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Everything posted by Sinistra

  1. [SIZE=1][quote name='Lore']I'm happy that we got to see more of Neville.[/quote] Yeah, me too, that should help out since he has a little bit more to look forward to in the next book/movie. After all, he'll have more to do with the plot in regards to Harry. I felt bad for him when [SPOILER]Moody was using the curses on the spider and he looked like he was going to cry. It was a good thing Hermione said something. It was also kind of funny to watch him dance his way back to his bed after admitting that he had just gotten in from the Yule Ball. He and Ginny must have stayed up all night dancing.[/SPOILER] I just thought of something else that wasn't in the movie. [SPOILER]There was a time in the book that Harry shows that he's capable of fighting one of the three Unforgivable Curses. Don't remember the name, but surely someone knows what I'm talking about...the...Cruciatus curse I think it was. I just noticed now that nothing was in there about that.[/SPOILER][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1][quote name='chobitslover90']the series seemed kool to me but then i played the game then i was turned off to it is the anime really any good[/quote] Note to all who read this since the above mentioned is banned from the OB. [B]Never ever[/B] judge an anime by the videogames that come from it. They [U]always[/U] turn out bad, and with every try, it becomes more and more true.[/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1]*Nods and Agrees* Pretty much all that needed to be said was said. I have to give Daniel Radcliffe a hand for his good acting. He did really good with Harry as usual. I think the ones who cracked me up the most were the Weasley twins.[SPOILER] I mean rolling on the floor, wrestling each other with white hair and wrinkled beards because they got caught by the Goblet was hilarious. I was also wondering where Winky was. My friend and I noticed right away when there was no S.P.E.W or anything like that.[/SPOILER] The action was good, and I'm glad that the ending wasn't played out for too long. The movie itself was good, but I think that there was a lot left out. It's too bad, because the movie itself has to appeal to everyone. Y'know, can't have kids sitting there getting antsy because the movie is 3 1/2 hours long, but you can't cut out some of the more important things for the fans who just loved the book. Overall it was good, a little choppy, but good nonetheless.[/SIZE]
  4. [SIZE=1]Thankful for? My friends and I were just talking about this on LiveJournal. Here's what I said. My friends. Life is lonely without them. They understand me and are very accepting of everyone. My family and their support. Without that, I wouldn't be able to do the things that I am able to do. The fact that I'm alive. No one is ever guaranteed tomorrow and I'm just glad that my life so far has been as good as it has been. The opportunities I've been given. Not only as a Native American, not only as an American citizen, but through my own achievements. I'm able to go places at a young age that others would love to go to. (For instance, I'm going to Japan next year as a Student Ambassador.) I think one of the things that I am most thankful for is my independence. No one can do things for me, I do it on my own. And I'm glad that I have the ability to do that.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]OOC: Okay, here's my [B]final[/B] sign-up. Name: Brandi Morgan Age: 17 Gender: Female Personality: Brandi is simple. She's polite, modest, all smiles and the optimist that everyone knows. She tries to cooperate with everyone to make them happy, and will try and be as flexible as possible to help out. Brandi often hides her emotions from her friends because she doesn't want them worrying about her. However, around her crush, it's a different story. Brandi gets very flustered to the point where she'll jumble up her sentences around him. And she'll often become afraid and try to avoid him altogether. As far as studies go, she puts them before everything. It's one of her top priorities and she'll study all night for a test. Short Bio: Brandi comes from a normal family where she is an only child. Her mother and father are much like herself, and are very welcoming to not only friends and family, but strangers as well. As for Brandi's extended family, she is the only besides her aunts, mother and grandmother. Her cousins are all boys, and they love to tease her. There is one cousin of hers who taught her a little bit of kickboxing, and she is quite good at it. Brandi is also fluent in French, reasons are that she and her father were natives of France. She was born in the middle of a Cannes summer to an Australian woman. The Crush List: Brandi has seemed to develop a bit of a secret crush not only on Nick Warner, but also Michael Dean-Arquette. Attachment: [url]http://aethereality.net/gallery/download.php?id=3913[/url][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1]Hmm...Life off of the OB? Well, life is very busy here for me. I'm always at school. I just got done helping out with the Technical side of our school production of Romeo and Juliet. It turned out awesome and everyone did such a geat job. Besides school and studying, you asked what we [B]like[/B] to do, right? I'm usually playing Winter League Soccer about now. The season's been delayed as far as I know. However, usually I'm hanging out with my friends on the weekends doing anything from playing Dance Dance Revolution at the Arcade to Shopping.[/SIZE]
