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Everything posted by desertranger

  1. A warrior doesn't just fight. A warrior makes war. so ask yourself, what is war? War is what exist between the Vacos, local biker gang, the T-rangers and myself. War exists with them and the T-rangers 'cause the Vacos try to use Tribal lands to grow pot in the back conutry and same thing with the portable meth labs. They are also poachers, Rosy Boas and King snakes a fav to capture and sell. War exists between the bikers and myself because of Lady Rin who was assaulted one night years ago in the parking lot at the local beer stupa. His mistake. While he was not sucessful in raping my wife I was sucessful in almost almost killing him, only the T-rangers stopped me. Since I was off duty and not in uniform I wasn't armed. Had I been armed I would have killed him. Since then a state of war has existed between us and occasionally there is a confrontation. I haven't backed down even though I am outnumbered and outweighed. When a skirmish occurs I can usually depend on the marines and friends for help, I can certainly call Sherriff Don. It also helps that the bikers think I go armed all the time which is something I do nothing to dispell. That is a warrior. BTW some of these bikers are about my age and they keep the troublesome ones in check. A warrior is part boy scout and part soldier. A warrior can fight with words and paper or he can fight with weapons. BTW: women make better fighter pilots than men.
  2. [font=comic sans ms][size=3][color=dodgerblue] Hmmmm , what can I say. She who is my wife is like no other; a warm, kind and gentle person who has no hate or animosity for anyone. She is still an innocent believing in faeries, all things good and love while living in a world of wolves and not really understanding why people are cruel and hate. She is a true pacifist and yet she married a warrior. She is kind of heart, gentle of heart, the owner of a perfect heart. For that I have given her my life, my everything, my all. I have provided, protected and cared for her for 22 years now and shall do so until my last breath. Anyone who wishes to step between us.. myself, Lady Rin and the life we have together should have much bigger gun be a better faster shot. I love you Lady Rin with all my heart and the other parts too. [/color][/size][/font] [IMG]http://img14.photobucket.com/albums/v43/desertranger/kisses.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img14.photobucket.com/albums/v43/desertranger/kisses.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img14.photobucket.com/albums/v43/desertranger/kisses.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img14.photobucket.com/albums/v43/desertranger/kisses.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img14.photobucket.com/albums/v43/desertranger/kisses.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img14.photobucket.com/albums/v43/desertranger/kisses.gif[/IMG]
  3. [quote name='"Jedite"'] because either that person is abusive, controlling, a cheater, etc. But, I wouldn't worry about it, if I were you. [/quote] [Quote="Lady Rin"] Male or female, if you are going with someone like that then leave. If you stay you'll only get hurt. Don't waste time, don't argue. Just packup and leave. I've seen enough of that thank you.[/quote] Rin ask me to put that there.
  4. [B]"Why is there a foot of snow in my front yard?[/B] Said by Lady Rin on 21 Nov 04. We actually got 2.5 ft of snow in a place that hasn't seen 3 inches of snow in 10 years. [b]There is no such thing as having enough water in the desert.[/b] - From the: Quick and Alive Tourist Guide to the Desert - Survival for Begginers. Fact: An average person trying to do a normal days work outside during the summer and drinking from 3-5 gallons of water can dehydrate. The amazing thing is people will pay $250US for my trail safety course then when you run into them on a trail they don't have any.
  5. [quote name='"chibihorsewoman"'] Not to be rude or anything, but I think that doll looks 1.) a bit too real and 2.) a lot like Jon Benet Ramsey. Creepy .[/quote] No offense taken at all but your're right, I never thought that it looked like Jon Benet Ramsey. Too real was what caught me. this is the work of Natori Satio in Japan who specializes in photogenic dolls. that's ok, there's a 30 day satisfaction guarantee and exchange if Rin want's. There was another one that looked more like Rin, hairstyle and dress, that I liked that and almost bought, maybe I should have. thanks for pointing that out. *calls Rin, a discussion going on over here on this doll* Rin agrees, we're going to return it for the other one. She says knowing that she couldn't have it in the house and says thank you.
