Kawaii Seth
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Everything posted by Kawaii Seth
Woot!!! A-kon is in three freakin' days for me!!! Then it's back to boredom... xD
What would you choose Love or your Dreams?
Kawaii Seth replied to WhiteAoiFox's topic in General Discussion
I would surely choose dreams over love. I'm just that way... I would rather chase after my dreams and live life in a fantasy then to deal with such a temporary thing as love. ^.^;; -
[COLOR=DarkGreen]I remember attempting to be that of a savior to others besides myself. By ignoring my own problems in school and continuing to attempt to cure others of their small problems, I was only slightly abusing myself by ignoring the things that I needed most. I'm not a seflish person at all, but sometimes, I needed to stop and ask myself why I was doing this for others when I could be doing the same for myself. I had a friend who always depressed just because of the fact that her boyfriend broke up with her. I seemed so blind to the fact that while I was helping others every hour of my life, my own life was crashing down. Grades dropping, family members so worried that they argued with me... all that stuff. Well... I learned that it's always great to help others, but as long as you know to help yourself at the same time and also live life happily every once in awhile too. ^^[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen]Morning: Usually some kind of fruit. Lunch: Usually a fruit cup with some form of a sandwich. Dinner: Whatever is made. I'm not a big eater, but I do try to eat healthy foods. ^.^[/COLOR]
[B]r2vq[/B]: [COLOR=DarkGreen]I thank you for your asking questions instead of mindlessly agreeing or disagreeing with anything I have said so far. To answer your first question: Do you mean that the only meaning in this life lies in the physical domain you see before you? I mean that my only purpose right now in living is to complete what has been thrown before me. Treating life like a game seems to be the best way for a person such as myself to put it. Either one wins or one loses. Physical traits really have nothing to do with a person... just simply the routes they consider taking and how well they seem to plan out there "moves" in life. What do you think happens when somebody dies? Although I really base myself on no religion basis at all, I still believe that reincarnation is possible. That maybe as your spirit leaves the body after you have lost the "game" of life or have just "burnt out", that you can try again... but from a different start with a different body and different memories... possibly even surrounded by a newer generation. This is only my own opinion.... I'm not trying to pound it into anyone's minds. Do our actions in this world affect what may happen? I do believe that our own personal actions will cause some sort of an effect on your future. Take drugs into example: Perhaps someone has always dreamt of being a singer, but allowed the peer pressure to sink in one day and took a cigarrete. Soon, this person will have become addicted to the drug when giving it another try... then another. Now the person's dreams for becoming a singer may be destroyed in the future because smoking messed up his/her body. Education can be chosen as another example... but I won't go into that. xD; If they do not, why act a certain way? I already answered that above. ^.^ What's the incentive? Everyone seems to have their own incentive, but most tend to want a "wealthy" life with a lot of money, a happy family, and a job that they love. So it's my belief that most out there wish to win the "game" of life and pass away happy. Also, why don't you ask Why? I simply don't ask, Why? because I am tired of asking myself questions that I can never seem to answer, no matter how much I think about it or how much it plagues my mind. Now when something happens, I may analyze it every now and then, but never ask "Why?" because it gets a bit tiring. ^.^ I hope I have answered your questions to your understanding... if not... sorry! ^.^;;[/COLOR]
Sports are lots of fun! I've played soft ball, water polo, soccer, colorguard for marching band (yes, I consider that a sport), basketball, tennis, and many more too. I love sports and just about anything that keeps me in shape and nice and healthy. Sounds weird coming from a person such as myself, but I do love sports as much as my computer! And believe me, I do love my computer! =3
[COLOR=DarkGreen]High school, ne? Heh... it's alright. Lots more freedom then grade school and middle school. I mean... here, the teachers don't seem to care if you skip classes, but I don't skip much anymore. Skipping was my thing on Middle school... but in High school, I reccomend taking all your required credits as soon as possible for early graduation! ^.^ I'm having fun in H.S, but a bit more work and all that, but it's a little more layed back when it comes to having fun and all that. Just don't rush through it all! You'll find yourself missing it in the future![/COLOR]
Who would you take a bullet for and who would you die for?
Kawaii Seth replied to Krycifer's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkGreen]If I was caught within a situation that costed me my life for anyone in general, even an enemy, I would do so. I am a natural honorable person and would hate living with the fact that I could've saved a life, but chose not to. I have lost many in my life, I will not state names, but after years of mourning and blaming myself, I realized that it wasn't my fault and that the situation was helpless. But now I try to help as many as I possibly can. ^.^[/COLOR] -
What Does your sig, avi and username say about you.
