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Everything posted by evillilwinch

  1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with homosexuality. I mean I'm straight but I have two friends who are homosexual. I dont act different around them. I mean...you cant help who you like...It's just a natural thing. So if people have a problem with that..then those people must have problems themselves that they need to figure out.
  2. I know...like...you are too young for that person. WEll...age is just numbers right? I mean if you are truly in love with someone.age shouldnt matter.
  3. AT the end of the world I will be dead, and nobody wil care. I mean none of my friends truly like me...its just a cover up so that they can plan my demise. whatever that word means. I mean...thats just wrong!!!!!!!!! WHY DOT HEY HATE ME SO?????I know I'm going off topis but you know...thats just what I do.
  4. Beautiful, is whatever you want it to be. Everyperson is beautiful. I mean, celebrities are only beautiful beacuse they are made over into what people want them to look like. With out fame, none of those celebrities would look how they do now. pretty sad huh? Oh well. The human race will never change!
  5. I want to be a forensice investigator. Sounds nasty yes...but thats my dream job. BLAME CSI: MIAMI!
  6. I am madly in love with the guy that my friend likes too. But he has no interests in her. I mean me and him flirt all the time and I think it bugs her, but I'm afraid that if I tell him I like him, that he'll back off or somethinf I dunno what to do. Help me please! :( :( :( :( :( :( :confused: :confused: :love: :love: :love:
  7. I think death is just a way into a new and better life. I mean...I don't want to die just yet but still, if I did I'd know I'd be going to a better place.
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