  6. I'm gonna take Rin to see Phantom of the Opera and then to dinner in the lo-desert. Then get home before the gunfire starts. That's a major problem here, every Alpha Hotel with a firearms feels the need to go shoot it off into the air. Last year there were a couple of injuries. The families on our road usually come over for champagne and cheer around 2300 and this year I have a block of 500 firecrackers from mexico I'm going to lightoff. that should go for quite a while. Happy New Year Ranger and Lady Rin
  7. It's not just rage, it's stupidity. It rained here for 2 day putting a lot of low lying areas under water. People try to drive around the flash flood signs and cross the water. Dumb, stupid, that kinda s__t gets you dead. Several were rescued during this storm, more than a few were arrested like the 83 year old man in the chevy malibu who crashed the flood gate at indian avenue went through the water over the rocks and into the arms of the waiting police who were there investigating a fatal rollover accident at the same place. TYhen he starts yelling at the cops for making him late for an eye exam. go fig.
  8. Uniforms, most of my life. My work uniform is a tan shirt with lotsa pockets and tan shorts, cargo pants or jeans. By common consent guides do not dress like rangers. Rangers are tan shirt and green pants or shorts. At home, inside depends on what I'm doing. Just laying about, a yukata or sweats. anything loose.Fro honey doos jeans or shorts and t-shirts. Going out, I have some nice shirts and slacks. I don't wear a tie unless forced to. I also have a tux which I need a few times a year.
  9. Charles is a vision in chiffon. Maurice is a great chef. Jerry is great in drag. Among my favorite events in the lo- desert is the gay pride parade. However I don't swing that way. If you want to be gay, be gay. (be a homesexual and happy).
  10. Rin doesn't believe in it. I've never really made up my mind. to weighty a question for my poor brain. However both of us believe it's a womans choice and should not be motivated by religion or poliotics.
  11. On 21 Nov Rin walks in and asked, "Why is there a foot of snow in my front yard"? It was actually closer to 2+ feet. It has never snowed like that here. Usually it's just a dusting. I don't do cold and I don't like snow.
  12. [quote="Baron Samedi'] Chabichou is extreme and exaggerates her opinions, and I'm afraid that people on the Israeli's side are doing the same.[/quote] That is entirely possible, however she is no different from you or I except that she lives in a war torn country (I think she's the Palestinian girl who is currently freezing ehre butt off, I didn't know it got that cold there) and who like most people would like to live in Peace instead of pieces. I have not seen such a statistic she talks about. In talking with my friends I have found that most people don't really know what a Muslim is *they thinks it's a physical country" and don't really care. This is what I do see. Of my Jewish friends, most of them would like to see the total destruction of Palestine, not one of them can give me a valid reason of any kind why this should be done though. Most of them are intolerant, bigots. I'm Jewish and I think that's BS to the max. When these same people ask me what I would do my usual response to turn large portions of Isreal a Sea of Glass. But then, that's my answer for most of the mid-east. I also have a few Muslim friends, Sandeesh and Cha among them. When I first met Cha is attitude was kill the Jews. He couldn't give me a valid reason either. We invited him for passover along with Harry who is Catholic. Cha has changed his mind, he now wants to see peace in Isreal and would like an opportunity to go home (Iran). Sandeesh has always said the whole thing is BS and that's why he moved here. The only place both sides agreed on was more (or less, depending) Isreal-estate. (sic). I've read the Quoran and the Torah along with the Christain bible and others. The Quoran and the Torah speak of peace, not pieces. Both preach tolerance toward our neighbors not bigotry and hate. BTW: I didn't find a lot of that in the bible. The people who interpret these words, our non-secular guides to life and faith (Immams and Rabbis), on the other hand say let's kill each other. Let's kill because they are different and not much other reason behind it. Again, except Isreal-estate. What I see in Chabichou is a (poetic license)a cute adorable young woman surrounded by her cats (another stuopid cat lady like Rin :laugh: :laugh: ) who doesn't understand what's going on around her anymore than we do. I believe all she really want's is an end to the war a chance to live in peace, which most of you do BTW. So I have a couple of questions for Chabichou. Am I right about this? Is that what you want, an end to the war? I would also like to know if your cats sleep on top of you at night? :laugh: :laugh: : Rins do.
