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The New Formula For Getting Chicks!!!
Sauce-head replied to Sauce-head's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='foreverinfinity']Exuse me?!? My criteria for guys isn't working their butt off half the week. It's good if they wear clothes that look ok on them, but why would I want to go out with a guy anyway? Definitely not for their clothes. And if girls other than me want to go out with someone because they look hot or cute or something like that, I tell them they are wasting their time. If they like the way a guy looks, why not just take a picture of them? Besides, I think it would feel wierd cuddling with someone who is all muscle. I'd actually rather go out with someone I could beat up if I really wanted to. I think steps and rules are all stupid. Every girl is different. We are not clones and will not react the same way to hair length, cologne scent, or clothes.[/quote] Looks to me like you are trying to be in control of the relationship and walking all over a man, which is exactly what this thread is to help guys not let girls like you do that to them. -
The New Formula For Getting Chicks!!!
Sauce-head replied to Sauce-head's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]I agree with Lady Rin as well, I only met my husband back in 2000 and we were friends for a few months before we started dating. However it was the Army that helped us realize that we were going to end up together for a looong time. You want to test the strength of a relationship? Have one of you join the military or just stay away for months to a year on end and see how your relationship holds up to that stuff. It takes a lot of strength, trust and will power to hold up a military or any long distance relationship. I think it's stupid and self defeating to try and play games with someone that you'd like to have a potential relationship with. Not only do you cheat the person you ultimately cheat yourself. Also, I think it's pretty stupid to just assume that everyone lies to you. If you have that kind of atttitude, maybe you should just stick to your blow up doll. Now about the whole in the 1800's and so women were worshiped and men did everything for them...have you ever heard about the expression used to describe Southern men in the 1800's? The Iron fist in a velvet glove? Southern men liled their women to be protected, but with that protection came a price. And do you know where the phrase rule of thumb originated? It comes from an old English law which stated that a man could beat his wife with anything as long as it was the width of his thumb. I could go on a bit more, but I'm talking with my husband. the one I tricked into marrying me by sleeping with him.[/color][/QUOTE] That phrase rule of thumb is just used by feminists (yourself), it is a complete hoax and there was never such rule. The below is from the book, "Who Stole Feminism" - the text can also be found [url]http://www.debunker.com/texts/ruleofthumb.html[/url] . [I]...The 'rule of thumb' story is an example of revisionist history that feminists happily fell into believing. It reinforces their perspective on society, and they tell it as a way of winning converts to their angry creed... The 'rule of thumb', however, turns out to be an excellent example of what may be called a feminist fiction. Is is not to be found in William Blackstone's treatise on English common law. On the contrary, British law since the 1700s and our American laws predating the Revolution prohibit wife beating, though there have been periods and places in which the prohibition was only indifferently enforced. That the phrase did not even originate in legal practice could have been ascertained by any fact-checker who took the trouble to look it up in the Oxford English Dictionary, which notes that the term has been used metaphorically for at least three hundred years to refer to any method of measurement or technique of estimation derived from experience rather than science. [/i] Sources: [url]http://www.debunker.com/texts/ruleofthumb.html[/url] [url]http://www.canlaw.com/rights/thumbrul.htm[/url] [url]http://www.straightdope.com/columns/000512.html[/url] [url]http://dynamic.uoregon.edu/~jjf/essays/ruleofthumb.html[/url] or google "rule of thumb" Accusations again (the blow up doll...honestly, why are you targeting me, rather than what I said). I'd prefer it if you stopped, I can think of several insults of the top of my head that fit you (and are true), but I'd rather not recieve a PM from James... Like I said (I believe 3-4 times already) that if you don't like it, don't come in here and respond to it/read it. Please just leave my thread, all you do is flame me, I have done nothing wrong. -
The New Formula For Getting Chicks!!!
Sauce-head replied to Sauce-head's topic in General Discussion
***Note this article is valid for people who have had trouble picking up chicks (as is this thread, you don't really need to use this stuff unless you can easily pick up chicks). This is more about Just be Yourself, and I find it hard to disagree with. --- Why Not "Just Be Yourself" by Allen Thompson Every day I'm emailed tons of tips and articles. Every day I read the 200+ new posts in the Don Juan Discussion Forum. Every day I surf the net looking for the latest, greatest relationship info. Every day I read books and magazines about dating, relationships, and women. I see it all. The basic. The advanced. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Man, do I see a lot of the ugly! Undoubtedly, the most common tip I see, whether it's in an article written by some famous relationship guru, or a post to a discussion group by some 15-year old freshman... is JUST BE YOURSELF. If sheer volume were any indication of quality, then this tip would surely be in the Hall of Fame. Unfortunately, volume is no indication of quality when it comes to relationship advice. In fact, much of the time it's just the opposite. "Just Be Yourself" is the one tip I'll never use. Not at the web site. Not in the newsletter. Not anywhere. Just be yourself (abbreviated JBY from now on) is a dangerous or, at the very least, counter-productive tip for a number of reasons. One - JBY is the advice you're most likely to receive from someone who has no clue about how women, dating, and relationships work. It doesn't matter if that person is male or female, young or old, single or married -- it's the stock relationship answer when one doesn't know or can't think of anything else to say... but doesn't want to seem as clueless as he/she actually is. Ask your buddy what women want, or your mother, or your minister, or Dr. Expert. They'll probably hit you with some version of JBY. Why? Not because it's the correct answer, but because they