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Everything posted by Kairi
OOC: I apologize for not posting lately....issues... [CENTER][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]Maria sat comfortably on the couch watching the move with Ken when she suddenly got a rush of boredom....with everything that had transpired at school....she wasn't one to relax like this...but Ken seemed to want to relax and just chill. Spontaneously, Maria pretended to yawn and stretched out her arms...having her right arm smack right into Kens face. "Hey!" he yelled..."that hurt..." "oopppss" Maria replied tauntingly as she hit him in the shoulder jokingly...."my bad." "What's your problem all of a sudden?" Ken decided to play along and smacked her on her thigh with some force. She stood up from the couch and faced him, blocking his view from the movie..."I'm bored..." Ken couldn't help but agree with her...everyone else was somewhere else...and they were cooped up in a house. "yea...watching the movie is a little boring...but are you sure you're ok." Maria put her pointer and middle finger to her lips, leaning down to Ken she pressed her fingers against his lips...."don't worry about me...I'm a tough cookie...let's get outta here and do something...get some fresh air." "What did you have in mind?" "Let's seek out where everyone else is..."[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Yuri chose to go off on his own for the moment as everyone scattered throughout the city...leaving him to his thoughts...sitting on a high rooftop looking over the horizon. He was so angry at himself for what he had just done...but at the same time it was satisfying...a burden lifted from his shoulders, not bearing his seal of Commander any longer... "I wonder what the king will do?" he muttered underneathe his voice as he breathed in the gentle breeze brushing up against him. It took a lot out of him to set everyone free like that...destroying the castle wall like he did...completely letting go all of that...a couple tears shead from his eyelids as he quickly brushed them away, taking a deep breathe. Finally...after all his thoughts...of doubt, battling within himself due to his judgement...his mind finally fell silent. Cleansed and clear... Leaping from the rooftop down to the streets below, Yuri casually walked in the streets...lossing himself in the crowd and everything going on around him as he searched for something to eat as he awaited for everyone to situate themselves. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]There ya go kakashi...I fixed my pictures...sorry that you couldn't see them before everyone...where's the love for the angels man:)... [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Wyatt Frasc Affiliation: Half-Breed Age: 25 Appearence: Wyatt's Original Form [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/boy.jpg[/IMG] Wyatt's True Form [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/album_pic.jpg[/IMG] [URL=http://www.anime-revenge.net/gal-x07.htm]Wyatt's True Form2[/URL] Personality: Wyatt is very smart and understanding...for an angel he has a very open mind...living a very moderate lifestyle, balancing his emotions and actions. At times he can be quiet...but he always has something on his mind...which shows the vast wisdom which he possess...something the councel has seen with some interest. However, unlike his brother who have black angelic wings...Wyatt has gained one demonic wing, and one angel wing from his parents...which thus splits his mind once transformed into his true form. Constantly battling between the two, Wyatt has come to understand that the angelic way isn't always the best way...but this is all psychological...something he doesn't express nor show to everyone around him...he always finds a way to stay calm and firm. Weapon: As his brother gained their fathers sword...him being the oldest twin of the two by right...Wyatt's blade was given to him by the councel once he reached a certain age to weild it. (See Pictures Above)...the longswords blade is 45 inches long, with an oversized golden/purple handle. The bracelot on his right wrist is a gift from his mother...after she had conceived Dain. Reason for Being Placed in Limbo: As the councel cast out Dain, Wyatt stepped in for his defense....only to be rejected himself for his actions supporting his brother. Unknown to Dain is that is not the only reason Wyatt was banished...back during the times of when the Blessed Army fell...when Terren conquered over their father...only known to Wyatt are the reason of how he destroyed and banished the armies of Hell. The councel demanded an explanation...only to be followed by silence...Wyatt felt ashamed of what had happened in those moments, with his brother lay dying in his arms...his left wing not severed from his body. There's a lot that his brother doesn't know about him...and chooses to stay silent...knowing that the most important thing now is to escape from Limbo. The Meet: Wyatt now is followed by the angels which he's come across...them being taken back a little by seeing this young looking teenager...only revieling the wings of an angel as they travel with one another through the lands of Limbo. Wyatt misses his home in Heaven, and with his ever growing curiosity with hell...Wyatt enjoys this atmosphere that Limbo presents....nice...simple....and inbetween both extremes of the realms. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
