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Everything posted by Sinistra

  1. [SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Firstly: Congrats Phil, you'll be getting my first post back on the OB in about a month and a half. Secondly and more importantly, I think that the Shaun of the Dead idea would be cool, but between the two ideas that you had originally established, I would have to say that both sound good. I'd join either of the two and if it was the first, I guess all I would have to do is a little background research. From an outside perspective, I would have to say the second. Not everyone has heard of Doctor Who [myself included] or TORCHWOOD and the second RPG could almost be like a preview of the first. Those who participated in the second would most likely have no problem transitioning into the first after getting an idea of what is going on. Hope that helps. Thanks for giving me something to check up on in the OB.[/FONT][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1]I'm only a Junior in High School, but I already know I'm going to be missing it. I don't want to leave all the friends I've made behind. We're all splitting up and going to different colleges and what not. And so many memories...not all good, but there has to be a few bad ones to balance. I'm going to be bawling my eyes out after graduation. I admit, one of the toughest girls at her school is going to break down and cry for a little while, it's just that powerful. Fortunately, there are opportunities to find others with common interests to start relationships with, so not all is lost. The experience itself is going to be so...weird...[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]Technically, I was born with a theme song since my name was birthed from one. [B][U]Rhiannon -- Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac[/U][/B] [I]Rhiannon rings like a bell through the night and wouldn't you love to love her? She rules her life like a bird in flight, and who will be her lover? All your life you've never seen a woman, taken by the wind. Would you stay if she promised you heaven? Will you ever win? CHORUS: Rhiannon [Repeat x3] She is like a cat in the dark, and then she is the darkness. She rules her life like a fine skylark, and when the sky is starless... All your life you've never seen a woman, taken by the wind Would you stay if she promised you heaven? Will you ever win? Will you ever win? CHORUS* Dreams unwind, Love's a state of mind[/I] But personally, I'm not sure if it suits me. My mom picked out the name seventeen years ago when she first heard it, and she almost went to the concert that FM had here, but I stopped her because I was 'in her belly.'[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]I actually had a really odd dream last night that scared me badly. Currently, certain members of my family are going through a bit of a financial crisis which seems to be worsening a little more day by day. Anyway, I'm standing in the back of the shop that my family owns. And all of a sudden, I see my aunt come out from one of the back rooms in tears and walking out another door. I watch through the window as she gets into her car and doesn't bother to close the door. She then turned the car around and the front was facing a large gas tank that sits in the back of the building. I ran outside already knowing what she was attempting to do. She simply looked at me with a desperate feeling in her eyes and then drove as fast as she could toward that tank. Everything blows up as soon as the car hits the tank. The right side of my face is severly bleeding and some of the flesh is gone. The building is in flames with other family members still inside screaming.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][U]Oh Beloved Mustang:[/U] Havoc! I order you to get off NOW. This is not a yaoi dojinshi! [U]Havoc:[/U] But don't you know how many online hits we'll get?! *nosebleed*[/SIZE]
  6. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]I've been told by guy friends of mine that they find my intellect the most attractive thing about me, and also the fact that I don't wear makeup or act fake. My friend Andy is always pointing that out. He's always told me how grateful he is to have someone to talk to who will be absolutely honest with him.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. [SIZE=1]Here's for a second time 'round. 1) [B]Make My Dreams Come True -- Apollo 440[/B] I like this song. It's from the soundtrack of Eurotrip. I think it would have good potential of becoming a Dance Dance Revolution song. 2) [B]About Her -- Malcolm McLaren[/B] I love this remake. It's from the Kill Bill Vol. 2 soundtrack. It's slow and the lyrics are cool. 3) [B]Phoenix [Basement Jaxx REMIX] -- Daft Punk[/B] A seven-minute compelation, but it changes tempo and tune. 4) [B]I think I can -- the pillows[/B] FLCL soundtrack. I always thought this was a funny song. It took me a while to figure out what they were trying to say in English. 