and jumped onto the ground below without effort. The gates opened up wide as people began to flood back into the courtyard. There were a lot fewer than that had left. Yuri did not know whether they all had their 5 diamonds or not...but it didn't matter. He wasn't going to deny them safty as they all entered. Grasping Oblivion, making sure that none of the sand beasts entered through the gates...Yuri caught sight of a young man carrying this giant of a man who was clearly much bigger. Never keeping his attention off of the gates...Yuri walked towards the young man... [B] "What is your name...and what are you doing?"[/B] he asked kindly. [B] "My name is Carthre...and I saw this man dead in the sand. I had met him earlier...and I wanted him to have a proper funeral."[/B] Yuri grinned at the young boys compassion...and at his stupidity. [B] "As much as I acknowledge your valor soldier...there is no honor nor purpose in saving a dead man in battle."[/B] Carthre was both shocked and happy at these two comments as he placed the giant to the ground and looked up at Yuri. [B] "I'm sorry my Lord......I don't have much experiance in battle...but I did what I felt was best..."[/B] Yuri again smiled and put a hand on his shoulder..."you did fine...don't worry...at least you're alive'' He took back his hand and knelt down to the giant. [B]"where are his diamonds?"[/B] Yuri demanded...his voice more severe and direct... Carthre instantly froze as Yuri got back to his feet. His gaze was intense...while his sight was upon him he could tell if beasts were entering the walls or not. Slowly...the young man reached into his pack and pulled out 2 diamonds and handed them to Yuri in shame as he held his head down. Yuri took them and quickly placed them in his pocket... [B]"how many do you have then?"[/B] he responded...giving more tone to the word 'you' [B]"one my lord..."[/B] [B]"Then I think you better get a move on getting the other four dont you think?"[/B] [B]"of course!"[/B] and with that...Carthre left Yuri's presense. The commander walked to the entrance of the gate leaving the body behind and continued his watch as more people headed back inside the castle gates.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][RIGHT][B]OOC:[/B] All your posts are excellent...you all are doing very well. You dont have to write all five kills of yours...so if you'd like...in your next post wrap up this scene and head back into the castle for further instructions. [/RIGHT] [/COLOR][/FONT]
[RIGHT][SIZE=2][B]Fantasies Desire / Realities Sin [M-LSV][/B][/SIZE][/RIGHT] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][B][SIZE=1][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][I][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]In the mountains of Scotland, looking out onto the crashing waves of the Atlantic Ocean against its rocky shores; is a Mansion named ??Heavenly Home.?? A single man lives within the mansion with a multitude of servants; for years, he has been choosing individuals from all over the world to participate in a game which he has prepared for them. He is very wealthy...and wishes to fulfill the desires of these poor souls.[/COLOR][/I][/FONT][/SIZE][/B] [B][CENTER]***[/CENTER][/B] The house is completely dark...nothing is steering but the wanderings of a naked...withered old man. He is quite old.....and yet he is not. His appearance is younger than the years that have blessed him. It's been so long that he's forgotten his birthday...his memories...lost. All that remains of him is this grand estate; filled with every desire that can be imagined. Even magic resides here... Walking through the halls...voices...whispers can be heard in the darkness.......of things...terrible things...unspeakable things... Arriving finally to his chambers, he takes his seat next to a massive desk with monitors, computers, and every kind of electronic device conceivable in espionage...it seemed like the entire house was under his control from this very spot. The light from the monitors brightened his face as you could see the black patches underneath his eyes as he glanced at the view of all that he owned and controled. Leaning over to a microphone...he pressed its yellow button and spoke into it. [B]"It is time..."