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Everything posted by Ditsy_Taurus888

  1. dude you didn't understand me right I was noticing an intriging trend. All guys. I would have said the same thing if it was all characters whose names began with K.
  2. did you notice that all the characters you chose were guys???
  3. Name: Persephone Tunder Age: 22 Gender: female Occupation: owns a farm. She breeds raises and trains all sorts of mundane and mythological animals. She also grows varius types of herbs and can use them to make potions that can do just about anything. She's pretty useful to have around. Instrument: doesn't apply Items: well herbs viles varius types of harnesses Weapons: um like a training whip maybe Appearance: She's tall and beautiful. She has an innocent face and vulnerable eyws that make people feel an unnecessary desire to protect her from the world. You can see from her demeaner that she is obviously a very compassionate yet sheltered woman. She has waistlength curly hair and elven ears. Though she doesn't look as faerie like as most mythical creatures would. You get the obvious impression she's atleast half human. Her eyes are orange and her hair is a purpley reddish color. She has sunspeckled flesh pared with delicate curves and long slender legs. Information: Persephone inherited the family land from her mother. Her mother had two sons before her husband died and then was seduced by a faerie like man one night years later. That's how Persephone was born. They village neighboring the farm has an obvious mistrust for non humans so Persephone's mother kept her away from other people.
  4. [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Agape[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] Since time began there has been gods. These ruling gods are known as 'The council'. Originally there was only Aislinn(f), Oma(m), Saramo(m), Bash(m), and the twins, Mae(f) and Maj(m). These six gods ruled over the realm of 'the mundane' and the realm of 'the divine'. What they did not have control over however was the chaotic realm of 'the condemned' (A.K.A. Abyssus). Abyssus was filled with strange deformed spirits known as Belluas. Aislinn, the dreamer, and Saramo, the realist, fell in love and devoted themselves to one another. They had 3 children Onan(m), Agatha(f), and Dava(f). Maj had loved Aislinn and was dangerously jealous of Saramo's happiness. He tried to convince his sister, Mae, to join him in plotting against the others and taking full power by themselves, but his passion frightened her and she shunned him. She and Oma had devoted themselves to one another soon after. Oma and Her had two children, Sauda(f) and Ira(m). Sauda had married Bash and Ira had fallen for Dava but had never revealed his feelings. It was about this time the gods were experimenting in their creations. They had created a new soul in the realm of 'the divine', much weaker than a gods, and another new soul even weaker than that. The stronger of the two (the Aetherians) would live in the realm of 'the divine' as subjects, servants, and later soldiers, while the weaker of the two (The Pignuses) would be sent to the realm of 'the Mundane'(the grounds) and later be known as "Man". Maj had poisoned Ira's brain since childhood into believing it was his and his uncle's birth right to take over the realm of 'the divine' also known as Caelum. They would be the rulers. The two gods challenged Saramo and Aislinn to a war over the realm of Caelum. Bash in and attempt to please his pregnet wife joined her brother and her uncle's side. Onan, Agatha, and Oma all sided with Saramo and Aislinn. Mae and Sauda just wept, for they could not make a decision. They believed Ira, Bash, and Maj were wrong but because they were family they could not betray them and join Saramo and Aislinn's side. During this war the Aetharians were divided into two main groups. The Tutelas, on the side of Saramo and Aislinn, and the Malusphasmas, on the side of Maj and Ira. When Ira and Maj were defeated, them and their followers were cast out of Caelum and condemned to an eternity reigning of Abyssus. But as a final retaliation Maj kidnapped the favorite child of Saramo and Aislinn, Dava, and trapped her in Abyssus to be his nephew’s bride. Sauda had her children, quadruplets, Terra(f), Incendio(m), Aer(m), and Aqua(f). with a heavy heart knowing that their father was now their sworn enemy. and when her children grew older Incendio, the god of fire, chose to leave Caelum and join his father in Abyssus knowing it meant he cold never return. Aer, the god of the sky and the wind, and Agatha, Saramo and Aislin's second born, were wed as well as Onan, Aislinn and saramos's first born, and Terra, the goddess of the earth. leaving the goddess of water, Aqua, lonely. Aer and Agatha had one son Pritam(m) and Onan and Terra had two daughters and a son, Zuri(f), Qamar(m), and Tynan(f). Meanwhile in Abyssus Ira and Dava had O' ren(m), Margo(f), Ta 'hen(m), Keith(m), Darcie(f), and Leila(f). Maj had taken a human wife, Lillith(f), who had been abused raped and rejected by the rest of mankind. They had had no children as of yet. And Incindio had taken a Malusphasma bride Tamesis(f). The two of them had 3 sons Julian(m), Adrien(m), and Sebastien(m). The gods of Caelum were outraged by the promiscuous actions of the Evertians (inhabitants of Abyssus). A god marrying a dark angel and even worse a god marrying a human. It was unheard of. The council immediately made severe laws against that sort of thing in Caelum so that they would not fall to the perverse ways of their enemies. Any god who took a lesser partner would be imprisoned and their love would be executed as well as any impure child the two of them conceived. The problem was Pritam had fallen deeply in love with a Tutela(angel) named Caer(f). Day after day he would meet with her in secrecy until one day she gave birth to a child Bello(m). The council suspected who the father was but had no way of proving it. Then another child came Isolde(f), and another Tristan(m), and another Litia(f), and another Claudia(f), then another two (twins) Faye(f) and Seth(m), Then Cynthia(f), and then finally Ceceilia(f). It was during Caers pregnancy with Ceceilia that she and Pritam had been caught. The family fled Caelum and hid themselves on the grounds knowing that giving birth to Ceceilia would be like a beacon that guided the council to there where abouts. Pritam was so obsessed with protecting his offspring, he cast his children away informing them to never again seek out him and Caer. He then stole and angel newborn and on the evening of Ceceilia's birth put her in a basket and sent her down a river to brave the elements alone and handed Caer the replacement instead. of course Caer thought this to be her legitiment daughter and held it close to her in a panic when the councils soldiers came to take them away. She never would have put someone else’s child to death on purpose. Caer and Pritam were forced to watch their daughter’s execution. Caer was hysterical but Pritam just sat calmly. "Why do you not weep for our child's death?" She demanded. "Do we mean nothing to you?" "My dear that was not our child. I saved her so that you may die in peace." He explained. "No. I held her in my arms after her birth. I saw her!" The wife shook her head. "that is the same child." "You have never held Ceceilia. I stole another’s child and switched it for yours at birth." Pritam smiled numbly. "What? No! Guards you made a mistmp-" Caer's word were cut off by Pritam's hand. "Telling the truth will not help. It will only make two dead children instead of one." He persuaded soothingly. "How could you!" She spat quietly. "I just wanted to make you happy." He defended before being cut off. "Its the Tutela's turn." the head guard sneered. The other two guards grabbed Caer's arms and brought her to the execution wall. The held her against it and the head guard raised his sword. "I hate you" she whispered to Pritam before being beheaded. Pritam was then imprisoned in solitary confinement for eternity knowing that his true love’s dying words were that she despised him. He was the grandson of Saramo and Aislinn and the great grandson of Mae and Oma and even he was not immune to the brutal marriage laws. It was during these grief filled times of Pritam and Caer that the Evertians seized their opportunities to make a move to take over the grounds. Ira of course lead the army while Oma stayed in Abyssus leading from afar. He made his nephew Incendio second in command and his oldest son O'ren, who was barely old enough to fight, third. Because it was an unexpected war the Evertians had almost succeeded. In fact the Evertians infiltrated so much of earth it was impossible to get all of them out and back to Abyssus where the gods of Caelum felt they belonged. This opened the grounds to pain, deceit, suffering, greed, and corruption. Never again would it be the safe little dollhouse for the gods it once was. And Maj had made a promise when they retreated proving his resentment towards the Caelum gods. He promised that he would attack again, and this time his goal wouldn't be to rule over the humans but to destroy them. The Caelum's reacted by sending Guardians, or Tutela( A special kind of Aetherian) to the grounds. They would stay there and await the Evertians second attack. The only problem was they were only souls in the realm of the mundane. They needed to be corporeal. So the council arranged for them to be born as souls in human bodies and be reincarnated over and over until they were needed. Only the Evertians were taking so long to make a move and it was anything but paradise living on the grounds for guardians. It was hell for normal humans but for guardians it was worse. The never fit in. They grew up being shunned by their peers and never finding love, never finding purpose. So when volunteers for the cause stopped coming in the council changed it to a punishment for the particularly naughty guardians. A prophecy of the war had been written. The war would end December 23, 2012. The fate would be decided by one child, one girl, half Tutela half Evertian. Her name is Andromeda Which side she would choose. Unknown. [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________________[U]Im chat with Abo...