  7. [CENTER][SIZE=1]Riley struggled to keep up with Ena's fast pace. It made her realize how well her partner had trained her. [B]"C'mon! We've got to keep moving!" [/B] She yelled at him. [B]"If we don't, we die!"[/B] [B]"I'm sorry Miss Ena, it's just that, you're so...fast."[/B] Riley sighed. [B]"Well, keep moving. Unless you want me to carry you."[/B] Ena beckoned him. [B]"Miss Ena, I feel...weak."[/B] Riley shook his head. [B]"Well, let me carry you then."[/B] Ena grabbed his hand and slipped him onto her back, carrying him through the long corridors of the first floor. ------------------ [B]"Ena!"[/B] A gruff voice beckoned the youngster. [B]"Sorry!"[/B] She flinched out of fear. [B]"Ena, you have to be quick. A vampire isn't going to be courteous and slow down for you. They want your blood."[/B] [B]"I know. You've told me this many times."[/B] [B]"Well the reason I say it, is because I'm not always going to be there to save your neck."[/B] These were the words of Richard. ----------------- [B]"Ena! We've found you!"[/B] A familiar voice called out to her and she turned toward the echoes. Thus emerged Thayne and Talyn. [B]"Ah!"[/B] Ena smiled. [B]"Good. I was starting to get worried."[/B] She let the young one off her back and he slumped against the wall. At that moment, a look of pure guilt and horror crossed Talyn's face. [B]"What's wrong?"[/B] She looked at him, puzzled. Thayne stepped aside to show Ena what Talyn had been dragging all that while. Richard's headless body. Ena gasped, her hand rushed to her mouth. [B]"Ena..."[/B] Talyn tried to speak, but found no words of comfort. She turned from her comrades and stared into the dark abyss of the corridor. [B]"How and when did this happen?"[/B] She asked in a firm voice. [B]"Just earlier."[/B] Thayne sighed. [B]"I don't know exactly how."[/B] Riley looked up at her in sadness. [B]"Miss Ena..."[/B] Her fists clenched tight. Her teeth practically grinded, trying to supress the sounds of whimpering. [B]"I don't think that I'm the one that will take this the hardest."[/B] [B]"What are you talking about? He was your partner."[/B] Thayne spoke in objection. [B]"Because he loved Katima!"[/B] She turned to face him, angry tears falling. [B]"He loved her..."[/B] [B]"What are you talking about?"[/B] [B]"There were times when we were alone overnight, waiting for orders. I could hear him speaking in his sleep. There were very little words he murmured, but the clearest of them was Katima's name."[/B] Ena sighed. [B]"I don't know if Katima knows the extent of his love for her, but indeed he did. He never once admitted it, but to me, it was obvious."[/B] She put her hand on the wall and slumped to the floor.[B] "He never knew how I felt."[/B] She whispered. Talyn walked forth, knelt down and put a hand on her shoulder. [B]"Ena, I'm so sorry."[/B] She grabbed his hand, and lifted it off. [B]"I loved him like a brother. He was the only family that I had left..."[/B] A few minutes passed and Ena quickly made a decision. [B]"Let's go, we can't stay here. Someone will find us."[/B] She helped Riley to his feet and picked him up. [B]"We'll go find the others."[/B] [B]'Richard, you were right. You aren't here anymore...Goddamn you. I was hoping that you'd be here at least a little longer. It's not fair. But I have to go on. I can't cry because that was always weakness in your eyes. And I don't want to disappoint you anymore. I only wish that you could've had your happiness. That's my only regret. You've made me too tough for my own good...'[/B][/CENTER] -------------- OOC: I hope that was okay. I figured that we couldn't stand around mourning all night. Can't make Ena seem like a crybaby now, can I?[/SIZE]
  8. [B][SIZE=1][CENTER]Naruto and Co. have just uncovered the 2003 Super Bowl Halftime Show featuring Janet Jackson...and her 'Wardrobe Malfunction'.[/CENTER][/SIZE][/B]