Kawaii Seth replied to shinji172's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkGreen]I guess that my avi sets the guidelines that I do love odd couples and that I do support homosexual activities and/or close friendships. My signature is the raver term P.L.U.R. Meaning Peace Love Unity Respect.... showing that I respect anyone who is willing to respect me, I believe in unity between all, peace is a must on my list, and love is always given to those who deserve it. Don't get me wrong... I'll still kick butt if anyone provokes me. xD My sn just shows that I like to consider myself cute overall. I'm not bragging, nor flaunting, but most consider me cute after talking to me. Kawaii-Seth is a mixture of Egyptian and Japanese words. "Kawaii" is Japanese for "cute" as "Seth" is Egyptian for "Appointed one" also the name of the God of Chaos. Seth is my nickname, even though it's a guy name and I'm a female, but adding "Kawaii" to is add to the feminine, but tomboy-ish side... leaving "Cute Appointed One." ^.^ And my banner of Kakashi symbolizes my tie to the character and how much I love martial arts, mysterious people, and ninjas!![/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkGreen]The meaning of life, you say? I have a theory that life is nothing but a game that some people are destined to win as others may not be so lucky. To see how well you can progress on this game without losing... that's why there are so many mature people out there. Some choose to take on the responsibility while others choose to dwindle in the moment of youth and waste away their lives. Maturity comes with how you set your standards in life, not age. Some don't have the choice of living out their childhood because their parents are too dense to understand that by making a child grow up too fast on education at such a young age that they're ruining any chances of the child wanting to continue this little "game" called life. I am not a person who asks "Why?" much... just as I am not a person who believes that there is a force out there controlling all of our actions... I run on instincts and treat life as if it were a game or mission that needed to be finished. The purpose of life is to learn things and discover whole new possibilities that can possibly help the generations to come... and by wasting one's life on alcohol and drugs, you are only tainting the world with more scum that it can live without. Don't get me wrong, having fun is all apart of life! Hells, I love partying hard and having a good time, but I don't have to drink and do drugs just to have fun while ruining my own life. My purpose in life is to finish the game and learn new things before my end. ^.^[/COLOR]
Children That Are Smarter Than Their Parents
Kawaii Seth replied to Sinistra's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=DarkGreen]I am not trying to flaunt it or anything, nor say that I am in any way, shape, or form better than my father, but my literature is much better than my father's by far. We've lived in San Antonio, Texas for about seven years and my father has picked up the "Texan accent" as most would call it. Thus, he speaks a lot like this: Would you go and get them cats outta the yard? And all that kinda stuff. It makes me frustrated sometimes how I want to correct my father for his "lack" of speech... but I still love my father. He's a such a good guy and cares a lot about us when we're not getting in trouble. But my father is by far way smarter than me when it comes to Mathetical stuff. I've never been goof in math, but Geometry is pretty easy since it's also a bit logical. My father's got the math and I've got the speech... it all works out in the end. xD[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkGreen]I have, and always will be, been addicted to Anime conventions! Woot! Becaus I love to visit my con friends and cosplay and all that good stuff. Being the anime fanatic that I am, I try to hitch rides and rooms to every single convention that goes on here in Texas, but I only really attend about three conventions a year. Then, I guess I'm also addicted to message boards... not really this one because I don't post a lot here and don't know many people, which is my fault in the first place, but I do keep myotaku journal updated all the time. ^.^[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkGreen]Keepers: Kakashi - It's best to have a good guy with a level head around. Vash - Comical relief, c'mon! Kyo from Fruits Basket - Gotta have someone to argue with who's insanely smexy. Signal from Twin Signal - I'd love to sneeze and have him change into a cute lil chibi![/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]Non-keepers: Hyatt from Excel Saga - I don't want her dying on my bed. o.O Dee from FAKE - Keep your hands to yourself! *Fwap.* Erm... I'm sure there's much more... but I'm tired. x3[/COLOR]
.Hack//Sign made me cry a bit. So emotionally dramatic... enough said, I guess. o.o;
Anime Have you ever thought that maybe anime could be real?