[/U]_____________________________[/COLOR] [COLOR="Plum"][B]Abomination666:[/B][/COLOR] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]so today sucks huh?[/FONT] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]MassacresSong888:[/B][/COLOR] [FONT="Garamond"]Why?[/FONT] [B][COLOR="Plum"]Abomination666:[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]last day of summer! Duh... -.-[/FONT] [COLOR="SeaGreen"][B]MassacresSong888:[/B][/COLOR][FONT="Garamond"] Oh[/FONT] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]MassacresSong888:[/COLOR][/B][FONT="Garamond"] I guess[/FONT] [COLOR="Plum"][B]Abomination666: [/B][/COLOR][FONT="Book Antiqua"]YOu still talking to that Alice chick??? [/FONT] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]MassacresSong888:[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Garamond"]yeah she's cool.[/FONT] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]MassacresSong888:[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Garamond"]She teaches me stuff....[/FONT] [B][COLOR="Plum"]Abomination666: [/COLOR][/B][FONT="Book Antiqua"]It's like you don't even have time for spells and deep sleeps any more Seiko.[/FONT] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]MassacresSong888: [/COLOR][/B][FONT="Garamond"]you haven't wanted to hang out anyways why are you bugging out?[/FONT] [COLOR="Plum"][B]Abomination666:[/B][/COLOR][FONT="Book Antiqua"] I just don't trust her okay![/FONT] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]MassacresSong888:[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Garamond"]Why not?[/FONT] [B][COLOR="Plum"]Abomination666: [/COLOR][/B][FONT="Book Antiqua"]She just gives me the heebie Jeebies[/FONT] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]MassacresSong888: [/COLOR][/B][FONT="Garamond"]how?[/FONT] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]MassacresSong888:[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Garamond"]Rose???[/FONT] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]MassacresSong888:[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Garamond"]Are you still there?[/FONT] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]MassacresSong888:[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Garamond"]Helloooo?[/FONT] [B][COLOR="Plum"]Abomination666:[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]just forget about it okay? forget I said anything[/FONT] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]MassacreSong888: [/COLOR][/B][FONT="Garamond"]What ever[/FONT] [CENTER][I][COLOR="Red"]Abomination666 has signed off[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]________________________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [COLOR="DimGray"][FONT="Century Gothic"]"What was that all about?" Seiko questioned as she stretched. She shrugged it off and when back to viewing her Myspace.[/FONT][/COLOR] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/COLOR] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]___________________[U]Chatroom chat with Rep...,Abo..., & Cri...[/U]___________________[/COLOR] [B][COLOR="Plum"]Abomination666: [/COLOR][/B][FONT="Book Antiqua"] I can't convince her guys[/FONT] [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Repent86: [/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Fixedsys"]okay just appologize[/FONT] [B][COLOR="Sienna"]CrimsonSacrifice23:[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Lucida Console"]then go invisible[/FONT] [B][COLOR="Plum"]Abomination666: [/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Book Antiqua"] right. okay[/FONT] [CENTER][I][COLOR="Red"]Abomination666 has signed off[/COLOR][/I][/CENTER] [B][COLOR="Plum"]Abomination666: [/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Book Antiqua"] why don't you guys ever talk to her[/FONT] [B][COLOR="Sienna"]CrimsonSacrifice23:[/COLOR] [/B][FONT="Lucida Console"]it's complicated[/FONT] [B][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Repent86: [/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Fixedsys"]it's harder for us. She won't trust us now that Alice has gotten to her first and poisoned her mind.[/FONT] [B][COLOR="Sienna"]CrimsonSacrifice23:[/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Lucida Console"]that's why we need you to help her. You need to save her from Alice so that she might fulfill her destiny[/FONT] [B][COLOR="Plum"]Abomination666: [/COLOR][/B] [FONT="Book Antiqua"]I understand I'll do my best >.< [/FONT] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]________________________________________________________________________[/COLOR] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/COLOR] [COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]____________________________[U]Im chat with
  5. [CENTER][U][SIZE=4]Before Death[/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] [B][COLOR=Purple]Name:[/COLOR] [/B] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]Megan Holmes[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Purple]Age[/COLOR]:[/B] [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]16[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B]Appearance:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Megan was very tall compared to the other girls in her small town standing at 5'9". Most of the guys that went to her school were 5'10 or shorter so she seemed like a giant. She could eat whatever she wanted and not gain a pound wich was good because she ate when she was depressed. She had a curvy body with long slender legs which meant nothing fit her right. Her ribs were too small and her chest and but too big. They don't make 32DD so she was forced to settle with sports bras that still never fit. She had a dark natural tan even though she never went in the sun which made her stand out evan more in a Promatantly white nieghborhood. What also made her stand out was her green aisan eyes. SHe was part Abnaki Native American, part Korean, and Part Irish which was an odd yet appealing mixture. Her dirty blonde hair stretched well past her hips and she normally used it to hide behind. She was beautiful but one of the most unpopular kids at school. She had been cast out since Kindergarten. She never thought of her self as pretty because of the constant harassment from the other students. Her eyes actually change colors according to mood they're only green when she's sad.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B]Personality:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=SlateGray]She was very talented in the arts particularly drawing, painting, song writing, singing, playing the guitar and piano, acting, poetry, and writing. She was also an exellant dancer. She effortlessly gained strait As and was exellant with animals and chldren. She had a nack for retaning knollege. She heard it once and it stuck forever. She knew how to play the flute but it bored her. She had no passion greater than food. She truely enjoyed to taste every thing. She was warm kind and generous but very depressed. She felt like she was worthless and always in the way. She felt as though she didn't fit in and she felt ugly. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B]Bio:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Red][I]Megan lived in Camden her whole life. Megan's Parants, lillith and Mitch, met in high school. They started dating and got engaged. The two were together for years until lilly's senior year, Mitch was already graduated, when Mtch finally realized the extent of lillith's insanity. She had refused to continue taking medication that year. Though he loved her deeply it was impossable for him to remain with her. She was just such a destructive person to be around. After graduation she moved the sylvan beach (a town on the shore of lake onterio in newyork) And he remeined in Camden (A small hick town 15 minutes away they are both in the same school district so the two towns share the same highschool with 9 other small towns. The high school only has about 800 kids so it's still pretty small even with 11 town's worth of kids.). He moved in with his new girlfriend Threasa who was 16 three years younger than him and already had two kids with two different guys. They were together about a month when he got her pregnet. He left her soon after because he caught her cheating. He met back up with Lilly and decided though clynically insane she was worth it. Lilly's father still married her insane mother. If Chuck was strong enough so was he. They soon were married a month before little Joseph's birth. Threasa abandoned Mitch's and her son Joseph at mitches parents in maine. A few weeks later his parents George and Sue moved back to New York with little Joseph who they had been raising. At this time the missing Threasa showed up again and claimed they had kidnapped poor Joseph. She neglected him for years untill Lilly and Mitch got custody of him when he was 4 and there son Mitchel was a year old. That next year Lilly got very depressed and refused to leave her bedroom for two years. After that they had her comitted. She stayed for a whole month until Mitch finally gave in and got her out. After that she got back on her medication. When Joey was 9 and mitchy was 6 she finally had another baby little Megan Marie. She had been much more sane for many years but her older sister had died. Her older sister hat thought she could fly and jumped off a building. Mitch and Lilly got custody of her 11 year old son Bri. They were a happy family for four years and on Megan's fourth birthday Lilly decided she didn't want to be on her meds any more. She claimed they made