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Everything posted by Kairi
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][B][CENTER]Me personally...I luv fortune cookies. Cause they taste pretty good from the chinese resturant that I go too. As for that little piece of paper...someone who tries to find meaning, purpose, or future insight into their life are just sad. I do feel for those who are in pain and are looking for anything to lift them up...but a mass produced fortune cookie is not the answer. I would prefer to think...''believe in yourself...create your own destiny...and don't fear failure." Hey...wouldn't it be hilarious if you got a fortune cookie...and it didn't come true...couldn't we sue the chinese resturant for false advertising:) But for those few times when the fortune does come true...I don't know if anyone has taken a Critical Thinking class in high school or college...but can you imagine the probability of getting a fortune cookie prediction right. Think of the variety of cookies...and how many people eat those cookies...it is probably that by chance something would come true. Just basic mathematics. [/CENTER][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][B][SIZE=1]hhmmm...i feel for all of you that have felt that kind of loss. Sol-Blade...have you told her how you've felt...better to let stuff like that out than to hold it in. 'Your Mother'...lol...you've got time...plenty of it. In my case...I'll share my story. In high school I never had a real relationship until my junior year. I casually went out with people just to hang out...but nothing serious till I met Alev. She was my first love...and now thinking back...I'll never forget her. I don't think anyone can truly forget their first love. Anywho...we were together for 2 years till we seperated at teh end of senior year. She chose her career and friends over me...and to this day...I hate (well, hate is a strong word....'highly dislike) her for all that she put me through. But in the end, I thank God that I let her go. Did it hurt...yes it did...after that point...I wanted so much better for my life. I went out with other people...played the field...tried to ease the pain. WIth problems with the family, friends...and that horrible moment in my life...the bad overcame the good and it felt like my heart died. Over the years I grew...and I learned from my past. Everything happens for a reason I believe...and sometimes...the best things happen when you least expect them too. Here's why...through those years dating Alev...and when we were apart...through all my hardship my best friend Toni (girl not guy) was there for me all the way. When I was out searching for all that I wanted from the world...everything I ever needed was right in front of me. To make a long story short...I've dated Toni now seriously for almost three years...and will be getting married in May. Believe me...I've been there through the heartbreak...and I've come out of the other side....and that happened before I dated Toni. Guys/Girls...the opposite (or same regarding your sexual preferance:)), do not satisfy your needs and desires. They are blessing...take this to heart..."if your heart was broken...you'd be dead" You may feel like you're dead inside...but you're still here...living...for some purpose. Find your joy and purpose in life before you commit yourself to someone else. You may be hurt and turned down...but we all have so much of our lives to live...Patience is a virtue...and from my experiance I cannot stress that enough. You'll know who the right one is when you find this kind of person who will say this too you..."I would not only die for you...I will live for you." think on that...[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=1]Thank you everyone for signing up for this rpg...I'm really excited for it to begin...however I'm still waiting for people to finish their profiles...as well as some more potentially signing up...this I hope will start around wed. so please be patient. PLease finish your final profiles as soon as possible. thanx take care...later...till wed...or on another rpg:)[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Tegan woke up startled from his deep slumber. With a slight panic attack flooding through his entire being...he quickly gazed around the warehouse which for this night he called home. [B]*yawn*[I]....it was only a dream....[/I][/B] Rising from the concrete floor...Tegan lifted his sword onto his back, strapped it on, and began to make his way to the warehouses rooftop. It was still nighttime in the city...the moon still residing high in the sky...from what he could tell, it was aroud 150am in the morning. There was a cold breeze on this night as it blowed through Tegan's hair and trenchcoat. The warehouse was on an island in the Atlantic looking out upon the country of France. Within the warehouse...it's shadows began to shift and form. [B][I]How did they find me so quickly?[/I][/B] But it didn't matter...simply standing there on the rooftop; his hands calmly placed in his pockets. He let his predators come upon him closer...and closer. No sound could be hear but the wind being altered by their figures. Sensing the disturbances...he made out 2 to 3 vampires. [B][I]This can't be all of them...[/I][/B] Looking over his shoulder at the three vampires slowly making their way towards him...he gave them a smirk and ran for the edge. They quickly persued him and were upon Tegan. Fighting him on both sides as they ran. Tegan lifted his sword up high and drove it into the ground...quickly stopping his momentum as the vampires ran past him. Quickly moving towards them...Tegan sliced at ones throat on one side and quickly turned to his other and sliced through the vampires shoulder...cutting off his arm. The last one continued the persuit with great speed...who was much faster than Tegan. Tegan however made it too the edge of the roof and jumped off the 10 story building. As he inticipated...there were more vampires making their way up the buildings side using the pipes. Their were about half a dozen of them...maybe more...maybe less...it didn't matter. Tegan couldn't handle them all...they must have all sensed him when he crossed their borders in France trying to find Kalei. [B][I] This must be the right place then...[/I][/B] Falling down towards the group of vampires...Tegan lunged his sword into the side of the building to slow his decent upon them. The one above him in it's persuit prepared to attack as he came closer to him. Taking a wooden spike from his trenchcoat...Tegan thrust it upwards...going right through the vampires jaw into it's head. [B][I]Damn it...missed....