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Everything posted by Sinistra
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]I apologize. *bows nervously* The day that I planned to start the RPG, my computer broke and was taken to a repair shop. So that explains my absence. I'll try to find the back-up file that had the first RPG post on it. Also, Cyriel aka Marie Tanaka isn't going to be with us for the rest of the week and partially into the next one. Please forgive me! I apologize. It's like the world doesn't want me to start up the RPG. But I will! *bows* [B][U]Touma Seguchi[/U][/B][/FONT]
[COLOR=Black][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Okay everyone! Assuming that you received my PMs, you understand what I've written previously. This RPG is going to contain gunfights, swordfights, sparring...etc. Hope that everyone understands that. I should start it FOR REAL this time about today. So, just be ready to post. Any final sign ups are still valid. Thanks so much! [U][B]T.S.[/B][/U][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype][quote name='Leofski']If its the same one I've got there are a lot of British references in though, so others might not "get it" as much.[/quote] Yeah. I just like the very end with the choppers and Murdoc freaks out. [SPOILER]"Oh! The Choppers! Ah...back in 'Nam..."[/SPOILER] Vietnam...that dude is REALLY weird. Heh.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]I just happened to notice this thread while listening to "Feel Good Inc." I picked up the album when I was down in North Carolina about two weeks ago. I really like this ablum a lot more than the past ones, there was a lot of improvement in this particular album. I'm curious, did anyone watch the DVD that came along with it? There was the Music Video of "Feel Good Inc." on it with commentary. I like Murdoc's comments. Heh. As for my favorites on the album, I would have to say "Feel Good Inc.", "Dare", "El Manana", and "Fire Coming Out of the Monkey's Head".[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]No one's really talked about desserts yet...hmm...I'm good at making those. But in regards to this, all I really have to say are two words. Strawberry Millefeuille. This French dessert is so delicious. Although, I can't really find a recipe for it, there are a few different ways to make it. [quote name='Panda][I']On the rare occassion I actually gain control of the kitchen I love to make teriyaki chicken.[/I][/quote] Teriyaki Chicken is incredibly...okay...it just rocks. Heh. Now, I'm tempted to go run at get some from the mall.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]The storyline for [B]Negima! Magister Negi Magi[/B] is well written by Ken Akamatsu, I like it, seems *interesting* enough. :D Negi himself is priceless [SPOILER]with his ability to sneeze and blow girls clothes off[/SPOILER], and the relationships he has with certain girls [SPOILER](Asuka and Evangline)[/SPOILER] are definately *different*. For the forums sake...I know that Negima is already in the process of becoming an Anime. It's called [B]Mahou Sensei Negima![/B] I haven't heard anything about it coming out in America just yet, although I'm certain it will at one point. I'm just curious if they'll import it and rip it to shreds with the editing.[/FONT]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Okay everyone. To those who signed up, I know I promised that I would start the RPG the weekend of the 4th. Plans have been rearranged, and I will be starting sometime soon. I will PM you when I know the exact date. I apologize for the inconviences that I've caused. Please bear with it. If you wish to drop out, PM me. If there are others that wish to join, then just post your sign-ups in the Adventure Inn thread. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=47298]Click Here for the Sign-Ups[/URL] If you have any other questions, please just refer to the thread. Thanks so much, [U][B]T.S.[/B][/U][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]I would have to say the new [URL=http://www.pontiac.com/g6/index.jsp?brand=home&pagename=home]Pontiac G6 GT[/URL] , it has a sleek design, remote start (would be good for the winter), good traction control, (just in case), panoramic roof (it's summer, give me a break), and many other features that I like.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Everyone had set down their stuff after they had arrived at the old shack. Drew felt a small churning in his stomach and knew immediately that he needed to do something about it. "Hey, I'm going out to find some food." He whispered to Amy. "How?" "I don't know...fishing?" "I see." She nodded. "See you later." Drew walked back outside, but not before slinging his messenger bag around his shoulder. -------- Drew sat down at the shore, just barely back enough to avoid the water. He sighed as the waves came crashing slowly nearer toward him. He pulled out some fishing line with a hook on the end if it that he had bought back at the airport, thinking that he might be able to fish for fun at their real destination. He had also conveniently sat down next to a small tree branch that had fallen due to the storm. Drew tied a strong knot around the branch to use it as a pole and whipped it into the water. He sat back down and pulled his messenger bag beside him and opened it. He pulled out the letter, and finally, he was going to read it. Drew stuck the branch into the ground so that it would stay and ripped open the letter. His eyes moving back and forth quickly. [I]To my Older Brother, Things here have been better than before. Mother and Father have actually lightened up on me a bit and I think it's because you went away from them, maybe they're beginning to realize that what they were doing is wrong. I know that it's rather hard to believe, but they do love us. They just have the most heartbreaking way of showing it. I can't wait for you to come home, so please, at least come back to visit. Tell Micky and Amy that I said hello, and maybe I'll come up to visit you guys. You know that our school is having the spring break soon. Maybe we'll see each other soon. From your younger brother, Jake.