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saiyuki chick

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Everything posted by saiyuki chick

  1. [QUOTE=Morpheus]I feel loved now...My list goes like this: -Chibihorsewoman -ThatOneOddDude -Lore/Sara -Shinmaru -Rhian -Sol-Blade -James [B]-Saiyuki chick[/B] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]
  2. [IMG]http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y56/saiyuki_chick/modified%20pictures/bannerfinished.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I could've done a lot more with the font, I suppose. o.O;; [B]Text[/B]: Snowflakes falling...silent [B]Colors[/B]: Light blue, white, maybe some darker blue...snow-related colors. ^^[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I suppose you could say that I'm "behind" in some of my videogame series, but it doesn't matter. So here's a few reccommendations: -Prince of Persia (1, 2, 3) -Resident Evil 4 (PS2) -Gran Turismo 4 (not too cheap, though) At the moment, my brain is dead. So those are all the suggestions I have as of this second. And like you have already been told, Kingdom Hearts is a great game. But whether you like it or not or whether you [I]buy[/I] it or not is entirely up to you. Have fun! ^^[/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE=nomad19]we all like our video games right? but how do you choose which games to buy...do you stay loyal to a certain series and buy every sequel they make? you use EGM or IGN as your reference? ask other people for recommends? post on other forums like 1up? you rent em before you buy em? wait for morgan webb and adam sessler to review em on xplay? i hardly listen to any reviews, if i like a game i like it. regardless of how other people dislike it. i used to rent first but it got tiring and i got lazy so i just started to buy every game i think would quench my thirst for gaming even for a limited amount of time....[/QUOTE]It all depends on how you view the game, I suppose. I don't listen to reviews either, because that's someone else's opinion, not yours. And they could give a game a 5 while you give it a 9.5. If there's a game that looks pretty cool, then I'll rent it first to see if I like it before I buy it. But if it's a new game in a series I love (Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, Kingdom Hearts, etc) then I won't bother to rent it first. ^^
  5. [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]I love DDR! It's my favorite arcade game by far. There's a guitar game out now for...all platforms, I think, that looks kinda fun. And then Guitar Freaks. I haven't played any guitar games yet, but I plan on it. DDR's my main thing, though. ^^[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][FONT=Tahoma]I know that there's probably a larger thread for Dir en Grey, but I'm not too concerned about that. Going on with life, now... I absolutely love Dir en Grey! And now, I'm asking the opinion of the rest of you who happen to read this. Love them? Awesome. Then leave a comment![/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. okies, i'll stick up for you, frog-chan (o.O;; don't mind that...) i think buffy's pretty cool, myself...sure, it has it's lame and strong points, like everything else, but i find it to be an awesome show...^^ i've always been into vampires, and stuff anyway, and yes, the characters grow and develop, which also goes towards making the show more interesting XD i happen to like it, so it's cool that you're a fellow fan ^^
  8. [quote name='Albel the Wicked']I don't know if this has been posted, but I just wanted to know other peoples opinions. What is your favorite song? I can't really decide between a couple. It's a tie between My Will (1st season ending to Inuyasha), Otherworld (Rock song from FFX) and Wandering Samuri ( Kenshin endind theme). Those are my favorites, but I do like others. Now I want to know what you guys like. Please, I really want to know.[/quote] well...i have a lot, as i'm sure many people do, but i'd have to say either ready steady go, by l'arc~en~ciel (2nd...umm, i think opening...to fullmetal alchemist) or revelation, also by l'arc ^^ there are quite a few DDR and anme songs that i like, as well...XD
  9. [QUOTE=boxybrown305][COLOR=DarkRed]I just saw Saw (?) and it was great! I didn't even know it was low budget. Normally, i really don't get scared from horror/thriller movies. Like around halloween last year i watched a ton of horrors that i hadn't ever seen before, and i was completely unfased. After i saw this, i had so much trouble sleeping, that hadn't happend to me since i was in second grade or something. Not to mention it very, very rare for me to jump from a horror, but yet again, this one did it [SPOILER](only once though, when the Jiggsaw killer jumped out of Adam (the photographer's) closet)[/SPOILER]. Anyway, this was great, and i highly recommend it to horror/thriller fans, it's not for the weak of heart. I only rented it, but i will likely buy it. (Did that evil clown doll seriously freak anyone else out?)[/COLOR][/QUOTE] yep...it was a little...demented...o.O;; although that's kinda putting it lightly... the part about [SPOILER]jigsaw jumping out of adam's closet, for me, wasn't scary at all, sure, i jumped a bit when he actually came out, but it was kinda expected, ya know?[/SPOILER]...anyway...all in all, it's a pretty good movie XD
  10. well, a lot of these people have points, as to the options weren't very specific, but hey, it's not like you could put EVERY single option ever on there...^^;;; anyway, i like alt. rock, indie, little bit of emo, heavy metal, country (hehe, looks pretty funny next to heavy metal, doesn't it? XD) some jazz...for the most part, give me anything but rap...bleh...>
  11. Thanks fer posting stuff, guys!! ^^ I like Kingdom Hearts and Soul Caliber, too. I've only played a little bit of FF10 and FF7... T.T I've played SSB Melee, also!! It's fun. ^^ Well, I'll be around. Talk to ya later!! ^^
  12. It sounds pretty interesting!! I got2 questions...is it a specific religion? Or just religion alltogther? The 2nd one...is Soji a member of the conference? Cuz that's what it sounds like in the beginning, but then ya said that both Soji and Akari are considered heathens by the conference...-is confused-Well, I was just wondering. But yeah, it sounds pretty cool!! Add some more to it so I can see where it will go!! ...Well, I don't know if ya'd wanna use this idea, but somewhere in the story, ya should have some kind of thing (really helpful) where Akari gets seperated from Soji and has to fend fer herself for awhile. Maybe have a member of the conference confront her during that time, or something. Anyway, I'll leave now...bye bye!! ^^
  13. Hmmmmm...I really can't top that detail...>
  14. Hey!! Like yer avi. It's called Kill me, Kiss me. Sounds pretty good, tho I've never read it. Laters!!
  15. Ok, I was kinda wondering about views of other people on their favorite games fer PS or PS2. My favorite BY FAR is DDR Extreme. Anyway, I wanted ta know, for example, if ya really like fighting games, what's yer fav. fighting game? Same with any other genre: strategy, RPG, anything like that. Gotta go!! Later!! :D
  16. Hey!! Yeah, I like Megas Xlr...even though I haven't seen that many epsodes...*sweatdrop* Oh well. It's a pretty good show anyway. Later!! :D
  17. I'm gonna have ta agree with Boba, the F-word IS in pretty much every song. But American Idiot is their best CD yet, in my opinon. Later!! ^^
  18. Well, it sounds pretty good!! Except fer the minor fact that I'm not in to shonen-ai, but oh well. I have a TON of stories that all have one thing in common...they go absoutely no where. They got cool beginnings, but I have no where to go with them, with the exception of one...anyway...^^ talk to ya later!!
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