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Everything posted by Asron

  1. I like the word spiffy XD And thankies both of you! They're both spifferific! XD I'll have to alternate between them now XP
  2. Ah yes. Get Backers. It can be silly and pointless, or perverted, or actually poignant ^__^ Someone has to have heard of it?? There's like, 27 volumes of manga o.O (damn that's a lot) And Tokyopop has put out the first 5 so far (which I have :D ) It's just hilarious. Whether it's Ban's (one of the main characters) attraction to huge breasts and money or Ginji's (other main character) chibi turning, cute stupid-ness, you'll love this series ^__^ [b][color=darkblue][size=1]Next time, please look for existing threads before creating new ones. -Lady Katana[/size][/color][/b]
  3. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw The Incredibles. I thought it was going to be a totally silly slapstick movie, and it wasn't! It had very funny moments, but also had quite a few poignant parts too. I loved how they portrayed the characters in such a realistic way. The "aging" super heros, family life, etc... the fear of becoming older, hiding who you really are. It was just a great movie. I'm so happy I went and saw this movie.
  4. I had an avatar, but it's too big >.< And then someone made me another avatar...and it was still to big >.< Okie, can someone make me an avatar using this [url]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v452/angelalmasy/anime_01_1280.jpg[/url] (so it'll match my sig) It doesn't matter if it says my name or not, just make it look spiffy! Thankies ^_^
  5. Ah yes...lemme see here... 1.) Ban Midou from Get Backers. Why? Cause he's hot, and he's a genius, but he acts like a total dork. Yep. Plus, there's those cool glasses he wears.... 2.) Alucard from Hellsing. Why? Cause he's Alucard! He's evil, he's a vampire, and has a morbid sense of humor :devil: Plus, he can kick anyone's ***.... 3.) D from Vampire Hunter D and Bloodlust. Why? Cause he's a vampire..and he's hot...and...I have a thing for vampires. Plus, he's just so calm and cool about everything.
  6. My lord..that is pretty! XD Thank you so much! It's great! Perfecto! *weeps in the corner*
  7. the pic that I attached, sorry if it was unclear ^_^ The one in my post was just showing the one I was gonna use, but it's too big, and I don't want to resize it >.<
  8. Hiya all! I just am a lowly newb, with no skill at graphic design at all >.< So, I figured you talented people could lend me hand, ne? If one of you could make me an av and siggie set with this beautiful pic would be awesome! I had an awesome sigge, but it's too big, and I don't want to resize it, cause it'll ruin it >.< But, this is the kinda style that I like [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v452/angelalmasy/asronsig.jpg[/img] If you could get my new siggie and av to look anywhere near that good, I'll be happy :D And just have both the av and sig say my name "Asron". Thankies again ^_^
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