[/I] Drew sighed with relief, he had expected something much worse from his younger brother.[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: I apologize for my absence...small family emergency. :animeswea
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]I apologize if you misunderstood my point, Umbra II. I merely meant to say that Yu Yu Hakusho has been taken off the air, for now, at least. And that I haven't heard any mentioning of it being put back on at any time soon. If anything does come up, I would expect someone to add it to the thread at the top of the Anime Lounge dealing with Anime Line-Ups for Cartoon Network, or even possibly here. If I come up with anything like I did for the DVD's, then I shall post it in one of the two threads. [U][B]T.S.[/B][/U][/FONT]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype][QUOTE] Originally Posted by [B]Umbra II[/B] [I]What happened to Yu Yu Hakusho on Cartoon Network?[/I][/QUOTE] If you read about two pages back, there was a converation between some others about what happened to YYH on Cartoon Network. [QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]xmystic_silverx[/B] [I]You know what Toonami should do, it should take DBZ off the air. The series is long enough and how many of you still watch it? They should atleast replace YYH with a good series. I watched the first episode of that Zatch Bell (
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]Okay everyone, first of all, I would like to thank you for signing up. To be completely honest, I didn't expect this to get this far. :animeswea Secondly, the last week two weeks of May are very busy for me, finals at school... :animesigh So, what I'm going to do is leave the Sign-Ups open for the rest of the two weeks. On the weekend of [B]June 4th[/B], I will begin this RPG. I do apologize for the wait, but like I said, school is having their finals. :animeknow PM me with any concerns, questions, etc... [B]T.S.[/B][/FONT]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Amy had run off to see the others after Drew gave her the flute he had found. He was happy that she liked the present. However, much like Alex, Drew's wounds were throbbing with a dull pain because of the saltwater. He was able to keep a straight look about himself, never showing a hint of pain. But when Amy had left, Drew sat there, soaking wet with all of his clothes still on. He pulled up his left sleeve and sighed at the soggy bandage that was slipping off. The wound was open again and blood was flowing down his arm. "It's a good thing Amy didn't see this." Drew pulled his sleeve back down, he was exhausted and sore for the day's events. He laid back slowly and closed his eyes. A few moments later, he heard footsteps coming closer toward him. He looked over to see Kyo, and sat right back up. "Hey man, how you feeling?" "I'm alright, you?" Drew asked. "I'm okay, but...I came over here to say thanks." "For what?" Drew had a puzzled look on his face. "Yesterday." Kyo replied, brushing the wet strands of hair from his face. "You got me out of the fire." "Oh...it was nothing. We're friends, and even if we weren't, I still would have gone in there to get you." Drew smiled. "Yeah." Kyo replied. "But still, thanks anyway, man." "No problem." Drew nodded. "So, you gonna sit here by yourself?" Kyo asked jokingly. Drew looked down at his arm, and noticed that the blood was seeping through his sweatshirt. "No, I'll go with you." "Alright, let's go then." "Yeah." Drew got up and walked alongside Kyo toward the others. Alex was making sure that everyone was okay, especially Kina. The three of them had helped to get Kina out of the water. "How are you feeling, Drew?" Alex asked. "Fine." Drew lied and walked over to his suitcase.[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Drew had run down the stairs so quickly that he was sore on the way to the airport, but he wanted to make sure the Micky and Amy weren't waiting for him and suspecting something. He had decided not to tell them about what had happened last night, since he didn't like them to worry. To hide the bandages, Drew had thrown on a grey sweatshirt over his black tanktop. So far, Ranmaru was the only one that knew of the incident, but Drew wasn't sure how much longer that would last. He knew that he was going to have to wear short sleeves all of this vacation. But this was the least of Drew's worries. While he held such a straight face and joked around with Amy, he still had something to worry about. The letter from his brother Jake. It was tucked inside his carry on, and he would read it before they got on the airplane. As the three cousins entered the airport, they glanced around and noticed other people waiting around from their class including Rin, Kina, and Kyo. "We get here this early and we're still not the first ones?" Micky asked. "Guess not." Amy replied. Drew simply nodded in response. "Drew, are you okay?" Micky asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." Drew nodded once more. "Just a little tired, that's all." "Well, at least we get a vacation." Amy smiled. "Yeah, I guess." [CENTER]'No matter what you leave behind, and no matter how much you try to forget, you can't. Your troubles will only be here when you get back.'[/CENTER] His mother's words echoed through his head, a reminder of the day he left.[/FONT][/COLOR]
