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    where do I start here....my favorite game is resident evil 4 my favorite movie is final fantasy advent children..and thats all I can think of...oh..yeah I like to draw hehe
  • Occupation
    Ninja.. >_> ... <_<.. hey I can dream can't I?

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  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=RoyalBlue]I would have to say.. That was a good movie, I have played the games they were fun games.. confusing at times hehe.. The creator of the games for silent hill made the movie you know.. He intended it to not be about any of the games he wanted to throw a couple of creatures from the games into the movie hes also intending on making that movie into a game version I hear..[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. :animesmil YAY! Thanks so much, your the bestest avatar/banner maker ever! I don't mind about the no japanese letters its great the way it is! thanks again so much.. I think I might be having a little bit of banner trouble.. I did look at that one thing that tells you how but its not helping really :animeswea ... oh yeah how do you change font colors and center the banner :animesmil :animestun
  3. Ahah! heres the picture.. Sorry if its to big guys, but thats what I was talking about and again THANKS SO MUCH! :animestun
  4. :animeswea Hey everybody! I am in need of a new Avatar and Banner! :animeblus In particular, Sasuke :animenose .. A picture I would love to have but can't find it if you know what im talking about its a picture of Sasuke on a guitar and Kakashi is in the background on a set of drums :animesmil and if you could make my name in the coolest japanese style of lettering you can (whatever that means)That would be cool, For the avatar I want Sasuke there and the banner I want Kakashi.. and make the banner say "One-thousand years of pain!" THANKS SO MUCH GUYS! :animesigh Yes I somtimes think im annoying also.. :animeswea .. and again Thanks for hearing me out!
  5. hmm..well where do I start... I love to draw, I hang out with my friends most of the time...I watch toooo much anime..im a girl..of course, whaatt ellseee. oh, I love Resident Evil 4 and Final Fantasy: Advent Children, I am always a happy person, never sad...unless you like kicked me or somthing like beating me up. hehe, I love animals specially wolves I couldnt live without wolves.. my favorite color is blue and my favorite anime is Wolf's Rain!!!! lets see...I cant really think of anything else to say cept my eyes are blue annd my hair is brown..I dunno..I like greenday and stuff..techno..maybe it depends what type people consider me with a punkish look..but I dont really like to be labled sooo yeah... I like drawin',wolves,anime, Leon S. Kennedy, Cloud Strife, n' videooo gammeesss wahhh.. i'm crazy..nah nevermind im not..or am I... oh well thats all I can think of to type cause im pretty darn tired :sleep: ... currsee youu high school, ccuuurrseee youuuuu!!! :animecry: ...wellll anyway thanks for your time in readin' this odd typing of mine. :catgirl: hardly wait for the resaults!.. :animestun :animesigh
  6. I know Leon is the coolest...anyway.. thanks so much you guys!!!!!!! those are great!! [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] now all I have to do is figure out how to make this banner...go on..hehe..which..I cannot figure out.
  7. OMG so cool..your really good...and yes I am little scared to ask *cowers* but..the guy on the banner is from resident evil 5 is he not...he looks a little weird..if its not to hard can ya make the re5 dude into leon..cuz..leon is ..*cough* cool :animesigh :animeshy: ...I hope it isnt hard..I dont like asking peoples to do things over cause it makes me feel bad when they put alot of hard work into it the first time..THANKS a TON.. ya dont mind if I add ya to the buddy list cause..I dont really have anybodies.. and your really nice!! :catgirl: thanks so much.. I hope its not to hard to make that guy into leon.. if it is just let me know!! thankies so much
  8. ohhhh boy, I would have to pick Cloud Strife ( FFVII & Advent Children) man oh man is Cloud good lookin' besides his good looks hes got a great personality..I have played and almost beat Final Fantasy 7 until our playstation broke...and I have seen Advent Children! Cloud was really depressed in Advent Children. :animedepr
  9. OH...in resident evil 4..it wasnt really a boss but, you know those regenorators? the blue things that walk slow and breath really weird...I was walking around and then I heard the thing breathing..so I turned around and there he was! I shot his leg off and he was floppin around, I though he was dead so I was laughing in my head "bwahaha!" but then he kinda jumped on me and started chewing on my head so I freaked out...lol
  10. this one I dont think anyone has done on this website...but can someone make a bannerand avatar with Leon S. Kennedy from resident evil 4..with my name in like...red creepy letters, thanks so much if you help out guys! I cant wait til I learn how to make these myself! :animesigh :catgirl: [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] I'd be very grateful guys, I guess resident evil 4 was as popular as I thought heh :animeswea , anywho this would be the very final request of a avatar and banner for me...sense I found out that obsessed with Leon and how he owns all those parasites!! :D well thanks again guys...and gals, oh I also would love if someone could teach me how to make this stuff one day!!.. and if your wonderin what I would want on the banner and avatar...hmm :animeshy: I guess Leon and I think I typed this already... the letters in creepy red creepyness :animesigh the banner could say Biohazard or somthin'.... :animestun AGAIN THANKS TO ALL YOU TALENTED PEOPLE OUT THERE IF YA MAKE THIS! *cheers for talented banner & avatar people* :catgirl: [color=teal]Please note that OB does not allow double posting on the forums. ~_^ Use the edit button in the future if there is anything that you wish to add. -Syk3[/color]
  11. Hey I would really love if some one could make me an avatar of Cloud Strife from FF Advent Children..like a really cool clear picture and also have my name with any color that suits the picture...thanks guys for helping! :animesigh
  12. I will be gratefull if someone could make a cool Inuyasha Avatar and a banner with Inuyasha and Kagome.. I am kinda looking for somthing with Kagome saying SIT BOY! or somthing hehe.... the Avatar isnt really needed but I want the banner to match the avatar, thanks people for your help. :animesigh
  13. Thanks for your help...my missory of searching is over hehe.
  14. Which episode is the one where Shippo has to fight the guy that killed his father (the weird guy that is obsessed with his hair) and they fight some other guy that flys around....im having so much trouble finding that episode...please help someone!
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