themselves have no idea what women want. But they have to say something, right? And besides, they've been hearing JBY for their entire lives. It must be the right answer. How could something be so prevalent, and be wrong? As a side benefit, JBY is also an answer which allows the advice-giver to feel a sense of smugness or superiority... as if simply seeking relationship advice in the first place is somehow indicative of lower intelligence or underdeveloped social skills. And oh how people like to feel smug. But what happens if you press them a little, ask for more details? Tell them that you've been "just being yourself" your entire life and it's pretty much gotten you nowhere at all with women. In fact, you haven't even had a date in 2 years. What about that? At this point they'll probably shovel you the stock follow-up answer - "You just have to be patient and eventually you'll meet someone who's right for you." Oh, and don't forget, "And if it doesn't work out between you and her, than it wasn't meant to be." Be yourself. Patience. Faith. That's about the extent of the advice you're likely to receive. I consider this to be utterly Ridiculous !! What kind of advice or help is this to a person who's been struggling with women his whole life? A person who goes on one date every 6 months... and never gets a second date? A person who's lonely, depressed, unhappy? A person who's obviously doing something wrong but has no idea what it might be? Rather than simply JBYing, and waiting patiently, and having faith, perhaps it would be more beneficial if the troubled person would decide to Take Charge and actively create the kind of life he wants. To learn the mistakes he's been making in the past and how to correct this in the future. To learn the correct attitudes, behaviors, and thoughts which will enable him to attract and keep the woman or women he wants. This would be useful advice! But then we'd run into another problem. You see, the second major reason that JBY is so common and a potentially damaging piece of advice is that it gives the person in need an EXCUSE for not doing anything. A convenient excuse, validated by others (after all he asked), for continuing to do what he's always done. A convenient excuse to do only what he wants to do, or what feels comfortable for him. A convenient excuse to sit on the couch every evening drinking beer and watching TV... because, after all, he's the kind of guy who likes to sit on the couch, drink beer, and watch TV. You see being a Don Juan is not about being yourself. And it's certainly not about pretending to be someone that you're not. It's about becoming the person that you want to be. It's about self-improvement and reaching your full potential. It's about feeling good, being happy, and learning new things. Time and time again I've gotten emails from people telling me how the information at SoSuave.com has changed their lives for the better. How they now understand "the game" better, and how their social lives have dramatically improved as a result. Yet, get this, when they tell their friends about the site, about all the cool information there, and how it changed their lives... their friends are not the least bit interested. Or their friends may even think the whole idea of "learning" how to act around women is ridiculous and try to make them feel bad for even suggesting such a thing. The friends will then preach JBY to the person, and try to convince the person that he doesn't need "tricks and gimmicks" to do well with women. These oh-so-wise friends are the same ones who cower in a corner when out at a bar. The same friends who spend most of their time surfing the net or playing computer games. The same friends who insist that you should buy flowers, write love notes, be "friends" first, take her to the most expensive restaurant in town, tell her you love her (on the first date), etc. In other words, these friends don't have a clue, yet have the audacity to preach JBY to those who are trying to improve themselves and understand what really works. Talk to them about challenge, body language, confusion, desperation, confidence, conversational strategies, or any of the other Basic Stuff at the site, and watch as their eyes glaze over like a deer caught in headlights. Are you actually going to take advice from these people? Why are they like this? Why can't they see that JBYing is not working for them? Why can't they understand that simply learning and implementing a few simple "tactics" could dramatically improve their lives? Because they're lazy !! Becoming a Don Juan is about self-improvement. And self-improvement often times involves work. Take a look at all the info at SoSuave.com. It would take WEEKS just to read it all. Then you have to commit it to memory. Then implement and practice. This takes time and effort. Make no mistake about it... you're not going to go from a Non Juan to a Don Juan over night. Do you think that Michael Jordan became the greatest basketball player in history by JBYing? When he failed to make the varsity team in High School, do you think he went home and said, "Oh well. I guess I'm just not much of a basketball player. But I'm sure there must be something else I can do."? I don't think so. He grabbed the freakin ball, and practiced, and practiced, and practiced. What about women? Do you think that they subscribe to the JBY model of dating? You tell me. They spend hours working on their hair, their makeup, their skin, and everything else imaginable before going out. They spend untold fortunes on clothes, shoes, accessories, diet pills, and anything else they can find to make themselves more attractive. And have you ever read Cosmo, Glamour, or any of the other women's magazines on the stand? Just look at the covers. 20 Ways to Make Him Fall in Love with You... Instantly Is Your Man a Cheater? Take Our Test and Find Out Bedroom Tactics to Rock His World You see women have been studying "us" since they were old enough to read. When we're out burning ants, playing ball, or watching cartoons, they're pouring over the latest edition of Seventeen and discovering "New Kissing Techniques that Will Leave Him Drooling." They're having slumber parties, giggling, and professing the merits of playing hard to get, not returning phone calls, flirting strategies, not looking desperate, body language, or whatever. They're learning the "game" and how to play it... and very very well. We're busy JBYing... and they're researching, studying, and practicing. Is it any wonder that in most relationships the woman is in complete control? Is it any wonder that most guys, when they do occasionally get a date, make complete fools of themselves? Is it any wonder that YOU'RE having so much trouble with women? I think not. In fact, I think being an "idiot" is the norm for men. I think most guys are completely clueless. And that's why those of you smart enough to seek out this site are destined for greatness. Those of you who visit the site regularly, those of you who study and practice, those of you who've dedicated yourselves to learning and improving, should be commended. You are in the minority. And if you keep at it, you will reap the rewards. And, oh man, how sweet the rewards !!! --- Allen Thompson [url]http://www.sosuave.com/articles/whynot.htm[/url] --- Heres another lesson. THE SCALE... Ok in my last post I mentioned "THE SCALE." Now I know there are a ton of different varations of this, but here's the most accurate one I've heard of. [B](Feel free to base the scale on personality only/looks only - it is really your decision, this is just an example.