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About Cebben
- Birthday 06/04/1988
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Addicted to anything i touch..
Student/Keeper of the peace
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[i]Remi was personally sick of having to deal with the constant problems with his piece of junk Jackoal AKA short distance transport with small guns and lots of speed. For the 3rd time this week the darn thing broke right as he was taking off making the whole ship crash right back into the port. The first time it was just a broken anti gravity coil but this time it landed on one of the wings and bend it upwards at a 45 degree angle.[/i] [I]Sighing to himself he Set to work repairing the ship with what little skill he had. After seeing what the real problem which turned out to be a broken bolt which had fallen into the ships starboard engine and had knocked the engine off just enough so it would fly crooked and pummel he resigned to yanking the whole thing apart and looking at what parts he needed to get from a new in Kredi rather small part shop.[/i] [i]Stepping out of the port bay he nearly got his head blown off by a rather large missile which missed him by a hair. Pulling out his plasma pistol he shot a few charges at the mech and then dashed across the street and into the shop.[/i] Remi: Oh boy need that part bad now or I am going to be roasted here with all the fighting Hey shopkeeper Npc shopkeeper: Would you like to buy parts [b]Yes[/b] No Npc Shopkeeper: I am sorry we are currently out of all parts please come back later. Remi: WHAT! Oh *#&! Npc Shopkeeper: Have a nice day Remi: Uh oh now what? [I]suddenly the roof caves in as a large blast destroys a building ducking out of the building Remi run right into the mech with it?s gun almost touching his head.[/I] Remi: Bad day..
[i][COLOR=SeaGreen]Eoen stood as still as he could with a large poisonous cobra glaring him in the face he doubted he could stop it before he got bitten of course he could tell her but she would probably just raid the poor houses but it wasn?t worth the time or his life to try and mess with the cobra.[/i] Eoen: very well if you want to know I was just going to check out what that smoke was about. Unless of course you know what it is? Kikuta: Are you implying that I started the fire? [i]getting outraged[/i] Eoen: Did you? Kikuta: No of course not ? Eoen: Then call back your snake Kikuta: I won?t until you give me all of your valuables? Eoen: [i]Chuckles at that[/i] Like I have any? Just look at what I am wearing. Kikuta: Well what about that pretty little crystal around your neck? Eoen: [i]Thinking Oh bumblebees now what?[/i] Ughh it?s cursed I can?t take it off. Syris: Your kidding right? Eoen: No? I am not Syris: Great now what? Kikuta: Hmmm I guess I will make you work it off. Eoen: Work what off? Kikuta: My toll you fool. Eoen: [i]gives her a long hard stare[/i] there is no toll. Kikuta we will see about that. Kill him Spitfire?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Blue] [i]Justin leaned over his desk taking notes and every now and then he would look up and glance at the blackboard. Suddenly he heard Ms Byers say to another student "That's the third time this month, Mr. Ward. I'll be giving you a detention." The student made a half attempt to push it off then must have decided not to and just said fine. Glancing up to look quick he noticed a smile go between the tardy student and Allice. Sighing inwardly to himself he went back to his work.[/i] Ms Byers: Now today we learn about Flagellated Protozoa?s, Now who can tell what flagellated means? Hmm lets see Justin do you know? Justin: I believe that flagellated means that the thing has a threadlike tail for movement. Ms Byers: You believe? Justin: Uhh I am sure. [i]His tone lacks a lot of confidence[/i] Ms Byers: Well either way that is correct now lets try something harder. OK now many flagellated Protozoa make their own food using chlorophyll and what ability? Jake: Photosynthesis. Ms Byers: Very good Mr. Ward [i]the bell rings[/i] ok class dismissed but don?t forget about your report papers on Protozoa?s and how they help us. [i]Walking past the teacher?s desk Justin drops his report paper in the in box and walks out to his next class completely in a slump[/i][/COLOR]
I personally like the blue one more but thats my opinion the flowing moonlight color hair gives it that ghostly look however i couldn't make myself a banner if i had too. least one that was half way decent..so take that into consideration....which i am gonna need a banner once i get a decent amount of posts.. say 50..
Anyhow.. What i want for christmas is univeral peace and brethernship but of course no one can do that so.... here is my christmas DEMANDS LIST :devil: Follow it and no one gets hurt. Oh wait... i don't have anything thing else i want nevermind sorry to bug you .. Anyhow i like to watch others get stuff so that my gift back at me HOwever the worse present i have ever gotten has to be that ordinary toilet paper roll..I think my cousin hated me that year.... really i do.
Kitsune-bito it looks pretty good to me so i would say yah just post in the rpg and try to keep posting what ever your do.. I want this rpg to live a while.. and Nefertimon please post more..
Eoen glanced around after hearing the grunt. Most animals didn?t grunt normally only a ? before he had time to finish the thought a large boar came charging at him Eoen: Koru! Swipe this thing with your tail. The large lizard turned and opened it?s mouth in a threatening motion then clubbed the boar into a tree with a mighty swipe of his tail. Seizing the moment Eoen started whispering a spell as he whispered one of the symbols on his staff started to glow and vines begin to slithered around the boars legs and body and tying it to the ground the stopping his whispers Eoen looked at the boar and then the older boy and his goat then out into the bushes Eoen: What the heck is a wild boar doing in these parts? Unless this isn?t wild and one of the? He stopped for a second and looked up seeing smoke coming from the south. Uh no. I think one of the villages is under attack if they fall that means the seer may be next. Koru go get the seer I am going to check out this village. Glancing at the older boy are you going to come or you going to stay here if your going to stay her follow Koru if not follow me.