[/I][/B] It's now motionless body fell upon the others as Tegan approached. Quickly jumping off the wall, Tegan started to acrobatically work his way through the many pipes...trying to get away from all the vampires. They followed him...making great ease out of his extrodinary feats of agility. Cutting the limbs off of the ones who surrounded him so that they wouldn't have much hold on their terrain...Tegan finally made his way to the bottom when one vampire nearly fell upon him before he turned cutting it into two pieces from it's stomach area. Kicking the two bodies aside 3 more vampires surrounded him. They all stood still...waiting for one to make the first move. The vampires gaze was terrifying...full of rage and intensity. But deep within their dark souls...Tegan could feel them hesitation... [B][I]they were waiting for more...[/I][/B] Sensing the air alter behind him...a vampire jumped out at Tegan. Just as swiftly...Tegan leaped into a backward somersault and thrust his blade down into the vampire...slicing right into the concrete...connecting in the vampires right lung...just missing it's heart. The two others were now upon him...the third slowly got up as Tegan battled the neverending attack of claws. This was what he had been training to do all these years...to almost match their speed...but to learn to anticipate attacks. He moved just as fluently as they did. Pulling another stake out...Tegan pushed it into ones abdomin and quickly turned to his left and took off the vampires legs. Never stopping in his motion...Tegan turned back around and kicked the vampires now imbedded stake with force and sent it flying into a neighboring wall so that it was stuck. Turning to the last remaining vampire...it's movement was slower...but it had a smile on it's face. Suddenly all of the vampires began to move...the one on the wall began to wiggle free. All the other altered bodies from his attacks began to move again... Then from behind the one came forth another dozen vampires. [B][I]They're like fucking zombies...[/I][/B] Gasping for air...he was already getting tired from the rush...his already spreading wounds...he knew that he had only moments before he was going to be over run with them. Their regeneration was quick....much quicker than he had hopes. Raising his sword...he couragiously charged them all with his blade held high. All the vampires began to lick themselves...knowing the victory over the Wakanda at hand. [B][I]Not yet...not yet...[/I][/B] He was 20 yards away from them when they lunged themselves towards Tegan when he quickly brought one of his hands down and created a solar flare within his palm...blinding all the vampires before him. Screeching out in torment as they were blinded by the false light...Tegan thrust his blade forever...fighting and slicing his way through the crowd. Finally finding himself on the other side of the island...he looked out upon the seas and say the hope that he was waiting for. The sun was creeping over the horizon...the wind picked up tremendously as he turned back to his persuers. All he could see were dark figures...no faces at all in the dark. Strapping his sword back on...he lifted his arms out parallel like if he was on a cross. Using the force of the wind to his will...Tegan burst towards the vampires with great speed and force. They all stood their ground when he approached... [B][I]They're all so brave...never do they fear...admirable...[/I][/B] With his arms dragging behind him as he ran forward...he pushed them forward with the power of the wind...the winds power blew the vampires all over the place as Tegan made his was towards mainland. Running up a ramp on the islands coast...Tegan jumped with all his might into the air. The wind obediantly lifted him off the ground...propelling him across the sea. Mainland was a good 3 miles around....but Tegan showed no fear nor lack of faith in his powers nor the wind as he seemed to fly away from the vampires as the sun rose from its slumber and cast itself across the entire island. Almost 100 yards away from land and Tegan began to fall quickly towards the waters...raising his arms into the air...he summoned a mini tsunami to pushed him even further. As it finally died at the coast...Tegan found himself drifting in the air...seeing his fall going right into a large window. Rolling himself into a ball...he hit the window with full force and shattered the window as he rolled across this individuals home. He finally stopped by hitting a brick wall. Tegan coughed and shook with pain as he tried to regain himself. Thankfully no one was home...but he knew that he had to get moving. Opening up another window...Tegan grasped his chest and shoulder as it bleed from the window glass and jumped into the ally. It was still early so no one was on the road as he limped his way away from the building he just crashed into...finally resting in another ally. Coughing up blood...Tegan slowly pulled off his sword and jacket and took off his shirt. He was quite strong for his age...putting a lot of muscle during his training. However...no form of flesh protects against these kind of wounds. His chest and shoulder were inbedded with glass...and his sternum and stomach had cuts from the vampires claws. He could tell that he had some on his back and right thigh as well. Hiding himself behind a dumpster...the pain flowing through his veins like a fire...his red eyes glowed as he kept his paints and screams inside himself. Gritting his teeth in agony as he pulled the glass out. He looked into the dumpster and found a relatively clean t-shirt and ripped it so that he could stop the bleeding. Time passed on without him knowing...suddenly a massive amount of people flooded the streets...unaware of the being that lay now in the ally...unaware still of the secret war that would soon plague their very existance. [/SIZE] [/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Hey...I need a new banner and avatar for my little return back to OB. I have a good selection of pictures for you to choose from in any amount or variety as you'd like. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [/CENTER] [SIZE=1][B][URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/red3.jpg]Picture 1[/URL] [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/red2.jpg]Picture 2[/URL] [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/red1.jpg]Picture 3[/URL] [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/bloodtears.jpg]Picture 4[/URL] [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/sfex3_161.jpg]Picture 5[/URL][/B] [/SIZE] [CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Basically...the theme of it will be a black and white picture just like that of Sin City. Only the color red with appear in color. The background I'd like to be a bright white with the figures in black/grey/white shade fading into the white I suppose, whatever you like or think. For the one picture with the girl with red hair...make that black as well. Only the eyes and blood should be red. For the avatar...I'd like picture number 2 or 3 to be done for me without any words please...thanx. In the banner...I'd like the phrase...'the Rage has you'...or anything else that you think would go with these pictures. If you can have the images fade in and out of the banner that would be awesome too. Be creative...and I look forward to what you all come up with. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][I].......something is moving.......