I dont know if this really counts because I had to save myself but ill post it anyway.
I think it was my last year of school and I was walking home. I had to cross the main road in to our town and alothough it is the main road its not very busy. I went to the pedestrian crossing and pressed the lights, when the lights changed I started to cross.
When i got to the middle of the road I luckilly looked to my left (UK, cars drive on the left) and saw a car right there speeding straght towards me, there was no way he would have stopped in time for the lights so i had to leap backwards so he didnt hit me. He sped right through the red light with a phone clapped to his ear.
I was lucky that I could move fast enough but there was a woman walking behind me with a toddler walking at each arm, theres no way they wouldv all got out the way fast enouth if our places had been switched.
I was to shook up to take note of his number plate, else I wouldv reportrd him. In fact walking the rest of the way home I was so beside myself I almost walked out in front of another car. To this day I cant stand people who speed and I have a healthy fear of roads.