[/B] The scale is 1-10, here are the catergories. Face 0-2 pts Breasts 0-2 pts Butt 0-2 pts Legs 0-2 pts Personality 0-2 pts So let's say a girl is "cute." That deserves a 1.5. Let's say she has "nice" breasts. That deserves a 1. Let's say she has an "ok" buttocks. That's a 0.5 as well. Let's say she has "good" legs. That's a 1.5 And a really great personality. That's a 2. So this girl would be a 6.5 on the scale. So now that you know how the scale works, let's talk about how exactly you talk to a girl who's a 6 and how that differs from a girl that's a 8. Here's the general rules: 1-5: These girls are average and below average looking. They know they're not the cream of the crop, so don't give them a hard time too much and throw in a compliment or 2. DON'T OVER-DO THE COMPLIMENTS, 2 MAX!!!! These girls are not confident, so if you boost their ego slightly, they'll be more receptive to talking to you. 6-7: These are the girls who are labeled as "cute." They know they're not SUPER-HOT, but they definitely are confident and know they're better than average. With these girls, 1 compliment will do. Your compliments need to flow with the conversation, don't just tell her she has a great personality, when she's talking about sedimentary rock formations. 8-10: These girls have a bubble around them. The only guys who get to be inside their bubble is the guys who show that their not intimidated AT ALL!! These girls get NO COMPLIMENTS!!! In fact you should give them Negative Hits. If you don't know what that is, read the first page of this thread. Like I said above, mention anything but their looks. Tease them about the little things, tell them they write sloppy or ask them if she cried because a strand of hair is out of place etc. Do this in a playful way, so she knows your teasing but you're REALLY NOT.. Do not apologize or kiss-butt to these girls AT ALL!! Let's say hot girl X gives you her number. She tells you to call her at 8:00pm. You get busy and end up calling her at 8:35 pm. When you call, talk to her like everythings chill. She will then ask you why you didn't call earlier. Just tell her you were busy doing some things. Be vague, don't say, "I went to Mcdonalds and then I shaved my bum." Just say you were busy. Is this starting to make sense? Ok, if you've got questions, I've got answers, so let me know what you think. -
The New Formula For Getting Chicks!!!
Sauce-head replied to Sauce-head's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=James][color=#707875]But just look at your custom title. I mean...surely that says it all. It's easy to approach the situation from a bitter angle if something has gone wrong, relationship-wise (and believe me, I've experienced it more than I want to remember, lol). But at the end of the day, it's an unhealthy attitude that won't lead to a fruitful relationship in the future. And please...let's keep things as civil as possible. If you want to discuss something, it can be done [i]without[/i] insults.[/color][/QUOTE] I only have a bad attitude to the women who played games on me before I even knew they were playing games. After I realized all this stuff, I didn't really care after, it wasn't so much emotional, as it was just a waste of my time and money. And I care about my time and money. I don't have a problem with women in general, and I don't think one sex is better than the other. Anyways back to lessons. ---------- Practice Makes Perfect- To get good with girls, you have to prioritize it. Just like going to the gym, you gotta stay consistent with your meals and training to see results. One of the best ways to get good with girls is to practice your communication and non-verbal communication skills. Now just like in lifting, you didn't go to the gym on your 1st day and squat 3 plates. You started at a much lower weight and built yourself up to 3 plates. Samething goes for girls. I know a lot of you are won't admit it, but your very intimidated by really attractive girls. You get all nervous and have no clue what to say . So start off on that acne-prone chick in your science class. Or that glue eating girl in math. Of course you would never want to hook up with these girls, but use them as bait to practice for the big fish... Here's what your goals should be: 1-Approach 5 random girls everyday for a week that are between 1-5 on looks. Start a conversation with them about ANYTHING!! Notice how your not intimadated by them AT ALL?? Talking to these girls and being confident is easy. Why? Because you know your better than them. That should be the mentality you have with EVERY GIRL!! Anyway, your focus isn't even to get their numbers, its to become comfortable in front of girls in general. 2-For the next 2 weeks approach 5 more girls everyday that are between a 6-7 on looks. Do the same thing, just get comfortable talking to them. After this 3 week period, your conversation skills(eye contact, voice tone, the way you walk, Alpha Male skills) should have improved dramatically. So now your ready to step up to the majors and talk to the really hot girl. Now to keep yourself from getting nervous in front of the really hot girls, just keep this in mind: Talk about ANYTHING EXCEPT THEIR LOOKS!!! They know how hot they are and when they hear that 20x a day, they almost take it as an insult. Even worse they label you as a "nice-guy wussy." Did you know that girls decide within 5 minutes of meeting you, whether or not they'd have sex with you? So just think, if you can be Alpha-confident PUA for 10 minutes, you've got it made.. Girls that are really attractive want to be appreciated for anything except their looks. Keep that in mind and you'll do well. And if you fear rejection or a girl laughing at you, you shouldn't. 99% of the time a girl will be friendly, even if she 's not interested in you. So go get some hours in the batting cage and practice for your big at bat. -
The New Formula For Getting Chicks!!!
