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[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]This reminds me of a similar phenomenon in the anime fandom--certain Japanese seiyuu are incredibly popular among English-speaking fans, even though it's hard to judge the acting ability of someone when you can't understand what he's saying (without the aid of subtitles, at least). It gets pretty interesting when you have women portraying male characters; does that mean the actress's voice is attractive because the viewer thinks of it as a male voice, or what? My personal favorite seiyuu is a low-voiced woman who has a lot of male roles under her belt, but also plays the occasional female. I think she sounds dead sexy regardless of her character's gender. Anyway, British accents are nice. ^_^ ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] thanks for the agreement, i kinda get what you're talking about. most of the features people find attractive in men are their femininne(oo bad spelling) features such as hair of feminine facial features of a soft voice so it does make sense.
[QUOTE=Lore][color=#4b4b79]I do think it's interesting, though. You don't really hear people mention it (in, say, "What do you find attractive in the [strike]opposite[/strike] [strike]same[/strike] desired sex" threads), but voices can be incredibly sexy, heh. I don't know how many people listen to radio often, but you can develop quite an idea of what a person is like (not that it is necessarily right, heh) just by listening to their voice for a while. In the old [b][url="http://www.tvtome.com/tvtome/servlet/ShowMainServlet/showid-297/Beauty_and_the_Beast/"]Beauty and the Beast[/url][/b] show, for example, there were a [i]lot[/i] of women viewers who were absolutely enraptured by Vincent's voice. bowling for soup, Sara[/color][/QUOTE] OMG i know, I go nuts listening to Franz Ferdinand just cuz of the accent. I don't know what it is but all british accents are so hot. It's weird to think about but i guess it makes sense cuz if your into deep voices its still a voice so liking accents is kinda the same i think.sorry that was random i'm just thinking out loud.
[QUOTE=Japan_86][color=navy]Ahh, so that's it. I know lots of girls, and sometimes me included falling for accents. (like when I met this one German guy...lol...but that's another story) Like this one time at my youth group's retreat. There was this new kid that came along. All the girls fell for him because he said he was Austrailian. At the end of the retreat, they all found out that he wasn't Austrailian at all but an American like the rest of us. He had a lot of girls fooled though. His accent was pretty good. lol[/color][/QUOTE] I'm not the only one who falls for accents. out of every one i know i'm the only guy that does that. Australian huh, hot. I'm kinda a cockney guy. Irish is good too.
[QUOTE=Lore][color=#4b4b79]I'd imagine that depends very much on what portion of the country you're looking at. In any case, I think this threa comes down to Miryoku's having a thing for accents. :p ketchup--for the good times, Sara[/color][/QUOTE] yes and yes, i guess you hit the nail on the head. I see what you mean downtown London is going to have more gays than a smaller town, and yes i love accents what can i say.
[quote name='Japan_86][color=navy']That is pretty biased. I've lived in the UK for three years. Yeah, they have their cute ones, but so does every other country in the world. I know that for a fact. All countries, including the UK, also have their not so cute ones. If that makes sense to you.[/color][/quote] yeah i guess. I'm just a sucker for the accent. Maybe thats it
Well tis is kinda hard um lets see here 1. probably Novacaine by green day, cuz sometimes you wanna just forget the whloe world and need somethin to help ya do it(not that i'm a druggie) for me the song name would be more like tequila or vodka or rum. 2. Micheal by franz ferdinand, just cuz i can relate to the erotic thaughts and severe obsesion over another guy. 3.and happy boys and girls by Aqua. just cuz i'm a happy boy as in gay happy but of course if i'm listening to Aqua and i'm a guy I'm probably not strate. lol
[quote name='Hyper']That was okay but how it was all squeaky was little annoying.[/quote] does any body have their cd Aquarium my moms friend gave it to me, it's so fun the funny part is i'm a guy. my favs are # 2 and 5 i don't know their names though candyman is a good song. i like the lead singers squeaky voice. but the guy singer is kinda creepy
This is probably one of those weird threads that no one is gonna respond to. I don't meen for it to sound like a racist thread either, so all of you that do live in the UK if i offend you please let me know. Any way I was listening to Franz Ferdinand and watching Queer eye for the streight guy UK edition when i realized British men are gorgeous. Of course maybe what i've seen is'nt true seing as i live in the US. But there are tons of hot british guys, plus The UK has more gays and night life than the US. For all of you that live there you're sooo lucky. I'm part welsh but anyway i live in boring old America. So yeah Does any one know what i'm talking about or am i just crazy?
