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Everything posted by Lightwing

  1. Who seen Inuyasha the movie 2, I just got it yesterday^^. So how many of yall liked it? Also do you like Inuyasha at all? Please post your thoughts on the qouestions or anything else?
  2. The Legend Of Light-wing Vol.1 The story begins when a young little boy somehow was transported into two completely different worlds. He meets two people who he thought was no real and bonded with them. Those two people were Link and Kenshin. He goes by Kinshin for now until he becomes stronger with his new self. He fell in love with a beautiful girl and one day they hope to get married. Right now they live far away from each other until school is over they shall meet. Kinshin friend: ?Hey Kinshin!? Kinshin: ?Huh?? Brother: ?Wake up last day of your high school year, no more high school for you anymore.? Kinshin: ?Five more minutes.? Friend: ?WAKE UP!!? Kinshin: ?OK I?M UP!!? After the celebration Kinshin goes to get his girl who he will marry soon. Mom: ?You got everything? Kinshin: ?Yeah? Friend: ?Good see ya later!? Kinshin: ?Kay? So when they were going to the airport, someone was following him. Dark Kinshin (talking to his wife in his car):?Kinshin, what a surprise, heh, thanks to me being Dark Link, I to have evolved. I?m now Dark Kinshin.? Back at the airport? Fight 16 to Kansas, we?re ready to board now. Kinshin: ?We?ll see ya later guys.? After the fight which was two hours? ?? (Dark Kinshin):?Not so fast Kinshin!? Kinshin: ?What the? uh.? Dark Kinshin: ?Wake up sleepy head.? Kinshin: ?Who are you?? Dark Kinshin: ?What Link won?t tell you who I am?? Kinshin: ?What your D?D?Dark Kinshin!? Kinshin: ?Huh what?s going on?? Link:? It?s us Kinshin.? Kinshin: ?Link, Kenshin how are you guys?? Kenshin: ?We?re good but here?s our weapons you?ll need it when you are fight Dark Kinshin but we don?t know how to destroy him though.? Kinshin: ?But Link I thought you killed him?? Link: ?That?s what I thought. He probably regenerated by the Dark Triforce but anyways you got us and the power of the Trifore on your side but take heed for he has the Dark Triforce the both have the same power in them.? Kinshin: ?Don?t worry I?ll be careful.? Dark Kinshin: ?Heh, your back. I thought I wasn?t going to be the one to destroy you Kinshin.? Kinshin: ?Shut up because I?m going to beat you then go gets my girl.? Dark Kinshin: Oh you mean Rei. Too bad that I already married Dark Rei, so I?m ahead of you.? Kinshin: So Dark Kinshin: So I?m better Kinshin: No your not Dark Kinshin: Yes I am and I?ll show you Kinshin: Bring it Dark Kinshin: Dark Triforce ah Kinshin: Triforce ah Dark Kinshin: Take this Kinshin: Ahhh? Din Fire Dark Kinshin: Dark Nauru Love Kinshin: Ahh I hate that it always reflects back maybe I should use my Mirror Shield. Do it again. Dark Kinshin: Fine if you insist of dying Kinshin: Din Fire Dark Kinshin: Dark Nauru Love, DARK DIN FIRE!! Kinshin: Ha take this Dark Kinshin: NOOO!! PHYCHE!! Kinshin: What! Not AGAIN!!! Dark Kinshin: Two times in a row impressive Kinshin: Think again you?re hurt just as badly I am Dark Kinshin: W?w? w?what no Kinshin: So I guess it is a draw Dark Kinshin: I guess it?s clever you use Forues Wind to teleport it through you, and me nice. Well I?m going but I will be back. Kinshin then goes to Rei?s (also his) home while healing his wounds from a healing fairy. Kinshin: Rei, help me use the healing fairy and get ready for our wedding. A few months later.
  3. I need help with drawing anime for my anime. Can someone help me?
  4. [quote name='duoikari']Do you have any characters that you want to put in the manga?, first think up a really good plot or you couls just get me to do it. You see i have just watched comic party an anime that all about manga and they did give me a few tips. Anyway i am going off the point, what type of character do you have in mind commrade :laugh: Ha ha[/quote] The main character is Ken Tenkawa, his wife is Rei, and his enemy is Dark Kinshin. See the story is about Ken who cross into two worlds and fused with Kenshin and Link. So far I did half of the manga, and all I need is to draw.
  5. [QUOTE=Lady Katana][color=darkblue]Aheh. ^^; I am indeed a staff member here at OB, as my title indicates. Which is why I have to ask you not to go off-topic in threads like you just did. Such questions should really be kept to Private Messaging in the future. ^^;[/color][/QUOTE] Alright, uh... the thing is that I can not afford the books becuase I never have money.
  6. [QUOTE=Lady Katana][color=darkblue]Welcome to OtakuBoards. ^^ In the future, try to improve the quality of your posts. Proper grammar is just as important as spelling around here, heh. ^^; Anyway, there are a variety of sites that can help you learn the basics of drawing manga art, such as [url=http://www.howtodrawmanga.com]How To Draw Manga.com[/url]. If you do a search for drawing manga on a search engine such as Google, I'm sure you can find plenty more. ^^[/color][/QUOTE] Thanks. Hey do you want to be friends and are you a team member.
  7. i like wing gundam custom and the other gundams with, only if they were combined together. And hello new member if you need a friends i'll glady be one
  8. i created a really good manga and all i need is to learn how to draw manga better, can someone help me?
  9. Who seen .hack// legend of the twilight and whao read it? I have read it but I haven't seen it yet. I read the 1st volume.
  10. mine so far is nadesico and need friends badly i only got two of them and i think some of yall is on Anime Lab on there I'm Lightwing
  11. my favortie is nadesico, kenshin series, and link stuff ,and etc. cuase there is to much to type
  12. hi im new and really need some friends the only one i got is icedancer.
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