Kairi replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]LoL...there is only one thing I can say about you Delacroix..aaahheeemm....Gab...you LOVE to change your name and everything else a lot...which I can assume is in correlation to your persona or feelings at the time, or you like change and get bored. Least ULX is consistant with your signature;). And pink is awesome!...especially the dark/bolder forms of pink like you got...mixed with a little purple. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]As groggy and tired as everyone was...they all finally arrived to the resturant as M prepared some papers before him, trying to sort everything out. "Sorry to have had you all get up so early...but I felt that it was necessary to inform you all on what's been going on...a lot's been changing so I've had to make some adjustments." Everyone nodded and took a seat around the circular table...Andy as usual took a seat beside M as he kissed her. "Alright...I know you all had an interesting night last night...I'm sure you all have met Alex" as he pointed to her spot on the table. Everyone said hello as she nodded in respect to everyone else... "Now...to the matters at hand. Jace has apparently abandoned us...so I've been collecting as much information about the witches as possible. For starters...take this everyone... M threw to everyone an necklace which contained a vial with some aqua looking liquid as it glowed. "What's this for?" questioned Lee as he put the necklace around him...instantly he felt some kind of aura surround him. "Woo...you're glowing a little bit." added Ivy as everyone did likewise. "These are what will enable us to fight the witches and kill them. Apparently, Jace had more knowledge about these creatures than he let on...apparently...he was himself a witch." Everyone quickly looked up in confusion..."of course he wasn't one of the witches that we were seeking after...but apparently, our abilities are different from that of a witch...some kind of energy differs their powers from ours. These vials contain something Jace had produced...a dampening source that will make themselves on the same plain as ours." The team nodded in approval as a grin spread across their faces. "this will make things a lot easier" responded Eric. "Yes...it will...but we have a problem...something Taikaru has brought to our attention...whoever we're fighting up against...has detailed information about us all. And from what you all faced the other night...these shadowmelders...Taikaru...did you notice the fact that they had the same kind of powers are you?" "Yes..." she said unnervingly...knowing what M was getting at. "And Lee...do you remember having some blood taken from us while we were captured?" Lee was frightened instantly at the thought of the other night...but simply nodded... "I think whoever is at the cause of all this...is creating duplicates of ourselves...manipulating our powers within these beings known as witches...as if their being mass produced copies of ourselves..."[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] OOC: There ya go everyone:)...finally starting this up...yet again. Take it from there...if you want to start the hunt for these witches....or are we the ones being hunted...hhmmmm Sorry for my absence...please forgive me again.
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER][SIZE=1]Funny...I've been asked this question recently by a friend. Course everyone like someone else has already said that everyone defines friendship differently...unless you'll be like Hack and just look it up in a dictionary...getting it from Smarterchild no less *shakes head*. I have a very simple definition of a friend...and all the details and specifics will fall into place. Most of the time you expect something from a friend...to do this...or to do that...well...here's my test. I expect nothing from a friend... I will give all that I can for my friend that I love...to be there to comfort, to hold, to chill with...to have fun and play and enjoy life together with the rest that surrounds us. I will do all that I can on my part...the rest is up too them...and if they give that back not because they have to...but because they want too...then that is a friendship. The rest will fall into place. Course we're not all perfect...but that's the basic idea... [/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
What deep thought or quote do you think of regularly?
Kairi replied to Kyoko Makashiro's topic in General Discussion
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]I got a couple...[you got the quotes in my signature of course...those are my three best] "Everyman dies...not everyman really lives." "Life isn't measured by how many breathes you take, but by the moments that take them away." "We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." "It is not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the does of deeds might have done them better. The credit belongs to the one who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred with sweat, dust, and blood; who, if he wins, knows the triumphs of high achievement; and who, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid who know neither victory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt "Fate it seems...is not without a sense of irony..." "A man who fears nothing is a man who loves nothing...and if you love nothing, what joy is there in your life?" "It comes down to a simple choice really...you either get busy livin', or get busy dyin'." Then of course one that I as a man must face... "God gave man two head and only enough blood to run one at a time." -Robin Williams[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] -
For lack of a better word....amazing! Thank you very much.