her too drowsy to take care of her children. She was so bad that she'd drop a plate on the floor stare at for two minutes then look up and walk away. And when Mitch asked why she didn't pick it up she'd look at him like he was crazy and say "what plate? I didn't drop a plate on the floor." They got divorced just a few months later and she was aworded costody of Megan, Mitchel and Brian. Mitch got costody of Joe. When Lilly went to work she'd leave Megan alone with Mitchy who was SchitzoPhranic. He'd beat the ***** out of little Megan almost everyday. She used to hide under her bed and cry until he unscewed her door handle and broke in. She was too little to fight back and Brian normally wasn't home to protect her. She loved her brother. He could be such a sweatheart but there was this whole other part of him that wasn't right. School was no releif from home. She's rather be with Mitchel than at school. Those kids tortured her. Made her feel like crap everyday. They called her an ugly scumbag, beat her up, through grose things at her, and acted like there was some cloud of airborn desease around her. If she was near them theyed crie "EWW" and run away like she was discusting. If she'd walk down a hall it would part like the red sea, them clawing at the walls to get away from her. If some one did touch her it was to hurt her. Life wasn't very good for this small child. When she was 10 and in fifth grade she and Mitch came to live with their dad. Brian was in prison. Thei dad had a wife and two step children. A rideline addicted brat named Shane. And a daughter Samantha who was miss perfection and popularity though she liked to say she wasn't. Both were older than Megan so she was still the youngest. She got to watch Sam date gorgeous guys and have Sam's cool popular friends invite the beautiful teen to go places. Megan wished she had at least two friends but al she had was Alexis even her old neighbor Jimmy had abandoned her. In 6th grade she began cutting herself. She liked the feel of it. It made the world seem so different. It was like this rush of pure ecstacy. By 9th grade she had quit. She realized how bad it was. Her parents never even noticed her scars. She had her first boyfriend that year. But it didn't work, she was too afraid of commitment. He was ready to settle down. Then 10th grade came around she survived it just barely. SHe walked out with a relapse of cutting a sentence to summer school and her parents who caught her cutting denying anything was wrong with their "happy child". That summer She cut herself deeper than usual, ate choke cherries that have sionide in the pits, and dropped the blow dryer in the bath tub. If one of them didn't work she had two others that probably would. The cherries were delicious. The electricity exiting. She had no Idea wha happened after that.[/I][/COLOR] [U][CENTER][SIZE=4]After Death[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U] [B][COLOR=Purple]Name:[/COLOR] [/B] [COLOR=Plum]Lillith[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B]Appeared Age:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Plum]18[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Purple]Race:[/COLOR][/B] [COLOR=Plum]human (suicide kid?)[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B]Appearance:[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Green]Her once long hair she hid behind is now a purple mohawk she normal has spiked up into liberty spikes. Her face looks the same but now her full pouty sad lips are smiling and crimson. She has the same eyes as before only now they are normally a rebellious gold. Her skin is even tanner now that she isn't cooped up in the house and she has the aura of confidence eminating from her. She is normally in overly large belled bell bottoms that are skin tiqht and hand woven cotten blouse with jade beaded jewelry. She looks very much like a hippie though she won't admit to it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B]Personality:[/B] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Teal]She feels free at last, though she still some times doubts her self. She is still the kind loving nurturing person as before but she now loves herself aswell. Which is a goal she felt she'd never accomplish. She no longer cuts it doesn't help her anymore. It's an addiction that seemed so easy to break. She has a weak spot. Her consense. She wants to help everyone partly because no one helped her but also because she was even that way when she was alive.[/COLOR] [B][COLOR=Purple]Weapons-[/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Red] Her Chain and ball Sithe her albow blades And her bow and arrows[/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple][B]Powers:[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]She is intouch with nature and water because she was submerged and water when she died and it was a natural poison she took. She has a control over electrical currants as well and can heal people. She is not very powerful in the other catagories though just healing people. Something she couldn't do for her self while she was alive.[/COLOR]
  6. SAVE YOURSELF In this world, you can't change anything. You shouldn't even bother trying. No one else does. Nobody really has a choice. That's just an allusion they give you to keep you happy. No one has control over there own destany. I mean no one. A long time ago the council of gods decided they were going to play a game. They created a world were every entity could only exist as a soul. So Heavanly, Demonic, and godly beings had to inhabit bodies in order to exist in this plane of existence. These "Gods" gave life to a whole new type of soul. The "Human" soul. For an uncountable amount of years we've been they're source of entertainment. It has to stop. The problem is we can't stop it if we don't even know it's happening. The few of us who do are far too cowardess to stand against them. Then one day some one did. The most beautiful soul in the world refused to follow their specific directions. She Broke all the rules at any risk for one impossable thing. Love. She started it all. Soon a few other rebellions sprung up. Demons got gutsy, angels got lazy. She changed something that could never be changed back. She proved that you could defy them. That it was possable to change your destony. She was the first and the last to ever do so. She was greatly punished. But she still did it and you can never change that. Never. For as long as human souls existed Angels have been living amoung us. Helping us, watching us, waiting for the time to come when they were needed. For just as long Demons have too. They do not have corporeal forms on this plane of existence so the live as souls in human bodies, constantly being reincarnated. Some angels still live with the gods but many have been sent to earth. Ecspecially now that the signs have been arising. WAR. DESESE. NATURAL DISASTERS. Your Charactor must be either ;a God (who never directly interacts with the Earth people), A demon, an Angel, A human, A witch (wich is a human who has the rare gift of magic), or "something completely different". There are only three of these "something completely different"s and they are so uncomprehendable it is hard to discribe. They were here forever or possably longer. Out of the three, There is one good, logical, kind one (The actual soul is a guy but he can be in a woman's human body), there is one Cruel, Chaotic, one who feels no guilt (THe soul is a girl but it is possable for her to be in a guys human body), and then there was one who was forced to watch for most of existence. She was never allowed to actually experience life the way the other two did. She is smpathetic to both the evil and the good side. Thse three beings have slipped under the gods radar. The gods didn't know they existed and they are the only creatures capable of defeating he demons. The demons are evolving. THey are becoming undefeatable. We are in trouble. Big time. When they invade the will start out with the weakest human souls and push them from their bodies. They will take over the now empty bodies and use them as their own. The Angels, who have most of their lives beleived they were humans, will remember their mission and try to stop them. The war is comming Charactor (you can have 2) Name: Age: (human body) doesn't apply to gods Gender: (Soul gemder, Human body gender) Hieght: weight: General appearence: Characor snippet: Write a short segment story of your charactors life What is your Charactor: Charactor: #1 Name- Agnes Webster Age- 16 Gender- soul female body female hieght- 5'9" weight- 140lbs General appearrance- Agnes is Tall and awkward. She has a curvy but small frame pared with long slender legs and a strong but king face. She has high naive american cheekboned and a strait I rish nose. Her dark tanned skin clashes with her emerald green eyes and he long dirty blonde hair. She is pretty but not as pretty as many smaller more graceful women. She is kind of intiadating to guys because though feminime she was also built strong. Charactor Snippit- "Agnes!" Alexa smile affectionately as she waved to her friend. Agnes let her hair fall ove her finely chiseled face as she crossed her arms and hurried over to the cheerful red head. He hair stretched well past her but and was the envy of many. Most girls hated it. It wan't her flippin fault they kept cutting their hair. She only liked her hair long so she could hide. "So exited it's our first day as upper classman. Can you beleive we're finally in 11th grade?" Alexa warmly hugged the much taller Agnes. "Yay..." Agnes spoke with less enthusiasm then humanly possable. "We're finally growing up!" Alexa urged. "I know it sucks." Agnes said bluntly. "What ever happened to 6th grade?" "You don't mean that! We couldn't do anything back then." "I still can't do anything. I can do less actually. Atleast then I was allowed to go trick or treating. And besides back then people cut us some slack." "I will