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About aliryn

  • Birthday 09/27/1985

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  • Biography
    One published poem. I like Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's Rain, Ghost in the Shell, Fullmetal Alchemist, Trigun, and Inuyasha.
  • Occupation
    college student *sigh* at Colorado State University--hoping to become a stage theatre major

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  1. [COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]I'm really sorry . . . again . . . maybe I just shouldn't say anything . . . at all[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. This is an old thread but dang it I only just now found it! Now I've only seen mangas up to twelve and have been on the edge of a heart attack for [I]months[/I] X X does ANYONE know when 13 is supposed to come out?! As for buying the Japanese, well . . . I can't afford to buy ANY of it. I just sit and read it in the bookstore :smirk: though I'd buy it if I could. I've never seen the anime, I don't think it's running anymore . . . and dvds are even more expensive than manga :bawl: Miaka isn't like me but I tend to really love main characters no matter how unlike me they are. So I don't find her that annoying. More funny than anything else. :rotflmao:
  3. [SIZE=1]Uh . . . sorry I went so over the top. I get so hyper . . . um I'll do my best to reign myself in from now on :worried: I'm so sorry!!![/SIZE] Hmmmmm . . . you know I'm so very interested in how it WILL turn out, but I get awfully depressed :( whenever a story ends, whether in a book or whatever else. Anyone else have that problem? Okay . . . let's see. Oh, yeah. I can't remember which episode it is but in the manga 18 where Kikyou is being chased by Naraku's monster that's eating her dead souls and Inuyasha saves her (which was totally differently done in the manga btw--Kikyou wasn't so cold to Inuyasha, for *one* thing) and Kagome sees them and that cool scene where she asks him if she can stay . . . oh :babble: we all know the story. Anyway . . . I just read that last part again today and it's rather thought-provoking. Kagome thinks that while she can't break Inuyasha and Kikyou's bond, it wasn't an accident that she herself met Inuyasha either :lecture: I think that's an important point. I also figure that Takahashi-sensei is attempting to make a good story while leaving us in suspense at the same time, which is hard. Trust me. I've been there :twitch: and it makes you crazy. Anyway, as the manga goes on, [spoiler] far past episode 167 btw, it's not like Inuyasha gets any closer to choosing either of them, although he and Kagome keep getting closer like they have throughout the series . . . but Inuyasha still goes off to talk to Kikyou at times and it gets to the point that Miroku and Sango and Shippou start to feel really sorry for Kagome. [/spoiler] But from my opinion Inuyasha's more confused than anything, and very unsure . . . which doesn't make him stupid but it makes me feel sorry for him. I mean, think about it . . . okay, here's some food for thought. Kagome fans: Ever heard the Japanese version? Listen to the sadness in Inuyasha and Kikyou's voices in the expanded episode detailing what happened to the two. My clone ElvesAteMyRamen at myOtaku has a clip of it. Between that and the part in the manga where Kikyou is so sad because she realizes that Kagome is melting Inuyasha's heart--which [I]she[/I] wanted to do--I got a good jolt because I realized that Inuyasha and Kikyou did really love each other very much. I used to think "ah, Inuyasha will realize he loves Kagome more than he ever loved Kikyou" but it's not that cut-and-dried. Kikyou has suffered very, very much. Kikyou fans: At one point , at least, Inuyasha was willing to follow Kikyou to hell, but that's not the whole story. Inuyasha doesn't always go off saving Kagome and get so furious at Kouga etc just for the heck of it. Also, he does say in the part of manga 18 I mentioned that Kagome makes him feel light, but he doesn't think he ought to because of what Kikyou went through. It sounds like he has very strong feelings for Kagome but wants to protect Kikyou at the same time and feels guilty for being alive and being happy (at least to some degree) when Kikyou died following him, as well as still having strong feelings for her. And I don't know about anyone else, but all that plus the stuff I didn't bother to write sounds like plenty to confuse anyone. Some people think that Inuyasha is a bit repetitive but I