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Running his hands through his hair, Yuri slowly began to make his way back up towards the castle. Upon reaching the courtyard, walking up the steps of the underground prison, the sun suddenly beat down upon him...its bright light nearly blinding him with it being so high up in the sky. Swiftly turning his face away, he walked to the main entrance of the castle which was surrounded on all sided by a thick wall of stone, with guards at every post. His footsteps could be heard all the way down the hallways, magnificant paintings and sculptures of all the great kings of the past...portraits and landscapes full of vibrant colors and blends of shade. With the sunligh shining through the massive windows, this felt like walking down the hallways of heaven. Upon entering the throne room, Yuri quickly noticed the king being surrounded by all his advisors. With his presence now being known, they all turned to face him as the king approached with arms wide open. "Ah Yuri..." the king proclaimed as the two embraced on another as brothers. King Marcus Armond was an old man, some of his white hair covered his face as he beard covered his entire neck. He was dressed in a gold/white cloak, with his diamond septor in his right hand. "I trust the interigations went smoothly..." Marcus added as he stepped away from the Commander. Yuri bowed in respect... ''Yes my lord...shall I give my report?" "Of course...proceed." responded the king. For the next hour or so, with the two of them standing there talking with one another...his advisors looking on...Yuri told each of the prisoners stories to him, explaining how that most were not of this plain...that their "world'' lay elsewhere...and were merely finding there way around. Those who were of Flora followed them to help...as well as a search for adventure. "My advisors have informed me that these strangers were from another world...they will prove to be very usefull." "My lord?'' questioned Yuri...[I]how did the king already know that they were not of this world...[/I] "Ah Commadner Rein, I sense the concern in your voice. But you must understand...these people surely have knowledge beyond our own...or something that they can possibly share with us. Me and the councel have decided to keep them here for further interigation...to learn all that we can from them. And if they resist us...then they will be punished. We must truly find out whether they are our enemies or not." "But why should we do such a thing?" protested Yuri...knowing that those peoples freedoms were now being stripped from them. "They need our help...if they aren't from this plain, surely we should help them get back to their home." "Take it...upon faith Yuri..." encouraged the king..."don't you see...they are a gift from God to us...and they must serve some purpose for the kingdom of Adrae." Yuri quickly held his tongue and bowed to the king in approval...looking up Yuri glared at the advisors behind the king...all were dark, deceptive, their words like poison. "I trust you will carry out my commands without question" added the king...." "Of course my lord...as you wish..." responded Yuri as he bowed once again and made his way out of the throne room. ***That Night*** Within Yuri's private quarters...he unlocked a cabinet and place all his alchemy potions and spells into a small, cushioned pack for each seperate vial and placed his armor on the bed...taking only his metal claws and armored shoulder plates with his families mark, the casual clothes apon him, his father's sword and a sake full of money. Walking down the wet halls of the prison, Yuri sent away the guard outside of Captain Cid's cell and motioned for him to approach the cell bars. "Cid..." "aye...?" "I need your help..." In the next hour, with the moonlight shining down through the cracks of the prison walls. Yuri sent away the guards of every cell to take a break as Cid freed everyone one by one. As he lead everyone through the halls, the finally met up with Yuri standing just above the flight of stairs which led to the surface of the courtyard. The night was peaceful, not a stirring to be heard as the guards stalked the tops of the walls. Holding two red vials in his hands...Yuri quickly stood upright and burst into a run to one of the stone walls. Throwing the vials upon them, a tremendous blast errupted, taking out the entire section of the stone wall giving a clear path to the forest. The earth seemed to rumble at the destruction as Cid motioned for everyone to follow suit. All the guards were stunned by the explosion as the group ran for the shelter of the forest. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Watching Daemond fade away...Rubedo could only shake his head and sigh...such petty drama... [I]You think you know so much Daemond...and yet you weren't even there...putting words in my mouth..."Balance being nothing..." why the hell would you even exist then if it was so? Do not speak of things that you know nothing of nor comprehend...nor assume what you think me and Kadar spoke. Do I think balance and true peace can be obtained in our realms...no? As long as heaven and hell exist...and powers of good and evil that bind us to this place...there will always be conflict. Yet we will continue to persue that hope...why...well Zodiac...that's a question we all ask ourselves.