never understand why your still stuck on 6th grade." Alexa rolled coa coa colored eyes. "Because it was pefect." A serious look came ove Agnes's normally genle face. "Brian asked me to hang out. I think I'm gonna." Alexa changed the subject. She was getyting good at that. Agnes must be rubbing off on her. "Good for you" Agnes tried to sound exited. She was never in a good mood on first days. It meant another summer has passed and been wasted. None will ever measure up. "You know it wouldn't be entirely a bad Idea for you to get a boyfriend... You really havn't dated since freshman year." "Hey! I tried Don turned me down remember and I'm Jail bate for John so that would never work!" Old bitter emotions stirred up in Agnes's heart. "No reason to get defensive I'm just worried. Your so beautiful. It should be easy for you to get a boyfriend... I mean with those double ds." Alexa joked. "Hey you think I asked for these nusences!?!" Agnes pointed to her well developed chest. "No but it's funny tho pick on you." Alexa giggled. "I really think it's great that things are going well for you and Brian. That thing just isn't for me. I'm not meant for love. It's not really a bad thing ... It just makes things simpler you know." "You shouldn't givve up on trying." "I'm just too different. I'm nothing like anyone in this world." "That's what makes you special." Alexis smiled What is your charactor- The something Different that was forced to watch. Charator: #2 Name- Seth couldron Age- 20 Gender- soul guy human body guy Hieght- 6"4" Weight- 256 lbs General Appearance- Seth is tall and strong with sunken and defined cheekbones. He has a stern jaw matched up with kind blue eyes. He has pin straight blonde hair that falls over his eyes and the strong hands of some one who ha worked most of their life. He has defined statue like shoulders and neck. His skin is pale and he has freckles on his knuckles. He is very handsom. Charactor Snippit- "We have to find her." Luther sighed dreamily. "We don't even know if she's real. She might only be a myth." Seth warned as he set his sword down. "Oh trust me little cousin... She's out there. She is our last hope." Luther staired at the bed covers that lay over his listless body. "Luther you're going to get better.... you know that right?" Seth grabbed his beloved cousin's hand. "You are far stronger than me. I'm just a mere angel. I am sick I cannot find her... Seth I need you to do something for me." Luther struggled to fid the words. "Anything." Seth smiled in admiration at the man he had idolized since child hood. He had always wished he were Luther. "Please go find her. Find her for me incase I don't get better." Luther starred at the ground. "I can't leave you here!" Seth straightened up. "I'll still be hear when you get back." "How will I know how to find her." "My dream said she's be in a place near the border of two countries that had very hott summers extremely cold winters. This place is in the same colonie as the two fallen brothers and i near the great poluted lake... My guess is upstate N.Y." "It's still a long shot. How will I know it's her." "Trust m cousin. You'll know." What is your chartactor- Half demon half Angel.
  7. [COLOR=DarkRed][B][CENTER]Something Worth Dying For[/CENTER][/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]"Skylar! Skylar! They have her! The council has Miri!" A very pregnant, small woman held up her floor length skirt as she ran. "Dara? They- Oh no. We have to do something!" Skylar tucked her short blonde hair behind her ears as her face began to crease with concern. She was a beautiful, powerful looking woman in her mid twenties. "Why? What will they do with her?" Camellia, a girl far younger than the other two looked up. "They will make an example." Skylar looked her strait in the eyes. Camellia needed no further explanation. She knew exactly what those words meant. [CENTER] Public execution.[/CENTER] In this village there is a council of powerful magic users. Over the years it has advanced to a city. It is as modern as any other such as Vegas, Miami, L.A., NEW YORK City is, and its leaders are just as corrupt. It does not follow the laws of the state or country. It has made it's own. A sisterhood of rebels formed a short while after the council. They keep their memberships secret. It progressed more to an organization of both genders when brothers, husbands, and friends joined. But it still is supposed to be a sisterhood. The council for many years now has been trying to find the ringleaders. If Miri, Skylar, or Didrika were discovered they wouldn't hesitate to take them into custody and execute them without trial. They knew this all to well when they chose this path and their apprentices such as Camellia would one day make this very same decision. "Where is freira?" Dara looked about the room. "Up stairs caring for Didrika. She has got no better. Which is lucky for if she found out she would stop at nothing to free her sister! She might even risk exposing us all!" Skylar warned, as she dialed the phone. "But Miri is her older sister. She practically raised her! Don't you think she deserves to know?" Dar replaced tears with fury. "Deserve to know what?" Freira walked in. "Is like Ken and her eloping? She knows how much I hate him! Oh she's go-" "No." Skylar cut her off. "She is- the council arrested her." Dara began to cry again. Who ever Skylar had called she began talking to. "Oh my god! And you weren't even going to tell me! What did you think I wasn't going to notice?" Freira started for the door. "No just hoping" Skylar said as she stopped her. "Yeah Calix I need you over hear now. Don't bring Bernadette. I love you. Good bye." She talked into the phone before hanging it up. "You can't stop me I'm going now!" She pushed past the woman. "If you leave here. You are no longer a Medea Minya!" Skylar threatened but with no use for the girl had gone any ways. When Skylar's husband Calix arrived they went to the jail to see if they could free Miri. There was no use it was a slim chance they could free her. "We'll try anyway!" Skylar decided. "No. We will be caught! Think of our daughters, Bernadette, Sloan. They need parents. And Astrid. What of her? She needs some one to care for her if we can't save her mother." Calix objected. "Then I will save her so you will not be caught." Skylar shrugged and began to walk away. "Think of the Medea Minya! Who will be left to lead them? Didrika is near death. Only new apprentices remain! Rookies who haven?t even finished their schooling! Our only hope?" He grabbed ahold of her. "My mother had no teacher when she founded the sister-hood." She starred at him coldly. "Your mother was special! They are not like her. Can you picture Camellia assassinating council members with just her mind?" He explained. "Then you still can save her? No one is dependent on your survival." She said before thinking. "Would you put me to my certain death?" He let her go and turned from her. "I didn't mean that!" She tried to grab for him but he pulled away. 'Yes you did. I'm not as important as you are. You didn't mean to say it but you meant what you said." He walked away. "I cannot save you Miri. I am so sorry." She looked at the building for a long moment before turning away. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "Mommy wake up!" A small girl with dark hair pounced on Skylar. "Did your father come home last night?" She sat up. "No. Is he on a mission?" The girl asked. "Shhh. Sloan!" Skylar scolded. Then lowered her voice. "Not around your sister." "She's still sleeping!" Sloan cocked her head. Skylar looked over at her youngest daughter. She was still asleep. How odd? "What do you want?" "I heard that Miri has been captured! ...And Freira left the sister hood." She widened her eyes as she spoke. "You hear alot for a seven year old. We should learn to never underestimate the power of children?s ears huh?" He mother tried to shrug it off. "Wait there's more! Freira tried to help Miri escape and was captured! They had the trial earlier this morning. I don't know the results because I couldn't hear anymore over the crying. Is something bad gonna happen?" "Stay hear and watch your sister." Skylar demanded as she got up and dressed. "But mom! I wanna know what's gonna happen to them! Why won't you tell me!" She wined. "Cause all you need to worry about right now is your chores...... and I don't want you to do the same as freira." She said before leaving the house. She made her way to the Town Square. The platform in the center was already being prepared. She knew what the outcome of the trial was. She could hardly keep from crying. But she had to conceal her emotions. She had to stay strong. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The leaders of the council stood before the crowd. Three men with axes stood behind them. Miri and freira were tied up awaiting their deaths. One of the council?s men held Astrid in the very front, forcing her to watch every second. She was small and blonde like her mother. She was only 3 years old. Bernadette and Sloan stood in the center of the crowd with their father, and the rest of the sister hood stood in the back. "Citizens of Darkville" Lord Edrick began. "You all are hear to witness what happens to those pesky rebels. They die. They try to ruin all that we have created and provided for you. They want the power we have. If any of you media men wish to join them feel free to share their fate. But you want you'll hide among the crowd like the weaklings you are. You pledge your allegiance to a "sister hood" But have no real devotion. ..... What no takers?" "Miri and freira, my beloved sisters, you will not die alone today!" Skylar raised her voice so all could hear. The guard took hold of her and brought her up. "No mommy!" Sloan darted for her but her father took a tight grip on both the girls. "Any one else?" Edrick looked over the crowd. " How convenient three executioners and three people who need to be executed." He smirked. "All of you who have not the courage to die for your sisters, I am disgusted! You are truly not worthy of the name Medea Minya. My mother is watching us now ashamed of her children, all but three. We will be joining her shortly." Skylar announced before her head being tied down along with the others. The men raised their axes and brought them down swiftly. Blood splirted out of their dead bodies and splattered across Astrid?s face before falling to the wood of the platform with a sickening thud. Astrid, Sloan, Calix, Dara, and Bernadette leave that town and never return that day, at least not yet. Camellia filled with guilt decides to assassinate all three executioners. When she attempts to kill Lord Edrick she fails. So she waits until she gains more power in the meantime she takes on the position of leader of the Medea Minya. Didrika does not die but never fully regains her health so cannot take on all responsibility. Calix filled with grief kills him self. Dara adopts Sloan and Bernadette as it stated she must in his will but the state takes Astrid. She gets addopted by two loving parents, who already had three sons and cannot have any more. The mother longs for a daughter so the had decided they'd adopt. Astrid blocks her life before this from her memories. Though she may not remember it consciously she is still haunted by it in her dreams. She is now fifteen, Bernadette is seventeen, and Sloan is nineteen. Eventually everyone?s past catches up to them. Bernadette ends up going to Astrid's school after moving. When the meet she brings with her all of the painful memories and the bond they once had twelve years ago. They then go on a journey with in their selves to find something worth dying for.[/COLOR] Characters: Name: anything you want. Age: (Please keep it appropriate. no child prodigies. Children haven?t had enough training to be the strongest thing on the planet.) Height: (in feet) Weight: (in lbs.) Appearance: (What they look like I either want pictures or vivid discriptions) Bio: (Must give me a sense of the person?s personality and background if you would like to add a character snippet you can.) Location: (town and state) Status: (There are ware creatures. Creatures as in ware wolf ware tiger ext. Magic users, Guardians (super humans who protect man kind only smarter, slightly stronger and faster, and much more creative. what makes them super is they have natural magic that requires no spells), and normal humans.) Element: (Earth, fire, water, or air) Your character must be connected to the people of Darkville in someway or be a part of Darkville this story is about the happenings there. You can have two characters and up to two pets. That's all, sorry it gets crazy if I'm not strict. I think that covers it here are my two characters. [COLOR=Purple]Name: Damion Gellert Age: 19 Height: 6'2" Weight: 180 lbs. Appearance: He is semi-muscular with blonde hair and green eyes. He stands proud with sadness in his emerald eyes. He wears black pants and black shirts in a non-gothic way. He has really defined cheekbones like James Masters (Spike from Buffy) He looks clean cut and gentle but definitely powerful. He has emotion in his eyes unlike his twin brother Zeek. He has a pailer complexion but not like vampire pail. He is very handsome Bio: His mother Camellia had four children with three different men. First she had dark haired Anana Her father left after discovering Camellia was of the Medea Minya. Then she had the twins Cold eyed Zeek with red hair like her and Blonde Damion with his charming smile. Their father lied for Camellia and was caught and executed. She had a one-night stand and then had another daughter that had her red hair green eyes and freckles. (You all can have these characters listed in his bio) He was raised with the burden of his mother?s secret. He never allowed him self to get close to others for fear he might accidentally reveal it. He knows what happened to his mother when she did. Now he is helping her bring down the council. He has one friend hiss wolf, Ohanzee. He has beautiful black fur and is now reaching his eighth year. Location: Darkville, Delaware Status: Ware wolf (Medea Minya) Element: fire Name: Astrid Demeter Age: 15 Height: 5'9" Weight: 130 lbs. Appearance: She is tall with a slender waste and round hips and bust. She has long golden brown blond hair that stretches just past her but. She has high cheekbones and finely chiseled features. She always wears dark lipstick over her full pouty lips. She stands strait but looks to the floor or off in the distance. She has beautiful, large, wide, eager, eyes that change with her many moods. She has a broad face like her Indian father and tan skin. She is a rebel in how she dresses always trying to shock people. She has her nose her tongue and her ears pierced. She is saving up for her belly button. Her nails were painted blood red by her best friend Alexis just before she left for a trip to London. She is 37.5% Indian, 37.5% Korean, and 25% Irish. She normally has green eyes they are greenest when her anger reaches its peak. Bio: Some find her shy, others would say confrontational. She doesn't like to talk to people other than her friends but won't hesitate to defend something. She is always one of the two extremes on everything and is probably the weirdest person on the planet but there are her friends in the competition. She was brutally picked on at school, which caused her never to trust. Though you would think a beautiful, creative, intelligent, girl would be the most popular girl this was not the case. People fear what is different and she refused to conform. So the all turned on her she was the girl who no one would sit near and if they did it was only to call her names, beat on her, spit on her, and destroy her things. The teachers turned their backs. She began taking pride in all the qualities they hated in her. This attracted all of the mistreated and misunderstood. Soon she finally had friends. True friends. She doesn't know her parents adopted her. She has a white huskey type dog who has crystal blue eyes. Her dog?s name is Kamilah meaning perfection. Location: Camden N.Y. Status: Guardian (Medea Minya) Element: Earth[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=SeaGreen][SIZE=4][CENTER][U][B]Something Worth Dying For[/B][/U][/CENTER] [/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=Purple]"Skylar! Skylar! They have her! The council has Miri!" A very pregnant, small woman held up her floor length skirt as she ran. "Dara? They- Oh no. We have to do something!" Skylar tucked her short blonde hair behind her ears as her face began to crease with concern. She was a beautiful, powerful looking woman in her mid twenties. "Why? What will they do with her?" Camellia, a girl far younger than the other two looked up. "They will make an example." Skylar looked her strait in the eyes. Camellia needed no further explanation. She knew exactly what those words meant. Public execution. In this village there is a council of powerful magic users. Over the years it has advanced to a city. It is as modern as any other such as Vegas, Miami, L.A., NEW YORK City is, and its leaders are just as corrupt. It does not follow the laws of the state or country. It has made it's own. A sisterhood of rebels formed a short while after the council. They keep their memberships secret. It progressed more to an organization of both genders when brothers, husbands, and friends joined. But it still is supposed to be a sisterhood. The council for many years now has been trying to find the ringleaders. If Miri, Skylar, or Didrika were discovered they wouldn't hesitate to take them into custody and execute them without trial. They knew this all to well when they chose this path and their apprentices such as Camellia would one day make this very same decision. "Where is freira?" Dara looked about the room. "Up stairs caring for Didrika. She has got no better. Which is lucky for if she found out she would stop at nothing to free her sister! She might even risk exposing us all!" Skylar warned, as she dialed the phone. "But Miri is her older sister. She practically raised her! Don't you think she deserves to know?" Dar replaced tears with fury. "Deserve to know what?" Freira walked in. "Is like Ken and her eloping? She knows how much I hate him! Oh she's go-" "No." Skylar cut her off. "She is- the council arrested her." Dara began to cry again. Who ever Skylar had called she began talking to. "Oh my god! And you weren't even going to tell me! What did you think I wasn't going to notice?" Freira started for the door. "No just hoping" Skylar said as she stopped her. "Yeah Calix I need you over hear now. Don't bring Bernadette. I love you. Good bye." She talked into the phone before hanging it up. "You can't stop me I'm going now!" She pushed past the woman. "If you leave here. You are no longer a Medea Minya!" Skylar threatened but with no use for the girl had gone any ways. When Skylar's husband Calix arrived they went to the jail to see if they could free Miri. There was no use it was a slim chance they could free her. "We'll try anyway!" Skylar decided. "No. We will be caught! Think of our daughters, Bernadette, Sloan. They need parents. And Astrid. What of her? She needs some one to care for her if we can't save her mother." Calix objected. "Then I will save her so you will not be caught." Skylar shrugged and began to walk away. "Think of the Medea Minya! Who will be left to lead them? Didrika is near death. Only new apprentices remain! Rookies who haven?t even finished their schooling! Our only hope?" He grabbed ahold of her. "My mother had no teacher when she founded the sister-hood." She starred at him coldly. "Your mother was special! They are not like her. Can you picture Camellia assassinating council members with just her mind?" He explained. "Then you still can save her? No one is dependent on your survival." She said before thinking. "Would you put me to my certain death?" He let her go and turned from her. "I didn't mean that!" She tried to grab for him but he pulled away. 