don't. Yes, Naraku keeps sending demons after the Inuyasha group, but . . . each one is different :D and each one leads to different plot leads and character development. I love :D the fact that each story arc (sub-plot) is quite long. Anime is unique in that way. With most other tv shows you can watch pretty much any episode and understand everything and not be left hanging and if you are it's "to be continued . . . " :sleepy: but with anime they don't even bother to try to make episodes individually understandable . . . and that allows for much more complicated plots with deeper problems, which you can definitely see in Inuyasha :D (eat that, mainstream pop-culture lemmings :p !!!) :smirk: Did you hear about the episodes where Kagome's in the cultural festival and there's that stuff that turns into a demon if you heat it? That's not in the manga and I only read a summary of it but all the same I was like :rotflmao: and :wow: !!! I couldn't believe it!!!
  4. [color=navy][size=1]To create spoiler tags, simply type [spoiler*]text[/*spoiler], minus the asterisks. Also, please watch the tone of your post. There are ways to convey strong feelings without using all-caps or a bunch of angry smilies. ~Dagger~[/size][/color] :nope: you guys are all joking, right? I mean, take it seriously! I never thought before about how Kagome accepts him as a half-demon, but that doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with turning human *IF* he wanted to--but I don't know that Takahashi-sensei's intent was to have Kikyou as less accepting. Second, you know, I haven't seen too much of the anime but I've read all the manga that's in English and online translations of all the rest up to the point that they're STILL coming out a chapter a week in Japan and the anime is W~A~A~A~Y behind. I heard that they were stopping the anime for awhile 'til the manga ended before either picking it up again or doing OVAs. Either way [COLOR=Red][SIZE=3]episode 167 does NOT :flaming: end the story. It wasn't [SIZE=4][B][I]meant[/I][/B][/SIZE] to.[/SIZE][/COLOR] They maybe tried to make it seem not completely loose ends but there's nothing ending the story and what's this about [reference to earlier spoiler and manga spoiler, highlight to see:] [spoiler]"Kikyou finding her eternal rest"?! Didn't see the episode but in the manga there's a point in time that she [I]seems[/I] to have died but she comes *back* because Kagome is the only one who can save her and she does because she's not so rotten to let her die just because of Inuyasha though it hurts her. But in the manga she thinks that she puts up with it " because I love you . . . " and she knows that Inuyasha isn't [I]trying [/I] to hurt either of them. I think that they didn't get to the part where they find out Kikyou's still around in the anime. But she's not done in cuz the story's not over![/spoiler] (sorry I didn't just black it out like the others, but I don't know how.) :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: [COLOR=Red][SIZE=2]ANYWAY THE [B]POINT[/B] IS :flaming: [SIZE=4]THE STORY ISN'T OVER YET!!![/SIZE] :flaming: [SIZE=3]GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEADS!!! [/SIZE] ANY "ENDINGS" YOU MAY HAVE HEARD ARE [/SIZE] [SIZE=4]RUMORS!!!!!!!!!![/SIZE][/COLOR] :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: as you can tell I feel rather *strongly* about this . . . I'm gonna have to come back though to write all the rest because it's after 4 a.m. here :sleep:
  5. [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=2]Okay, yeah, it would likely be akward either way. If he chose Kikyo, though, keep in mind that what she wants is to die with Inuyasha. Not much adwardness after you're dead . . . But the potential akwardness is part of why I'd wonder if she wouldn't end it with Inuyasha dying without choosing either if it were that kind of a series--but no main characters die. It's much different than Ayashi no Ceres or Fushigi Yugi, where half the people die. I personally like Kagome. She has a personality that I wouldn't; I'm not that cheerful or helpful or perky. But I like her all the same. I think Inuyasha ISN'T redundant. I've read a lot of the manga and haven't seen all the anime, but it's still diverse. Every situation provides an opportunity for character development. I could say a lot more, but it'll have to be later. I have to go to my *last* lit class . . . and prepare for a presentation. (I'm new here, in case you didn't know.)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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