  13. I got a couple I live with in my nightmares. Let's do this One. Early 1970 on the start of my second tour in Vietnam. I was sitting in a metro truck with the other members of my flight. Chip, Animal, Vlad [size=1]my partnen[/size] and the rest at the end the runway looking north. We had just finished debrief from a misson over Hanoi and had a couple of six packs and a joint and were just watching the days sorties return before the night sorties went out and listened to radio chatter when a bomber variant F-105 called in with a problem. Hung ordinance, major damage and unable to egress as the GIB would not survive the eject and the pilot wouldn't leave. that's a nightmare of it own, but not mine. We watched as they came in from the north trailing smoke, gear and flaps down, really too low, too fast and not much in control. This is a one shot deal, no second chances and it has to be done absotively posloutely perfectly right. It wasn't. They hit the guard tower outside the inner marker and tried to regain control then crossed the threshold headed for a a climbing stall. the pilot over corrected and hit the runway about 1/3 of the way down in a shiitake angle of attack with gear down and that collapsed. Then hell woke up in my front yard. The world turned hot with fire, flames, explosions everywhere. The radio never said or we didn't hear the hung ordi was 500 lbs of napalm and white phosphorus, this is extremely nasty sh_t.[size=1]artistic license[/size] trailing half a mile down the runway behind a plane burning it in it's own jp4 fuel. Flite crews are trained to respond in emergencies and we did; helmets and gloves on, flites suits zipped up, all automatic, fire retardent to 1500 degrees for 60 seconds. 6 or 7 of us ran to the Thud and pulled the egress handles that released the canopy and I reached in to the front started to release the pilots harness. That's automatic too; push turn, its off. Vlad and Chip in back with the GIB doing the same. Then the fire caught up to us. It has a momentum of it's own and was still moving down the runway then we were surround in flames trying to get the crew out. somebody was trying got use a hand fire extuingsher, screw that. according to the book evacuating a crew from a damaged A/C 15-30 seconds or so. I had him in my arms as I lifted him out and was knocked off the plane by a wall of heat and the pilot screaming. I jumped down with Animal behind me carrying the pilot when there was an explosion and Animal dropped the pilot. I picked him up an ran as far as I could finally collapsing and remving my helmet and his. He was black his flite suit burned away his body still burning from the phosphorus when we got hit by co2 t to put the fire out. That doesn't work with phosphorus He died screaming in my arms from the pain and burning and pieces fallin gopff his body. Somebody took a picture and I kept that with several others until Rin found them and threw the one with me holding the burning pilot away. We had a big argument over that. She has said she only looke at it for a minute but she would never forget it. Animal had been cut in half in the explosion, literally by a piece of debris. Vlad got out with second degree burnsthe GIB who made. Chip never even got away from the plane caught in the explosion as he was getting off. Aside from some burns I didn't even get scratched. For that I received a bunch of medals, some nice ones and the memopry of holding a dying pilot in my arms. I never found out what his name was I have still have nightmares that have always scared the sh_t[szie=1] more artistic license.[/size] out of Rin. They still do. I've told that a lot of times over the years mosty to my therapist and occasionally when telling war stories, where I do tend to embelish it to the young marine officers at the Alamo, [size=1]which is if you haven't figured it out, is the local watering hole, big enough and has a band.[/size]. However I didn't embelish although I did use a bit of artistic license to tell it. I'm entitled. You got it straight. The proof is on my wall in my office with medals and photographs. 12 years ago all of that re-surfaced again after an incident put me in the hospital. So back to square one [size=1] you can stop now the rest is a political statment.[/size] and it now comes back to haunt me as I attend the funerals of my friends children as they die in a dumsh_t [size=1] Pushing the license too far?