[/B] Immidiately, the entire mansion lite up in all of its magnificant glory as lights burst to life across the estate. Nothing seemed to be covered in darkness....except for certain areas untouched by light. The masters chambers became bright itself which seemed to bring new life to his face as it changed slightly into a more healthier form........the voices were gone. Soon the mansion was loud and energetic as hundreds and servants and maids flooded his halls...preparing for their most honored guests. They were to be at their disposal... Leaning back in his chair...the master of games gave out a sigh as he relaxed his acking body...slowly coming back to life in the light. Over an intercom in his room...a servants voice could be heard. [B]"Master...we are already receiving responses to your invitations...shall we proceed?"[/B] Somewhat annoyed at the servants interruption of his rest...the master stood up from his chair and began to dress himself. [B] "Yes Julius....you may proceed with the preperations...........is it locked?"[/B] [B]"Yes my master....it is."[/B] [B]"Excellent...see to it that our guests are warmly welcomed and accomidated in every way. All of their needs are to be met...do you understand?" [/B] The masters voice was soft and yet strong...profound...a tone that demanded obediance and respect. His choice of attire for this event was that of black robe with red lining underneathe with a white shirt and pants underneathe. The most simplest of colors...and yet the most eligant and most power combination. Picking up his cane...long and black with a silver handle with a red ruby in its head...the master of games made his way around the castle...to make sure that everything was perfect...anxiously awaiting them to arrive. [B][CENTER]***[/CENTER][/B] Alright...here begins the popular Fantacies Desire/Realities Sin 3. For those who've played this before...it's the same as before with the beginning post. Everyone is to write a email response to the master...including a reaction and opinion about this little game. After writing the email...be creative...and make your way to the mansion where you will be greeted by everyone else...as well as The Master. Everything else will be explained once you arrive including the rules and boundries of the mansion...I will be posting a underground for any questions or concerns that you may have. I hope you are looking forward to this just as much as I am. I am determined to see this through to the end...whether it may end with all of you...or just a small few of you. Be creative...and enjoy...please remember to be curtious of other writers and of the rules and suggestions that have been put in place. Have fun..........while you still can.........[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]And what's with the evil glare....lol....don't be hatin'[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER]Alright...sign-ups are now officially closed! I've finally gotten enough profiles to look at to determine who should be accepted into my little game. Honestly...a lot of the choices were difficult for I've been cursed with a caring/loving heart...as well as a dark/sedistic one:)(you'll find out as the game is played) In regards to this...I've raised the number of writers to eight. However, with this, I will be expecting a lot of posting from anyone. Having an extra character means that there is a greater risk of your character being killed. Not because i dont like you...but because of the flow and events of the game. Remember...everything you do and say influences what happens to your character. Here is the line-up...and there is no particular order. [COLOR=DarkRed]1)Neko 2)Hinata 3)Archangel 4)Fallen 5)Retribution 6)Reiku 7)Sakura 8)Astdis[/COLOR] If you haven't noticed...we have a shortage of guys on this team..3 to be exact...hehe...I sense some love tension coming on. hehe...im so evil. For the rest...again I apologize for not choosing you. If you have any questions please feel free to PM me about anything that may be on your mind about it. I'll be more than welcome to answer. Fantacies Desire/Realities Sin 3 will be up in the Adventure Square momentarily...please wait for my post. Congradulations for those who have been chosen................................................or not :alcohol: :smoke: :evil3: :flush: :bash: :beer: :cussing: :angry2: :sick: :demon: :devil: :flaming: *gulp gulp* cheers...this may have been the worse thing you've ever done...I hope you can take it...good luck.....