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About Idiot2.0

  • Birthday 07/10/1990

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    I have very low self-esteem
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    Student Pain in the A**

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  1. Both choices sound so good. But in the end I'd have to be a Ninja. Why? Because they literally stab people in the back. Plus I think they look cool in their black outfits.
  2. Name: Alex Tidewater Race: Wizard Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: [URL=http://doo.nomoretangerines.com/no421/just421.gif]Alex.[/URL] His hat is made of magic it increases his magic. When he puts it on it creates a shadow effect of his whole face. When he takes it off, you can see his spikey Blue hair, and Orange eyes Personality: Alex is a nice person, well most of the time. He always says what's on his mind even if it makes zero sense. Background: Alex was chosen at a young age to be trained as a wizard. He found a master named Brom who a teacher to other children as well. Alex was always made fun of by the other students, because whenever he tried a spell no matter how easy it was, it always back-fired especially the fire ones. Eventually he had to leave because he was making no process in his studies. Even though it hurt him, Alex understood. When he was leaving his teacher Brom gave him an old amulet, he told him it would protect him. Alex never gave up on his dream. He went form town to town trying to learn parlor tricks, and any thing that had to do with Magic. He had read countless books and even though he doesn't show it is a fountain of knowledge.
  3. See, this question has been on my mind lately. Especially when I see the anime forum. My question is what is anime. If anime stands for animation than shouldn't anything that is animated count as Anime? Sorry if this confuses anyone it's just been on my mind lately.
  4. [FONT=Arial Narrow][Size=2][COLOR=Navy]"Jinn, should we do as they say? Or just risk it?" Kai asked uneasily. Jinn heard her, but he could come up with no reply. He began to pull his hair out of frustration. Maybe he could cause a distraction, and Kai could get out. No doubt she was faster than he was. "Kai listen I'm going to try to cause a distraction. When I do I want you to make a break for it." "No! I can't leave you and the mechanima's behind." "Would you listen I have a plan. If you get out than you can find your way back to the stadium and get some help. If I tried to make a break for it, it would take to long for me to get there and back. Trust me this should work." "Ok, if your sure", Kai told him "More than sure, just wait till I have them on me", Jinn said as he opened the cockpit and walked out with his hands in the air. "Okay fellows just don't hurt me, I bruise easily, he said with a smile. "Where's the other one?", one of the pilots asked. "Oh, her? She'll be out in am minuet. She just has to finish her makeup." "Makeup, huh? Sounds Like my kinda girl." "Yeah", Jinn said as he was walking in front of one of the pilots. Let the show begin, Jinn thought. He turned and rammed his knee into the guy's private parts. The other pilot had just turned around when Jinn tackled him and started to pound on his face. He looked to Stella's cockpit and yelled "Now!" He saw the cockpit open up and Kai making a break for it. What he didn't see was a guy grabbing her from behind. Jinn, thinking that she was able to get out jumped up to try to run for it too. He turned around to find the other pilot charging at hem. Jinn having been surprised at this didn't have time to block him. "Take this", the pilot said as he rammed his hand into Jinn's gut, knocking the breath from him. Jinn fell to his knees, that one punch had felt like a train. He coughed up some blood as he passed out on to the floor. [B]OCC:[/B] Heh, Jinn tried :sweat:. If ayone wants me to change something please tell me. [/Font][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy]"Thanks for the save Kai", Jinn said over the intercom "No problem, but you should look out." "I will be from now on, but for now I think Billy over here wants a fight, well I guess he wants to take me down don't know why though", Jinn let out, but Jinn was scared because of the fact his was the only land MechAnima, he did know that his teammates would help if he got in a bind. [B][Jinn shouldn't we protect the women], Leon asked [Leon there are two things you should know. First, a woman is stronger than a man, and can beat a guy any day, never forget that, and second we'll probably need the most help] [If you say so, which one should we focus on] [Well, Billy looks ready for a fight I suggest we give him one. Oh, and which button drops the blades and fires the booster pack.] [The blue one] [Thank you now open a channel to Billy for me][/B] "What do you want bill Said as soon as his face appeared on the screen. "You see I realize that there's no way for me to beat you, so I bow." "Heh, well at least one of you idiots understands the power we have." "I have one request, please when I bow my head finish it." Jinn made Leon bow to Billy [B][Jinn what are you doing, we can't just give up] [Leon just trust me.][/B] Billy had just brought the sabertooth right above Leon. Billy raised his claw ready to finish Leon. As he brought the claw down, Jinn fired the booster Headbutting Billy's sabertooth. "Billy if you think that I'm just going to kneel over and let you win than you're an moron", Jinn said to Billy. But what he thought was 'Man, if I lose, I'll look so stupid after saying that' [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. The person I'd want to talk to is Sesshomaru. Well, first I'd ask Sesshomaru what that thing on his back is. Ya know that little fluffy thing, I just want to know is it his tail or something, the public has a right to know. You know come to think of it that's the only question I have.
