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Everything posted by Sinistra

  1. [QUOTE] [B]Originally Posted by Dagger IX1[/B] [I]Specifically, episode 8 and the ending arc were what made me cry. Of course the ending is very well done and touching, but I was especially impressed and moved by episode 8, because it made me feel strongly about several characters who had never played a major role in the series before that point. The English voice acting in this episode is insanely good, and lends it a lot of emotional weight.[/I][/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Palatino Linotype]That is true, I believe that Episode 8 deals with Hattori, no? How sad for him, he must have been very lonely. But Tohru also helps him to understand everything just a little more. I guess that's why the Sohma's like Tohru (with the exceptions of Hiro and Akito as far as the anime goes). She just has that certain way about her to help people with their problems. As for the dubbing, John Burgmeier did an amazing job with the script. The dialogue is so flowing and natural, I give him a lot of credit, and he was also very entertaining as Shigure Sohma.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]I have been told that I act like I am older than the age of fifteen. Which surprises me because when I'm around my friends, we're the craziest people I know... Having a somewhat extensive voacbulary helps, I was talking with a friend of mine the other day who is 19 years old. He had to stop and ask me to explain some of the words I was using. ^__^ But other than that, I act no younger than my age. If I did, I'd probably slap myself...[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]To be completely honest, Fruits Basket, the last episode...is what made me cry... And little Kisa, I just thought she was so cute, my little brother could relate to her small dillemma. Kyo, too, I could see why he freaked out in the last episode... Wolf's Rain got me close to tears, but then I watched the very end (last ten seconds) of the episode and I was like, WTF? Luckily, Bandai has agreed to show the four episodes that take place after the end of the series. And I believe they'll be released soon... And in regards to your post, Cheza, I believe that the DVD you are referring to is Reflection. However, I shall say no more...[/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE]I don't like to spend a small fortune on Yu Yu Hackushu dvds, so I just watch it on cartoon network.[/QUOTE] [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Palatino Linotype] Well, Yu Yu Hakusho is very expensive...(I should know...I own almost the entire collection with the exception of two DVD's) Watching it on Cartoon Network is the better approach if you want to save money, but the annoying thing is that sometimes they restart the entire saga on you because they have to wait for the newest episodes. Like now, you're still in the Chapter Black saga, while the Three Kingdoms is already near the halfway point and close to finishing the entire series... Jin is really funny, and he and Yusuke seem to get along rather well, I expect him to show up again in the series later on. Moving Target seemed interesting, but I was sure that it lasted only half of an episode (the battle between Yusuke and Hiei). Attempting Revenge is when Yusuke...falls and Hiei, Kuwabara and Kurama...attempt revenge...It's very close...[/FONT][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=DarkGreen][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Is the TV show still on the Chapter Black Saga? It seems that about now, you should be around the "Attempting Revenge" Episode. But you seem to talk like you're near the "Moving Target" episode. Yu Yu Hakusho is a cool show, and I can't wait until the next DVD comes out. It's really on edge and Kurama's next up to enter Demon World... :D [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Garamond]To Chibi Me Z... Sorry if that came off wrong or something...but yeah, aren't anime and manga just a couple of those things that you get addicted to and start buying until you've realized that you've spent WAY more than you intended to sometimes? I just know I'm gonna do that this weekend... :D [QUOTE][I]I own just as much manga as I do anime... I spend more on anime then I do on my car... *sigh*[/I][/QUOTE] More anime than your car, huh? I'm lucky, I don't have to drive just yet, but I'll probably end up just like that when it comes time...LOL...[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype][QUOTE]My life is ruined, I hate you anime, I hate you so much. I just found that my girlfriend doesn't love me as much as she loves some stupid Bakura character, I hate you so much anime.[/QUOTE] Okay,[B] number one[/B], this is not the anime [B]Yu-Gi-Oh![/B]'s fault. So anime is obviously not the problem here. So as long as we've got that straight, you're okay. But, I have to agree with Dagger IX1 in saying that you should just drop her. Let her be, wasting away with her [I][B]Obsessive Fangirl Disorder[/B][/I], don't let her drag you down with her. If you really love her that much, then do as Sara said and [I]be[/I] Bakura. And there is a chance that you will be happy. [QUOTE]Your girlfriend is suffering from either two disorders which are "Obsessive Fangirl " Disorder and "Can't Get a Grip on Reality" Disorder.[/QUOTE] Ever consider the fact that she's suffering from [B]both[/B]? And Dagger, you're right, that guy's site is REALLY friggin scary...it sends shivers up my spine seeing that...[/FONT][/COLOR]
  8. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Since Christmas just rolled around, my Anime DVD collection has just expanded from at least 50 to I'd round about 75 or so, now Chibi Me Z, try and add that all up when the price averages to be about $27.99 at Media Play. [QUOTE]Wow... 36... Now I know I spend too much on anime... WAY too much...[/QUOTE] That's a good $2099.25 roughly...you think you spend a lot, try that out. Um, I own most of the [COLOR=Teal]Yu Yu Hakusho[/COLOR] collection, [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Spiral[/COLOR], [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Azumanga Daioh[/COLOR], [COLOR=RoyalBlue]Dead Leaves[/COLOR], [COLOR=DarkGreen]Gravitation[/COLOR], [COLOR=DarkGreen].hack//SIGN[/COLOR], [COLOR=DarkGreen]Cowboy Bebop[/COLOR], [COLOR=DarkGreen]Inuyasha[/COLOR], [COLOR=DarkGreen]Rurouni Kenshin[/COLOR], [COLOR=Navy]Kiddy Grade[/COLOR], [COLOR=Navy]D*N*Angel[/COLOR], [COLOR=Navy]Neon Genesis Evangelion: Platinum Edition 1[/COLOR], [COLOR=DarkRed]Tenchi Muyo[/COLOR], and some [COLOR=DarkRed]Wolf's Rain[/COLOR] to throw in the mix... So, um, yeah... and that's not including the candy *Pocky & Pucca*, Manga, and other merchandise that just happened to cross my path...[/FONT]