Sauce-head replied to Sauce-head's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Siren]I just got burned, hehe. XD This talk of a bread-winner is actually a good way to segway into a brief history lesson, I think. In the 50s, men were the bread-winners and supported their wives through the money (the bread). In the 1800s (and essentially, all throughout history), women were the bread. Dude, you used the word "Chivalry" to describe the [i]1800s[/i]. Think about that. Think about how absurd that is. There was absolutely no desire at all to help women back then. There was no Chivalry. If there was a desire to support women financially, then there would not have been any prostitutes, would there? And even though women were entirely dependent on the male, the males were not at all obligated to support them, lol. So, 6 pages of your complainy, whiny, "Girls are absolutely unfaithful and shallow b-tches" "system" of picking up "chicks" isn't a sign that you're not the least bit bitter from not having much luck with the ladies? Sure, haha.[/QUOTE] Any more accusations aslong as we are hitting these phenomina at the height of their popularity? Here is one of my own, I believe you are fat overweight liberal democrat who has an internet girlfirned named Earl. -
The New Formula For Getting Chicks!!!
Sauce-head replied to Sauce-head's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Methuselah][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Listen, man, I am not flaming you I am giving you my opinion. If you don't want people responding to a thread in a bad way and you always want them to agree with you then these threads won't get very far. I don't want you to think that I have anything against you, personally, because I don't. I just don't like the way you've put this thread across. I don't believe that women 'play games' with men, not all women, anyway. I admit that some women do and I don't like that sort, It's the same way I can't [I]stand[/I] men who believe women are below them. I guess, after reading this through many times, that I can see where you are coming from. You believe that men should be able to use...or...trick a woman because it obviously seems to you that women do the same, if I'm wrong, I apologise. I think that both sexes are guilty of this 'trickery', for lack of a better term, and I don't think that either should be trying to think of methods to outwit the other. I honestly think that when I get to the stage of going out properly, to a restaurant or the cinema, that I will be the one who pays half of the bill, if not all of it! If a guy won't let me then it's his choice, I wouldn't want to force a man into buying things for me. But that is just me. I'm sorry that you've got such a bad impression of women, so allow me to bow out of this thread with no hard feelings.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] I am not saying people can't respond in a "bad" way, just theres a point where people become too negative and it just goes too far (and people have gotten to that point in this thread). I appreciate the input of different opinions, but when people tell me I am wrong, and that it is immoral, childish, barbaric etc etc to behave in such a way - As more lessons come people will really start to realize what I am getting at. I never said women are below men, I am talking about men (as individuals), an individual should always put himself/herself first, then friends and family, then relationships, most of the time, a relationship will end up not working - and if you put that person you are in a relationship on a higher level than yourself/friends/family, the relations with your friends and family will weaken (I always put my friends and family before girls [Oh, and when I say girls, I don't mean girls as a sex, just as a girl I may be in a relationship with). And if that is being sexist, so be it, I'd rather be sexist than lose my friends and family. I don't have a bad impression of women, I just don't like these tests and games they play. And my post prior to this one wasn't targeted just at you, but to pretty much every single person who has responded to this thread (nobody has responded positively as of yet). EDIT**********: Siren: You misread what I said, I didn't mean that [i]IN[/i] the 1800's that is how it is like. I meant it in terms of money, women didn't have a lot and had to rely on men, but today women have jobs and make good money (and a good amount of women - especially those who are 16-24 make more than men). I was just commenting on the fact that men shouldn't be expected to pay for outtings, especially ones early on in a relationship. And to your other comment, I haven't had a lot of trouble dating, just several cases before I picked up on a lot of this stuff such as women using men for a dinner or a movie. -
The New Formula For Getting Chicks!!!
Sauce-head replied to Sauce-head's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Methuselah][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]If he weren?t being sarcastic, I'd have a whole different opinion of him. 'Sides, ULX knows how to treat a lady.^_~ So basically you?re stuck waaay back in the 1800s and you believe that men should care less about women, use them for pleasure and then have them do all of the work and expect them to wait on you? Honestly, how that makes men superior astounds me...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] It is actually you who is stuck in the 1800's, men are expected to do everything for the women, when going out with a female ( for the first time ) the man is expected to pay for the womens meal/movie/drink etc etc. Why? Because of "chivalry", "chivalry" may be dead, but women killed it. When going out, you pay for your stuff, and she pays for hers. Simple as that, and don't tell me I am being sexist here because what I am saying is for equality (for men, for so many years have been emptying their wallets for women - which really isn't needed). Men should care less about women than themselves, their friends, and their family. If someone you are seeing is number 1, and your friends/self/family come second, that just isn't how it should be. I have never said to treat women badly, women play games on men, these lessons are just men playing games on women. Simple as this, if you don't like what I am saying, why are you reading it/responding to it? I really don't want you in the threads, and most of you are just flaming me (calling me childish, superficial [so what I like attractive women, just because the rest of you have ridiculously low standards and enjoy these obese women doesn't mean you have to get down on me] etc etc). I know that there are perhaps 2-3 people (I could careless how many people I help, not to mention talking about this, and making lessons helps me aswell) here who actually are interested in what is being said, and you are all hijacking my thread. So once again, if you don't like it, don't read it/respond to it. Can we actually have an intellectual discussion rather than being childish with the typical, "I am a fussy close-minded person and the only right way is my way, and no I will not listen to your opinions, regardless of if they are right or wrong" talk. -
The New Formula For Getting Chicks!!!
