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Everything posted by Sinistra

  1. [COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Well, I myself have gone through 3 nicknames. Two happen to be after a character that I was compared to by my friends. [B][U]Jung-Woo [/U][/B] - My first nickname upon my arrival to the OB. There was a period in time during my freshman and sophmore year where I didn't speak very often. And so one of my friends, who was reading a Korean Manwha at the time (Kill Me, Kiss Me) began calling me that. She explained that I was a lot like him at the time. [U][B]Touma (Tohma) Seguchi[/B][/U] - After the Jung-Woo period, I became my regular self. Except for the fact that I had a lot going on at school and with my new job, I began to subconsciously act in a businesslike manner. That same friend started calling me Tohma. If something went wrong, I immediately tried to fix it. (Much like our endeared shachou. XD) When she started calling me that, every one of my friends followed suit. [U][B]Sinistra[/B][/U] - Ah...my username now. Sinistra is Latin for left-handed, which is what I happen to be. Left-handed people were once regarded to as the Devil's children. (Or something like that.) Because we weren't like everyone else. Sinistra is also the name of one character from my original fiction story called [B][U]Blindsided[/U][/B]. So, that about covers it. Until a new name change...[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][B]"And now Keitaro, here's what you get for coming into the girl's bathroom! You pervert!"[/B][/FONT] [SIZE=1]I'm sorry...that was really bad. *Yawns* 4 hours of sleep...[/SIZE]
  3. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I was wondering if anyone else has checked out this anime. It's one of Geneon's newest productions. "Le Portrait de Petite Cossette" or Portrait of Little Cossette, is a three episode horror anime. And while I'm not much of a horror genre fan, I admit that this one had me wanting more of it. [QUOTE][SIZE=1]With an atmosphere of dread and a gothic design and narrative, LE PORTRAIT DE PETITE COSSETTE is a horror anime of the highest caliber. Eiri is an art student who makes money by working in an antique ship, where he comes across a curious Venetian glass. When he looks into it, instead of seeing his reflection, he is witness to the life of a young and beautiful blonde girl, Cossette. He becomes entranced by the events in the mirror, where Cossette has been waiting for over two centuries for someone to see her trapped in the glass. Eiri undertakes an oath to help her any way he can, but little does he realize that doing so will lead down a horrific path, instigated by Cossette herself. LE PORTRAIT DE PETITE COSSETTE leads the viewer down a dark path by combining artistic animation with psychological horror in a tale of supernatural obsession.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Care to share your thoughts?[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Ena limped off the jet as she witnessed Kalei and Sin taking off into the rain-stricken darkness. Fyuora and Priest followed behind her and they were ushered into the temple by the medics. "Ma'am, do you need any assistence?" One medic asked. "No thank you, sir. I'm fine. Just a little soar that's all." She nodded. 'When Talyn hit me, my back hit the wall with such a surprising force. I didn't think it would be this bad, but perhaps I'll get it looked at later.' "Well, Kalei has ordered that all of you be checked out as a physical. To make sure that you're all okay, of course." "Very well." Ena sighed. "Here, we've been directed to escort you to your rooms." "Alright. See you two later." Ena waved her hand at Fyuora and Priest as they returned the gesture. While being examined carefully by a nurse, Ena discovered that the wound on her arm had opened again. "You're lucky to have gotten here as quickly as you did. This scratch could have become infected." "That's how I survive." Ena said. "Each day that I live means that I've survived the last. It's just luck." "I see." The nurse replied. "Well, as for your back, it seems that two of your ribs on your left side are bruised. With time, they will heal. Until then, you'll have to be careful. I'm going to wrap you up to help." Ena scoffed at the thought. 'In a time like this...be careful? Is she joking? Doesn't she know who we are?' Eventually, Ena was escorted back to her room where she proceeded to lay down. "Now, all I have to do is wait for this Riley kid."