5) [B]Hoshi no Suna -- Gackt Camui[/B] From the Seventh Night album. It combines strings with Gackt's voice. While this isn't the best of Gackt, it's still a fairly good song. 6) [B]White Light -- Gorillaz[/B] It's the Gorillaz, 'nuff said. 7) [B]THE BEAST [Quick Tempo] -- Neon Genesis Evangelion[/B] This song is just...creepy. It sounds like something that popped out of a horror movie. [SPOILER]But when the Evangelion is finally awakening and then starts eating the face of an angel, that's when y'know that things are messed up.[/SPOILER] 8) [B]real Emotion -- Kumi Koda[/B] Final Fantasy X-2. I think I prefer the English version of this song, the voice is more powerful. 9) [B]Kimi ga Oikaketa Yume -- Gackt Camui[/B] This version is from the Seventh Night also. I prefer the electric guitars to the acoustics for this song. 10) [B]pilgrim snow -- Wolf's Rain[/B] A light-hearted instrumental for the series. I like the little bit of flute that was added in.[/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1]I think it's a rather good idea, but be sure not to spread everyone who joins too thin. I think that Guardians would be an example of that. While it was a good idea, I think that there wasn't enough active participation to keep it going. There were a lot of people who signed up, but split into three groups seemed to kind of...how do I explain it...limit things. That's just my take on it. Good idea, just figure out how you want people to sign up and everything should work out smoothly. Hope it works out for you, Phil.[/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I think that would be a great idea. You said that you wanted to perhaps expand the Firespark universe. Well, maybe this could be another, totally separate group hoping to put a huge dent into the Theocracy after hearing about Blayze's crew and their attempt. Y'know working up the courage after finding out that there are others like them who wish for the end of the Theocracy. Or maybe, to create opposing sides, you could have one particular planet that is being oppressed by the Government and finally have decided to fight back after somehow hearing about Blayze's crew. Those are just a couple ideas, I don't know how well they'd work, but meh...I tried.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]1) La Tortura (Shaketon REMIX) -- Shakira feat. Alejandro Sanz[/B] Meh. There isn't much to say except for the fact that I like this better than the original. [B]2) leave me cold -- Yuki Kajiura[/B] For the Le Petite Cossette soundtrack, Kajiura took over as the composer and put together some music that sounds a lot different than .hack. I prefer .hack, but the instrumentals of this anime are okay. [B]3) Feel It --Black Eyed Peas[/B] This song's got a good rhythm. I don't listen to much of BEP, but this is a pretty good song. [B]4) Come Around Again -- Jet[/B] I've never listened to the song, it's my brother's. But listening to it right now isn't that bad. [B]5) Querer -- Cirque de Soleil: Alegria[/B] I love this song, it's so dramatic. I went to go see their latest show called Delerium and got the soundtrack for Alegria. [B]6) I Hate Everything About You -- Three Days Grace[/B] I like this song. But I don't listen to it that often. [B]7) The Day and the Time -- Shakira feat. Gustavo Ceroti[/B] Not bad. But I prefer her singing voice in her native language. [B]8) Double Bass -- The Gorillaz[/B] Off the original self-titled album. This is such a cool instrumental. Little bit of keyboards mixed in with the bass. It makes a good beat. [B]9) Color Me Blood Red -- Malice Mizer[/B] It was starting to make me nervous when there wasn't any Japanese coming up (even if this particular song is in English.) Repetitive vocals in the background for most of time give the reassurance of a Gothic feel. I like it a lot. [B]10) Dirty Little Secret -- The All-American Rejects[/B] Of course! My most listened to song at 50 times. What can I say? Good tune. So true in so many ways.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Yay! (Almost) everyone dies! Well, that was a pretty interesting ending. Sequel? I was confused by the Black Ops for a minute, but I read too quickly. It was a great story Phil, I hope to see more out of you. [quote name='Ikillion']See you space cowboy.[/quote] Someday, somewhere...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Phailin swung Zabedeo with great might as she let off a blaze ahead. This revealed the Traitors and the attempt of an ambush began. Immediately, she recognized two of them, Aldain who was fighting with Ileus and Abigor against Seraph. Both seemed to be handling their fights and Phailin had no problem with taking care of the others with Kira. [B]"I'll get you! You just wait!"[/B] She yelled as she blocked two sword attacks from a smaller figure. Twirling the zanbatou to let it fall into it's sheath, Phailin held out her hands and thrust forth the power of fire, a source of warmth for the Guardians of Light. [B]"Double Roulette!"