Are there any Red Dwarf fans out there? Yeah its kindof an old show, especially to all of you in the UK, but i live in the US. The show is so awesome. My favorate character is Lister he' is soooo cool so what are your faves? I like criton too. The show is so funny my favorite episode is the one with the aliens that can look like beautiful women and they eat ya. god that episode is hilarious, Lister thinks it's cochansky(did i spell that right?) and then he snaps out of it and he's kissing this ugly alien god it's funny.:laugh: they're is probably another thread like this but oh well so whats your favorie episode and character?
it was the best asian film i've seen since crouching tiger hidden dragon. I love the fact that it was historicaly acurate to the time of the Qin dynasty. the clothing and weponry were so cool. I also noticet the color thing wich helps to put you in the mood of the scene it also helps to foreshadow what will happen in the scene, the amazing thing about the colors is weather or not you could point out exactly what they meant in words you understood their usage. I just baugt the dvd and it's a great movie. I was watching it w/my family they're not big into asian movies especialy chinese martial arts films so they fell asleep, that was good cuz half way through the movie i started crying and did'nt stop until 30 minutes after it ended. so all in all a great movie great plot, great story, great use of color, and it hits the viewers emotions in ways i can't explain.
I know its sad but quit mopin, the real punk has been gone for almoast 20 years. by the mid 80s everything was turning into pop and the ninetys totally did it in not to mention the death waves of the past 4 years. Thare are still good bands classified as punk, it's not the original punk but things change with time. It cant be the same in 2004 as it was back in the 70's. it just does'nt work like that, plus there are now different classifications of punk you've got your more traditional punk, your grunge punk and even your cutsey punk as in hello kitty. Thats just the way it is it can never be like the golden age of punk agin it's some thing different but that does'nt meen it's bad. And i personaly like most punk bands of today what does every one have against Avril she does her own thing and i like that about her. The best is green day and no one can change my mind. by the way i happen to like hot topic thank you vary muchthats where i do all my shopping and i personaly don't like the acusation that every one who shops at hot topic is just a pouser who does'nt know any of the bands and their music, i'm not like that and neither are my friends, i actualy don't buy that much punk stuff, i doo have a green day shirt but i'm more into tight jeans and bands like Franz Ferdinand wich i don't think would be considerd punk any way i'm getting off subject. The point is punk is what it is now and it won't be what it was so either embrace it or look for a new look.
Wow so many cool places. Well i live in the US, in the most boring state ever.....Utah(shivers). It's realy boring here. Nothin but sagebrush, dirt, and mountains. I live in Tooele which is like 30 miles west of salt lake city. Souther utah is prety, but i live in northern utah and it realy bites. we have salt lake city to the east but the closest big city to the west is Elko,nevada(like 300 miles) to the north we have the salt lake wich is more like a puddle that smells like rotten eggs(its kinda nasty)and to the south we have even more desert. We have lots of mountains but they just get kinda boring when you stare out your back window every day and the're right there, they drive the tourists crazy though. Another problem is that utah was originaly settled by a religious group called the mormons, i'm sure you've heard of um, and no disrespect intended but try being bisexual in a state full of extreme protestants. Yeah, does any one else out there live here or am i all alone?
I think the best musical artist of all time is Billie joe Armstrong from Green Day. He not only can play guitar vary well but he also has an amazing voice. He can change is voice so well to fit with the song he's playing, He also adds an accent to some songs just to make um sound better. He also writes 99% Of Green Day's music by himself. He's been writing songs since he was 12 and now he's about 30, He knows what he's doing. He also has that kinda charisma when he performs, Not to mention he's got that disturbed boy next door thing goin. And just in general He's drop dead gorgeous(too bad he's straight)And his clothing is genious. Black slimleg workpants, black polo shirt, black Converse low tops, a pyramid stud belt, and a red tie. Briliant completely brilliant. I love Billy Joe, of course I think my sig states that well enough.
Request Green Day banner and avi wanted pics included, thanx
Miryoku replied to Miryoku's topic in Creative Works
:D thanks i love um soooooo much you're the best Aru-chan:D -
I just listened to the cd last night. My friend braught it over to my house, I was'nt sure if i was gonna like it but it's way awesome. All the songs are so catchy, I realy like their new wave kinda sound, Thats a rare thing these days. I especialy like the song Micheal, thares just some thing kinky and arousing about it. I also liked The dark of the matinee, god i love the beat. I'm definately gonna buy the cd when i get my Christmas money. yay
:love: Yay i finally got the cd. American idot is so true every bit of the song is reality. Just in general teh cd is awesome. I absolutely love it. I've listnd to it about 50 times and i'm still not tired of it. Not to mention Billie Joe is drop dead sexy. I wnat him soo bad... too bad he's strate. Does any one have a shirtless pic of him? if so send it to me. He is so cute does any one else think so. I love him, need i say more i think my sig explains it.:love:
[quote name='Heezay']My god, that's so gay.....Oh, wait a minute. You are.[/quote] actualy I'm Bi but close enough.
