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Everything posted by Kitsune-Bito

  1. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Lol...I think I've lost myself in this entire thread all together...maybe I shouldn't be burning so much inscence... Yeah, the purple goldfish thing from Baron, and I'm gonna go sit in the corner for a bit now. Let myself get back down to earth (this is why I'm single :p).[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]At least I got you to point out which dramatic exaggeration you were referring to ;) I'm not one to be fooled, Mr. Samedi, and can do quite a few good impressions. Try not to get yourself netted in by one :smirk: Then again, I'm not a total fake. I like to exaggerate is all :babble: [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1]Eating a fast-food meal once or twice a week is not going to kill you. Anyone could have told you that eating only fast-food is bad for you. Most people would have 21 meals a week, and 1 or 2 less-than-healthy meals are not going to kill you. If you eat mainly healthy, drink water, and exercise its not like you're going to die of heart complications at the tender age of 23. Someone who eats fast-food every day of the week is obviously both stupid and... stupid. This is like McLibel; overreaction. I'm not supporting the actions of various fast-food companies, but this "OMG thiz stuf iz s0 bad 4 u im gunna di coz i eat it 2 timez a week" is stupid. Common sense, people. Heard of it?[/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid]Dude, you don't need to be so blunt about it. Then again, I saw your point before anyone even replied to this thread...I posted and thought "Man, you sounded like such a whiney little bugger!" The thing is, I never mentionned my regular diet, which is mostly snacking out on crap until dinner. Well, ever since school finished anyway. Which was about a month ago. Baron, your reply seemed like a nice, reassuring one until you came out with your backhanded slap. Enough of that though. On to ULX's little rant. I'm sorry if I implied that I'm a "psychopath who's terrified of a little fat". I just don't want to lose my gorgeous figure :smirk: No, but seriously, anyone who wants to sue McDonalds or any fast food restaurants because they're fat [b]does[/b] have another thing coming. Who ever suggested bombing a McDonalds? Or that anyone was terrified of what's in food? You're a little protective on this matter, ULX, or so it seems anyway. I think someone's a little cynical now aren't we? :p I'm glad to see that someone other than myself eats crap constantly DarkSesshoumaru ^_~ My metabolism is pretty good, considering what I eat and the fact that I've never been "plus-size". But I stopped and thought for a moment after 'That Movie' (as McDonalds likes to refer to it). Can you stuff up your metabolism if you eat the wrong kind of stuff and have an attitude that refuses to let you excercise? I realise that the question was worded wrongly, but it's not going to leave me alone until I get an answer. And a clear one. I asked my parents and they said "That's a good question," then went back to whatever beading or work theay were doing beforehand. How's that for an unclear answer? So yeah, can you stuff up your metabolism if you don't eat properly and do little excercise? Baron, you seem to be full of answers, why don't you take a shot at it? And how about you ULX? I'd name everyone else as well, but your posts stood out from the rest, namely because they targetted actual people. And I realise that some of what I say seems contradictory, but it's often hard for me to get my point across without getting owned several times :p And thanks for the tips Queenie ;) [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]I was wondering how many of you guys/girls out there actually live healthily. I know personally that I don't, but I didn't realise just how bad it is until now. A similar subject (or many) may have already been raised here in the Movies section, but I'll try to focus on the title. I just saw the movie 'Supersize Me' - finally... - and some of it disgusted me. The amount of crap that's in that food is shocking. I mean, I know it's not exactly what you'd call healthy, but it's worse than I thought. I'm talking about the big F's here guys. Fast Food. I work at a local McDonalds, around 2-3 shifts a week (I'm 16, so it's about an average amount for people my age - with jobs). Every shift is about 5-6 1/2 hours long, with a half-hour break depending on the length of the shift. What do I eat during the shift? McDonalds. I eat it 2-3 times a week. And I'm only 16 for gods' sakes! Do you know how sickenning that is?! I feel so sick right now I think I'm going to do something extreme like become a vegetarian. Hell it's healthier than what's in my body now. I was wondering how many of you eat Fast Food regularly, and how I should deal with my breaks at work. How am I going to resist eating something on the McDonalds menu when the crew-room is just meters away from the kitchen? Any suggestions for that? I'm thinking of bringing a packed meal from home. A nice sandwich with some lettuce, tomatoes, chicken, cucumber...I'm sounding like a Subway ad.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]I see your point DragonBlood. Not being able to control a huge army of creatures would be less engaging than just using one, but you have to remember that the Magic TCG is quite different from the Magic storylines. The TCG has no real plot, compared to the novels, and just allows people to beat each other to a pulp without doing physical harm to one another :p Anyway, what do you guys think of the basic plots? Which one would you choose from? I need feedback, not just "I remember playing Magic way back when". Lol. Yeah, I guess the summoning magician idea could be worked into it, but first the plot ideas must be decided on. Which one?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Aki raced through the trees and out onto the open plains, about two or three miles away from the nearest town, if you could call it a town. The area the Hunter was in was so underdeveloped that its towns were more like campsites. She stopped for a second to survey her surroundings. Nothing but golden grass and clear skies all around. "How boring!" Aki thought out loud, "Not a thing in sight, except for that...save point. I need to get off this planet and go somewhere more...exciting." There. In the grass. Something was moving, like a lioness stalking its prey. But it was no animal, just some kid PC that was clearly up for a fight. "You don't stalk a hunter, sweetie, the hunter stalks you," Aki called out, then vanished into the grass. Literally vanished. By using Enviromeld of course. Aki was slowly coming up to the left of the kid, and she raised her sword above her shoulder.[/COLOR][/size] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Black]"Kairi, get off that computer for the last time!" called her mother. "But mum! I'm just about to reach a save point! Can't you wait?!" the 16-year0old yelled back. "No buts! Get down here and have dinner with the family before I take that stupid game away from you!" "Bitch..." Kairi grumbled as she went to the game's menu.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [size=1][COLOR=Gray]Are you sure you want to Log Out? [b]Yes[/b] No ...logging out. Please do not turn off your computer... ... ...Thank you for playing.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Cool, I knew someone out there would also be a bit of a Magic fan, but a reply so soon? Like I said, cool. The idea I was going for was to invent new characters, because in past forums having to choose from a list of ready-made characters was thought of as less creative. I'm sure that as the ideas develop, I'll probably go for a duel-type RPG, with characters from the 'ready existing story and newly created characters made by the players. That way we wouldn't all be human or Kitsune, seeing as the "good-guys" are thsoe two races (mainly so far anyway). I'd like more of a mix, like one character from each race, but you can't always have everything, so I'll have to make acceptions. Did any of that make sense? I'm on a bit of a ramble at the moment so I'll leave it at that. Nice to know you're interested though :P[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [quote name='James][color=#707875']I had even thought about making the four of them conjoined at birth...and then forcibly seperated (which means they'd have stitching all over them), so that they are kind of four sides of one person. I can actually imagine a really cool character design there (think Wind Waker style art, but with drab colours, torn clothes and stitching on the body).