Sauce-head replied to Sauce-head's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Unborn Lord Xion][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][SIZE=1]Dude, this thread is awesome. You've taught me [I]so[/I] much. Like your witty message to leave if she doesn't answer? Yeah, telling a woman to wear a diaper is [I]really[/I] going to make her want to call you, [I]Master[/I]. And no, of [I]course[/I] we shouldn't care about [I]them[/I] more then ourselves. Because, as we all know, men [I]are[/I] the superior sex. Who are they trying to kid, thinking [I]we[/I] should buy them [I]gifts[/I] and make them feel [I]special[/I], when they so clearly aren't. I mean, since with your [I]brilliant[/I] formula we can easily grab tens of thousands of chicks at the same time! -New Player and Biggest Fan, ULX[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] If you weren't being sarcastic you pretty much have the right idea... -
The New Formula For Getting Chicks!!!
Sauce-head replied to Sauce-head's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Harry]Women must be tricked into a relationship. I don't want to sound like those annoying teenage sitcoms that say "just be yourself" but a lot of your advice is telling people to change themselves to try to attract a girl. This leaves to big problems, such as when you no longer want to act that way. I agree with keeping your skin clean so you aren't a crater face and working out is good, but thinking about the right thing to say, making yourself look busy, and how many times to call a girl is just stupid. Even if you do hook up with the girl she'll see right through you with her harsh judging eyes.[/QUOTE] "Be yourself" is one of the most cocked up pieces of advice ever. Why? Because "yourself" is relative. For example, a guy acts something like you around a girl, and the girl likes him. "Aha! Being yourself is key to success with chicks!!!!" Now, some sociopath-rapist-mysogynist-pedophile-schizophrenic approaches a chick, tells her about his stamp collection, and scares her the hell away. "Oh damn. Girls must only like guys who are handsome, rich, and have nice cars. Hello mr. right hand." The solution for the latter if he wants to be successful with chicks? To emulate the style of the first, which has been proven to work, for at least one woman anyway. Of course, all women are different, but certain tactics and approaches hold evident for the general mass, which is what the whole fastseduction - alpha male stuff is. So anyhow, the second guy starts to act like the first. Personality is not static, it can evolve or maybe change. Eventually, the second guy isn't portraying his creepy old self, but that of his new self, which is very much similar to the "self" of the first guy. Anyways, here is the next lesson. ----- Lesson # 5-Lines I know girls tell you "lines" don't work. Well that's because they are not the right ones.. The key to understanding lines is to say them as if they are not a line. Does that make sense?? You can make these lines effective by hiding them in the middle of a conversation. But here are common "lines" to use. Openers: -"Hi" and smile. -"I noticed you when I walked in and wanted to talk to you." -"Nice shoes" let's screw.. just kidding :D Closers: - You:"What's your schedule like for the week?" Her: Well I'm have work until XXXX time and school on this day." You: You should join me for XXXX on this day. -Its important that you say this line just like that. Tell her that your going somewhere and she should JOIN you. This implies that you already had plans to go regardless of whether she goes or not. This works much better than, "will you go out with me on Tuesday??" That's the wussy way, your asking for her persmission. Number Closer: You know (girl's name) you seem like a lot of fun to be around, we should get together some time?" -This works ESPECIALLY WELL on 9's and 10's because they are so use to getting the usual bull$hit compliments about how "pretty they are." The powerful thing about this closer is, you are not asking for her number. Your telling her she's fun to be around. She'll be so excited after you tell her this that her next line will be "let me give you my number." I bet you $10000000 if you do everything preceeding to this correctly that when you say this line, her response will be to offer her number. -Also by her offering YOU her number she'll emotionally think she likes you. Don't believe me? Just think about how a girl interprets you walking up to her and saying "Can I have your number??" She knows she has you by the ballz and its not exciting to chase a pushover. Food for thought. EDIT - More What I'm trying to do here, is show all the guys who don't know this, how to do it and WHY it works. When some guy says, "I like this girl at my school and its her birthday. Do you think I should buy her something??" That's society's mentality embedded in his head. No one teaches guy's how to get girls. So without having a clue, 80% of guys grow up thinking the way to get a girl is to buy her junk, call her all the time and make her #1 on your priority list. Furthermore, I'm trying to teach you (at least the ones willing to learn) how to pick up chicks and get some action, not how to get a long-term girlfriend. I think its a HUGE mistake when your 16-24 yrs old and your in a long term relationship. Your only young once, being a player and having some variety helps you to realize what exactly you want in a girl and what you don't. Your being very naive when you tell everyone to "be yourself." That's such a broad statement, being yourself is different to everyone. If every guy on this earth had the SAME EXACT PERSONALITY, then being yourself would work. I'm putting the way you should be around chicks into a package. I'm not trying to start a flame war with you, but don't generalize your situation for everyone else. -
The New Formula For Getting Chicks!!!