[/I] Rubedo finally turned away from the area which Daemond dissapeared into and began to walk towards the airport. [I] Did mentioning my former masters name supposed to frighten or stir me Daemond...seriously...it's sad how quickly you humans comes to judgement. You know nothing of me...nor the life that us Guardians lead; what we've endured...what I have lost. How quickly you assume... How easily you speak of Lucifer...I've met him once before...been there...done that. You don't find me using my pain as a crutch to gain sympathy...an excuse...no[/I] Finally arriving at the gate number to the trip to Rubedo...he handed a young lady his ticket and entered as the doors shut behind him. "I hope Raven brought my weapons on board with her...and hopefully no one else had any problems." he muttered underneathe his breathe as he approached the craft. [I]What to do....what to do......Here in this moment...I have no master...disconnected from the angel Albedo who dwells among the living, and the God that hovers above...what to do.....what to do...[/I] Upon entering the airplane, everyone took notice of him...and the other Zodiacs motioned for him to join them in their seats. Kadar turned from his gaze outside the window and turned towards him. His face seemed calm, but obviously still wandering in his broken thoughts. Rubedo returned the glance, bowing slightly with honor and respect as he acknowledged everyone else. "Did you get the answers which you all required" asked Rubedo to the group. "Somewhat Rubedo...Kadar appears to be a little more open...but not everything has been answered yet...but they'll come." Kariz responded. "What did you say to him anyway?' added Camilla in curiosity. "I said what needed to be said Camilla...nothing more...nothing less. Don't worry...I'm sure a lot will be falling into place soon." he responded "I'm just happy we're all on the same page again...finally a team" Zane leaned back in his chair and tried to relax. "Except now for Daemond, and the remaing Zodiac" Kadar mentioned the same joke he had before, everyone chuckled again as Rubedo turned around and smiled in approval. Glancing to the other side of the plane, Rubedo saw Raven sitting by herself next to the wall, she looked grim and weary as she looked outside the window. A loudspeaker was suddenly heard from above their heads coming from the pilots cabinet. "Ladie and Gentlemen...Ladies and Gentlemen...we will be making our way to Tokyo, Japan in just a few moments...please take your seats and buckle up." Everyone took their own seats as Rubedo made his way to Raven's side. He kissed her on the forehead as he took his seat beside her... "how are you feeling?"[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Hey...let's here it up for the Native American/English Breeds! :D And Havokio is right...Egyptians were the first to have slaves...and you don't see Jews getting bent out shape about that. Sure it happened a long time ago...but the point still remains. Steriotypes are meaningless...why not find out who someone really is without passing judgement nor attributes against them without understanding them. [/SIZE] [/COLOR] [/CENTER]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][CENTER]HHmmm...well...being out of high school for 2 years...now currently in college...I try and look back at the good ol' days. I've been to a lot of diff. kinds of high schools...those in the city, suburban areas's, and even a private school (blah!). Everyone goes through their unique experiences in high school...whether you'r popular, looking down upon others...at the bottom of the food chain working your way up...or in the middle...walking on eggshells so you don't fail, or just simply coasting your way through. In the end...everything that happened in high school...all the drama, suspense, love, hate, discrimination, grades, social standing etc. etc. mean nothing. As I said...we all go through different situations and feelings...but in the end...just depends on what you take from those experiences and how you grow. Cause that will determine your success in the outside world...or at college. You think high school is a battle ground now...wait till you try and get a job...where competition for work is everywhere...or at college where actually adults attend college, competative for good grades, drinking, sex, manipulation, competition times two...seriously. It doesn't stop...this life is continuously testing and preparing us for the people that we're going to be for the rest of our lives. HIgh school...is a foundation...to learn what our convictions and beliefs are so that we can carry that over to our next stage in life. And the process continues...reminding and sharpening who we are. What happens in high school...wont always be so...got so much of our lives to live...high schoo shouldn't define you...you