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Everything posted by Lightning_Baron

  1. thanx kottonknot, i went to the UK ebay, some good prices but not many gundam wing stuff, found a couple of TG 1/144 models tho, now wheres my perants mastercard, ebay dont take debit cards....... :devil:
  2. thanx man, ill go try it, i just hope theyll accapt solo debit cards :D
  3. i have acid pro but i dont use it, i dont have a manual and dont really like wot i know of it that much
  4. i like mine strong with only a little bit of milk in it, i also like cappacinos (sp?) and i drink tea with milk and 2 sugars
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kottonknot [/i] [B] eJay, Mixman or Fruityloops? :P I use Frootyloops 3...it rules. [/B][/QUOTE] ive used fruityloops 2.x (summat) a bit, its good, ejay its wot got me started, i now use programs like rebirth, jeskola buzz, ocasionally Cubase, and cool edit for editing my samples, havent actually finished a track in ages tho, i always get about halfway then think it doesnt sound good anymore and just delete it, but i think everyone gets board when u hear the same thing over and over just so u can edit bits to sound right
  6. yeah and like we said he uses a device, and like we said that is only because he wants to be more powerfull that he cant be lvl 2/3/4 naturally, like goku said in one of the cell eps, they become a super saiya-jin through a need, while with vegeta to be anymore than a "super" super saiya-jin its a want, as he wants to better kakkarot/goku
  7. id love to get some models, ive been wanting a TallGeese that i can have on my desk for ages, but living in a small town doesnt help, and the fact its also in the UK makes it worse, there was on good model shop near by but it closed down, i suppose summat like amazon etc might have them, but i dont have a credit card either, bugga!
  8. yeah ive seen the pillan one before, infact im sure its on my harddrive somewhere, anyway, ya, there made up :D
  9. im an "amature" dance music producer, computer + programs + me = dance tracks
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chauien [/i] [B]hmmmmm i reckon goku is the best even though vegita trains a lot harder than goku his good side always somehow gives sorta extra power [/B][/QUOTE] thats because vegetas greed for more power and all that prevents him from going anyfurther than a "super" super saiya-jin, while gokus pure heart and good (boooooo) allows him to go further, unless u go into DBGT, and even then i think vegeta uses some kind of divice to reach lvl4, so i read anyway, not entirly sure on that! i think vegeta is best by far!
  11. wing zero out of those, but i think TG was best, it whooped *** when it first apeared and with Zechs struggling to learn to pilot it it made it look very powerful!
  12. Zechs Merquise obviously, my anime idol!!!!! and and hi guys, new to the boards :rolleyes:
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