Sauce-head replied to Sauce-head's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]I agree with Siren...when does the sky come crashing down? You can't say that the way you go about finding and attracting a person when you're 15 is the same as what you do when you're 19. Or even that one way works on everyone. Trust me, after the fifth time I heard my ex lasp But on the other hand, taking care of yourself is important. So maybe you're both right? [b]EDIT:[/b] Where the heck is this guy getting his stuff? [/color][/QUOTE] This has the potential to work on anyone open to a relationship (and in rare cases, those that aren't), but I urge everyone to use commen sense and figure it out for yourself. Of course these lessons won't work in certain cases, and of course it won't work on certain people. But that is exactly why I am not saying what to do in a scenario, these lessons are guide lines. To add to that, I never said that the only way for women to be attracted to you is appearance, I clearly said that it is something that women can be attracted to you by, that you have the most control over, and that is triggered by the women. I believe it is the best way to trigger interest without any sort of communication between a man and a women. If someone walks into a party and a women sees a man shes never seen before, and that man might be some 2x NCAA hopskotch champion. She doesn't know that, so the only basis for interest is appearance, and if the man approaches (or the women) then personality will take over. Anyways here is the next lesson, enjoy! ----- More Rules of "The Game" Once you've mastered the art of walking up to a girl and getting her number, there's a whole different chapter on the rules from there on out. Such as when to call, what to say etc. So let me discuss these rules a tad bit. When to Call-Only call girls Sunday-Wednesday. Why?? Because they are more likely to be available during these times of the week. By Thursday, girls usually have plans for that night and the rest of the weekend. Now during the summer I realize these rules are a little different because schools out, etc. But during the summer most people work, so stick to only calling Sunday-Wednesday. What to say-When you call a girl, small talk for a minute or two and then lead into a get together. Don't sit there like her pet and listen to her problems and then ask her to hang out. Remember your a man, not a wuss, you have better things to do. So after you small talk immediately ask for a get together. You do this by first asking her what her schedule is like for the week. She'll say I work this day until XXXX time and this day I have school. So just pick a time after that, simple, she can't say no or lie to you. If she says she can't then you find out she was not interested right away instead of wasting months and months "hanging out" as friends... :laugh: What if she doesn't answer?-Well this is where technology comes to your aid. The first thing you should do before you call a girl is put your caller id block on. This gives you a free phone call!!!! Its a win win situation. If she answers then you can talk, if she doesn't then she'll never know who called her. Which leads me to my next point. DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE!! Until you've made the first contact with a girl on the phone don't leave a message. Because your still a stranger to her and even if she's interested, she won't call you back(dumb chick logic). 3's the Charm-3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3!!! Why in the heck am I typing 3 over and over again?? Because if you only learn one thing from this thread about phone calls it should be this number. That's the MAXIMUM number of times you should call a girl when your trying to make the initial contact with her. Here are the rules for this: 1st phone call-caller id block on, if she doesn't answer DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE. Why? Because it's a free-phone call, she'll never know who called...-dirty little trick 2nd phone call-caller id block on again, if she doesn't answer DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE. Now the timing on the second phone call can be anywhere from a hour or two from the first one or a day later. Because remember she doesn't know who called the first time. 3rd phone call-You put unlock the caller id. If she doesn't answer, leave a message. Your message should say something cocky/funny. For example: (girl's name), its Sauce-head, you can finally put on a clean diaper because your master has called you. Now I know some of you are saying, "how cheesy" or "that won't make her call you back." Well if you don't sell it right then it won't. That's why I mentioned your voice tone earlier. Trust me, you say this right and sell it to her, she'll call you back within a hour or two. However, it should NEVER get to the point where you have to call her 2 or 3 times, because if you used your PUA skills and laid down the cocky/funny, she will answer her phone all day because she's been waiting for your call. Which leads me to my next point. Jumping off the Mountain when your on Top!!-What the heck does that mean? Remember when I said to always end EVERYTHING first? Well make sure you end it when its at its peak!!! If your on the phone with a girl and your making her laugh and giggle, she's obviously enjoying the conversation. Well end it there!!!! Because when you guys get off the phone, she'll be thinking about you the rest of the day. Same goes for get togethers, make them want more. This is actually the rule I use when I'm hooking up too. Just think of it this way. Take 2 steps back and she'll pull you 1,000 steps forward . -
The New Formula For Getting Chicks!!!
