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Everything posted by Miryoku
Mine was like realy weird, i had like always known i was gay, and my mom kinda already knew,but one day i just decided to tell my friends and they were all okay w/ it, in fact a few of them came out the same day, the hard part was telling my mom, i did'nt know how to do it but i knew i had to, cuz she works at the same high school i go to so it would be around school and she'd find out eventualy. So one morning on the way to school i jsut told her "mom i have something i need to tell you" and i did'nt even have to finish it, she was like"your gay" and i sayd yeah and she sayd that she could always tell, my dad still does'nt know and i probably won't tell him until i'm 18, but it's pretty obvious so i think he might have some idea.
Um okay well, im just a little confused here, I'm gay and i understand being gay, but i don't quite understand Bisexuality. Noth that i'm saying it does'nt exist every where, but i don't think its as genuine as alot of people think. I know when i came out of the closet about a year ago, almoast all my friends did, most of wich i don't think realy are gay, but my other friends that wanted the attention of being a homosexual yet still wantd relationships with the opposite gender became "bi". i know it probably exists but it seams like it's turned into a fad, wich is realy pathetic when people resort to sexual orientation do get attention.
[QUOTE=Lore][font=Trebuchet MS]I don't think it's even so much a matter of being willing to give things up, but actually being able to. See my earlier point: Even with all the willingness in the world, I wouldn't last a month without some level of prepackaged food. Granted, we are talking about a situation where there is a level of trade going on. Someone else could make food, and I could....geez, I don't know, mend fences or something. Not that I really know how to do that, either. :p[/font][/QUOTE] lol ur funny. well i guess it takes a certain kindof person to do what i wanna do.I don't think most people could handle it. I'm certain i could, it's what i want to do, and it's not an impossibility, it could happen. It just makes so much more sense to produce most of what you need yourself and to live whare you want, away from every one.
well i don't realy have much, and if it could make my life change it would be fine, i've always wanted to live fairly unconventionaly, if you new me youd know i'm not realy a conformist, i have my own ideas and creativity and i'd like to build off it, and create a new life for me and others that think the way i do.
See i understand many of your guys' points but i would'nt mind giving everything up to live in a some what utopian society. Kindof like modern transendentalism. Yes computers, microwakes, tv, they are all big parts of our lives today but if you look at it the way i do those things are made to make life more simple but they only complicate matters.....if that makes any sense. The simple life is actualy not so simple it involves work and faith in your cause but if you can incorperate those 2 things into your life it would be far greater than any invention could make it.
well, im 16 and my perents have no curfew for me but the town i live in says minors cant be out after 10. I say whatever, i normally stay out until like 11:30 or 12 and sometimes sneek out of my house to hang out with my friends at like 2 am by the train trax, but thats only in the summer. ahh good times.
thanx a ton
[QUOTE=Lore][font=trebuchet ms]No kidding! I used to have computer game like this. It was one of those darn 'educational' things, called (wait for it!) [spoiler]Stocktopus[/spoiler]. And yes, it involved a large, purple octopus. Insanely frustrating game. I can't imagine having to do it in real life. (Actually, I can, I just dislike the thought.) I mean, there's no reason why you can't just trade/barter between friends, but on a commercial level it's simply not feasible.[/font][/QUOTE] i understand but were not talking about a country, were not even talking about a city, it's just a small colony of people maybe a dozen families at the most. Look through out the history of the western U.S. especialy in Utah, the early settlers had no money, they made or grew what they needed and what they could'nt produce them selves they joined up with the community and built co-ops where the town would produce them
[QUOTE=dd protector]I actually have thought about this and i came up with an elaborate plan. The thing you really need to think about it what would you do differently from today's society? If it was me, i'd try to destroy currency. I'd bring back to old free market of trade. The thing with that is is today's society you need corruency to even set up a civilization. But i don't like the idea of money, its stupid when you think about it, placing a number value on something. Iunno thats my opinion.[/QUOTE] yeah exactly, trade, no set value but a value that you and the seller think is fair, another is to cut out the complicated tax system, have everyone live and work for each other, to keep it going that way thare is no one set government and taxes are un needed.
Kay um hi. i was wonderin if any of u guys could do ma a favor.well i'd like two avi's I would just like the logo to be resized and for the one of the pic of the shoes: i'd like it to say somethin like "smexy shoes" or somethin to that effect. other than that just be creative. thankies miryoku-kun p.s. if you have any problems just pm me
they're a good band, but it was'nt realy a split up, it was more like vacatin, they are gonna go on tour again in 2009 so they are'nt over. They just felt like they needed a brake.
