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Everything posted by Sinistra

  1. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]OOC: Wow... :animestun DC, this is a [U]really[/U] good idea...hope I'm accepted. If you need me to change anything, just PM me or let me know any other way. [U][B]Name:[/B][/U] Ena [U][B]Gender:[/B][/U] Female [U][B]Race:[/B][/U] Wakanda [U][B]Position:[/B][/U] Wakanda [U][B]Ability:[/B][/U] Ena is able to control both wind and fire, and has mastered certain techniques that manipulate both at the same time. [U][B]Wheel of Flame:[/B][/U] This allows Ena to blow a powerful wind into her opponents direction, and then unleash a series of flames that would be powerful enough to incinerate weaker vampires. [U][B]Flames of Hell:[/B][/U] This is a harder hitting technique than the Fire Wheel. With one hand, Ena is able to control the wind to throw her opponent into the air while throwing fire from the other hand into the opponent's direction from the ground, then slamming them down onto the ground with another gust from above. [U][B]Kiss of Fiery Ena:[/B][/U] A close up attack that allows Ena to blow fire from her mouth while controlling it's path with the wind. This move is rather risky of Ena, and she does not attempt it often as it could hurt her as well as her opponent. [U][B]Appearance:[/B][/U] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=24238[/IMG] [U][B]Personality:[/B][/U] Ena, given the name for not only her power but for her spirit, means fire in Celtic terms. She can be rather serious and seem cold, but really, she is just trying to keep herself 'protected'. At a young age and after the death of her father, Ena watched her mother fall for a human, and was orphaned in the end by his murdering, deceitful hands. He was loyal to the vampires. Ena is young and has yet to learn that not all alliances are broken. After learning some techniques passed on from another Wakanda, her skills have improved. However, this has gone to her head and now she believes that she can take on tougher vampires. It's understandable to want to protect freedom, but Ena also wants vengance for her mother, and will kill any human loyal to the vampires. It is mostly anger that fuels her power. Ena can be rather naive toward certain emotions and adult situations, she prefers to leave it be. Love, sex, lust and betrayal are all things that she doesn't want to cope with, and this is what keeps her from maturing. [U][B]Character Snippet:[/B][/U] Ena forced a strong blaze down the claustrophobically narrow alleyway. "Show yourself, you blood-sucking freak!" "Correction, I am a human. And vampires can do far more than suck your blood, dear girl." A burly voice boomed. The girl couldn't see her opponent in the pitch black of midnight on the new moon. The replying attack was a few bullets that punctured the plumbing behind the young one. Water began spraying everywhere, pooling on the rat infested ground. "The next one won't miss." "Wanna bet?" Ena sneered. "My powers will incinerate you." "Try me. I'm curious to see what you've got." "My powers won't fail me now." Ena smirked. "Prepare for your doom! Wheel of Flame!" Ena's hands clapped together and a breeze began to blow where there was none before. She flicked her wrists upward and her palms began to separate, revealing a light. "NOW DIE!!" Her arms flew out to her sides and a large blast exploded from the once small light and rushed toward the opposite end like a raging bull. Trash cans flew, papers scattered and were obliterated. By the time Ena finished her attack, the entire alleyway was scorched and all was quiet. All that remained were the two dumpsters, one used by each as a cover. "You can't still be alive." She said to herself as she walked forward, unsure of what awaited on the other side. She inched over and stared at what seemed to be the dead man. His clothes were burnt and his face was dirty, his once shiny blonde hair was now covered in smut. Ena leaned over him to check if he was still breathing. [I]You're a fool.[/I] The gun, a M9 Beretta 9mm pistol, rose slowly and Ena jumped back. The man was weakened and his aim was impaired. Ena's hand flinched and in a second, it was covered in flames. "Go ahead, shoot." The gun rose, but no shot was heard. ------------ Ena thought long and hard about the events that night as she returned home to an old apartment complex. "You will not betray me, you cannot. You are not alive to feel the emotions of a human, to make your own decisions on whom to side with." She murmured, speaking about her powers. "Mother, you were the victim of a fallacy. I hope I never succumb to love, such potential would be wasted." A clandestine relationship, how scandalous. How could Ena's mother disrespect her dead father? Ena found it hard to believe that "Mother Dearest" could ever commit such a sin. But then Ena realized that her mother was a fool, and fools in love were the worst. At the age of 19, she felt that she was now capable of finding the man responsible. Learning new and more powerful techniques only partially satisified her ambitions to kill. She swore on her deceased parents names that she would hunt him down. Ena had just killed a man, and was no closer to finding [B][I]him[/I][/B]. ------------- [I]Ena knew that she had been followed for quite some time. However, when she led the mysterious man into the backstreets, she didn't know of the newest challenge she would face. "I know the man that killed your mother. He's still around here, y'know. He told me that your mother was a whore. Too bad you won't live long enough to tell him personally that you want his head." The man said to her as he pulled out the gun. "Very well then. We fight."