[/B] The girl screamed and powerful blasts of fire came shooting out from both hands. It was enough to let the others see where their opponents were while fighting. Upon hearing the cutting of the winds with a blade, Phailin reached behind her just in time to avoid a surprise attack from behind. The zanbatou was locked in a stalemate with a double-hilted sword behind Phailin's back. For a moment or two she struggled, then let the forces of gravity take over. Letting go of the staff of Zabedeo allowed it to fall back into the sheathe. After doing this, in a quick motion, Phailin rolled forward and pulled the weapon out once more. [B]"I was so close to ripping your throat open."[/B] The traitor hissed, his blade glowing in the reflection of the flames. [B]"Well, you can try. But I can't guarantee that it'll work."[/B] Phailin smirked. He charged her and she stuck Zabedeo's blade firmly into the ground. Hanging onto the hilt, she cartwheeled over the blade as he thrusted it ahead. Upon letting go, she kicked the man in the back and pulled the blade back out. [B]"Fire Whirl!"[/B] And upon a single full rotation, she was surrounded by flames. Quickly, Phailin looked to the others to make sure that they were alright, then prepared for her next move.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Ena pulled her arm out of Sin's grip without looking at him. He looked down at her, confused, but he dared not ask. Eventually she did the same with Talyn and sat back down on the top of the steps. The dizziness was starting to wear off and she would hope the regain the strength to stand. Her body had been running on pure adrenaline and looked as if she had just come back from the fortress a couple days ago. [I]'Back to square one...'[/I] Having the chance to actually sit down and rest for even a moment seemed to help. With a long scratch to the face from Sin and others on her arms and shoulders from the corpse that she had been decieved to think as Richard, Ena looked rather beaten. Dried blood painted her once tanned skin with splotches of numerous bruises. The bite on her neck had finally stopped on it's own, but the stream of blood had slithered down her neck and onto her tattered clothing. The gash from the dagger on her right arm was still bleeding, but she could feel nothing. Her whole body had gone numb. It had looked like she had just gotten back from sparring with Richard to be honest. [B]"If you don't mind Kalei, I'd like to dress my wounds and change clothes."[/B] Ena spoke, her voice hoarse. [B]"I don't want to keep anyone, so if you feel it's necessary, you can go on ahead and I'll find a way to catch up."[/B] [B]"We'll wait for you, Ena."[/B] Kalei nodded softly. [B]"Just keep in mind to hurry. I wish for this to over as soon as possible."[/B] [B]"Yes, ma'am."[/B] Ena lowered her head and grabbed the beechwood railing. Riley tried to help her as she stood, but she waved him away.[B] "I'll do it myself."[/B] Riley seemed rather ashamed as he stepped back next to Sin. Each step was a slow one, but Ena eventually took back the simple ability of walking. She went to Father Alba to see if he could help her. Quickly and efficiently did he wrap and tend to each wound shortly after having the nurses clean her up. Giving her a new set of clothes was easy. And Ena returned to the others dressed in the traditional outfit she always had on missions. The black tanktop and black pants that she was so used to wearing. Somehow, Alba had managed to find her that outfit. Ena returned looking ten times better than she had walking up those stairs, but she still would not speak or look at anyone. She was too afraid to do so. But now was not the time for her to be distraught. Now was the time for the final showdown. She kept Alba's words in her head, repeating them over and over. [I][B][CENTER]"Fight until your last breath, child. They don't care about what happened in the past, they want you to help them secure the future. God will not forget what you have done or will do."[/CENTER][/B][/I] ---------- OOC: Hope everything's okay with you, DC.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]"I have something for you, Ena. I know how you suffer, the loss of Richard took from you what little love you thought you had. Everything you thought you knew slipping into oblivion as my own son showed his ugly face and drove you to madness."[/B] She paused and Talyn and Thayne looked at her strangely. While they knew something had happened, they didn't think that Richard had anything to do with any of this. [B]"Ena, please. I may have failed you as your leader, but I promise to never fail you as a friend."[/B] [I]'Oh god...what have I done to us?'[/I] Ena wondered as her body allowed her to stare only at the vile. [I][B]'You've done nothing. Get over it. These are not your friends! They have decieved you! They made you feel weak!'[/B][/I] [I]'I've listened to your lies for too long...I want control of my body back...'