[/I][/CENTER] Tegan stood up from his knelt position and looked out across the vaste population of this French city. He didn't know the name...nor did he cared...all he could feel was his spirit being led towards a certain entity. [CENTER][I]Why is this happening...what is going on?[/I][/CENTER] It had been years since the last time he had been within the circle of the Wakanda's. From time to time he would get mail and reports of the current situations arising. Mastering his powers at a young age and becoming stronger was very important to him; while maintaining the person that he really was. It was only since entering this country where the rumor of Lady Kalei being kidnapped by the vampires. Her location...unknown...but his teacher was calling for him. Whether by her spirit being drifted and carried by the wind which she controls itself...or the strive to simply find her. [CENTER] [I]Sunset is soon...I must take shelter and concerve my energy for the night...[/I][/CENTER] Ever since his move from Africa...Tegan had been hunting down all of his leads onto Kalei's location...he could feel that something was changing in the world. He had no idea that it would have come to their greatest leader to be kidnapped. But she always knew the answers...that's why he needed to find her...or someone else who did. He was hoping that in finding Kalei...he would fine Katima... But after entering France...his goal changed from finding Kalei...to Malik. Wherever he was...she was there with him... Tegan had not killed one single vampire...every one he let live...he was now close to finding him...now he may have too to survive [CENTER][I]I wish she was here with me....I miss you Katima....[/I][/CENTER] Laying in an abandoned warehouse...sitting crosslegged....Tegan meditated as he always did...knowing of the danger that could arise during the night. He wasn't afraid...but was lonely...he missed being with everyone. He prayed...that he would soon find them all here in France. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=1]*yawn* alright...there ya go...the new story is now in the adventure inn...and Fantacies Desire/Realities Sin should be up within a week or two. thanks for your alls input and welcoming me back so warmly...I look forward to another wonderful semeter with you all. take care...later[/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][B][SIZE=1][RIGHT][SIZE=3]Runes Chapter One: Forgotten Stories of Our Time[/SIZE][/RIGHT][/B][/FONT] [B][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium] [COLOR=DarkRed][RIGHT]When powers of old fade away...they are cast into oblivion; whether that may be into the depths of the pit, or that of our minds. Fairy tales are all that are left of them; those which we speak to our children...and our childrens children. But there are legends so old...that they soon become myths. Some may be true, some may be fiction...others may be altered because of being passed down from so many sources because of ones perspective...but what of the unseen...what of the forgotten? Who truly knows where we come from...who knows all that there is out in the universe? Unless we see it for ourselves...but where to start..........every story does have a beginning doesn't it.....[/RIGHT][/COLOR][/FONT][/B] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][CENTER]So we begin in the late 1300's in the region of the world that we now call Europe which spreads also into Asia. At the border of what is now Eastern Europe...seperates the land into three great kingdoms. On the Western Side of the border lies the two great kingdoms of the Nin and the Minbari. The Nin Kingdom lies to the north while the kingdom of Minbar lies to the south. Both live with one another relatively in peace when working towards the common interest of defending themselves against the kingdom to the East......that of the Gwars. Other than that...they keep themselves private with one another. The Gwars aren't necessarily formed under one banner or one kingdom, mainly made up of tribes and large towns...all who thirst for the blood of humans. Made up of trolls, goblins, orges, demons, giants, and killers of all shapes and sizes...it is a dead zone for the humans who live peacefully together with the dwarfs and elves. While those who devote themselves to war and battle...Yuri is more fond with philosophy, science, and history despite his obvious 'gifts' in combat.[/CENTER][/COLOR] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][B][COLOR=DarkRed][RIGHT] ...Some secrets however...may not be ment to be found...[/RIGHT][/COLOR][/B][/FONT] [CENTER]*** [/CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][I][B]"Kennen, von wo Sie kommen, ist, genauso wie wichtig als wissend, wo Sie gehen."[/B][/I] "Knowing where you come from...is just as important as knowing where you are going.'' [I]My fathers German accent rang in my ears as I looked upon my families sword...a massive broadsword made of a dark blue stone that has been found no where else. The blade is smooth...perfect...all up and down it is craved 7 dark/redish symbols directly into the blade on both sides. It was found generations ago by another scientist relative searching for treasures. Lifting it up into the air, pointing it directly up towards the heavens with it being held firmly in my grasp...I look down upon the kingdom which I have sworn to protect. By permission of the great King Sirus of Minbar...I've been allowed to explore this new discovery. Rumors of an ancient tomb has been found on Nin lands...unopened...untainted by mortal hands. This has reached the kingdom of Nin as well as the Gwar. It is close enough for the Gwar to enter our lands and take this treasure. No has been able to enter the temple to reach the tomb for unknown reasons...no one has come back alive. Since the King cannot spare professional help due to need on the front lines against the Gwar...I, Commander Yuri of the Minbar army must seek out only 7 who will be worthy enough to take on this quest. [/I] "My God...who art in heaven...give me the wisdom to choose whom you see the right ones to join me in this. Give me strength...and guide my sword so that your will may be done...for thine is the power, glory, and honor forever...amen.........." [/COLOR] [CENTER]***[/CENTER] [CENTER] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Well...here we go. Three major kingdoms are going to be a part of this. As I said...the Gwar...Nin...and Minbar. Yuri has gathered those whom he feels will be most 'adaquet' for this mission. Men and women from both Nin and Minbar have come to the capital city simply called...the City of Light. Paved with gold and silver...the city is that of heaven surrounded by a desert on one side...and a vast forest on the other while being engraved into the face of the mountain on its rear (yes...just like The White City of Lord of the Rings, wanted something familiar). Life is calm and peaceful while war on the frontlines is taking place far far away. You all will be trainees with not much battle experiance. Of course you all will have much potential...and all are welcome. But only 7 will be choosen initially from all that enter this rpg. Whatever profession you choose to have...whether you wish to be a wizard/sorceress, soldier with a bow and arrow, sword, axe, spear...or maybe even an alchemist or an assassin, slave, outlaw. Use your imagination...everything will be acceptable. Just remember...there will be only 7 choosen based upon the trials that I will put you through like...puzzles, spars etc. etc. I'm looking for people who will be devoted to this rpg...and quite flexable and creative. Believe me...this story will go many places...farther and wider than you can possibly imagine. Everyone keeps saying the same old stuff is being done in OB. This...isn't one of them. Here's your sign-up profile requirements...but first...4 rules[/COLOR][/CENTER] 1) [B]No God Modding[/B]: This I'm very serious about. I enjoy seeing all those who enter to rpg to be welcomed and involved with. Everyone will have an equal opportunity to be a part of this. When the final 7 are choosen...this will still apply. 