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Everything posted by ice-kitsune

  1. i had just skimmed through the 1st book of it and seems very interesting. i'am trying to get it some time and am looking forward to reading it. the art seems very nice and characters look very nice.
  2. freshman in high school and I plan to be an actor or voice director. Ive been told to have the talent and all that so yeah. Im planning on getting a scholarship in order to get into a good private school with good classes on acting. not sure what college but Ill figure it out some time...
  3. yes i have read all the books of fushigi yuugi (or all the ones that are out) though on book 9 i believe i only skimmed it ^^' it's nice but personally i think miaka gets a bit annoying and yui should really settle down a bit with her jelousy and anger, though the characters are very nice in it ^^
  4. okay, i love this manga and it's great but they should have made it longer. though i was a bit dissapointed with the fact that hasunuma changed so much in book 2. just wondering if any one besides me has read this ^^
  5. im 14 and 1/2. i joined OB only a while ago. I know a few people who are their 20s and they like anime. some of them are cool while others are just plain weird. though it's a lot of fun to hang with them.
  6. okay well if it's a love poem you want, then here goes. it all really depends on how you feel about her and what you might want to say to her. also it depends on the type of guy you are. here's a example of some thing though it's probably terrible, don't make fun walking along with no one here yet out of the darkness you come near then at first sight i shy from your eyes yet as time passes my love flies i realize my feelings knew and strange this tingling sensation sits out of range your smiles are warming your voice is soft your presence is soothing though its not enough wish to love you always be free being right by you filled with glee :sweat: yeah it's lame, i just thought of it from the top of my head. -.-' that's it, i can never show my face here again... well technically not my face, but whatever. this is more of the sappy type of guy poem... i guess... so yeah it all really depends on how youd like your peom to sound. ^^
  7. i probably didn't really start watching anime till i was like around the age of... 12 or 13... or i think that's what my age was. i was never really introduced to it till i met some friends who were into anime. that's basically how i got started. though i haven't really watched that much anime even now. don't really have time and mostly i just draw pictures from different anime that my friends requested.
  8. :haha: yeah i have like a single pair of leather pants but i dont know where they went... they just sorta dissapeared on me... i wear a lot of black too... well last year i did, but now a days im more into the blend of black and white or just blue and blue, black and black. you know, same color just simple. dont want to make things too complicated
  9. such a kawaii banner. it's so bright and happy and lightens every thing up. as for the border, maybe try a unique shade of either lavender (lilac) or maybe a special sandy yellow. i don't know, it's already great the way it is.
  10. *laugh* that's so cute. and yes i would love to have his clothe (especially the shirts) and his pants are nice too... though ive never thought of it that way before. i think he looks extremely good in black and a tanish yellow color. and white too (i mean who wouldn't look good in white?) his clothing style is just so perfect and just great. i dress kinda like him at times but yeah
  11. yes, Gackt is a very sexy man and even with his make up he looks good. i personally like it when his got make up on, but with out make up his good too. i just like him all and all, make up or no make up. not to mention his clothe are just to die for... sorry... dont know where that came from... :haha:
  12. well, i dont blame her for teasing you, on a count Gackt is such a easy person to be warped and that kind of stuff. (you know what i'm saying) one of my friend (a girl) she absolutely hates Gackt and she said it to my face. i guess i was shocked at first but then i just ignored it. We got into this long argument on whether he was good looking or not. i had a picture of gackt on my computer and so she asked this random guy sitting beside me whether he thought Gackt was a girl or guy. of course the guy said that Gackt was a girl and my friend told him that he was actually a guy. the guy got this creaped out look on his face then he argued with her, saying that Gackt was not a guy. i was stuck in the middle hearing them yell at each other over the most rediculouse thing. some times people are just too persistant and stubborn for their own good. Gackt is a pretty face and i believe it's just wrong to insult that. though my friend always bugs me about it (ive told her to stop and she does but then she'd start all over again) i just dont let what other people say get to me ^^ tune them out that's all. your cute too ^^
  13. lol, your friend sounds like a anti-social type. (much like me) well, lots of my friends think Gackt looks like a girl, but i don't. though i've long given up on trying to convince them into realizing that he doesn't look like a girl. i just let them think whatever.
  14. heh, i'm i'm very flattered and... yeah. :blush: no, Gackt doesn't look like a girl and even if he did, i wouldn't be complaining. ^^ you're very sweet you know. why would your friend say Gackt looks like a girl?