'Yes you did. I'm not as important as you are. You didn't mean to say it but you meant what you said." He walked away. "I cannot save you Miri. I am so sorry." She looked at the building for a long moment before turning away. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "Mommy wake up!" A small girl with dark hair pounced on Skylar. "Did your father come home last night?" She sat up. "No. Is he on a mission?" The girl asked. "Shhh. Sloan!" Skylar scolded. Then lowered her voice. "Not around your sister." "She's still sleeping!" Sloan cocked her head. Skylar looked over at her youngest daughter. She was still asleep. How odd? "What do you want?" "I heard that Miri has been captured! ...And Freira left the sister hood." She widened her eyes as she spoke. "You hear alot for a seven year old. We should learn to never underestimate the power of children?s ears huh?" He mother tried to shrug it off. "Wait there's more! Freira tried to help Miri escape and was captured! They had the trial earlier this morning. I don't know the results because I couldn't hear anymore over the crying. Is something bad gonna happen?" "Stay hear and watch your sister." Skylar demanded as she got up and dressed. "But mom! I wanna know what's gonna happen to them! Why won't you tell me!" She wined. "Cause all you need to worry about right now is your chores...... and I don't want you to do the same as freira." She said before leaving the house. She made her way to the Town Square. The platform in the center was already being prepared. She knew what the outcome of the trial was. She could hardly keep from crying. But she had to conceal her emotions. She had to stay strong. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The leaders of the council stood before the crowd. Three men with axes stood behind them. Miri and freira were tied up awaiting their deaths. One of the council?s men held Astrid in the very front, forcing her to watch every second. She was small and blonde like her mother. She was only 3 years old. Bernadette and Sloan stood in the center of the crowd with their father, and the rest of the sister hood stood in the back. "Citizens of Darkville" Lord Edrick began. "You all are hear to witness what happens to those pesky rebels. They die. They try to ruin all that we have created and provided for you. They want the power we have. If any of you media men wish to join them feel free to share their fate. But you want you'll hide among the crowd like the weaklings you are. You pledge your allegiance to a "sister hood" But have no real devotion. ..... What no takers?" "Miri and freira, my beloved sisters, you will not die alone today!" Skylar raised her voice so all could hear. The guard took hold of her and brought her up. "No mommy!" Sloan darted for her but her father took a tight grip on both the girls. "Any one else?" Edrick looked over the crowd. " How convenient three executioners and three people who need to be executed." He smirked. "All of you who have not the courage to die for your sisters, I am disgusted! You are truly not worthy of the name Medea Minya. My mother is watching us now ashamed of her children, all but three. We will be joining her shortly." Skylar announced before her head being tied down along with the others. The men raised their axes and brought them down swiftly. Blood splirted out of their dead bodies and splattered across Astrid?s face before falling to the wood of the platform with a sickening thud. [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Astrid, Sloan, Calix, Dara, and Bernadette leave that town and never return that day, at least not yet. Camellia filled with guilt decides to assassinate all three executioners. When she attempts to kill Lord Edrick she fails. So she waits until she gains more power in the meantime she takes on the position of leader of the Medea Minya. Didrika does not die but never fully regains her health so cannot take on all responsibility. Calix filled with grief kills him self. Dara adopts Sloan and Bernadette as it stated she must in his will but the state takes Astrid. Two loving parents, who already had three sons and cannot have any more, adopt her. The mother longs for a daughter so the had decided they'd adopt. Astrid blocks her life before this from her memories. Though she may not remember it consciously she is still haunted by it in her dreams. She is now fifteen, Bernadette is seventeen, and Sloan is nineteen. Eventually everyone?s past catches up to them. Bernadette ends up going to Astrid's school after moving. When the meet she brings with her all of the painful memories and the bond they once had twelve years ago. They then go on a journey with in their selves to find something worth dying for. [/COLOR] [B][CENTER][U]Characters:[/U][/CENTER][/B] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Name: anything you want. Age: (Please keep it appropriate. no child prodigies. Children haven?t had enough training to be the strongest thing on the planet.) Height: (in feet) Weight: (in lbs.) Appearance: (What they look like I either want pictures or vivid explanations) Bio: (Must give me a sense of the person?s personality and background if you would like to add a character snippet you can.) Location: (town and state) Status: (There are ware creatures. Creatures as in ware wolf ware tiger ext. Magic users, Guardians (super humans who protect man kind only smarter, slightly stronger and faster, and much more creative. what makes them super is they have natural magic that requires no spells), and normal humans.) Element: (Earth, fire, water, or air)[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=2][B]Your character must be connected to the people of Darkville in someway or be a part of Darkville this story is about the happenings there. You can have two characters and up to two pets. That's all, sorry it gets crazy if I'm not strict. I think that covers it here are my two characters. [/B][/SIZE] [/COLOR] [COLOR=Indigo]Name: [B]Damion Gellert[/B] Age: 19 Height: 6'2" Weight: 180 lbs. Appearance: He is semi-muscular with blonde hair and green eyes. He stands proud with sadness in his emerald eyes. He wears black pants and black shirts in a non-gothic way. He has really defined cheekbones like James Masters (Spike from Buffy) He looks clean cut and gentle but definitely powerful. He has emotion in his eyes unlike his twin brother Zeek. He has a pailer complexion but not like vampire pail. He is very handsome Bio: His mother Camellia had four children with three different men. First she had dark haired Anana Her father left after discovering Camellia was of the Medea Minya. Then she had the twins Cold eyed Zeek with red hair like her and Blonde Damion with his charming smile. Their father lied for Camellia and was caught and executed. She had a one-night stand and then had another daughter that had her red hair green eyes and freckles. (You all can have these characters listed in his bio) He was raised with the burden of his mother?s secret. He never allowed him self to get close to others for fear he might accidentally reveal it. He knows what happened to his mother when she did. Now he is helping her bring down the council. He has one friend hiss wolf, Ohanzee. He has beautiful black fur and is now reaching his eighth year. Location: Darkville, Delaware Status: Ware wolf (Medea Minya) Element: fire [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid] Name:[B] Astrid Demeter[/B] Age: 15 Height: 5'9" Weight: 130 lbs. Appearance: She is tall with a slender waste and round hips and bust. She has long golden brown blond hair that stretches just past her but. She has high cheekbones and finely chiseled features. She always wears dark lipstick over her full pouty lips. She stands strait but looks to the floor or off in the distance. She has beautiful, large, wide, eager, eyes that change with her many moods. She has a broad face like her Indian father and tan skin. She is a rebel in how she dresses always trying to shock people. She has her nose her tongue and her ears pierced. She is saving up for her belly button. Her nails were painted blood red by her best friend Alexis just before she left for a trip to London. She is 37.5% Indian, 37.5% Korean, and 25% Irish. She normally has green eyes they are greenest when her anger reaches its peak. Bio: Some find her shy, others would say confrontational. She doesn't like to talk to people other than her friends but won't hesitate to defend something. She is always one of the two extremes on everything and is probably the weirdest person on the planet but there are her friends in the competition. She was brutally picked on at school, which caused her never to trust. Though you would think a beautiful, creative, intelligent, girl would be the most popular girl this was not the case. People fear what is different and she refused to conform. So the all turned on her she was the girl who no one would sit near and if they did it was only to call her names, beat on her, spit on her, and destroy her things. The teachers turned their backs. She began taking pride in all the qualities they hated in her. This attracted all of the mistreated and misunderstood. Soon she finally had friends. True friends. She doesn't know her parents adopted her. She has a white huskey type dog who has crystal blue eyes. Her dog?s name is Kamilah meaning perfection. Location: Camden N.Y. Status: Guardian (Medea Minya) Element: Earth[/COLOR]
  9. Hannah-Jabari sat in the basement of the library. She spent alot of time down there reading books. They kept the good books down there. She set down her fastrac cappicino, and glanced at her watch. It was late she had to head home befor her father realised how late it was. She closed her book and put it back on the shelf. She walked up the stairs and heard some sort of scuffle. She was hesitant to check it out.