2) [B]Respect[/B]: Respect is a key for one another...respect me and the conditions that I've put into place, respect my choices and the direction I'm going to lead the story into and for continuing to be a part of the story if you do join...Respect one another and each other's characters please. We want this to be as smooth as possible 3) [B]Emo's not Allowed[/B]: Those who come into this to have a romantic high alone will be cast out immidiately. Trying to give yourself all the attention without concidering the other players will not be tolerated. Sure we'll have some juicy love scenes I'm sure:)...I have nothing against that at all. I'm concerned however with the intent...please take into concideration that you dont become best friends or have sex in less than a week. This rpg will be real...just like your characters are real. Make it as real and enjoyable as possible... 4) [B]Underground Updates[/B]: I love open opinions and questions...I openly invite you to ask me questions or make comments and suggestions throughout the story through the Underground only...I want everyone to see what you have in mind. If it is more particular in the story...PM me only if necessary. No I will not give you hints to the puzzles and clues that will be given throughout the story. Just keep the creativity in reason so that the story doesn't move too quickly while missing key elements that I will present. [SIZE=2]Name: Age: Sex: Trade: ( job, skill, mastery) -If you are in the art of magic...please put down spells Appearance: (picture preferable) Personality: Still Life: (this section will one, show me what kind of writer you am...and two, will give a little insight on your character without exposing everything. I want one pinnical point in your characters life that changed them forever. This will come into play later in the rpg...I guarentee it.)[/SIZE] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]*remember...everything you do in this story will alter the ending of this rpg. I look very closely at the 7 which will be choosen. This wont be a short rpg so I will be splitting it into smaller sections along the way due to transitions in the story. (trust me...you'll notice when that will be) **when posting...we will be recording the rpg due to days. Thus...when it is a new day....it will go for example...from Day 2...to Day 3. So on and so forth. ***I'm very excited about this story...one of the best that I've come up with...if you remember Fantacies Desire/Realities Sin (which will come back soon:)) Then you'll definitly enjoy this. [/COLOR] Have fun! [SIZE=1][Edit] Alright...I'll say this again...you are inexperianced individuals at this moment. you may have an art that you are training with...but you are not masters yet. Complex and powerful abilities and powers are not accessable to you yet...and there is a big reason for that. To put it bluntly...you are coming in as rookies...and there is a big reason for it. Only those who are choosen to be the seven will be able to gain abilities. Those that are already posted...please understand that you will not be able to have these until later on in the story. They're fine...but not now. Because you all are inexperianced in battle at this point...all being trainees in being a soldier...assassin...wizard...etc. etc...you do not know anything about the Runes yet...cause I haven't even mentioned anything about them...they're nothing what you think. Please keep these things in mind while posting...thanx[/SIZE] [/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1][CENTER]Um...Hi:) I'm Kairi...DC has asked me to take on the role of Tegan...I've posted my profile in the Inn as well as here in the Underground to look at whenever you'd like. I look forward to working/writing with you all. A better picture is in the Inn take care...later...and enjoy. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Name: Tegan Gender: Male Race: Wakanda Position: That of the Humans Ability: Tegan has the ability to control all of the elements and use them for his will. However, the two that he has mastered are that of light and dark...and preferebly uses them over the others. Tegan concentrates a lot on the magical implications of ones life energy. Being able to manipulate the basic principles of light and dark like shadows and flares...Tegan has some basic abilities...[/CENTER] [COLOR=Yellow][U]Light[/U][/COLOR] [I]Sacrifice[/I]: In order to heal...or even resurrect an individual, Tegan must sacrifice a part of his life energy depending on the severity of the injury. If one is dead, Tegan may bring them back to life if willing to sacrifice a number of years of his life. When doing any of these, Tegan losses a part of himself and is imprinted in the soul and spirit of those of the living. [I]Binding Light[/I]: Manipulating the power of light to flow directly through his veins...a veil of light surrounds his skin protecting him from attacks of the dark. Tegan losses power the more it is in use...and by the number of others he surrounds or casts it on. The downside to this is the inability to move...however it's a great countering move. This also helps Tegan recharge in the presense of light and heat. [COLOR=Black][U]Dark[/U][/COLOR] [I]Life Drain[/I]: Tegan only has to be in eyesight view of his victim to steal the essence of ones life source. By doing so Tegan heals himself and imprints strong emotional ties from the individual into himself...possibly taking on the persons personality traits for a brief period of time as well. [I]Demi[/I]: Creating a miniture black hole in the environment...the Demi sucks in every source of energy within it's range and ultimately explodes once it is overloaded causing a mega flare of intense dark and light. [COLOR=DarkRed][U]Unknown[/U][/COLOR] Even Tegan doesn't know the implications of this ability. When light and dark energies are brought togther...there is a third power that emits from the counteraction to bring balance. This he has not mastered and is hesitant to experiment with. [CENTER]Appearance: [B][URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/guys/guys142.jpg]Tegan[/URL][/B] Tegan wears a white (not black) trench coat with a black muscle shirt underneath with the baggy black pants and shoes. His sword was a gift to him by his late father and mother whom had died at he and his sisters birth. His foster parents loved them both and respected their privacy and tradition which was encouraged by a note left to them by their late parents. Personality: Tegan is the perfect compliment and almost opposite to his sister Katima...he is passive and merciful, with a free-willed spirit and a incredible and sometimes scary looking sense of calmness, a peace and confidence that neither Katima nor Kalei have come to understand; but have come to love him for as well as the support and wisdom that he brings.. Inheriting the same blood red eyes as his sisters when she becomes enraged...his eyes do not change from their natural color. He's like an older brother to Katima and Kalei whom they know would never forsake them...but with this image, he's not over protective...knowing that they can take care of themselves until they needed help. Always there if needed... With the power of both dark and light at his disposal...he is a man of true character...very focused and controlling of his powers and just the person that he is. Katima wonders why he still bears the red eyes of their family...something he will show her in time. Character Snippets: [/CENTER] [CENTER][I]Wind of the Eagles........The Flames of Hell......Mother Earth.......Waters of the Deep.......Light of the Soul........Darkness of the Pit.......[/I] "all is alive this night'' The winds of the desert began to pick up as Tegan lifted himself off the ground of the sands which he was meditating upon. For countless nights and sunrises he had been training his body and mind in the arts of his families fighting style with sword, mind, and body. The foster parents that had taken him in as a childwere very passive about his training and privacy...always loving him and his sister as much as possible. They knew all too well how 'special' these children were. Now almost grown up to full adults...Tegan and Katima moved out and explored the vastness of their powers; always staying close to one another. That is when they met Kalei...she was like a sister to Katima...something new and exciting to live for. She grew fond of Kalei and quickly rised up in her ranks of the Wakanda's. Katima still loved and admired her brother...but they unexpectedly grew apart from one another...never lossing love and faith in one another...just along different paths. But like any twin...Tegan could sense Katima's sorrow even across these desert plains of Africa. Picking up his sword and his jacket...Tegan began to simply walk across the sands as the winds suddely died down in the night. With just a simple thought the night time air died around him as he began his quest. ''Let us see where this takes us......Gaia is disturbed......" Walking ever so calmly, his figure and posture was like a rock that could not be moved nor disturbed... "she will have thee answers...''[/CENTER][/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Name: Tegan Gender: Male Race: Wakanda Position: That of the Humans Ability: Tegan has the ability to control all of the elements and use them for his will. However, the two that he has mastered are that of light and dark...and preferebly uses them over the others. Tegan concentrates a lot on the magical implications of ones life energy. Being able to manipulate the basic principles of light and dark like shadows and flares...Tegan has some basic abilities...[/CENTER] [COLOR=Yellow][U]Light[/U][/COLOR] [I]Sacrifice[/I]: In order to heal...or even resurrect an individual, Tegan must sacrifice a part of his life energy depending on the severity of the injury. If one is dead, Tegan may bring them back to life if willing to sacrifice a number of years of his life. When doing any of these, Tegan losses a part of himself and is imprinted in the soul and spirit of those of the living. [I]Binding Light[/I]: Manipulating the power of light to flow directly through his veins...a veil of light surrounds his skin protecting him from attacks of the dark. Tegan losses power the more it is in use...and by the number of others he surrounds or casts it on. The downside to this is the inability to move...however it's a great countering move. This also helps Tegan recharge in the presense of light and heat. [COLOR=Black][U]Dark[/U][/COLOR] [I]Life Drain[/I]: Tegan only has to be in eyesight view of his victim to steal the essence of ones life source. By doing so Tegan heals himself and imprints strong emotional ties from the individual into himself...possibly taking on the persons personality traits for a brief period of time as well. [I]Demi[/I]: Creating a miniture black hole in the environment...the Demi sucks in every source of energy within it's range and ultimately explodes once it is overloaded causing a mega flare of intense dark and light. [COLOR=DarkRed][U]Unknown[/U][/COLOR] Even Tegan doesn't know the implications of this ability. When light and dark energies are brought togther...there is a third power that emits from the counteraction to bring balance. This he has not mastered and is hesitant to experiment with. [CENTER]Appearance: Attachment Below Tegan wears a white (not black) trench coat with a black muscle shirt underneath with the baggy black pants and shoes. His sword was a gift to him by his late father and mother whom had died at he and his sisters birth. His foster parents loved them both and respected their privacy and tradition which was encouraged by a note left to them by their late parents. Personality: Tegan is the perfect compliment and almost opposite to his sister Katima...he is passive and merciful, with a free-willed spirit and a incredible and sometimes scary looking sense of calmness, a peace and confidence that neither Katima nor Kalei have come to understand; but have come to love him for as well as the support and wisdom that he brings.. Inheriting the same blood red eyes as his sisters when she becomes enraged...his eyes do not change from their natural color. He's like an older brother to Katima and Kalei whom they know would never forsake them...but with this image, he's not over protective...knowing that they can take care of themselves until they needed help. Always there if needed... With the power of both dark and light at his disposal...he is a man of true character...very focused and controlling of his powers and just the person that he is. Katima wonders why he still bears the red eyes of their family...something he will show her in time. Character Snippets: [/CENTER] [CENTER][I]Wind of the Eagles........The Flames of Hell......Mother Earth.......Waters of the Deep.......Light of the Soul........Darkness of the Pit.......