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About LokiTheAssassin

  • Birthday 11/25/1989

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    freinds say quite dark but still love me
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  1. Anyways, my advice to you, whoever you may be, is to copy this "Bakura" in every possible way.[/color][/QUOTE] Ok copying an amine guy just to impress you girlfriend not a good idea
  2. That?s pretty sad when someone gets jealous over a anime charter but if she really likes him more then you I wont lie I have had a unlucky love life but that?s just ridiculous but if that?s the case I would just let her go to be in her own little world because you cant get that much more sad when you choose a anime boyfriend/girlfriend over your real boyfriend/girlfriend
  3. Mine would be to get in better shape for swimming (since this was a pretty bad season for me) and water polo And to get lower all my times under 200 meters in swimming by at least 15 sec
  4. ff7 for the ps and soul calibur2 and ff 10 for the ps2
  5. ok van hallen not in the 80s Rage against the machines system of a down iron maiden dio black sabbath ozzy
  6. Crimson Spider You say that the would be ignorant but people aren?t just questioning it have you ever heard of a hate crime people get charge with them when they do some thing to hurt some one because the person doesn't like some thing about them well a lot of times gays are the victim of this
  7. Miryoku I don?t no what to tell you to answer your question i dont see any thing wrong with it but you got to remember that when a child is born it doesn?t know hate are intolerants the if its raised around this that what it will think for maybe the rest of its life parents or the people that raised the child have a lot more influences then most people think but you cant blame the parents most likely are that?s how they where I don?t no how I can type this but I hoped it kind of answered your question the only advise I can give you is to just forget the crap about it being wrong just live and let live and bout your parents I?m shur they will come around sooner are later
  8. ya i no who they are and i liked them
  9. Well aside from watching anime and reading mangas I?m on my schools swim team so I like to swim I am also a mucician I play the violin guitar piano and my uncle tried to teach me the sax but I moved before we got the chance and I like to paint
  10. Has any one ever played this game its old but one of my favorite game any way I heard there was a 2nd game is it worth picking up because I heard it sucked any way does any one have though on it
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