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  • Birthday July 28

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  1. Agnostic, but my family forced me into Buddhism. I enjoy looking at different religion's ideas, though.
  2. @ Heaven's Cloud: :( Why must you hate 0079? It's a pretty good anime considering its age. On the other hand, I can't understand why people like Wing so much. Everything in Wing, except Endless Waltz, has failed to impress me. Mine would be Turn A. The storyline (so far) is plain. My opinion may change when I've seen more of it. SD Gundam is also the most horrible thing ever and is nothing compared to the UC's SD Gundam.
  3. They said that the manga ending is more depressing than the anime's, is that true? If so, I'm gonna read the manga instead.
  4. I'm 13... *look around for evil glares* >.>;;; How the heck did Doraemon pulled me into Soukyuu no Fafner and Gundam? It's just weird...
  5. I wear loose black t-shirts and dark blue jeans. My stuff are black, except my glasses' frame. In conclusion: Heck, I don't know which I'm suppose to be in.
  6. [COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Um..I'm kinda new here...And I'd like to try and start my own RPG. Do go easy on me. >_
  7. Being bullied is anything but enjoyable. Those girls...They find making people miserable entertaining. They're throwing rocks at you, so that means that they're brave enough to piss off people but not brave enough to take the consequences. It's best to tell the teachers so they can get the consequences they deserve.
  8. I remembered watching Saint Seiya, so I was probably 3 or so. I don't really remember...It's all in fragments... >.<
  9. Do you still want a Shoshi avatar? I can find you some good pictures if you want. I hope you'll catch up soon. It's getting more intense every passing episode. ^o^
  10. I saw Fake and Gravitation around but never actually got a chance to read them. There are some that I got from the scanlation sites that I like a lot, like Black Knight and Sound Masturbation. I'm saving money for more.
  11. @ Dagger IX1: I think that song is "Proof". It came with the Separation single. I find SNF very addictive. Just the first episode makes me want to download more and more, following the story. The dialogues are nice overall, especially before each ED, which I believe is Soushi's voice. The characters in it are very well created. They're not just these emotionless animated drawings of people. They all have emotions and personalities. They're fun to analyze, specially Soushi, whom I like enough to make the avatar of. ^^ The background music are very well played, not very surprising because the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra are the ones playing. One of the things I love SNF is because it has a world-famous orchestra playing it's BGM's and Angela singing the OP and ED. BTW, the OST is out and avaliable in BT if you search for it.
  12. Even though how much I like SEED, I do have to admit that even Kira or Raw can't beat the EVAs'. Sure any NJC-equipped Gundams can fly around a 1000 times more than the Energizer Bunny, cut the EVAs' power cords, and wait for the EVAs to run out of energy, 01 may go berserk like the first ep. and activates without energy, and with several good aimed fires, the Gundams will come down one by one in no time. @ Altron: Kira and Asuran are coordinators, not newtypes. Mwu and Raw are the newtypes in SEED.
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