[/size] war for nothing. Excuse me the guides call. [quote="Rin"] Altron, my father was driven by hate, my entire family has been driven by that since 1841. He lived by the words of Sir William and it was actually much worse than I wrote. He ut their heads off, 8 week old puppies, and I had to watch them until the blood stopped running. I haven't spoken to my family since I got married and my father told me I was dead to them and never to return. The only one I hear from is Gwen, my younger sister, usually by post at this time of year. Several years ago she wrote that I am still dead to my father and my name isstill not allowed in the house. Any pictures of me were destroyed years ago. I have one of her and I send her one of the family every year. My brother Harry wants to kill Ranger and has sworn to do so. Moron! This is because I fell in love with and married Ranger, an American. Talk about hate and bigotry. Siren it's true. don't think like my brother-in-law; that because you haven't experienced it doesn't exsist. Imperious statement: I shall continue to live as I wish because it pleases me to. Considering we are wasting our day off here I think I shall make my "pumpkin, wumpkin, ookums, snookums" [size=] do I have to explain sarcasm? you missed it elsewhere.[/size] some dinner before before we go "shopping wopping with my hubby wubby" [/quote]
  14. Ky is 15. A rock climber member of the local search and rescue team and likes to think he's a homie even thougth we don't have any. He's a ggod kid and gets great grades. Mu is 17. The problem child. less than fair grades doesn't want to help but she does have a job. Ya is 21, mother and gooing to colleg. Rin a sucessfull geologist with published papers. Get a great paycheck. I don't see how her lifestyle has anything to do with that. Everybody is entitled to their dreams. That doesn't mean they have to come true. I have quite a few dreams and I think it's best if they never come true. I'm done here
  15. [size=3][color=red] Siren where do you get off dumping on someones beliefs. That's the same as calling someone a jew or n____r. You aren't even out of school yet, still wet behind the ears. What life experience do you have? Call Rin on somethng? All I did was see a rant bashing someone else, my wife after she apoligized and said she wished to offend no one and that it was her last post on this thread [b]you continue to attack. The cowards approach, hit from behind.. And you continued your attack even after the moderators asked for a cessation. [/b] I suggest you actually study some of those books you talk about instead of just looking at the pictures. I also suggest that you give up the idea of teaching since your posts show you are unfit to be trusted with the education of children. Not willing to accept other peoples beliefs no matter how strange is a sign of bigotry and intolerence. Bigots and the intolerant shouldn't be allowed anywhere near our children. Rin took no offense at what you said., I did. and what you said pissed me off. People are entitled to their dreams and desires. They are entitled to happiness, even says so in writing. After watching her puppies have their heads literaly ripped off. After being assaulted and beaten. You have no right to do that to anyone. Online or off. I also think Rin just proved her point about etequitte an manners. you have none. Which basically shows that[b] you are an nothing more than an intellectual animal [/b] Hooyah Damn censors.[/color][/size]
  16. OOhhhh kaaay. I think I see what happened. Remenber I backed out a few days ago on this one. I hold no animosity for anyone. I don't think Rin realized what she got into and that Chabichou was a girl either. (is that a pokemon?) Rin is, shiitake, she is truly a pacifist. Her family was navy and don't ask me why she married me when I was still in the AF. She saw me deployed a few times and a couple when crews didn't get back. We also didn't meet until well after vietnam. She really doesn't understand what's going on. she doesn't understand war. she does wish desparately for peace. I'm not even sure she would defend herself with lethal force. That's OK, I will. I on the other hand I spent 15 years flying bombers in one form or another including F-111ss. I want peace for another reason. You should all know, I posted it elsewhere earlier. I don't want to see any more of that. I now see a girl who is terribly afraid living in gaza. Rin would want to hug and mother her, she hates seeing a child in distress, any child. she is very compassionate. She just got in a little too deep on this one and she knows this. Chabichou she wants you to be happy, to find your love and live in peace. And we'll probably have similar dreams about this tonight, it happens when you've been married this long. I do know that discussions tend to get pretty deep here. Frankly I would rather argue with Adahn over the whichness of the why. Peace everybody and remember that Rin wants it by love and I want it by force meajure good night, I'm gonna put her to bed.