  9. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]"Yuna, you'll have to be more gentle." Link said. "I'm sorry. But this is so frustrating!" She sighed. "I know. But you're trying, so that's something." Link nodded reassuringly. Link, being the guy that he was, took off his hat and threw it on the ground at the Lemmings. Seeing as how they liked to chew on Kuja's hair, Link figured that his hat would be close enough. A few clamped on and began to play a little tug of war with it. The green pointed cap was enough to have at least ten or so grab on. "You look really different with your hat off." Yuna remarked as she picked up a few Lemmings and carried them to the center of the dungeon. Link soon began to join her. "You think?" He asked as one squirmed from his grip. "Why you little-!?" "Link! Watch out!" Yuna yelled as Link almost stepped on a Lemming. "Um...pancake!" He yelled and the little creature flattened. "Whoa! It worked!" Link said as lost his balance, falling onto the floor, squishing another. "Oh...sh...oot!" He sat up and the Lemming print was on his green tunic. "Ugh." "Pancake?! Where the hell did you get pancake from?!" Kuja asked. "I have no idea!" Link yelled. "But it worked." "Yeah, but you killed another!" "No time for that!" Link ran over to the ledge near the lava pit and kicked another four more to the middle again. "Hey!" He pulled out the Master Sword and began swinging the hilt lightly like a croquet mallet, keeping the Lemmings away from the lava pit. "Now he's playing a game!" Kuja scoffed. "It's working, isn't it?" Yuna panicked as she rushed to save more.[/FONT]
  10. [SIZE=1][CENTER]"Whatever you do, stay behind me." Ena said to Riley. 'This is the moment of truth.' "Are you ready?" She asked him. He simply nodded. "I understand if you're scared. I am too." Ena nodded reassuringly. "Okay, let's go." Ena and the young one crept around the dank dungeon corridors. Meeting no trouble at first. "I think something is going on upstairs." Ena said, noticing that she had met no resistance yet. ---------- "Check the dungeons! I want no Wakanda unaccounted for. There could be more down there!" A random vampire shouted, and a pack of five rushed down, flying through the corridors and searching every cell. ---------- "Riley, stay here." Ena said, lowering him into a dark corner. "Someone's coming!" He pointed behind her, and she whipped around. "Wakanda!" A vampire yelled. And Ena threw off her jacket over Riley, concealing him from the blood sucker's sight. The other four rushed to the narrow corridor. "You want some? Then come get it!" Ena yelled and thrusted her arms out in front of her, releasing the fire she had kept hidden inside. One of the five vampires had been severely burned, however, Ena did not manage to kill any of them. They began to creep closer and Ena began to prepare herself. "Let us eat her. I want her flesh!" One lunged forth and Ena just barely kneeled down quick enough to escape a bite on the shoulder. She swept her leg out and tripped another. While the other two tried to attack her from either side, she pulled out two darts and stabbed them both in the arm. They stepped back and growled in pain. Ena panted lightly as she waited for their next move. "I thought that you were going to eat me." She hissed coldly. "Oh don't worry. We will." One replied sharply. "Alright." Ena smirked. "Let's dance!" With that said, Ena jumped to the left where she kicked off the wall and struck one of their faces, knocking him onto his back. She swung around and kicked another squarely in the ribs. He growled in pain and fell down as well. "So, what'll it be?" Ena sighed, tiring. A light emerged in the corridor and Ena decided to take a chance. She turned around for the darkness of the dead end, and more importantly, Riley. He was watching with fear, awe, and amazement. "On the count of three, I want you to run, straight for the light. We're going to go upstairs. Okay?" She whispered. "Yes Miss Ena." "Good." She nodded and helped him up quickly. "One..." Ena positioned him next to her. "Two..." She held her arms out in front of her and listened for the footsteps that quickly approached. "...Three!" A blast of air shot forward and Riley began to run. By the time he emerged from the dark, the five vampires were blown over by Ena's attack. She too, followed closely behind her young counterpart and ran for the light. 'We're coming to save you guys...' With that, Ena heard a loud roar. It rang through the dungeons. It was Sin.[/CENTER] ------------- OOC: I'm back! And with a good-sized post! Yay! :p [/SIZE]
  11. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Mitsurugi, after being interrupted in his greeting by Xiaoyu, walked over after finishing quickly, to Link. "You have a sword as well, do you?" He looked at Link with a mysterious glance. "Tell me, what is your name?" "Link of Hyrule." Link nodded, seeing as he was talking to someone of a similar position. "Ah...my name is-" "Mitsurugi. I heard your attempt to introduce yourself to the others." "Perceptive hearing." "Yes. Hylians are rather good at it." Link grinned a little, pulling at his ear as he did. "Well, young Link, how well does your sword fair against others?" Mitsurugi directed the conversation into another direction. "This sword," Link said, reaching behind him and clutching the Master Sword. "Is the best sword my country has to offer. It has a power that I cannot explain, and I am only the possessor out of necessity." A small grinding noice was heard, and in a flash, Link held the Master Sword in a defensive position. "I see...very impressive. However, what do you think of my own?" Mitsurugi unsheathed his, and it shined in marvel. Link was impressed, perhaps there was more to this than he thought. Even if the two warriors were on two different teams, there was still that connection between them that could not be broken. A sense of respect and comrodery. The knowledge of battle, and the experience in life it brought. However... "It's quite unfortunate that we must face one another in this competition, I feel that I can agree with you most." Link said. "I agree. 