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Everything posted by kagome1111

  1. I wear antthing that is black ;blue or pink.I will choose pink t-shirts and black jeans . I like It !! :love:
  2. I love to watch anime better than manga .Because I think is more fun !!some times I watch manga too,but not that much. :) [COLOR=#503F86][SIZE=1][b]Welcome to OtakuBoards, kagome1111. Please try and add more detail to your posts in future; what is it about manga or anime that you like or dislike in particular? Posts that are too short or undetailed will be deleted as spam. For further details, please see the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Rules[/URL] -Solo[/COLOR][/SIZE][/b]
  3. [quote name='Mirushi']hmmm....least villain...I don't think I really have one right now because I can't think of any. Most teh ones I do think of are cool ones. If I ever remember, I'll post it. Well, maybe it's Naraku in his monkey suit from Inuyasha because it's never him and it's just plain weird looking. Oh, and those two brothers that Naraku made: the one with the purple pink hair and it's brother who is tiny and was inside of his mouth. You know, the ones in that were kept in cages and Inuyasha and Koga both tried to get rid of them. They were both plain weird, especially the smaller one that fed off of people's insides. Does any of this make sense? probably not.[/quote]Frist you have some spelling worng is koaga not koga .I love the show inuyasha :love: ,do you ?My favorite villain is Naraku too .But I think is not a monkey suit that he is in . [color=navy][size=1]Please watch your own post quality (spelling, grammar, etc.) before commenting on that of others. Thanks. ~Dagger~[/size][/color]
  4. does anybody go on any website you know ? do you have any websites that you can share with us ? if you do just post here ok ? ;)
  5. hi ,i am new .i just want to know does anybody like inuyasha here.
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