  17. [quote name='"ChibiHorsewoman"']... to buy me a horse for christmas[/quote] you don't want a horse. believe me. This thread has shown me something very important. How fortunate I am to have the relationship I do and that I do not appreciate it enough.
  18. [QUOTE="Chabichou"] In response to Lady_Rin, I accept your hand in friendship.[/QUOTE] Lady Rin is gentle and pure of heart. Chabichou, believe it or not you will have made her very happy over thought of your friendship, even if it's only online. I am no longer going to take part in this discussion. I have lost too many friends in a war just like this one. I still see their faces in my dreams. I have no wih to see others. Chabichou, I hope that you have lost none of your family or friends and that they are safe. I ask you not to take weapons in a war of politics and religion. Live your life as best you can and do not let hate for governments affect your feelings for the people who have no control over them. May the Spirit of the Desert bring you peace and walk in your shoes. (Native American saying). Koh na wash ta na, koh na wash ta ne.
  19. Love is not blind. It is the people who disapprove of your love that are. How many times a day to you say to yours I love you? [IMG]http://home.earthlink.net/~frogstar/images/hello_my_love.png[/IMG] Even for me not enough. I love you Lady Rin and nothing shall ever come between us except death.
  20. Lady Rin put this online for the hope of promises, peace and friendship. It may not be finished or right but I feel it makes my point. [Removed for Privacy] we watch anime; the same shows in fact. We get up, piss, eat, sleep and everything else the only difference is you are a palestinian and I'm a jew. OK, so what? What should be done about this "war"? The leaders of both sides, political and religious, should be taken into the desert and left there without water. that inlcudes the rest of the warmongers. An examination. In the blue corner: Isreal, the jews: Want the walll up, make reprisals for attacks, destroyers of homes and villages, killers of innocents and children. in the red corner: Palestine, the muslims: want the wall down, make reprisals for attacks, destroyers of homes and villages, killers of innocents and children. I don't see much difference there. Now consider, both sides are in the center of the cradle of civilization. holy place for the 3 of the worlds great religions and philosphies as well as the center for archelogical treasure which is being destroyed by war over idealism and a piece of dirt. Both sides, muslims and jews, are murderers of children. there is no excuse for that. Are you all crazy? Both sides fighting over a piece of dirt? albiet an important one but still a piece of dirt. Both sides are doing this because the non-secular leaders on both sides have interpreted the Torah and Koran incorrectly and have duped you into think it's a jihad. Holy men from both sides have Foxtrot up in the greatest way. they say from their books that tout peace to kill. Say what? There is no where in either book that says kill each other, especially over a piece of dirt. Make jihad? [Removed for Privacy], you want to make jihad OK, but what does it acomplish? Not a damn thing, except to maybe get you killed by a fanatic from the other side. Your economy sucks and a very beautiful and historical part of the world is being destroyed by the people who revere it most. where's the sense that? So my solutions, and i have a few, are: 1: nuke it, turn the entire area into a sea of glass, . A few megatons get's rid of both parties, Palestinians and Isrealies. If we don't have both sides no war. Everybody's dead; but the war has stopped and what's left becomes the worlds largest garbage duimp. No good? OK try this then. Make peace and turn the region to tourism and agriculture. Everybody makes money, people come to visit from all over the world. jews, muslims and christains alike who let them in here lol and who take pictures and spend the money you now make and most important, [Removed for Privacy] goes to school and becomes whateveryou want instead of taking up arms and possibly losing your life while your mother buries you. No parent should ever have to bury a child. Best of all, I don't have to nuke the place. A dead martyr is still dead. Get it? you guys are fighting a dead issue brought on by a few extremely fundamental religious fanatics on both sides, and all of you, muslims and jews, buy into it. that means no schools, homes, factories, tourist or money for anyone, just death and war of which I've seen a lot. Is that what you want? if so, come over here and you and I can take a couple of my guns out and have at it. What do you want my colt six shooter? (the cowboys favorite) sure. Better yet why don't you come over and we'll BBQ some nice salmon in mesquite with some veggies and cider non-alcoholic. Then we can take those guns out to the range for some fun rather than to kill other. I'm glad you posted this. It gives me a chance to tell you, a palestinian muslim what this american jew feels. It is an argument I have with both musilms and jews here. So for the last time. you guys are beating a dead horse. all it can mean is more death and destruction. And god help you if either sides gets their hands on a nuke. It will take someone or several someones to make peace in that region. You're 18, it could be you. So if you are a fundamentalist on either side do my new friend and I a favor. go kill yourself. your screwing up his life. [Removed for Privacy], will you accept my hand in friendship? Or should we kill each other over Bullshiitake?