[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Late into the night...the church belltower ran, echoing across the entire valley as torches lighted up all of the castle courtyard. A wooden platform was placed in the center with Yuri standing...he could see the entire field as people hundreds...almost thousands of men and women flooded in from their castle chambers. Yuri could hear the frustration in their voices from being woken up. They were all dressed for the new day...their weapons of choice in hand as they awaited their first instructions. They all surrounded Yuri on his platform as he began to speak. [B]"I apologize for you all having to wake up so late in the evening...but I hope that you didn't expect this to be a easy."[/B] His voice was strong and profound...so loud that everyone in the kingdom could probably hear him. It had authority...demanding respect..but at the same time...it was genuine...curtious...friendly. [B]"As you all are well aware...I am only looking for seven of you. Until I choose those individuals...I will be your friend...your trainer...and superior officer. Once choosing...I will open myself up too you like a book and fully explain what is happening in our world; and we shall become a team. But until then...I truly wish you the best of luck in these trials."[/B] [B]"You will have four criteria's for which you will be evaluated...and I will be watching every single one of you very closely. The first will be for intelligence and morality...the second will be for skill and discipline...the third will be strength and power...and the fourth..."[/B] He paused........turning his attention towards a set of black gates on the far side of the courtyard...Yuri lifted up his hands...and guards on top of the walls unlocked the gate. They were heavy as their movement on the ground seemed to scream from the friction...piercing everyones hearing. When it was done...everyone looked out upon the desert............it was dark...the sands blew hard like it were a tornadoe, and everyone...from the wisest to not...could feel the evil which dwelled in the darkness. Yuri turning his attention back to the crowd....pointing in the deserts direction... [B]"This will be your first test.........courage and valor. Out there....are creatures that have plagued these lands for centuries. They are sand beasts...big and small in all shapes or sizes. They choose the manor in which they will appear too you...they will kill you on sight without hesitation."[/B] Yuri was concerned with the noises and expressions on most peoples faces...some were quite up to the challenge...and this pleased him greatly. [B]"These monsters all have one thing in common...a diamond. Somewhere on or in their body lies a diamond which is the source of it's power. You won't kill them all I assure you...but you must bring me back 5 of them...and you shall pass your test."[/B] Before anyone could ask a question[B]..."NOW GO!!!"[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]I think Angelus means in the manor in which the vampires are killed. Especially with the lack of vampire participation so far...we would probably be saying the same thing if vampires were killing us Wakanda left and right. I guess that's why in my last post I didn't kill any...especially while being outnumbered...I just ran away like a little school girl:) JK! But still...it's a war...shouldn't seem this 'unbalanced' i suppose unless u vampires want to kill our kind left and right. Just my thoughts...cause i had nothing better to do since there's not much for tegan to do at the moment:)[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Savorying the taste of the meat in his mouth...Yuri looked around the bar from his stool as dozens of foreigners flooded in. They all took their places, not even taking notice of Yuri...they all carried weapons of all sorts...unaware of them sitting in the same room of the very man who would train them...choose them...judge them... Yuri found this little gift to be priceless...his ability to blend in...to conceal his position and mingle with the common folk. He didn't like the attention...wasn't needed for someone of his stature. Well...to him at least. Many of the other superior officers and masters of sorts enjoyed their days in the spotlight; to be looked up upon. And even though there was some satisfaction in it...wasn't the most important of things that mattered to Yuri. Finishing the meat and taking it down with red wine straight from the bottle...Yuri got up and paid the bartender who he had known since the war against Nin about 10 years ago. [B]"Quite a variety you've got on your hands here Yuri...any thoughts yet on who will..."[/B] [B]"Please..."[/B] as Yuri waved his hand at his friend with a smile...