[/I] "Bastard! I'll find you!" Ena cried out. "How dare you use emotions as your weapon!" ------------- [CENTER][I][B]Don't worry Mother, I'll find the man who killed you if it's the last thing I'll ever do. I won't stop until his blood stains my hands.[/B][/I][/CENTER][/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Prepare for a long explanation. I'm not sure myself why the X-Box 360 is coming out a whole year earlier than the other two consoles. Being a teenager as well, I'm not sure how to rope up the money for the consoles. But since they're a year apart and I'll soon be eligible for a job, who knows? The 360 is rumored to be about $300 - $400, while the PS3 is rumored to be about $400. The Revolution is going to be in between $200 - $250. [B]The Nintendo Revolution is the choice for a 'tight-wallet' budget.[/B] Going for graphics, I would say to check out the X-Box 360 or the PS3. You have to make your decision on graphics by simply looking at the types of games that you're interested in. You said Soul Cailbur, and the third installment is coming out on the PS2. [B]Yes, I said PS2.[/B] Other games such as LoZ: Twilight Princess(GC) and Kingdom Hearts 2(PS2) are going to be VERY promising as well. You also mentioned one-on-one fighting games, while I'm at it, I should recommend taking on the Dead or Alive series made by Japan's one and only Team Ninja. The latest, [U]Dead or Alive 4: Code Cronus[/U] is being held off until the X-Box 360's release and if you look at the thread created right here at Otakuboards, then you will see just a few of the numerous screen shots. I like the graphics, and they seem to just get better and better. The X-Box 360 is somewhat backward compatible, while the PS3 is taking a little longer to make sure that it is fully backward compatible. ((Backward compatible is the ability to play games from the previous consoles. Ex: X-Box 360 will be able to play some X-Box games.)) And the Revolution is calling their feature "Super Backward Compatability". Why? Because the Revolution "has the ability to download (for a fee) and play games from the past 20 years of the company's console library. This includes going as far back as the Nintendo Entertainment System." The company is also making the old games look better as far as graphics go. I'm going to buy both the PS3 and X-Box 360 at one point, so I can't really make any judgments, but I figured that I would lend my knowledge. Hope that it helps. If you're looking for more info, pick up Electronic Gaming Magazine's August 2005 issue. Although I don't know if it's still on the shelves, they've already come out with the Sept. issue![/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][quote name='SilentSecurity']I'm pure native american. David isn't a real native american sounding name is it.[/quote] Well, neither is Rhiannon...I've actually traced the name back to a Celtic Goddess, and my mom got the name from that Fleetwood Mac song. My mom was obsessed with Stevie Nicks before she had me. :animesigh I myself am mostly Native American, Seneca and...well, if I were to count my father, Cayuga and proudly in the Turtle clan. I don't look it though, most of my friends would have thought I was Caucasian if I hadn't told them. Wavy brown hair and somewhat lighter skin...hmm. I blame that on my highlights and the clothes I wear. *Confesses that she wears baggy clothes almost all year round, which doesn't help the skin...*[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][quote name='xmystic_silverx']The last DVD was too funny! If you see it and you have enough money to buy it, then you should. The main cast commentaries on the last episode are very hilarious! Chuck Huber has got to be the funniest guy![/quote] I met Chuck Huber and Justin Cook (Yusuke) at a convention in Philadelphia. By the time I was done talking to them, I thought I was going to wet myself from laughing so hard. They were both REALLY funny. I have been doing a lot of traveling, and so...I haven't seen the last six episodes.:animeangr I will finish it by the end of the summer though. I know what happens since I 'spoiled' it for myself. But I want to see it...[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][quote name='Lunox']I just started reading Anthem, and I like it so far.