  21. And love isn't some kind of scientific, quantifiable thing that can be measured.[COLOR=DarkRed] Rin has posted that time and time again here. Has anybody listened to what she says? you can't put a number on a relationship.[/COLOR] it's just that in most girls perfect worlds, her guy will be totally committed to her, because he loves her absolutely for who she is.[COLOR=DarkRed] This is true, and it does work for most people for awhile and many others for a lifetime. I think that many times the fairy tale that made you for each other turned to dross somewhere.[/COLOR] I think you can to a degree choose who you fall in love with.[COLOR=DarkRed] Forget it, you have no choice in who you fall in love with. It either happens or it doesn't. Love can and does grow over time for some but not for most.[/COLOR] So...you can choose who to fall in love with and who to be attracted to?[COLOR=DarkRed] I didn't choose Rin or she me. We found each other there was no choice involved. [/COLOR] The few relationships I had before I met Rin were the same way, we met, fell in love and eventually out of love and apart, it just wasn't "true enough" that was when I found that love can be temporary "a fleeting thing". That love wasn't meant to happen. If you think you have a choice about love, you're crazy. I met Rin one evening and before that evening was over I was trapped. In love with the most beautiful girl in the world. I wanted to protect this flower from wilting under the hate that is/was her family. I want to keep her; as a doll, mate, toy, in bed, out of bed it doesn''t matter. I wanted Rin and she me. That has now gone on for a long long time and nothing has changed except we have gotten older, have kids,a home and jobs. We are still each others lovers/toys/dolls/lifemates. I look at other women, I wouldn't be normal if I didn't. I even flirt with some of them at the alamo or at a party or event and some with me, Rin does it to. we both know it's not serious but only a game. You can't stop it, it's natural. she knows that and so do I. It's at the end of the day however, when you are ready for bed and about to turn out the lights that you look at your spouse, wife, mate, significant other and you realise like I do; If Rin were not here I would probably kill myself. A separation, her leaving, would be devastating. Her death even more so. I can face my own death and have done so before; in battle, on a rescue. I cannot face hers, not even the thought if it. It can and has left me incapacitated. Even now as I write this Rin is my life and I have no control over it. If we did we might have divorced years ago. As it is we [i]are[/i] devoted to each other totally and should anyone or anything try to come between us there is going to be a lot of bodies stacked up. It is a plain and simple truth. Mess with Rin, you mess with me and put your life in my hands. [quote="Ranger"] ...when she told him (biker) to "get your filthy paws off of me" he made the mistake of threatening her and later followed Rin to the parking lot and cornered her by my truck. Mistake! Big mistake![/quote] 11 years ago this happened. He was lucky I wasn't packing heat or I would have blown his damn [size=1]and [i]that[/i] is not an engineering project to hold water[/size] head off. As it was I hit him with the largest and heaviest thing I could get my hands on, a rock, I hit him in the back of the head knocking him down flat out then kicked him in the ribs and stomped his arm. breaking both. His friends ran, again, if I had been packing heat I would have fired at them and as you know I don't miss. As it was there the sheriff to deal with and a trip to court but Rin was safe. And that's the kicker, [b] Rin was and is safe.[/b] Why? Because I truly love her. She is my life. I keep myself safe so she won't have to go thru that either. Now back to stupid things. stop, think before you start running at the mouth. don't do that, try to understand each other. aplogies are a fact of life when you are in love, lots of them. It took a 19 year old girl to teach? find? me. I'm not about to lose this. If you want your relation to last you have to do more than understand each other, you have to learn from each other, you have to be each other. If you feel you are not worthy to lick her boots you're in the right place. Now that I have written this (see I can be wordy like Adahn) and since she's home late tonight there will be a candle light dinner waiting, a favorite dish, no! some fav dishes with a nice wine, and she and me and us. Ranger and Rin; together we. I really like that. [Quote=adendum] Do you know 10 things about your girlfriend to keep your *** out of trouble? Here are 7, can you finish the list? favorite color, stuffed toy or doll, scent, birthday, other important dates, her phone number, fav flower,...[/quote] [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v43/desertranger/together_we.png[/IMG] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][SIZE=3][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue] Together we [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