Name:Justin Casprin Age: 16 Gender: Male Persoanlity:Smart, But tends to not use any of his common sense if he doesn't have too. Justin suffers from depression which tends to foul his mood up. Justin tends to believe that everything happens for a reason but sometimes he blames others for what he does wrong making him look like a worse person then he really is. Over the last few weeks however Justin's view towards the world is somewhat altered due to the strange events that have been happening Appearance: [URL]=http://www.angelfire.com/celeb2/unofficialtom/tw17.]Here is the picture[/URL] Person: Normal, Largely affected ooc: tell me if this is not good enough i was kinda rushed.
Eoen had just finished making his Potion of Sight when the Seer?s Crystal around his neck flared with light and power in the past it was a warning that someone was walking in the forest without a crystal of his own. However the crystal never flared up like this normally it was a dull light, which faded as soon as the intruder had stepped into one of the traps. However it seemed that this intruder wasn?t setting off any of those traps and now the crystal shard was showing a picture of a ram and a older boy chasing the ram. This ram didn?t have the same look about him as a normal ram this one was different something about it didn?t? seem right. [I] The Seer sneaking up behind him watched for a second[/I] Seer: Ahhh so one of them has come. I wondered what took him so long. Eoen: You knew he was coming? Seer: Yes now go greet him and take Koru and Taiko with you [I]that secretive smile danced on her lips again[/I] Eoen: As you wish. [I]He grabs his bag and walks out the door.[/I] Seer: [I]After he has left[/I] Soon you will find your path young one. However hard it may be you will defeat the tests placed before by your now dead father. [I]Picking up the potion the Seer Dips her finger into the bottle and flicks a few drops into the fire and it starts to rage.[/I] Excellent let it begin. Walk through the forest for the second time that day Eoen let the light of the crystal guide him as he passed Koru and Taiko he motioned for them to follow. Koru suddenly took off down the trail Eoen yanked out his staff and started sprinting after the crazy Crag Beast he noticed that Koru had stopped and he was in a crunched up and was growling at the ram and the boy who was somewhat older. Holding his staff in a blocking pose Eoen stepped out into the small clearing. Eoen: Koru back off I want to ask this person what he is doing here [I]The Crag Beast backed up but didn?t lose it?s warning growl[/I] Now I wish to know who you are and why your in this forest.
[i]Walking through the forest of the Seer Eoen stopped to collect some berries and crickets as well as the many traps he made to protect the forest from invaders such as the bandits that often attempted to raid the Seer?s home for booty and slaves. (For it was said that she had lots of both of these things however that is another story). Looking at a magic trap this was one of the traps the seer had set that only a person with a certain crystal could get to the center of the forest where the Seer?s hut was. Getting up and moving to the next spot Eoen picked up a few more berries for Koru. Now you see the traps was not set to kill but to capture or injure anyone attempting to reach the Seer of Dhaka.[/i] [i]Eoen stopped at the last trap and noticed a small white and brown patched mouse with a broken foot carefully he picked it up and placed it in his pouch so that it wouldn?t get hurt or lost. Picking up a few more berries and grabbing a few crickets. Eoen started thinking about his best friend Koru The Crag Beast. His companion and protector, With Koru fighting for him Eoen was capable of becoming a rather good healer. With the lore of the forest and the knowledge and ability to make almost any potion thanks to the Seer?s gentle guiding Eoen had a rather impressive healing array on his hands. Eoen remembered fondly when he used to take care of Koru?s egg trying to figure of what it would become and asking the Seer and only receiving a secretive smile.[/i] [i]Walking down the path to the Hut he and the Seer called home he stop shortly outside of the hut and took the mouse out of the pouch and dumped the berries into a pile and then carefully placed the mouse back in the bag and walked inside the hut only to be greeted by the horrible odor of Flame Wart cooking.[/i] Eoen: Eghh Flame Wart. Seer: Yes the smell is powerful however Flame Wart is very useful. You?re late however I am over looking this on account of what today is. Eoen: What is today? Seer: Well it is two things one it is your finishing day? and two your birthday. Eoen: Wait that is today? I thought that was next week? Seer: It is today. I watch the moon not the seasons Eoen: So what do I need to do? Seer: Make the potion of sight and then come see me in my room. Eoen: Ok got it. [I]Grabs the potions ingredients and starts brewing the mixture carefully[/I]
Well the donkey ain't gonna be a dragon it's just my pack animal I will prolly kill it sometime before i get my dragon... So don't worry on that front second are we gonna be traveling together or alone?
Name:Eoen Kipti Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearance: Eoen is 5?7? with long golden blonde hair tied back into a ponytail, He normally wears a long brown tunic with calf high boot with the tops folded down and a medicine bag slung over his chest which is full of al sort of all sorts of wondrous herbs, leaves and spices. For protection as well as minor spells (for he isn?t very skilled in magic) he wields and oaken staff with several symbols craved into it. Personality:Has great empathy for got wounded, He is somewhat cocky and in bad times depressed he has courage but is still afraid of somethings. In a fight he is calm and colleted and will instruct Koru just how to attack. Bio: Working on this currently Animal: A Crag Beast and a Mule. Animal's Name: Koru and Taiko. Animal Description: Koru looks like a very large bearded dragon however he has teeth that are rather sharp and can bite off a offending hand he is extremely protective and loyal to Eoen and will protect him for all sorts of danger. Taiko has a light grayish colored coat with a black mane (not sure you can call the hair on a mules neck a mane but?) and tail he is mostly used for carrying stuff like cooking supplies and various assorted things that Eoen needs on his journey. Taiko is very gentle and loves carrots and grass he will follow Eoen to the ends of the earth and is very smart for a mule.
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