'Tis unfortunate." Mitsurugi bowed slightly. "But it is fate."[/FONT] [SIZE=1]----------- OOC: Link, who never talks, is actually talking quite a lot! :p Finished for now, I'll be back soon.[/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][quote name='Sakura']Where are all the Survivor sets coming from? Are people making them themselves or having private requests? Sorry, just all of a sudden I noticed that everyone started sprouting sets of their character and I just had to find out.[/quote] I made mine the day I found out would be participating. XD Oh, Sandy! I almost forgot to tell you. This is a really bad time for me do to this, but...I'm part of our school's production "Romeo and Juliet", and so I'm not going to be able to be on as much for the next three days. (Since Opening Night is Tonight!!!) I'll try to keep up, but I had to also warn DC about that too for Love Me, Mr. Death. So...that's just a notice. I still wanna participate! And Desbreko, thanks for not banning me so you could play Link. :p[/SIZE]
  13. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Link observed the others silently as he clutched the [COLOR=Green]Green Gem[/COLOR] in his hand. The Master Sword at his back glistened in the sun beneath the glorious Hylian Shield, and his blonde tresses flowed in the wind below the pointed green cap. A girl approached him with the same trinket, a [COLOR=Green]green gem[/COLOR]. "Hi there. My name's Yuna, who are you?" "Link." The young Hylian replied quickly. "Link? Well, okay." Yuna smiled. "Aren't you going to come and meet the others?" He paused for a moment. "Yes." He nodded. "Well c'mon." She beckoned him forth. "Ah! You've arrived Link. Yes, kupo. Good. There's only a couple more people that we wait for. Please, kupo. Do get settled and ease into the surroundings. We'll get into the particulars later, kupo. Until then, just enjoy your company." Mog said in one long, excited breath. "Everyone, this is Link." Yuna smiled as she nudged Link forth. "He's the latest arrival." Link continued to walk toward the others. As he approached, some of them gave him an odd look. Link guessed to himself that it might have been his clothing. It wasn't everyday that you saw a kid with pointed ears and a green tunic (not to mention the white tights) on running around. Then, a taller man approached him. "Hey there shorty elf man, what's with the duds?" This was Carl Johnson, the gangster. Link simply looked at him and saw that he meant no harm. "I am a Hylian." "A Hyli-wha?" He gave him that "what-the-hell?-are-you-on-crack?!" look. "A Hylian. I come from the Kingdom of Hyrule. We wear much of... an older style of clothing." "I see that. But that's all cool." Carl gave a mocking look. "Well then, I never caught yo name." "It's Link." "Link? Yea, alright. Name's Carl Johnson. I be from the City of San Andreas." He nodded. "You're proud of where you are from." "Fa sho, man. Fa sho." Carl nodded. "Ya know ya gotta represent." Link watched as Yuna talked to a short red-capped, moustached man. There were still many others to learn of. He had overheard of a man named Mitsurugi, a supposed samurai. Then Link thought of a friendly spar, but later decided to hold off. A couple others were to arrive soon. But until then, Link would wait and see for what was to come next.[/FONT]
  14. [CENTER][SIZE=1]My Sign Up: Name: Azariel Age: Unknown (Appears to be 19) Gender: Male Appearance: See Attachment Chosen Position: Guardian of Existence Weapon: Azariel has no physical weapons. However, he has immense telekinetic power bestowed upon him to keep the civilization safe. Personality: Azariel, named after the Archangel in Heaven, is extremely protective. He does try and 'speak' wisdom to the newcoming Keepers. And with Andras and Kerenza, he is much of the time successful. Azariel otherwise, is naturally quiet, he does not open his mouth to speak, rather, his telekinetic power speaks for him. Azariel has rarely had to use his power in a violent matter, however, because of his fierce loyalty to his position, he will not hesitate to strike down a problem in a matter of seconds. There is a secret that lies within Azariel. Because he has such immense mental power, he is physically weak. This is how he keeps in check with the Keepers. If necessary, they could weaken him into a comatose state. However, after doing so, he will wake up in a Berserker state. This threatens the state of Existence, as he could destroy it. Writing Sample: Azariel waited in that lone, circular chamber. A chamber with a dome above it, letting the starlight shine in. He