Kawaii Seth replied to gaarasgirl90's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkGreen]Heheh... the closest I've ever gotten to thinking an anime was real was when I had a dream that my best friend did something like in the movie "Akira". That's about it. But there is this one guy in my school who thinks he's Sesshomaru from Inu-yasha. He randomly glares at me when I'm talking to his girlfriend and whenever I call him Fluffy or Fido, he threatens to go all demon on my a**. o.o; And we're in High School for crying out loud.... -.- So to start getting back at him, I messed around and was like, "Don't make me bust out my Sharingan!" and he called me a freak for making fun of him. xD Better watch out Fluffy... I've got assassins! :blowup: [/COLOR] -
[COLOR=DarkGreen]Personally, I believe they are just going to mess the whole show up. Like, one discussion my friends and I have had is based around the ZabuzaxHaku hints. To avoid getting yelled at by parents around the world, they're probably going to make Haku a female to make the hints "right" in everyone's eyes. This is just an assumption though... And as for the voice actors... I believe that they gave Naruto the worst choice. Now, then choosing the voice actor of Spike from Cowboy Bebop to fit Kakashi's... that's not too bad. I'm just afraid to see what'll happen at conventions between kids who think they know the "true" series of Naruto and the people who've been watching the show it was placed on the net. *Shrugs.* Oh well...[/COLOR]
Anime Wow... they're just like me!: Characters you identify with
Kawaii Seth replied to Balinese's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=DarkGreen]Heheh... I'd have to say Hatake Kakashi is the only character that's every reached any near my actual personality. My reasons for this are... 1. He's always late. 2. He's always got that bored look. 3. Obeys the rules, but when push come to shove, it's all-out. 4. He's very blunt about things. 5. Loyalty is a big thing with him. 6. Gotta love the naughty books. >:3 That's basically me in a nutshell, except for the fact that I'ma girl and I love to rave. *Thumbs up.*[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Teal]I know I may get seriously murdered for this, but Inu-yasha is a big one on my dislike list. I just think that the series is drawn out too long and it takes too long to get to the point with series. It nearly seems as if they will never finish the story line. But it's just an opinion... so dun' hurt me! *Cowers.*[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=Kagome Kirisawa]Yes My friend was screaming about Naruto being licensed by ShopPro earlier this week. She also said that they had already announced who the main english voice actors would be. Does anybody know exactly who?[/QUOTE] Yes... I do. Here they are! Sasuke: Seto Kaiba from YGO Sakura: Misty from Pok'emon Naruto: Vash from Trigun Kakashi: Spike from Cowboy Bebop I don't really like the choices... but no one said that I have to watch the dubbed version in the first place. ^.^
[COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]You can never really go wrong with Akira at all. Akira is one of the best movies I've ever seen... hmmm... what else? Well... here are some movies that I have. Vampire Hunter D. Vampire Hunter D.: Bloodlust X: The Movie Tokyo Babylon Metropolis Animatrix And I'm sure there's plenty more that I'm forgetting to add, but all of those are farly good movies. ^.^[/COLOR]
I think I recall watching my first anime show when I was about six years old. My first anime was Ranma.... I was so obsessed with it. Now It's been years and years... and I'm still obsessed with anime. I love having no life... Well... besides stalking others sometimes... :shifty:
No... I am terribly sorry. I haven't heard of any anime that have a christian theme to it. I guess it all depends on how strict their parents are and what they pass on as a "christian theme". I'll take a look on the internet for you though. :)
Personally, I like my anime to be in Japanese dialogue. I can understand Japanese and I don't mind the English subs there. But most anime shows are dubbed horrendously and the characters just have the wrong voices. I don't really like watching the anme on T.V. all because they modify too much. They change a few words around, get rid of all the blood.... it takes all the fun out of the show!
I guess that my choice is a bit double-sided. There are many pros and cons to anime and manga. For instance, to read an action manga, such as Naruto, it would be a little harder to follow the moving action then it would be to watch it in a moving picture. Then again, manga at often times gives out MUCH more information then most anime shows. Take Hellsing for example, in the anime, you never actually find out who sent Incongnito after Alucard and Integra... all you know is that Incognito is the bad guy. But in the manga of Hellsing, it explain the whole story. More bad guys, more storyline, and you actually find out who the MAIN bad guy is. Most anime shows are dubbed horendously and if you can't understand Japanese, then the subtitles are sometimes hard to read because they appear and disappear on the screen twice as fast. I prefer to get the anime in Japanese dialogue though. Manga also has some downsides as well... such as the way some publishers like to "flip-flop" the manga so you can read it the way Americans read their books in the traditional way. But once they "flip-flop" it, then some of the best parts aren't right. Like... if a character has something written on their shirt and the manga is "flip-flopped" then the words are totally backwards and look a little dumb. I would have to go with Manga though... because Manga seems to give out much more of the storyline then the anime series itself. Because they cut so much out of the anime serires. Excuse all of my typos... I'm really really tired. x.x