  7. [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy]As Jinn started to walk over to Sora and Sayne he noticed that they were heading off in a different direction Jinn thought better than to follow them. 'Man where is everybody? You think there would be more than just three, maybe the others are inside the building. Maybe I should go look for them, but first It's time to get something to eat.' Jinn sated to walk down one of the many corridors of the main buildings until he yelled in frustration. "Excuse me, can I help you", said a voice. "If you can give me directions to the cafeteria or something close one than yes you can", answered Jinn "Okay so this is what you do. Go down take the first left on your right then go down and take a left", the lady told him. Thank you he said in reply as he started walking. I took him a few minuets until he found the place there was only one occupant. She looked at him when he entered. "Hello" he said "My name is Jinn and yours?" "Kai", she replied. "Hey did you know that Sora and Sayne are here." "Yeah met them and some of their friends." "You did." "Yep." "Are they here for the tournament too?" "Yeah is that why your hear." "Yep and let me guess you too huh?" "Yes I am the pilot of Stella the eagle." "Oh, I?m the pilot of Leon the liger." "Nice to meet you jinn", she said as she started to leave. "Yeah you to, and can I ask you a question?" "Yeah sure what is it?" "Did they buy you a ticket?" "No, why?" "Because I thought it was just I. Damn they can build mechanims but they can't but us tickets to this base huh". "Guess so. Well, good bye." "Hey wait do you know where how to get back to the stadium form here?" "Yeah why?", she looked at him "Because, I have no stinking clue. Did they give you a map?" "Yes let me guess they didn't give you one right?", she had her answer when he stared to nod his head. "Hey Kai, can you read minds?", he asked with an amazed look. "No, well we better get going shouldn't we." "Yep and thank you for letting me come with you." With that said the duo left the cafeteria room.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]OCC:[/B] Ohkami, If you don't want Jinn to walk with Kai, or if I made her seem out of charcter I'm sorry. Tell me any mistakes, and I wil edit them . :animesmil
  8. [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy]To me Suikoden IV had an ending that mad me want to tear out all my hair. first [spoiler] You take time to find all 108 stars, you train them make them stronger, and all it says for the hero's ending is " After unleashing the rune's true power..."[/spoiler] It dosn't even say what happened to him [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] :mad:
  9. [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy]Some times I will Obey the rules, but other times I break them when I ever have a chance. The types of rules where you are respectfull to elders an young women I obey without question, But the types that say I Shouldn't talk back (Have a real problem with that one :cussing: ) or set things on fire (Can't be helped I'm a pyro :flaming: ) Basically I just choose what rules I will obey, man I sound like a dog.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=2][COLOR=Navy]"So this is the place, bout time I found it. Must've taken three days to get here." Jinn walked up to the reception desk and asked, "Is Dr. Kane in I got a Message form him to come here." The man at the desk pushed a button on the buzzer in front of him. "Cutting it kinda close are you. Everybody else is here." "Look I had to hide in a piece of baggage on a ship coming here. Then I had to walk for three days straight, and I haven't slept in four days. When you do any of that call me and we'll do lunch till then shut the hell up. "Ah Jinn it's good to see you've decided to come after all. I was starting to wonder wither or not you were coming." "You know you could've bought me a ticket to earth, Hell you could have given me a map did you do any of those things. No! So leave me alone. Look I'm sorry I haven't slept in four days straight." "That's understandable, now if you would follow me please", with that Dr. Kane started down a hallway. "You know about the Mechanimas right. The ones that helped save the planet before right?" "Umm I'd hate to be a bother, but could you please get me a cup of coffee. It's all I'm running on right now." "Could you please wait for a little longer." "Sure, Okay." "Kow, if you would please tell me if you get a strange feeling form any of the Mechs." "Mechs?" Up till now Jinn had been to preoccupied to notice that they had walked in to a hanger full of Mechanimas. "Just tell me if you get a feeling form any of them." Jinn started to look around till he heard a voice in the back of his brain. It sounded as if it was trying to reach him. He concentrated till it became louder and louder. [B][Jinn.] [/B] Jinn turned to the sound of the voice. When he looked up he found himself staring at the Blue and Silver Liger mech. [B][Are you the one who has been calling me?][/b] ,Jinn asked him in his thoughts. [B][Yes.] [/B] the voice replied. [B][I am called Leon, are you to be my Pilot?] [/B] [B][Yes.] [/B] Jinn answered. [B][Yes I am.] [/B] "Jinn, hello Jinn. Have you felt the feeling yet?, Dr. Kane asked. "Yes I believe I have he calls himself Leon." Leon dropped his head to where Jinn could put his right hand over his head. Jinn could feel a bond forging between him and Leon. A bond he had only felt with his now deceased brother.[B][Jinn, we will show them all what we can do.][/B] [B][Yes, yes we will.] [/B] "Good now because you arrived so late you won't have time to go over every thing. So if you would please follow me to the stadium." "Umm. Dr. Kane, you said I could get some Coffee. I really need Coffee." "Oh, yes right this way." After Dr. Kane showed him where to find his coffee he then told Jinn that when he went to the stadium Leon would meet him, he then left. With out Dr. Kane there Jinn felt as though he could think For the first time since he got there.. ' Why would they pick me, me of all people to be a pilot. Oh well I'd better hurry up to the stadium.' "Almost left without another cup of coffee.", he said out loud. After Jinn had been given his coffee he had walked over to the stadium. Where he saw with his own eyes Sayne and Sora. He had to go talk to them no matter what, with that said he made his way over to them, coffee in hand.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] OCC: Sorry, I haven't had a chance to post.