[B]"don't mention that right now...it hasn't even begun Lance." [/B] [B]"Of course...my apologizes."[/B] Lance happily took the money from his friend. [B] "No need to apologize old friend...I'm sure all these men and women are quite qualified...for now."[/B] With that Yuri grinned at Lance...and Lance returned the look. Saying his goodbyes...Yuri walked out of the bar and onto the streets which he loved so much. His sword and bracer were in his chambers within the castle...he would need them soon. [B][I] ...there are a lot more people here than I thought...[/I] [/B] Quite bewildered, and almost feeling overrun...Yuri patiently and politely made his way through the crowd and headed towards the castle. Walking beside the rather large line of guests heading into the castle to find their chambers...Yuri took a glance at all of their faces. It brought a smile to his face...seeing how rich the world has become in every way. Suddenly Yuri accidently hit the shoulder of this mammoth...a 7 foot tall man wielding an axe. He immidiately roared in frustration as the entire crowd backed away from the beast and surrounded the two. Gripping his weapon with both hands...the man kicked at Yuri...sending him flying through the crowd and towards the castles wall structure. [B] "That's it...I'm tired of people touching me. I've lost once already....!!!"[/B] this guy was really pissed off now. Yuri calmy rose to his feet and offered out a hand of friendship...[B]"I'm sorry sir...it was not my..."[/B] Without warning the giant swung at Yuri vertically towards his head...meaning to decapitate him. But with a swift movement of his arm. Yuri pulled back his arm and thrust it towards the long pole of the axe and stopped it before it struck him. The giant tried to pulled his weapon away...but Yuri's grip didn't flinch. His once calm and peaceful face suddenly turned very aggressive and intense as his gaze upon the man before him drew dark. Finally letting go...the giant raised his axe and swung downward. Simply moving his right shoulder back...shifting his feet, the axe missed him. Just as quickly Yuri was upon the giant and thrust his fist into the middle of it's lungs...going straight for the sternum. Surprisingly...the giant quietly fell to the ground without saying a word...perfectly quiet. Finally the soldiers in the area pushed their way through the crowd, some pressed down upon the giant as others confronted Yuri. [B] "Commander Yuri...are you alright?" [/B] [B]"I'm perfectly fine."[/B] he said in his calm voice once again...not even bothered at all by the attack. [B]"This man is not to be harmed nor arrested"[/B] he commanded...[B]"please...if you can..."[/B] he said in an amused tone of voice...[B]"lift him up and bring him to a doctor."[/B] Without mentioning anything else...he bowed to his men and left for the castle...leaving the crowd speechless. [B] [CENTER]***[/CENTER][/B] Knowing that he'd have to go through the entire crowd once again...Yuri...now with his blade and bracer...he took the secret passage in the castle wall and made his way outside to the desert plains. [B][I]...finally...peace...[/I] [/B] Outstretching his blade, he glided his sword across the sand with it's tip creating a large circle around him. Slamming Oblivion into the ground...Yuri lifted his right arm and placed it's palm upon his forehead. Muttering a chant underneathe his breath with his eyes closed... [B][COLOR=DarkRed] "Flügel der Engel. ..horns der Dämonen. ..the ewige Schlacht von unserem Alter. ..fill mich mit Ihrer Wut.." [/COLOR][/B] With its conclusion...flames burst alive within his chest and hands as he opened his eyes. Changing from red to gold again in an instant...Yuri shifted his body to the side...pulled his right arm straight across his body and outstretched it in from of him. A red ball came from his hand and shot in the distance...out of sight...over the horizon. Finally...after miles of traveling...a red cylinder shape like light shot out from the distance and stretched forth towards the sky. When the light had finally faded away...Yuri pulled out his sword and trained in fluent, and yet powerful movements and strikes while never leaving the circle. [I].....almost time.....[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
Well...because of demand...:)...bum bum bum bum...... Fantacies Desire/Realities Sin 3 is now up in the adventure inn with a few changes to help the rpg along. Feel free to signup...and i look forward to reading what you got. thanx for the insight as well to hit off my other rpg Runes...