had sent the messages to the Chosen Keepers in their dreams, and now, he awaited their decision. He wasn't waiting in any ordinary room, this was the Chamber of the Keepers. Surrounding him stood eight pillars, each with something different carved in them. There were murals of four boys, and four girls. Each holding their own emotion, protected. A knock on the large ivory door boomed throughout the room. "Enter Kerenza." A voice replied, though Azariel never opened his mouth. The door creeped open and a young woman stepped forth. This was Kerenza, one of Azariel's assistants. "Azariel, all of the Keepers have received their premonitions of what's to come for them." "Good. Now all we must do is wait." "Do you think that they will be ready?" The young girl asked. "We can only pray." Azariel lowered his head in thought. "We can only pray." "Do you need my services anymore?" "No, you may go to rest now. Thank you, Kerenza." Kerenza bowed before him quickly and walked out, shutting the door quietly behind her. Azariel knew that every decision he made was to effect Existence, whether it be good or bad. At least with the newly chosen Keepers, his burden would be lightened a little. However, if something was to happen, he was to take full responsibility. Azarial stared at his pale complexion through the glass panes of the dome. And thought a little more about his weekness. 'I hope I never have to fall back onto that state of which is dangerous. The Guardian before me had failed, and I hope to never do the same. Please, give me the strength I need to continue my duties. If I fail, everyone... ...everyone will die...' He walked to the edge of the Chamber, and looked out a narrow window. Existence lay below, sleeping like a baby. He smiled a little, and looked out onto the horizon. Daybreak was to approach, and the Keepers would come. "It is time, for the initiation." The voice whispered. "May the eight Keepers step forth."[/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]---------------------[/CENTER] [SIZE=1]Good sign-ups so far. However, Lionheart, I was hoping that you could maybe add a little more to your Writing Sample. I would like to see a little more description. And Starwind, you have a good, solid sign-up. However, in the future, I ask that you could separate your paragraphs a little more. Just so that it's easier for everyone to read. Other than that, everything's great so far. Hope I get more sign-ups! Sakura has PMed me about the position of Kerenza, so she will most likely post her sign-ups soon. Still looking for some girls! We can't have all guys. (I know I don't help. :p )[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1]Obviously, many an RPG cannot go without an Underground thread to accompany it. This thread is for my newest RPG: Keeper of Dreams. I have created this so that during sign-ups, if you have any questions, you can refer to this thread. Here's the background information.[/SIZE] [CENTER][FONT=Palatino Linotype][U][B]Keepers of Dreams[/B][/U] I thought I was an ordinary teenage kid. I thought that my life would be just like everyone else's. Unfortunately, in this society that I live in, I don't have much of a say in what I do. So why is this power bestowed upon me? I don't get it. I thought that I was just an ordinary teenage kid.[/FONT] [SIZE=1]Welcome to the Civilization of Existence. The oldest NG civilization on Earth. Here in Existence, we strive to make everything a Utopia. Everyone here is happy with what they receive, and here, everyone is perfect. Before Existence began, there was a time on this planet in which people roamed free in a mess of all sorts. Corrupt politicians ran the governments, homeless people lined the streets, and there were many that were stricken with greed. NG, a birthed collaboration of the brightest minds that the Earth had to offer, stands for Neo-Genesis.[/SIZE] A New Beginning... [SIZE=1]NG has taken the world, shaped it into a universal standard of utopia, and done it a favor. I tell you this because this is what is important for you to learn. As an adolescent in this society, you will find that you are at the stage where you learn most in life. That is common sense. But I'm here to deliver a more important message. You have been chosen... To be a member of a secret society that not many people know of. You have been chosen to be a Keeper of Dreams. Allow me to elaborate. I am Azariel, the Guardian of this Civilization. I protect all of the 600,000 souls that wander within these barriers. I have lived ever since this began, and will continue to do so as long as you are here. You have been chosen to keep the dreams of those within. Why? Because it is often that trouble stirs within the minds of the innocent while they sleep. One of the most vital and vulnerable times for one to be encountered by the Darkness. My two assistants will be here with me to train you for your selected duties. They are Andras and Kerenza. They are the keepers of Victory and Affection, respectively. To you, this might not seem like a very