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Everything posted by Idiot2.0

  1. First wish: To have a army of deranged gerbils, so I could take over the world. I mean who could hurt a gerbil their so cute and fuzzy... :love: Second wish: For my Paronia to intensify by like ten times. Never can be two careful around gerbils to cute and fuzzy... :nervous: Third wish: To find my house keys the, ones I lost at school.
  2. TNBC has to be my favorite movie. It creeped me out when I first saw it, but now I force my family to watch it with me. It seems all my friends love it to. Infact I will get into fights with them about which song is better, The first one in the graveyard with jack, or the one in Christmas town. My favorite characters have to be Lock, shock, and barrel. But I find it had to belive that people will wear the TBNC merchandise with out knowing what the story is about. To me it is one of the greatest movies I have ever seen.
  3. I've only heard one of their songs 'Take me out', and I loved it. I also liked their music video for it. If I wasn't so poor I'd buy their album in a heartbeat, or go to one of their concerts. Basically all I have done is summarize the above, but I wanted to get my thoughts out. :sweat:
  4. Hello, I was wondering if someone could make me a Viewtiful Joe banner. What I would like is a bannner with Regular Joe on the left hand side, and Joe the red hero on the right. With Henshin a go-go baby! between them. thank you :D
  5. I hope this is the right forum for this. Well, here goes nothing. I was wondering how do I use the spoiler tag, is it somewhere so obvious that only a noob might miss. Hope this question isn't to stupid and somebody will answer me.
  6. Ok, when I heard about the miniseries I was glad because I loved the books of Earthsea, but they changed so much of the book. It's like they Just didn't care about the storyline. For example they changed the names, what I mean is instead of Ged being his true name like in the book, it was Saprrowhawk. It was wrong. I would tell more, but I don't want to spoil it for anybody else. I was just wondering if anybody else noticed some of the changes.
  7. [SIZE=2]"Okay I know I passed here before", said Tao as he stood in front of a huge tree. 'Next town I get to I better buy a stupid map' he thought as he started to walk again. "Supid forest always making me get lost it's just not fair, even in this game I have the worst luck. I mean what did I do to desvere this? C'mon can't anyone tell me!. Not again here comes that stupid tree. I know if I cut down that tree I'll never see it agian", Tao said this with a crazed look on his face. He took his lance and sliced at it. When that didn't work he tried agian. After a few more hits he was able to cut it down. He looked down at it a said "finally, I never see that tree a gian. Next town I get to I'll not only buy a friggn' map, but a mech too. I should be able to pilot one." Then he left he took two more lefts and a right. What he saw make him fall down and cry. There was the tree he just cut down. Tao fell down on his knees and slammed his fist on the ground. "Damn you fate", he repeted it several times before he got back up and travled some more. [/SIZE]
  8. Man, I love that show. My favorite epsiode are a tie between any of the S-force ones. I love those ones because, I used to watch the Battle of the planets. It's just funny to see how they make fun of them.
  9. [QUOTE=SaiyanPrincessX]Here you go. Simple little Black Mage avy. ^_^ If you want something changed let me know.[/QUOTE] You don't need to do this, but if you would put my name on it I'd be thankfull
  10. Hi I was wondering if someone would make me an avi of a Black Mage from the Final fantasy series. I don't mean to be picky but if you would just make it to show above the shoulders. Thank you, and I know this isn't very original. I'm not trying to copy anyone it's just the Black Mage is so cool! :D
  11. I'd have to agree with Zero71090. His/Her idea seems valid. Personally I like the manga more than the anime, I just like the artwork better.
  12. "Man I can never get over how cool this place is," said Tao. "Yeah I know what you mean, but doesn't staying on one planet get boring," asked GODKING. "No, outer space is for geeks like you." "If I didn't know you better I'd take that as an insult," she replied. "It was meant to be one." "Shut up. Hey wait a minute I'm getting a message." "What's it about?" "A group of us are going on a quest party want to go?" "No, Ill just stay here a little longer." "Whatever," said GODKING. And with that she was gone. Only Tao was there, he sat his lance down then took a seat himself. He picked up a flower and took a sniff. "How I wish I could smell your sweet fragrance," he said wistfully. After a few minutes he got up and started for the next city. "I think its called July city. What a strange name for a city, well it doesn't matter anyway. It's just a game," he said outloud to himself. OOC: Sorry it wasn't longer. I'm new at this, I'll get better more practice I get.
  13. Real Name: Weldon Taylor User Name: Tao Level: 9 Class: Custom Lancer Class Description: A lancer is someone who uses a lance (Big surprise) to do their fighting. Their strong points are strength, intelligence, and accuracy. Stats Strength: 9 Intelligence: 7 Accuracy: 7 Handywork: 2 Luck: 3 Special Power: Dive bomb (Gives up 3 stat points. The person jumps high in to the air then comes crashing down, causing a great deal of damage) User Appearance: [URL=http://www.ailanokiga.net/loki/gallery/manga/image20.jpg]Click[/URL] Only a little Taller. I hope I have the stats right tell me if I have to change anything.
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