[/I] "all is alive this night'' The winds of the desert began to pick up as Tegan lifted himself off the ground of the sands which he was meditating upon. For countless nights and sunrises he had been training his body and mind in the arts of his families fighting style with sword, mind, and body. The foster parents that had taken him in as a childwere very passive about his training and privacy...always loving him and his sister as much as possible. They knew all too well how 'special' these children were. Now almost grown up to full adults...Tegan and Katima moved out and explored the vastness of their powers; always staying close to one another. That is when they met Kalei...she was like a sister to Katima...something new and exciting to live for. She grew fond of Kalei and quickly rised up in her ranks of the Wakanda's. Katima still loved and admired her brother...but they unexpectedly grew apart from one another...never lossing love and faith in one another...just along different paths. But like any twin...Tegan could sense Katima's sorrow even across these desert plains of Africa. Picking up his sword and his jacket...Tegan began to simply walk across the sands as the winds suddely died down in the night. With just a simple thought the night time air died around him as he began his quest. ''Let us see where this takes us......Gaia is disturbed......" Walking ever so calmly, his figure and posture was like a rock that could not be moved nor disturbed... "she will have thee answers...''[/CENTER][/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]AAWWW...I'm flattered...really I am. I will definitly bring it back...and I'll try to be a little nicer to you Ima:) But I can't guarentee anything for everyone else:) I think that was one of the better parts of the rpg because of the masters personality:) I was thinking of shortening the cast. I would still allow 10+ people to enter the mansion...but only 6-7 would be actual writers so that we could have things run a little smoother without confrentation in ideas and writing. And would help with the personal involvement and developement of everyone else if the cast was smaller. Any ideas to make it better is welcome. Of course...this time only those who I trust and know that will be devoted to it will be able to play. So that we can finally get into the real juicy aspects of the story. Due to popular demand...the rpg Fantacies Desire/Realities Sin will be up by the end of next week. As for the new one coming...I dont know if I should let it be an open invitation or not...I plan on accepting everyone and then cutting people as the story progresses due to 'training' hint hint. This story should be up by the end of this week. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]LOL!!! I hear ya my friend I hear ya...and trust me...the story that I have in mind is nothing like that at all. In those kinds of things...who is to say that one is better than the other. Then people make their characters out to be better than others which really puts the other writers down and just dulls everything. One thing I definitly want to do is eliminate that. Every character will be important...puzzles and clues will be introduced to try and solve the 'problem' at hand, and peoples choices and reactions will matter in the final act of the story. Also...does anyone remember Fantacies Desire/Realities Sin...that's another story I've been working on. It was quite a popular rpg till things got complicated and it fell apart for an unknown reason. I've changed a lot of the story...while keeping intact the purpose of the "game":) those who remember please tell me if you want that brought back as well along with this new rpg of mine. If you dont remember that particular rpg...please continue to give me input on what you want. Nice to hear from ya Reiku and Retribution again...been a long time. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]I know what you mean...I was here with the rating system and all...and I have a very good idea of what the 'typical' rpg is all about. Just wanted to see what you were into Dragon...but thanks for the reminder and help. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]HHmmm...true true...usually all stories incorperate all those elements of life into the mainstream of the story...I need people who will be flexable -with the twists in the story I now have in mind, creative -with keeping the story going but knowing when not to be over creative, and devoted -people who will actually keep up with the story. I have one in particular that I've made that feels really good to me...one that could go on for a while. Keep posting all you others. Fallen and Imi (known as Gabriel the last time I was here:)) It's great to hear from ya again...been too long. Can't wait to start writing with you again. I'm finally back at school and back on OB. [/CENTER] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Some of you know me...some of you don't...but I've been away from otakuboards for a couple months. Trust me I'm no noobie...what is most important...basically the purpose of this thread is too see what you all are interested in. During my time away...I've come up with quite a variety of rpgs which for those who know me in the past, are really good and have potential. However...since I have so many...I can't possibly organize them all. So I ask an important question...what kind of RPG are you in the mood for? Romance? Drama? Action? Suspence? Mystery? Puzzle? Fantasy? Real Life? Hopefully the administrators don't close this...but I really want all your imputs. Please write what you want...or a mix of all the genres listed above (add some if you wish). Believe me I have many stories lined up...but I've come to understand that otakuboards goes through 'trends' in rpg's here and there. So the vote is out...hope to hear from people soon. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]The balcony of the hotel room was sublime...the view looking out onto the town was wonderful to see..................but there was no comfort...... Leaning up against its edge; Rubedo's golden, red hair blew to the melody of the breeze that played up against his face. It was a bitter night...the cold attempting to pierce through his very skin...a mist escaping his lips... Raven caught sight of him after she had talked with the others and approached him in a firm...but yet caring tone. "Rubedo...come inside...you're going to freeze!" as she stomped towards him with a blanket. He was indeed shivering...but they weren't from this kind of cold....... "What's wrong..." Raven asked as she locked her eyes on his...placing the blanket over his shoulders. She was well dressed for the weather...it wasn't winter...but was cold enough to have one prepared. She had noticed that Rubedo hadn't said anything since the talk with Kadar...well...he usually never talked...but less than usual; it seemed like that was something he was working on...especially to her. "Rubedo....what's on your mind?" He couldn't speak...Rubedo closed his eyes and took in a deep breathe. He could feel them...he could feel them all...the death...the pain...the torment that seemed to be spreading across the entire planet. And somewhere...Reoan was gathering strength for whatever her plan was...something that may