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About Halo102

  • Birthday May 6

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  1. I had a dream that was in anime but didnt have a character from any anime iv ever actually seen. A girl with short green hair was fighting a tiger with a tiny knife, some how she beat it and was really exhausted. It was only after the tiger was dead that the wounds started to apear on her body. A bit screwed up i geuss but meh...
  2. As long as you realise the voices or people are cretions of your own imagination then theres nothing wrong with that. I used to pretend that I had someone with me to talk to when I was by myself.
  3. I dont know if this really counts because I had to save myself but ill post it anyway. I think it was my last year of school and I was walking home. I had to cross the main road in to our town and alothough it is the main road its not very busy. I went to the pedestrian crossing and pressed the lights, when the lights changed I started to cross. When i got to the middle of the road I luckilly looked to my left (UK, cars drive on the left) and saw a car right there speeding straght towards me, there was no way he would have stopped in time for the lights so i had to leap backwards so he didnt hit me. He sped right through the red light with a phone clapped to his ear. I was lucky that I could move fast enough but there was a woman walking behind me with a toddler walking at each arm, theres no way they wouldv all got out the way fast enouth if our places had been switched. I was to shook up to take note of his number plate, else I wouldv reportrd him. In fact walking the rest of the way home I was so beside myself I almost walked out in front of another car. To this day I cant stand people who speed and I have a healthy fear of roads.
  4. I never bought final fantasy X-2 because I found the first game such a dissapointment. I couldn't get in to it at all mainly because I just didnt like the characters, some of them were downright annoying. The graphics were beutiful and admittedly i got quite far into the game but there just wasnt eough to the story to make me want to carry on. the best thing about it was the blitz ball, that was pretty cool.
  5. Well done! have a great time liamc2! I just sent in my application to university (in the UK) today, I made the deadline but only just. Hopefully il get in and be albe to move out and be a skint student for 4 years. apart from the year ill be working (its a sandwhich course). Also the government are bringing grants and fee subsadies (sp?) back so i should qualify for that. They also have that thing where you dont have to pay back your loan untill you earn more then £15,000. I dont know how that compares to AU$35000 though.
  6. Wow thats a really sweet story and I wish you the best of luck. My current romance has been going for just over two years now, I'm very happy with it and my boy friend seems to be too. We met at school and started going out in our final year. I didnt put to much into hopeing it would work out because I wasnt very populer at my old school and thought he would drop me like a hot brick once people started saying things behind our backs. People did say things but his attitude was "Im going out with her, its our business, you got a problem with that?" which totally bowled me over. We have our ups and downs like any couple but there seems to be more ups then downs.
  7. I geuss what really attracted me too my current boyfriend (whos lovely, I think so anyway). Is that hes genuine, and he likes me for who I am and stuck with me regardless of what other people thought of me. Apart from that hes playful which is always a plus and is pretty chivoulrus (in a sweet way, not a freaky controlling way). And he likes to pick me up and spin me around, but that may not work for every girl. Hope that helps
  8. Have you every read Peach Girl by Miwa Ueda? In that theres a very chunky, not incredible looking character. Yet the slim, tanned, big eyed beuty main character momo finds that one of her love intrests is still hanging on for the chunky chick because she has a wonderful personality. I know thats just as cliche in its own way but it proves my point.
  9. If I like an anime (or a game for that matter) the first thing I do generally is hop online and find a load of wallpapers or screensavers and stuff like that. I dunno y really, just one of those things :laugh:
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