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  1. I couldn't have explained it better myself. But Ryouko is still the most powerful out of all of them hehehe.
  2. ..................yeah well i got news for ya asuka Ryouko is the most kick *** character ever hehehe. She can beat nagi any day. Even more so in the OAV series where she has the power of her gems. .....i've spoke my peace...i'm out.
  3. yeah that was what i mentioned by angel of mercey, she gives him many different choices on how for her to get it out, i cracked up each time.
  4. Well that and a few other things were cut. Nobiyuki's mouth was edited, a few scenes where Wasyuu played as Tenchi's "Angel of Mercy", there was no Sake which Ryouko likes in the uncut version, it was replaced with tea. I'll think of some more.
  5. Yes, there is a Final Fantasy series, it's called Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals. I have seen it at blockbuster and I hear it sucks really bad.
  6. Yeah, I heard that there was even two fires reported, one at the pentagon, the other at the washington monument area.[IMG]http://members.aol.com/esperkingffv1/images/gavine.bmp[/IMG] btw, how do i get a little image thingy under my name?
  7. My AOL Screen name is EsperKingFFV1 and my AIM SN is GavineMitsunagi.
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