make it what you want it to be...as in life in general I suppose. Ah...sweeet memory lane. [/CENTER] [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Oh my...as in teaching me..I would have to say Professor Kinney, my Psychology teacher. Just amazing...really encourages me for the profession which I'm going to persue. As in favorite overall...gotta say Mrs. Gray in 5th grade...what a crush I had back then...oh well...if only she could see me now;). jk...I'm quite happy with my gf of 2 years:). And like Xyander said you got your parents whom I took the "good things" from for life...and also God...and everyone else you come into contact with. [/CENTER] [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]04' Silver Chevy Cavalier...customized with 18inch tires with black tinted windows (that's about it for exterior:))[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Name: Leonardo Arcaine Age: 31 Gender: male Reincarnate: Accolon Physical description or pic: [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/assassin.jpg]Leo[/URL] Personality: Leo is a very strong willed individual who is solid within himself as well as in his convictions. A natural born leader, his curiousity and knowledge of ancient mythology and medevil history is estounding...having both a sympathetic, emotional, and yet an intellectual mind. Teaching at Cambridge, he acts more like a student rather than a teacher. Everyone respects and enjoy his presense not only for his intelect, but his personally and his ability to be strict in certain situations, as well as calm and peaceful in others. Basic bio: Little do his students know, Leo is a master assassin, or rogue in ancient terminology. In his country home....Leo practices when he's not grading papers. Some organization have come to Leo for his expertise in the lands layouts and historical landscapes. He has no knowledge of the reincarnate being within him, nor is his history known to anyone but himself. Not for any particular reason, just doesn't complain nor brag about his past...the past is the past too him. Weapons or skills: Leo has two daggers on his sides with two 9mm silencers in his arm holsters. ...(may change once shift in timeline)[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Here's another picture to incorperate into the banner if you all think that it'll look better...[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [URL=http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y158/IceSton2/vin.jpg]Bloody Tears 2[/URL]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Deep inside...Rubedo couldn't help but laugh...Kariz took the words right out of his mouth...such ego...little did Kadar nor anyone else knew was that it was he who started this world war, only Raven knew that. Watching Kariz tear into Kadar, and then soon after witnessing Ben shooting at Kadar with a warning shot.[I]..least some people had some common sense[/I]. No one really took notice of him as he paced around them...watching them bicker and fight. Adiol was already far gone...there wasn't any point in following him, Rubedo knew that he would probably be seeing him soon. [I]What now master...now what......something other than Reoan is at the source of this madness...these Zodiac gallop around like gazelle, unaware of the prey that stalks them...I feel so lost...[/I] This whole situation looked like dabs of color upon a canvas. Looking upon it...you only see pieces and fragments of the larger picture...there is something far greater at work here then we originally anticipated. Rubedo saw this...something wasn't right... "Stop..." finally spoke Rubedo as he walked up from behind Kadar, Ben's gun was still drawn, pointing at Kadar's forehead as he saw Rubedo approaching. Kariz was at Ben's side pulling at his sleeve to stop. "So...he finally speaks." declared Ben as he quickly withdrew his weapon from sight. Kadar turned around as well in surprise... Kariz could see a seriousness in Rubedo's eyes as he approached...his walk was smooth...almost like a glide as he drew near. But as always...he eyes gave it all away...something important was on his mind. "Rubedo..." trusting that he was the only one who had a calm head in this entire situation..."what do we do now?" she finally asked. Rubedo stopped beside Kadar as they all looked at one another in a circle. "We continue as planned...the plane will be leaving soon for Japan...the sooner we get all you Zodiac together the better." "Oh..." Ben suddenly finding some kind of manners as he looked upon the Guardian..."thank you for everything that you did for me before at Zane's...I..." Rubedo quickly waved off the appreciation with his hand..."don't worry about it..." Ben nodded in approval at the gesture... "So shall we be off then...Ima is waiting below for us." she quickly shot a glance at Kadar in discust...''and I expect some answers from you Kadar...for everyone to hear." she added as Ben and her turned to leave. Kadar began to follow, obviously pondering at the words that had just been spoken in those few minutes as Rubedo quickly stretched out his right arm