or may not endanger them all. He could feel himself lossing it again...that beast within...the sheath of the blade within was withering away....even with Raven's presence...........he felt so lost. "They're coming........" "Who's coming Rubedo..." Raven added..trying to open him up. "The other Zodiacs...they're coming for you all....you'll be safe with them..." "What are you talking about Rubedo...you sound as if you're leaving....." but she realized it right at the edge of her sentence...he was leaving her....that's why he wouldn't talk to her. Before she could react...Rubedo stood up straight and brought her close to him with one arm...kissing her softly on her forehead as she felt his warm embrace...the blanket falling of his shoulders. Whispering down to her...."thank you..........for everything Raven..................I am happy to see you well now....please....do not worry........" And with that...just as she attempted to wrap her arms around him....he faded from her as she grasped only air... *** Walking in an open plain...the wind picking up around him...the shivers were coming back...more intensly with every passing moment.... There was no reason anymore...he knew what he had to do.........to bring balance to the equation....to protect her happiness.... "ALBEDO!" Rubedo cried out into the night as he paced in the open field...a rush of energy flowing through his being. His former master materialized behind him with a smile on his face as he saw his young friends shoulders rise and fall with a sense of intensity and anger... "How does it feel to not have reins placed apon you my friend?" he quickly questioned...he could see Rubedo was starting to loss control...a sense of purpose... However...Rubedo simply laughed.............catching Albedo off guard... "Oh don't be so noble to me Albedo...you assume too much about my condition..." "what......" but before he could do anything...Rubedo quickly weilded his two scimitars and turned to face Albedo; slashing upwards with both blades as he cut through the angels wings. It was so fast that Albedo simply stood there as the blood poured onto the ground from the severed limbs... Albedo was speechless...not crying out for a moment in pain as Rubedo thrust his blade through the angels throat. The flame within Rubedo's chest that had healed Kadar before was burning once again...shining through the skin and clothing as if it were behind glass...his eyes shifted to the color of red as he stared down at his victim. With the flick of his wrist, Albedo's head came off without effort as it began to role on the ground...still holding the shocked gaze. [I]Never again will I be ruled.............I now know what I must do...the only thing that I've ever been shown to do....[/I] The shivers were calming down...his spirit resting as he took in the pleasure of the kill....but it would not last long....he knew this... Taking off his shirt and trench coat...the flame could be clearly seen as the wind whirled around him as it brought in the storm. "Dukes of Hell!!! I summon thee!!!" [I]They will come...at least one will....then I may act..........[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] OOC: I'm back...sorry that I've been away...i hope this is good DC...may get things rolling again:)
[CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Name: Rubedo Height: 6'0'' Weight: 180 pounds Age: 27 (soul-600) Appearance: [IMG]http://www.rpgamer.com/games/xeno/xenosaga2/screens/xenosaga2047.jpg[/IMG] Rubedo has a tall, and yet firm body structure. Beneathe his clothing; usually a basic black pants, boots and t-shirt; you can see the scars that he has accumulated over the years. One stretching around his right lung, down to his side; another few cut down his chisseled back, and one over his right eye which is covered by his hair. He has a silver earring in his left ear, and a basic silver chain around his neck. Race: Guardian Position: Torn...his loyalty resides with God...but...since his duty is to satisfy the balance...maybe it is time to side with the evil that rises...for God has been superior for far too long. Power: Aside from the basic powers of a Guardian; the ability to heal...and to sense others emotions around him... -Rubedo is gifted with super-speed; what looks to be teleportation, is merely his quickness from place to place. -Rubedos' body is also resistant to all outside ailments such as diseases, as well as attacks from other individuals..making him like a tank. However, he is still mortal... Weapon: Two scimitars, both buckled to his right side on his belt, and one 12 round shotgun strapped to his back, both weapons being conceiled underneathe his brown trench coat. (see attachments below) Bio: All Rubedo can remember from his past life is his first "birth." He never knew his parents...nor the one who created him. All he knew of was his master Albedo...who named him Rubedo. Devoting himself to a set of moral principles; a code which the Guardians followed, becoming a very wise, strong individual. Albedo cast him away to wander the world as he had been predestined to do. He lived a very long life, due to the powers which had been given to him, fullfilling his purpose. Whatever happened between that time and now...Rubedo does not know..nor cares. As he did once before; once his mind was of rightful age, realizing his true nature..being born to two simple suburban parents..he cast down all his materialistic possessions; leaving behind the life that he had built..and walked down the road that he has walked for so long before. Wandering the fields of Europe, Rubedo has become somewhat of a renegade...following the will of his master...and of the Grigori; killing both demons and angels...the humans hunted him, not knowing the work that he did for them. To them...he was killing people, but they weren't people at all...but monsters. So...he wanders...detaching himself from such petty emotions and connections of the world...ever persueing his inner growth. Becoming one with the individuals who cross his path for whatever time is given to him...with nature that ever envelopes around him..he feels a constant peace, and yet a sense of incompleteness. News of Reoan's activities has reached his ears in his travels...a guardian well known to them all; one whom he has not yet met personally; has interested him as he senses the coming conflict. And a single word, "zodiac", continues to ring in his ear...so he waits...to see what part he is to play in this. Recently he's taken upon a liking for one of the Zodiac's named Raven; despite there difficulties with one another at times...he finds her presence to be quite comforting at times...especially for such a tormented and confused soul as his. OOC: Culo...I'm back...sorry it took me so long to post again DC, you can delete the entry you did with my own profile if you'd like...I now have a picture to go with it. Thank you though for doing that for me...much appreciated. .[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
Hell Yeah!...such an old childhood favorite of mine...looks really good to me so far!