[/color][/quote] [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]Having only played 'Ocarina of Time' halfway through myself - and not having played any other Zelda games (I'm ashamed of myself in a way. I've heard so many good things aobut it, but just can't be bothered hunting down any of the other titles) - this "new-look" Zelda RPG you're planning is sparking a new interest for the whole twisted, dark and gruesome idea. I particularly like the idea of the Four Swords quadruplets. But I see that and I think, why not take it a step further and mutate their faces/bodies as well as, or instead of just their personalities/clothes colour, etc. The possibilities are endless. Mind you, I've only seen pictures of the Four Swords game or concept, so that was just my little view of what a twisted version would be like. So yeah, mutations are always good. And what about the mountain dwelling race? Surely there's a good twist in there somewhere! If you find it, it [b]must[/b] be used![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=DarkOrchid][SIZE=1]I didn't give this thread a rating because it's just an ideas thread. Any ratings would be given to the RP after a plot and real name were given. So, more to the point, I was wondering if anyone had ever thought about doing a Magic: TG role-playing game? I mean, not like a Yu-Gi-Oh type RP, but more of what the actual Magic novels are like. I was just thinking the other day that a good RPG for Magic would be based around the latest set off the block, Champions of Kamigawa. As you can tell by the name of the set, it's more of the feudal-Japan type story. Having read the first book from the Kamigawa set, I've had a few ideas for random plots, but they might create some spam, or nothing at all, so I'd like to hear what people think about them. (Keep in mind that these are just [i]extremely[/i] brief overviews of the full plots. I'll keep updated though) Idea #1: The lands of Kamigawa have just entered the Kami War, a huge war between the spirits and the mortals of the world. Kami of all kinds are becoming more hostile by the day, and household spirits are beginning to attack innocents. The characters of the RPG would be based on the mains from the story "Outcast", and in effect would be trying to find the source of the Kami's sudden hunger for the death of Kamigawa's races and stop it. Idea #2: Kamigawa has long forgotten the ancient Kami Wars, and is back to it's appearingly peaceful state. The races of Kamigawa are seperated as they once were, and guard their secrets fiercely. By keeping to themselves the seven Kamigawan races have severed all ties to one another, and have begun their seperate plots to gain land and wipe out anything that gets in their way. Of course, the characters of this idea would be trying to stop the war from starting or something along those lines. So there's two of my ideas. Like I said above, extremely brief. As I work on these plot ideas, I'll try and keep this thread updated, but in the mean time I'd like it if someone, or some people, could give their own thoughts on the topic. Any new plot ideas would be greatly accepted. And before I forget, here are the seven races of Kamigawa: [u]Humans[/u] - I don't really have to explain them do I? They pray to many Kami. Kami of Water/the Sky, Kami of Light, of Darkness, of Fire/Mountains, and Kami of the Earth/Forest. [u]The Kitsune-Bito[/u] - Peaceful fox-people. They are swift and have heightenned senses, and are very athletic (hence the swiftness). The Kitsune-Bito are more in tune with most of the other races of Kamigawa. Kitsune-Bito make for great warriors, such as Samurai. They pray mainly to the Kami of Light and/or Kami of the Earth/Forests. [u]The Orochi-Bito[/u] - Protective snake-people. Swifter than the Kitsune-Bito, the Orochi are lethal in combat. They are all - or mostly - venomous, and guard their home fiercely. Orochi Shamans can summon spirits to attack or protect, and warriors attack in large groups unseen because of the camouflage-like skin all Orochi have. They pray to the Kami of the Earth/Forests. [u]The Nezumi[/u] - The Nezumi are a treacherous race of backstabbing rat-people. They are all greedy, strong and stupid. This makes for great bounty-hunters or hire-an-assassin type people. They pray to Kami of Darkness. [u]The Soratami[/u] - People of the skies. Shrouded in their misty dwellings suspended in the sky, the Soratami are the most secluded and mysterious of all of Kamigawa's races. They are rarely seen, but are said to be [i]very[/i] slender human-like people. Soratami are mostly smart, and use the wisdom that flows through rivers and is blown along by the wind to conjure spells of the two. Three guesses who they pray to; Kami of Water/the Skies. [u]The Akki[/u] - Goblins, basically put. Small red creatures with hard shells and a thirst for...blowing things up with barbaric spells. They're clearly not that smart, but are hard to kill, properly that is. They pray to Kami of Fire/Mountains. [u]The Ogres[/u] - Huge creatures that usually grow to a minimum height of seven feet, Ogres are the brutes of Kamigawa, but they are sometimes smarter than they look. Ogre Shamans call upon Demon Spirits to aid them, and give sacrifices of several different animals, including individuals from the six other races of Kamigawa. Monsterous and rarely female, there aren't really that many Ogres in Kamigawa, which is a good thing. The Ogres pray to none other than the Demons they call upon. Ok, that's all done. More on the races of Kamigawa (and the regions) will be posted in this thread if the idea goes ahead. Yeah, so any comments?