in front of Kadar's chest blocking him from moving forward. "We'll join you shortly Kariz...I have a few words to say to the Sagittarius." his eyes were directly upon Kariz. She looked back at him...knowing that she could trust him...his physical appearance always seemed unchanging, like the rock of a mountain. Those eyes however, with his red hair hanging over them revieling his big golden eyes piercing straight to her very being..showing her his need... "Alright Rubedo...lets go Ben." Kariz grabbed his arm, leading him away from the two. He hesitated to leave for a moment...but decided to listen and followed Kariz down to Ima. Once they were out of sight Kadar quickly brushed Rubedo's right arm only to be thrust into his throat by Rubedo's left hand as he turned to face him. Lifting Kadar easily up into the air, Rubedo firmly pressed his thumb into the Zodiac's throat, not allowing him to talk nor breathe. "The next time you disrespect me in that manor again...I will kill you...do you understand..." Rubedo's eyes burned...that same flame that had once healed Kadar suddenly burst to life withing Rubedo as his grasp around his throat intensified. "Do not forget who I am...nor who walks among you." Death was imminant...Rubedo wanted to just rip the mans vocal cords out...the poison..the foolishness...it discusted him. Kadar simply nodded and was quickly thrown as his body slid across the rooftop. As Kadar rose to his feet, rubbing his acking neck Rubedo swiftly appeared before him, arms crossed...the flame within was already gone... "I hope you listened to Kariz word's Kadar...I really do hope for your sake." Rubedo's voice had a sense of compassion behind it, but at the same time a firmness to it. "What would you know Guardian..." Kadar gaining his composure...the pulsing from the pain in his neck could still be felt...but bearable. "You're not even ment to be a part of all this...we Zodiac are the ones who will bring balance to this...we are the ones to bear this..." Rubedo chuckled to himself...the Zodiac's arrogance was incredible..."where is this we Kadar...all I hear or see is you. I'm not as blind as the rest...and Kariz certainly isn't either by your deception. The mind games...leaving your fellow Zodiac in the dark to what you may know. Do you see yourself as something special simply because you let Reoan live...let alone survive an encounter with her." Kadar was silent... "You know nothing Zodiac...especially nothing about me, nothing of burden at all...who do you think started this little war..." Rubedo figured that this was the best time to bring it all out... Kadar looked up at the Guardian in surprise...and yet a sense of rage filled within him... "So you're the one who caused all this!" Kadar screamed as he reached for his sword. Rubedo simply stood there and shook his head... "And who do you think told me to kill those men Kadar...hhhmmmm?" Kadar quickly stopped his preperation...holding his ground...but well in tuned to listen to Rubedo talk. "She came to me...promising me something new...do you think I felt any honor in killing those men...or to know that I have started this world war?" Kadar stood up straight, stopping his intentions...this was the first time the Guardian had spoken. His words felt just as persuasive and sublime as Reoans. "You haven't lived as long as me and Reoan have Zodiac...reincarnation or not...you are not a Guardian...you are a Zodiac. You may know much...but not of our purpose. We are as slaves...from birth we are trained to kill...to protect a cause which was never our own. You may have felt something from Reoan...it is as plain as day upon your face. And you feel that nothing will come from killing her now, that maybe she should carry out her so called crusade...that justice must be brought down upon those who have wronged her. And God knowing...she's been through worse than hell itself...God willing...I agree with you..." This caught Kadar offguard...what was the reason for this Guardian following the Zodiac around anyway... "Will it comfort you more to know that I have slayed one of the angels which Reoan seeks?" Kadar's eye twitched...knowing now the information this Guardian was giving him. This man was certainly hiding a great deal about himself... "God kills indiscriminatly....as do we Guardians....bringing to justice what was told of us to bring...but now...me and her are free. My master as set me free...and Reoan is bound no more to the depths of hell. One thing we have always been taught...is to do...what is in our nature to do. And Reoan is doing exactly what she has been taught to do for centuries...to kill." "Whether you Zodiacs kill her now or not does not matter...lives will be lost...you seem so willing to sacrifice the lives of others to bring your so called balance. There is no such thing...never will it be till everything in this world is dead...is that what you want!?" Rubedo's voice was harsh...it was echoing all around him which caused Kadar to take a step back. "There are no more heroes in the world anymore Kadar! Do you see Reoan running around alone...NO!...she's not