[/I] Ena watched as Sin drank the vile, hoping that she would follow his example. All eyes were on her, and on the outside, she still looked like the lust-filled vampiress that she now was. She looked down in her hand. The vial of Kalei's blood lay there, from what she had heard. Blood. [I]'Why don't you follow his example?'[/I] Ena would try to trick the vampiric side of herself into thinking that Kalei was just giving away her blood. [I]'It's blood, it's free. From the Wakanda leader...you think that you would just take it. It would be your first taste...'[/I] It was then, at that exact fragment of a moment, Ena's vampirical side decided to let down her guard, and Ena was able to take control back. Quickly, she popped off the cap and threw it back. For a moment or two, the taste of blood was sweet, then as she finished it, it was bitter and made her want to throw up. But she knew that for her sake she had to keep it down. Her knees grew weak, her eyes closed shut, and that voice disappeared. Ena fell on her right side onto the steps and shook her head. There were several pains, but that was nothing compared to the experience that she had overnight. A little more pain wouldn't matter. She knew that she deserved it anyway. A rush of tears began to fall from her face, and she didn't move from that spot. She whimpered as she realized that she regained full control, she was crying out of pain and joy, but for the most part the former. Now she would have to face her teammates. No matter what they would tell her, that betrayal she had attempted had practically killed her inside. It hurt her so much that she was weak. She had hoped that too much of the blame had not been put upon Sin. It really wasn't his fault. And Tegan, she had no idea what she would do if she were to ever see him again. It was too much to bear. It wasn't his fault either, yet, she couldn't help but feel this certain feeling of fear and disgust with him. [B]"Ena?"[/B] Talyn asked. [B]"Ena, are you okay?"[/B] Ena simply looked at them. She could not speak and she could hardly move. She was so confused and frightened because of what had happened. She looked at Kalei, then to Talyn and Thayne, then to Sin. She couldn't take her eyes off of him...she had become so involved in something she never thought she would, and he was the one who had helped her to do so.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Wow...things got really bad really quick. Poor Joko...and Ikillion, and Ezekiel for that matter. And there's only four chapters left? Really? Either way, I agree with Ezekiel on what she said on your rather surprisingly fast timing and quality. It's good to see a writer that can do that, so nice job Blayze. Can't wait until the next chapter![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [SIZE=1][B]"The Temple of Darkness..."[/B] Phailin repeated to herself as she and the others dispersed. [B]"Why is it that we must ally with them?"[/B] She asked with great acerbity as she neared the corridor that she resided in. [CENTER][I]We've never done such a thing, never would I have trusted a Guardian of Darkness with something such as this...but then again, in such times...I suppose we have no choice, do we? To think that there is a way for us to cease existing...is a thought that I can hardly bear...[/I][/CENTER] After entering the ivory doors to her bedroom, she simply walked over to the armoire and opened it. There weren't clothes or anything like that inside, but rather her most beloved possession and the accessories that accompanied it. [B]"There you are, Zabedeo."[/B] She smiled as she took the zanbatou from it's holster. [B]"Looks like I'll be taking you with me."[/B] She also retrieved a shoulder holster and fastened it across her body, then taking the massive weapon and sliding it inside, the blade facing the ground. [CENTER][I]I was brought into existence shortly after the War, so I do not know how bad things were back then. But I have seen my share of troubles, and this is by far, the worst. But Seraph has chosen me to go about this mission with him. I will not let him down. No matter what the cost.[/I][/CENTER] -- (Present Moment) -- [B]"So what exactly will we do when we get there?"[/B] Ileus asked Seraph as he walked behind him. [B]"We'll probably try to make a temporary alliance with them until we can eliminate the traitors."[/B] Phailin replied. [B]"But Seraph, are we trying to formulate a plan as well?"[/B] [B]"Yes."[/B] He answered. [B]"Do you think it will work?"[/B] She asked. The alliance between the two was indeed shaky. And to think that such a trivial thing as formulating a plan wouldn't be that hard, it would probably grow sour to some extent. The Guardians of Darkness most likely didn't want to hear anything that Seraph or any of them had to say. And she knew that her patience would grow thin as well with every word that slithered out of their mouths. [B]"I can only hope."