Sauce-head replied to Sauce-head's topic in General Discussion
***These lessons apply to men, not women. Lesson # 4-Perception Everyone judges someone when the initially meet them. Whether they try to or not they judge them. Well perception is key with girls. Let's say Billy-Bob is a virgin who has never even kissed a girl. He studies up and learns the skills of becoming a pick-up artist. He then applies these skills to the next girl he meets. The girl will walk away thinking he's a great catch. She'll think he gets tons of hot girls, he's slept with a lot of hot girls and he can get more hot girls whenever he wants. This is what you want to do. You want to create a impressive image in the girl's mind and make her wonder about you. This is commonly what's referred to as being mysterious. So with that being said, here's the rules of perception. 1-Being busy-Let's say a hot girl you've been trying to bang calls you up today. So when your small talking she'll eventually say, "what did you do today?" Here's how a true pick up artist would respond. "Well I actually just walked in the door as the phone was ringing, I've been busy running all types of errands and stuff." Now in reality the true pick up artist could have sat home all day watching tv, or playing video games. But he's painting a picture in this girl's mind that he's very busy and always has something to do. He also is very vague about what exactly he did. Notice how the true pick up artist doesn't explain where he ran his errands. That creates mystery. Girls are very jealous people. They will think that somewhere along your errand trail you might have been with another girl. What does this do? It makes them work harder for your attention and makes it that much easier for you to score. Think about that? You can sit at home all day and actually have a better chance of getting some tail... :D 2-Phone Skills-A true pick up artist also stays on the phone for a very brief amount of time for 3 reasons. a) The less time on the phone means the more mystery there is about you. b) It prevents you from screwing up and saying something stupid if you only talk for 3 or 4 minutes. c) It makes her think you are busy. Along with that keep the phone conversation short, you should always end the conversation first. This shows her your not needy and have other things to do. She'll think your talking to other girls. 3-Dates are for AFC's-NO DATES!!! You don't pick up a girl, buy her flowers and pay for her dinner on a first date. You meet her at the beach and walk around or you meet her at a coffee house and talk. She pays for her stuff, you pay for yours. Think of this smokin' hot girl just like your best friend. The only difference is she has a really nice pair of juggs and jell-o butt.. Just like phone conversations, you keep the dates short. Coffee should last about 40-45 minutes. If you ever wonder how long you a get together with a girl should be, use common sense. If you went out with your buddy to get coffee, you probably wouldn't be there for more than 30-40 minutes. Unless your one of those gothic people who bring their guitar and hang out at the coffee shop for 3 hours. Now once you guys have starting srewin' like chimps on Xstacy then you can get a little bit more flashy with your get togethers. 4-Keep phone calls at a 3:1 ratio-I never ever call girls until they have called me 2 or 3 times. I'm not talking about calling a girl back. If a girl calls you, you should call her back. I'm talking about initiating the phone coversation. If she whines and says, I always call you etc. then you're doing good!!! I'll get more into specfics about how you should be on phone conversations and get togethers in a future lesson. -
The New Formula For Getting Chicks!!!
Sauce-head replied to Sauce-head's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Lix][size=1][color=darkblue]Ok, I am commenting on your "Lesson Three". So... it is a crime to love someone? And, all of us girls are just so shallow? And I shouldn't be mad at my boyfriend if he is having a foursome with other people? And I should like another guy just because he is hanging out with other girls. OMG, I never realized that! You [I]totally[/I] opened my eyes right now! All I am supposed to be is a slut! Oh, thank you All-Mighty-Sauce-Head!!! :rolleyes: Get a life.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] -No it isn't a crime to love someone. -A lot of girls are shallow. -If your boyfriend has specifically said that he wouldn't be having sex with anyone except for yourself then in that case, you should be mad at him. But if he says that he will have relations with other women and you agree with that (not like it is your choice whether he has the right to or not - which is a completely different topic) then you [I]CAN[/I] be mad at him but it isn't really justified. -Men aren't forcing you to like them because they are around other women, it just draws attention to you (perhaps by other women in the area) and then they notice you. Which means that they might wonder why you are out with these other people, which leads to interest. Of course interest can be gained in many different ways, I was just listing one of them. -I never called you a slut, never thought so, or never suggested you to be one. You are being very aggressive right now, and to be quite honest, I think you are the one who needs to get a life. ***To all readers of this thread, the above is a perfect example of how women tend react to these lessons. They call it mean, or unjust. Women (not all, but most) are usually just using men (not all, but most) for a free dinner. I bet you've all heard (or even been in) a relationship where the women was in complete control, walking all over the man, making him do her things, making him buy her stuff, etc etc. These lessons will help you move away from these kinds of actions and become better in relationships. [QUOTE=Panda]Sauce-head, second warning, do not double post and please watch the language in your posts. I am going to delete the above post since it violates the double-post rule of the site. -Panda[/QUOTE] Understood, but I am not spamming, can exceptions be made? Anyways, here is lesson #3, I guess the restcan't beposted the rest till someone replies regardless of these not being spam (not like I am trying to get a whole bunch of posts), so somebody post and the next lesson will come! Lesson #3 The True Pick up Artist Bill of Rights 1-Thou shall always be talking to a minimum of 3-5 girls. Talking to only 1 shall result in the terminal disease called ONE-ITIS! This disease is always fatal and because it is so severe, it has 2 stages. Common symptom of stage 1 ONE-ITIS are the following: -thinking she's so much different from any girl you've met. -thinking she is the most beautiful girl in the world. -thinking she is very innocent and moral. Common symptoms of stage 2 ONE-ITIS are the following: -calling her 2-3x a day, just to talk. -staying on the phone for 1-2 hours when she calls you. -analyzing everything she says and does. Example: "I saw Mary-Beth in the hall today, she looked my way, what did she mean by that???" -completely ignoring every other girl who shows interest in you. -asking anyone and everyone for advice and to analyze her actions. -when asking for advice, you explain EVERY LITTLE DETAIL about what she was wearing and how she smiled at you at 1:00pm so the listener can "understand completely." -thinking your different from the 1,0000000000000 other "good guy friends" she has. 2-Thou shall not throw away any opportunity to practice your pimping skills. I don't care if you have to practice on 13 year olds, grandma's, hookers etc. As long as they are female, sharpen your PUA skills to perfection. 3-Thou shall use girls to get other girls. Always take girls with you when you go out, because once other girls see you they'll become intrigued and want to find out what all the fuss is about. 4-Thou shall not choose one girl over another. If more than one girl wants you, don't choose. Bang both of them until one leaves. That way you get the best of both world's :D 5-Finally, Thou shall read all pages on this thread, so Sauce-head does not have to repeat himself over and over and over. This is self explantory. If I don't have to repeat the same stuff over and over, we have more time and space to discuss advanced pickup techinques. -
The New Formula For Getting Chicks!!!
