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Everything posted by sakana-san

  1. I identify with Daisuke from DNAngel and Sesshoumaru from Inu Yasha. Life just doesn't seem to like me (Daisuke) but I always manage to stay a safe distance away from serious trouble (Sesshoumaru). It seems like my whole city is out to get me (Daisuke), but they never catch me (Sesshoumaru)!
  2. I've had several dreams where I said things that are blatantly, starkly, ever s wrong in the real world but were blatantly, starkly, ever so right in the dream world. Like, "There's no character named Kouga in Inu Yasha" and "dolphin is spelled 'd-o-l-p-h-y-n.' "
  3. [B]This is a thread.[/B] Got that? Good. This thread is for people to rant about how much they dislike cheddar cheese, why they dislike cheddar cheese, and when they started disliking cheddar cheese. I have been a Cheddar Cheese Disliker for 2 years and counting. XP Instead of Cheddar Cheese, I would rather eat my own face. :tasty: (Okay, so that was an excuse to use this smiley.) I would rather cut my head off and give it a swirly than eat Cheddar Cheese. :flush: Cheddar Cheese makes me wanna blow chunks. :sick: Anyone else share my feelings?
  4. My thoughts: Stupid Gaia. You all suck... Tuna... and cheese... a match made in heaven... Wonder what instrument that is... Is it ready yet?
  5. @desertranger: Ha. I wear whatever's there, so long as it's not pink and it's not too small for me. Pink is evil. Usually I look better asleep than awake. Awake: Jeans (usually too long XD) Shirt (usually too big) Black Converse All-Stars (like that's ever gonna change.) Asleep: The same shirt Blue pajama pants Japanese baseball shirt (way too big, buttons in front) Yeah. No wonder I have no friends.
  6. Join the Chocolate/Computer/Hang Up On People club. We've got jackets. :tasty:
  7. My main habit is trying to make friends with outcasts. Note to Sakana: They're outcasts for a reason. *shudder* My other bad habits are: *sarcasm *parodying everything *doodling in notes *doodling on assignments *doodling on hands... *eating gross things *waking up late
  8. I think death will be neat, so long as my head is still attached. I like to think of at least one part of Heaven as a free-for-all cloudball fight. How immature of me. Either that or a chance to read all the manga you didn't get around to while you were living. About the whole "life flashes before your eyes" thing? It's happening right now. It's called living.
  9. "Is this angle okay? I wanna look good in my obituary picture. " I get a lot of experience with things like this. What game was that?
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