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][B]Fantasies Desire / Realities Sin [M-LSV] [/B] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][I]In the mountains of Scotland, looking out onto the crashing waves of the Atlantic Ocean against its rocky shores; is a Mansion named ??Heavenly Home.?? A single man lives within the mansion with a multitude of servants; for years, he has been choosing individuals from all over the world to participate in a game which he has prepared for them. He is very wealthy...and wishes to fulfill the desires of these poor souls.[/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=Black][B]08/20/05 [/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Black]An email is sent to seven individuals all over the world...[/COLOR] [I]Hello, I?m writing to you, my friend, to congratulate you on winning an all expense paid trip to the coast of Scotland to live in my mansion for as long as you wish. Beware, this is no ordinary mansion mind you. Within the walls of my home, everything you ever wished for will be granted to you. And I mean....everything. All the deepest, darkest desires of your heart will be yours. Whatever pleasure you seek for yourself...will be granted to you. If you desire love, sex, money, drugs, food...all of life?s commodities will be yours. If you wish to accept this honor, please...simply reply back with a smile yes or no; and immediate transportation plans will be set in place for you to arrive. Upon arriving, there are three rules which you must obey while in my home. 1) You must obey your cards... 2) You must stay in the light... 3) You must never go into the Angelic Wing... That is all...everything will be explained when you arrive...any questions that you have will not be with held from you prior to entering the mansion. You may be asking yourself...'why would I bother coming to a place such as this?' I?ll tell you why...if you play my little game...if you last living in the house, you will earn half of my family fortune, which comes to around thirteen billion dollars. I?m not joking, I?ve come to realize the worthlessness of money...so I?ve decided to give most of it away to the ones who I find to be worthy. And I will wait as long as it takes to find the right ones. So; whomever can stay within the house for six months, will be declared the winner...and the thirteen billion will be split between those who are left. But hear me...once you enter the mansion, you may not leave the grounds of the estate. So there you have it; come to my mansion...where all your dreams come true...and have the opportunity to win thirteen billion dollars. No strings attached...and believe me...it will be worth your while. Oh, one more thing...do not tell anyone of this, for we want to make this as smooth and without interruptions from the outside world. Don?t worry...we?ll know if you tell...which will automatically revoke your chances of coming to my mansion. As clarity for your honesty and silence...I have taken the liberty of electronically sending ten thousand dollars to your personal back account, as a token of my friendship too you. That is all I will tell you...once you reply back to this email...you will have an escort waiting outside your house within two days to bring you to the mansion. I have chosen you because I feel you to be worthy of such a reward; for your dedication to society, your love and compassion, your leadership, your strength through turmoil, and last but not least...for just who you are. Catch ya later... Sincerely, The Master of Games...[/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ An old RPG I attempted to create when I was a new member on Okatuboards...one that I hope will come back to life. In this mansion...everything you ever wanted will be given too you. Let your imagination soar...and it will be given too you. This mansion also contains many secrets....ones that lie within the three laws. [COLOR=DarkRed]The Cards:[/COLOR] Envelopes that will be given to you by the Master of Games every so often. On them will read a task...and you must obey them...or there will be consequences if you do not. You may not share the information that is given too you. You think....wait...wont the other member be seeing my card when I post. Ah....that?s the best part...they wont. I will personally send out the tasks by PM. So that it will always be a mystery to the rest. If you do not obey, or fulfill the request...you are punished...by means which you are not allowed to tell anyone. And believe me...within the mansion are hidden camera?s watching your ever move. If you tell....you die. You must obey them....no matter what they say. And please do not assume what the other's card may be...nor take full advantage or control of the character for you may mess up the purpose of their own card. So please ask for permission before making sure actions... [COLOR=Yellow]Light:[/COLOR] As the law says....you cannot leave the light......ever. Or you will pay the consequence by living out your worst nightmare. Ghosts reside in every corner...beware. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]The Angelic Wing:[/COLOR] The only forbidden section of the house. You?ll learn soon enough what lies within those hallways. ***Of course your characters wont know the specifics of these laws until they actually go into the mansion. If you have any questions...just PM or write to the underground. This is story is going to be full of twists, suspense, gore; everything you can think of will be shown in this RPG; especially with the usage of these cards. This RPG is yours to make your own...for you will be living in this mansion with everyone else. Form friendships...bonds, relationships...because you?ll need them when the Master of Games interferes. I?ll be playing the Master of Games ONLY...in the last installment...I played both the master and another person within the house. This time...I will not make the same mistake again...giving myself much more time and energy to create twists and turns for all of you. This is what I need... Name: Age: Sex: Location: (anywhere in the world, but you must speak English, but can curse and whatnot in your own languages if you wish) Appearance: Personality: Bio: Greatest [COLOR=Red]Desire[/COLOR]: Greatest [COLOR=Black]Fear[/COLOR]: For your convenience...I have included a picture of the mansion for you too look at. I will be selecting seven individuals from the pool of profiles that are given to me. However...if I feel that someone is not living up to the rules that I'm about to give. I will bring your profile into the rpg if you'd wish so that you can participate. So if you're not choosen...you still have a chance to be involved. So that there is no confusion on what day it is...we'll be working on a day system. Once you enter the mansion...it will be Day 1. If in your post you change the day...put on the top 'Day 2'. And please dont rush your posts...let people catch up. There are 3 things that I ask of you please... One: Do not...I repeat...do not make your only purpose in this rpg to hook up with another character of the opposite (or same...depending on your preferances) sex. If I find that your only only purpose is to get a 'rush' from feeling loved in this...I will replace you with someone else that wants to be a part of this. I do understand that sex scenes and love relationships start...I encourage it:) But you aren't going to fall in love with someone in a week...sorry. Two: Your participation in this rpg will be critical. Only those who show loyalty and consistancy will be allowed to be in it. If you dont post often...I recommend that you dont participate. I understand and respect that things happen...so please PM me when things arise. Three: Be creative...dont rely too much on me. If I don't give you a card...there is a reason for it...kind of a test to see if you're creative enough to continue. This is a real life rpg...this character is like an extension of yourself...make the best of it. have fun...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][B]"Kennen, von wo Sie kommen, ist, genauso wie wichtig als wissend, wo Sie gehen." [/B] [I]Knowing where you come from...is just as important as knowing where you are going.[/I] My fathers German accent rang in my ears as I looked upon my families sword...a massive broadsword made of a dark blue stone that has been found no where else. The blade is smooth...perfect...all up and down it is craved 7 dark/redish symbols directly into the blade on both sides. It was found generations ago by another scientist relative searching for treasures. Lifting it up into the air, pointing it directly up towards the heavens with it being held firmly in my grasp...I look down upon the kingdom which I have sworn to protect. By permission of the great King Sirus of Minbar...I've been allowed to explore this new discovery. Rumors of an ancient tomb has been found on Nin lands...unopened...untainted by mortal hands. This has reached the kingdom of Nin as well as the Gwar. It is close enough for the Gwar to enter our lands and take this treasure. No has been able to enter the temple to reach the tomb for unknown reasons...no one has come back alive. Since the King cannot spare professional help due to need on the front lines against the Gwar...I, Commander Yuri of the Minbar army must seek out only 7 who will be worthy enough to take on this quest. [B] "My God...who art in heaven...give me the wisdom to choose whom you see the right ones to join me in this. Give me strength...and guide my sword so that your will may be done...for thine is the power, glory, and honor forever...amen.........."[/B] [B] [CENTER]*** [/CENTER][/B] Walking out into the courtyard of the great white/pearl castle...Yuri wore his usual outfit. Well, it reallly wasn't an outfit. He rarely wore a shirt...and if he did, it would be merely some kind of silky vest. The only form of armor that he wore was a metallic bracer on his left forearm starting a little higher up on his elbow, being held onto his arm by two leather straps, and ending up as a metal glove on his hand. The rest of him was a basic brown pants and black boots. His body was bulky...strong like an ox as he walked among the people with his massive broadsword strapped to his back. His facial features however did not show his true age. Being a Commander of the Minbar empire...he was of significant age of about 35...but he looked more like 24 of age. With long blonde hair and brown/golden eyes...he had the most gentle face. But whenever he was anger...you could feel a cold shiver spread down your spine as your eyes locked with his. About three dozen servants were working frantically around him...preparing the courtyard for the newcomers...the men and women that Yuri would choose from to lead this expedition. The Gwar were headlocked with the human forces on the border...so there was no rush...Yuri was determined to take his time so that his choices were perfect. [B]"my lord..."