OOC: I'm really tired, but if I don't do this now, I'm never gonna get to it. IC: [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Drew awoke late the next morning and rewrapped his wounds. After rereading the letter from school, Drew threw a bunch of clothes together with his MP3 Player and some other "necessities" and stuffed it all in his only suitcase. He got dressed in a pair of cargo khaki pants and a black tanktop, and slipped on a pair of black leather sandals to finish it off. "I want to open this letter, but I'm afraid that if I do, I may not want to go on the trip." Drew said to himself as he looked down at the letter simply marked: Brother. "But if I don't, it may ruin the time I may have to recover." He sighed and sat down on his couch/bed. The letter on the coffee table in front of him. BRRRRIIINNNNGGGG! The phone startled Drew and he got up to see who it was. "Hello?" "Drew? Hey, it's Amy. Did you get your letter?" "Yeah, I've just finished packing my stuff. Why?" "Well, Micky and I were going to get a ride to the airport soon. Did you want to go with us?" "Sure, that'd be great." Drew smiled. "Really? Okay then." Amy paused. "We'll be there to pick you up in a while." "Okay, thanks Amy." Drew replied. "Bye!" "Bye."[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: A rather short post, but I have other things to do so... Isadora, I hope you don't mind taking over on this one for me. :D
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]A type of guy...hmm...here goes... -[U]Hair Color[/U] - Black...or blonde...how contradicting. ^__^ -[U]Eye Color[/U] - I really couldn't care, but, blue is nice. -[U]Race[/U] - I don't have a preference, it's all personality. -[U]Body[/U] - I tend to be a fan of that slender stature that some guys have. Maybe it's because I've been around them for so long. And I really don't like any chest or back hair. I'm really picky about that. It may sound odd, but after a while, I'll start to think he's my pet rather than anything. >__< -[U]Tattoos/Piercings[/U] - I don't like a lot of piercings, or a lot of tattoos...er...well, if you've seen Travis Barker or someone with a lot of tattoos like that, I think that's REALLY overboard. -[U]Dress[/U] - I'm not picky about what a guy wears, as long as it doesn't look like he just dragged it out of the trash. Although, I must say that I like when a guy has a sense of humor, and brings it into his shirts. You know the type that have the smart*** comments. -[U]Personality[/U] - Nice, I don't want any cocky ******* who thinks that he's god's gift to women and that I should kiss his feet. And I've gotta make sure that he knows how to have fun, but knows when enough is enough. He doesn't have to be Mr. Sensitive either, but I would like him to speak up once in a while. It would be nice if he was smart, but that's not everything either. -[U]Religion[/U] - I don't have a religion myself, and so I guess I'd prefer a guy to be that way too, but if he is, and the relationship is strong enough, then it's not a big problem. Alright, I'm done ranting now. :p [/FONT][/COLOR]
OOC: Well, no one's touched this in a couple days, so...I'll get my post out of the way. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]IC: Drew woke up shortly after midnight, his head throbbing with a pain, and his mind trying it's hardest to remember how he had gotten home and tucked in so comfortably. Flashes of his friend, Ranmaru, had come to him. "Oh yeah..." He mumbled to himself. Ran had found him in the streets and brought him home. He even helped him with the wounds he had by bandaging them and cleaning up his living room. It was just too bad that Drew remembered the wounds a little too late, for he moaned in pain after moving his left arm in a fast motion. "Shit..." He hissed. Drew got up slowly from the couch and staggered into the bathroom. After coming out, he walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water and some painkillers. As he chugged the glass, he looked down on the floor to see the mail slot, which had been ignored the entire day. There was the occasional letter from home, and another envelope that Drew didn't recognize. He set the glass down and walked over to the mail slot. After putting aside the letter from his brother, he gazed at the foreign envelope and opened it. Reading it once or twice, carefully, Drew shrugged and sighed. He was still very tired. "So, they've decided to do this, huh?"