  11. [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy]To me I think that all it needs is a Stewie, then it'd be perfect. I think the two shows compliment each other. But if you like family Guy then you should like it. I though the Duff moment was perfect.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [FONT=Arial Narrow][SIZE=3][COLOR=Navy]Hi, I was wondering if anyone could make me a banner. If you do this is how I would like it. I want it to have my avatar in it, and also the words "An idiot by any other name... Would still be as stupid." Thank you in advance [/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. This is the books that I am currently reading [COLOR=Blue][U]Eragon By: Christopher Paolini[/U] The summary goes like this... When Eragon finds a polished blue stone in the forest, he thinks it is the lucky discovery of a poor farm boy; pehaps it will buy his family meat for the winter. But when the stone brings a dragon hatchling, Eragon soon realizes he has stumbled upon a legacy nearly as old as the Empire itself. Over night his simple life is shattered, and he is thrust into a perilous new workd of destiny, magic, and power. With only an ancient sword and the advice of an old storyteller for guidance, Eragon and the fledgling dragon must navigate the dangerous terrian and sark enimies of an Empire ruled by a king whose evil knows no bounds. Can Eragon take up the mantle of the legendary Dragon Riders? The fate of the Empire may rest in his hands...[/COLOR] I belive this is a good story for fans of Anne McCaffrey, Author of the Dragonriders of Pern series.
  14. I liked it, although my opinion doesn't matter. I like the fact that you had to tape Shinmaru to the saddle, and that you had him trip over his own cape. :laugh:
  15. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Name: Jinn, Mitsuba Age: 21 Sex: Male Origin: NS1 Appearance: [URL=http://www.computerandvideogames.com/screenshots_library/dir_232/vortal_pic_116317.jpg]Jinn[/URL] Personality: Jinn, is an optimistic person. You can do anything, but you have to try. Jinn loves to mess with people's minds. He often acts like an idiot, but deep down he's actually quite smart. Bio: Jinn's life was as normal as normal can be. He had a twin, and also a sister. During the war with the Cylargres both his brother and his sister died. During the first year after the war his father became an alcoholic, and slowy the normal home he grew up in was destroyed. During the second year after the war his mother commited suicide, becouse she could not deal with the grief of only having one child. Although his father never hit him, he threw verbal abuse at hinm whenever he could. Jinn grew tried of the insults and ran away. He has never looked back. Weakness: his optimism Tournament MechAnima: Lion/Liger Name: Leon Personality: Proud, loyal, and will fight untill his last breath. Appearance: [URL=http://www.cohsoft.com.au/nature/gallery/l/liona.jpg]Leon[/URL] The body, head and legs are Silver, the mane and hair on the tail are Blue, the claws are Gold Normal Abilities: -Leon has two blades that drop from his side when he charges at an enemy. -His mane creates a shield, but it will only last for a few minuets -His teeth and claws can tear through almost any metal. -He has two booster packs to help him gain speed when charging at an enemy. -[I]Ligers Roar- This move will only work on missiles that have locked on to leon, it will make the missiles miss him. -Strike Laser Claw- Leon's right claw begines to glow Gold, making it stronger than normal.[/I] (If you ever watched Zoids you should know what I mean.) Weakness: The fact that he will do what Jinn says no matter how stupid Ledgendary Mechanima: Lion/Liger Name: Lino Personality: Still proud and loyal Appearance: What was Silver is now Black, and what was Blue is now Red, the claws are still Gold, He also has a vulcan cannon on his chest. Normal Abilities: The same. Special abilities: -[I]Laser Strike Claw- Instead of only his right, both front claws glow gold, to perform double damage. -Ligers Glare- causes an enemy to filinch for a moment giving leon time to atttack.[/I] Weakness: Will still follow Jinn no matter how stupid what they are doing is.[/COLOR]
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