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Kawaii Naru

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About Kawaii Naru

  • Birthday March 19

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    Kawaii Naru chan

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  1. I am a huge fan of this anime. I'm not sure how the frenzy for it died away--I know it used to be really popular when I was around 4-6 years of age. And yes, I watched it then, too. I remember I would wake up at 6 am every morning JUST to see the show. I was so fascinated by it even though I didn't really understand the gist of it. I thought that Sailor Moon was so pretty, and I wanted to be just like her. ^^ That was then. After it was taken off tv, I lost interest in it. But, in recent times, out of curiousity, I picked it up again. Now, it is one of my favorite animes. Of course, I understand it a lot more now than I did when I was 4. A bit juvenile at times, I can't help but applaud it for being awesome. It really punches feminism up a noch, and proves that girls REALLY can rock, while staying beautiful and sexy at the same time. My favorite character would have to be Sailor Saturn/Hotaru. Our personalities are quite the same, and I admire how she is so different than the other soldiers. I'm not sure why, but I have always held a liking for the distant ones. Besides her, my other favorites would have to be Sailors Venus and Uranus. Venus has the most adorable personality, and Uranus has the kick-*** atitude. Gotta love them. ^^ My favorite movie is Sailor Moon S. I love the plot and the little love story behind it. Romantic, I am.
  2. Ehm, I come here once a week or so. I love debating and such, but I am more of a fan of MyO than OB, so I am on there most of the time. (User name Brokenkokoro if anyone wants to check my site out) I'm sort of new to OB, so I don't know that many people here. Perhaps that's why I don't show up a lot. Who knows. *shrugs* But, most of the time when I am here, I am bored because there is nothing to do on MyO. ^^
  3. The number one thing on my wish list is..... *drumroll* A portable dvd player!! Ok, so it's not that exciting. But, I really x100 want one. The reason is: I watch anime 24/7. No joke. But, when I do so, I have to shut myself in my room and watch it. There is a dvd player in the family room, but my parents aren't the hugest fans of anime, so most of the time I am forced to watch it upstairs. Sometimes this makes me upset because I like spending time with my family, but, I don't want to take time away from my anime-watching time either. With a portable dvd player, I'll be able to accomplish both. ^_^
  4. [quote name='evillilwinch']I am madly in love with the guy that my friend likes too. But he has no interests in her. I mean me and him flirt all the time and I think it bugs her, but I'm afraid that if I tell him I like him, that he'll back off or somethinf I dunno what to do. Help me please! :( :( :( :( :( :( :confused: :confused: :love: :love: :love:[/quote] This is tough. First off, I suggest you back away from this guy. If you and your friend both like him, you, him, and your friend are all headed for rough waters. Does your friend know that you like him? If she doesn't, I suggest you tell her now. There's no point in keeping secrets from her, because it will just cause more hurt feelings in the end. Like I said before, back away from the guy. If you start making moves on him/dating him/whatever, your friend is going to be hurt. If you want to risk the friendship, fine, but if you don't, taking my advice would be best because guys come and go. Friends are priceless. However, if you want to ask her if she doesn't mind you dating him, you can do that. If she says that she doesn't care, then it would be ok for you to go out with him. Hope it helps.
  5. Like you, I have clinical depression. I was diagnosed at the beginning of September, 2004, and I have been taking medication and seeing a psychologist ever since. I used to be suicidal too, but that went away once I started to get help. It all started back when I was 13 and I was overwhelmed with immense pain when my first boyfriend dumped me. I guess that was when the Depression was triggered inside of me, because I was miserable ever since. Except then, I didn't know it was Depression. This past summer things started to get worse. I was depressed almost every day and thinking suicidal thoughts, but I never told anyone because I did not want anyone to worry about me. Finally, my close friend Danielle found out. Next, I told my best friend. She encouraged me to tell my parents, but I refused. I was afraid of their reaction. But then, things got out of hand. One day at school, I was so upset that I was ready to kill myself right then and there. All I could think about doing was talking to my mother. I wanted to talk to her so bad. I needed help, so I went to the guidance counselor and spilled everything. She immediately called my parents up and told them what was wrong, and since then, I've been traveling on a better road. Right now I am doing much better than I was three months ago. That doesn't mean I still don't get depressed at times. But, I have stopped having suicidal thoughts. Life is too precious to waste, and killing myself isn't an option. Just remember if you ever need to talk about things, you can always come to me, because I know what you are going through.
  6. My favorite anime character would have to be Hotaru Tomoe from Sailor Moon.... [color=#503f86][size=1][b]Welcome to OtakuBoards, Kawaii Naru. Please try and add more detail to your posts in future- generally, posts this short are deleted as spam; if you have any questions, be sure to check out the FAQ and Rules pages on the sidebar menu to the left or PM a Moderator if there's still anything that you're concerned with. -Solo[/size][/color][/b]
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