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Everything posted by ice-kitsune
For me, i guess i'd have to say Gravitation aswell. on a count that it's basically the only "well known" shonen ai manga. Though I also love Demon Diary very much. The characters are just great and Rae and Eclipse make such a kawaii couple. Not to mention all the characters are unbelievably hot. (even if there are basically only guys) I'm not sure about whether this one counts and i don't know if any one else had read this, but I've just read Juvenile Orion. It's such a cute manga! The characters are just wonderful and i'm madly and hopelessly in love with Tsukasa Amou. His such a cutie and my friends and i are all very sure that he and his so called "father" are both gay together. it's just so sweet the way they interact with one another. Still i dout many people will have the slightest clue as to what i'm talking about.
Anime Least favorite male and/ or female villian
ice-kitsune replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Otaku Central
okay this might not be quite a villian, but i hate any type of anime girls who are way too sensitive. expecially those who cry and sigh and whine and whimper and all that type of stuff. it just gets really annoying after a short period of time. right back to the proper subject... least favorite male villian- i really don't have a least favorite. I actually tend to like the male villians most of the time. don't know why, but lot of time i find my self liking the villian more than the "hero" as you would call them. least favorite female villian- i despice Kagura from Inuyasha as well. she gets on my nerves all the time. if she's such a wimp and she want's to betray Naraku then why doesn't he just kill her? I mean it'll be easy and fast and won't make a big mess at all. Kagura is just too rediculouse that you can't even describe how useless and impossible she is. the show would go so much better if she were eliminated. that's basically it, im really not a hater towards villains -
i've heard of fruits basket a lot, but really have not seen it much. i only hear that it's really good and there are lots of great characters on it. i've been introduced to most of the people on it. (actually my friend forced me to sit by him as he showed me all the characters and that was a big pain) i only remeber the names Yuki, Kyou, Shigure (i think that's his name) and Ayame. i like Ayame a lot, but im not sure just as to why that is... when i first saw him i thought he was a girl, but then when i took a closer look i realized it was actually a guy. My friend says that it takes a lot of guts for a guy like him to go around dressed like that. i guess his right... the things that Ayame wear are just some times way too weird. i don't know if i'm right, but i heard that he owned some type of a store or something? is that right? also that his like Yuki's brother? well there are just way too many characters in that anime. i don't think i could ever remeber them all.
this is a rather odd topic. since i just talked about this in health class at my school. but none the less, i really dont think about death that much. well i do, but im never really worrying about it. its just some thing that comes and you cant escape from it. people come and people go and you just need to deal with it. i for one am looking forward to death and cant wait for it to come. its just a subject waiting to be warped if youd ask me.
i personaly prefer songs by ayumi hamasaki and gackt. i just started to like gackt about a few months ago and ayumi is just out there all the time. they are both great and have wonderful voices and are both good looking. ayumi looks like some one i know and gackt is just like a dream. though some of my friends are trying to get me hooked on dir en grey. dont really know much about those guys so im planning to just stick with gackt and ayumi.
i absolutely love gackt. he is beyong best and i cant imagine any one who could possibly not find him attractive. he puts girls to shame as ive heard from some of my friends. i admire his songs and his just too good to not love. one of my girl friends argue with me over the fact that he is not a guy. though i assured to her that he is she still wouldnt believe me. not even till this day. ive got pics of him though many ive given to my girl friends since they beg for it.
i think the movie was very humorous. it was funny on one hand but also very odd on the other. i never really expected it to turn out the way it is. since the previews made it seem so much different than what it really was. it was very entertaining though i didnt get to enjoy it too much on a count my little cousin was crawling all over me while we were watching it. he kept kicking me while the suppositly "scary" parts would come on. all and all it was a excellent movie. still i think some characters could have used just a little help...
do you mean as in spiral the anime? the one with that one guy and those other guys and girls in it? well, if that is what youre talking about then i would say i love it. it's one of the best mystery/detective anime ever. i do believe that it is even better than case closed. (no offence to conni fans out there) when i had first found out about it i feel in love with eyes rutherford. he is the cutest guy in it and also same for canone. they are both my favorite characters and i love the way that they get along and interact with each other. i find the realtionship between the two of them is very intriging i feel very connected to eyes because we are very much a like and i mean VERY MUCH. much like him i play the piano quite well though i dont take lessons. hehe i teach my self. he and i have the same cold calm attitude and its just odd how alike we are. though theres always some one just like that in every anime made.(isnt that just odd?) also i have a friend whom im quite close to and i would only open my self up to him. sorta like eyes to canone. well, its a great anime and the art and characters are to die for.