so foolish to do such a thing. Even now she travels with those who care for her and her cause...nearly at the verge of death till that who loved her brought her back. That's why they call you The Zodiac...not whole without the rest. And if you keep to alienate them all...you'll lose...and your cause whichever it may be will be lost." Kadar was silent for a moment...taking in everything the Guardian was saying... "I've seen entire empires, kingdoms, governments crumble because of such insolance..." "Then why do you do it..." asked Kadar out of the blue..."why do you fight?" This was the question that Albedo had been preparing him for...breaking his bonds...could he answer... Rubedo's appearance softened, knowing that more conflict would only make things worse... "I do not yet know my purpose in this...fate has not yet dawned on my path in this darkness...but you Kadar...you are a Zodiac...destined to bring balance. But you're not alone...and you must have the other Zodiac's to accomplish this...you say that it is only for you all to bear...but do not be blind not too see that it is for you all to bear...and not only yourself. And if you can't accept that...then you're a fool, and quite selfish." "So what am I to do then?" responded Kadar...obviously broken... "Teach them...show them what it is to truly be a Zodiac. You're strong and knowledgable of your abilities...they all are compentant and worthy to learn the same...knowing what you do know comes responsibility...they need you...just as much as you need them. If you decieve them, and continue to mislead them...you're no better than the angels that Reoan now hunts." Kadar understood this and nodded as Rubedo finally let his arms down to his side... "Now please...join the others...you have much to explain...I'm sure Kariz and Ben are already speaking with the others..." "You're coming aren't you?" questioned Kadar...quickly showing a respect for the Guardian...whether he completely agreed with him or not. "In a moment..." and that was all he said as he turned his back to Kadar. Knowing that he wouldn't get anything else from him...Kadar made his way back to the others... "Bravo...bravo..." clapped Albedo as he materalized behind Rubedo as Kadar got out of sight. "Finally...someone had the nerve to tell that Zodiac....you've learned quite a lot these past couple of days Rubedo." "I've learned nothing Albedo...they at least know what to do...or at least some form of purpose. Why don't you tell them these things...why must I do this?" "It's not my place..." responded Albedo..."you ask questions to which I cannot give you...you know the will of God...it is unknown...you must be patient...your path will soon be revieled." "So I must put up with this nonsense." snapped Rubedo as he clutched his fists...the flame within was burning slowly now...its glow could be seen through his trenchcoat as Albedo walked towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder as he turned Rubedo to face him." "This wont always be so...soon they wont have to be watched over like they are now. Once they are all together...I'm sure much more of this little game will be revieled...but please calm yourself...you don't want to what happened all those years ago to happen again now do you..." Albedo placed a firm hand upon Rubedo as a cooling sensation shot through his entire being, subsiding the flames instantly. "Do you know what Kadar ment...saying that Reoan may not be at the center of all this....I don't understand...wasn't I the one who killed those men for her...setting all this into motion." "Now now Rubedo..." as Albedo now put both his hands on Rubedo's shoulder...Rubedo's patience was growing thin...if it were up to him, he and the other Guardians would seek out and kill everything without question to uncover this mystery... "We mustn't rush into any assumptions...patience my friend...patience...be aware that you are still hunted. If Adiol came alone to meet with the Zodiacs, then his angels must not see Reoan's presense as a real threat to them yet. They fear her...but only to a point. When you arrive to Japan...another angel will there waiting for you...as well as more forces of darkness..." "Thank you for your concern Albedo..." Rubedo embraced him like a brother quickly and then let go. "Stay with them Rubedo...the answers are coming...now that Kadar has hopefully gotten the message, the Zodiac will become stronger...then you can focus more on yourself and your purpose in this game...keep a keen eye on this human who accompanies you. God has a plan for all of us in this...even if he is the one in danger." Albedo could see it in his pupils eyes that he couldn't bear waiting anymore...but something inside seemed to be calming him......[I]Raven[/I]... Rubedo simply nodded and walked away to the edge of the rooftop where he leaped down to meet up with the others. All that could be heard was the chuckling of Albedo, watching his pupil leave...[/SIZE] [/COLOR][/CENTER]
Thats awesome Momo...I sent you a PM for some minor changes if you'd like to do them. thanx...lets see what others can do as well:).