hard job to fulfill, but you will soon learn of what is to come. So are you up to the challenge? ----------------------------------------- Okay. Time for the background and sign-up info. This civilization is doing everything it can to keep it's inhabitants as 'safe' as possible. This limits all outside of the box, critical thinking. The keeper's job is to eliminate any objection to the ways of this utopian city. Sometimes against their own will. However, more and more of these 'unholy' thoughts are slowly creeping into the minds of the innocent. As a keeper, they must venture into the very dream of the person, and fight off the sin that they dream of. Who goes depends on what sin has crept into the dream. Sometimes, all will go, sometimes only one. You will be signing up for a spot as one of the teenage keepers.[/CENTER] If you're interested, then here's the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=50398]link[/URL] to the sign-up thread. Hope you join! ~Sinistra[/SIZE]
  16. [CENTER][FONT=Palatino Linotype][U][B]Keepers of Dreams[/B][/U][/FONT] [I][FONT=Palatino Linotype]I thought I was an ordinary teenage kid. I thought that my life would be just like everyone else's. Unfortunately, in this society that I live in, I don't have much of a say in what I do. So why is this power bestowed upon me? I don't get it. I thought that I was just an ordinary teenage kid.[/FONT][/I] [SIZE=1]Welcome to the Civilization of Existence. The oldest NG civilization on Earth. Here in Existence, we strive to make everything a Utopia. Everyone here is happy with what they receive, and here, everyone is perfect. Before Existence began, there was a time on this planet in which people roamed free in a mess of all sorts. Corrupt politicians ran the governments, homeless people lined the streets, and there were many that were stricken with greed. NG, a birthed collaboration of the brightest minds that the Earth had to offer, stands for Neo-Genesis.[/SIZE] [I][FONT=Palatino Linotype]A New Beginning...[/FONT][/I] [SIZE=1]NG has taken the world, shaped it into a universal standard of utopia, and done it a favor. I tell you this because this is what is important for you to learn. As an adolescent in this society, you will find that you are at the stage where you learn most in life. That is common sense. But I'm here to deliver a more important message. You have been chosen... To be a member of a secret society that not many people know of. You have been chosen to be a Keeper of Dreams. Allow me to elaborate. I am Azariel, the Guardian of this Civilization. I protect all of the 600,000 souls that wander within these barriers. I have lived ever since this began, and will continue to do so as long as you are here. You have been chosen to keep the dreams of those within. Why? Because it is often that trouble stirs within the minds of the innocent while they sleep. One of the most vital and vulnerable times for one to be encountered by the Darkness. My two assistants will be here with me to train you for your selected duties. They are Andras and Kerenza. They are the keepers of Victory and Affection, respectively. To you, this might not seem like a very hard job to fulfill, but you will soon learn of what is to come. So are you up to the challenge?[/SIZE] -----------------------------------------[/CENTER][SIZE=1] Okay. Time for the background and sign-up info. This civilization is doing everything it can to keep it's inhabitants as 'safe' as possible. This limits all outside of the box, critical thinking. The keeper's job is to eliminate any objection to the ways of this utopian city. Sometimes against their own will. However, more and more of these 'unholy' thoughts are slowly creeping into the minds of the innocent. As a keeper, they must venture into the very dream of the person, and fight off the sin that they dream of. Who goes depends on what sin has crept into the dream. Sometimes, all will go, sometimes only one. You will be signing up for a spot as one of the teenage keepers. And I will list their jobs as follows: Name (Gender Preference) - What They Protect Sloane (Boy) - Safety Sheridan (Boy) - Control Dermont (Boy) - Good-Will Timeus (Boy) - Modesty Moira (Girl) - Generosity Dierdre (Girl) - Happiness Brietta (Girl) - Freedom Alethea (Girl) - Honesty You may sign up for another emotion of some sort, PM me with your idea, and I'll see if I can approve it. I'm open to ideas, don't be afraid to ask. The only thing I ask is for a name that is somewhere along these lines. Nothing Japanese or anything like that. If you are looking to sign-up as either Andras and Kerenza, PM me first with your sign-up. Mind you before you sign-up. [B]I am looking for serious RPG participants.[/B] People who are willing to see this through to the end. Not just 'sign up because it seems cool and then back out when something seems different once you start.' Rules: [They're simple.] 1. No killing off another character unless they (and/or) I say so. 2. Do not go against my decisions. Here's how you sign up. [U]Name:[/U] Above if signing up for that position (If not, an older name. I used Greek and Celtic Names if that helps.) [U]Age:[/U] 13-19 [U]Gender:[/U] (That's Obvious) [U]Appearance:[/U] Picture or Detailed Description (1 Paragraph) [U]Chosen Position:[/U] (Above or suggested through PM) [U]Weapon(s):[/U] (No guns!) [U]Personality:[/U] (This should be about 6-10 sentences.) [U]Writing Sample:[/U] (I want to see what you're capable of) As for everything else, be as creative as you like. So, enjoy! I'll post my sign-up after I get a couple sign-ups.[/SIZE]