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [SIZE=1]OOC: Umm...it's a little hard to understand the first paragraph of your last post Cebben...I hate to be a nag, but could you try adding a full-stop or comma where appropriate? I mean, I'm not perfect myself, but I'll PM you about it later... [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"Kill him Spitfire," Kikuta ordered, but the cobra stayed in place. The boy's lizard had snuck up beside Spitfire, and was ready to pounce on the snake if it made any sudden moves. "Well it looks like I'm not the only one who knows how to sneak up on her prey then," the snake-charmer smirked, "Call off your beast boy, and you can keep your life." He openned his mouth to speak but Kikuta interrupted, "Don't ask any questions, just do it. I'm in a good mood if you must know." "Koru, back down..." he said, then whispered "...a little." Kikuta let her arm drop down to her side, and Spitfire slithered up her back, around her neck and on rested his head on her right shoulder. "I'm after a special ore, maybe you've heard about it?" Kikuta asked the two boys as they both turned to leave. "Maybe you could introduce yourself before I say anything about such a precious thing, huh?" the sheep-boy retorted. "I'm not usually one to take such a poisonous remark, but I'll make an acception for now," she fired back, "The name's Kikuta Orochi, and I believe I've already introduced you to Spitfire here." The sheep-boy said "I'm Syris." "Eoen," the lizard's companion said shortly. Kikuta nodded, "Now, about this ore I was talking about, are you going to tell me what you know or not...?" Eoen openned his mouth to speak, but the girl hadn't finished, "...Syris was it?"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid][b]Actual Name:[/b] Kairi Imai [b]Actual age:[/b] 16 [b]Username:[/b] Aki [b]User age:[/b] 20 [b]Level:[/b] 9 [b]Class:[/b] [i]Custom Class ~[/i] [u]Hunter[/u]: Hunters need an accurate and deft blow to down their prey, and don't have to be very smart in order to do so. They deal with many types of weapons, but the bow or sword is the most common type. Hunters are able to blend in with their environment to heighten the chance of defeating their prey. [b]Stats:[/b] [u]Hunter Stats ~[/u] Strength: 9 Accuracy: 9 Intelligence: 2 Handywork: 3 Luck: 2 Special Ability: Takes 3 stat points. Enviromeld ~ lowers enemy accuracy by 2 stat points, making the hunter harder to see. [b]User Appearence:[/b] [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=19738]Clicky[/url][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]OOC: I'm guessing it's ok to post, but Nefertimon, could you just check out my sign-up? Just to give the "ok" (that Cebben gave me) some officiality ;) [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Kikuta sat in the tree, listenning to the stirring of what could possibly be commotion below her. "Koru, swipe this thing with your tail!" one voice said. [i]He's getting his pet to smash this guy?![/i] she thought, [i]even [b]I[/b] wouldn't do that...[/i] A split second later, the twenty-one year old felt the tree she was in shudder, and heard a boar squeal. Spitfire hissed. "Calm down my deadly companion. Wait a minute, we'll reveal ourselves when the time is right," she whispered. Kikuta caught the sight of a faint glow coming through the leaves, and wondered if it was the boy with the lizard-pet or the one who'd come into the clearing looking for his hornéd sheep. The first boy said something, then asked the ram-boy a question. "Let's show ourselves now then," Kikuta breathed, then dropped from the braches of the tree elegantly, right arm extended in front of her, Spitfire coiled around it and ready to strike at someone's throat...or any part of the body. "Huh?" murmered the ram-boy, just loud enough so the lizard-guy heard. "What th-" he managed to say before turning to see a fully grown King Cobra not two feet from his face. Kikuta smirked, "Where do you think you're going so quickly? I'd hate for you to miss all the fun." Spitfire hissed as both boys stuttered. "Spitfire, are you also already as bored with these two as I am?" the cobra snapped its mouth a few times, dripping poison from his fangs, "Better answer quickly boys, because Spitfire here doesn't like being made to wait."