[/B] Seraph said. [B]"But it is what Queen June ordered, and I will do everything in my power to do as she says."[/B] [B]"Very well."[/B] Phailin nodded. [B]"I suppose that I will try my best to bite my tongue and keep patience. The most important thing is that we eliminate the Traitors. It's like the saying 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend.' Who would've thought that we would've had to resort to this?"[/B][/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B][U]Name:[/U][/B] Phailin (Fay-lin) [B][U]Age:[/U][/B] Appears early 20's [B][U]Gender:[/U][/B] Female [B][U]Race:[/U][/B] Guardian [B][U]Position:[/U][/B] Guardian of Light [B][U]Appearance:[/U][/B] [See Attachment] The tribal markings represent each hundred years that Phailin has existed, which shows that she's been around for quite some time. She defiantly stands about 5'6" and is quite light on her feet due to her small size. Her crimson eyes hide a naturally rebellious, yet tame personality, and her hair, cut much like a boy's helps her to hide her identity if necessary. This picture shows her in a dress that she hardly wears, only for certain occasions. Otherwise, Phailin will wear a white hooded tank top that falls to her thighs and a pair of black hakama pants. [B][U]Personality:[/U][/B] Phailin is constantly in competition with herself, she is fiercely independent and always trying to prove her worth. She can be quite a handful to the others, but when it comes to battle, she's not bad to have around. Phailin can actually be quite useful with her speed and insight in the Power of Fire. Phailin will obey orders given, sometimes rather reluctantly. But she is faithful to her superiors and will do anything to make sure that things follow through. She is very dedicated to her obligations as a Guardian and will not hesitate to do what is necessary. [B][U]Weapon(s):[/U][/B] Short Blade Zanbatou - "Zabedeo" ~ "Servant of God" This is a special, lightweight weapon that allows Phailin a lot more control than others. She uses this and only this, with the help of her fire powers, Phailin combines the two to create some fearsome offensive strategies. [See Attachment] [B][U]Powers:[/U][/B] Phailin specializes in the element of fire and has crafted a few specialty moves. - Shotgun - With this attack, Phailin is able to shoot a very powerful blast of several scattering flames out of her right hand, and she can do this repeated times as long as she has the sunlight to fuel the energy. - Solar Flare - This is an attack that allows Phailin to turn her body into a giant fireball. With the energy gathered from the sun, her skin can burst into flame and burn for a few minutes wthout affecting her. This attack requires a great amount of energy, and it is not attempted often. - Roulette - With this attack, Phailin is able to shoot multiple blasts of fire from her left hand, this is her most common attack. - Fire Whirl - With her Zanbatou, Phailin swings it around and creates a mass of flame that encircles her and holds off opponents for a short amount of time while she prepares another attack. [B][U]Character Snippet:[/U][/B] [B]"C'mon Phailin. You have to move faster if you want to catch me!"[/B] An excited voice that belonged to her mentor yelled to the girl as she swung Zabedeo wildly. A jab and a pick to the ground, Phailin used the staff as balance and attacked her master with a headbutt. He just barely escaped and she stuck her arm out to catch herself. Picking up the zanbatou, she continued her merciless onslaught. If she was defeated her master, she would have finished her training. [B]"Close, but not close enough."[/B] Using one hand to steady the staff, Phailin whipped her hand in circles and pushed the blade forth at random times, stabbing at the man. He moved his neck only slightly to evade each attack. A yell filled with exhaustion and anxiety, Phailin lowered herself and attempted to sweep the man's legs out from under him. It was to no avail, for he jumped up and managed to pull Zabedeo out of her hands. Throwing the zanbatou to the floor and out of her reach, he allowed her to stand slowly. [B]"I'll get you. Don't you worry."[/B] She said with a smirk. [B]"We'll see, Phailin."[/B] He chuckled. It only took her a moment to realize what advantage she had against her master. Her physique. Her small frame allowed for flexibility and speed. With that in mind, she jumped over his head and upon landing, she whipped around and held her left hand squarely on his back. [B]"I've got you where you want you."[/B] An elbow appeared in a flash and hit the girl in the stomach. She fell to the ground as her master turned around. [B]"But you didn't finish what you started."[/B] Instead of attempting another leg sweep as the man predicted, she sprung off of the balls of her feet and pulled off a spinning kick that hit him in right in the jaw. It was his turn to fall to the ground. As he was stunned for a moment or two, Phailin grabbed her Zanbatou that was within arms reach and drove it into the ground. By doing so, she had pinned him to the ground by his clothing. He couldn't defend himself any longer. [B]"I think I win."