I regret to say this but I'm gonna have to withdraw from this rpg...im short on time and me going back home from college...im not sure my reliability...yes Kakashi I'm still going to be a part of Apostate...but as for this rpg I can't. Sorry .Thank for everything everyone...take care...later
Discuss Welcome To Your Lesson On Love Underground [M-LSV]
Kairi replied to Redemption's topic in Theater
I'm gonna have to withdraw from the rpg everyone....sorry...I'm kinda of short on time...and I'm leaving for home so I dont know how often I'll be able to go online. DC...im still gonna be part of Angels Must Die....but that's about it. Sorry everyone. Thanx for everything anyway. -
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Wyatt looked in back of him to see Lauren pleading with his brother over coming with them or not...he figured that he should leave the situation to Dain to handle since the girl was paying special attention to him. Amused....he shook his head and walked towards the gates of hell...it wasn't too long ago that he had visited this place...even here he felt an outcast, especially after killing the army that had attacked his father, leaving that bitterness of defeat. The young boy looked upon the gates just as he did when he looked upon those of heaven...Lauren glanced over too see Wyatt spread his angelic wing on his right side... ''Certainly an angel cannot enter through our gates....'' muttered Lauren as she looked up at Dain. He obviously accepted the fact that the demoness was now part of their company...it was uncommon for Dain and Wyatt to have a travelor along side them... Dain looked down on her and smiled..."me and my brother are not what you think...'' as he brought his attention back to his brother...Wyatts body seemed to fade away for just a moment, only to be replaced by a much larger form. The being that now stood before the gates looked a lot older than the boy before. With silky black hair like his brothers...he was different, he now had one demonic wing on his left, and a white angel wing of his right side. His blade materializing within his hand, Wyatt held it parellel to the ground and bowed in respect as the flames beyond the gates roared. As the noise subsided...the massive gates opened in acceptance. [I][COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Don't enter...they'll kill you![/COLOR][/I] boomed a voice within Wyatt's mind... [I][COLOR=DarkRed] Nonsense...if they don't bow in honor and respect for their defeat...you can always kill them just like you did before...[/COLOR][/I] responded another just as quickly... [I][COLOR=MediumTurquoise]The realm of hell isn't so forgiving nor accepting of such a defeat...they will turn on you at the first chance that they get...[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=DarkRed]Nonsense...shut your fucking mouth you coward...our power is supreme...how dare you doubt...[/COLOR][/I] [I][COLOR=MediumTurquoise]I do not doubt...I only...[/COLOR][/I] But Wyatt had enough...just as he did before..his body faded in and out...revieling the body of a young boy once again. Turning to his brother and the stranger that had followed...with his grey eyes bright and direct... "Let's go..." Dain and the stranger walked to the gates as Wyatt waited for them..."what's your name by the way?" Wyatt asked to the stranger... "Lauren..." she said hesitantly, keeping a close distance to Dain... "I'm Wyatt...Dain's twin brother...shall we..." he looked up to his brother as Dain nodded. The three of them walked through the gates and entered the realm. Walking a short distance, Wyatt pulled on Dain's sleeve to get his attention... "I think it would be wise for me to keep my identity hidden till we find mother ok my brother..." asked Wyatt...having a look of concern on his face, not wanting to cause any conflict. Dain understood and nodded again to his brother...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]As much as he wanted to contest his brothers' decision...Wyatt couldn't help but understand...the councel had cast them out of heaven already, there really wasn't any reason to trust them now...not since father died. Both of them never truly belonged...even though if was Wyatt who seemed to adapt far better...it was Dain's stubborness that got the best of him. But Wyatt was always loyal to his brother regardless, thus for his decision...he just hoped that one day he'd see that he was accepted....it was Dain who recieved their fathers sword from the councel after his death afterall. "So where would you like to go brother....hell...to mother?" The thought had come to Dain's mind...he felt connected with the other demons who he had gathered all over Limbo...."perhaps..." "I don't know what you want Dain...I really don't. Do you want my honest opinion....I didn't want to go to heaven...that's why I turned my back to it cause I understand that now is not the best time...we're outlaws now...the Lord certainly will not take us back now" "Certainly they will take you back brother...someone such as I doens't belong there." responded Dain, trying to encourage his brothers spirit... "No Dain...as much as I belonged there...I broke my loyalty with them for you...do you realize that. So your fate is now mine..." Wyatt's voice was kind and calm towards Dain...he was sick of fighting. Dain was silent for a moment..."I told you that you didn't have to do that Wyatt...that was your choice...not mine." "As always..." Wyatt shock his head..."well...to be honest..I liked it there in Limbo...cause there...I didn't have to worry about not fitting in. We're half-breeds brother...no matter what we do we'll never truly fit in unless we clip our wings and become mortal..." "So are you saying that you wouldn't want to go to hell then brother?" asked Dain "No Dain...I really dont care either way...it would be nice to see mother again...but not right now...I just want peace...maybe earth would be a good start...what do you think?"[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Wyatt quickly found his way drifting from the group towards the gates of heaven...longing to be a part of his home once again. Everyone else surrounded Aelio...all trying to figure out where they wanted to go to get revenge or reconcil what had so wronged them... [I]...Dain...[/I] Wyatt quickly found himself flashing back to that day...where the two of them were cast out of heaven...it wasn't took long ago that these gates were behind him, now suddenly before him. His frustration was already showing...originally starting an argument with his brother over something that wasn't even an issue to him...he was afterall part demon. He didn't care who was angel or demon anymore...not after what had happened that fateful day. [I]I guess I just wanted some reason to fight with him...I don't think he'll ever see what I've done for him...[/I] he thought to himself. The young boy...with his faded grey eyes looking upon the majestic gates of home...as if an innocent child had just found a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow...but...he wasn't able to take it. His face of course still held firm...a sweet tenderness upon his cheeks and facial expression, but inside he was hurt. Hurt for his brother and his suffering, hurt from what has happened because of his brother...hurt for the loss of his father... Wyatt let out a sigh as he turned his back to the gates and walked to his brothers side... "I'm sorry for becoming upset with you earlier...I was out of line...I'm happy to have the help that we now have.'' spoke Wyatt, looking up at his brothers face. In this present form...Wyatt stood up only to Dain's shoulders. "Don't worry about it..." was all that Dain said as he continued to watch everyone prepare to leave for wherever they were going... "Thank you my brother...tell me when you're ready to go..." Wyatt responded as he walked away a small distance and sat down, folding his legs crosslegged and resting his face in both of his palms pressed of his cheeks...keeping his back towards the gates...staring off into the light.......of complete nothingness. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
Watch out for double posting kakashi!!!!
RPG Blade masters: Dante vs. Kairi [same as all the other blade master threads]
Kairi replied to Lord Dante's topic in Theater
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=1]The castle held a sense of "dead air'' as Kairi leap down from the castle walls...his prey was somewhere near...obviously from hearing his careless movements. Walking as if he were casually walking through the streets, his walking smooth and fluent as his bare feet smacked against the stone structure. Stalking from one room to the next, Kairi observed each one intensly as he passed. Suddenly one caught his eye...the air stirred from movement as he entered...a faint breathing sound could be hear using his senses as a shadow could been through a paper wall in the room as he turned to acknowledge isn't presence... The figure didn't move at his entrance.......Kairi looked quickly to his side and found a chair and quickly threw it at the figure hiding. [/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]