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    anime lover
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    nothing sadly

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  1. [COLOR=MediumTurquoise]Zisagawa and kitten where walking down the street.When he notice his wallet was gone."Hey where's my wallet""Mines is missing too."Kitten said as they were walking and then zisagawa notice a mech shop."Hey look a mech shop they might have fuel and mech parts lets go in""okay."Kitten said as they walked into the shop and broght some fuel and zisagawa broght a whole bunch of mech parts."So want to go back to my mech?""Yea sure"Kitten said as they walked to his mech."This is the Wardraft-X2"he pointed to his mech. "Cool"Kitten said as they jumped in after he put the fuel in.Then the mech transformed into it's walking form and started to look for the blueprints to her ship."So where is this thing exactly?"[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Zisagawa was flying his mech when he was almost out of gas."O man."He said to himself"why me!"*Then he saw a planet*"Maybe they have some fuel."*He said as he landed on the planet which he didn't have a good landing on.**Then he jumped out his mechand looked around.*"Cool planet wonder what there is to do and i wonder if the have gas."*So he was walking when he saw a gas station.**So he started to run but before he got there he saw a girl.**But he was going to fast to stop.**And then he bumped into her and then he looked at her and said to himself.*"[I]What a beautiful girl.[/I]"[/COLOR]
  3. Name:Koga Munsume Age: 16 Gender: male Friend: Appearance:My banner and avatar Race:Angel Grade/Occupation:10 th Bio: Moved from his home town a far away town and his now in this new high school with no friends yet. Plus hes a angel so he thinks people are going to think he is a freak.He used to fight alot in his old town and he was a very good artist but was a trouble maker but he hopes to change in his new school for the best.He lives with his ant val but his uncle died before he was born. His parents died a while ago when he was young and he hopes to have a good three year's at this school.
  4. Koga had just logged in. [COLOR=Gray]"Were would you like to start off? Mech Workshop Junk yard [B]Last save point"[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Last save point plz. Then his charecter was transported to the last save point which was a planet that had a lot of scarpe mech parts.Then he saw that he had a message he was going to answer it later but it might be urject so he aswered it.[/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray]"One new message from Dino would you like to answer it?" [COLOR=Gray]"Yes"[/COLOR] "[COLOR=Gray]Ten zenie plz"[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]He then gave up the zenie and then e heard his message."Hey zis were are ya i been waiting to see your new mech.You been saying it is the best in the world.And i want to see it for my self and see if it conpares to mine."[/COLOR] [COLOR=Gray]"End of message no more messges would you like to save now? [B]Yes[/B] no Saving ...... ...... ....... ..... saving complete[/COLOR] [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Then Zisagawa found his mech and transformed it into its aircraft form. And took of for Dino's House on a different planet..........[/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Actual Name:Koga Natsume Actual age:16 Username: zisagawa User age:18 Level: 8 Class: Custom Class~~ [U]Mech Hunter[/U] Mech Hunter does that sound like a good name he finds like old mech parts and rare items to make like untimate mech's and other invetions. Stats: Angel Swordsman Strength:5 Accuracy: 5 Intelligence: 5 Handywork: 5 Luck: 5 Appearence:My picey[/COLOR]
  6. Can you make me a banner and avatar with the pic below? I just want my name on it and all the cool things. [img]http://wallpapers.theotaku.com/wallpapers/640_by_480/1400-20041129091609.jpg[/img] [color=#008080]I haven't been very good about enforcing this rule, but we ask that you place the topic of the banner in your thread name. Since yours doesn't really cover a particular franchise, the fact that you have a picture to use is sufficient enough and helps to be mentioned. ^_^ -Syk3[/color]
  7. I think i have a bad habit of................ Almost falling asleep in class.I hate falling asleep in class it seems everyday i do that.
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