  10. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Desdemonica had been awake since early morning had just completed her dayly training. She went to the food center to get something to eat. It was about 3. She didn't get junkfood or any thing with sugar. She just got healthy foods. Necessities and ate them quickly. She then went to her room to shower. She finnishe quick then collapsed on her bed still in her roab. She always read a book in her free time.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Name: Hannah-Jabari Maurene Suada Gender:female Race: half human half vampire Position: both Ability:sight and hearing She can see the future and hear everthing she has such keen hearing that she can even sometimes hear thoughts not really a warrier Appearance: She is about 5'9" 130lbs 38" 26" 38" She has curvey hips a round chest and slender waist. She is very pretty. She has wide eyes. A gorgeous shade of green. She has high cheek bones and arched eyebrows. She has full pouty lips often cloaked in a dark lipstick. She has long wavy hair that stretches to her hips and side sweep bangs covering her left eye. It's an either dark blonde or very light brown it's hard to tell and it has an orange tint to it. Personality: She is kind butkeeps with in herself most of the time. She always feels out of place and doesn't get along with much of her human school. She is probably one of the most stubborn people you'l every meet. Character Snippets: "father why are you so overprotective I fifteen." She argued. "You're the only daughter I got and there is a dangerous world out there that you haven't been exposed to yet. I'd like to keep it that way." He explained. "You have three other children." She pointed out. "But you're my only daughter and the youngest." He shot back. "listen I don't want you out after nine. Ever! Period!" "Why Not?" "because their are alot of bad people out at dark. I want you safe at home." He said plainly. "Go to Matt and Nicolette's house but be back by nine." "fine." She gave up and ran out side. * * * * * "Hey chica!" Hannah exclaimed as her friend greeted her with a hug. "Hi hannah." Nicci smiled. Matty smiled and made a dumb laugh. "what's wrong widchu?" Nicci said in her very ghetto voice. "Hi hi hi. I see boobs." He didn't take his eyes off han's chest. "Dushe bag!" The two chorused. "So did you get curfue extended." Nicci asked. "No." Han rolled her eyes. "My dad is as stubborn as I am." "Well what are we going to do?" Nicci said as they all walked into the house. She plopped down on the couch, han sat next to her. Matty smiled for a second then sat down on hannah's lap. The girls burst out laughing and shoved him off of her. Hannah took a deep sigh. "Oh mon deu! What are we going to do?" "We have to bring you home at nine." Nicci nodded. "or you could call and say the adults have returned and you want to spend the night." Matty turned to her. "You could sleep in my bed." Ignoring matty's second comment nicci pointed out the flaw. "but her father would ask to speak with Debbie." "Well Han can make good immatations of people. Changing her voice and such." Matt grinned. "Okay sounds good." Hannah said dialing the phone. "Hello dady Debbie is back can I spend the night?" She tried to sound innocent. "Is matt going to stay in his room?" Mike, hannah's father asked. "Of course daddy Deb wouldn't allow it any other way." " can I speak with deb?" Mike asked. "Of course one moment...[I]Hello Mike[/I]." "Hello Debbie So it's alright and everything if Han spends the night?" Mike asked buying it. "[I]Yes you know I have no problem with her staying here and I assure you matty will keep his hands to himself. We all know that cute little crush he has on Hannah."[/I] "Mom!" Matt yelled like he was embarassed. "Just had to make sure it was allright. Can you put my daughter on the phone?" He actually bought it. "[I]Sure[/I]...Hey daddy So it's okay?" Han smiled. "yes but behave and be careful." * * * * * * The three went to a club that night. At the club some vampires attacked. One of them seemed to vagely reconise hannah. He called her leila. Leila was her mothers name. The three made it out safely and went directly home shaken up terribly. They couldn't tell anyone what they saw and risk being caught in a lie. Besides who would beleive them about "Vampires". the kept the secret to them selves but hannah unlike the others had to know more. She couldn't get out of her head what the vampire said. "Leila." Her father told her she looked just like her mother. Vampires live a long time mby he new her mother when she was younger befor her death. Her and her friends slowly grew apart because of her slight obsession. She later would find out all of te details and miss when she was nieve.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Orange]Xelda-Zuri sat on a boulder. It was late morning by now. She staired at the sun. "It's so bright today." She whispered. She stood up and gathered her things. She only carried essentials. Nic nacs and keep sakes were for people with homes. She didn't belong anywhere. She did have one a necklace made of gold and some sort of orange jewel. Other than that just stuff like a knife, a blanket, flint and steel, Two other alphits, a plain white dress, some rope, eating uttensals, and a staff. She slung the old worn out sack over her sholder and ran off. She was very fast. She was proud of that it din't take her long to reach a village. When she arrived it was very festive appearently from what she gathered there was some sort of traditional carnival going on. Staying to the back allies she carefully counted her money enough for aroom atleast three nights and maby she could do some oddjobs and make some money. Either way she was hungary and was exited that she could get something better than her half ass cooking to eat.[/COLOR]
  13. [SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=SeaGreen][I][B]Name:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Desdemonica Tahirah[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen][I][B]Age:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]21 years[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen][I][B]Gender:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]female[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen][I][B]World of Birth:[/B][/I][/COLOR][COLOR=DarkOrchid] our world[/COLOR] [COLOR=SeaGreen][I][B]Race:[/B][/I][/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Human[/COLOR] [I][B][COLOR=SeaGreen]Appearance:[/COLOR][/B][/I] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]She is tall 5'9" 140 lbs. She is very fit and muscular for a woman. She may act masceline but she doesn't look it. She has a trim waste and round curvy hips as well as a "very full" chest. Her mesurements are about 39" 28" 40"She has long sandy colored hair past her but and gorgeous emerald geen eyes. She is very pretty but crude. She usually wears thick strap tanks or mucsle shirts, combat boots, and black or tan cargo pants with her hair in a tight bun.[/COLOR] [B][I][COLOR=SeaGreen]Personality:[/COLOR][/I][/B] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]She is loud and determined. Some may think she's heartless she just doesn't tolerate winey children posing as soldiers. She is defensive and opinoinated so she doesn't get along with many people. Meaning little friends. Plus she's a bit of a femanist so no boy friends either. [/COLOR] [I][B][COLOR=SeaGreen]Bio:[/COLOR][/B][/I] [COLOR=DarkOrchid]Her mother died giving bith to her. She was the seventh child and the only girl. Her father tried to raise the kids by himself but it was hard and then he got sick so he couldn't work. Eventually he passed away leaving her eldest brother dominick to raise his younger siblings alone. Damion the second oldest quit school to get a full time job. When Desdemonica was sixteen she moved out. She was living with her friend Taylor for a while but in the army she had to move around alot so they lost touch. She is a very skilled Marine. She got an offer from EDRI and out of bordem she went to check it out.[/COLOR] [/FONT][/SIZE] [COLOR=Orange]Name:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Xelda-Zuri Zohiret [/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Age: [/COLOR][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]16 years[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Gender:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]female [/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]World of Birth:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]other world [/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Race:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Ware Tiger[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Appearance:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]She is very petite. She has white hair with pale orange streaks and golden eyes. Her skin is very pail. She has a very cute face. I mean cute as in fuzzy bunnies like a kid. She is 5'5" and 110 pounds. She seems to alays wear boys clothing but ocasionally she does wear a dress. She is very thin and small. and pretty. She is just cursed with looking "cute". Her half and half stateshe is much more muscular has some fur and an almost tiger head but still has many human feaures her full tiger state she is a magnificant white tiger.