  15. judging from what's happened to you, i'd say that girl is probably just too bored for her own good. so, i suppose she comes up with the brightest idea of just trying to pick a fight with some one. how much you want to bet that if you had gone after her she'd probably have been scraed out of her pants. such ignorant people are not worth any of your time. it's just a sign that some people in this world are just really not even worth being here. (im not wishing for any one to die though. that's not what im implying) ignoring her was a good thing, but then again. if she kept at it then if i were you, i would have given her what she deserved. this just shows you the types of fool in this world. i've never been bullied on before (probably cause people knew better and a old friend of mine was always there for me) but i have had friends who suffured from it. perhaps have some one be with you, two is always better than one as they'd say. *shrug* i guess it would work
  16. actually, i think most people would just hug him and drool. i mean, how could you even think up of some thing to say to such a gorgeouse guy? i for one would just stand there staring at his pretty face and nice body. his just too good to even talk to. only way to show your feelings is to hug him and... (if your like Miryoku, you can grab his butt) ^^' wow... that was just very out there... hehe, your a very interesting person Miryoku ^^
  17. if gackt did some how come over to the US then i'm sure some people would be going crazy. i know some one who will *looks at Miryoku* heh... sorry but i had to. well, it would be very nice if Gackt did come for a tour. that would be awesome. Gackt is indeed a very... special person and he does have many talents that can't even be compared with.
  18. i don't really have any hobbies. though i do draw A LOT and i have wrote LOTS of romance and angyst stories. many of them are requests from friends while others are just to pass time. i also love to go on the comp and talk to people and yeah. (like who wouldn't? that was just lame :blush: ) this might seem a bit odd... but for me i love to make things... much like my family. i love to cook and i love to decorate... i know i know... i guess it's odd for a guy to do those things... but hey, it's just me. :angel: i make lots of cakes and deserts. that's what i'm best at and it comes in handy often. (and i mean OFTEN)
  19. i'm glad your happy :) hehe i love you too :love: (no clue where that came from) well Gackt is a very interesting person. im not sure why, but i really like the clothe he wears and his pictures are all so gorgeouse. there is always one sort of his characteristic that people would like or find good. even if you might not find him attractive, you could always like his voice. or the way he dresses or his hair or... um... yeah... i think we all get the point. :o
  20. it all really depends on how the characters look. some would look better in the manga. while others look better in the anime. though i prefer manga. (that's only cause i get the ones with the good looking characters) i like the manga cause then i can draw them right off the bat, unlike animes which you don't have it there with you any time. Besides you've got all those pictures to drool over. anime is fun too but you can't really draw from just casting one look at the characters.
  21. for me... i'd say a bit of punk, abit of goth and a lot of my own style. i actually tend to wear things that are comfortable but also very unique and it has to make me look good. i wear a lot of fancy clothing... i'm a bit of a... elegant person, i guess you could say it as that. though my best prefered style is defenitly black pants and an open t-shirt. the t-shirt has to be either black or a dark shade of blue. Though it's a pitty we can't dress that way in school, but i'm very much like that at home. (mostly unless my parents tell me to fix my clothe)
  22. hehe, thank you for calling me cute. i get that quite often so i'm very much use to it. well... i'm sure you were very hyper. (you are very much like shuichi) sorry... don't know where that came from. well, i don't know if any one can actually compare to Gackt. in my own oppinion i dout any one can take Gackts' place for any thing. don't give up your hopes on Gackt! i'm sure there's always some one out there ^^ (even if it might not exactly be Gackt)
  23. i heard that Erie Queerie is more of a humor type of story. (or so i've heard) still my friend has all... four books i believe? (there are four right?) and i get to borrow them after this other person read them. i can't wait to get them^^ i'm also getting Demon Diary for Christmas from my friend (who is very generouse to get it for me) I've got a question, is Fruits Basket counted as a sort of Shonen-ai? Cause that's what it seems like to me. though i'm not sure about it...
  24. lol, well actually i dout there is a single person in the world who would not find Gackt attractive. it's just in his nature and all that. he was born with a gift and a talent. your hair sound very nice ^^ id love to have hair like that, but lets just say my hair is pretty good just the way it is. i don't pay much attention to it. yes i know my friend has good taste and that's why it's fun to be with him. his the one who basically showed me every thing. lol yes some time in the way future. im sure there's still a light some where for Gackt to turn around. or maybe he'll have a twin brother or some thing ^^ sorry, my imagination's getting abit out of hand... eh? what exactly are you trying to ask me? im just a tad bit confused. by what do you mean 'am i taken?' (if you don't mind clearing that up cause im not quite following up with you) ^^' sorry i'm kind of slow today
  25. gee miryoku, your seriously obessed with Gackt aren't you? You're almost as bad as a friend of mine. Some times we all wonder if Gackt is the only thing he thinks about. he basically dreams about Gackt, eats Gackt, breath Gackt... i mean... you name it. his so obsessive that some times it's really hard to pry him off the subject. it's fun though cause then we've all got some thing to talk about. though it is sad that Gackt is very much straight (just as Moi said) still there is alway hope for the future and i mean FUTURE
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