[/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][B]Name:[/B] Shinobu Maeda [B]Age:[/B] 53 [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL=http://www.tecmo.co.jp/product/doa3/jpg/genfu00l.jpg]Click Here for Shinobu's Pic[/URL] [B]Biography:[/B] Shinobu is an older man, he is an immigrant, straight from Japan. He came to America in hopes of creating a new life for his family and to escape the old one he left behind. Shinobu and his wife, Hana, with their unborn son Julian, fled a life of organized crime in Japan. They didn't want their son born into a life of so much bloodshed. They thought that they could've been happy together, just the three of them. Julian was born, and Shinobu had put his blade away for good. However, when Hana was killed shortly after being discovered and kidnapped by the Yakuza that had followed them all the way to America, Shinobu had no choice but to take a firm hold of the sword he possessed. He started a gang, and eventually that gang grew to what is now, the most feared syndicate of the city, and possibly the country. The Black Dragon Syndicate. Shinobu didn't mind the addition of Joshua to the family, and he even treated him like he was his own. He trained both Julian and Joshua together at the age of 15, and they had mastered the techniques of the Sakura-Chikara style in only a year. Shinobu is usually calm and composed, even in the deadliest situations. However, if he is fighting, he shows no mercy. He is ruthless and has the Curse of Bloodlust. [B]Weapons:[/B] Shinobu uses his own style of martial arts, the Sakura-Chikara, a combination of his fists and swordplay. His steel wakizashi is the only blade he'll handle. I need someone to still sign up as Joshua...hmm...spread the word if you can, guys. If you have any questions, please, feel free to PM me. [B][U]T.S.[/U][/B][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]This is my first RPG that I've made, so don't kill me. :p This is going to be rather long. You've been warned. In the thriving industrial city of Tychus, there is a "perfect society" where the rich and famous strut about in their wealth and glory. Capitalism is like a religion, and technology knows almost no limit. This city, named after the Greek Goddess of Fortune, seems to be perfect. However, while there are the many things that the city can be proud of, it seems a little odd how no one notices that there is organized crime about, lurking in the streets of Tychus. Syndicates have grown in the masses and rivalries begin with the simple sharing of a glare. One syndicate seems to dominate, the Black Dragon Syndicate, and two of the highest ranked are the two deadliest men in the United States. Joshua Christensen and Julian Maeda are two very highly skilled assassins. They both strive for perfection and will take no less. However, Joshua seems to be slipping with each passing day. Joshua has always been a loner since a young age, and when Julian found him on the streets after the age of fifteen, he was beyond salvation. Abandoned as a child, Joshua had a habit of hurting other people. At the age of ten, he was picked on by another boy much larger than him. Joshua wouldn't put up with it and he stabbed that boy in the arm with a compass. Julian is the next in line to run the Syndicate, his father is Shinobu Maeda, an old immigrant from Japan and master of the martial arts. Shinobu has taught Julian and Joshua the art of his own style, a combination of swordplay and hand-to-hand combat. Both boys perfected the art, and are the only two that Shinobu had passed it onto. Julian and Shinobu are the only two that Joshua will take orders from. It isn't until Joshua is sent on a mission to kill a little girl by the name of Marie Tanaka, that he finally begins to break. Marie Tanaka is an ordinary 4th grader with the innocence of a child. But her stepfather seems to want her out of the way. When she is confronted by Joshua, she's not afraid of him until she realizes what he's going to do to her. She begs for her life and somehow, Joshua cannot go through with it. Instead of killing her, he kidnaps her and takes her to live with him. Her stepfather pays Shinobu, and everyone's happy. But after a while, Marie begins to have a more permanent effect on Joshua, and he cannot kill as effeciently as he once could. His conscience is working against him and driving him insane. This sends the entire syndicate into a rage, Shinobu and Julian are pissed, and now, Joshua is a target on everyone's list. And Joshua himself is almost on the edge of sanity. [U]Sign-Ups:[/U] [B]Name:[/B] (If not one of the aforementioned characters) [B]Age:[/B] (Young Enough, about 21- 29, unless you're to be Marie, she's about 10) [B]Appearance:[/B] (Pic or Details, either is fine) [B]Biography:[/B] (At least a good paragraph or two, those signing up as Joshua or Julian, PM me and I will give you more information to work off of) [B]Weapons:[/B] (Guns, Swords, Martial Arts, etc.) I am going to be playing the role of Shinobu, the Black Dragon Syndicate leader. [B]Characters Taken:[/B] Marie Tanaka (Cyriel) Julian Maeda (Who Am I?) Joshua Christensen (Symphony) Anyone else may sign-up as other members of the syndicate, you too will play a role as various partners, working together on your missions, and most likely with Joshua or Julian once or twice. This RPG will start just shortly before Joshua is sent to eliminate Marie. And even little Marie might get into the action. PM me with any questions. And enjoy! After I get a few sign-ups, I'll post my own.[/FONT]
Gaming What upcoming game are you most looking forward to?