Sauce-head replied to Sauce-head's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Panda]Sauce-head, second warning, do not double post and please watch the language in your posts. I am going to delete the above post since it violates the double-post rule of the site. -Panda[/QUOTE] Understood, but I am not spamming, can exceptions be made? -
The New Formula For Getting Chicks!!!
Sauce-head replied to Sauce-head's topic in General Discussion
Sorry for taking so long with this next post, I've written out 5 lessons so it should be worth it now. I will post each lesson in a different post, hopefully the mods don't get too mad at me if they end up being consecutive. ------ Lesson #2-Creating Attraction When most guys hear a girl say "I'm so attracted to him," they automatically think the girl is refering to the guy's looks. WRONG!!!!! When a girl says she's attracted to a guy its much more than looks, if at all. All these years, we've be bred to think that the way to a girl's heart is to buy her gifts, call her a lot to show how much you care and put her above anything else. Well in the real world that's the furthest thing from the truth. Now most guys who realize this are quick to say, "To get chicks you have to be ***-hole." That's not true either. Why would a girl want to be with an ***-hole?? To create attraction you need to understand these 3 principles: 1-Knowing what to say 2-Knowing how to say it 3-Knowing when to say it Let me explain each of these in more detail: 1-Knowing what to say-If you know what to say to a girl, then you'll get every girl you've every wanted. So how do you know what to say?? Its actually pretty easy. Say the unexpected. The unexpected is what she subconciously wants to hear, but when you say it, she'll say your mean and hit you. I am naturally pretty funny, according to all my friends and family. So I use this to my advantage to bust on the girl and give her a hard time in a non-threating type of way. 2-Knowing how to say it-Your voice tone is SOOOOO IMPORTANT!! Watch a Brad Pitt movie. Analyze his voice in some of the lines he says. Fight Club is actually a really good example of this because Edward Norton's tone of voice is like a mouse who got kicked in the nutz. So you have a perfect example of how to sound and how you shouldn't sound. Pitt's voice is deep and manly. If you think he just naturally talks that way, then your fooling yourself. He practices at it, I can assure you of this. Girls find this very seductive. The best place to practice your tone of voice is on your cell phone voice mail. Think about this advantages of this. Whenever girls call you and you don't pick up, they can hear your voice which will trigger some of their emotions again. 3-Knowing when to say it- The "when to say it" part is not exactly what it seems like. It basically means to say what your going to say within the context of the subject. Meaning, if you guys are having a conversation about the beach, don't change the subject and talk about school. The basis of creating attraction is making sure you act like a man. Girls are not attracted to wussies. A wussy is someone who is her "best friend" dying in agony, hoping one day he might suddenly get to **** her. He became a wussy by calling her a lot, agreeing with everything she says and putting her above himself. Don't be that guy. Always remember, that YOU are the most important person in your world. Take care of yourself FIRST then focus on others. Being a man means having an opinion on things. If a girl says something and asks yo how you feel, don't just agree with it because you think that's what she wants to hear. Tell her your side without starting an arguement. Agreeing with her all the time will also put you in the wussy catergory. Often girls have tests. The will say some outrageous bullshiat to you, just to see if you agree or finally have an opnion and disagree. EDIT******: Please take a look at my original post, I made alterations to it. Look at the top. -
EDIT***: The following lessons you are about to read [I]can[/I] be used for people with the intentions of a LTR (Long Term Relationship), or possible marriage, but should be used primarily for early relationships, or picking up chicks. These lessons shouldn't be thought of as one acting, but more of realizing ones potential. There will be more depth to this later on, but for now, keep that in mind. Enjoy the Lessons. Lesson #1-Being Prepared To get girls, you have to have a lot of factors working together for you. But the single area that you have the most control over is your appearance. Its a known fact that to create chemistry with a girl you have to know how to connect with her emotions. Well taking excellent care of yourself will automatically trigger part of her emotions right off the bat. Think about that for a second. You don't even have to say a word to the girl and she'll already be more willing to talk to you because you've triggered her emotions with your appearance. With that being said, here are the guidelines to follow for your appearance. 1-Workout Consistently-Ok I'm not saying that you have to look like Arnold or some Calvin Klein underwear model, but you should definitely go to the gym 3-5x a week and get yourself in decent shape. 2-Wear nice clothes-By "nice" I don't mean Gucci or Armani, just wear clean clothes that fit your body type and style. I think the most important thing here is to find a look that fits you. If your a skinny piece of ****, don't go wearing XXL football jerseys and huge baggy pants. That will just magnify that fact, that your incredibly underweight. Get a pair of white shoes and black shoes. You can wear those colors with anything and it will show a girl you have a sense of style. 3-Keep all areas clean-Girls are very perceptive. They notice the smallest details about you. Get your haircut regularly. Keep all your nails clipped and clean. Make sure if you have facial hair its always looking good. If you have a fat goatee, then keep it combed, its hair isn't it. Get a beard trimmer if you have that stubble look and keep it trim. Don't have a uni-brow, go to your mom's bathroom and bust out the tweezer's. Same deal goes for nose hairs. 4-Skin care-Take good care of your skin. Most guys wash their face with soap and water and that's it. I like to go in the steam room after I work out, and eat a lot of fruit. You will be surprised, its makes a huge difference in the way your skin looks. Besides you don't want to break out the night before you hang out with a hot girl. If you put these four factors together, you should have a higher self-esteem. This will make you more confident which is half the battle with the girls.