  17. [SIZE=1]OOC: I'm making another post before things really get busy. And go me! I'm [I]finally[/I] 16! ------------ "So, what do we do now, Miss Ena?" Riley asked. "I don't know. We're waiting for Kalei and Sin. They have something that they need to do." Ena sighed. "But I fear that the longer we wait, the less time we'll have to save our comrades." "What happened? Miss Ena, I hope you don't mind my asking?" The boy shyly quivered. "We were ambushed. And only five of us were left. Talyn, Sin, Priest, Fyuora and myself. Talyn has turned due to the fact that he had been bitten shortly beforehand, and as for Sin...Well, he needs something that is vital to his cooperation with the rest of us Wakanda." Ena replied. "The four of us and Kalei know what needs to be done. And if I'm thinking correctly, you're going to help us." She turned to the boy. "Me?" Riley pointed at himself. "Not just you, but Jordan and Ashley as well. We're going to need all the help we can get." Ena's gripped tightened and she began to shake. "We need our friends back." "How many were taken?" "Five. Katima, Tegan, Thayne, Jade and Richard." "Which one of them was your partner?" "Richard." "I see..." The young one fell silent for a moment. "So am I going to have to match his power?" "No. I don't expect that of you, and I don't think that you could possess those kinds of abilities." Ena replied, placing a hand on his shoulder. "We'll have to figure out your element soon. Because you, Riley, are going to establish your own purpose among the ranks. I'm willing to help you do this. But you have to be ready for it." "Yes, Miss Ena." "Do you think you can handle that?" "Yes, Miss Ena." He nodded. "Good. I expect no less from you. You're my partner for now. I'm not taking it easy on you. From here on out, you're going to face things that normal people can barely fathom." She said. "C'mon, let's go get the others. When Kalei and Sin come back, we'll be ready." "But Miss Ena, should you be moving around with your ribs in such a state?" "They're just bruised. And right now, I don't have time to worry about myself. We've all got to step up and do what's necessary. I can't think about such a thing right now when my friends lives are on the line." Ena said confidently. "Let's go." "Yes, Miss Ena."[/SIZE]
  18. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][quote name='Dagger']Fullmetal Alchemist gets a lot of praise for its dub acting, but I think the casting also deserves mention. The variety and number of voice actors involved is actually incredible.[/quote] I agree. Has anyone bothered to actually look at the credits after the show is over? I was somewhat surprised to see one of the more recent episodes that had such a large cast. Funi does a good job with dubbing. [That's just my opinion though.] I know that one of my friends, who is light years beyond me in anime would kill me for saying that. We [argue] debate over which seems better: Japanese or English. She's obsessed with Japanese and to be honest, sometimes the monotony in their voices just gets to me. I need variety! And so far, Funi has not let me down. I think that they do quite well, and I'm glad that there are companies out there that are trying to give American viewers a bang for their buck. For instance, Laura Bailey, the voice of Lust in FMA, has a pretty good voice range. Listen to her as Tohru Honda in Furuba, then go back and listen to her as Lust. I give her a lot of credit for being able to be so...flexible with her voice. I mean, could you imagine voice actors with similar voices trying to do Ed and Armstong? How horrible would that sound? An adolescent with a 36 year old's voice. Blegh...[/FONT] [SIZE=1]Okay, the rant's over. :animesigh [/SIZE]
  19. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Y'know DC, I thought about it for a long...two minutes :animeswea...and thought up the fact that: We have the Picture Caption Games here on the OB. Why not have half of a page dedicated to that? I know a lot of us here like to participate. Plus, it gets publisher/reader interaction going, even if it's rather simple. It's a start. But I don't know, it's just a suggestion.[/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]One of my biggest pet peeves (and I'm not pointing fingers at anyone) is trying to read what someone has typed and I cannot read it for the life of me. It doesn't happen that often here, which I am very thankful for but here's an example. [B]Liek OMG! lol...LMFAO...Wot r u doin?