[/B] [B]"I think so, too."[/B] He sighed.[B] "Congratulations, Phailin."[/B] -------------- It had been a long while since that day, but she played it through her head like it was just yesterday. The way he said 'Congratulations' seemed to stick with her through these hundreds of years. She respected that man above all others, and she promised herself that she would be as he was. Kind, caring, and powerful. It was like a code of honor to her, and she lived by it word for word ever since that day. [I][CENTER]She wanted to prove to everyone that she could make him proud.[/CENTER][/I] Lately, however, Phailin sensed trouble within the balance of Light and Darkness. Now would be the time to push herself to the limits and put her abilities to the test. Phailin knew that whatever had to be done, would be done. [CENTER][B]"When I come out of this, I will have proven to all of them what I can do."[/B][/CENTER] --------------- OOC: If anything needs fixing, let me know ASAP Blayze.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I actually have time to comment! Well, as I told you before, I really do like the concept you've developed, it's much different than other stories I've read. I'm not typically one to fall in love with the sci-fi genre, but you've made an exception for yourself with [B]Firespark[/B]. This chapter seemed to go by rather...fast compared to the others. It seemed like you were hurried, especially with Ozy's death. But it was still good nonetheless. I can't wait to find out who the Government Agent is. I'll be avidly reading...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Her body under no control and her mind a rage, Ena sprung at Thayne with the ferocity of a vampire. For a minute or two, he read her moves with ease, but fell to the floor after a fist to the jaw. She had cut his lip, and he spat out the blood as she smirked. He looked surprised at the newfound strength within her, but he couldn't give up. [I]'This can't be happening...'[/I] Ena watched from within as her body continued to attempt to strike her former teammate. Meanwhile, she could sense Sin somewhere on the higher reaches of the mansion. [I]'I can't believe I can do this...'[/I] Thayne lowered his arm in defense, and Talyn stared up in wonder as Ena's body fought itself. While trying to stab Thayne with Richard's dagger, Ena swung and turned it toward herself. Her right arm now sustained a long, but thin gash as she growled, and she dropped the wretched thing that had brought her so much pain. [I]'I can't hurt them...'[/I] Ena thought. [I]'I can't do it. I rely too much upon them for help. Doing this would be the ultimate betrayal. To hell with Malik and thinking that I would ever join that heartless bastard. I'd rather die than be one of them. The fool doesn't realize that I did this because of myself, not for the power. I still have a heart, it may be battered and torn, but it's still there.'[/I] [B]"Don't you do this!"[/B] Talyn rose and grabbed her from behind. [B]"Ena, don't be stupid!" "Fight it!"[/B] Thayne yelled. [B]"You're stronger than this."[/B] [I][B]'No. Give in. You've taken the bite, now give up. You're a vampire now and nothing's going to change that. You can't change that. Don't forget who you are now. You're not a Wakanda anymore!'[/B][/I] For a minute, Ena tried to bite, kick and squirm out of Talyn's grip, but he wouldn't let her go. She let out an angry scream. [B]"Let her go."[/B] A new voice interrupted. Sin stood at the top of the staircase with a smile and several burns. [B]"She is what she is. And unfortunately for the both of you, that's not going to change. She's mine now."[/B] [B]"How the hell did you get in here?"[/B] Thayne asked. [B]"Oh, I found a way."[/B] Sin replied smugly. [B]"Miss Ena!"[/B] Riley managed to work his way to the Main Hall and saw his teacher in a blood-craving frenzy. [B]"Riley, get Kalei! Tell her to hurry!"[/B] Talyn yelled to the boy and he took off in a heartbeat. [I]'I won't let you do this...' [B]'You already have.'[/B] 'I'll kill myself before I let you take over.' [B]'Then do it. You'll go back to hell where you belong!'[/B][/I] Ena managed to squirm out of Talyn's arms and ran up the stairs to stop halfway. She looked trapped. Between Sin, Thayne and Talyn, she didn't know what to do. Her body was on overdrive and her mind was battling itself. Kalei would have to return quick if Ena was to be taken under control.[/COLOR] -------------- OOC: Short post. Ena's become such a surprisingly...important character. I suppose that's the word. And I'm so glad, I could almost cry! *sniff* There's a lot of possibilities. (I don't want to be too controlling...)[/SIZE]