[/quote] I loved Anthem by Rand. While a majority of my classmates and friends who had read it didn't like it, I found it rather intriguing. How different Equality 7-2521 felt and how out of place he seemed. My class was actually entered in one of the essay contests about it. I didn't make the deadline. However, I do hope you like it, it's a short read and I love what Rand did with it. I am currently reading "How to Read Literature Like a Professor" by Thomas C. Foster as required summer reading for school. The Professor Foster gives an insiteful analysis of different aspects of literature ranging from the Bible to Shakespeare to sex and still manages to give it an interesting spark to it. It's not like reading from a manual where it's very basic, but rather lively like as if you were taking his creative writing courses and he was right there staring you in the eye. If someone's in High School or their early college years and this isn't required as reading, then I would definitely recommend picking this up to learn some handy tricks of the trade, it [U][B]will[/B][/U] pay off in the end.[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Wow... :animenose the graphics look...undeniably incredible. It's beyond that, but I can't find the words right now. Dead or Alive: Code Cronus was the name of the game last I checked, and it definitely looks like it holds up to the standards of it's predecessors. However, I don't like the fact that Itagaki and the rest of Team Ninja decided to hold out and wait for the release to be on the X-Box 360. The catch is that you won't only have to pay between $300 - $400 for the system itself and then another $50- $60 to buy the game. Don't get me wrong, I love Dead or Alive, and I would buy it the day it comes out if I didn't have such a tight wallet. :animeswea It's the best fighting game I've ever played and the graphics are mind-blowing, but...I don't want to pay that much. Sadly, I'll be in line with the others that are waiting until next year when the X-Box 360 lowers it's prices to keep competing with the PS3 and the Nintendo Revolution. They were definitely smart about getting it out faster...[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I had meant to post this a long time ago. But here's my try if you still want it. I hope you like it. - [U][B]T.S.[/B][/U][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Please people, I know I'm not a moderator, but improve your post quality. The reason why the Yu Yu Hakusho thread was restarted was to give other people a chance to talk about this anime. I don't want to see it become incredibly spammy like the predecessor was. [quote name='Solo Tremaine']As far as I can gather, Yu Yu Hakusho is currently not airing in the States on any channels, as has already been said. Please try and add more detail to your posts in future, bracy, and please don't use abbreviations when typing- they're against the Rules, and fuller words look much nicer anyway, heh.[/quote] I don't think that Solo needs to be repeated.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Well, if you can handle the "Older Teen" Rating, I would suggest Tramps Like Us aka "Kimi wa Pet". It's a really funny manga brought to America by Tokyopop. [URL=http://www.tokyopop.com/dbpage.php?propertycode=TLU&categorycode=BMG]Click Here[/URL] for the Official Summaries, Character Bios and other stuff. It's really funny in the sense that Sumire gets herself into huge dilemmas. And that's all I'm going to say. I [B]DO[/B] highly recommend it. Hope this helps. T.S.[/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][quote name='WhiteBlaze']I think soccer is still quite underrated compared to other 'popular' sports in the US. And by this I mean with Americans as a whole; it just doesn't get the same sort of devotion as it does in most other countries in the world. And it's kind of ironic because it's really the only team sport that people can get world wide recognition from with being competitive.[/quote] It's quite funny that you say that. I understand the whole "America's teams aren't as well recognized as European teams" or something on those lines. But yet soccer is recognized as the world's most popular sport. You can see why, you just need a ball and a pair of legs. Nothing big about that. I guess it just depends on what area you're in and how much of an influence soccer or any other sport has on the community.[/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Two Words, Retribution: [U][B]MASSIVE POTENTIAL[/B][/U] I've been watching your work for quite some time now, and I'd have to agree with James and say that you've definitely improved. I'd have to say my favorite so far is "DO NOT THINK". I've had to read Anthem, too. What do you think of it? A lot of my classmates didn't like it, but I thought it was pretty good. Anyways, pardon the ranting, it's rather late. :animeswea Even though I've never given Radiohead a good listen, I really like "WE HOPE YOU CHOKE". [CENTER]You could take over the world with your shirts.[/CENTER][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][quote name='Retribution']I play soccer aka 'football.' I've been at it for nearly a decade (makes me sound old, neh?)[/quote] Nah. I don't think so. A lot of my friends have been at it since they were about two or three, and they're about nineteen now. I myself have played for just as long. [QUOTE]As my skill increases, it becomes more and more of a mental, tactics game rather than one of endurance.