[/B] [B]"yes Maliki..." [/B]Yuri answered as he looked down upon the servant before him. [B] "the preperations that you requested are almost completed...we with only for your approval to allow the strangers into the courtyard to recieve instructions."[/B] [B]"and they are all trainees of their profession correct Maliki?"[/B] Yuri responded...his voice calm and gentle...no indication of any kind of harsh tone in his question. If those around him respect him...he went over and above for them in return. [B]"yes...what shall I have them do when they arrive?"[/B] [B] "please escort them to their chambers within the castle as our honored guests...and by tonight during the moon's highest point...I shall meet with them here."[/B] And with that...Yuri bowed to his friend and walked away to get something to eat. [I]...Only those worthy will learn of the secrets which we seek...[/I] [B][CENTER]*** [/CENTER][/B] There you go...you have your instructions...the meeting will be held at night. Write whatever you'd like with your visit to the capital city...mingle with everyone and the town...and then go to your chambers. When you all are here and ready to go...I will initiate the first meeting with all those who have come. Keep this in mind...hundreds of people are coming...not just the select few of your...please remember that. Also...for those who have not finished their profiles...please do that asap before I make my decisions at least. thanx a lot. have fun...[/SIZE] [/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B][SIZE=1][CENTER]Here's the official undergroud the this rpg...please post any questions...comments...or just to start up conversation is cool too:) I'll be posting updates here throughout the rpg...beginning with the 7 writer lineup after the initial couple of posts. In the story I will let you know when I will be choosing. Remember...please dont be mad if you're not choosen for the final 7. I purly chose based on compatability to the story and not on prejudice or liking of someone over another. If you have questions about my choics feel free to do so. Good luck...and have fun. later[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
Sign Up Iscariot Section XIII: Renaissance [M-LV]
Kairi replied to Angelus_Necare's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Name: Father Josef Schmid Age: 32 Gender: Male[/CENTER] [CENTER]Appearance: [B][URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/josef.jpg]Josef[/URL][/B] With white hair pulled back into a pony tail...golden eyes and earrings on both sides...he doesn't look his age...but much older. Standing at about 6' foot 4'', Josef looks like a behemoth...someone who should be in a arena...not a church. Personality: Josef is like a big teddy bear. Despite his tough exterior, Josef acts like a father and mentor to everyone around him, always staying calm and level headed in all situations that God has put him in with a sense of humor. His loyalty and devotion to the Lord, his faith, church and friends is unflinching. When performing the duties of the Iscariot...Josef has an intensity and power in his weapon that it suddenly turns into a fluent motion; controlled strength and force which he practices in his everyday living and battle techniques. Weapon: [/CENTER] [B]Imperial Double Edged Battle Axe[/B]- forged completely in stainless steel, this 40 inch long pole which is tightly wrapped in steel wiring for it's hand grips for optimal handling in any circumstance. The rest of the steel bar is wrapped in a black leather. The head of the double edged battle axe is 8 X 8 inches with a pointed head...giving it the ability of a trident for jabbing. [B]Imperial Battle Axe[/B]- two more battle axes are strapped to Josef's waist which can be easily lifted from it's placement. The axe is made in the same manor as the double edge except with a single blade...and a significantly smaller size of 21 inches in length. [CENTER]History/Background: From an early age...all Josef knew was the life of a slave. Working for a local blacksmith in a deserted town near the edge of German territory, he and his family led not their own lives. At the age of twelve, Josef had already grown to the size of an adult due to his work load. Being branded with golden earring on both ears...he was shamed upon everyone else in the town...for slaves back then were looked down upon without pitty. On one windy evening during the first snowfall...Josef and his mama and papa snuggled together to get warm in their little hut. With his mother on his left...and his father on the right, he embraced them with as much love and warmth as he could. The next morning, Josef awoke to find his parents frozen to death...their grasp upon his forearms still held firm. Their faces were calm and peaceful as Josef tried to rise to his feet. He did not cry...he simply carried them outside into the cold and barried them with his bare hands. When his job was done...he simply found no reason to live in this