[/FONT] ----------------------- [SIZE=1]OOC: Hope this is okay with everyone.[/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1]OOC: Sorry DC, just trying to figure out what to do while finishing up a couple of AP projects. Short post as well. Edit: Here's an addition to the post. Figured that I could make it longer and finish something that happened a while ago. Prepare for a flashback.[/SIZE] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Ena listened as Fyuora and Priest began telling her about Talyn. "He's been turned permanently. I think he is no longer with us." "We'll have to..." "Fight him? Is that what you mean?" Ena looked up at Priest. "Well, yeah." "That was expected. I don't blame Talyn in any way for what he did to me, and I hold nothing against him. However, now it's time to move on. I don't know about you two, but I'm not gonna sit here and worry about it. We still have to get the others back." Ena sighed. "Ena, you'll be with Riley." Ena nodded at the simple orders she had been given. But now she had to take care of not only herself, but an apprentice. Wonderful. Someone to take care of while she herself would be trying to heal. Patience wasn't Ena's strong point. But if this kid was worth it, she would have to help him out. Ena felt herself growing restless. She didn't want to go to the temple, she admitted. But then she thought of the days when she was an apprentice herself, and just a few days into her partnership with Richard. He never spoke, and that seemed to annoy her. Ena laughed now and thought of how used to it she was. Boy, was she an ignorant little kid. How he would get annoyed with her. A slight chuckle escaped her lips as she stared out the window. "Fine then, kid. I'm ready for ya." She smirked. Priest and Fyuora went on preparing for the landing. They too had apprentices to get ready for. Ena reconciled on the events over the last couple weeks. At least for her... There was a dream that she had back at the mansion. The first dream she had in years. She was with both of her parents. And they were happy. ------------- "Ena, wake up. Wake up! Please wake up." Sin's voice increased with every sentence. She stirred silently, opening her eyes slowly. But she practically flinched when her vision cleared and she saw Sin. It wasn't him, it was her. Her embarrassment. She sat up quickly as he raised his arms in defense. "I'm sorry." She gasped. "Are you alright?" "Yes. Thank you Sin." She felt her face begin to burn up. "C'mon. We've gotta go." Ena knew about Sin. How he was a vampire, and that he needed a serum to stay with them. But since that day, she had been in debt to him. Even if it wasn't that big a deal, he had done her a favor. And she intended to pay him back. "Hey Sin, if you ever need anything. Let me know, alright?" She said shortly before boarding the helicopter.[/FONT] [SIZE=1]OOC: Told ya there'd be a flashback. Achilles, take that as you will.[/SIZE]
  6. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][B]"I thought it was MY sushi! I swear to God!"[/B] Although I don't think they would swear to God...perhaps Kami-sama...:animestun[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Ena had a lot to think about, yet she had to keep her head out of the clouds if she wanted to survive. There was so much to do and so little time. Her comrades lives were hanging in the balance. And with every moment that she wasted trying to heal herself; Richard, Katima, Tegan and the others could have been close to death. There was no telling what was happening to them, for all Ena knew, they could be dead. Ena shook her head of the thoughts as she walked outside. She didn't want to wait, she wanted to save the others. As time passed, Ena began to think less and less of herself and the real reason why she was still fighting. She didn't give a damn about that vampire that killed her mother anymore. It was time to let things go. Ena had so many other things to worry about, like her comrades and fighting for the right things in life. Yes, life. It was time that she gave her own a try and to stop brooding over the past. Richard and the others needed her. Her partner needed her...the one man who had seemed like a brother, even if he didn't show it most times. If there was only a way to get them to hang on. If only they knew that Kalei was back. [B][I]'Don't worry guys, we'll come as soon as we can.'[/I][/B] Ena whispered to herself.[/FONT] [SIZE=1]---------------------- OOC: Yay! Little Ena's growing up and realizing what she needs to do... sorry for the short post, just waiting to see what happens.[/SIZE]
  8. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Yays! I gots an Honorable Mention! Here's another try. [B]"You're dropping my salary?!"[/B][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][B]"Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess has been delayed again?!!" Ed: Why is that still surprising?!"[/B][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][CENTER]Name: Raphael Azariah Rutherford (Full Name) Apparent Age: 25 Gender: Male Weapons: Raphael carries a scythe, with a cross wrapped around the hilt and the words inscribed "And he smote the wicked with a deep anguish in his heart for those unworthy of the sharp caress of his blade." Personality: Raphael has two personas, resulting in Multiple Personality Disorder. The First: Named for the Archangel, Raphael, the Healer of God, this young man is naturally a comforting, nurturing person at heart. However, his job comes before his religion and almost everything else. He is one of the most dedicated guardians, and will lay his life on the line for The Elders and his fellow comrades. This Raphael is quiet, and it takes a lot out of him to take charge of something. He is the present day Robin Hood that gives to those who need. Believing that everything and everyone has their place, Raphael knows more than his looks reveal. The Second: This side of Raphael is rather bloodthirsty and is not afraid to run head first into battle. He is rather headstrong and cocky, giving himself a sense of invinsibility. After coming out of this side, Raphael returns to his normal, primary personality and often feels guilty for killing those who oppose him. Appearance: See Attachment Bio: Born into a richer family in England, Raphael has known luxuries in his life that others had only hoped for. However, instead of living up to the expectations of his family and marrying into another wealthy family, Raphael disappeared and traveled the world, learning of other cultures and new ways to train his body and mind. While in the Mountainous Regions of Western China, he learned to separate his feelings of love and nurturing from his primary purpose as a Guardian, thus birthed the second persona. After learning that he was selected as a Guardian candidate, Raphael cleansed himself spiritually and became strongly faithful to the Lord in Heaven, Jesus Christ. He put his body through rigorous training and learned more about his possible new purpose in life. After being accepted, he continued to wander the Earth in search of those trying to oppose the Elders and their ultimate wisdom. Character Snippet: [I][B]One of the three angels known by name, and one of the seven that stand before God's throne. They can only be called angels when they deliver some message. Moreover, those who deliver messages of lesser importance are called angels; and those who proclaim messages of supreme importance are called archangels.[/B][/I] I knew from a young age that I would be something different. In my heart, I felt this longing to protect someone that was far away. I couldn't figure out this feeling, however, I knew that this premonition would come true. [I][B]In the Heavenly Eyes of the Lord, May I Protect Those Who Need Me Most...[/B][/I] I do what I'm told without a second thought about it. Call me what you will, however I do things for the good of all. I deliver the message of mortality through my blade, and the message of love through my heart. In these years of new technology, I find myself to be rather old-fashioned. In the city, people stare at me as I pass them, never knowing who I truly am or to what significance I hold. They will never know of the dangers that we twelve face in comparison to their day to day trials. [Will Finish Later][/CENTER][/FONT]