[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]I'm not too late am I? [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Name: Kikuta Orochi Age: 22 Gender: Female Appearance: [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=23268]Clicky![/url] Personality: Sarcastic by nature and selfish by heart, Kikuta has a sharp tongue and a "don't-hit-on-me-and-we'll-get-along-fine" attitude which goes perfectly with her tendancy to backstab allies to get what she needs...or wants. Her ability to slither her way out of most sticky situations by using words is something that she uses at every turn, and can be more tricky than a magician. Bio: Kikuta originates from a small chain of islands near Raia named Scailisse, but moved to Raia with her family when she was about 15 or 16 years old. Her mother was - and still is - a snake charmer, who worked in markets around Raia, and her father was a failing merchant whose words dripped with sarcasm. Kikuta took both of these traits as her own (the snake-charming and the sarcasm) and put them to good use. When she heard about the special ore that people were beginning to rave about, Kikuta knew she had to go out and find it for her own. She's not an evil person, but she's no angel. If anything, she's the better of two evils. When it all boils down to it, Kikuta will protect her home. Animal: King Cobra Animal's Name: Sosuke Animal Description: Sosuke is your average seven-foot long King Cobra, with a strange hypnotic pattern on his head. He usually travels with Kikuta by wrapping himself down the length of her arm, and when held out in front of his human companion, can lunge 4 feet at any opponent. He doesn't have much of a personality, just a "come-any-closer-and-I'll-bite" one.[/COLOR] Is that good?[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkOrchid]This one looks fun! [b]Name:[/b] Taelia Vechemi [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Description:[/b] [URL=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=retrieve&id=3759]Here's the character (clicky!)[/URL] [b]Element:[/b] Wind [b]Spells:[/b] Still on the way to learning her third spell, the following two are the ones she uses most often: [i]Break Wind[/i]: aside from having a humourous name, this spell repels or shields Taelia and co. from enemy magic. [i]Helium Hurricane[/i]: fills an enemy's body with helium, not only giving him/her a high-pitched squeaky voice, but also making them float up in the air. [u]Her third spell, which she hasn't learnt properly yet is[/u]: [i]Final Blow[/i]: gale-force winds pick up and smash all opponents from all sides, leaving behind squishy red blobs of gunk (the leftovers of enemy bodies). [b]Weapon:[/b] Taelia carries her No-Dachi with her at all times - a blunt katana-type weapon, best used to bash enemies to a pulp rather than slice them to bits. She also keeps a bamboo bo-staff nearby and a blow-dart-gun in her bag. [b]Bio:[/b] Seperated from her twin brother at birth, Taelia was always told that there had been difficulties in the birthing process, and her brother had died. Which was plainly a lie to keep her away from her twin. Taelia's mother was killed when she was 4, during the year of the "Rain", which messed with her mind a bit. Her dad lost all of his part-time jobs because of his neverending depression, and he suicided on the 8-year anniversary of her mother's death. Only being 12, Taelia had no idea what was waiting for her in the world, but she knew it'd be bad. She equipped herself with the three weapons her father had taken with him as protection until his death and set off to find something interesting to do. She was bored. Another thing she had stumbled across in the shelter she had called home was a pendant with a small torn photo inside. It was clearly something that could lead to the discovery of her twin that had supposedly "died at birth". She set off, and four years later had nothing to show for all the time she'd spent except three partially learned spells and a so-so fighting technique. She's currently a bounty-hunter for a twisted and corrupt town leader. Okie-doke. All done. I've left the option of someone being Taelia's twin, but it's not necessary :P. I have my own plans for that. Message me if you want to be the twin (if I'm accepted, that is).[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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