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Everything posted by cancerbrat

  1. I prefer anime to manga although many claim that manga gives you the full detail. I was introduced into this genre by anime so I always have a soft spot for dvds and what not. I enjoy listening to the voices giving them a personality and the art is usually a lot more cleaner and prettier. But if the anime impresses me and I hear good reviews about manga than I'll pick up the manga as well to get the "complete edition."
  2. I like the character Kakashi because of how his morals came about and the suffering he went through. Kakashi isn't the strongest person in the Naruto world but he does what he can for the people he loves and that is something I really admire about him. The fact that he has experienced pain and the loss of people he cared for and yet hasn't gone psycho or totally weird and evil makes me respect him. After all the people it appears he has lost he still continues on teaching the new ninja to survive through the hardships.
  3. I think anime grabs me because i like how the art is and the music used sets it apart from American cartoons. The main reason why is that a lot of the animes have a complicated purpose, and they usually don't try and teach you something by the end of each weapon but in the entire series.
  4. I would want to see: Julia and Faye from Cowboy Bebop Naruto and Lucy from Elfen Lied
  5. If I was stranded on a desert island I would bring Roy Mustang so we have a fire at least and the item I would bring would be the Bebop ship from Cowboy Bebop.
  6. I would like to go out with someone that has the personality of the character Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop. I love the way he came off, his whole personality and attitude. Who cares if he did steal Julia? He was just so awesome!
  7. Cowboy Bebop and Perfect Blue I can watch over again and maybe Fullmetal Alchemist. I can reread the mangas Ceres:Celestial Legend and Fruits Basket.
  8. The first anime I watch was technically Sailormoon. But the one that got me into anime was 5 minutes of Rurouni Kenshin followed by the eighth episode of Cowboy Bebop. Cowboy Bebop impacted me because I just fell in love with the art and the characters. I don't know within a week I had expanded to all these animes and it was weird. I think it was because I had just completed my Buffy the Vampire Slayer phase. And needed another show and genre.
  9. I kinda regret buying the dvd to Tenchi Muyo GXP because I couldn't get into that series. Other than that I don't think I have any other animes I regret watching.
  10. Yeah also, Jerry Jewell also played Jin and Laura Bailey plays Lust on Full Metal. Also Pariksi Fakhri played Arisa and Shizuru. No surprise there though. and Christopher R. Sabot also plays Armstrong on Full Metal Alchemist.
  11. It's wonderful! I mean when I watched it I also got addicted and so did my friends and sister. But the bad thing is Adult Swim is thinking about not showing any more episodes of Case Closed due to inadequate ratings.
  12. Yeah Fruits Basket is an excellent series I won't say much because then I will spoil it but I can help out. SPOILERS MAYBE!! The only siblings I know is that Yuki and Ayame are brothers and Hiro had a younger sister. Everyone else are cousins. You only know this if you read the manga, it won't say in the anime. And the anime is great but the manga goes more in depth than the anime. There is a relationship between Rin adn Hiro (once again you only know Rin the horse if you read the manga) but I don't know what.
  13. I rewatch Cowboy Bebop, Inuyasha, Trigun and Rurouni Kenshin. And Fruits Basket. Those are all my babies. Bebop is my number one especially because the movie and series was excellent!!!!!
  14. Exactly! How can Inuyasha even contemplate being with Kikyo when one: she's dead, two: she wants to kill him, and three: she kinda hates him. I mean I think Inuyasha should choose Kagome becasue she accepts him and becasue she is currently not thinking about how she should kill him. But I do agree with the people who say the other people calling Kikyo the b word is ridiculous. Okay just becasue you don't like her doesn't mean you have to express your opinions like that. If you don't like her, just say her actions are unagreeable. I'm not trying to make this post all about Kikyo but I am. ^_^ But someone who is a KikInu fan please tell me, why Inuyasha should accept her and leave Kagome in the dust. How can you like the couple where Inuyasha would have to change. I mean in the flashbacks when Inuyasha was seriously considering changing into a human just for Kikyo I thought it was stupid. I don't know about you guys but Inuyasha as a half demon is way BETTER than a full fledged demon or full fledged human!!!
  15. "But hardly any of them stop to think of the fact that if Onigumo had never appeared and then became Naraku, Kikyo would have used teh Shikon no Tama to allow InuYasha to become human and be with him." Okay see here's my problem with Kikyo... She wanted Inuyasha to use the Shikon no Tama to become human but Kagome accepts Inuyasha as a half demon. Kikyo wanted Inuyasha to change for her and Kagome didn't. That is the difference and why Kikyo is not one of my favorire characters. I mean Kikyo should just have accepted Inuyasha as he was but she didn't. By the way Inuyasha is being shown on Adult Swim so I'm a little confused as to why people are saying it isn't. I mean if this particular forum thing started about 4 years ago then I understand but Inuyasha is out right now on Adult Swim, it has 26 or so dvds, one movie and a second movie out on December 28th, 2004. By the way Inuyasha is an excellent anime it is one of my top five!!
  16. I have read only one manga book and see the first four episodes of this series and I think the manga is better. I mean I've only read one book but that book had a lot of things happening in it. Also the whole incest issue, while I don't agree with it (personal opinion not trying to get people to start lynching me or anything) in this series I like the whole issue. I mean if you really think about it Rosiel or whatever likes Alexiel(?) whcih is incest, then Alex(I'll just say that) reincarnates unto Setsuna and he/she love his sister. I love the messed up story but would you say Setsuna is a guy becasue his former "self" was a girl so would it be girl on girl or am I just cracking up? Don't respond to that I know the answer. Anyways all I know is it is an excellent series as long as the thought of incest does not disturb you and I thought angels were perfect creatures or whatever. So why does Rosiel or whatever love his sister? I mean I thought only humans were slightly messed up but if angels are what had the world come to? Once again I am not judging anyone! If you want to be with your sibling go right ahead as long as neither of my sibs make a move on me it's all good!Once again not trying to offend anyone!!! I'm doing warnings becasue I want to and if it is annoying sorry I'll stop now.
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