  22. [quote="Siren"] 1) If hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter hell, than the temperature and pressure in hell will increase exponentially until all hell breaks loose. -OR- 2) If hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until hell freezes over[/quote] [quote]The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid term. The answer by one student was so "profound" that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well. Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)? Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law,(gas cools off when it expands and heats up when it is compressed) or some variant. One student, however, wrote the following: First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate that souls are moving into Hell and the rate they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that...[/quote] Thank you Siren, I was wondering if someone would find that. I have had that for four years and found it when cleaning dirs a few weeks ago. So the awards. [SIZE=3][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Comic Sans MS] Siren gets 5 stars for research. and 2 bonus starts for not plagerising her?/his? answer. ChibiHorsewoman gets 4 stars for imagination.[quote]Christians believe is a place of eternal torment would be freezing cold instead of toasty warm, right?[/quote] Adahn gets 3 star for his normally confusing and contradictory answer. Everybody who answered gets 5 stars just for posting. Thank you for your efforts. My answer: Hell is that place where your worst nightmares are buried. [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE] Mod: Please close this.
  23. [SIZE=1]I think I was asking this when the phones went out during a storm a couple of weeks ago.[/SIZE] [COLOR=Green]I very much enjoy the philosophical discussions here. So in an effort to involve physics(?) in the discussion I would like to ask:[/COLOR] [center] [FONT=book antiqua][size=4] Is hell [COLOR=Red]Endothermic [/color][/SIZE][SIZE=1]absorbs heat [/SIZE] [size=4]or[/size] [size=4][COLOR=dodgerblue]Exothermic[/color] [/SIZE][SIZE=1]radiates heat[/size][size=4]?[/SIZE][/font][/center]
  24. I do a lot of the same crap. chew nails, not hair tho' don't have any to chew on, talk to myself. I talk too much to other people outside of work, perils of the job. I smile alot. did you know that annoys the shiitake out of people they think your having too much fun. I call Rin too often at work and on her cell, she's even gotten in trouble for it. I fight with Ky too much and at Mu not enough. I am to anal about time and schedules even though I don't wear a watch. That comes from being a pilot and navigator for 15 years. See? we're not that much different are we?
  25. The dumbest thing? Baron Samedi asking Rins age. I'm surprised she didn't put you into time out. the next dumbest was a biker about 11 years ago who wouldn't leave Rin alone. I'm not going to repeat what he said. when she told him to "get your filthy paws off of me" he made the mistake of threatening her and later followed Rin to the parking lot and cornered her by my truck. Mistake! [SIZE=3]Big[/size] mistake! the bikers give her lots of space now and don't bother her any most of the time but every now and then there is one so they have to be reminded; Mess with Rin, answer to me. Most recent dumbest is 6 months ago. laura, todds wife, for some reason she want's me and I have absolutely no interest in her. She's a knockout tho' a definite hottie. The dumbest thing she ever said was to proposition me at the Alamo where a dozen people heard her. it took 1 light-second for Rin to hear about it and react. the result was a slap in the face and a pitcher of ice cold water dumped over laura then Rin telling todd to "keep your whoring wife away from my husband" loud enough so everybody heard it, even over the band. Rin [i]never[/i] uses coarse language, she doesn't even say damn or hell. todd and laura don't come to the Alamo anymore, unfortunately they live in our road and she still makes passes at me, usually when she's drunk. I really don't like either one of them.
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