place any longer and fled from his master. There were moments where the masters servants almost caught him and brought him back to that place...but Josef fought his way through and killed many. Finally he found himself in a large city unknown to him. Fleeing his persuers...he came across a church. The cathedral was enormous, stretching so high it seemed to touch the heavens. Running through its massive doors, Josef hid among the pews as his enemies came through the doors searching for him. Breathing heavily...the persuers were only a few yards away when a priest of the church came up form behind them and attacked them with such power and persistance with a mere staff that the men fled from the church. Scared and tired from his running, the priest knelt next to him and simply placed a hand on his shoulder and said these words...words that would echo in his mind forever. [B] "Ich gebe Ihnen Freistätte in diesem Haus von Gott meinem lieben Kind. Befürchten Sie, für Sie sind sicher jetzt nicht."[/B] [I]I give you sanctuary in this house of God my dear child. Do not fear, for you are safe now. [/I] From that day on...Josef became the priests pupil. Still a servant...he found a new sense of purpose in life. After calling the priest merely as 'master' for 2 years...Josef finally was told the priests name. He was known as Father Micah...the head of the churchs order in that area. As the years past, Josef learned more and more from his new mentor. They soon became friends...helping Josef to finally open himself up and cry because of his parents death...opening a part of his being that had was barried underneath the icy snow of his soul since that day. Finally, after the transition, Josef was accepted into the order as a newly found priest. At the age of 28...his father and mentor died due to an unknown disease that was spreading through the area. That same day...men and women whom he had never seen before surrounded him in the temple of God and gave him a piece of paper. Those words that were written changed his purpose once again... Now...at the age of 32...Josef has taken his former masters position in Germany...and continues his secret oath to the Iscariot. Never forgetting his friends teachings and training. Still keeping his golden earrings in his ears...despite the disapproval of the other high priests, Josef keeps them as a reminder of his past...to never forget nor take for granted the blessings which God has given him. [B]"Kennen, wo Sie von kommen, ist, genauso wie wichtig als wissend, wo Sie gehen."[/B] [I]Knowing where you come from, is just as important as knowing where you are going.[/I] Snippet: [B]"Unser Vater in Himmel, der vergöttert wird, ist Ihr Name, kommt Ihr Königreich, wird Ihres gemacht werden, auf Erden als es in Himmel ist. Geben Sie uns diesen Tag unser tägliches Brot. Vergeben Sie uns unsere Schulden, als wir unsere Schuldner vergeben haben. Führen Sie uns nicht in tempation, aber liefern Sie uns vom Übel Ein."[/B] The lords prayer seemed to flow through his entire being as he knelt down to the alter. [I]Cleanse my soul of any impurities Lord as I extend your weapon to bring down your enemies. It is not I who lives but Christ you lives through me. You are my strength...my hope...my will. Thank you for your neverending love and blessings...for you are forever faithful. [/I] The other priests and nuns underneath him watched in amazement as they witnessed their leader pour himself out to God. Finally lifting himself off the ground after hours of prayer...Father Josef walked to his chambers and walked out amongst the town, mingling with all that came across his path...unaware of the weapon God had placed him with. [/CENTER][/SIZE] [/COLOR] -
Alright...I'll be putting the Rpg up in the square tonight...anyone else who wants to sign up please do asap...PM me with the profile and I'll take under concideratino. again...thanx for all those who have posted...after the first couple of posts in the square I will come up with the line-up good luck.
[CENTER][B][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]I think Ilium has a good point...the human mind is a wonderious...and yet imaginative tool. I myself am a psychology teacher...it's the same principle as multiple personalities...any kind of memory...fear...or teaching can manipulate ones mind to manifest those aspects of the mind into a physical/emotional form. I do believe in a soul...and that some die in horrible ways...but I myself have not experianced such an incounter with a ghost. Sure I've felt scared at some point...thinking that shadows are moving...or voices etc. etc...but I have not 'seen' anything. There is something known as the spiritual realm I believe. Where there is a world unseen to us where ghosts/souls reside...where...if you are a Christian or spiritual follower...'spiritual warfare' that goes on between angels and demons. And like in the bible...other documented events where people are in fact possessed...that these things come to life. So is it real...who knows for sure...no form of science can explain such things. I think only by ones faith in reality can really determine this. No one can downplay anothers...cause there is so much 'evidance' on both sides. You choose...just by your own understanding.[/SIZE] [/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]