  11. [SIZE=1]OOC: I apologize yet again for my absense due to a death in the family and sickness. So thanks for putting up with it while I got through the hard times.[/SIZE] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Ena tossed and turned in her sterile bed as she clutched her stomach, remembering her events in the large ambush that took place. One by one, a couple of her comrades were knocked out. She continued fighting, keeping a watchful eye on those that had succombed to unconsciousness. One vampire had been close to biting her. "You're not as pretty as the other ones here. But I guess I'll wrap my fangs around your neck as a trophy." He hissed. "Try it!" Ena yelled as she struggled to keep up with his speed by shooting blasts of flame in his direction. He popped up behind her and slashed her right arm, drawing blood. She growled as she lost eye contact with him. "Show yourself, you coward! See if you can do it again!" For a few seconds, Ena stopped because the vampire had slipped away. She turned around to see the others fighting a ways away. And then a sharp pain, and the ground. In her last moments of being awake, she could hear a large scream. ------------------- Ena shot up in bed in a cold sweat, alerting Talyn and the others as they all turned toward her. Ena was shaking as she panted slowly and heavily, her raven tresses in her face. "Are you alright?" He asked. She just turned to look at him. "...yeah." She sighed. "You sure?" "Yeah, I'm alright. Where are we?" "In some hospital in Madrid." "Where's Richard and the others?" She asked, looking around. "They've been taken." "Malik." Ena growled as she swung her legs to one side of the bed. Attempting to stand, she felt the sharp pain in her arm and hissed. "Damn, I forgot about that. So what are we doing?" "We were trying to think of a leader, we need to continue on our journey finding Kalei and the others." "So, you're saying, that we're all that's left?" "Yeah." "Great. Let's do this then. I want everyone back."[/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][RIGHT]OOC: Please forgive me for my absense! I'm so swamped with school, it's not even funny. Damn AP classes! Oh well. I'm back! ---------------- Ena sat silently in the dark shadows of the rooftop and watched the full moon come up. Watching such a beautiful thing rise ironically made her depressed. It reminded her of all the things that had been wrong in her life. 'I am truly a loner, and I think it will always be that way. I guess that's why Kalei assigned me to be Richard's partner. When all was done, nothing would be said, at least between the two of us. I've always appreciated Richard for helping me out. God knows I need all the help I can get.' She sighed. 'I've tried acting so tough on the outside, but slowly, I'm falling in to an endless abyss of nothing on the inside. I'm the forsaken child of the Wakanda. While the elders took care of me and trained me after the incident...I was never the same, and it didn't compare to a mother's touch. The others seem to get along so well with each other, even Richard has Katima in some way. I guess I just seem too cold...' An unseen tear slid down her face, a streak of light reflecting on her cheek. 'I've only wanted to get stronger to be above these petty emotions. When Mother died, that was all I could think about. I didn't want to show everyone my tears, I didn't want to wear my emotions on my sleeve. My attitude changed, and I became what seemed to be cold. But it drove people away, I didn't want it to, but it did. The last thing I've ever wanted...was to be alone.' Ena wiped her face quickly and stood up. ------------- Walking through the barren halls of what seemed to be Hell, Ena stared at the other end of the corridor, never letting her eyes stray from the mental path. It was like she was possessed. 'All my life, I told myself to hate. Hate the vampires, hate [I]him[/I]...but all I've really done was hate myself. I was stupid to make excuses. I'm a fool for trying to find [I]him[/I]. I don't think I ever will... The worst thing I could do...is fail.' Ena's footing became staggered, and she collapsed onto the cold, unforgiving floor.[/RIGHT] [CENTER][I]"Ena, the one thing I want you to do is to [B]live[/B]. You have to go on by yourself when it's time. Your father and I won't always be here, and when that day comes, I want you to be strong."[/I][/CENTER][/FONT]
  13. [SIZE=1]OOC: Holy crap, I'm gone for two days and I've got a whole page to catch up on.:animeknow Well, an active RPG is a good one, no complaints here.[/SIZE] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Ena snickered as she watched her comrades fight off the onslaught of vampires. [B]"My turn."[/B] She stepped up, meeting two vampires. [B]"Ooh, we've got a young one on our hands. This should be easy."[/B] [B]"You think? Well, then that will be your fatal mistake."[/B] Ena replied as she pulled her leather jacket off and threw it to the ground, revealing her arsonal of darts snapped into belts that tied around Ena's legs. [B]"You're lucky. I'll be trying these out on you."[/B] Ena clapped her hands together as the two vampires encircled her. Sparks, then flames appeared, enveloping her hands. She charged one of the vampires and jumped into the air. [B]"Fist of Flames!"[/B] Ena opened her hand and unleashed a mass of fire, incinerating the weaker of the two. She landed on her feet and stood in the ashes, turning around, she watched as the other vampire gritted his teeth. [B]"Now, for yours."[/B] Ena unsnapped two darts and held them in one hand, while the other began to churn the wind surronding them. They charged one another and Ena realized that she had to change her attack. Releasing the wind, Ena began to set the darts on fire. There was only one way that she would get out of this one. By force. As the opponents drew nearer, Ena leaped forward. She stabbed the bloodsucker in the heart, forcing the fiery darts into him. He fell to the ground, dead. [B]"Congrats."[/B] A clapping was heard in the distance. [B]"You've killed a couple of my comrades."[/B] [B]"So, you're next?"[/B] Ena asked. [B]"Ena, I know who you are, and what you're trying to do. You'll never find him."[/B] [B]"We'll see about that, asshole. Now come and get me!"[/B] She yelled. The vampire disappeared into the darkness. [B]"Show yourself! I'm not up for playing games."[/B] A blur flew by her and Ena dropped to her knees, clutching her left side. [B]"Still think you're up to the challenge?"[/B] Ena winced in pain as she looked down at her wound through her ripped shirt. It wasn't deep, so she knew she could handle it. [B]"Yeah actually, I am."[/B] She stood. [B]"You only startled me."[/B] Ena started running after the vampire. [B]"I've got some tricks of my own."[/B] [B]"Let's see then."[/B] The voice echoed throughout the dark. Ena followed the voice and quickly unleashed her Wheel of Flame attack. He stepped out from the shaodows, his shirt slightly burnt. [B]"That's all?"[/B] [B]"Who do you think I am?"[/B] Ena smirked as she held her side.[B] "What do you say to a little hand-to-hand combat?"[/B] [B]"I'm one step ahead of you."[/B] He appeared just before her eyes and she swung at him. The two commenced their fight at fast speeds, and neither showed signs of slowing down. The vampire had caught Ena off guard several times and by the end of the fight, Ena had many cuts all over her body. After they had moved away from the rest of the group, he had her pinned to the ground. [B]"You look just like your mother, very ravishing. I'm tempted to keep you alive for other reasons, but I shouldn't."[/B] He leaned over her and was about to sink his teeth into her neck. [B]"If you'd stop struggling, then this would be much easier for you."[/B] [B]"Gotcha! Flames of Hell!"[/B] Ena yelled. The vampire was knocked back and Ena took her opportunity. [B]"Tell me where he is!"[/B] [B]"Never."[/B] The vampire gasped. [B]"Fine!"[/B] Ena grabbed one of her darts and stabbed it through his heart.[/FONT]
  14. VA's, huh? Well, I've only started going to conventions. So I've only met three so far in Philadephia for the Wizard World Convention. But that's soon going to change. Justin Cook - Yusuke Urameshi (Yu Yu Hakusho) Chuck Huber - Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho) Stephanie Nadolny(sp?) - Goku (DBGT) I was so close to meeting the man who voices Tohma Seguchi in Right Stuf's Gravitation, Bill Rogers this year at AnimeNEXT. I wanted to so bad, but something else came up. 2006 will be my year that I get to travel all over. (I hope.) After school's over with of course. Our Anime Club is making an effort to try and go up to Anime North next year. Ah, Toronto...:p
  15. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]I believe you mean Lake [i]PLACID[/i']. They have the I love NY Horseshow there..[/color][/quote] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]No, I double checked Mapquest just to be sure, there's a Lake Pleasant. It's around the southern Adirondack area.[/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][quote name='Revue']Buy it if you want to see Gackt and hyde sport lovely hairdos.[/quote] Heh...I will. I think I've seen Gackt's hair from that movie, but I want to see hyde's! XD [quote name='OtakaMoon']MAN I wish they had a concert...[/quote] Actually, they did in the U.S. just about a year ago down in Baltimore for Otakon 2004, the (formerly) Largest Anime Convention the East Coast had to offer. They performed some of the songs from their album Smile. And I got so close to going...:animesigh There's a DVD out now for the concert, it's on sale now, too. I'm not sure if they would be touring, I would guess so because of the new album. But just to check, [URL=http://www.larc-en-ciel.com]click here[/URL], this is the official site. That should have something about it.[/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]CHW, how could you forget Jamaica, NY? :p Thinking about the state of New York; there's Bath, Homer, Mexico, Phoenix, Delhi, Ithaca, Governeur, Horseheads, Speculator, Deposit, Liberty, Avon, Geneva, Poland, Fair Haven, Marathon, Roxbury, Hancock, Maine, New Berlin and South New Berlin. :animesigh Holy crap, that's a lot of weird names. I think there's a Lake Pleasant somewhere around the Adirondacks. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman']Buffalo has some of the best suburbs though, Tonawanda, Cheektowaga, Depew, ect.[/quote] Too true. There's a post on the internet somewhere, I think Blogspot, that says that you know you're from Buffalo if you can pronounce any of those names. Hah... And as for Chili, I always drive by that place on my way to Rochester. That just reminded me, isn't there a Churchville somewhere around there? [QUOTE]Hooker OK- Named after a General Hooker, a Union officer in the Civil war[/QUOTE] Y'know, I thought my Biology teacher (the creepy one) had gone of the deep end for good when he was telling us that his middle name is Hooker because he's related to that guy somehow. Oh well, I still think he's crazy.[/FONT]
  18. [SIZE=1]OOC: My turn, right?[/SIZE] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]The tickle-me-pink streaks of sundown reflected in Ena's charcoal eyes and she winced as she stood at the top of her apartment complex. A target drawn on the concrete corridor covering the steps leading to the roof showed that Ena was up to something. 'It's already been two days, and no word.' There was only one explanation. Both Tegan and Kalei were missing, and with Katima and Talyn gone, there wasn't much the others could do. Kalei was kidnapped. Ena decided to make this time to train, she was busy with her techniques, knowing that she could be even better than what she had become. "One more try." She whispered to herself. She picked up a thin wooden dart, and the breeze surrounding her picked up. With her unused hand, she directed the wind at the target. She threw the dart and it bolted through the wind. She stared at the dart as it neared the target, snapping her fingers, she smiled with relief as she watched the dart burst into flame and hit the target. "Bull's eye." Her smile twisted into a smirk. Ena walked out confident later that night to meet Richard and commence with what was the nightly routine. Vampire Hunting. Dressed in a pair of boots and black slacks, with a knee length leather coat, Ena was prepared for anything. "Could you have taken any longer? C'mon, we've got somewhere to be." He beckoned her. "What? Do you mean that-?" Ena looked up at him. "Yes." Katima, Talyn, Fyuora and Priest awaited the pair in the park where the attack occured the night before. "Glad you two could make it." Katima smiled a little. "I'm glad to see everyone again." Ena nodded. "Fyuora, Priest. Everything's good?" "Yeah." Both nodded. "You two haven't noticed anything suspicious, have you?" Talyn asked. "No, but because you say that, I'm sure that the rumors are true?" Ena asked, unsure. "Yeah. Kalei's been captured-" Talyn replied. "By Malik." Ena finished. "Damn him." "What about Tegan?" "Nothing." Katima shook her head. "I'm taking charge and we're getting everyone together to get Kalei back." "I just want to find the one responsible for my mother's death." Ena replied. "I'll help find Kalei, I can assure you that. But my means are a little different." Everyone knew not to intervene, Ena meant every word she said. She'd find the man that orphaned her, and she'd have vengance. "Well, we still need to find Thayne and Sin. So, we should leave as soon as possible." Katima said, and with that, it was off to find the last two Wakanda.[/FONT] [SIZE=1]---------------------- OOC: I hope everything's alright. PM me with any problems.[/SIZE]
  19. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Ah...L'Arc~en~Ciel... I heard that their new Album is coming out. Labeled "Awake", it includes "LOST HEAVEN" as noted by maverickwarrior. Along with "Killing Me", "New World", "Invitation to Freedom ~ Jiyuu eno shoutai", "Poem ~ JOJOUSHI" and a special bonus track....I think it's "HEAVEN'S DRIVE" live from Yoyogi National Stadium. It hits American streets on September 20th, and I'm going straight to Media Play after school to get it. :p As for my favorite song, I'd have to say that it's "Coming Closer" from their album Smile. I want to get my hands on Moon Child, the Japanese movie with hyde and Gackt...I'm sure that it's good, and if not, it's still got hyde and Gackt in it which forces it to be good.[/FONT]
  20. [SIZE=1]OOC: Well, I'll go first Deucalion. PM me and let me know if I should change anything.[/SIZE] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Ena walked alongside her silent partner Richard, patrolling the winding streets of the city. Keeping a sharp eye out for their enemies, the Vampires, was always necessary, they could be attacked at anytime. The two never really spoke, for there was no conversation comfortable enough for Ena to start speaking about. But then it was down to business. "Do you think Talyn and Katima have found anything more about Kalei's whereabouts?" She asked, looking up at him as they turned into one of the city's parks. He merely looked down at her and shook his head. "What do you think could've happened to her?" Ena continued her inquisition. Richard shrugged. "You don't think she...could've been captured, do you?" Another shrug. As the pair continued walking, the feeling of unease began to slither it's way into Ena's mind. "Richard, is it just me, or does it feel like we're being watched?" Ena turned around. He simply scanned through the dark shadows surrounding them. "So! You could sense us..." A cry blurted out as four vampires walked out into the dim moonlight. "Damn it. I knew it." Ena sneered. "Who wants to feast on the blood of a couple Wakanda tonight, boys?!" Their leader asked, receiving cheers in response. "Go ahead and try, you blood-sucking bastard. Let's see what you've got." Ena yelled in retort. "Get them!" The trio flew forward with immense speed, circling the partners. "Richard, stay where you are." Ena said. "I'm going to do something that I normally wouldn't." Ena stepped forward and quickly prepared for attack. "Kiss of Fiery Ena!" Before anyone could react, flames bursted out of Ena's mouth and began scorching one of the vampires, he fell to the ground in pain as his clothes caught fire. The others stopped and Richard was nowhere to be found. "Richard!" Ena yelled as she struggled to breathe. However, Richard already had his arms around the creature, attempting to strangle him and it wasn't long before he snapped the neck of the writhing boy. "Flames of Hell!" Ena thrusted one arm up above her head, throwing another into the air with a fierce wind. More flames shot out of the light in her hand and began to ignite the body as Ena slammed the body back onto the ground with the second raging gust. "I guess that makes this fight even." She smirked. "You'll pay for that!" One of the others yelled as Richard stood and prepared for his turn.[/FONT] [SIZE=1]OOC: Okay then, I guess it's your turn.[/SIZE]
  21. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Hah! I bought the DVD's two days ago and just watched them now, including the commentaries. Wow...they were even funnier on the commentaries than they were that day in Philadelphia. I loved Chuck Huber. [SPOILER]"If you play that scene back, it looks like Kurama has no butt...He is completely assless. Oh, we can't say that? He has no donkey. Oh, wait, that sounds worse, doesn't it? Why does he need a donkey?!"[/SPOILER] As far as the DVD's go, I only have one DVD of the Spirit Detective Saga, the Second Half of the Dark Tournament Saga, and every DVD after that up until the end. So, I don't have all of them either.[/FONT]