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Personality: [/COLOR][COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]She is kind hearted in her human form but has a very short temper. It's a little humerous because she is so short and she flips out on people twice the size as her. She is awsome in battle and gets a little too much enjoyment from being so vicious but it's the cat in her. [/COLOR] [COLOR=Orange]Bio:[/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]She has lived alone for quite some time. She became a nomadic at 13. She tries to be tough and rough but no one takes her seriously. She knows much of the world but not when it comes too sexual subject. Then she's completly oblivious. It's funny how nieve she is in that area. Pretty much her parents took care of her untill she could take care of herself. She decided staying stationary sucked and went around making money here and there.[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=DarkGreen]"Honey we're home!" Dillan called as he opened the door. He then set the rabit and the lizzard on the table. "You know it's funny." Sosake began. "The most pecular thing happened while you two were off." "What up Dock?" Dillan sat on the arm of the couch. "Nathan, the land lord, Told me our rent wasn't payed. Now why wo- ahh what the hell is on the table!" Sosake exclaimed. "Oh Sosake meet litia and David." Dillan said picking up the rabit and lizzard. "You bought more pets 2 fish, three dogs, five cat's, a parat and two rat's weren't enough!" Sos yelled angrilly. "Oh but Sosake they were so cute." Aiko begged. "How much did you spend today?" He asked attempting to stay calm. "About $80.00." Dillan shrugged. "AND YOU DIDN'T PAY THE RENT?" Sos screamed. "Chill bro it's cool." Dillan attempted to calm him. "It is not cool!" Sos seemed like he was on the verge of a nervous break down or he had rabies one of the two.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=DarkGreen]"I heard you talking of them. I know you know." Erriku looked at Chalondra. "A gaurdian." She whispered "is none of your buisness." "It is and you will tell me." He looked up at her. "How do you even know that word?" SHe snarled. "I am one." He said loudly. "How do you know?" [/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=DarkGreen]at 5:00 the two siblings realised they had nothing left to do. Aiko had bought some oversised seventies cop sunglasses thet surprisingly looked good on her. Dillan had bought an inuyasha Manga. They had both went to a T-shirt shop and bought two T-shirts each. Aiko's were one that said help end poverty eat the poor on the front and the devil mad me do it on the back, and one that said I screwed my step sister in our past life and on the back said but then she ran off with some blond dude so I killed my self. Dillan's said "It's not a beer gut it's a gas tank for a sex machine" and "The top ten reasons I Reasons I procatonate 1.)....". They went to the arcade. To a fast food resterant bought a lizzard and a rabbit on sale at a pet shop. They had to tap into tne twenty bucks in Aiko's pocket and the came up broke so they walked home. They walk slow so it took a half an hour.[/COLOR]
  17. "You're the little boy from earlier. the freshman. Go home. I haven't the slightest clue what you are talking about, and I assure I know nothing." Chalondra shrugged.
  18. [COLOR=DarkOrchid]"can c-can we get out of here?" Venus was on the verge of tears. "Y-yes of coarse." He ndded to Chalondra and they walked back to the confrnce room to get the wimpy Mr. Obert. "Now I Shall stay and wait for Drake you two bring theese two to the base. There explain the rest." Mr. Euclid Zalmen said dutifully. "Yes sir." Miss Smith nodded and lead the children out to the car. "Wh-What's a Gardian mam?" Venus hurried up to stand beside her. "I shall explain every thing at the base." She replied. "The base?" Venus questioned. "Yes the Base!" Chalondra snapped irritated "must I explain everything?" "I Don't think I want to go with you two." Gal shook his head. "Fine the you can stay at the all so safe school building with the friendly serial killing Vampire." Chalondra replied bluntly. "Ohh." Gal said as he began walking again. "Wait my sister's in there." "Don't worry. Drake has probably already killed it." "Probbly!?! That's not-" He began. "Shut up." She cut him off and got in the drivers seat Venus and Kedem Got in as well. Kedem Was in the front Ven in the back. Gal stood there hesitating. "You coming?" Calondra more comanded then asked. "Come on Gal please?" Ven looked up at him. He opened the door and got in sitting next to Ven. Venus hugged her friend as the car began mooving apearently the conservative organised miss Smith was a reckless driver the base from the out side only appeared to be an old ware house. perfect cover up.[/COLOR]
  19. "Geese he seemed pissed." Dillan smiled. "Looser." Aiko laughed and continued looking at sunglasses. "I am not a looser." He defended him self looking at comic books.
  20. Now the two people laughed at the boy. "No it d-" Smith began but was cut off. "Y-yes exactly it was a sexually transmitted desise now run along back to class to avoid the pilice questioning you." Euclid lied in his thick english accent. He knew the Vampire fed off the two.
  21. Dillan And Aiko watched as Erriku once again entered the shop. "Dush bag." Aiko giggled. "He always is out of breath cause he never walks just runs." Dillan went on. "Not at all like us slackers. Naahh. We just chill and take our sweat time. Let it go were it wants." She said in a mock stoner voice. When the looked back at Erriku he was glaring at them. "Shit think he heard us?" Dillan asked. "AA DUHHH." She said sarcastically.
  22. Drake looked up at the vent "he escaped through there." he lept up and crawled in. "W- where is he going?" Taurus asked breathing heavilly. "To slay a Vampire." Euclid said pulling out a hanker chief and using it ti wipe the blood off his face. "Has the other one one been infected with the virus?" I Can't tell I'm taking a blood sample Chalondra said carfully puncturing the half dead girls skin with a needle. She pulled a science kit out of her briefcas and did some doctery stuff. "no." "B-but I thought You changed just by being bitten?" Gal said between vomitting. "No Not always. It's sort of like a sexually transmitted desise." Miss Smith attempted to explain while putting her belongings away. "It can only be contractted by exchanging bodily fluids in any way blood, siliva,... Semon." The school nurse ran in and the fainted.
  23. "A-a-a-a V-vampire attacked some one?" Venus said confused. "I am very certain." Erriku confirmed and led miss smith and Mr. Zalman to the bathroom. Drake rushed after. Gal and Ven walked nervously behind them. "A Vampire?" She asked again "Sounds like it." Gallagher nodded. When they arrived Ven had to take a step back. It was a bloody mess. the smell consumed the room. There wer two bodies now. Gallagher didn't just take a step back he vomited. Miss Smith checked the pulse. "THis ones still alive." venus peered at the brused face. It was Coral Wembly. One of th prettiest and most popular girls in school.
  24. "Did you see that chick?" Dillan smiled. "The one speading past us." Aiko made a motion with her hant that looked like a plain taking off. "Yeah here I think she was checkin me out." He smiled proudly. Aiko burst out laughing. "Hah! Like any girl would do that! Please! She was probably looking at you gay ass pants." "Hey every one knows I'm a total catch." He put out his hands displaying himself and then did a turn. "That why you can't keep a girlfriend?" She rolled her eyes she knew her brother was hott but to her he was her goofy Dillan. "No It' cause you alays lie to them so they won't want to see me ever again with kioko You said I had three other girlfriends and a boyfriend. Yeah she told me and wouldn't let me explain. And Simone, I don't even know what you said to her! Frankly I think you're jealous." Dillan said. "I never did that. You're so paranoid. besides they weren't good enough for you anyways. They were all bitches and sluts not right for you." She explained. "Yeah let me decide next time Kay." He opened the door to the convient store and walked in.
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