  9. To be completely honest, I like my friends and family, but most of the time I prefer to be left alone...
  10. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed]I have to admit that [B]Inuyasha[/B] is getting pretty boring... Kagome and Inuyasha get mad at each other, she runs back home, and he gets all ticked off and won't speak to anyone...kind of annoying y'know. And that endless "fight" with Naraku...*sigh* I also read the ending for myself while checking in on Newtype Magazine. *Spoiler* [I]I still think it sucks that Inuyasha loses his humanity...but oh well...serves the cocky idiot right...it's what he wanted after all.[/I] *Spoiler end* [B]Yu Yu Hakusho[/B] is not the worst anime I've seen and I've enjoyed some episodes. It's not like Dragon Ball Z in the fact that the most important battles last for five episodes or more like Dagger mentioned, which is good. What makes me upset about it is the fact that crazy obsessed fangirls online try to "claim the boys". How ridiculous could that be? They're just drawings...I mean...it's amazing, they really need to get a hold of themselves.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  11. I agree with the fact that games and anime DO NOT mix, many anime and gaming magazines have come to the conclusion that these boundaries shouldn't be broken. Most anime-spinoff-video games aren't that great. I myself, on personal opinon, haven't found an extrordinary one yet and think that there isn't going to be one unless the makers figure out what they're doing... And as for Final Fantasy, I also agree with Dagger IX1. [QUOTE]On the other hand, the storyline is painfully predictable and ends up being little more than a great way to cure insomnia. The English voice acting is painfully bad, and I say this as a fan of dubs.[/QUOTE] I thought that my ears were going to bleed everytime I heard Tidus speak. And storyline? What surprises were in that? You knew at the end you were going to have to "face your demons" and what not...*snore* :sleep:
  12. [COLOR=SeaGreen]H[FONT=Palatino Linotype]obbies, eh? Mine are writing, Drawing, Singing, Sleeping, Playing soccer, beating the crap outta boys :D (j/k), watching anime, playing video games *cough* Legend of Zelda, listening to J-Pop/J-Rock/Anime Soundtracks... Peace... :sleep: [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  13. [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Navy]*Shrugs* Whatever's clean, I guess. Even though I'm a girl, I wear my brother's clothes for Phys Ed. I guess you could define my style as casual. Nothing too bad. Depends on what I feel like too, if I wish to dress nice, I'll wear my black boots, flare jeans and a good sweater. But on most days, where I could almost care less...just a t-shirt with my jeans and a pair of Sketchers, or my DC's whichever.[/COLOR] [/FONT] :p
  14. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Book Antiqua]All I want for Christmas is a SUPER HUGE SESSHOUMARU PLUSHIE!!!! And to see my b/f for Christmas, that would make my year. I also want some sleep... :sleep:[/FONT][/COLOR]
  15. My dream job is screenwriting or photography. I think either of those would be cool. To travel the world to take photos...man..that'd be awesome... Well, back to sleep... :sleep:
  16. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Gackt should come over to the US and go on tour. That would be the coolest thing ever... And I know how Miryoku said that his voice was "deep and sexy" His voice is amazing, he can sing from like tenor to baritone. It's frickin cool how he can do that. Each song is different, and that is what makes Gackt truely unique.[/FONT][/COLOR] :smirk:
  17. Gackt is one of the best Japanese singers I've heard. And I love his work, I hope to one day go on a trip to Japan to see him in Concert Live. That would be the best. I remember reading somewhere that he said his body fat's only like 6%...which is almost anorexic skinny...I know he's not anorexic, but [I]damn[/I] he's a twig... I ordered his two CD's [U]The Sixth Day[/U] and [U]The Seventh Night[/U], I can't wait for them to arrive...
  18. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed] From an anime, I'd have to say that I like Dearest and Owari nai Yume from Inuyasha, Soramimi Cake from Azumanga Daioh, The Rage Beat and that other song by Nittle Grasper from Gravitation. I also like Gackt and L'Arc~en~Ciel, December Love and READY STEADY GO...[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=DarkRed]Now where was I...oh yeah... :sleep:[/COLOR][/FONT]
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