  22. [SIZE=1]>>>> LOADING PERSONAL DATA... >>> ACCESS GRANTED. Name: Helena Bronsan Age: 18 Short Description/Short Bio: Helena, born in England, is now living in France with her legal guardians. "I've just picked up 'Dance' to try a different aspect of life. Living in a world where doing the unthinkable becomes a daily habit seems so exciting." [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/prettypalmlady.jpg]Helena's Profile Picture[/URL] ------------------- >>>> LOADING PROFILE... >>> ACCESS GRANTED. Character Name: Kyma Character Age: 21 Character Apearance: [URL=http://www.animevisions.net/Pictures/girls/girls56.jpg]Kyra[/URL] There is no claw on her arm, and the weapons are different. Character Weaponry: L'Âme Volent [Chain Blade] LV.4 Bouclier De Fumée [Smoke Bombs] LV.2 [/SIZE]
  23. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Summer...alas, parting is such sweet sorrow. [quote name='Kitty']Party, hang out, and sleep in 'till one in the afternoon everyday.[/quote] Cheers to that, Kitty. And then some. A lot of weddings and birthdays were going on this summer for my family and friends, so I that was practically my schedule along with some soccer and traveling to Canada a lot to see some old friends. This summer has surpassed my expectations. I actually got to see more of my family and get closer with them. What a rarity that is. [quote name='Retribution']I'm hoping Junior year is easier than Sophomore year.[/quote] You and me both, Retri. School's in Session on the 6th. It's "Regents Year"...yay...not to mention the AP courses infamous "Testing Week". More 3-hour tests, just what I've always wanted. - What do you have planned for this coming year? I plan on returning to Europe with some classmates of mine in February for 2 weeks for the school trip. That's one of the few things that I look forward to. My 16th birthday is also up in November, so hopefully by next summer I'll be driving my own car.[/FONT]
  24. [SIZE=1]OOC: I'll give this a shot...it'll be fun. If you need me to change anything, PM me or let me know some other way. Edit: Just adding what you wanted. Hope that's good enough. ((And thanks for the many complements.)) Edit 2: I'm adding a picture. I just feel more comfortable knowing that JaeWon has a face.[/SIZE] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][CENTER][U]Name:[/U] JaeWon Im a.k.a Daniel[/CENTER] [CENTER][U]Age:[/U] 13[/CENTER] [CENTER][U]Appearance:[/U] See Below[/CENTER] [CENTER][U]Personality:[/U] JaeWon is laid back around everyone. He's approachable and is good at giving advice. Being TaeMin's friend, he's always getting caught up in the middle of his relationships. JaeWon never engages in any type of relationship on his own because he feels that he's not ready for that just yet.[/CENTER] [CENTER][U]Background Info:[/U] JaeWon comes from a family that isn't much different from most. A lot of them are laid back like him, and are always there to give a needy person a hand. JaeWon himself is very caring and will help pretty much anyone. JaeWon has been known, however, for his temper around TaeMin's ex-girlfriend, Jinny. It's been known that the two often argued about what was good for TaeMin. JaeWon often left the scene in search of a way to cool down. Being quite the opposite, TaeMin and JaeWon get along surprisingly well. A long time ago... JaeWon had become a transfer student himself. It seemed to take a while before anyone would even speak to him. When TaeMin made the brave move of approaching him and inviting him to join he and his friends for lunch, JaeWon accepted. Soon after, everyone came to know JaeWon and his well-known relationship with TaeMin. The two seemed unseparable, and seem to still be same way. JaeWon is a big soccer freak. He's hardly seen without a ball (except in school when it's not allowed) and has a recent obsession with J-Pop.[/CENTER][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I'm what some people call a jack-of-all-trades, good enough at many things, but never excelling in one particular skill. I sing, write, and draw. In chorus, I was always a powerful backup soprano, but never a soloist. In writing, I always try my absolute best, but am always looking for critique to improve (I probably need it more than I think.:animeswea) and in drawing, a lot of my friends are so much better than me at drawing anime pictures. One of them spends almost all of her time drawing. She's got an account at [URL=http://shinuki.deviantart.com/]DeviantART[/URL] and if you check it out, I highly suggest [URL=http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/19843026/]'Jordan'[/URL]. It's one of her best sketches to date.[/FONT]
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