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  1. i hate the cliche of love conquering all...almost like what Sol-Blade said, only, their victory is attributed to their fated love... i think that's another cliche i don't like. someone's fated to be the hero, so of course they have to be. someone's fated to pick up a certain sword, so of course they have to. :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
  2. omg...that was so hilarious...i'd love to keep reading about it...you really seemed to put some thought into it... will she have the typical love interest? or a gaggle of fans due to a scar? i'm sorry, but i really thought this was funny... i love how you took not only from anime and manga, but also from other popular books. makes it a stereotypical story, but with quite uncommon features to help it along.
  3. oh boy, i wondered when this topic would come up here... i don't like abortion. it's straight up killing. i don't like killing at all, even when it comes to animals, or plants. i don't like killing. except if there is a justifiable reason. i'm okay with certain animals and plants dying so that i may ingest their organic matter. it is a natural instinct, it's there to further myself, as well as my genes so that i may reproduce and pass them on to another generation. when a mother's health is involved, if it is highly likely that she may suffer incredible pain (as in lasting, permanent, or reoccuring), or if she might die, i support abortion. keeping the baby would only go against the natural survival instinct. when is comes to rape, again, i'm for it. yes, while it does not interfere with the survival instinct, it does interfere with out instinct to avoid pain, emotional or physical. a woman was invaded, and something planted in her, one that the rapist will never have to take responsibility for (sueing for child support gives the othe parent custody rights, in which case that's another lawsuit completely). i can't imagine the emotional pain (sometimes even physical) that a women might have to go through, reliving that rape when she sees that child. some women can do it, but i'm not about to impose on her right to choose. in all tense and purpose, a fetus is a parasite. they cannot survive on their own, they take nutrients from the mother directly, and offer nothing in return. that is the definition of parasite. like has been stated, in the event that abortions are made illegal, it won't stop their occurences. rent the movie 'if these walls could talk'. demi moore plays a nurse in the 50's, i believe, and she tries to get an abortion. since it was illegal at that point, she had to settle for a 'doctor' with knitting needles. she bled to death in her own kitchen. i won't have countless women dying just because some beaurocrat finally starts to consider his religious ideals. and DeathBug, i never knew what a partial birth abortion was....*shudder* i only advocate first trimester births.
  4. it definitely grabs my attention... there are a few things that i'd like to know, just as fluff and detail to the story... how did jill turn into a thief? the process, the mentor, and how long? when did his mother get turned into a dragon? and did the GUILD do it, or was it someone else? in which case, does jill have a grudge against that person, or is he just content stealing for his mom? how rare is the item, Azure Sky? what is it's story? how did jill find out about it? does he have any leads concerning it's whereabouts? sorry. i know it's been a while since it's been commented on, but it really looked interesting, and i'd love to see this go farther...
  5. i agree with the previous posts...it did get to be a little straining on the eyes, because i had to focus on not losing my place... the first chapter went a little slowly, but i think that's more because you were describing where it was, and what was going on. you could probably mention something else about the wound in his abdomen, something that might forshadow his meeting... the second chapter definitely grabbed my attention more readily than the first. however, i thought that his power was a bit anticlimactic, in regards to this huge meeting with a supernatural being, and then all the bandits just being frozen. since he's only been training for a small amount of time (and i presume he's had other times where he hurt, before his meeting with the wolf, but i didn't see that in the storyline) try giving him a bit more difficulty with his powers and the bandits. otherwise, it does seem interesting...keep up the good work.
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