[/QUOTE] I totally agree with you. Being on defense and playing against an agressive team requires quick thinking in most situations, so yeah, it's not all about speed or endurance, that's for sure. Soccer is one of my favorite sports of all time. I love playing defense and midfield for my teams. It feels good knowing that you can save plays and help out your offense by giving support when they need it. However, the action and local rivalries attract a lot of our peers to watch, and then this becomes a popularity contest between teams. The only good thing to this is that it brings out the more competitive side in a lot of people, making a better game. Soccer is also a little 'laidback' compared to other sports. Players don't have anytime limit as to how long they can keep the ball on one side. Most referees will allow our age group to slide tackle, which makes me happy. :p[/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]This looks VERY promising. Something definitely worthwhile. *Claps* Congrats Kamuro. [B][I]Character[/I][/B] Name: Phineas (Surname Unknown) Age: 24 Gender: Male Appearance: See Attachment Personality: Phineas actually has two personalities. 1) Phineas can be generally serious, and doesn't joke a lot. He in fact, doesn't like to joke and gets straight to the point. However, in being so serious, he is most likely first to put his life on the line for his comrades and Fuki. He feels that he could die with honor in doing so. 2) The other side of Phineas can be rather bloodthirsty and in the fighting sense, sadistic. He will stop at nothing to eliminate his opponents, and this can sometimes drive him to the brink of insanity, where he would be practiacally unable to distinguish friend from foe. However, Phineas has never gotten as far as being unable to recognize his comrades. The only way to unlock this side of Phineas is when he is in battle and one of his comrades in in trouble, or if he is severely outnumbered. [B][I]Weapon of Faith[/I][/B] Appearance/Weapon Specifics: [URL=http://www.lords-armory.com/pc-1025.html]Phineas' Weapon[/URL] This version of the Rapier is a little heavier, and slows Phineas down. However, it packs a heavier blow. [URL=http://www.lords-armory.com/pc-1026.html]The True Form[/URL] The hilt changes color to black, the metal becomes lighter, allowing Phineas better handling and accuracy. Technique: The Weaving Sparrow Phineas, with the sword in either form, will weave through his opponents. He never stays in one spot and the sword never stops moving. It is fortunate that Phineas has a lot of stamina, because otherwise, he would have to find a different technique. Weapon Power: As mentioned before, in it's true form, the sword feels almost weightless and allows Phineas to move faster while fighting. [B][I]History[/I][/B] Bio: Phineas was born into one of the noble families of Egypt, and while he was raised by his family with the typical love and care, his family knew that there was something different about him. Not just by the color of his skin, which is uncommonly light, but also by the aura that surrounds him. His family knew that he would be destined to do great things, and so they kept Phineas well protected, which is the main reason for his personality. Character Snippet: I was sent on a journey to retrieve something across the desert for the Prince of the Royal Family. However, when I stumbled across an unknown temple of strange arcitecture in the middle of the night, I decided to venture inside. It was deserted, and the markings inside were different than I had seen before. I did not know of the gods that this temple was buit in honor of, for it did not depict Ra, Anubis, or any other Egyptian god. Instead, there was a mural of a man in battle, being outnumbered by several men whom I could tell were evil. He held a strange sword that glowed with a heavenly light. I walked closer and looked closer at this painting that sucked me in. As I went to touch the wall, I heard a loud clang coming from the center of the room and a bright light emerged. I shielded my eyes and turned around. "Do not fear me, Phineas, for I am here to deliver a message." A booming voice said. "Have the gods come to speak to me?" I asked myself. "I am not one of your gods." The light began to dim, and it revealed a man in white robes standing in the center of the room. "I am merely a messenger." "From another world?" I continued my inquisition. "Never mind that, Phineas. I am unimportant to you. There are other issues to discuss." He replied. "There is a boy in a land from far, far, away. And he needs your help. His name is Fuki, and you have been selected to save him." "What is this land that you speak of?" "A land that can only be reached by traveling far to the east. You need to leave your home as soon as possible." "But how-?" "There are others that have been selected as well. They are all traveling to find the boy, you must make haste Phineas. Leave now, do not wait and say goodbye to your family." "Why not?" "You are destined to do great things Phineas, you have no time to say goodbye to your loved ones." "So, what about this mural?" I pointed behind me. "That is you." "That is me?" "Yes. And this..." A glowing sword appeared on the floor, which would explain the clang, appeared. "Will be your companion. This is the sword of your ancestors, and I know you will use it well." ---------------- OOC: I hope that everything's in order, Kamuro. If you need me to change anything, just let me know.[/FONT]