Sinistra replied to Bloodseeker's topic in Noosphere
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]Otaku America[/B] Zelda Remake (GC) Ocarina of Time is one of my favorite games of all time and it's only fair to keep Zelda in its true form. Wind Waker just didn't have that same feeling I received from previous Zelda games, it felt too much of a cartoon. IMO, this is Nintendo's way of apologizing.[/QUOTE][COLOR=Navy]I don't think that this game is a remake of OoT, while I'd like to say it was because that was one of my favorite games of all time, I'm pretty sure it's not. Electronic Gaming Monthly held an interview with the director, Eiji Aonuma. And he's not even sure of the final title! Alas, I am off-topic. I too, am looking forward to the new Zelda game, as well. It's new screenshots and online teasers are enough to get anyone drooling. Not to mention the makeover from [I]Wind Waker[/I], and the fact that there is to be more added in to the battles. You can now [SPOILER]battle on horseback![/SPOILER] This new game will surpass the already sky-high standards of the series.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
38 military bases to be closed in the US
Sinistra replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Well Chibi, I know the Niagara Falls AFB was to be closed. It was headlined in the Buffalo News. That kinda sucks, since one of my friends works there and he'll be out of a job when it does close. I've always [B]hated[/B] Bush, and I would do something about it, but I can't vote yet. I'm not 18 yet. It's gonna feel weird, driving through Niagara Falls and not seeing a huge Leviathan hovering in the skies. Bush is a ****** idiot.[/FONT][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Well, I used to have a site to rely on for this, but I think it's gone. But I've found another one! Here you are! [URL=http://baby-names.adoption.com/origin/japanese.html]Clicky![/URL] [/FONT] [/COLOR]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][QUOTE] Originally Posted by [B]xmystic_silverx[/B] Yusuke Rediscovered will have a commentary on every episode and FUNi has also decided to throw in some bloopers[/QUOTE][COLOR=Navy]Yep, that's usually how it goes. The last DVD's of a series always had a little something extra. I knew of the commentary...(I think I mentioned it in this thread.) but not the bloopers. But it sounds like fun, thank you for contributing![/FONT][/COLOR]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype][QUOTE]Originally Posted by [B]IceRose[/B] If anyone is to stalk Gackt can I go too?[/QUOTE][COLOR=Navy]Sure :p ...my friends and I are going in the summer of '07, the year we graduate. But I would go this Christmas, because he's holding a concert at Tokyodome that I would love to go to![/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Ran helped Drew back to his apartment, where Ran realized what Drew had done after setting him down on his bed. He turned off the MP3 player and looked around. Glass shards were scattered everywhere, and the room had a drunken air to it. [B]"Drew, how can you do this?"[/B] Ran felt queasy from just the smell. Drew just tried to cling on to consciousness, he was so grateful that Ran had found him. He knew that he was going to owe him a big favor. [B]"Drew, where's your bathroom?"[/B] Drew mustered up enough strength to raise the arm that wasn't wounded and point across the room. Ran turned around and walked inside, coming back out shortly with bandages and antibiotic.[B]"What happened?"[/B] Drew was able to speak, and so he told Ran. [B]"I got mad about something. So I tried to drink, and naturally, that didn't do me any good. I threw it against the wall and the bottle broke."[/B] He paused. [B]"I left to clear my head, and I was walking around for a while when these guys that tried messing with Alex earlier surrounded me. They tried to hurt me, and I'm lucky that I've got only this. But they..."[/B] Drew trailed off as Ran rubbed antibiotic on his forearm, a stinging feeling took over and he hissed with the pain. [B]"Continue."[/B] Ran simply said as he wiped off the stab wound and proceeded to wrap it. [B]"One guy stabbed me, and I nailed him in the head, and the other, I'm pretty sure I broke his knee by kicking it awkwardly."[/B] [B]"Well, you're lucky I found you."[/B] Ran replied, looking closely at his face, which seemed to be in pretty bad shape. He got up once more and returned with a washcloth. [B]"Here."[/B] Ran wiped Drew's face and got rid of the blood. [B]"Thanks man. I owe you big time."[/B] Drew smiled at his friend. [B]"It's what we'd do for each other, being friends. I'm sure you'd do the same for me."[/B] Ran replied. [B]"It was nothing."[/B] There was a bit of an awkward silence as the two just sat there for the moment. There was a secret that Ran was hiding...he had a rush on Drew. Drew, of course, never knowing.[/FONT][/COLOR] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]OOC: Alright then...thanks Opal, and I hope you don't mind. :D You can continue this or leave Drew.[/FONT]