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]The two soon arrived at a massive, dark Victorian mansion that bordered the outskirts of the forest, close to the mountains. Its seclusion from the rest of the world was what made it the perfect spot to recover for the battered group of Wakanda. Ena writhed in Talyn's arms as he waited outside the thick wooden doors for Kalei to return and he stuggled to keep her from dropping to the ground. [I][CENTER]'Kalei...please hurry. I don't know how much longer Ena will last.'[/CENTER][/I] Talyn didn't have to wait long, Kalei opened the door and motioned for him to come inside. Quickly he joined her as she shut the door behind him, and she walked toward the Grand Staircase made of marble with a beechwood railing with iron bars forming a design in-between. Candles were scattered throughout the Great Hall, it seemed to be the only light within the building. The walls were colored burgundy with a ceiling a giant mural of angels in heaven. [B]"Take her in there. I'll be back in a moment."[/B] Kalei told him as she pointed down the left corridor to the first room on the left. With a nod, she decended the stairs and he continued to the left. The furniture consisted of a large four poster bed with a gothic black conforter and matching pillows. After setting Ena down on the bed, Talyn returned to the hall and waited. [I]'Is it really the best idea to leave her in there? If she was to wake up, it would most likely be the destruction of that room.'[/I] He thought to himself. ----------- Ena screamed and threw herself on the ground. A feeling like no other had begun to take over, and she felt a nauseating pulse begin to erupt throughout her body. Her heartbeat slowed to a painful rhythm and she figured out what was happening. [B]"Damn it! Why so soon?!"[/B] She muttered as she held her stomach. [B]"I can't...fight it...anymore. I'm....losing.....myself...."[/B] ---------- An aggravated scream plagued the numerous hallways and a loud crash soon followed. Talyn whipped around to see that body of Ena's folded over on the floor next to a shattered vase. [B]"Kalei!"[/B] He yelled, looking around, trying desperately to find his leader. He didn't want to be faced with this. She stood behind him, this demon that had arisen, and she waited for him to turn around. With a swift movement at the blink of an eye, she executed a roundhouse kick and sent Talyn crashing down the stairs. [B]"Get up!"[/B] She demanded in a dark tone, her fists clenched to the point that it was thought that she would break her own skin. Talyn looked up at the girl as he took a moment to stand, seeing a wicked smirk and to his disgust, a pair of fangs that gleamed in the candlelight. Those once jet black eyes were now filled with the hatred of crimson that vampires were known for. [B]"Kalei isn't going to save you this time, Talyn."[/B][/COLOR] -------------- OOC: Due to time restraints, I'm going to end it there. Blayze, I hope this is enough for you to get a post out of, it was fun playing Talyn for a little while.[/SIZE]
  21. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Ena lay in Talyn's arms, defenseless and weak. Her body was going cold and her once tanned skin was now a disgusting pale. One would've thought the girl to be dead. The flow of blood had still not been stopped and it had been at least an hour since Sin had bitten her. While Kalei had convinced Sin to return to fight alongside the Wakanda until Malik's fall, Ena was experiencing a nightmare like no other. She had the reunion she wished for, but it would not go as expected. ---------------- [B]"Richard...please,"[/B] Ena dropped to her knees before the figure in front of her. It was the only thing she could see besides the infinite darkness. [B]"Forgive me for my actions."[/B] She clenched her fists. [B]"You of all people knew better!"[/B] Richard's voice boomed and his foot drove itself into Ena's stomach. He stood over her within a matter of seconds, his boot crushing her already weakened ribs. [B]"You let all of them down. You let Kalei down. And you let me down."[/B] He said as she choked and squirmed beneath him. [B]"You deserve every bit of pain I inflict on you."[/B] He loosened his grip and Ena gasped. [B]"How could you?"[/B] She sat up, hiding her tear-streaked face. [B]"I asked you a question! Look at me and answer!"[/B] He grabbed her chin and forced her to look up at him. Her hand swiped his away and she stood quickly. Looking at him with the means to attempt to justify and make sense of her actions made Richard realize that she had a legitimate reason. [B]"...were gone..."[/B] She stuttered as her eyes dropped to the floor. [B]"What are you talking about?"[/B] Richard asked, puzzled. [B]"You were gone."[/B] Ena found the courage and looked up at him. [B]"And I wasn't ready for you to leave. I didn't even get to tell you..."[/B] [B]"Tell me what?"[/B] Richard grabbed a hold of her shoulders. But Ena couldn't bring herself to tell him the truth. [B]"Goodbye."[/B] [B]"You knew that you needed to move on, Ena."[/B] He replied. [B]"I know. And I will. But I can't do it in a day."[/B] She shook her head. [B]"But...why this?"[/B] Richard pointed at the pair of puncture marks on the right side of her neck. [B]"Why go this far? This isn't the Ena I trained." "No. It's the one you left behind."[/B] Ena whispered. [B]"I needed to be stronger, not just for me-" "It wasn't for you."[/B] Richard interrupted. [B]"It was never for you. Knowing you like I do kid, someone said something to you and you got upset. It seems to me that you did this to prove them wrong." "Tegan called me weak, and used my emotions against me. So after a series of events, I found Sin...he had turned, and I gave into him.[/B] Richard's fist came out of nowhere and hit Ena in the side of the face. She fell to the ground, stunned. [B]"You know better."[/B] He growled. [B]"I told you not to give a damn about what others said!" "I'm not you, Richard!"[/B] Ena screamed. He stopped, astounded. It was the first time that Ena had rejected his words. [B]"I'm sorry."[/B] Ena whispered as she sat with her eyes to the floor. [B]"But I miss you, Richard...more than you know."[/B] It finally seemed to dawn upon Richard that he was more important to Ena than he did know. But it wasn't enough. [B]"Ena...I'm sorry. But I can't forgive you for your treason against the Wakanda."[/B] He said in a low tone. [B]"Forget about me. I won't be waiting for you."[/B] And with that he turned. [B]"I'm sorry I couldn't be there to save you...I wasn't fast enough to get from the Dungeons to your location. I wasn't strong enough to get by the Vampires as quickly as I should have. I was bitten because I asked to be...because it was my punishment."[/B] With those final words, Richard walked away. His footsteps grew further from her and she could do nothing about it. He was gone, and Ena was left with nothing. She sat there, tears falling with no signs of stopping. She was not surprised that he wouldn't forgive her. It was typical of him, but for some reason she felt worse anyway. Gritting her teeth and clenching her fists, Ena hit the ground and screamed as loud as she could. But no one would hear her. No one would save her. This was her punishment, and now she was alone. [I][CENTER]'I'm sorry that I was never good enough for you.'[/CENTER][/I] She now belonged to Sin, whether she liked it or not. When she would wake up, it was something she would have to face head on. Not only that, but the consequences of her weakness were to come as well. ---------------- OOC: I was kinda bored, so I made a quick post for Ena while she waits for more medical attention or whatever.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][quote name='? Nomad Tical ?']Gotta love Final Fantasy music. The songs form FFX are awesome, namely that one from the kiss scene, and also, of course, Otherworld.[/quote] Agreed. I like certain songs from the FFX-2 as well. The Farplane Glen and the Zanarkand Ruins are two of my favorites. Square-Enix had a good taste for their game soundtracks. I also like some of the music from the Dead or Alive series. The techno remixes of Kasumi and Ayane's themes are great.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]Simplicity[/B], I like the subject of your signature. It's Happy Bunny! *squeal* It toook me a minute or two to watch both of them. I really like the attempt at an animated set. (I don't really know what you call it.) However, I don't know if it's my eyes, but it seems that the "Special, No?" holds for a tad bit longer than the "Directions" Which makes the directions hard to read at a glance. But it's nothing to fret over. I also think that the "Special, No?" could've been moved over to the right a little more. All of the Happy Bunnies look fine and the backgrounds look great for so little color. Overall, I give it a 9/10.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Revelation, your writing is rather astounding. You have a way with description and imagery without wordiness, it's a good trait to have. I like the rather intriguing almost 'come hither' appearance of Lisette, her features are obviously different than the norm. I don't think I've ever seen a person with emerald green hair, but in this case, it helps her to stand out. She also seemed to have this "You want me, but you can't have me" attitude that seemed to tease Mr. Coste according your description. I like a strong, dominant female protagonist. I must agree with Retribution on the metaphors, they worked very nicely. Each artwork to each woman, when she finally claims it, it's like gaining a part of herself and showing that she is indoubtedly a member of the higher classes. Very nice. Keep up the amazing work, and I'll be watching for Chapter Two.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Despite the high number of people on the East Coast...(I know that CHW is the closest person to me within a few miles) the closet people to me after that are up in Canada! It so spaced out up here. I too feel a little alone.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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