this isnt really a dream job, but close enough. im planning to be an actor or one of those voice poeple. (whatever it's late and i cant think, you all get my point and if you dont then never mind) though many adults say i should be a author... right like thatll ever happen. (i write a lot) im in drama right now. its pretty fun but also embarrasing when you do something stupid. cause youve got to talk to your self and all that. at those times i just give up cause i cant talk to my self. it just wont happen no matter what. i would also want to be a singer or some thing. ive been told to have a "beautiful" voice. i did solo emsemble at my school for chorus and i actually got a gold! it was my first time ever, too. i almost died when i heard that i got a gold. im going to do it next year and try to move on to the nations. or whatever its called. well, thats it... not much to it and im hoping that itll happen some day.
well, the inuyasha one is great. its just that you might have brought his lower chin up too early. the further side of his face is a bit too straight for comfort. which gives him a geometric look and less relaxed and human like. (not that inuyahsa is even human)you did a excellant job on his neck, hair, side locks, ears and clothing. there's just a bit of some thing sort of not right with his eyes... maybe the closer one is a tad bit too small. also his mouth seems a bit too tense for his own sake. inuyasha may be ignorant, but im sure his not that bad. though its a very good drawing all and all. nice job on it. id give you a thumps up if only i had a thump... O.o joking
favorite character...? that's a real tough one... i really dont have A favorite. it just usually depends on what im obsessing over at the moment. for now im crazy about some guy named Misonou Kai and his a total hottie... there's also Ousaka Chris, Hamura Shou, Mizuochi Sena, Wakaba, Uesugi Nagi and last but not least Aoki Naoto... losts of names... i know... well those are the people whom im obsessed with for the time being. still all the other animes are great too. im just not going crazy over them for now but ill make my way back.
wow... quite a few people with quite some stories here. don't really have any serious types of depression stuff like some of the ones listed above. im just a anti-social person and i only talk to people who have some how managed to have gotten close enough to me to be called "my friends". i keep things bottled up in side and i smile all the time. every one thinks im really nice and friendly (which i am) and very jolly happy. always smiling, having the perfect parents, living a perfect life and that im rich and all. though they never really know me well enough. i had cut my wrists before... though i wasnt sure if i was trying to suicide. (not sure if youd call this going through depression) i then was caught cause one of my friends told the counsler that i had brought a pocket knife to school. i wasnt going to use it on others i just brought it cause for some reason... it made me feel calm. it made me feel safe to know that i had it there. i was told to not do it again and that its not good. my parents really werent mad about it, they just told me they were very dissapointed. (same old parents talk) then i did stop for a year, but then it came back again and now ive continued to just scrape at my wrist every now and then when im very sad or upset.( though it rarely happeds) im still alive so thats what counts i guess
if your really seriouse about this guy then go for it. if you and your friend are really friends then she should understand. i mean, its first come first serve right? its not like youve got something against her. nothing personal, its just that youve got the guts to go for it while shes chickening out. not to be mean to your friend or anything like that. if you really believe itll work out between you and this "guy" then youve got nothing to loose. (just make sure you dont end up breaking up with in a week and now your friend is mad at you which leaves you no where. not to bring your hopes down or any thing)
to be totally honest, i never got into a relationship all my life. never did really want one cause i know youll just get hurt in the end. its just that simple. i keep my distance from people and that kind of stuff. dont get too close to any one no matter what the matter is. even if they are your "friends" sorta speek. having a relationship is just too compicated. all i can say when you crash is suck it up and live on. these things will come and go as ive seen and heard. all relationships will just end up the same.
i love gravitaion. its the best yaoi anime ever!(well maybe not the BEST but you get my drift) im madly in love with ryuuichi and hiro... i think that's their name... the songs on there are just great. well... yeah... ive only seen little clips of it here and there, but it seems great. my friend (whose a girl) is obsessed with eiri, not sure what she sees in him, but what ever. his just really not that great mostly because all the girls are crazy about him.
i do believe that most people knows about inuyasha. its a rather commen anime and so thats why im not too crazy about it. besides they show the same series over and over again and it just gets boring. though the art is great and the new season WAS wonderful. until they decided to cut it off and leave every one hanging! the characters are great but i personally prefer the "bad guys" better than inuyasha and kagome. first of all kagome is just was to annoying what with her sad depressed and yet i want whats best for inuyasha feelings. its very annoying. shes way too childish, unlike kikyo whos a different story. shes tough, fiesty and i like her attitude. well yeah and for my favorite guy character, i would probably say naraku and sesshomaru
id personally pick the anime cd first but then again it all depends on what type of music is on it. if i dont like the music then i would pick the other cd. all a matter of music it contains you know what i mean? too hard of a choice in such little time
lets see... what i want for christmas... probably a new cell phone (since i sat on mine, bashed it into the wall not to mention flung it across the room and it now has a huge crack on it...) oops... also id like you for christmas, dip in nice creamy chocolate and wrapped up with the fanfiest paper ever, just deliver it to my door please and ill be satisfied.
i wouldnt say i LOVE christmas but i dont hate it. i mainly just like getting the presents and getting out of school for it and all that. not into singing christmas caroles but thats kinda hard to get out from since im in chorus at school. so i have to go to our boring concerts and sing for an hour or so. other than that im really not into christmas songs. gets WAY too annoying.