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Hey everyone...another banner for me please...do whatever you'd like with it. you have a choice of which phrase to put in for the banner...either... I will not only die for you...I will live for you. I don't give them hell...I just tell them the truth and they think it's hell. If you can't feel the pain...you won't feel the joy. Every man dies...not every man really lives.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [U] [URL=http://www.we-love-anime.com/forum/album_page.php?pic_id=2048]Bloody Tears[/URL] [/U] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray] [CENTER]thank you very much...have fun. [/CENTER][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]"Six down...three more to go" muttered Yuri underneathe his breathe as began to take off his armor. The king continuously requested for him to wear it so that the authority of the Knights of the Adrae could be seen. With Rein being one of the higher ranking officials...he should present a certain image for the army. Brushing his sweating hair to one side, trying to catch a breeze of air as he walked the hallways of the cells. They were underground, not by much, but enough to only have a litte amount of light shining through the walls. [I]This Aron I'll speak too last...he seems to be the start of all this...[/I] he thought as he tossed the armor to the ground, finally sitting down in an empty cell by himself. He didn't like doing this sort of thing anyway...having to be all strict and supreme. He was a leader...but not in that form. As much as he tried to befriend everyone...that sense of authority came a price with it, leaving him alone in solitary; people respected him only for his title without really getting to know him...Yuri knew that he was a good guy...nothing really was hidden or a mystery about him. *sigh*..."I'm bored..." he thought to himself...he felt rusty. His abilities were incredible; unseen before...strange becoming one of the Commanders of the Knights of Adrae...only to feel held back in some way. He had his usual sleeveless brown trench coat on with black pants and boots...the small armored plates on his shoulder bearing his family marks...his armored silver claws stretching up to his elbows were still on as he leaned his chin up against his exposed palms. Slowly rising to his feet...Yuri focused his entire body, ever nerve and muscle pulsing as suddenly an explosion errupted within him. What seemed to be fire blazing behind glass...so did it seem with his chest. His insides looked to be on fire, and yet he was not hurt. A gentle breeze began to circle around him as the power within slowly died away. "Time to get back to work..." shaking the tense feeling from his arms, Yuri walked out of the cell and began to make his rounds to the other prisoners before he passed judgement on what to do. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Alright everyone...the front page is updated to the most recent information that I have. Remember...I won't lock your name until the thread which you are apart of is put into the Adventure Square. I'm very pleased to see everyone getting involved with this...remember everyone...no hard feelings with writing. These votes aren't determined by the end result, but by the manor in which you write them to the criterias that I've stated before. TIme for a new rule...I really need to know everyones thoughts about it. Instead of assigning people to read each spar...anyone can read through the spar and vote upon it when it ends. All that I ask...is for those that do vote...when the spar comes to an end...please PM me with your vote as well as here in the underground so that it's a little easier for me to update the front page. Please let me know about your thoughts. Thanx. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[CENTER][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1]Let's put it this way...as humans...yes, we all are one like Gelgoog Pilot said. But in our day in age, especially with how things are regualted compared to looks and appearances...I highly doubt that it will be so. Wouldn't that be a perfect world huh...I mean yea...Americans (no not all) seem to be intimidated for some reason by people of other cultures and ethnicities. Instead of comparing ourselves to other people...why not look inward. Living in England, Italy,Japan, China and Thailand...with me being a white male, 6'1'' with an American accent... I stuck out like a sour thumb. Some people loved me...some people didn't...tis how the world is unfortunatley. As much as you try to please people...not everyone is going to like you. With blacks in America...not all are like that...a lot of friends of mine who are black and of other minorities couldn't give a rats ***. But some people are like that to where they hold onto stuff like that...and you really can't do much about it. You can't force anything on other peoples ideals...just doens't work like that. Hopefully in the future these kind of issues will subside...till then...can't worry too much about it...part of life I suppose. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER]Nah...lol...we're just the typical white american teenagers;)...well he is anyway. [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR]