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Everything posted by Sinistra
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Well, figuring that it's about Japanese music's influence on the American media, I'd consider using some of the more well-established bands/singers. For example, Dir en Grey, while I don't listen to them myself I do hear many good things about them. Maybe you could go with Tofu Records and use L'Arc~en~Ciel and Asian Kung-Fu Generation. a lot of people might know them due to Full Metal Alchemist. (They sing both of the opening songs.) Then there's always Gackt Camui or Nami Tamaki as far as singers go, and if there's gamers, even Kumi Koda (FFX-2) since she seemed to do a great job with that. A lot of people seem to like T.M. Revolution lately, too. (Does songs for a couple anime series) Really, you have quite a lot of options to start with, and the selection is so great that it would be hard to pinpoint which songs. (Everyone has their favorites!) I hope that helped.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Thayne was already desperately persuing Sin as the two began to move farther onto the outdoor grounds. This left Talyn with Ena. He stared at the girl as she watched the two fight. [B]"I didn't want this."[/B] She said. [B]"I allowed him to bite me and I thought that it would've been the end of it. I thought we would have left."[/B] She said, looking back at Talyn. [B]"I don't want to fight...and right now as I speak, my body is forcing a shutdown so that the final stages of the transformation can commence." "Ena...please. Stay with us. We can't afford to lose anymore Wakanda."[/B] Talyn said. [B]"Don't listen to Tegan...he's wrong and under Malik's control."[/B] [B]"Talyn...if I was to tell you that I would die before joining Malik...would that make you feel any better?"[/B] Ena looked at the ground and felt her eyelids grow heavy very quickly. [B]"I'll understand if you can't take my word because of what is happening to me...But I didn't plan on joining Malik, I did this simply to become stronger. I didn't want to follow in Sin's footsteps, even that would be too low for me."[/B] She managed a small smile. This girl was like a little sister to Talyn and the others, and to lose her to the grip of the Vampires was devastating. He remembered when Ena had finally arrived at the Wakanda temple in America a few years ago, and that determined look in her eyes when she was assigned to Richard. She knew that he would put her through hell, but she was willing to risk everything to fight for what was right. And now...she was about to lose control of herself as she would be devoured by the clutches of Sin. How could she have lost her way? It was truly hard to believe...except in recent times. Talyn knew that he and the others were so concentrated on Malik that they had lost track of each other, not just with Ena, but with Katima and Tegan, and especially Kalei. [B]"Ena, if you stay...I can help you. I know that it's hard to be a half-breed."[/B] Talyn told her as he noticed that she was beginning to slip in and out of consciousness as she leaned against the wall, breathing heavily due to the slowed pace of her heartbeat. [B]"But I can teach you to master both sides of your powers."[/B] Ena finally gave in and fell toward Talyn, her eyes barely open. [B]"Ena! Please. Hang in there!"[/B] He yelled to her as he caught her. [B]"I can't fight against you guys...ever. Sin said he wanted to kill Malik too...and so we have a common enemy."[/B] Ena whispered. [B]"At least for now...Promise me, Talyn, that you'll be stronger than I was. Promise me you'll never give in." "Of course."[/B] He nodded. [B]"As long as you stay strong for us."[/B] [B]"I owe Sin a lot...that's also why I allowed him to go through with the things he's done."[/B] Ena said as she finally let go. [B]"If Tegan ever returns to you...tell him that he got his wish..."[/B] [B]"Ena! No!"[/B] Talyn struggled to set her down gently and figure out what he needed to do. [B]"Shit...this is way too fast."[/B] As soon as Thayne strayed from his showdown with Sin, the vampire saw it as an opportunity to reclaim what was his. He moved at the speed of the moonlight and picked up Ena in one swift movement. Talyn attempted to swing at him, but as it drew closer to midnight, the more power Sin had obtained. Talyn and Thayne fired a slew of attacks, but Sin seemed to dodge them with ease even with Ena in his arms. Within seconds, Sin and Ena were gone...lost to the forest where Jade and Tegan currently were. Little did the Wakanda know, that while they dealt with Sin and Ena, they had allowed Phineas and Noals to escape as well.[/COLOR] ------------- OOC: I hope this isn't too fast for anyone. I was just trying to get this out of the way...PM if there's a problem.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Ena sat up silently and observed the sword that was so close to ripping Sin's neck open, and the one responsible for holding it there. [I]'Talyn?!'[/I] Her body shivered as all of her wounds began to close immediately. The bite in her neck left little more than a tiny scar and she felt the new power within her allow her to jump to her feet. She charged Talyn and was able to knock him off of his feet and onto the floor. Sin watched with a satisfied look as Ena took Richard's knife and held it above her head as she straddled the other half-breed. Talyn could see the bursts of red in her eyes, and he knew that this was a desperate time if he was to save her. [B]"Ena! Stop this now. I know this isn't the real you. You don't want to be like me. I don't want to live like this anymore."[/B] Talyn tried to coax her into letting him take the venom out. [B]"Please..."[/B] Her eyes began to water and Sin looked at her strangely. The effects had not started as fast as he thought. This was still Ena as a Wakanda. He watched as she dropped the knife and shook her head. [B]"No one understands how much I've gone through!"[/B] She screamed. [B]"No one realizes what it is to be the youngest out of all of us and feeling like you're the tag-along, like you're worthless. I've suffered pain these past two days that is unconcieveable to most of you...and there are some who have the nerve to call me weak at a time like this."[/B] [B]"Who?"[/B] Talyn asked, unaware of the day's events. [B]"Ena, who did this to you?"[/B] [B]"Tegan had the nerve to lead me to the kitchens and leave me for dead after giving me a hallucinogen. I had to re-kill all those who had fallen in the fortress."[/B] Ena replied with a harsh tone. [B]"He told me that I wasn't strong enough to handle what we were to deal with in the future. He told me about Richard, and how he died."[/B] Talyn's eyes and mind were weighed down by these revelations, but nonetheless, he had to convince Ena to come back. [B]"But that is just one person, Ena. That doesn't mean that the rest of us agree with him."[/B] [B]"I did ask to be bitten."[/B] Ena lowered her head so that Talyn wouldn't see her cry. [B]"I had decided to simply take matters into my own hands and do as Tegan wished. I have chosen this as my punishment for not fulfilling my responsibilities as I should have. I have chosen this life...because of the mistakes I've made...the promises I've broken. I'm not worthy enough to be called a Wakanda...so I became a Vampire. And I have decided to embrace the life that Sin has given me."[/B] She said. [B]"Tell the others that I'm sorry."[/B] With that said, Ena stood and with the snap of her fingers, a violent flash of fire cracked the hardened blood and Sin was free. [B]"Please, let's go."[/B] She said, looking back at the one person that she would now have to stand by. [B]"It won't be long before Riley returns with Kalei."[/B] [B]"But what about Talyn?"[/B] Sin asked, bewildered that she would not fight her former comrade. [B]"Sin, let's go!"[/B] She pleaded. [B]"Deal with it another time."[/B] With great reluctance, Sin glared at the half-breed and turned to join Ena. [I][CENTER]I didn't think that my entire life was to change today...I didn't think that I would be giving in to these feelings...I didn't think I would become a traitor...[/CENTER][/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]OOC: DC, I'll be killing off Jordan in this post. Two apprentices seem pretty tough and I know that I haven't even started yet. -------------- The two boys gritted their teeth as Sin approached them slowly while Ena fell to the floor, panting from the lack of breath. She looked over at the two as they never faltered in their stance. [B]"Leave her alone!"[/B] Riley yelled at him. [B]"She never did anything to you."[/B] [B]"Do you think that matters, little boy?"[/B] Sin smirked. [B]"Do you think I would kill her because of a grudge? No...she just happened to come by. And now you will be first because you interfered."[/B] He lunged at Riley with the sadistic intent to kill, and the young boy was just narrowly dodging each attack. The two kept at it while Jordan watched to see when his moment would arise. It was then that Sin had his back turned to the boy. With a loud scream, Jordan ran and leapt onto his back, attempting to wrap his arms around Sin's neck. [B]"This is annoying."[/B] Sin growled and grabbed both of Jordan's arms with one hand. [B]"And now this is where it ends!"[/B] Grabbing the small hands, Sin threw Jordan over his head and onto Riley. The two boys collapsed to the floor in a pile and stayed that way. [B]"Ena, you're next. I will finish you."[/B] He pointed at the girl and began to walk over to her once more as she stood. [B]"No!"[/B] Sin turned around just in time as Jordan tried his hardest to land a blow to the stomach. The vampire had disappeared as Riley was the last to stand. [B]"Where are you?! Show yourself, you coward!"[/B] Jordan yelled as Ena ran behind him and put her hand over his mouth. [B]"Please...Jordan, don't say that."[/B] Ena whispered as she looked toward the ceiling for Sin. [B]"You'll regret it if he catches you."[/B] [B]"But, you're protecting me, Miss Ena. I don't have anything to fear as long as you're here."[/B] Jordan removed her hand from his mouth. [B]"That's what Fyuora said, and that's what you promised, right?"[/B] [B]"Jordan, as long as Sin is like this and I'm in a weaker state, I can't guarantee anything."[/B] Ena admitted. [B]"Ena, if you had accepted my offer, this wouldn't have had to happen."[/B] Sin's voice echoed. [I][CENTER]'Could it be that I will have regretted that decision?'[/CENTER][/I] Within seconds, Sin reappeared out of nowhere and ripped Jordan out of Ena's arms and throwing him on the floor. [B]"No Sin!"[/B] Ena used her wind power to attempt to knock him off of his feet. The vampire nearly stumbled but then turned around with that look in his eyes. He was growing more and more out of control. Riley ran over to Jordan and helped him back to his knees. Ena took initiative and threw a couple punches at the vampire, trying to distract him from the boys. Using Richard's traditional roundhouse kick, Ena managed to get Sin on the floor. She pinned him down with her knees and hit him twice in the chest before he caught her wrists. Rolling over and becoming the dominant one, Sin struggled to keep Ena on the floor. Riley and Jordan both ran at him and started to kick him in the back. While their attacks did nothing more than annoy the vampire, but it was enough to get Sin to let go of Ena and throw himself onto Jordan. [B]"Y'know Ena."[/B] He looked over at the girl. [B]"I haven't sucked the blood of a child in years."[/B] Jordan trembled beneath Sin and squirmed under his grip. [B]"Sin...please. Let him go."[/B] Ena struggled to sit up and onto her knees. [B]"No. This is your fault."[/B] Sin smirked as he leaned down and quickly brandished his fangs. [I][CENTER]'No...I can't let this happen!'[/CENTER][/I] Ena jumped on Sin's back and began to dig wildly at his back. Sin hissed at the pain as her nails sunk into his skin. He stood and threw Ena into the nearby wall, pinning her by her shoulders. [B]"I'd rather have it be me than him."[/B] Ena said as she looked at the boys. Sin let go and took a couple steps back. He fangs still shined in the moonlight and Ena could tell that these could either be her last breaths as a full Wakanda, or even possibly, her last breaths of being alive. Sin lunged one last time and there was indeed blood. But it was not Ena's. In those last seconds, the fire Wakanda watched in horror as Jordan jumped in front of her and clinged to her neck. Sin had seemed to have slipped his fangs into Jordan's left shoulder, which would have been Ena's right one. Sin let go and watched, cursing that it was not Ena's skin that he had penetrated. [B]"No matter, at least I got a short drink."[/B] He said as he licked his lips of the blood. Ena's eyes filled with tears as the boy slumped to the floor, his face was lifeless and pale. His body shook with shock and Ena set him down gently. He uttered a few last words. [B]"Miss Ena. I'm sorry that Riley and I haven't found our powers. Maybe then...we would have been a bigger help to you..."[/B] That was the last straw. To see a child die was the one thing Ena did not want to see, she was now broken. [CENTER][I]'I couldn't even save a child.'[/I][/CENTER] [B]"Riley. Get out of here!"[/B] She yelled. [B]"Go find Kalei. Tell her what has happened. Go!"[/B] Riley ran off and it seemed that Sin would allow him. There was only one thing he wanted, and that was Ena. [B]"Sin. What would you do if I was to finally accept your offer? Is it too late?"[/B] --------- OOC: Sin, you have a choice. You can either bite Ena, or the fight can go for a little while longer until someone finally intervenes. Whatever happens, we'll go from there.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]His fangs grew ever closer to her neck, and she attempted to struggle. Sin simply held her hands back with ease, taunting her by moving slowly. [I][B]"You know Ena, I've decided you would make a very nice vampire queen when I take Malik's vampire's power. You have spirit and with vampire power you could be very powerful."[/B][/I] [I]'I can't let Sin do this, but I don't want to hurt him either. I want the old Sin back. Richard and the boys wouldn't approve of my turning on the others either. I'm stronger than this...it's just that everyone doesn't see it yet.'[/I] Ena was at Sin's mercy, but some sort of adrenaline shot through her at the last moment and she was able to push him away with a force that he seemed a bit surprised at. She fell the ground, still leaning against the wall for support. [B]"Sin, while that offer is very tempting, and I'm obliged by your decision. I'm afraid I can't take you up on that offer."[/B] She said in a sarcastic tone. [I]'Everyone believes that I am weak emotionally. What they don't know is that I do have a side that doesn't determine friend from foe...and that I'm this close to letting it take over me. It's Bloodlust...'[/I] The young fire Wakanda's eyes darted around, looking for Sin after he disappeared once more simply after she had blinked once. Attempting to stand, Ena clenched both of her fists. [I]'...I still have a little power left within me...'[/I] [B]"Show yourself."[/B] Ena said in a determined tone. [B]"If I'm not mistaken by the comments you've made before, it was a human that killed your mother, don't you think that it's the people you attempt to protect that you should hate? Not the vampires, but the humans?"[/B] Sin's voice echoed throughout the room. [B]"Really, love. Think." "Join me."[/B] He said once more. [B]"If I didn't know any better, I would say that you seem really bent on convincing me, Sin. Anything else you wish to confess?"[/B] Ena said with a slight smirk. [I]'If he wants to play mind games, we can do that too.'[/I] [B]"Not really."[/B] He said as he jumped down from the ceiling, then appearing right before her once more. [B]"However, a fight would suffice." "That's right. You wanted a fight."[/B] Ena smiled, tucking and rolling to the side. [B]"Well then remember Sin. Remember that just because you are the strongest of us doesn't mean that you can't be beaten."[/B] [B]"Ena, do you really think me a fool?!"[/B] He jumped at the girl, thrusting his fist torward her. Ena barely avoided being hit after she stepped to the side. Sin landed on all fours and looked back at Ena with greedy eyes. He stood up and decided that this was not enough. With the speed of the moon, he appeared in front of Ena once more. She was indeed surpised and almost fell backward had it not been for the heightened expectations. She shoved her arms out in front of her and prepared the Wheel of Flame. Sin disappeared and reappeared behind her, attempting to grab at her neck. Ena threw herself onto the floor to face him and aimed the attack right at his face. He growled as the burst of flames singed his tattered sleeve. [B]"Ena, you won't be so lucky next time."[/B] He warned her. Ena rolled backward and onto her feet, trying to keep a close eye on her opponent for any sudden movements as she remembered one of Richard's last remarks in her training. [CENTER][I]'Never let your eyes off of them Ena, if you do...you're dead.'[/I][/CENTER] [B]"Ena. Let go. Join me and you could have the power that you've been dreaming of."[/B] Sin tried to persuade her one last time. [B]"I don't want to have to kill you."[/B] [B]"Richard may be dead, and those two brats might be annoying later on...but I've made promises that I cannot break. I've no need to live under Richard's thumb anymore and Riley and Jordan are part of the future for the Wakanda. That is something that someone like you could never understand."[/B] She remarked. [B]"Let's go then. If I die now by your hands, at least I will die knowing that I fought for what is right."[/B] [I]'I know I can't go much longer.'[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Wow...I almost feel kind of out of place waking up so late. [B][U]Average Saturday:[/U][/B] I wake up at about 10 am due to the fact that I was probably out with some friends doing whatever the night before. After I clean up, I usually play some DDR (5 miles as the Workout Mode puts it) or go right back to hanging out with my friends some more to go see a movie or go shopping or something. I guess it depends on what we feel like. Sometimes, under the rare occasion that I stay home, I'm usually hanging out online. [U][B]Perfect Saturday:[/B][/U] Mmm... Wake up at about 11 am (need my sleep) and get ready for the day. Go hang out with my friends for only a little while, because around this time of year, I have one big priority. At about 4 pm, I'll come home and change clothes to go back out to Buffalo. Reason? Buffalo Bandits Lacrosse, the professional indoor game. Now for this Saturday to be perfect, they need to win too. But that isn't too hard. In terms of weather...no snow...a person like me who travels a lot can't stand weather complications. After that, we'll usually go to the after party and hang out for a while with the players, get a late dinner and come back home around midnight. (Although there was one time where I didn't get home until 5:30 in the morning.) EDIT [January 21st, 2006]: Last night, I completed yet another perfect Saturday.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][CENTER][I][COLOR=Navy]'Where am I? Who brought me here? Am I still alive? How badly am I hurt?'[/I][/CENTER] Ena sat up and shook her head of the dizzyness that clouded her mind. She realized that she was wrapped rather tightly in not only the bed sheets, but... [B]"Sin's trenchcoat? He was...?"[/B] Ena looked at the tenchcoat that had been kept warm for at least an hour or two. [B]"Ena, you should get more rest."[/B] The nurse whom Sin had run into earlier walked in. [B]"You could be worse than you think."[/B] [B]"I'll be fine. But I can't just sit around."[/B] Ena pulled the I.V. out of her arm and quickly bandaged it. Grabbing the trenchcoat, she started to head towards the door. ------- [I]'I can sense something wrong.'[/I] Ena's calm walk evolved into a fast pace, then a jog, and before she knew it, she was running through the massive corridors of the Wakanda Temple. [I]'What am I searching for?'[/I] [B]"I should get this back to Sin..."[/B] [I]'But what about Tegan?'[/I] [I]'I don't want to deal with that right now. And I don't feel like being mad at him...that's the old me... I'll act as if nothing's ever happened between us...ever...'[/I] As Ena thought of what happened earlier that afternoon, the pains in her side and on her shoulder began to throb. A flinch erupted for only a moment, and Ena stopped. [I]'No...don't...give up...on me now...'[/I] She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists, leaning against the wall. [B]"Now's the time to suck it up. C'mon Ena...too much is riding on your ass to give up just like this."[/B] She said to herself. It was true, she had two apprentices to start training pretty quick and she also had to help one last time to find Malik and destroy him. The party of Wakanda was shrinking, and Ena knew that she not only had to fight for herself, but for Richard as well. She stood on her feet again and continued a walk. [I]'There's something different about the air around here.'[/I] She thought, thinking that she hadn't used her wind powers in quite a while. [I]'It's strange, but I can't tell just what it is yet.' [/I] The young Wakanda followed the new aura, which seemed to daze her for a moment. [B]"This is so...dark..."[/B] Coming to the scene of the day's former events related to Tegan and the others, Ena took a look around and knew instantly what was going on. [B]"I knew Tegan wouldn't do that...at least I don't think he would've."[/B] [B]"So, you're up and about already?"[/B] A voice, different than usual yet still familiar rang through the intersection. Ena turned around sharply. [B]"Sin?"[/B] [B]"Oh, it's me...but I've become a bit...different."[/B] Doing a 360, Ena saw the vampire nowhere. [B]"Where are you?"[/B] [B]"Look behind you."[/B] The voice sent shivers up her spine as it came from right behind her. The Wakanda ducked and rolled to the left side. As she rolled onto her feet, she saw that it was indeed Sin, but he was different. He was under the influence of literal bloodlust. He eyes gleamed with desire to satify that thrist that had arisen in him. [B]"I came to return this to you."[/B] She said in a firm voice, slipping off the trenchcoat, knowing what was going to happen. He looked at her with a dangerous smirk, one typical of a bloodsucker's. [B]"Thanks."[/B] He said, never letting Ena out of his sight as she threw it at him. [B]"But Ena..."[/B] He beckoned as she turned from him. [B]"I'm afraid I can't let you off that easy."[/B] Ena's eyes shut tightly, she knew that she was too weak to face off against him. He was the strongest out of all of them, she wouldn't last five minutes. Shaking her head, she went to turn around, but he was already there. Ena was indeed startled, but she tried her hardest not to show it. [B]"Sin. Please-"[/B] She went to put her hands up in defense. [B]"Ena. It's not good to turn your back on a vampire."[/B] He replied with an acid tone. [B]"As a Wakanda, you should know better. Perhaps I should re-teach you!" [/B] With that, there was a swipe at Ena's face. She had barely tucked and rolled backward in time. There was now a long scratch on the side of her face. [I]'Damn. I don't know if I can handle this.'[/I] --------------[/COLOR] OOC: Sin, if you wish, you can start a bit of a fight just to get something going for the time being. I love putting Ena through a series of trials. EDIT: I added a little more.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B][U].: Random :.[/U][/B] Well, your banner is rather...scattered. The picture off to the right seems to just come out of nowhere and the words are scattered. (This is just me but...) I'm not really sure of the order they go in or if you even intended them to have an order in the first place. The other shape that takes up the majority of your banner looks cool, but the word KEEPER seems to take a bit away from it with the font and color. That's all I really have to say. I'm kinda dumb with this and still learning about Photoshop myself, so don't take my words too seriously. [B]6.5/10[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][quote name=' haru sakurai']it doesn't mean the band is breaking up, and there's no word of them breaking out-- they've been 10 years and going strong.[/quote] Correct! I read about this in Anime Insider last month. They're just taking a break, but they do plan to get back together soon. Their 'final' concert wasn't too long ago, but I thought they had announced it then. They were touring for their new album 'Awake'. I want to follow their solo projects and see how they do.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]Why you're entering:[/B] [quote name='Raya'](And to see if anyone of us can stand a round against THE Dagger. If we're lucky, we might be able to get a glimpse of her anime-knowledge Bankai. *dun dun dun dun*)[/quote] Yesh. That would be a good reason too. I'll sign up for the simple pleasure of testing myself, and seeing if I can stand *stagger* against Dagger-san. [B]Your favorite anime:[/B] Tenchi Muyo, Yu Yu Hakusho, Azumanga Daioh!, Fruits Basket, Wolf's Rain, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Samurai Champloo, Kiddy Grade, Gravitation, and there's lots more, but we won't go there just yet. [B]Two or more anime you'd like to see being questioned:[/B] I have some pretty extensive knowledge on Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket, and Kiddy Grade. (Any of the above mentioned would be fine.)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I would have to say that the song I relate most to right now is [B]"Dirty Little Secret"[/B] by the [B]All-American Rejects[/B]. A current, but small dilemma in my life has popped up that I'm trying to take care of (in terms of romance, obviously). And this song practically tells my story with little editing. [I]Let me know that I've done wrong When I've known this all along I go around a time or two Just to waste my time with you Tell me all that you've thrown away Find out games you don't wanna play You are the only one that needs to know I'll keep you my dirty little secret (Dirty little secret) Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret (Just another regret, hope that you can keep it) My dirty little secret Who has to know? When we live such fragile lives It's the best way we survive I go around a time or two Just to waste my time with you Tell me all that you've thrown away Find out games you don't wanna play You are the only one that needs to know I'll keep you my dirty little secret (Dirty little secret) Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret (Just another regret, hope that you can keep it) My dirty little secret Who has to know The way she feels inside (inside) Those thoughts I can't deny (deny) These sleeping dogs won't lie (won't lie) And all I've tried to hide It?s eating me apart Trace this line back I'll keep you my dirty little secret (Dirty little secret) Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret (Just another regret) I'll keep you my dirty little secret (Dirty little secret) Don't tell anyone or you'll be just another regret (Just another regret, hope that you can keep it) My dirty little secret Dirty little secret Dirty little secret Who has to know? Who has to know?[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][quote name='Lore']Only if you're annoying and elitist or feel like sitting through a series listening to high-pitched, whiny Japanese females is a mark of honor. =][/quote] Not to mention the monotonous voices of men. Either a guy in subs is played by a man or a woman, and there is an obvious difference. Pains my ears. I hardly watch subs, and my friends and I consider each other pretty seasoned anime fans. It's really rediculous to think that way, don't let them get to you.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][quote name='Stark']On to the topic: Personally, I believe that life is what you make of it. It can be as interesting or as hopeless as you make it, so it's ultimately silly to be pondering such questions. Not that it's unusual, because everyone who is human wonders about these things from time to time. [/quote] Took the words right out of my mouth. My definition of the meaning of life is just to do whatever you can to be happy for as long as you live. Do what you want. No one's guaranteed tomorrow; live life to the fullest. No regrets! *Shrugs* Yes, it's rather cliche', but it's what satisfies.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Technically, I've only been playing for a month and nine days. But I'm so happy that I'm beginning to master Standard. *Grins because she can do two songs on Heavy already.* I'm already getting to catch up to my friends who have been playing for about a year now. [quote name='Chroniosis']well, if you really want to get better, you can buy it for xbox/psx/ps2 along with a mat. it'll take a while, but soon you'll be a dancin' fool thinkin' that heavy mode is too easy[/quote] Exactly. I would have to say that my favorite DDR game so far is Extreme 2. I love it. Favorite songs? Well...I would have to say [B]"Seduction"[/B], [B]"Colors"[/B], [B]"Passion of Love"[/B], [B]"Look To The Sky"[/B], [B]"air"[/B], and [B]"un deux trois"[/B] are my current favorites. The last time I went to the mall and played, I was just barely starting Light Mode. Now, I can't wait to go back to show my friends how much better I've gotten. *I tried DDR for the first time in Public, and I sucked. XD*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]So, there was a thread on expectations for the year 2006. But how was 2005 for everyone? Good? Bad? Normal? Exciting? For myself, this was a pretty important year. I finally turned 16; I am looking forward to finishing my junior year in high school, gained a mass of friends (that was really unexpected); and I was accepted to go to Japan for the summer of '06. This year, I was also happy because I actually grew a little...(admits she was only 5'0" at the beginning of the year)...so now I'm 5'3"! Yeah, I'm still short, but oh well. Eh...well enough about me. What about you?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]I would have to say that I'm more into Gackt and L'Arc~en~Ciel right now. Although I do listen to some Pierrot and the pillows as well. So while Gackt and Laruku are sort of borderline J-Pop-ish (I'm not going to be the one to start a debate on what they are.) I still enjoy listening to the J-Rock. Songs? 1) Vanilla [Acoustics] - This version of Gackt's naughtiest (not to mention one of the most popular) is played with simple guitars and is much more...calm sounding compared to the upbeat version. I listen to this at least three times a day. 2) My Dear - I love this song from Laruku's newest album. It's so...beautiful when translated into English. 3) Smiley Skeleton - This is one of my more treasured Pierrot songs. It's really loud and upbeat. 4) LAST DINOSAUR - the pillows wrote this song for FLCL and since buying the soundtrack a couple months ago, this one is my favorite.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][B]"I told ya that if I hit ya in the a**, it'd eventually give you brain damage!"[/B] - Tsukasa to the Grunty ... It's late...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1]OOC: I'm gonna let Ena go a little psycho. :p Kairi, you really know how to bring out the sadistic side of me. ------------------ [COLOR=Navy][B]"What's in there...?"[/B] Ena asked, almost too afraid to hear the answer. [B]"You know who...Have fun..."[/B] Tegan smirked and closed the door slowly behind him. As she opened the door and saw the figures of her fallen comrades, she felt a wave of nausea and slammed it back shut. Her head was spinning, and Ena had very little control of her body. The door burst open, and the corpses stood there, waiting to approach the young girl. [B]"What the hell is going on?"[/B] She asked herself as Richard, Fyuora, Priest and Ashley stood before her. [I]'This is fucking bullshit.'[/I] Ena became furious. [I]'Tegan, you bastard! how could you toy with me like this?!'[/I] "What's wrong Ena? Don't you have something you want to tell me?" The corpse that was Richard asked, an odd look of half concern and half sarcasm was plastered on his face. [B]"You're not Richard."[/B] Ena gasped as she nearly fell to the floor, clutching the table for the support to stand. [I]'I can't do this. Even if I have to defend myself...I can't bring myself to do this...I can't touch him.'[/I] 'Richard' walked forth and grabbed Ena by her chin, forcing her to look up at him. [B]"Come now, tell me what it is that's on your mind."[/B] [B]"Fuck you."[/B] Ena spat and knocked him off of his feet. Her hands thrusting into his chest, the power of the wind she possessed sent him into the wall. [B]"Fuck you all."[/B] [I]'Tegan wants me to be numb. Fine then, so be it. I'll go back to the way I was.'[/I] Ena stood and watched as the other three approached. [I]'But is that all that I'm here for? To be a merciless killer? I'm a soldier on the front lines that only counts to the world as a statistic. Is that what we Wakanda are?'[/I] Ena pulled out the blade from her a strap on the side her jeans, it was the one she used for Richard when he used his Siphon Life attacks. Upon doing so, she stabbed the corpse that was Ashley in the neck, blood spraying everywhere. The walls, floor, table, and most importantly, Ena were covered in the thick mess. Next was Priest. [B]"You deserted us anyway."[/B] She said, forcing herself to believe something false. With that, Ena swiped Priest's legs out from under her and inserted the dagger into her back. Repeatedly, Ena thrust the blade deeper and deeper until finally, the body had frozen for sure. Fyuora stood behind Ena, tapping her on the shoulder and kicking her to the ground. [B]"Ena. You killed me! I hope that you're satisfied."[/B] Fyuora kicked her hard in the injured side, causing Ena to wince. [B]"You're a greedy bitch Ena. And that's all you'll ever be. You're nothing to the rest of the group. Kalei uses you like a shield, she doesn't care if you die or not."[/B] Ena only listened to the lies that the corpse spat out like a broken record. [B]"You act as if I'm just realizing that no one cares."[/B] She rolled over and quickly got to her feet. [B]"Well I've got news for you..."[/B] Ena pulled the blade out of Ashley's neck, and threw it like a dagger, straight into Fyuora's heart. [B]"I killed you once. I've killed you again."[/B] She smirked. And then it was time for Richard. Ena withdrew the dagger and blood splattered across her face. With a small smile, she watched as the corpse rose and began to approach her once more. With a growing pain in her side, Ena knew she wouldn't last long before she'd fall unconscious due to a lack of energy. Perhaps Tegan was right, she needed to get past this. [B]"I loved you."[/B] Ena said shortly. [B]"I loved you more than you could fathom, Richard. I vowed that I would sacrifice my life for you in a heartbeat."[/B] It was hard to admit to anyone the feelings she had possessed for a long time, nonetheless the man she thought to be Richard. [B]"But no one else needs to know about that now. And I'll end it with you..."[/B] The corpse staggered forth and grabbed the wrist that was about to shove the dagger into it's chest. Ena was locked into a position where she had very little options. Richard looked down at her and shook his head with a gentle look on his face. Tears rushed from Ena's eyes as she struggled to get away. As the other arm reached up to attempt to free herself, that arm too, was caught. Ena was completely at the corpses mercy, and in her fragile condition, she wasn't about to struggle much more. He pratically shoved her into the nearest wall, allowing the ribs in her side to actually worsen. [I]'What do I do?'[/I] She thought as a blank look crossed her face. The corpse began to see the actual wounds on Ena's arm due to the revelation of the bandages. He then ripped the sleeve of her shirt, ripping off the bandages and surveying the wound. She simply looked up at him, dumbfounded. [CENTER][I]'I'm going cold.'[/I][/CENTER] The corpse began to rip the rest of Ena's shirt to see the bandages around her sides. He tore at them through her tank top and she began to struggle a little more. He dug is nails into her shoulder and a small flow of blood emerged. By letting go of once wrist, 'Richard' had just sealed his fate. That hand rushed straight towards his face and the flames erupted. When the corpse backed away, Ena sunk to the floor. [CENTER][I]'I have to finish this.'[/I][/CENTER] The dagger, which had dropped to the floor, was quickly picked up and thrown into the back of the corpses skull. Ena stood as she watched the corpse drop to the floor and then fell herself. [CENTER][I]'I'm sorry.'[/I][/CENTER] -----------[/COLOR] OOC: If someone could find Ena while looking for Tegan and kind of take her to get some medical attention or something like that, it would be much appreciated.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][quote name='Lindus; About the Laptop']Replace 16 with 15 and you got it ;3[/quote] Ah! Me too! I got a Dell Inspiron 5160 last year for my Birthday and I almost cried. I think that the best gift I have ever recieved was my iPod mini, which was just yesterday. It wasn't because of the fact that I had over 36 hours worth of music to put on it, but rather the story that went with it. I went to the mall with my aunt a couple of weeks ago, and she explained to me that she was getting my little brother an iPod for Christmas, and even made me order a protective case at the Apple store for her. I was kinda bummed out because I had a small Sony MP3 player that only held about 250 songs. And while, my brother, one of the most destructive kids on the East Coast was going to get one, I was going to be stuck with something that looked like a stopwatch. (Random people kept asking me why I was carrying a stopwatch around with me all the time.) So yesterday, we all gathered together and got ready to give our gifts. And I noticed there was a small package on the top of my stack that said. "From 'Santa'." So I opened it, and that iPod mini was in the tiny little box it came in. I cried, because I felt really bad for thinking that my aunt was actually going to do that to me. And so that little piece of technology taught me a big (obvious) lesson. She told me that there was only one way to get my suspicions off of her. She was right, it worked.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]It's pretty cool to see what others got. I was REALLY fortunate this year. "Santa" brought me: - [B]iPod mini[/B] (Speakers too!) - [B]Kodak Easy Share Digital Camera[/B] (Fully Loaded w/ Photo Paper) Told me it was for my Summer trip to Japan - [B][U]Memoirs of A Geisha[/U][/B] - [B]X Vol. 1[/B] - [B]Get Backers Vol. 4 & 5[/B] - [B]Negima! Magister Negi Magi! Vol 4-6[/B] - [B]Yami no Matsuei[/B] (Vol. 1-4) to finish my collection - [B]Fruits Basket CD[/B] - [B]Movies[/B] (Eurotrip, Love Actually, Corky Romano, Inuyasha the Movie 3) - [B]FLCL Vol. 3[/B] - [B]DDRMAX for the PS2[/B] - [B]DDRMAX3 for the X-Box[/B] - [B]X-Box 360[/B] - [B]Dead or Alive 4[/B] (Should be Coming in the Mail) - [B]CD's[/B] (Fijacion Oral Vol. 2, Fruits Basket ~ Four Seasons ~) - [B]Manga Drawing Tool Set[/B] - Pens, Markers, etc. And some other random stuff like clothes, food, and gift certificates to the Mall and Hot Topic (I love their shirts). So yeah...I got a lot this year.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
The NEW What OB members would you like to meet IRL?
Sinistra replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]There's a little list of people that I've been thinking about since I've seen that thread. [B]CHW[/B] - Well, she's not that far away from me. And we could probably find lots to talk about. [B]Citrus[/B] - I'd like to be able to talk to her, she seems nice. (And I feel like I have to make up for the thinking she was Korean by mistake thing.) [B]Who Am I?[/B] - She's been in a couple RPG's with me, and for the same reason as Citrus...she seems nice. [B]The Cast of [U]Love Me, Mr. Death[/U].[/B] - It would just seem cool to know who I've been RPing with for 3 months...ah, such dedicated RPers. [B]Revelation[/B] - Her writing style is so...amazing. I'd love to see what makes her tick.[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1][quote name='Mameha']The word sinistra refers to the left side. What that is suppose to mean? I have no idea.[/quote] You're right. I'm left-handed, which is kind of uncommon. So yeah...good job picking that up. *Claps* I'll admit I cheated a little too. I know that Citrus is Korean. :x [quote name='Mameha']Your avatar shows that you are caring and you love animals especially dogs. Maybe you own a dog that looks like the one in your avatar. [/quote] Close enough..Actually, I hate my own dog...Chihuahuas suck. But that's Gackt's dog, Bella. And I put her in there in memory of my aunt's beloved "Penny"...I miss her. *sniff* And December Love (a.k.a. 12gatsu no Love Song) is a song by Gackt that is just in time for Christmas. Okay, so I'll do another one too. Sage Kaley. Your recent anime 'obsession' is Kyou Kara Maoh! And you made it look rather festive. The signature explains the Reindeer Games...which explains the antlers on the boy's head. You're part of the Legionnaires, OB's newest Community Event. And Pandora's Hope...hmm...well, Pandora goes all the way back to Ancient Greece, she's the one who opened up the box and let out all of the bad things in the world. Her hope however...possibly to take back what she did...is a sin? I honestly have no clue. XD And as for the S/N...you're real/middle/nick name with the word Sage in front of it. Sages are revered as wise and all-knowing. Perhaps you're psychic. ^__^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]JJ...you used to be ^.^, right? Well, I'm cheating a little. Your avatar and banner set are a match for the Otakuboards Survivor RPG by Sandy. Ada Wong from Resident Evil, right? (I dunno. I never played that series...freaked me out when I was a kid.) Game On is just the sort of catchphrase that all of the participants used, including myself. The rest of your signature seems to be a joke between you and Boo. Which actually seems kind of funny. *Laughs* Heh. And Sakura's MSN quote is along the same lines. Now as for your S/N, I'm not sure. Perhaps that's a nickname in real life? ------- [quote name='Mameha']Also you are fond of the japanese language and culture. [/quote] Aren't the characters actually Korean? I recognize the circles as Korean.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1]OOC: This short post will overlap a little with Kairi's post, just so that Ena isn't popping up in random places. EDIT: I decided to make a better post than this, so I'm adding on to it a little while I wait for Kairi. ---------- [COLOR=Navy]Kalei left the room, leaving Ena to think a little more. [B]"I could just hear his reaction..."[/B] Ena's hands clenched shut. [I][CENTER]"Quit your crying. Get off your lazy ass and do something."[/CENTER][/I] [B]"Fine then Richard."[/B] Ena stood and started to get dressed into her clothes, which today consisted of a plain white tank top that revealed the wound on her arm from the Vampire attack in the streets of Madrid. And a pair of jeans. [B]"I will."[/B] [I]'Who would've known that I would become like my mother? Who would've known that I would get too close? I tried my hardest to protect myself from falling in love. And I failed miserably. [CENTER]I am a fool. ...........[/CENTER] And who would've known that Ena, the cold-hearted bitch of only 19 would take on two apprentices? I had no patience with children. I didn't expect this. I know I didn't. I didn't anticipate any of this. I didn't expect to actually get as close with the others as I have. While I am still relatively a stranger to one or two of my teammates, I'm in a position that I would have simply refused a year ago. I wouldn't have opened up to Kalei, or done what I have for Fyuora. [CENTER]But I'm glad that I have done so. Because I would have died by now if it wasn't for them.'[/CENTER][/I] As Ena stretched, she was careful to not strain her side. [B]"I wonder if Talyn knows how much damage he actually did that night when he turned."[/B] She said to herself, thinking that she hadn't talked to Talyn since they were in the corridor with Richard's headless body. [B]"I had best not show it. I don't want to make anyone emotionally worse off than some of us already are."[/B] She said as she pulled a black shirt on over the tank top. Everyone was off doing their own thing by the time Ena left her room. None of the others were to be found, so Ena wandered the halls a little. Even Riley and Jordan were gone. Her stomach growled, and she decided to walk towards the kitchens. While walking, she observed as Tegan seemed to be going to the same place. He stopped and offered an invitation. [B]"Ena...would you like to eat breakfast with me this fine morning?..."[/B] With, in Ena's own opinion, a bit of difference in tone. [B]"That would be wonderful...I was questioning whether to eat yet or not."[/B] She replied, trying to sound as polite as possible as to not offend him. After all, he was the son of her leader. [B]"Wonderful...shall we then?"[/B] He threw his arm toward the corridor that led to the kitchens, and they commenced a walk, side by side. It was rather strange to Ena. She had never really talked to Tegan, despite the fact that he had been back on their ranks for sometime and that they were always closer in proximity than one thought. She didn't really pay it much mind, he was perhaps, just looking for someone to eat with. [I]'But isn't he always with Jade?'[/I] Ena thought to herself. [B]"How did you know what I wanted?"[/B] She asked as she sat on the counter nearby while he began to make eggs and toast. Indeed she was hungry, and Tegan could tell. [B]"Everyone likes eggs and toast..."[/B] He replied, his look unknown to the currently emotionally and physically fragile Wakanda.[/COLOR] ------------- OOC: Kairi, you may begin whatever you've got planned for Tegan and Ena. I'll step in when it's time.[/SIZE]