  14. Sinistra


    [FONT=Palatino Linotype][quote name='Dagger']Am I correct to presume this doesn't happen in the film?[/quote] Yes, that's correct, although I suspected that from the watching the ending. Dr. Lecter actually [SPOILER]leaves by himself at the end of the film, however, they do share a kiss, forced, but still a kiss.[/SPOILER] Red Dragon didn't attract my attention as much as the other two films. Dr. Lecter is hardly involved. It seemed a little too awkward for me. I presume the book is better.[/FONT]
  15. Sinistra


    [FONT=Palatino Linotype]To start off, Hannibal is a movie that I watch quite often. I would definitely recommend buying it. I myself haven't read the novels, but the movies are very good. If you're a little uneasy with the gory parts, such as you have mentioned, I would say that they're moderate. [SPOILER]Verger's death comes rather quickly and is a blur, for the other two Sardinian men however, it's a bit different. One man's face is bitten apart and you can see a lot of blood.[/SPOILER] However, I'm a little edgy with gore, and I managed to do alright. [SPOILER]But as for the lobotomy of Paul Krendler, which I'm sure you read about, is rather graphic and realistic.[/SPOILER] And so I'd have to leave that to your judgment. You could simply listen if you wanted to get the key details that the doctor gives Agent Starling. And as Fallen said, Anthony Hopkins does exceptionally well with his character as he continues with the sequel. [quote name='Fallen][SIZE=1']The chianti line is an absolute classic, though.[/SIZE][/quote] Indeed, Fallen. Indeed.[/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I apologize, but it seems due to the lack of communication that this RPG will not continue. To be honest, I wasn't expecting it to, this is more of a complicated plotline that restricts the choices that one could make in other RPG's. So, I'm sorry, but your sign-up came too late.[/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Getting pumped for a sports game, such as soccer, I'll listen to the full version of "READY STEADY GO", [B]Full Metal Alchemist[/B]'s Opening Song by [U]L'Arc~en~Ciel[/U]. I remember getting ready for final exams a couple of weeks ago, I listened to "Dare" by [U]Gorillaz[/U] nonstop along with "THE RAGE BEAT" from [B]Gravitation[/B], an insert song by the main band, [U]Bad Luck[/U] and "Sleepless beauty" from [U]Nittle Grasper[/U], another band from Gravitation.[/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][quote name='grecords] [I']I like Dare a lot and find that I can listen to the whole album besides the one thats all narration, Fire coming out of the Mountain I believe its called.[/I][/quote] I have the CD in my hand...it says [B]Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head[/B]. And I think Darker Alucard meant [B]All Alone[/B]. But yeah, this is one of the few albums that I've bought where I can listen to the entire thing. That makes me happy, you get all your money's worth out of it.[/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I wish I could eat candy right now...but because of this new metal thing in my mouth, I am sadly restricted. But my favorite candy of all time... Is [U]Chocolate and Strawberry Caplico[/U] made by [B]Glico[/B]. HANDS DOWN...Close seconds are [U][B]Reese's[/B] Peanut Butter Cups[/U], [U][B]Glico's[/B] Chocolate Reverse Pocky[/U] and [U]Pucca[/U], another Japanese candy made by [B]Meiji[/B] Candy Company.[/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I'm sure you could check the Toonami site if you weren't sure...but I'm pretty sure that it's not back on.[/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I know how I posted previously on the fact that Funi was going to hold their Paper Crane Project. They've started, however, reading an interview with Akitaro Daichi, the creator of Furuba, and he stated that he had no plans whatsoever to continue Fruits Basket. "This is definitely the most asked question I get...in Japan and America. So obviously hearing my response everybody is disappointed and mildly depressed, but I have absolutely no plans to continue Fruits Basket at this moment... One of the reasons why Fruits Basket is done is because the people that worked on the project, myself included, feel that it is artisically complete by itself." That's kind of sad, but I can see his point. Your thoughts?[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I just picked up my Anime Insider magazine, and on one of the first few pages, there was this "Biggest Fan Contest" being held in the name of FMA. 2 Grand Prize winners will win: A 5 Day, 3 Night trip to Japan Tickets to see L'Arc~en~Ciel in concert at the Tokyo Dome A "Behind the Scenes" Tour of Tokyo $1,000 Spending Money $250 Spending Money for your Guest $250 Gift Card for Hot Topic I just thought I'd let everyone know. To enter, [URL=http://www1.fullmetalalchemist.com/contest/]click here![/URL][/FONT] Have Fun! T.S.
  23. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Yes. We can post without her. She won't be gone for long. So...post away. This is just to start, it wasn't going to be mandatory for her.[/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][quote name='sakurasuka']Ah yes, there's that grade-school 'Signed in your crack" one, but I'm sure you've all heard it.[/quote] Yep. [B]They signed your front, they signed your back, but I'm the first to sign your crack. Does it tickle?[/B] Heard that a million times. Here's a really random thing someone wrote. [B]Bangers 4 Life! I love feet![/B] Bangers = Irish sausages This is an inside joke from my friend Tony, but it's still pretty weird. [B]Hi Rhi! I hate Spanish. I wuv pudding. Szarpa loves Men. Toe-knee[/B] He absolutely loved to write his name phonetically, and Szarpa was a friend of ours from Spanish class. [B]Awesometastic! Call me! I have Cingular too!!! So it's FREE!!! WEEHA!![/B] A really hyper friend of mine named Joel. He made up a different word with each yearbook he signed. [B]This is an extention of the Land of Tod! Long live the Tod![/B] This kid also signed my other friends pants writing "I own this" and pointing an arrow to her butt. It was really funny. She got really mad at him though. So in conclusion...I have some really weird friends. But I can't help but love 'em.[/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Welcome to my first [B]RPG: [U]Into the Heart of Darkness[/U][/B] Okay then. This should be simple. There will be no specific posting order, but you will have to watch my posts for information on what to do and continue onto. If you have any questions, please refer to the Underground thread. [U][B]Summary:[/B][/U] In the thriving industrial city of Tychus, there is a "perfect society" where the rich and famous strut about in their wealth and glory. Capitalism is like a religion, and technology knows almost no limit. This city, named after the Greek Goddess of Fortune, seems to be perfect. However, while there are the many things that the city can be proud of, it seems a little odd how no one notices that there is organized crime about, lurking in the streets of Tychus. Syndicates have grown in the masses and rivalries begin with the simple sharing of a glare. One syndicate seems to dominate, the Black Dragon Syndicate, and two of the highest ranked are the two deadliest men in the United States. Joshua Christensen and Julian Maeda are two very highly skilled assassins. They both strive for perfection and will take no less. However, Joshua seems to be slipping with each passing day. Joshua has always been a loner since a young age, and when Julian found him on the streets after the age of fifteen, he was beyond salvation. Abandoned as a child, Joshua had a habit of hurting other people. At the age of ten, he was picked on by another boy much larger than him. Joshua wouldn't put up with it and he stabbed that boy in the arm with a compass. Julian is the next in line to run the Syndicate; his father is Shinobu Maeda, an old immigrant from Japan and master of the martial arts. Shinobu has taught Julian and Joshua the art of his own style, a combination of swordplay and hand-to-hand combat. Both boys perfected the art, and are the only two that Shinobu had passed it onto. Julian and Shinobu are the only two that Joshua will take orders from. It isn't until Joshua is sent on a mission to kill a little girl by the name of Marie Tanaka, that he finally begins to break. Marie Tanaka is an ordinary 4th grader with the innocence of a child. But her stepfather seems to want her out of the way. When she is confronted by Joshua, she's not afraid of him until she realizes what he's going to do to her. She begs for her life and somehow, Joshua cannot go through with it. Instead of killing her, he kidnaps her and takes her to live with him. Her stepfather pays Shinobu, and everyone's happy. But after a while, Marie begins to have a more permanent effect on Joshua, and he cannot kill as efficiently as he once could. His conscience is working against him and driving him insane. This sends the entire syndicate into a rage, Shinobu and Julian are pissed, and now, Joshua is a target on everyone's list. And Joshua himself is almost on the edge of sanity. This RPG starts just shortly before Joshua is sent to eliminate Marie. Characters: Joshua Christensen (Tainted Rose) Marie Tanaka (Cyriel) Julian Maeda (Who Am I?) Jose Brodeur (Samsquamch) Watanabe (Beta) ?Zee Ecks? ZX-942 (Inuyasha Fandom) Katana Makagie (cheese master) Shinobu Maeda (Touma Seguchi) Chapter 1: The First Time We Met Description: This is the chapter where everyone will think about their pasts, and relate to the first time that they were introduced to Shinobu and