So i was sitting around the house yesterday when i thaught how cool it would be to go out in the middle of no whare and build a town, it would be like my own little society, houses a store or two and maybe even some kind of religion, i could try to get enough people to make us self suficient a couple of farmers, grist mills, a textile mill. and we would be set. we could live life the way we wanted to and everything would be great. In todays world it's probably impossible to do that, but if you look back thats what pioneers were doing, i dunno maybe i'm crazy. but have any of you ever thaught about something like that?
Do you belive in ghosts, dragons, gnomes,faeries ect.?
Miryoku replied to _Hikaru_'s topic in General Discussion
I believe in ghosts, spirits whatever you wanna call them, i've seen them, felt them, and heard them. Ive had many experiences with the "supernatural". I dont believe that faeries, gnomes, and dragons exist in the way people think they do, I think these were just ways for humans to put a face on so called "supernatural" events and other things they could'nt understand. -
I only watch Queer eye, the amazing race, and sometimes survivor, cuz thare are always cute gay guys. The one i hate the most is that super nanny one or whatever it is those kids are so annoying i could just kill um. oooo i liked that boy meets boy one too, o and the realworld is good too.
Do you consider yourself a pacifist or a warrior?
Miryoku replied to elfpirate's topic in General Discussion
I don't beleive in violence, i hate it and it makes me sick, but with some people there is no choice, the human race is a F'd up group, and so violence is sometimes necessary, but if people would'nt start fights there would'nt be any and thats what pisses me off, i don't see what people have to prove, how does death and injury prove anything, except for how ucivilized we can be? -
[QUOTE=Panda]Loki, your response is not adding to the discussion at hand. Telling people to stop responding to a thread you did not start is not helpful to the author who is asking for advice. In addition please work on your grammar when responding to a thread. Because of it's incoherent nature I am deleting your thread. ~Panda[/QUOTE] pand please listen to him the problem is over, he has as much right to want this thread closed as i do (wups i probably should'nt have let that out). so please close it if you can
[QUOTE=Reise][size=1]Jamie. One word. Well wait for it *looks around for Steff* Ok Safe...Kilt. Heh heh, personally, I don't think I'm your personal Prince Charming. But meh, it's all down to personal opinion. And if we all thought the same, well wouldn't this be a mucked up world. "Hi John" "Hi Bob" "How was work John ?" "Fine Bob, How was work Bob ?" "Fine John, What did you have for lunch John ?" And so-on and so-on. So it's all down to personal opinion. Plus Brits can be split again into, well the Welsh, the Irish, the Scots (myself being) and the English. So meh, go with your own opinion. That's all I can say.[/size][/QUOTE] OMG, kilt, i love kilts, they are sooo sexy. not to mention the accents of those wearing them.....hummmmmmmmm. God what an image ^_^
[quote name='Kareiyasha']Heh, take a look at my signature and avatar. The very Handsome Alan Cumming reigns from the UK. However, as for this "more night life in UK" thing... well of course. Pretty much everywhere in Europe has a very profound night life. I've had the privilege of cris-crossing Europe. If you ever get the chance to go to the UK or any part of Europe you really should. You'd be surprised to how different things are over there.[/quote] Yes i can tell he is, its the facial structure and dark hair color(how i can tell i don't know). I want to go to soooo bad but unfortunately i can't plus if i could i'm only 15 so the night life thing would be out of my reach. When i get older though i'm planning on going to the UK and when that happens, wow american boy gone wild.^_^
[QUOTE=Dark Serena][size=1][color=royalblue]"British men hot or hot"...y'know that title sounds off, but I'm pretty sure it's just my imagination. ^_~* Well, it's kinda hard to classify British men into a seperate category. Like everyone else, you have you're hotties, and you have your uglies. What I find most attractive is their accents. @_@[/color][/size][/QUOTE] okay i'll be a little more specific, not all british men are hot, but a lot are. i'm into the tall skinny ones, with the kinda skinny face, dark hair, dark eyes, maybe a little stubble and that adorable accent. you know the hot guys on british dramas and comedies those kinda guys.
[QUOTE=maladjusted][color=darkslateblue] British accents don't really have an effect on me...but I fell in love with Sean Biggerstaff (guy who plays Oliver Wood in the Harry Potter movies) when I heard his voice. So, yeah...go Scottish accents! ;) But then again I have a thing for all-American guys. >_>;[/color][/QUOTE] OMG i fell in love w/ him the first time i saw the movie, pretty much any accent from the UK or surounding aria(ireland) gets me goin. but yes scotish is one of my faves. But yup accents are a big part of someones attractiveness, i realy like all engish, welsh, scotish, irish, australian,german, and greek accents. I'm not realy a big fan of the accents in the US or canada, maybe it's cuz i hear um too much. Some american guys are good, i mean my boyfriend is american, he lives in georgia so he's got that whole southern thing goin wich i don't mind all that much.
[QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff]Oh gosh - I wasn't trying to single you out specifically. Gosh, I'm so sorry. ;____; Yeah, I guess you did make a generalization, but I was really trying to point out that I wasn't making generalizations that way no one would come up to me and say "OMG I HATE U ROXIE!!11 U MAKE GENERALIZATIONS!!1" I'm really sorry if I sounded like I was attacking you. Bah! @_@ *huggle* Bombu lives in Britain? Cool beans.[/color][/QUOTE]It's no big deal. I don't mind i just applied what you said to the reason i started this thread and it became clear to methat the wole subject was a huge generalization based on biased information and the media.
[QUOTE=MistressRoxie][color=#9933ff]I think a lot of people fall for accents from another country simply because they're different. I mean, if you live in New Jersey, how the hell are you going to fall for a New Jersey accent, 1) because you probably can't even hear it and 2) because you hear it all the time - what's so special about it? Obviously that can be applied to any accent, I just used it because I live in NJ. I love most British accents (liverpudlian and cockney aren't my favs. - I know that sounds concieted, oh well), but when I analyze it, it really is because they're so different that from what I hear all the time. Not that that's a horrible thing to like them (gosh if it was I'd be damned to hell), but it's my personal opinion that people like different accents because, well, they're different. ^_^; By the way, I think the same could be true for people from other countries - we like them because they're different (Come on, admit it - you love Orlando Bloom just because he's British. ^_~). Or, all the people you've seen from a particular country happen to be gorgeous, and then you apply it to everyone which isn't a great thing to do - it's taken me four years to learn that generalizations are a big fat no-no. *_* I mean, I could say all British men are good looking because Marc and Gerard are very hot, but that doesn't make what I said true - it would be a generalization. Oh gosh, what was the original question? I do apologize if I've gone horribly off-topic. V_v; *Just decides to leave*[/color][/QUOTE] no problem i understand what you meen. and i did kinda make a bad generalization, and for that i apologize.
[QUOTE=Bombu][color=darkred]Whaaaa? Trust me, for every drop-dead gorgeous, good looking British male, there are about ten ugly, boxer-nosed yobbos. You know, the type who get pissed virtually every night whilst chanting stupidly annoying football anthems. But hey, the aren't all that bad, I mean, hearing about the aftermath in the news the next morning can sometimes be pretty amusing.[/color] :D[/QUOTE] you used british lingo. you live there? Whats it like. so the hot ones are just one outa ten. damn oh well that means there is still alot of um.:D
[QUOTE=Manic Webb]You forgot Kochanski and Holly. In my years of watching public broadcast television, this is probably the first British show I've ever grown to love. It takes so many sci-fi cliches, twists them around, and turns it into one hell of a comedy. I like that there's no definable heroic leader. You've got a slob, a coward, a narcesistic cat, and a senile computer. Then later, the droid and only woman, both struggling to keep their sanity. Pretty much everybody lacked common sense. Remember that time machine they used to go back in time to wreck the JFK assassination, yet it never occured to them they could use it to stop their ship from getting stolen? Everybody just sat around and made personal attacks toward one another. Then some strange crap would happen (like the white hole episode), and they'd have to bumble their way out of it. The series was pure camp, and I loved it. It was smeggin' sweet.[/QUOTE] yeah i hear ya, and i love the word smeg. have you seen the episode where time runs backwards, i love that one. it's so funny. I loke cat too, he's awesome. I'd have to agre with it being the best british show on public television,,, although my hero is pretty funny as well but thats for another thread^_^
[QUOTE=Lore][color=#4b4b79]Holy generalization, Batman! I have no idea where you're coming from with this one, buddy. What people find attractive varies incredibly, and I can't see how you can possibly say "most of the features people find attractive in men are feminine features" because (regardless of the statement's truth or falsehood) you have no way to back that up. Please work on your punctuation as well. Your posts are getting more and more difficult to read as time progresses. shark repellent BAT spray, Sara[/color][/QUOTE] wups, sorry. when i go off on a subject i lose punctuation and just type as fast as i can. I'll work on it. And okay alot of people look at the masculinity i just know alot of people woh like somewhat feminine features and personality, not drag still masculine but feminine voice and intrests.