. Okay its a long story. My friend lets just call him Bob and i started going out over thanksgiving. He broke up w/me after 3 and a half days, i don't know if the reason is that i'm a guy too or that it went too fast paced, we were only going out for 2 hours and we were in my bed making out.is that too fast? He seemed comfortable w/ the whole thing and we were realy open w/each other, wich is weird cuz he's the quiet emo punk/goth type who does'nt open up to any one. then it was a saturday i think he was supposed to come over to my house. He was'nt thare on time but i did'nt think anything of it cuz he was at my house the night be fore until 11 . But then i looked at the clock and it was 6 pm. so i called his house his mom said that he had left to go to my house. well i was realy worried so i called my friend cecily who lives behind another one of my friends, beka. well she told me he was at beka's house. she then called thare and told Bob to come over to my house. when he got here he said he needed to talk. He then said he did like me but that he was'nt ready for a relationship. Every time i bring up the two of us he freaks out. I can't help it, i love him more than anyone else. I can't help but flirt when i'm around him. what should i do? I'm so afraid of waiting for him to be ready. what if he falls in love w/some one else during that time period? i know i'm realy young im only about 16 but i realy feel that he's the one. What if he is the one but he does'nt want me? then I'll be alone forever.:(
Request Green Day banner and avi wanted pics included, thanx
Miryoku posted a topic in Creative Works
I am kinda dumb when it comes to this stuff any help will be appreciated. i'm not too picky use either pic for what you wish, i have no preferences so have fun. just use one for a banner and the other for an avatar. thanx i wuv you :love: -
I'm 15 but practicaly 16. I'm a huge anime fan but not of the "domesticated" crap that most people call anime. I buy and watch only japanese dvds. i know a little japanese but i mostly watch w/subtitles. it helps me learn more japanese. When they "translate" then they switch words and half the time screw up the whole series. any way I'm getting off subject. I fond OB a few months ag but did'nt join until last month, it realy cool, and every one is realy nice.yay i'm gonna be 16 in 4 months!!!
i'm thinking about how to get my x back. he was sooooooooooooo adorable and i still love him more than anyone realizes. life sucks and so does being a teenager. i just want him to know how much i still like him, but i can't tell him cuz every time i bring up the subject he freaks i tried to talk to him about it last night and he got realy pissed. I know he's the only one for me but he does'nt relize it... stupid brain. :(
I'm glad every one is vocing their opinion, but does some ones negative opinion on homosexuality realy matter? It"s thare and will always be thare if they want to not like it thats fine but its still gonna happen. That also fits in with the gay marrige thing. Here in utah ( which i might add is a vary "red" state) amendment three just passed, wich defines marrage as between a man and a woman. So it was vary unfair of course homosexuals were out numberd. How was that even a voters issue, how can they choose waht some ones life will be like, homosexuals getting married has nothing to do with them, they may not like it but it should'nt matter to them. And the whole thing is that is if they don't want to se us expressing our feelings the 3rd amendment won't help we'll kiss any way. i just don't get what it means to the strate people it is'nt their life to ruin.
"The thing is pretty much political correctness and religion. It just depends where you live, somewhere like San Francisco is going to be a hell of a lot more accepting then a small town in Missiouri or Montana." so true, i live in Utah, every ones mormon wich is way extreme protestant. we have 2 millon people 7/8 of wich are mormon. luckly i live in a larger city so we have a dozen or mor homo and bisexual students, but for a school of 2000 people thats a vast minority. we all kinda stick together but i realy feel for the people in the smaller towns in this state who have no one. why is our world so cruel? :(
[quote name='doukeshi03']Oh come on there have been worse crimes. Anyway, the death sentence is getting off lightly in opinion. It isn't really punishment its just a way of getting rid of a criminal so you don't have to think about them anymore. There are far more inventive things one could think up.[/quote] yeah, they should just dress him in neon colors, smother him in pollen, and lock him in a room filled with Japanese giant hornets. Bwa ha ha ha I love the way my mind works. :devil:
[quote name='kimo123']u guys are sick and wrong being hetro sexual is natural and why would you want sex from guys u guys probaly don't have anything against gays and lesbians because you have been called that your sef so you feel bad fo r themselves i think it is wrong but they should have equall rights.[/quote] I respect your opinnion but it is'nt just like we wake up one morning and say i think i'm gonna be gay now or i'm gonna start being a lesbian. thats not how it works. We have as much control over our homo or bisexuality as you do over your heterosexuality, and thats none. we just are, its hard to make you understand.It is'nt just the "sex" aspect, its also love for another human being, if we're all created equal than gender should'nt matter. Oh and heterosexuality may be "natural" but so is homosexuality, scientists have obseved it in almoast every animal. They have even observed it in chimps and other types of monkeys, wich are our closest relitives ( just ask Jane Goodall). I'm glad you think we should have rights but your comments are vary offensive and you should take some time to get to know a "gay" person, we're just as "normal" as you. Oh and to respond to your other post, have you ever opend up a manga? Most of the most popular ones are " Shonen-ai" or boys love, wich meens boy boy relationships, have you ever heard of Gravitation or Fake. Even some of the most popular animes hve "suggestive" themes.