[/B] (Etc.) you get my point. It is something I cannot stand! I cringe everytime I see it.[/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I think that the media helps to influence people like that and add fuel to the fire. This kind of reminds me of something Carlos Mencia said on his show. Associated Press had published two pictures that showed people in the midst of the flooding before (or) after Hurricane Katrina. One picture showed two caucasian people, and underneath, a brief explanation that Mencia made a point of. "Two people are [B]gathering[/B] food from a nearby grocery store..." And the second one had two african-americans. "Two blacks are shown [B]looting[/B] goods from a local convenience store..." (Looting's illegal, right?) Mencia made the point that the AP will mention things differently depending on race. He did it to be funny, but really, he's making a major point. The media can be really racist just to get attention, they'll sink as low as they need to. And that's really quite pathetic. Stupid people like the Mayor of New Orleans, and (in my opinion, don't kill me for it) President Bush should not be in the positions that they are in now. They recieve no sympathy, and myself being a minority (Native American), dislike the fact that they are so...ignorant. So, it's not just Hispanics, but all minorities. Racism...examples? Well, if you're hispanic, then you can be in three places and be three different nationalities. New York, you're Puerto Rican, Southwest, you're Mexican, in Florida, you're Cuban. If you're Native American, you like running around in deer skin moccasins killing buffalo with spears and making lots of money in casinos, etc. You get my point. It just shows that a lot of people are just...stupid and unwilling to open their minds.[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][B]"I'm so sexy...that even the petals can't touch this!" Licks his finger, pokes himself (your choice of place), and makes a sizzling noise.[/B][/FONT] [SIZE=1]Newsflash: Sinistra = Dumb[/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Well, Sandy, there's already a sign-up for Link. PM me if you want me to change my character. I had the sign-up done two days ago...[/COLOR] Mog: So, kupo, who might you be? ???: ... Mog: What, kupo? ???: ...k... Mog: Speak up, kupo. ???: ....Link. Mog: There, was that hard? Link: Yes. Mog: ...Okay, kupo! So Link, do you have any pictures? Link: Yes. *Hands over* Mog: Thank you much, kupo. So, what game are you from? Link: The Legend of Zelda Series. Mog: Okay, kupo! What genre is that? Link: It's a fighting/action-adventure RPG game. Mog: Good! So, what are you like, Link? What's your personality, kupo? Link: The strong and silent type. I don't speak very often and I fight off monsters and Ganon(dorf) from Hyrule and keep it safe. Mog: Good, good, kupo! So what about your talents? Link: Well, I work well with swords. I also use a bow and arrow, a longshot, bombs and... Mog: Okay, so you have a large arsenal, kupo? Link:...yes... Mog: Okay, and lastly, what is your motive for being here, kupo? Link: To win. I want to win. I want to be victorious for all of Hyrule so that I can prove that I can do more than just save a kingdom or two! Mog: Just, kupo? Link: Yes. Mog: ...Okay, well thank you for your time Link! Kupo! Hope to see you there! Kupo![/SIZE]
  24. [B][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Guy: Do you know how long this has been under the couch? Girl: Do I wanna know? Guy: No.[/FONT][/B]
  25. [SIZE=1]OOC: Okay. First, short post. And second, I'll probably be on less frequently over the next two weeks due to the fact that I'm part of our school production of "Romeo & Juliet"...so yeah. That's a heads up to DC. ----------------[/SIZE] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]The door opened and snapped shut quickly as Ena lay asleep. A figure paced in the dark, as if trying to decide something. The lights flickered on and Ena wasn't on the bed. "What are you doing in here? Who are you?" Ena asked angrily behind the boy, his arm locked in her clutches. "Ma'am, I am Riley. I was sent to your chambers by Miss Kalei." "I see." Ena let his arm go and he held it. "You could've at least knocked." "Yes, ma'am." Riley nodded quickly. "Don't worry about it." She sighed. "It's just hard to determine who's on what side these days. Can't be too careful." "Yes ma'am." His unique silver hair falling in his face. "You don't have to call me ma'am." Ena looked carefully at him. "Yes ma'am." She chuckled at his quick reply. She couldn't blame him. She was an apprentice once. "So then Riley, how old are you?" "Fourteen, Miss Ena." "And what element do you have?" "I'm not sure yet. You're going to be the one to determine that." He looked up at her with his piercing blood red eyes. There's something about him that seems...different. I can't explain it, but I'll try to find out soon. Perhaps when Kalei returns, I'll ask her for a background check on him.[/FONT]
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