the Black Dragon Syndicate (or in Cyriel?s case, just think about the days from when Marie?s father was alive). This is done to establish the background information and to prepare Joshua for his first meeting with Marie. Joshua will meet with Marie when I specify in my post. Therefore, I am going to post again closer to the end with the actual ?assignment?. -- Chapter Begins -- Julian was just a boy when Hana was killed. I?ve always felt a sense of regret that he may have felt so?unloved?and even when I did try my hardest to show affection, I knew that it could never amount to the motherly love that Hana would have given her son. Then again, if it weren?t for the death of Hana, the Syndicate would have never existed. And I would not have the power that I do now. I could never give up my power. Never. I cannot be forgiven for the choices I?ve made. I know that. However, that is not to say that I wish to be forgiven. I learned when Julian was young, that once I began this syndicate, and helped it rise to its feet, there was no going back. I chose my destiny to remain in hell in the afterlife. What I do regret, is having to drag Julian down with me. However, he does not show the least bit of regret. I have not faltered in the eyes of my peers. I have stood strong just like that day. Hana and I were simply enjoying the company of our newborn son, taking him on his first walk through the local park. We had just settled in from Japan in a small town not too far from this city. I saw flashes of black suits. Men were surrounding us. It was then that I realized that our problems had caught up with us, and this time, there was no escape. I watched my wife fall, blood spilling from her lips as she clutched a wound close to her heart. I grabbed the bundle of blankets in the small carriage and ran for my life. My former boss must have sent some rookies to deal with me, because they didn?t keep up the pursuit for long. I was able to escape into the nearby forest. --------------- Julian grew to become a fine young man, he reminded me of myself when I was his age. So strong willed and intelligent. I never told him of the fate of his mother. And yet, he has never asked. I don?t want to believe that he doesn?t care. But he always has been accustomed to it just being the two of us. It was one strange day when Joshua entered our lives. Ah, yes? Julian had not come home from the Academy. Naturally, as a father, I grew frantic. I began calling the school, his cell phone, but it was to no avail. Finally, he walked into this very office with a boy behind him. ?Father, I would like you to meet Joshua Christensen. I found him shortly after he had killed a man.? I stood there, puzzled. Because it didn?t add up to me. This boy, no older than my son, seemed frail and weak. His jet black hair covered a pale face and tired eyes. I couldn?t believe my son. ?How, he looks too weak?? I looked at him, still angry for his unexplained absence. ?Father, I know I was gone longer than I should have been, but Josh has massive potential. I watched it with my own eyes.? I just stared at the boy and he stared right back. He looked confident. ?Where are your parents?? ?I don?t live with them.? ?Very well.? My son had outdone himself again. He had brought us our newest addition to the family and one of my most valued assassins. I did not know this at the time, but I?m glad that I made the decision for him to stay. ?My boy, why don?t you stay awhile? My son and I would be glad if you did. I would hate for you to have no place to go.? ----------------- That is where it all began. I trained those two boys at the age of 15, my own style of martial arts. The Sakura-Chikara style was a complicated combination of hand-to-hand combat and swordsmanship. I was impressed when they learned it in only one year. At the age of 16, I gave them both their own swords. ?These are yours to keep, take them as tools to use what you?ve learned from me.? Josh and Julian became good friends and partners. The two made a team that was the most efficient in all of the Syndicate, together, they could take on a small army and succeed without a scratch. BRRRINNNNGGG! ?Hello?? ?Yes, is this Mr. Maeda? Leader of the Black Dragon Syndicate?? ?Yes. I?ve been expecting your call, Mr. Tanaka.? ?About that. I would like to request the help of an assassin.? ?I have just the one, Mr. Tanaka. I have just the one.? --------------------- OOC: Finally! I just typed this up really quickly. So it?s not as good as the original. I apologize for the long wait, as explained in the Underground thread, I haven?t really had the best luck with this so far. But I?m hoping that it?ll change. Well?you know what to do. [U][B]T.S.[/B][/U][/FONT]
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