I like watching adult swim, I need to make some time to watch it more often theres so much anime I want to watch! I guess I should stay up late friday and saturday nights instead of sleeping away :sleep:
I am so going to get Animal Crossing: Wild World. The Gamecube version was great and I loved it. The added wi-fi feature will make it even better letting you visit people from miles away. I'm sure it's going to be greater than the gc version and I can't wait to play it in my DS!
I have to admit at first when I saw this up on Nintendo.com I was shocked becuase of what it looked like because it looked so different. I hadn't been so shocked since I saw the Nintendo DS which was different because it had touch screens. The DS turned out to be a great system and great games are coming out for it. So, I think the controller is going to be pretty cool now that I have thought everything out and all and read everything I could possibly read about it. I'm sure it's going to be a great system with great new promising things in store. I can't wait for it to come out personally to try it.
Hopefully it lives up to my high expectations of it.
My favorite NES game was the Super Mario Bros.
My favorite SNES game was Donkey Kong Country 2
Now a days I seem to like the Zelda Series more and I have tried remakes of older Zelda games made on the gba like Link to the Past and Zelda and Zelda II they were great games as well.
Fortune cookies are good, I haven't had one in a long time because I moved and there used to be a restaurant that had them across the street at my old place. It's always fun to read them, my brother almost eats them o.O